선생님 강의를 보면. 50대 아줌만데도. 기쁘고!! 신나고!!! 행복해요!!!^^ 감사합니다♥ 매일 영어성경을 조금씩 읽는데 션찮은 발음은 교정이 안되더라고요 선생님을 만나면서 한문장을 열번 스무번 그이상 반복해서 듣고 소리 내다보니 쪼금은 선생님을 따라 가는 것 같습니다^^ 다시한번 감사드립니다!! 열심히 하겠습니다! 유튜브 댓글 처음입니다 감사한 마음을 전하고 싶어서... 선생님도 기쁘고 행복하세요! 강의에 전념하실수 있도록 충분한 보상이 있기를 기원합니다^^
이번 문장을 좀 더 크게 의역해서 조금 더 자연스럽게 해석을 해본다면 : "누구랑 같이 일하는지가 직업 자체만큼 전반적인 직업 만족도에 큰 영향을 줄 수 있다. 심지어 더 크게 영향을 줄 수도 있다." 관련영상 : "영향을 주다" ruclips.net/video/EdGw8snKc0Q/видео.html #문장-하나만-가지고-일주일-공부하기-ㅎㅎ
== 정말 매우매우 유용합니다. == 더 하면 더 했지, 못하지 않다. *I think the medical personnels we have to deal with can give us just as much stresses as the illness itself, if not more.*
@@merlystreep752 글쎄,, 물어봐야겠죠~ 배운대로 하면 요롷게도 될 듯한데,, 형용사가 구체적이면 더 나을 듯. 1) I think you could be just (+adj.) as much (or +adj.) as I was, if not more. (ex : adj. = mean/ridiculous...) 아니면 걍,, 2) I don't think you are any less (+adj.) than how I was, rather I think you're even better(/or worse.)
같은 뉘앙스지만, 영어론 해석이 이렇게 됩니다. *You were just as mean to the girl as me, if not more (meaner). *You tried just as hard as me, if not more (harder). *You ate just as much as me, if not more. *You ran just as fast as me, if not faster.
주변환경이, 집 자체보다 더 중요하지 않을지는 몰라도, 그 만큼이나 삶의 만족에 중요한 영향을 미친다고 할 수 있다 I think the environment of house can have just as much impact on our overall life satisfaction as the house itself, if not more.
-I think being with good people can have just as much impact on our overall life satisfaction as having good hobbies , if not more. -Eating a small portion has just as much impact on losing weight as workout itself, if not more 2년 전쯤에 여러번 봐도 이해가 안됐는데 오늘 여러번 보고 또 댓글들도 보니까 이해 완벽하게 됐어요! 선생님 늘 말씀드리지만 너무 감사합니다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ선생님이 있어 영어공부가 항상 즐겁습니당 ❤️
선생님의 진심으로 영어를 가르칠려는 태도가 영어실력향상에 영향이 나의 강력한 동기보다는 크지않아도 그 정도가 같을 정도로 큰 영향을 미치는 것같아! I think that the teacher's genuine attitude of teaching real English can have just as much impact on English improving as my powerful motivation , if not more. 댓글을 읽어보니까 음식에 관련된 예문이 가장 적절한 거 같아요!
I completely agree. As a teacher, the students have a HUGE impact on how much I enjoy teaching each class. I teach a lot of Koreans and almost all of them have been really cool people 👍👍👍
I think this redcap channel that we usually watch can have just as much impact on our english speaking skills as the any kinds of regular English books, If not more❤
I'm sure my salary has just as much impact on my life as what I do, if not more. Yes. That's the way it is... 처음엔 이해 안가다가 하나하나 곱씹어서 보니까 문장구조가 이해가 가고, 금방 익숙해지네요.
I know! I had worked at a fast-food restaurant. I usually worked alone at front, but there was a co-worker who originally belongs to kitchen helping me during rush time. Cross-work(front to kitchen) was her job but I was thankful to her because I was a beginner at that job. Anyway, She was a person who complain about everything. She was like 'I'm tired' all the time, "I want to go to bed" all the time, "There're sooo many people" all the time. I only worked 3months, but I got more stress from her than customers. So I totally agree with you.
(무엇에) 내가 하는 일에 대한 전체적인 만족도에, (무엇이) 같이 일하는 사람들이, (어떻다) 훨씬 더 영향을 줄 수 있다. (무엇보다) 그 직업자체보다. 어쩌면 그보다 더 영향이 클지도.. I think the people who work with can have just as much impact on my job satisfaction as it itself. If not more.
선생님의 열강 늘 감사합니다.^^ 3:38 이후에 설명에 약간 착오가 있는 것 같습니다. 비교대상: A와 C A: 함께 일하는 사람 C: 직업 자체 B: 전반적인 직업 만족도 A가 C에 B보다 더 큰 영향을 주지는 않을지는 몰라도, 그 정도는 같다, 못 미치지는 않는다, 그거만큼이나 영향을 준다. ==> A가 B에 C보다 더 큰 영향을 주지는 않을지는 몰라도, ~~~~~~~~ 이라고 바꾸어야 정확할 것 같습니다.^^
I think the one that he recommends us to practice writing English with various examples can have as much impact on our improving English skills as watching video a couple of times, if not more.
매우 appropriate한 예문입니다. 보통 일반 생각엔 맛이 최고지만 appearance가 그만큼, 아니면 더중요할수도 있다. The appearance and presentation of food can have just as much impact on how satisfied you will be with a dish than how it actually tastes, if not more.
Mental health can have as much impact on our whole life as physical health. 정신건강은 신체건강만큼 우리 전체 삶에 영향을 많이 준다. Commute time can have as much impact on decision to get a job as salary. 통근시간은 월급만큼 직업을 구하는 결정에 많은 영향을 준다.
Watching this RUclips consistently can have just as much impact on being able to speak English fluently as studying in countries that use English by their mother tongue.
1. Can have : 그럴수도 있다 ~ 이런 억양 2. A have just as much impact on B as C *just : 어감 강조 3. If not more : 적어도 그거랑 같을정도다. 못미치진 않는다. I think the people we work with can hava just as much impact on our (overall) job satisfaction as the job it self. If not more.
I think that the people who we meet up and hang out in our life can have just as much impact on our lifestyle and the way that we think as our life itself, if not more.
I think that positive thinking can have just as much impact on improving the quality of life as your academic background, if not more 긍정적인 생각을 하는 것이 교육을 얼마나 받았느냐(학력) 만큼 삶의 질 향상에 큰 영향을 줄 수 있다. 심지어 더 크게 영향을 줄 수도 있다.
우리가 가진 내적 욕구가 기술을 발전시키려는 의지에 주는 영향이 금전적인 보상만큼 크지 않을지는 몰라도, 그 정도가 같을 정도로 영향이 클 수 있는 것 같아. I think that the inner drive we have can have just as much impact on our willingness to foster skills as the financial compensation, if not more.
I think the relationships, such as friends, colleagues and teachers, that we have been making during overall our lives can have just as much impact on our attitude and thought to deal with something difficult as what I have learned from books, if not more.
I think the seasoning that go with a meat can have just as much impact on taste of the meat as the quality of meat itself, if not more. 저는 고기의 양념이 고기맛에 고기의 질만큼의 영향을 준다생각해요 더는 아니더라도
더 영향을 미쳤으면 미쳤지, 더하면 더했지 같은 뉘앙스로 생각하시면 될 거 같아요! 직업 만족도에 있어서 누구랑 일하느냐가 무슨일을 하는지(무슨 직업인지) 만큼이나 중요한거 같아, 더 하면 더했지. (더 중요하면 더 중요했지) 흔히 사람때문에 관둔다고 하고 일보다 같이 일하는 사람이 중요하다고 하잖아요. 가 족같은 회사....S2 제가 이해한 바로는 이렇습니다.
As a mother, I think that regulating my own emotions on a daily basis can have just as much impact on parenting as connecting with my children, if not more.
I'm gonna quit my job in a month. The main reason that I decided to quit this job is the people I work with. So I totally agree 'that the people who I work with have as much impact on my overall job satisfaction as the job itself'. Because I'm leaving soon, they hired couple of staffs, and I've been training them for a week. What I realized on this training is that their attitude towards work definitely have just as much impact on employment as their ability itself, if not more.
I believe that it is always hard to quit one job and find an other one unless you are a highly skilled expertise in a specific area. I think the company will have just as much damage on their progress as you would have after until get a new job. So kind of training newly employed staff is good way of reducing the bumper zone which can give just as much help on the company with stabilisation as you will have something inside yourself.
선생님 강의를 보면.
50대 아줌만데도.
매일 영어성경을 조금씩 읽는데 션찮은 발음은 교정이 안되더라고요
선생님을 만나면서 한문장을 열번 스무번 그이상 반복해서 듣고 소리 내다보니 쪼금은 선생님을 따라 가는 것 같습니다^^
다시한번 감사드립니다!!
열심히 하겠습니다!
유튜브 댓글 처음입니다
감사한 마음을 전하고 싶어서...
선생님도 기쁘고 행복하세요!
강의에 전념하실수 있도록 충분한 보상이 있기를 기원합니다^^
이번 문장을 좀 더 크게 의역해서 조금 더 자연스럽게 해석을 해본다면 :
"누구랑 같이 일하는지가 직업 자체만큼 전반적인 직업 만족도에 큰 영향을 줄 수 있다. 심지어 더 크게 영향을 줄 수도 있다."
관련영상 : "영향을 주다"
Today's issue is quite hard for me.
But It is what i really want to know for a long time.
Thank you !!!!!!
정말 무척 도움이 되는 강의였습니다.
쌤. 실력보다 어려운 걸 하는 건 아니라고..쉬운 걸 계속 익숙하게 하는 게 낫다고 하는데 그럴까요?ㅠ 이렇게 낯선 문장이 나오면 내가 이걸 쓸 수 있을까 ..이런 생각이 들기도 하거든요.
감사합니다.. 한국말이 이해가 안되서 이게 뭐지... 라고 멍때리는 중이었어요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
영어공부에 정답은 없습니다.
더욱이나 독자층이 broad 하기에, 즉, lebel 차이가 있을 수 있지요.
지금 이해가 안돼도 그냥 이런 식으로 말할 수도 있구나하고 나중에 다시 봐야지하면 좋지 않을까요?
== 정말 매우매우 유용합니다. ==
더 하면 더 했지, 못하지 않다.
*I think the medical personnels we have to deal with can give us just as much stresses as the illness itself, if not more.*
더하면 더했지 못하지 않다라는 표현이 if not more를 이해하기 딱인듯ㅋ ㄱㅅ
너가 나보다 더하면 더했지 못하진 않았다 라는 문장을 번역하면 어떻게 될까요? 갑자기 궁금해지네요
글쎄,, 물어봐야겠죠~
배운대로 하면 요롷게도 될 듯한데,, 형용사가 구체적이면 더 나을 듯.
1) I think you could be just (+adj.) as much (or +adj.) as I was, if not more. (ex : adj. = mean/ridiculous...)
아니면 걍,,
2) I don't think you are any less (+adj.) than how I was, rather I think you're even better(/or worse.)
@@Odysseus_Outis 정말 감사합니다!!!!
같은 뉘앙스지만, 영어론 해석이 이렇게 됩니다.
*You were just as mean to the girl as me, if not more (meaner).
*You tried just as hard as me, if not more (harder).
*You ate just as much as me, if not more.
*You ran just as fast as me, if not faster.
예문의 내용자체가 너무 좋으네요 선생님..예문 하나도 허투루 맹글지 않으시는 세심함..늘 감사히 보고있읍니다!!♡
주변환경이, 집 자체보다 더 중요하지 않을지는 몰라도, 그 만큼이나 삶의 만족에 중요한 영향을 미친다고 할 수 있다
I think the environment of house can have just as much impact on our overall life satisfaction as the house itself, if not more.
조동사를 활용함으로써(특히 can) 문장의 의미에 어떠한 미묘한 차이를 만들어 낼 수 있는 지 정말 포인트를 잘 잡아 설명해 주시는 것 같습니다. 오늘도 많이 배우고 갑니다.
-I think being with good people can have just as much impact on our overall life satisfaction as having good hobbies , if not more.
-Eating a small portion has just as much impact on losing weight as workout itself, if not more
2년 전쯤에 여러번 봐도 이해가 안됐는데 오늘 여러번 보고 또 댓글들도 보니까 이해 완벽하게 됐어요! 선생님 늘 말씀드리지만 너무 감사합니다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ선생님이 있어 영어공부가 항상 즐겁습니당 ❤️
선생님의 진심으로 영어를 가르칠려는 태도가 영어실력향상에 영향이 나의 강력한 동기보다는 크지않아도 그 정도가 같을 정도로 큰 영향을 미치는 것같아!
I think that the teacher's genuine attitude of teaching real English can have just as much impact on English improving as my powerful motivation , if not more.
댓글을 읽어보니까 음식에 관련된 예문이 가장 적절한 거 같아요!
오와 우리 선생님 !
새로운 영상을 찾아서 기뻐요
열심히 배우도록 노력하겠습니다 감사 사랑합니다. 오늘도 행복한 감사한 하루 만들어요.♡
우리가 숨쉬는 것처럼...매일매일 영어를 접하지 않으면 정복 할 수 없는듯여...
지금 들은 단 오분이 시간이 흐르면 나도 모르게 제것이 되어있더라고요. 고맙습니다!
I completely agree. As a teacher, the students have a HUGE impact on how much I enjoy teaching each class. I teach a lot of Koreans and almost all of them have been really cool people 👍👍👍
Im one of them :) thx to think that :)
Teaching itself can teach you more about where you are that makes you move forward to more brilliant improvement.. i think.
오늘도 감사와 함께 선생님의 알차고 성실한 강의 공부 합니다
와 !!!! 일등이다. 화면도 환~~하고 선생님도 에너지가 넘치는듯 하고.... 감사합니다.오늘 하루는 정말 기운찬 하루가 될거 같아요,선생님. 날씨 또한 너무 좋구요.
이런문장 써보고 싶었어요! 매우 유용하네요 ~ 더불어 영상이나 음악, 선생님의 군더더기없는 설명과 목소리까지 참 고급스런 유튜브채널입니다
I think people who we travel with can have just as much impact on our trip satisfaction as the trip itself, if not more.
Well said! I couldn't agree more.
I think food we eat on a regular basis can have just as much impact on our overall life satisfaction as food’s nutrition itself, if not more.
I think this redcap channel that we usually watch can have just as much impact on our english speaking skills as the any kinds of regular English books, If not more❤
I think the teacher that we study with can have just as much impact on our overall academic achievement as the studying itself, if not more! 😊
선생님께도 배우고, 댓글 달아주시는 분들께도 배우고. 이 공간 참 소중합니다.
AS MUCH AS만 있으면 같다라는 뜻인데 IF NOT MORE가 함께 사용돼서, 그 이상의 의미가 붙는게 신기하네요.
생각해보면 이런 표현은 우리 일상생활에서도 자주 쓰는 듯.
I'm sure my salary has just as much impact on my life as what I do, if not more. Yes. That's the way it is... 처음엔 이해 안가다가 하나하나 곱씹어서 보니까 문장구조가 이해가 가고, 금방 익숙해지네요.
I know! I had worked at a fast-food restaurant. I usually worked alone at front, but there was a co-worker who originally belongs to kitchen helping me during rush time. Cross-work(front to kitchen) was her job but I was thankful to her because I was a beginner at that job. Anyway, She was a person who complain about everything. She was like 'I'm tired' all the time, "I want to go to bed" all the time, "There're sooo many people" all the time. I only worked 3months, but I got more stress from her than customers. So I totally agree with you.
I think your video can have just as much impact on me as English lectures that i've been taken, if not more.
I'm so impressed by ur sophisticated n delicate explanation. 극 섬세한 설명 정말 짱입니다^^
(무엇에) 내가 하는 일에 대한 전체적인 만족도에,
(무엇이) 같이 일하는 사람들이,
(어떻다) 훨씬 더 영향을 줄 수 있다.
(무엇보다) 그 직업자체보다.
어쩌면 그보다 더 영향이 클지도..
I think the people who work with can have just as much impact on my job satisfaction as it itself. If not more.
오늘도 주옥같아요 👏
한문장안에 배울게 암청 많아서 집중해서 공부하기에 좋습니다.
그래서 여러번 반복해서 보기에도 부담이 없을듯합니다.
화면도 자연스럽고 보기에 더 편안해져서 시청하는데 훨씬 좋아졌습니다.
I think who work with can have just as much impact on working environment as work itself, if not more!
I think that being in a beginner in any field can have just as much contribution on the society as being an expert, if not more.
배경 이뿜니다 영상 매일매일 감사해요~
선생님의 열강 늘 감사합니다.^^
3:38 이후에 설명에 약간 착오가 있는 것 같습니다.
비교대상: A와 C
A: 함께 일하는 사람 C: 직업 자체
B: 전반적인 직업 만족도
A가 C에 B보다 더 큰 영향을 주지는 않을지는 몰라도, 그 정도는 같다, 못 미치지는 않는다, 그거만큼이나 영향을 준다.
==> A가 B에 C보다 더 큰 영향을 주지는 않을지는 몰라도, ~~~~~~~~
이라고 바꾸어야 정확할 것 같습니다.^^
I think celebrities that we see in the TV show can have just as much influence on the teenagers as the program itself, if not more.
I think being around positive friends can have as much impact on how I feel as what I actually feel, if not more.
I think the bond with close people can have just as much impact on our happiness as the achievement, if not more
선생님 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ
can have 자주 써봐야겠어요 감사~
그리고 satisfaction 이 새리스팩션, 더 빨리 하실때는 새스팩션 으로까지 들려서, 알아듣기 어렵더라구요. 듣기 연습이 많이 필요하구나 깨닫습니다
으으... 간절하다!!!
이런 한국말 조차 배운 영어로 표현하고 싶따.... 공부하자 공부!
I think the one that he recommends us to practice writing English with various examples can have as much impact on our improving English skills as watching video a couple of times, if not more.
출근하는데 이 문장내용보니까 공감이 가네요...하... 퇴사하고싶다 ㅠ
핵공감...회사 떙땡이 치고 싶네요...ㅠ
I think lyrics can have just as much impact on impression in respect of music as sounds, if not more.
I think the online relationship can be just as much sincere as offline relationship, if not more
I think the look of a dish can have just as much impact on our tastes as its ingredients, if not more.
매우 appropriate한 예문입니다. 보통 일반 생각엔 맛이 최고지만 appearance가 그만큼, 아니면 더중요할수도 있다.
The appearance and presentation of food can have just as much impact on how satisfied you will be with a dish than how it actually tastes, if not more.
갈수록 업그레이드되는 강의 감사합니다
Mental health can have as much impact on our whole life as physical health.
정신건강은 신체건강만큼 우리 전체 삶에 영향을 많이 준다.
Commute time can have as much impact on decision to get a job as salary.
통근시간은 월급만큼 직업을 구하는 결정에 많은 영향을 준다.
주옥같은 강의 늘~감사합니다. 보는걸로 아까워서 영어공책에 적어 말이 자연스럽게 될때까지 연습해 보려구요.
Watching this RUclips consistently can have just as much impact on being able to speak English fluently as studying in countries that use English by their mother tongue.
넘 유용하고 빈번하게 써먹을 구문 감사합니다.
1. Can have : 그럴수도 있다 ~ 이런 억양
2. A have just as much impact on B as C
*just : 어감 강조
3. If not more : 적어도 그거랑 같을정도다. 못미치진 않는다.
I think the people we work with can hava just as much impact on our (overall) job satisfaction as the job it self. If not more.
I think that the people who we meet up and hang out in our life can have just as much impact on our lifestyle and the way that we think as our life itself, if not more.
강의 정말 최고!!!!
어랏.. 강의는 급하게 마무리 지은듯하지만 뒷일을 꾸미고 있는 듯한 의미심장한 마무리네요.. 점점 연출력이.. 오늘 강의 베스트 음악상 드릴게요.
I think that how we think can have just as much impact on our overall life satisfaction as the life situation itself, if not more.
좋은 강의 감사합니다.
I think that the people we work with can have just as much impact on our overall job satisfaction as the job itself, if not more
I think that positive thinking can have just as much impact on improving the quality of life as your academic background, if not more
긍정적인 생각을 하는 것이 교육을 얼마나 받았느냐(학력) 만큼 삶의 질 향상에 큰 영향을 줄 수 있다. 심지어 더 크게 영향을 줄 수도 있다.
I think the types of food can have just as much impact on our diet as the amount of food itself, if not more.
항상 좋은 강의 고맙습니다!
우리가 가진 내적 욕구가 기술을 발전시키려는 의지에 주는 영향이 금전적인 보상만큼 크지 않을지는 몰라도, 그 정도가 같을 정도로 영향이 클 수 있는 것 같아.
I think that the inner drive we have can have just as much impact on our willingness to foster skills as the financial compensation, if not more.
I think the relationships, such as friends, colleagues and teachers, that we have been making during overall our lives can have just as much impact on our attitude and thought to deal with something difficult as what I have learned from books, if not more.
감사합니다. 잘 보겠습니다.
선생님 늘 감사합니다^^
I think that time management can have just as much impact on our lives as searching for what we would want to do, if not more.
선생님 I think the food we usually eat can have as much impact on our health as an excercise, if not more!
I think the people we work with can have just as much impact on our overall job satisfaction as the job itself, if not more.
What time we go to bad can have just as much impact on our daily condition as how long we sleep, if not more.
I think the seasoning that go with a meat can have just as much impact on taste of the meat as the quality of meat itself, if not more.
저는 고기의 양념이 고기맛에 고기의 질만큼의 영향을 준다생각해요 더는 아니더라도
I have watched your channel,
I will watch every single day and learn one sentence a day to improve speaking skill..^^
Thank you~~^^
쉽게얘기하면 as much as 용법이네요!!!^^
스릉합니다 쌤😉😉😉
그저 쌤이 존경스러운....
오늘도 감사합니다! *_*
사랑합니다 선생님~ 본문내용만큼이나 엔딩음악도 사랑합니다~~
영상배경이 새롭습니다 선생님.
항상 감사합니다 이 채널에서 정말 많이 배워요 ^^
한국말만으로도 어려워서 그런지 이해하는게 쉽지 않아요 저만 헷갈리는 걸까요..?
몇 번을 반복해서 봤는데도..😭 “if not more”을 이해하는데 더 복잡하게 생각해서 그런가 싶기도 하고, 잘 모르겠어요😫
이건 뭐... 정말 국어도 어렵단 느낌 저도 받았습니다... 얼마나 더해야 가질수 있나요 ㅠㅠ
if not (그렇지 않다면) / more 로 생각하시면 이해하기 쉬울거예요. if / not more로 인식하셔서 헷갈리신 것 같아요
if not more 크면 컸지 (작지는 않다.)
더 영향을 미쳤으면 미쳤지, 더하면 더했지 같은 뉘앙스로 생각하시면 될 거 같아요! 직업 만족도에 있어서 누구랑 일하느냐가 무슨일을 하는지(무슨 직업인지) 만큼이나 중요한거 같아, 더 하면 더했지. (더 중요하면 더 중요했지) 흔히 사람때문에 관둔다고 하고 일보다 같이 일하는 사람이 중요하다고 하잖아요. 가 족같은 회사....S2 제가 이해한 바로는 이렇습니다.
I think he likes her just as much as she does, if not more.
I think that the happiness of their children can be just as much important on their lives as their own happiness, if not more.
선생님최공~너무 감사해요
오늘도 좋은 문장 하나 배워가요!
I think the daily routine can have just as much impact on our lives as setting goals itself, if not more.
좋은 표현 감사합니다. 입에 붙이도록 노력해야겠네요. 선생님 최고♥
I think the attitude we have at work can have just as much impact on the quality of job performance as the knowledge, if not more.
영알못이 영상보고 질문남깁니다. 문장을 이렇게도 쓰는게 가능한가요~?
I think the people that we work with can impact our overall job satisfaction as much as the job itself.
I think the weather can have just as much impact on our mood as the other condition, if not more.
고마워유 선생님 😊👍
As a mother, I think that regulating my own emotions on a daily basis can have just as much impact on parenting as connecting with my children, if not more.
I think waking up early can have just as much impact on achieving goals as going to bed late, if not more
I heard that the intonation can have just as much impact on listening to native as the pronunciation, if not more.
I think the people you work with can have just as much impact on your overall job satisfaction as the job it self, if not more.
I think Sleep quality that we have can have just as much impact on our condition as the sleep quantity, if not more.
이런 영상 너무 좋아요 통째로 이해 및 암기 하겠습니다!! 매번 너무나 감사드려요 [영우 문장 하나] 시리즈 많이 만들어주세요 ㅋㅋ
I think that the people that we communicate with can have just as much impact on our overall life as life itself, if not more.
I think what we eat can have just as much more impact on losing weight as how much we eat, if not more.
I think that the teacher that English learners study through can give them just as much motivation as interest about English itself, if not more.
영상으로도 배우도 댓글로도 한번 더 배우고 진짜 좋네요ㅜㅜ!!
I'm gonna quit my job in a month. The main reason that I decided to quit this job is the people I work with. So I totally agree 'that the people who I work with have as much impact on my overall job satisfaction as the job itself'. Because I'm leaving soon, they hired couple of staffs, and I've been training them for a week. What I realized on this training is that their attitude towards work definitely have just as much impact on employment as their ability itself, if not more.
I believe that it is always hard to quit one job and find an other one unless you are a highly skilled expertise in a specific area. I think the company will have just as much damage on their progress as you would have after until get a new job. So kind of training newly employed staff is good way of reducing the bumper zone which can give just as much help on the company with stabilisation as you will have something inside yourself.
Cumulative effect 에 나온 예문처럼 하루에 어려운 영어 문장 하나 외우기 딱 좋은 강의네요~ 고맙습니다!!
I think the dog we raise can have just as much impact on our overall daily routine as the person it self, if not more
The people that we eat with can have just as much impact on our a decent meal as a popular restaurant.