Ну и капризная и ревнивая жена Что она издевается над Ихрамом? Дом строит за хозяйством смотрит детей ее как родных оберегает .Она ему не даст счастливо жить ревнуя ко всему Как она собирается жить с 4 и детьми.У меня прямо ужас берет как она себя ведёт .Что за.глупая женщина .?
Cuando surgieron los primeros problemas y mal genio de Faresthe; pensé " Todas las mujeres Iraníes son así " Frías, mal genio , desagradables , mal educada, sin amor ; pero luego apareció se hermana Sharabano y es totalmente distinta , al igual que Masoumeh . Ésta mujer realmente es tóxica y no tiene nada que ver con su embarazo . Nadie la soporta . Imran nunca le ha preguntado por sus padres, por su esposo fallecido , por sus otros familiares ¿ Y a quien le importa eso ? . Desde un principio , ésta mujer a sido desconfiada . Recuerdo que cuando le destruyeron su casa . Le dijo a Qasim que lo acompañará para ver si era verdad y si estaba solo . Luego a los que encontraban en el camino , les preguntaban si conocían a Imran y como era . Recibió puras respuestas positivas de él. Se ve tan bella cuando sonríe; pero sería un martirio vivir con ella .
@@luismardonesmancilla7383 Primera mujer que no se deja , y todavía más difícil tratándose de un país MACHISTA, donde los hombres tienen todas lad de ganar. La ley siempre a su favor aunque no valgan un cacahuate y maltraten a sus parejas. La hermana de Feresthe, pobre, la tiene bién sometida ése hombre tan flojo, nomás le truena los dedos y ella responde, da lástima. Pero claro, no les gusta Feresthe porque pura nada se deja de ése hombre que lo que le hace falta es ésa masa cerebral llamada CEREBRO.
What's your problem, Fershete? Do you expect everyone to be perfect while your selfish behavior wounds Imran and makes the children decide who to love! Such a disgrace.
Прямо не ион молчать. Вчера отправила всех на свадьбу, где её детей очень хорошо встречали, а сегодня опять 25. Скандальная женщина Фереште. Всё время при детей начинает скандал. Бедные дети, незнают когда любить папу а когда нет. Мама нехороший урок жизни даёт детям. Успокойся уже. Скоро уже общий ребенок родится, а ты Фереште некрасиво себя ведёшь. Имран очень хороший муж и пара. Зачем вот эти нервотрёпки. Оператор скажите ей что люди не хотят смотреть на её фокусы. Спасибо.
Imram es una mentira constante, sin contar que ella no sabe nada con respecto a él. De este modo ella siempre chocará con él. Qué oculta Imram? Qué tal si ella hubiera accedido a ir a la boda? No le hubieran preguntado : Quién es ésta mujer? Tendría que haber dicho que es su esposa. Entonces: Cuál es el motivo de tanto ocultamiento para no hablar claro y con la verdad? Qué inmaduro y falto de cerebro de éste Imram. ! QUÉ BARBARIDAD! . A éste los golpes no le quitan lo bruto. Desde que empecé a verlos, ella le ha hecho preguntas cin respecto a él, mismas que nunca le ha contestado. A éstas alturas ella no sabe nada sobre su vida. Ni sabe si está casada con un bandido.
She like to.play when his good intentions ..now all of a sudden she is ok again got what she wznt from him and for her house So we're is her wealth now..she had nothing she stayd with with her sister and used them to..that is why her mother in law didn't want her thete she is not a nice person alt all ..
This woman is horrible. You both should never put the children in the middle of your arguments. She shows no love for you and NEVER remarks on your hard work. If this is his family they were very kind, loving and welcoming to her/his children. She has very low self esteem which is why she can never be kind to her husband. Why wouldn't he be afraid when she treated him horribly when he brought up his wife and child that died. There is nothing more cruel than a person who can't show compassion for a loss of a loved one.
Never likebher.im only here because of Imran..he is kind and loveable..shes a terrible person ..dont like her from the start.. user ...don't care what others said she not nice..
No está nada bien que ella le diga a sus hijos que Inram los engañó porque los pone en su contra. Aunque tenga razón, no tiene nada de tacto esta mujer. Es muy fría, distante, orgullosa, antipática y rencorosa. A la mayoría de espectadores no cae bien, por algo será. No tiene ni punto de comparación con su hermana, que es una persona muy humanitaria y cordial.
@@MediterraneaJazz Él lo hizo primero, cuando ella se opuso para que él vendiera el carro. En ésa ocasión él chantajeó a los niños. Él lo ha estado haciendo cada vez que tienen desacuerdos. Es un inmaduro. En qué cabeza cabe que los niños estarán a su favor, y ya se lo han demostrado. Porque cada rato la quiere ridiculizar ante sus hijos. Por eso digo que éste hombre está carente de cerebro.
Esa señora ya no quiere nada contigo después que la recojistes con tres hijos tiene casa por ti comen bien visten bien dejala ir no es agradecida tiene un carácter fuerte todavía recuerda al papá de los niños dejala ir no ruegues
Angel, otra vez tu mal genio, Inram es un hombre increíble, honesto, paciente, otra persona ya te hubiera dejado, si calla algo de su familia debe ser muy desagradable. Y el no lo quiere recordar, no desprecies a un hombre tan bueno. El proximo Año Nuevo sea de paz amor y felicidad❤❤❤❤❤
Pero si ella conoce la familia de el...ellos son esposos desde hace años y el es el.verdadero padre de esos niños o no lo sabia?? Este programa es pura mentiras e inventos
This is his wife of close to 10 years. These are all his children. No spouses are deceased. This is all lies for them to make a cheap yt show. They had to have grown up together and are most likely cousins. I am not a subscriber because they take advantage of people. I just watch t check on the children. This is harmful for ALL 4 OF THEM!
Esta mujer no muestra nada de afecto or amor por este hombre..siempre tan seria y no tiene ningún sentido de humor.. solamente con ver como trata sus hijos es para que sea más cariñosa y agradecida.. como se preocupa por tener un hogar mejor para todos… aconsejen a esta mujer que enseñe un poco de cariño por su esposo
Я в шоке от этой женщины ,она просто ужасна так нельзя себя вести, сама не пошла знакомиться и ещё и детей настраивает против отца . Я сколько смотрю и не разу не писала комментарии но уже не выносима терпеть её выходки, мне очень жалко детей что они все это видят .
Hello please make sure Angel gets this comment. What I saw today was unbelievable, While they were in the store buying utensils Those Children were brats not listening to Imran and disobedient. The cashier took those bottles away from the girls and Inez took it back from the counter and smile at the cashier with disrespect.So is that the way it works if Angel is mad at her husband he gets disrespected by Her children . I refuse to watch children disrespecting to the parents
Имран.да брось её и уйди.будь свободен.посмотрим как она с 4мя детьми проживет.она просто оборзела и обнаглела.такую злую и эгоистку не надо жалеть она не достойна любви Имрана.Имран.будь мужчиной,не будь тряпкой.она же об тебя ноги вытирает и не считается с твоим мнением
Çocuk lar imranin imran nere gidecek burada rol icabı Meleyim kötü rol yapmaya zorlayan bu karektersız senarist rol ümran iyi ve ön planda insanları kandırmadıniçün
Invece di vivere felici , la moglie fa solo dispetti, non ha sentimenti, si attacca cose che non portano a niente, che pensi al bambino che deve nascere. Ha un marito bravo e paziente che li vuole bene, ama i suoi figli come un padre sa amare.
Ya está cabreada está mujer?? Pues ya sabes te toca hacer todo Isram,madre mía quería una casa y ya la tiene, no me gusta nada está mujer, es una egoísta🤔
Don' be a child this man has accepted you and your children grow up other women wants men like him but the you treat him you don't respect him he does a lot for you and your children he's very hard working man
Angel, you should invite these aunts and uncles of airman’s to your home! The seem like nice beautiful people! Then you will get your answers and the truth
no me gusta esa señora porque siempre esta enfadada y eso no esta bien para el bebe tiene que moderar esos modales y no se ponga siewmpre esta e nfadada
Ангел ,как вампир. Пьет кровь и с Имрана ,а так же со своих детей. Почему ее интересует прошлое мужа. Во всех оно есть. Имран живет с тобой. Любит тебя и твоих детей,причем тут прошлое. Большая глупость ревновать к тому ,что тебя вообще не касается(прошлое).
😢I am really sad to hear Fereshte say these things. She is putting the children in the middle of her own problem with Imran. That destroys the family solidarity. It's not proper to use the children as pawns against him
No imran is cheater man he chitting to Angal wralth because You are wrong, Angel and the children are living in a tent because they want to build a house. Angel and Qasim started building a house and Imran, a beggar teacher, came to build a house for Angel and saw Angel's wealth. He saw her as a widow and forced her to marry him. Imran came to Angel's family with empty hands and took Angel's wealth. Imran 💯 believed him to be a liar.
Perche era ricca angela..di quale ricchezza aveva che abbitava in una tenta con i suoi figli..e chi glia dato da mangiare per tanto tempo..la suocera la buttata fuori sotto un albero dormiva e nn aveva niente..neanche un pezzo di pane per sfamare i figli.... Angela nn a un buon carattere con il marito dovrebbe pensare e ringraziare a Dio che la sposata con 3 figli..ma lei è molto cattiva vero imran @@janmabhumegurung8579
Да она недалекая , ревнивая с низкой самооценкой .Ревнует сильно , и незнает как Имрану сделать больно. Уже не раз писали в комментариях, о ее поведении , вроде успокаивалась.Имрану надо устроится на работу, пусть сама поживет.
Te pasas angel, qe quieres mas de ese hombre qe todo te da, tus hijos tuvieron un recibimiento encantador nunca habia visto tanto cariño expresado en los nomadas, como le expresaron a tus hijos.
Angels behaviour is very bad, getting the children to take a dislike to Imran! Then wanting to start her silly stubborn games again. While the children are listening to every word 😡 this is why Mahan is disrespectful to Imran .. Angel please give the man a break .
Angel, it seems to me you are a very difficult person to please!!!! I'm married for 50year and there are still things that my husband don't know, and what your spouse don't know, won't heart him. Get of you high and mighty chair.
She may leave on her own, but Iram would never kick her out with 3 kids that he love, and the one on the way, he's not that type of man, he would leave first.
Фереште, ты превосходишь саму себя, что ты копаешься в прошлом, тебе надо думать о будущем, настаиваешь детей против Ирана, как не стыдно.Дети, кашляют, а ты их к сестре тянешь, там негде развернуться и ты туда же.
Imran angel will never change she will always have that Disposition and it’s not because she’s pregnant. That’s just the way she is. It’s her way only you should tell her the truth that’s what she wants to know that is wrong of you, but she needs to sit down and listen to what you have to say but she will always have that attitude and eventually you won’t be able to take it anymore but for now get along the baby is Coming soon make peace And tell her the truth.❤
Angel ,protege a tus hijos.Ellos no tienen la edad para escuchar sus conflictos.Solo habla con tu esposo.Deja a los niños fuera de sus conflictos... A ellos les perjudica ,tanto en su seguridad como ,en otros sentimientos.
You are wrong, Angel and the children are living in a tent because they want to build a house. Angel and Qasim started building a house and Imran, a beggar teacher, came to build a house for Angel and saw Angel's wealth. He saw her as a widow and forced her to marry him. Imran came to Angel's family with empty hands and took Angel's wealth. Imran 💯 believed him to be a liar. Feristhe not lucky imran is lucky
Exactamente este hombre no tenia nada,vivía como los animales,ella tenía su canal,y el se lo quito,ella quería hacer su casita y lo contrataron a el y siguió insistiendo junto con Quasin para casarse con ella,y ella no quería casarse con el,y un día Quasin le dice a Angel qué lo deje quedarse en su casa por las pésimas condiciones que estaba viviendo el maestro y ella lo acepto por culpa de Quasin,con el.tiempo vuelve otra vez Quasin al ataque diciéndole a Angel qué no estaba bien qué el dichoso maestro viviera en su casa qué los vecinos hablarían mal de ella y así fue qué se vio obligada a casarse con el.ella no lo hiso por amor,,,y ella se lo dijo a el ,qué no quería casarse ahora qué no la obligue((el es el qué está viviendo de ella porqué ese canal le pertenece a ella,hasta la tarjeta de crédito se la quito porque era ella qué al principio compraba todas dus cosas,y ahora es el qué va hacer compra y a gastar el dinero de ella ,,,y esa casa hace mucho tiempo qué ella sola ya la hubiera terminado porqué el lo qué ha hecho es botar el dinero en construir y destruir.. Miren los primeros videos de esta serie(porqué esto no es cierto,)son actores,)
@@enerytorres6803 Unfortunately the majority of people who follow this channel are in complete denial. Most viewers still believe Imran saved Fershte and the children from freezing to death in the tent….😮 The two of them are expert liars and lying comes easy to them because Imran can’t even keep a straight face while he’s doing it. Actually, Imran is laughing at his viewers faces while they blindly follow him all the way to the bank. 🤑 This is unethical, 🤬unscrupulous, 🤬uneducated 🤬 and disrespectful behaviour. I was disappointed to see more of the same soap opera nonsense today, after watching the wonderful wedding yesterday.
Feresht,when are you going to act like a grown up woman with a heart ?? Why are you turning the children against the best father they ever had? You are mad because he didn't tell you about his uncles and cousins and you forget how mean you were to him when he had a moment of sadness over the child he and his wife lost ?? Why is it ok for you to decide who he should talk about and who he should forget?? Grow up up lady,your attitude is horrible!! Mr Operator why do you tell Imran about the goats but you don't tell Feresht what we say??
Essa mulher é muito amarga, tudo arruma conflito esta ficando até chato em assistir. Se a família esta distante deixa pra lá.É dialogar para evitar mentiras mas sempre fica querendo chamar a atenção.aff
Une petite maison pas contente, une grande maison pas contente, des chèvres pas contente, un homme qui travaille pour rendre la famille heureuse pas contente etc etc etc quel embrouille pour si peux...😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Irman put a stop to this, invite your uncles and aunts, cousins to meet your wife! Why are you causing strife? What is the past? Why don’t you want to be part of your own family? They seem like kind and beautiful people very accepting of you and the children! Let Angel meet them
La moglie sicuramente non cambierà mai quel carattere .Fa meglio a cambiare moglie lui ,nessuno gli darà colpa perchè una donna così è meglio non averla.
Плодится как кошка и не думает о том что детей нужно еще растить ! Что нужно их учить и к жизни приучать! А маме все по барабану , главное нервы трепать !
Дети не воспитаны ни к чему не приучены ,а мать только рот открывает на того с чьих рук кормится вся семья и она сама ! Позорище а не женщина ! Никакого уважения к мужчине который заботится о ней и ее семье!
@@BrunoMala-r9o And what then? The show will end because more than half of viewers are here to watch the children and these "conflicts"! No show - no income!
هذه ألمرءه وقحه جدآ ولاتستحق الاحترام أنها أسوء نموذج للنساء أللواتي لايود الرجال حتى النظر أليهن اطلب من عمران ان يبتعد عنها لفتره لاتقل عن اسبوع وبعد ذالك يرى ان كانت عقلت ام لا واذا بقيت على غبائها وحمقها فعليه تركها ونسيانها الى الابد لأنها أقبح نموذج لزوجة المستقبل ثم لنرى كيف ستعيش من دون عمران هذه الساحره الشريره ؟؟؟؟؟
@@mirtagallinger6337 A decir verdad , siempre se mostró indiferente, él se volvió loquito solo, porque desde el principio ella no le mostró interés. Por lo que yo ví , él casi se metió a la fuerza insistiendo . Ella se veía tranquila solamente con sus hijos cuando el empezó a insistir. Yo realmente no le noté ningún interés hacia él. Tampoco le pidió que le hiciera una casa, él la hizo porque quiso. Así empezó ésta historia.
She try to proof that she is a no it all lazy wrench... no respect for anyone and dont obay her husbands feelings ..keep him on a line .... can he be so silly to stay with this woman and her nonsense..that is no excuse to make your children up against his stepchildren..she want it that way to get attension..
Фериште нужно научиться строго воспитывать своих дочерей ---наплевать днями, а помогать по дому!!! ОПЕРАТОРУ ЛИЧНО большая просьба объяснить,девочкам на стол нельзя залазить ногами, вмешиваться в разговоры старших и вообще высоко задирать ноги быть скромнее!!!
Мальчик так сильно кашляет а родителям все равно такое у матери безразличие,.Пока идут сьемки тол ко слышен кашель ребенка,надо ноги держать в тепле если у вас зима.
LADY YOU should be proud of yourself to be with someone who hasn't had have any kids in his life before. You are so lucky to have e real loving man in your life so GROW UP WOMAN. WHO PUT THE ROOF ON THE TOP OF YOU AND YOUR 3 CHILDREN'S HEAD.???
If she wants the true ,she should want , instead hiding herself at home ,how can you get the answer if you don't go see his family ,also where is her family too ,we only know one sister ..what the heck
Angel, don't do that to your kids!!!! You want them to asked Imran about his uncle and what is his still hiding. You did the samething, to tell the kids to asked Imran how will he love tge most went the baby is born. Stop doing this.
Deje que se vaya entre mas le ruega usted . más drama hace si sigue con lo mismo ban a perder espectadores porque se muy falso piensen que no somos tontos
Mujer ridícula que se ponga en esos problemas, porqué lo ve ahora después de vivir con el y quedar embarazada como le gusta darse de importante cada día me está callendo mal está gente.😡🤬
Nicht nur. Seitens der Mutter. Der Vater zeichnet sich auch nicht mit Intelligenz aus. Sie verhalten sich vor den Kindern unmöglich sehr primitiv. Das kann man sich nicht mehr ansehen.
😢I am sorry, Imran. Fereshte seems to be having nasty hormonal swings due to pregnancy. Sadly, she is upsetting the children and you and none of you deserve this behavior.
All this is making is a mess! “Angel” is no Angel. She is a brat! And don’t fight with your children there!!! However, Imram is acting an idiot for not telling her the entire story. Both are acting like stubborn children. And I do realize this is most likely not real but this is just irritating.
Imran könnte das alles ändern, indem er mit seiner Frau spricht und sie aufklärt. Sie hat ein Recht. Alles über ihn und seine Familie zu erfahren. Feresteh ist im Recht. Seist nicht richtig , mit den Kindern über. Imran schlecht zu sprechen. Auch wenn ereignen Fehler gemacht hat. Eltern haben die Kinder aus ihren Streitigkeiten herauszuhalten, es geht sie nichts an. Da benehmen sich Imran und Feresteh beide sehr unreif und kindisch. Sie sind keine guten Eltern, wenn sie die Kinder dazu benutzen, sich gegenseitig schlecht zumachen. Damit zeigen sie der ganzen Welt, dass es ihnen gewaltig an Intelligenz mangelt. Sie verhalten sich einfach nur dumm dumm dumm. Sie sollten sich schämen, vor den Kindern zu streiten. 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼
.Everytime he shares personal information she holds it against him in anger. I was shocked when she mocked him for having sadness about his deceased wife and child. He never knows what to do because either way she will get angry and mean to him. She even said he would not love her children the way he will their newborn. That is a horrible woman. He treats those children as if they were his own. She a very angry and ungrateful woman.
The story Imran tells about his deceased wife and child is a lie…what a lowlife. That’s probably why Fershte mocked because she knows it’s a lie. They have been married for 10 years and all the children are his. There is no deceased wife, child or husband, the storyline is fabricated.
Ángel solo tiene el nombre porque es un demonio. La hermana no rechista en nada de lo que dice el marido Hasta cogen gente en casa y les dan de comer para aguantar a Fereste tienes que tener una. Paciencia no he visto una mujer tan testaruda rencorosa y mal pensada pero Inram yo creo que ya es hora que le cuentes todo y se acabarán los enfados
The little boy tells him that he does not love them (the 3 kids) anymore (hearing this from Mama) So the next time you go to town tell the little boy NO, why go with Dad when you think I don't love you. Kids coughing AGAIN. No socks on their feet. How old is this woman? She is acting like immature teenager. And that crap about a herb killing the baby is NUTS!! So when she goes for Dr. appointments; does she know nobody around her has used the herb? Again..That is just NUTS!
She’s 28 and Imran in 31. They’ve been married for 10 years. It’s all over the other nomad channels. This is just a money grab! They want their RUclips check to be bigger. They’re fighting before the baby. Then the story will be the baby. If they’re mean or neglectful to that baby just for show……😡😡😡. There’s one channel that has been doing that since their child was born. They get in violent fights every day.
@@aspenenglish4976 She just had a birthday, and turned 29, and also showed a pitcher of the man who is the real Father, those kids looked just like him, especially Mahan.
Some if not most of the viewers don’t understand why you argue and involve your children in those arguments! It sears the children for ever! They will become or they are likely to have ill-developed personality traits. The children will be haunted by your immature behaviour and they will also be unable to deal with their own issues as parents!
bonjour a vous cette video reflete bien le relationel entre femme et homme!! pour autant ,je suis deçu par le comportement de dame Angel !! je vais finir par ne plus regarder leurs videos ! sa soeur n'est vraiment pas comme elle ! Desole si j'ai vexe quelqun !
It's sad to see angel and her immature childish actions of jealousy and how it's like a steel wedge splitting the family apart. She's obviously bored with her life and feels the need to throw senseless chaos into Inman's and the children's lives just it feel her worth of being a disturbed troublemaker throwing a tantumn when things don't abide to her will. I'm sure that this isn't an isolated incident with this family alone, but with other families here on planet Earth as well. May the prayers of change happen for this family with a more positive outcome to never return to the past of what we just witnessed.
The angel gets angry for minor things and makes a big deal. She is very mean and unreasonably ungrateful I don’t like watching this channel at all pl tell her videographer.
Полнюнейший царит матриархат, Мухамад будь мужчиной, не пощволяй жене ианипулировать тобой, лети лелабт тоже скмое. Фериште еще не познала любовь женшины к мужчине. Да уж ну и дела для нас это дико.😮😮😮
When they left there was no light in the house, and when returning, abracadabra - all the lights are on !! They enjoy favors of a good spirit who takes care of the house whenever they are gone for a day (or longer).
Please tell.her to stop beening like this. He lives her kids. I can't believe he would make a difference between then. She acts like she doesn't even want this child. So he didn't tell her about all.of his family. I think she just like to pick fights. If it doesn't stop I will quit watching this show that I have watched since the first one.
Inram la paciencia tiene un límite,todo lo dice delante de sus hijos,esa mala mujer no valora Loque has hecho por ellos,y se ve muy claro q no te quiere,es desesperante como te trata muchacho,yo a serrato me hubiera largado,no vale la pena q inviertas ni desperdicies más tiempo con esa intolerante,no dejes q te siga humillando con su actitud,señor camarógrafo busque otra viuda porque esa mujer ya cansa ver su actitud deporable,déjale todo y empieza de nueva con otra persona,y si se quiere ir déjala q se largue con sus crías,y no estés rogándole para q se quede,
Я думаю показывать Ангелу не надо, так задумано. У них в настоящей жизни все хорошо, это видно. Красивая молодая пара, четверо детей, а главное они очень сильно любят своих детей.
Master, you are not just functional You are a human being who also needs to be taken care of. They are taking advantage of your good heart Angel does all this because she doesn't believe you will react to the love you have for them look at you, very charismatic, hardworking, handsome, and for everything he goes through in this life of just working for boring sour, you are very young, her relative is older because she has a frown on her face, always with her face scrunched up. I really don't want to have children, I've been married for a year, my husband and I don't want children, we're not ready, there's a lot to take care of when you have children things get even more serious, education, and not only that, a marriage It should be a good example for children to want to start a family with examples, and this needs to be improved, thought about, because we got married first since our parents have been married for years, and we are the fruits of their marriage, we want to have children in a very close environment. From what we witnessed in both families, they say if something isn't perfect in the other, don't blame each other, better go down a step, extend your hand to help and your fingers to judge.
Esta mujer es tan fresca para reclamarle algo sin importancia se casó con ella con tres hijos . Ella dormía en una carpa y hoy tiene casa carro hasta un papa para su 3 hijos y lo peor es que es malagradecida cuidado que con ese comportamiento le puede ir mal el se va a cansar de ella y buscará otra persona que lo valore
Ужас какие невоспитанные дети , просто стыдно за их поведение в магазине ,как дикари.А мать не замечает .Вечно одежду покупают , а в город приехали как попало, неухоженные девочки .Мальчик кашляет сильно , ноль эмоций .Зато обиду держит на Имрана. Зачем тебе его прошлое? Живи настоящим .Люди будут отписываться от канала , просто вызыает раздражение .
De lo que tenía que estar orgullosa es de tener un marido que la aguante cuando se pone insoportable además de que lleva la carga de tres niños y no sabe educarlos
Якщо це не сценарій для нас,то Ферешете дійсно дуже сварлива невихована жінка.Наскільки я знаю,жінки повинні слухатися чоловіка і прислухатися до їх думки.Імран побудував дім,піклується,любить дітей,хоч вони не рідні йому.Любить тварин і вони його,це свідчить про його доброту.Ферешете дійсно не розуміє,що їй повезло,що такий чоловік поруч і взяв її в дружини з трьома довісками.Чи й не щастя відірвав.Веди себе скромно жіночко,бо залишишся одна,дітей жалко,що такого вітчима більше у них не буде.
Что за женьшина , у нее даже нормальной улыбки нет , какая то ихидная улыбка похожая на издевательство , а Имран , ты дурак, поставь ее наместо , без тебя она ноль жилабы досих плр в своей палатке, даже рядом живущач сестра уехала от Вас.
@@ВадимФляжниковI do agree that the mountains and the traditional tasks they perform is very interesting. My issue with the channel is they’re always getting donations and saying that they’re poor. People from all over the world and especially Central America and South America are sending money they simply do not have. People are struggling all over the world financially. Imran just bought a brand new car with leather seats. They live in a modern home and good for them. People really think they live in horrible conditions and they do not. The concrete block house is just a filming set. I’d be fine if they said it was fiction or just told the truth and didn’t ask for donations. They’re already making $60,000 plus a year on RUclips alone. That’s not enough money to live in America or Canada but it is for Iran. They use foreign bank accounts to get their RUclips money deposited. It’s more money if it stays in American dollars than if it converts to their currency. I’m not 100% sure if it converts or not but I’ve seen people with American dollars shopping. It seemed a little strange to me.
The reason why, is that Iram was ashamed to tell them about a woman he wanted to marry with 3 kids, in that culture , its frowned upon for a man to take a wife with 3 kids, and did you forget, Angel never told Iram about her family, and especially the Mother-in-law, who came with goons to beat Iram and kidnap Mahan !!!
Angel hanım kendi de akrabalarını söylemedi sadece çocugu kaçırılınca ozaman söyledi Angel hanım ın başka hangi akrabasını biliyor imran bir senedir seyrediyorum bir akrabasını görmedim sadece Kasım'ın karısını gördük akrabası olarak onun kadar kocasına güler yüzlü insancıl olsun böylece söyle.
Ну и капризная и ревнивая жена Что она издевается над Ихрамом? Дом строит за хозяйством смотрит детей ее как родных оберегает .Она ему не даст счастливо жить ревнуя ко всему Как она собирается жить с 4 и детьми.У меня прямо ужас берет как она себя ведёт .Что за.глупая женщина .?
Не Ихрам а Имран.
Cuando surgieron los primeros problemas y mal genio de Faresthe; pensé " Todas las mujeres Iraníes son así " Frías, mal genio , desagradables , mal educada, sin amor ; pero luego apareció se hermana Sharabano y es totalmente distinta , al igual que Masoumeh .
Ésta mujer realmente es tóxica y no tiene nada que ver con su embarazo . Nadie la soporta .
Imran nunca le ha preguntado por sus padres, por su esposo fallecido , por sus otros familiares ¿ Y a quien le importa eso ? .
Desde un principio , ésta mujer a sido desconfiada . Recuerdo que cuando le destruyeron su casa . Le dijo a Qasim que lo acompañará para ver si era verdad y si estaba solo . Luego a los que encontraban en el camino , les preguntaban si conocían a Imran y como era . Recibió puras respuestas positivas de él.
Se ve tan bella cuando sonríe; pero sería un martirio vivir con ella .
Qué bueno que no se deja. 😂
@@luismardonesmancilla7383 Primera mujer que no se deja , y todavía más difícil tratándose de un país MACHISTA, donde los hombres tienen todas lad de ganar. La ley siempre a su favor aunque no valgan un cacahuate y maltraten a sus parejas. La hermana de Feresthe, pobre, la tiene bién sometida ése hombre tan flojo, nomás le truena los dedos y ella responde, da lástima. Pero claro, no les gusta Feresthe porque pura nada se deja de ése hombre que lo que le hace falta es ésa masa cerebral llamada CEREBRO.
Fereshte itu egois,beda denga Sharbano yang lembut,walau saudara kandung beda sifat dan watak.
What's your problem, Fershete? Do you expect everyone to be perfect while your selfish behavior wounds Imran and makes the children decide who to love! Such a disgrace.
She think she is the boss of Imran
Прямо не ион молчать. Вчера отправила всех на свадьбу, где её детей очень хорошо встречали, а сегодня опять 25. Скандальная женщина Фереште. Всё время при детей начинает скандал. Бедные дети, незнают когда любить папу а когда нет. Мама нехороший урок жизни даёт детям. Успокойся уже. Скоро уже общий ребенок родится, а ты Фереште некрасиво себя ведёшь. Имран очень хороший муж и пара. Зачем вот эти нервотрёпки. Оператор скажите ей что люди не хотят смотреть на её фокусы. Спасибо.
Imram es una mentira constante, sin contar que ella no sabe nada con respecto a él. De este modo ella siempre chocará con él. Qué oculta Imram? Qué tal si ella hubiera accedido a ir a la boda? No le hubieran preguntado : Quién es ésta mujer? Tendría que haber dicho que es su esposa. Entonces: Cuál es el motivo de tanto ocultamiento para no hablar claro y con la verdad? Qué inmaduro y falto de cerebro de éste Imram. ! QUÉ BARBARIDAD! . A éste los golpes no le quitan lo bruto. Desde que empecé a verlos, ella le ha hecho preguntas cin respecto a él, mismas que nunca le ha contestado. A éstas alturas ella no sabe nada sobre su vida. Ni sabe si está casada con un bandido.
Amen 🙏🏼 😢💔 guess you're just showing her jealousy knowing he ain't got away passed away 😔
Cette femme a tous les défauts du monde il faut arrêter de la filmer.
Thank you God bless you all 💕🙏🏼❤️🔥
And then she laughs her bad actions off with a smile , this man deserves a grown up wife not a childish girl
She like to.play when his good intentions ..now all of a sudden she is ok again got what she wznt from him and for her house So we're is her wealth now..she had nothing she stayd with with her sister and used them to..that is why her mother in law didn't want her thete she is not a nice person alt all ..
Дети не воспитанные вообще, вечно лезут везде у неё сестра противоположена ей у неё сыновья воспитаны
That’s bad parenting, arguing in front of your children accusing each other, using your children to get information. That’s bad bad bad parenting.
But it’s typically how people fight
Κυρία το έχεις παρακάνει αυτός ο άνδρας σου κάνει τα πάντα εσύ συνέχεια τον βρίζεις αμαν
This woman is horrible. You both should never put the children in the middle of your arguments. She shows no love for you and NEVER remarks on your hard work. If this is his family they were very kind, loving and welcoming to her/his children. She has very low self esteem which is why she can never be kind to her husband. Why wouldn't he be afraid when she treated him horribly when he brought up his wife and child that died. There is nothing more cruel than a person who can't show compassion for a loss of a loved one.
Never likebher.im only here because of Imran..he is kind and loveable..shes a terrible person ..dont like her from the start.. user ...don't care what others said she not nice..
Луда жена само се кара а мъжът и е толкова добър и гледа деца и.Затова я е изгонил първият и мъж
@@engelagraham1116 Exactly!!
Testaruda y orgullosa 👍
They both are!
No está nada bien que ella le diga a sus hijos que Inram los engañó porque los pone en su contra. Aunque tenga razón, no tiene nada de tacto esta mujer. Es muy fría, distante, orgullosa, antipática y rencorosa. A la mayoría de espectadores no cae bien, por algo será. No tiene ni punto de comparación con su hermana, que es una persona muy humanitaria y cordial.
Horrible hable así del padre .Deben decirle que les hace daño ya que los niños no entienden el contexto de las frases .😭😭🇨🇱
@@MediterraneaJazz Él también lo hace. Él lo hizo primero , con las niñas también. Estuvo peor.
@MarthaSanchez-ee7oy ambos son culpables.
@@MediterraneaJazz Él lo hizo primero, cuando ella se opuso para que él vendiera el carro. En ésa ocasión él chantajeó a los niños. Él lo ha estado haciendo cada vez que tienen desacuerdos. Es un inmaduro. En qué cabeza cabe que los niños estarán a su favor, y ya se lo han demostrado. Porque cada rato la quiere ridiculizar ante sus hijos. Por eso digo que éste hombre está carente de cerebro.
Esa señora ya no quiere nada contigo después que la recojistes con tres hijos tiene casa por ti comen bien visten bien dejala ir no es agradecida tiene un carácter fuerte todavía recuerda al papá de los niños dejala ir no ruegues
@@JoseBarrios-wi9uv también te gusta Angel poreso quieres que el esposito la deje 🤣
@@JoseBarrios-wi9uv también te gusta Angel poreso quieres que el esposito la deje 🤣
These are Imran's children, why they are lies 😒
Angel, otra vez tu mal genio, Inram es un hombre increíble, honesto, paciente, otra persona ya te hubiera dejado, si calla algo de su familia debe ser muy desagradable. Y el no lo quiere recordar, no desprecies a un hombre tan bueno.
El proximo Año Nuevo sea de paz amor y felicidad❤❤❤❤❤
Pero si ella conoce la familia de el...ellos son esposos desde hace años y el es el.verdadero padre de esos niños o no lo sabia?? Este programa es pura mentiras e inventos
Le falta ser sincero con su esposa. Ella le tiene desconfianza, con mucha razón.
@@Kchi-c9iNo lo creo.
Angel is a bad woman, I like Angel’ sister
This is his wife of close to 10 years. These are all his children. No spouses are deceased. This is all lies for them to make a cheap yt show. They had to have grown up together and are most likely cousins. I am not a subscriber because they take advantage of people. I just watch t check on the children. This is harmful for ALL 4 OF THEM!
she is not an Angel, she's awful to him and her kids.
Esta mujer no muestra nada de afecto or amor por este hombre..siempre tan seria y no tiene ningún sentido de humor.. solamente con ver como trata sus hijos es para que sea más cariñosa y agradecida.. como se preocupa por tener un hogar mejor para todos… aconsejen a esta mujer que enseñe un poco de cariño por su esposo
Я в шоке от этой женщины ,она просто ужасна так нельзя себя вести, сама не пошла знакомиться и ещё и детей настраивает против отца . Я сколько смотрю и не разу не писала комментарии но уже не выносима терпеть её выходки, мне очень жалко детей что они все это видят .
Solo disfruta Angel esta celosa
Если вы не можете выдержать, просто сходите на другое похожее шоу!
Hello please make sure Angel gets this comment. What I saw today was unbelievable, While they were in the store buying utensils Those Children were brats not listening to Imran and disobedient. The cashier took those bottles away from the girls and Inez took it back from the counter and smile at the cashier with disrespect.So is that the way it works if Angel is mad at her husband he gets disrespected by Her children . I refuse to watch children disrespecting to the parents
she won't even tel.her children to stop being so nasty and without manners when.they in the city ..SIS ON YOU ANGEL ..NOBODY LIKE A WOMAN LIKE YOU..
Concordo , inram está fazendo papel de bobo , sempre disse , vai embora , arrume outra mulher , vc merece ser feliz , deixe está naja
Angel never says anything to the children, when they disrespect Imran. He is to scared to say anything.. at times Angel can be a bit of a spoilt brat!
Could be like mother like daughter.😂😂😂
Imra hay que darle un premio por el amor y la paciencia ,y más con su esposa que lo humilla 🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱
Имран.да брось её и уйди.будь свободен.посмотрим как она с 4мя детьми проживет.она просто оборзела и обнаглела.такую злую и эгоистку не надо жалеть она не достойна любви Имрана.Имран.будь мужчиной,не будь тряпкой.она же об тебя ноги вытирает и не считается с твоим мнением
Angel los temas son de ustedes no de los niños.Esto les provoca una gran inseguridad......
Çocuk lar imranin imran nere gidecek burada rol icabı Meleyim kötü rol yapmaya zorlayan bu karektersız senarist rol ümran iyi ve ön planda insanları kandırmadıniçün
Pourquoi mêler les enfants dans les affaires des parents cela signifie un manque d éducation de la mère
Pardonnez moi de ma clarté
Tienes toda la razón, opino igual.
Cette femme est dénuée de tout sentiment
Invece di vivere felici , la moglie fa solo dispetti, non ha sentimenti, si attacca cose che non portano a niente, che pensi al bambino che deve nascere. Ha un marito bravo e paziente che li vuole bene, ama i suoi figli come un padre sa amare.
Ya está cabreada está mujer?? Pues ya sabes te toca hacer todo Isram,madre mía quería una casa y ya la tiene, no me gusta nada está mujer, es una egoísta🤔
Don' be a child this man has accepted you and your children grow up other women wants men like him but the you treat him you don't respect him he does a lot for you and your children he's very hard working man
Angel, you should invite these aunts and uncles of airman’s to your home! The seem like nice beautiful people! Then you will get your answers and the truth
Она их знает это у них по сценарию стройка закончилась на даже зрителей кино 😂😂😂😂
@@marywilliams6384 Él no se lo va a permitir. Todo esconde.
@@marywilliams6384 Él no se lo va a permitir, porque es muy macho.
Смотреть противно! Фереште из мухи сделала слона! К чему эти проблемы? Унижать и оскорблять Имрана в присутствии детей это гадко!
She made a mountain out of a mole hill for sure. As usual.
Имран она тупая,глупая,не воспитанная таки первого мужа довела до сиерти Имран спасайся
no me gusta esa señora porque siempre esta enfadada y eso no esta bien para el bebe tiene que moderar esos modales y no se ponga siewmpre esta e nfadada
@@fernandogonzalezcobas7768 I agree 100%. She's a very angry, jealous and unappreciative.
Ангел ,как вампир. Пьет кровь и с Имрана ,а так же со своих детей. Почему ее интересует прошлое мужа. Во всех оно есть. Имран живет с тобой. Любит тебя и твоих детей,причем тут прошлое. Большая глупость ревновать к тому ,что тебя вообще не касается(прошлое).
Amen 🙏🏼 that's the truth I totally agree 💯❤ thank you for the words😊
Inram es el verdadero padre de esos niños
😢I am really sad to hear Fereshte say these things. She is putting the children in the middle of her own problem with Imran. That destroys the family solidarity. It's not proper to use the children as pawns against him
Жадная, тщеславная! От Имрана требует рассказать о прошлом и родственниках,а о себе и родных тоже ничего не рассказывает и не знакомит.
ابنتى فرشتى انتى امرءه ممله وهتخربى بيتك ب ايدك بطلى نكد وتعلقى على الفاضيه والمليانه بطلى الاسلوب ده اسلوبك ردىء عمران انسان كويس احترميه ايه ده
No imran is cheater man he chitting to Angal wralth because You are wrong, Angel and the children are living in a tent because they want to build a house. Angel and Qasim started building a house and Imran, a beggar teacher, came to build a house for Angel and saw Angel's wealth. He saw her as a widow and forced her to marry him. Imran came to Angel's family with empty hands and took Angel's wealth. Imran 💯 believed him to be a liar.
Perche era ricca angela..di quale ricchezza aveva che abbitava in una tenta con i suoi figli..e chi glia dato da mangiare per tanto tempo..la suocera la buttata fuori sotto un albero dormiva e nn aveva niente..neanche un pezzo di pane per sfamare i figli....
Angela nn a un buon carattere con il marito dovrebbe pensare e ringraziare a Dio che la sposata con 3 figli..ma lei è molto cattiva vero imran @@janmabhumegurung8579
Да она недалекая , ревнивая с низкой самооценкой .Ревнует сильно , и незнает как Имрану сделать больно. Уже не раз писали в комментариях, о ее поведении , вроде успокаивалась.Имрану надо устроится на работу, пусть сама поживет.
Es una relación muy toxica este matrimonio carece de confianza. Me parece que imran tendría que dar un paso al costado e irse por el bien de los dos
دقیقا حیف بچه دار شدن@@albertoplaza2769
Ya don’t get it !!
It’s in their best interest people believe in their fabricated lies and stories.
This is a soap opera, NOT REAL LIFE.
Que horror !!!essa mulher faz pressão psicológica o imram e até nas crianças tem que si tratar misericordia
She's acting like a little girl she doesn't have kids before. 😂😂😂😂😂
She's trying to find out about Imran's family but we haven't seen any of her family apart from her sister.
She is not an angel, she has bad manners.
Doesn't know that his family is Shirvan's and Janbibi's family 🤔 😕 😳 very strange 🤔
Doesn't she know that shirvan and Janbibi is his family?
Te pasas angel, qe quieres mas de ese hombre qe todo te da, tus hijos tuvieron un recibimiento encantador nunca habia visto tanto cariño expresado en los nomadas, como le expresaron a tus hijos.
Angels behaviour is very bad, getting the children to take a dislike to Imran! Then wanting to start her silly stubborn games again. While the children are listening to every word 😡 this is why Mahan is disrespectful to Imran .. Angel please give the man a break .
Imran has patience • angel has a bad temper • plus she puts the children against him• yet he spoils the children a lot
We know her sister, but where is the rest of her families she never talk about them
She isn't a good person she doesn't respect her husband 😒
Okay, we fans don't need or like all this hostility and mean behavior, Fershete. So, stop it before your channel loses fans.
Angel, it seems to me you are a very difficult person to please!!!!
I'm married for 50year and there are still things that my husband don't know, and what your spouse don't know, won't heart him. Get of you high and mighty chair.
Amen , I have been married 49ers and still finding out things about my husband I never thought to ask and don’t care to know
Выгонит её с детьми из дома такую змею тебе посмотрим где она будет жить
She may leave on her own, but Iram would never kick her out with 3 kids that he love, and the one on the way, he's not that type of man, he would leave first.
Фереште, ты превосходишь саму себя, что ты копаешься в прошлом, тебе надо думать о будущем, настаиваешь детей против Ирана, как не стыдно.Дети, кашляют, а ты их к сестре тянешь, там негде развернуться и ты туда же.
Imran angel will never change she will always have that Disposition and it’s not because she’s pregnant. That’s just the way she is. It’s her way only you should tell her the truth that’s what she wants to know that is wrong of you, but she needs to sit down and listen to what you have to say but she will always have that attitude and eventually you won’t be able to take it anymore but for now get along the baby is Coming soon make peace And tell her the truth.❤
typical ****-busting woman.
Angel ,protege a tus hijos.Ellos no tienen la edad para escuchar sus conflictos.Solo habla con tu esposo.Deja a los niños fuera de sus conflictos...
A ellos les perjudica ,tanto en su seguridad como ,en otros sentimientos.
ей так повезло в жизни нашла человека которий полюбил ее детей заботится о них как о родних а она только ищет повод чтоб поругатся
You are wrong, Angel and the children are living in a tent because they want to build a house. Angel and Qasim started building a house and Imran, a beggar teacher, came to build a house for Angel and saw Angel's wealth. He saw her as a widow and forced her to marry him. Imran came to Angel's family with empty hands and took Angel's wealth. Imran 💯 believed him to be a liar. Feristhe not lucky imran is lucky
Exactamente este hombre no tenia nada,vivía como los animales,ella tenía su canal,y el se lo quito,ella quería hacer su casita y lo contrataron a el y siguió insistiendo junto con Quasin para casarse con ella,y ella no quería casarse con el,y un día Quasin le dice a Angel qué lo deje quedarse en su casa por las pésimas condiciones que estaba viviendo el maestro y ella lo acepto por culpa de Quasin,con el.tiempo vuelve otra vez Quasin al ataque diciéndole a Angel qué no estaba bien qué el dichoso maestro viviera en su casa qué los vecinos hablarían mal de ella y así fue qué se vio obligada a casarse con el.ella no lo hiso por amor,,,y ella se lo dijo a el ,qué no quería casarse ahora qué no la obligue((el es el qué está viviendo de ella porqué ese canal le pertenece a ella,hasta la tarjeta de crédito se la quito porque era ella qué al principio compraba todas dus cosas,y ahora es el qué va hacer compra y a gastar el dinero de ella ,,,y esa casa hace mucho tiempo qué ella sola ya la hubiera terminado porqué el lo qué ha hecho es botar el dinero en construir y destruir..
Miren los primeros videos de esta serie(porqué esto no es cierto,)son actores,)
No lo valora a su esposo 😢
@@enerytorres6803 Unfortunately the majority of people who follow this channel are in complete denial. Most viewers still believe Imran saved Fershte and the children from freezing to death in the tent….😮 The two of them are expert liars and lying comes easy to them because Imran can’t even keep a straight face while he’s doing it. Actually, Imran is laughing at his viewers faces while they blindly follow him all the way to the bank. 🤑 This is unethical, 🤬unscrupulous, 🤬uneducated 🤬 and disrespectful behaviour. I was disappointed to see more of the same soap opera nonsense today, after watching the wonderful wedding yesterday.
They must stop fighting 😮
Feresht,when are you going to act like a grown up woman with a heart ??
Why are you turning the children against the best father they ever had?
You are mad because he didn't tell you about his uncles and cousins and you forget how mean you were to him when he had a moment of sadness over the child he and his wife lost ??
Why is it ok for you to decide who he should talk about and who he should forget??
Grow up up lady,your attitude is horrible!!
Mr Operator why do you tell Imran about the goats but you don't tell Feresht what we say??
Imran is Mehdi 's brother of peren family? Why didn't you ever visit the peren family?
Essa mulher é muito amarga, tudo arruma conflito esta ficando até chato em assistir. Se a família esta distante deixa pra lá.É dialogar para evitar mentiras mas sempre fica querendo chamar a atenção.aff
Une petite maison pas contente, une grande maison pas contente, des chèvres pas contente, un homme qui travaille pour rendre la famille heureuse pas contente etc etc etc quel embrouille pour si peux...😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
La felicità viene solo se cambia donna ,Una selvaggia così nemmeno le bestie la compatiranno,
I’m so tried of her. She treats him horribly!
Before they got marry she told the children that he will buy them things and clothes...that the only reason why she marry him
Еще в прошлом году жила с детьми в палатке,а сейчас не навидит Имрана который все для нее сделал
That wealth is her not imran 's imran comming empty hand with angal imran was bigger
Irman put a stop to this, invite your uncles and aunts, cousins to meet your wife! Why are you causing strife? What is the past? Why don’t you want to be part of your own family? They seem like kind and beautiful people very accepting of you and the children!
Let Angel meet them
Sometimes it’s better not to meet certain family members because of pasted issues. We don’t need to know his past life he has a new one
La moglie sicuramente non cambierà mai quel carattere .Fa meglio a cambiare moglie lui ,nessuno gli darà colpa perchè una donna così è meglio non averla.
Плодится как кошка и не думает о том что детей нужно еще растить ! Что нужно их учить и к жизни приучать! А маме все по барабану , главное нервы трепать !
Дети не воспитаны ни к чему не приучены ,а мать только рот открывает на того с чьих рук кормится вся семья и она сама ! Позорище а не женщина ! Никакого уважения к мужчине который заботится о ней и ее семье!
And what then? The show will end because more than half of viewers are here to watch the children and these "conflicts"! No show - no income!
هذه ألمرءه وقحه جدآ ولاتستحق الاحترام أنها أسوء نموذج للنساء أللواتي لايود الرجال حتى النظر أليهن اطلب من عمران ان يبتعد عنها لفتره لاتقل عن اسبوع وبعد ذالك يرى ان كانت عقلت ام لا واذا بقيت على غبائها وحمقها فعليه تركها ونسيانها الى الابد لأنها أقبح نموذج لزوجة المستقبل ثم لنرى كيف ستعيش من دون عمران هذه الساحره الشريره ؟؟؟؟؟
Cada vez me convenzo más que esa mujer no quiere a Imran,!!
@@mirtagallinger6337 A decir verdad , siempre se mostró indiferente, él se volvió loquito solo, porque desde el principio ella no le mostró interés. Por lo que yo ví , él casi se metió a la fuerza insistiendo . Ella se veía tranquila solamente con sus hijos cuando el empezó a insistir. Yo realmente no le noté ningún interés hacia él. Tampoco le pidió que le hiciera una casa, él la hizo porque quiso. Así empezó ésta historia.
She try to proof that she is a no it all lazy wrench... no respect for anyone and dont obay her husbands feelings ..keep him on a line .... can he be so silly to stay with this woman and her nonsense..that is no excuse to make your children up against his stepchildren..she want it that way to get attension..
Фериште нужно научиться строго воспитывать своих дочерей ---наплевать днями, а помогать по дому!!! ОПЕРАТОРУ ЛИЧНО большая просьба объяснить,девочкам на стол нельзя залазить ногами, вмешиваться в разговоры старших и вообще высоко задирать ноги быть скромнее!!!
Это не Оператор должен объяснять, а мать, но ее это мало волнует(она сама невоспитанная).
Ни детям воспитание не даёт ни себе нету только с мужем ругаться умеет больше ничего
Мальчик так сильно кашляет а родителям все равно такое у матери безразличие,.Пока идут сьемки тол ко слышен кашель ребенка,надо ноги держать в тепле если у вас зима.
LADY YOU should be proud of yourself to be with someone who hasn't had have any kids in his life before. You are so lucky to have e real loving man in your life so GROW UP WOMAN. WHO PUT THE ROOF ON THE TOP OF YOU AND YOUR 3 CHILDREN'S HEAD.???
If she wants the true ,she should want , instead hiding herself at home ,how can you get the answer if you don't go see his family ,also where is her family too ,we only know one sister ..what the heck
Cameraman you need to tell Angel her behaviour is not nice in front of the children
Angel, don't do that to your kids!!!! You want them to asked Imran about his uncle and what is his still hiding. You did the samething, to tell the kids to asked Imran how will he love tge most went the baby is born. Stop doing this.
Deje que se vaya entre mas le ruega usted . más drama hace si sigue con lo mismo ban a perder espectadores porque se muy falso piensen que no somos tontos
Mujer ridícula que se ponga en esos problemas, porqué lo ve ahora después de vivir con el y quedar embarazada como le gusta darse de importante cada día me está callendo mal está gente.😡🤬
Questa donna cerca sempre un pretesto per litigare non siamo stupidi continuate così poi nessuno vi guarderà piu
Milleti abdal yerine koymayın videolarınız izlemek istemiyorum artık
She is planting seeds in the kids minds she is nasty
Nicht nur. Seitens der Mutter. Der Vater zeichnet sich auch nicht mit Intelligenz aus. Sie verhalten sich vor den Kindern unmöglich sehr primitiv. Das kann man sich nicht mehr ansehen.
😢I am sorry, Imran. Fereshte seems to be having nasty hormonal swings due to pregnancy. Sadly, she is upsetting the children and you and none of you deserve this behavior.
from very beginning, meaning not being pregnant, she was behaving more or less the same.
Tu ancora credi che fereshte è incinta?Quel pancione è solo un cuscino fermato male.fa 4 cambiamenti diversi al giorno
All this is making is a mess! “Angel” is no Angel. She is a brat! And don’t fight with your children there!!! However, Imram is acting an idiot for not telling her the entire story. Both are acting like stubborn children.
And I do realize this is most likely not real but this is just irritating.
Hi Angel happen to be the problem in this marriage
The best thing that happen to her is Imran to marry her
We viewers like to see happy family not arguing family.
Imran könnte das alles ändern, indem er mit seiner Frau spricht und sie aufklärt. Sie hat ein Recht. Alles über ihn und seine Familie zu erfahren. Feresteh ist im Recht. Seist nicht richtig , mit den Kindern über. Imran schlecht zu sprechen. Auch wenn ereignen Fehler gemacht hat. Eltern haben die Kinder aus ihren Streitigkeiten herauszuhalten, es geht sie nichts an. Da benehmen sich Imran und Feresteh beide sehr unreif und kindisch. Sie sind keine guten Eltern, wenn sie die Kinder dazu benutzen, sich gegenseitig schlecht zumachen. Damit zeigen sie der ganzen Welt, dass es ihnen gewaltig an Intelligenz mangelt. Sie verhalten sich einfach nur dumm dumm dumm. Sie sollten sich schämen, vor den Kindern zu streiten. 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼
.Everytime he shares personal information she holds it against him in anger. I was shocked when she mocked him for having sadness about his deceased wife and child. He never knows what to do because either way she will get angry and mean to him. She even said he would not love her children the way he will their newborn. That is a horrible woman. He treats those children as if they were his own. She a very angry and ungrateful woman.
The story Imran tells about his deceased wife and child is a lie…what a lowlife. That’s probably why Fershte mocked because she knows it’s a lie. They have been married for 10 years and all the children are his. There is no deceased wife, child or husband, the storyline is fabricated.
Ángel solo tiene el nombre porque es un demonio. La hermana no rechista en nada de lo que dice el marido Hasta cogen gente en casa y les dan de comer para aguantar a Fereste tienes que tener una. Paciencia no he visto una mujer tan testaruda rencorosa y mal pensada pero Inram yo creo que ya es hora que le cuentes todo y se acabarán los enfados
@@domingovaleromerino6843 Pobre su hermana: Es esclava del que tiene por esposo.
It will never end , she will find something else to complain about.
per mettere le cose come dovrebbero andare è meglio divorziare
The little boy tells him that he does not love them (the 3 kids) anymore (hearing this from Mama) So the next time you go to town tell the little boy NO, why go with Dad when you think I don't love you. Kids coughing AGAIN. No socks on their feet. How old is this woman? She is acting like immature teenager. And that crap about a herb killing the baby is NUTS!! So when she goes for Dr. appointments; does she know nobody around her has used the herb? Again..That is just NUTS!
She’s 28 and Imran in 31. They’ve been married for 10 years. It’s all over the other nomad channels. This is just a money grab! They want their RUclips check to be bigger. They’re fighting before the baby. Then the story will be the baby. If they’re mean or neglectful to that baby just for show……😡😡😡. There’s one channel that has been doing that since their child was born. They get in violent fights every day.
@@aspenenglish4976 She just had a birthday, and turned 29, and also showed a pitcher of the man who is the real Father, those kids looked just like him, especially Mahan.
Some if not most of the viewers don’t understand why you argue and involve your children in those arguments!
It sears the children for ever! They will become or they are likely to have ill-developed personality traits. The children will be haunted by your immature behaviour and they will also be unable to deal with their own issues as parents!
Não é bom essas discussões boubas, bom é está em paz
Не будет изюминки, пропадет интерес к фильму.
bonjour a vous
cette video reflete bien le relationel entre femme et homme!!
pour autant ,je suis deçu par le comportement de dame Angel !!
je vais finir par ne plus regarder leurs videos !
sa soeur n'est vraiment pas comme elle !
Desole si j'ai vexe quelqun !
Vous ne vexer personne c est la réalité cette femme est très égoïste et n à pas de sentiments pour son mari
It's sad to see angel and her immature childish actions of jealousy and how it's like a steel wedge splitting the family apart. She's obviously bored with her life and feels the need to throw senseless chaos into Inman's and the children's lives just it feel her worth of being a disturbed troublemaker throwing a tantumn when things don't abide to her will. I'm sure that this isn't an isolated incident with this family alone, but with other families here on planet Earth as well. May the prayers of change happen for this family with a more positive outcome to never return to the past of what we just witnessed.
Nobody like her..only the ones that is exactly like her .... she is so childish and selfish. Making the kids up againsts Imran..
The angel gets angry for minor things and makes a big deal. She is very mean and unreasonably ungrateful I don’t like watching this channel at all pl tell her videographer.
Полнюнейший царит матриархат, Мухамад будь мужчиной, не пощволяй жене ианипулировать тобой, лети лелабт тоже скмое. Фериште еще не познала любовь женшины к мужчине. Да уж ну и дела для нас это дико.😮😮😮
Angel es una mujer caprichosa y orgullosa .Que Mardo más paciente tiene
C est une horreur cette femme vide de tout sentiment
When they left there was no light in the house, and when returning, abracadabra - all the lights are on !! They enjoy favors of a good spirit who takes care of the house whenever they are gone for a day (or longer).
Please tell.her to stop beening like this. He lives her kids. I can't believe he would make a difference between then. She acts like she doesn't even want this child. So he didn't tell her about all.of his family. I think she just like to pick fights. If it doesn't stop I will quit watching this show that I have watched since the first one.
Inram la paciencia tiene un límite,todo lo dice delante de sus hijos,esa mala mujer no valora Loque has hecho por ellos,y se ve muy claro q no te quiere,es desesperante como te trata muchacho,yo a serrato me hubiera largado,no vale la pena q inviertas ni desperdicies más tiempo con esa intolerante,no dejes q te siga humillando con su actitud,señor camarógrafo busque otra viuda porque esa mujer ya cansa ver su actitud deporable,déjale todo y empieza de nueva con otra persona,y si se quiere ir déjala q se largue con sus crías,y no estés rogándole para q se quede,
she is an animal not human mother/wife
Este es un hombre bueno y trabajador ama a los niños como si fueran de su sangre pero ella pareciera que no reconoce el es cariñoso y ella es arisca
Bu bir film sadece inanmayın imran suçlu ve imram kimsem yok demişti ama dün gördük bütün akrabaları babak gillerdenmiş
Mr cameraman show all these messages to Angel❤
Я думаю показывать Ангелу не надо, так задумано. У них в настоящей жизни все хорошо, это видно. Красивая молодая пара, четверо детей, а главное они очень сильно любят своих детей.
Очень плохо вас скоро не будут смотреть все это фальшь
Nobody likes her. You will loose subscribers and that equals money. No man as good as imran should put up with her
Many, as yourself, like not to like her! Leaving the channel is just showing off.
Master, you are not just functional You are a human being who also needs to be taken care of. They are taking advantage of your good heart Angel does all this because she doesn't believe you will react to the love you have for them look at you, very charismatic, hardworking, handsome, and for everything he goes through in this life of just working for boring sour, you are very young, her relative is older because she has a frown on her face, always with her face scrunched up. I really don't want to have children, I've been married for a year, my husband and I don't want children, we're not ready, there's a lot to take care of when you have children things get even more serious, education, and not only that, a marriage It should be a good example for children to want to start a family with examples, and this needs to be improved, thought about, because we got married first since our parents have been married for years, and we are the fruits of their marriage, we want to have children in a very close environment. From what we witnessed in both families, they say if something isn't perfect in the other, don't blame each other, better go down a step, extend your hand to help and your fingers to judge.
Імран та розлучися ти з нею нехай сидить зі своїми 4 ма дітьми, Боже яка вона злючка.
Как ведет женщина,я в шоке.Зачем уговаривать пусть идёт куда хочет.
Si las mujeres , tienen mal opinión de ésta mujer ¿ Que opinan los hombres 😂 ?
Esta mujer es tan fresca para reclamarle algo sin importancia se casó con ella con tres hijos . Ella dormía en una carpa y hoy tiene casa carro hasta un papa para su 3 hijos y lo peor es que es malagradecida cuidado que con ese comportamiento le puede ir mal el se va a cansar de ella y buscará otra persona que lo valore
Имран ты строил ,строил а в конце она тебяе выго😮нит, я вижу она очень, очень не хорошая женщина 15:31
Не знает к чему придраться всем не довольна радуйся что тебя в замуж взяли с тремя детьми дом построили и не один Возомнила себя королевой
Какие средневековья мысли
This is the soap opera made for the adult children (with poor education, or challenged in growing up).
Ужас какие невоспитанные дети , просто стыдно за их поведение в магазине ,как дикари.А мать не замечает .Вечно одежду покупают , а в город приехали как попало, неухоженные девочки .Мальчик кашляет сильно , ноль эмоций .Зато обиду держит на Имрана.
Зачем тебе его прошлое? Живи настоящим .Люди будут отписываться от канала , просто вызыает раздражение .
De lo que tenía que estar orgullosa es de tener un marido que la aguante cuando se pone insoportable además de que lleva la carga de tres niños y no sabe educarlos
Quand il aura emporté Angel au restaurant elle sera de bonne humeur et choping
Якщо це не сценарій для нас,то Ферешете дійсно дуже сварлива невихована жінка.Наскільки я знаю,жінки повинні слухатися чоловіка і прислухатися до їх думки.Імран побудував дім,піклується,любить дітей,хоч вони не рідні йому.Любить тварин і вони його,це свідчить про його доброту.Ферешете дійсно не розуміє,що їй повезло,що такий чоловік поруч і взяв її в дружини з трьома довісками.Чи й не щастя відірвав.Веди себе скромно жіночко,бо залишишся одна,дітей жалко,що такого вітчима більше у них не буде.
You believe in the soap operas and will be shocked if you knew them in private.
Что за женьшина , у нее даже нормальной улыбки нет , какая то ихидная улыбка похожая на издевательство , а Имран , ты дурак, поставь ее наместо , без тебя она ноль жилабы досих плр в своей палатке, даже рядом живущач сестра уехала от Вас.
Why do people not see that this is Iranywood! It’s a fake soap opera. They’ve been married for about 10 years.
Это вы зря, интересно смотреть на быт иранцев, на горный ландшафт, на их стараниях как то выжить в трудных условиях проживания в горах.
@@ВадимФляжниковI do agree that the mountains and the traditional tasks they perform is very interesting. My issue with the channel is they’re always getting donations and saying that they’re poor. People from all over the world and especially Central America and South America are sending money they simply do not have. People are struggling all over the world financially. Imran just bought a brand new car with leather seats. They live in a modern home and good for them. People really think they live in horrible conditions and they do not. The concrete block house is just a filming set. I’d be fine if they said it was fiction or just told the truth and didn’t ask for donations. They’re already making $60,000 plus a year on RUclips alone. That’s not enough money to live in America or Canada but it is for Iran. They use foreign bank accounts to get their RUclips money deposited. It’s more money if it stays in American dollars than if it converts to their currency. I’m not 100% sure if it converts or not but I’ve seen people with American dollars shopping. It seemed a little strange to me.
У неё поведение ужасное. Покупки делает, а с мужем не общается как будто получила зарплату.
Имран должен был рассказать о своей родне,мать,отец, братья сестры, а почему лжет.
The reason why, is that Iram was ashamed to tell them about a woman he wanted to marry with 3 kids, in that culture , its frowned upon for a man to take a wife with 3 kids, and did you forget, Angel never told Iram about her family, and especially the Mother-in-law, who came with goons to beat Iram and kidnap Mahan !!!
Can we have more sub titles in English please, also you are getting the lady as him when it should be her.
Свора детей,а она строит из себя бабочку.
Angel hanım kendi de akrabalarını söylemedi sadece çocugu kaçırılınca ozaman söyledi Angel hanım ın başka hangi akrabasını biliyor imran bir senedir seyrediyorum bir akrabasını görmedim sadece Kasım'ın karısını gördük akrabası olarak onun kadar kocasına güler yüzlü insancıl olsun böylece söyle.