小星星的小提琴之旅:4 個月從零挑戰,自學變奏曲驚艷登場 Learning the Violin in Just 4 Months! (ENG SUB)
- Опубликовано: 4 фев 2025
- 半年前,小星星 第一次接觸弦樂,從好奇到選擇小提琴,這一路走來並不容易。學琴的挑戰、課業的壓力、社團的進度,都曾讓我們懷疑是否該放棄。然而,他憑著對音樂的熱愛與堅持,不僅順利通過評鑑,後來更站上聖誕音樂會的舞台公演!✨
最令人驚喜的是,他竟然自學拉出完整的〈小星星〉旋律,還創作了自己的變奏版! 無師自通的天賦,令我們驚嘆不已!快來看看他的努力與成長,見證這場感動的音樂旅程!❤️🎻
🎻 Six months ago, Ethan had his first encounter with string instruments. From curiosity to choosing the violin, his journey was anything but easy. The challenges of learning the violin, curriculum pressure, and keeping up with his music group, made us wonder if he could persevere. However, with his passion and determination, he not only passed his evaluation but also performed on stage at the Christmas concert! ✨
The most surprising part? He taught himself to play "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" without a teacher-and even created his own variation! His natural musical talent left us in awe. Come and witness his dedication and growth in this inspiring musical journey! ❤️🎻
「當我聆聽音樂時,我無懼危險,無堅不摧,無敵於世。我與最古遠的時代連結,也與當下緊密相繫。」湖濱散記》作者 亨利·大衛·梭羅~翻譯 George老師
“When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times and to the latest.”~(Henry David Thoreau,1833~1837)
0:00 片頭
1:01 弦樂體驗營、聖誕音樂會
2:10 練習拉小提琴
3:35 練習拉小星星、變奏曲
5:12 小提琴和鋼琴合奏、變奏曲
6:56 片尾
【Video Chapters】
0:00 Introduction
1:01 String Ensemble Camp & Christmas Concert
2:10 Violin Practice
3:35 Playing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" & Variation
5:12 Violin and Piano Duet & Variation
6:56 Ending Scene
★如果您有翻譯或英文教學需求,歡迎洽詢 George老師:
★ George 老師目前擔任淡江大學英文系和馬偕護專講師,就讀淡江大學英文系博士班,曾獲文建會翻譯獎佳作,多益最高級金色證書,中英翻譯檢定認證,譯有8本書,國內外多篇論文發表。
★如果您有國中小、學齡前美語家教和共學班的需求,請洽詢 Carol老師:
小星星好棒!Good job!