Assalamualaikum, how are you? Please give me a solution ,My Texan pigeon lays eggs but again they scramble and break the eggs. What is the solution please?
Hello! Do you give them digester, grit? For the formation of eggshells, they need calcium and minerals. In one of my videos, I show what kind of grits I give them.
Texans are nice. I have a few pairs. I’ve young pair that’s now laying infertile eggs.
Assalamualaikum, how are you? Please give me a solution ,My Texan pigeon lays eggs but again they scramble and break the eggs. What is the solution please?
Hello! Do you give them digester, grit? For the formation of eggshells, they need calcium and minerals. In one of my videos, I show what kind of grits I give them.