Queen Elizabeth & the Throne of David

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • This is a very brief overview of the promises of God concerning the House and Throne of King David of Israel and its perpetuation in the earthly representatives of the British Throne. Of particular interest and importance is the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II as the longest reigning British Monarch. Her son Charles III continues the line of the Davidic throne, which will ultimately be occupied by Jesus Christ at His personal return (Luke 1:31-33). God Save The King.

Комментарии • 131

  • @jahzielministry330
    @jahzielministry330 Год назад +8

    I thought Britain (Saxons) was one of the 10 kingdoms of the Roman empire. Daniel 2:40 - 43. 7:7 - 8?

    • @roslyn1143
      @roslyn1143 Год назад +1

      Here are a few websites to lookup and research if you are interested, History In Truth, Karl Tester, BIWF uk. Enjoy your research

  • @pharaohpharaoh1008
    @pharaohpharaoh1008 7 месяцев назад +2

    (Luke 21:24-25)
    And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
    And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

  • @roslyn1143
    @roslyn1143 Год назад +2

    A wonderful presentation. Thankyou

  • @pharaohpharaoh1008
    @pharaohpharaoh1008 7 месяцев назад +1

    (John 5:30 The will of God)
    I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

  • @davidneino8011
    @davidneino8011 Год назад +2

    The Throne is the Lord Jesus Christ and earth is his foot stool. And the devils JESUS GAVE US AUTHORITY TO TRAMPLE THEM UNDER OUR HEELS. GOD BLESS US ALL

    • @noddydee8141
      @noddydee8141 4 месяца назад

      its dead simple if its day light in the day time and at night time its dark and the moon comes out Davids throne is here on earth jeremiah 33:17 psalm 89:3-4 psalm 89:27-37 1 kings 9:5 2 kings 7:12-17 ezekiel 21:25-27 take the crown off the pharaz line who is high and give it to him who is low the zereh line jeremiah got the job of the first overturn taking the kings daughters and planting it in ireland jeremiah 1:10 numbers 27::8 jeremiah 43:6-7 read them and it should make sense Jesus i pray thee open this mans eyes

  • @salvationsanctuary48
    @salvationsanctuary48 Год назад +13

    The harlot sitting on the throne until Yahusha comes to sit as king ❤️

    • @jeltoninc.8542
      @jeltoninc.8542 10 месяцев назад

      Hasha SHARRRTS on theeze fake@zz moNARkcs.

    • @cc3775
      @cc3775 9 месяцев назад


    • @mattromero9797
      @mattromero9797 8 месяцев назад +2

      Indeed Edom has stolen back their birthright from Jacob. But YAH hated Edom and loves Jacob

    • @elledubbew1486
      @elledubbew1486 8 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@mattromero9797They pretend God doesn't know

    • @mattromero9797
      @mattromero9797 8 месяцев назад

      @@elledubbew1486 “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan, with all powers, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, that they might receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them a strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” -2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
      People because of their bigotry will reject the true children of Jacob and will fall into a strong delusion, raising for themselves their own messiah-king: King Arthur (Prince William) of house Windsor. “The once and future king” or “the beast that you saw WAS and IS NOT and WILL ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition.” - Revelation 17:8
      This video is prime example of the unrighteous deception taking place, leading people to the son of perdition/antichrist.

  • @ndidiamakacordi2953
    @ndidiamakacordi2953 Год назад +2

    This is educating. Thank you. But if Britain is from the lineage of Ephraim, what connection does her kingship got to do with Judah that has been given the Scepter? I still do not understand it.

    • @wiserthanserpents3862
      @wiserthanserpents3862 8 месяцев назад

      Judah has no claim to Kingship sknce David is the eternal Ruler son of Jesse the Ephrathite. Taken torule Judah as in the book of Samuel

    • @noddydee8141
      @noddydee8141 4 месяца назад

      the jews know this and the muslims know this the muslims also know that there going to have us off very soon so if yur white like me and youve got a white girlfriend / wife and white kids you are in serious trouble its called jacobs trouble wen it happens and yur wife and kids get took off you as war booty then you will know the video is truth. it aint hard to work out the video is bang on its GODS word

  • @norrisfan415
    @norrisfan415 6 месяцев назад +1

    I close my eyes and imagine Winnie the Pooh is narrating

  • @TheRealJASIC
    @TheRealJASIC Год назад +2

    So by design the British government should be rulled over

  • @konii-lux-hiberianatlante5746
    @konii-lux-hiberianatlante5746 Год назад +3

    ...people here talking about Unicorns...

  • @pharaohpharaoh1008
    @pharaohpharaoh1008 7 месяцев назад

    (Exodus 17:12-16)
    But Moses' hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.
    And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.
    And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.
    And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovah-nissi:
    For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.

  • @GabrielSape-l1i
    @GabrielSape-l1i Месяц назад


  • @snowdensright9693
    @snowdensright9693 8 месяцев назад +1

    Jesus is that King and He is not dead, sorry Charlie!

  • @94b20eg
    @94b20eg Год назад +2

    Wait until u find out the windsors made up there name as they were originally Saxe-Coburg and Gotha they changed there name do to the nazi connection the true Kings are the Stuarts the true descendants of David Elizabeth was removed because she did not follow God's commandments and covenant as stated in 2 Samuel 7

    • @jeltoninc.8542
      @jeltoninc.8542 10 месяцев назад

      Removed? She was older than the Bible…

    • @noddydee8141
      @noddydee8141 4 месяца назад

      the jews know this and the muslims know this the muslims also know that there going to have us off very soon so if yur white like me and youve got a white girlfriend / wife and white kids you are in serious trouble its called jacobs trouble wen it happens and yur wife and kids get took off you as war booty then you will know the video is truth. it aint hard to work out the video is bang on its GODS word

  • @Michael-pn5lp
    @Michael-pn5lp 4 месяца назад

    The stolen Stone of Scone was recovered from Westminster Abby on Christmas Day 1950 ! On the Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, after the Vernal Equinox starting the next Biblical Year, it was placed on the altar in the ruins of Arbroath Abbey on the 11th April 1951.
    With a 21st March Vernal Equinox that year, this means that the Stone of Scone was placed on the
    altar of Arbroath Abby on the last seventh day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread: a Holy High Day !
    So in the same BIBLICAL year:
    • 1951 was 3400 years and the 68th Jubilee after the Exodus from Egypt ! (Working with a 4BC birth of Christ)
    • Before the next Vernal Equinox King George VI died on the 6th of February 1951.
    • Queen Elizabeth II immediately ascended the throne - although only later coronated.
    i.e. The Stone of Scone was recovered in the Jubilee 7x7 49th year of 1950, and later placed on the High Altar of Arbroath Abby on the seventh day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread - in the Jubilee 50th year of 1951 !
    The Declaration of Scottish Independence drafted at Arbroath Abby and dated the 6th April 1320, was also in the midst of the Feast of Unleavened Bread:
    The vernal equinox was the 20th March that year and the 7th April was the 4th day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread that year: the day of Christ’s resurrection on the Biblical annual calendar.
    So 631 years later (6+3+1=10), on the last 7th Day of Unleavened Bread, being a High Day, the Stone of Scone was placed on the High Alter in the ruins of that very same Arbroath Abby, wrapped in the “Saltire” or “Saint Andrews Cross” - the national flag of Scotland.
    Saint Andrew was the brother of Peter, and also an apostle and disciple of Christ.
    In the 1320 “Declaration of Arbroath” the Scott’s claimed to be Israelites who migrated from Egypt to Spain to Ireland and then to Scotland !
    Legend has it that the Stone of Scone would sometimes groan when a king was crowned on it. It is now apparent that the Stone of Scone had a flaw in it. It had a faint fracture that could be the cause of the noise when some weightier kings were crowned sitting on it: the fracture gradually progressed further and further under the weight and hence the “groans”.
    When it was removed from beneath the coronation throne in Westminster Abby on Christmas Day 1950, it finally broke into two pieces in the process.
    The smaller piece was secretly returned to Scotland almost immediately and the larger piece was returned sometime later.
    Once re-assembled and re-enforced into the semblance of one stone, it was placed on the alter as described above.
    When it was later back in Westminster Abby, Queen Elisabeth II was coronated on a broken Stone of Scone - what is the significance and implication of that as we see history unfold ???. .. . ... .

  • @abaykhaylbanyaohsharal144
    @abaykhaylbanyaohsharal144 2 года назад +4

    What about the curses mentioned in the bible against Israel?? Can Britain as a nation or the dearly departed Queen fit those curses???
    Whats about this one
    Deuteronomy 28:68
    When in history did Britain go through slavery transported on ships to another country??

    • @gmszakaryahbanyasharahla3283
      @gmszakaryahbanyasharahla3283 2 года назад

      Never! They don't fit none of the curses and they know it they count on us remaining ignorant so they can continue to oppress and rule over us SMH

    • @TheRealJASIC
      @TheRealJASIC Год назад +1

      They stoll the 👑 just like the diamonds in Africa nothing they have belongs to them they stoll and rewrote our history

    • @YourBoyJohnny94
      @YourBoyJohnny94 Год назад

      You black Hebrew Israelite cults only focus on the curses 😂 what about the blessings? Britain went on to rule the World right after leaving the wicked Roman Catholic Church.

    • @abaykhaylbanyaohsharal144
      @abaykhaylbanyaohsharal144 4 месяца назад

      @40O0 the nation of Israel was not present as a nation when the siege of Jerusalem happened

  • @pharaohpharaoh1008
    @pharaohpharaoh1008 7 месяцев назад

    (Holy Bible: King James Version with Apocrypha)

  • @pharaohpharaoh1008
    @pharaohpharaoh1008 7 месяцев назад

    (Matthew 15:24)
    But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
    Exodus 1:1-6
    1. (Judah) Black Americans: Jesus Christ
    2. (Benjamin) Jamaicans and West Indies
    3. (Levi) Haitians
    4. (Ephraim) Puerto Ricans
    5. (Manasseh) Cubans
    6. (Simeon) Dominican Republicans
    7. (Zebulon) Belizean, El Salvadorian, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama (Mayans)
    8. (Gad) Native Americans
    9. (Reuben) Seminole Indians
    10. (Asher) Venezuelan, Colombians, Peruvians Uruguayans, Brazilians (Incas)
    11. (Issachar) Mexicans (Aztecs)
    12. (Naphtali) Chilians, Argentinians

  • @daddad4796
    @daddad4796 5 месяцев назад

    That harlots and reat of them are going to judge and it judgement time

  • @RobertStarkey-r7m
    @RobertStarkey-r7m 5 месяцев назад +1

    King David's Throne=King James Throne=King James Bible=Prime Meridian=beginning of time on every clock=beginning of measurement of the earth,start of longitude. . ⚜️🎺⚜️🎺⚜️🎺⚜️🎺⚡

  • @konii-lux-hiberianatlante5746
    @konii-lux-hiberianatlante5746 Год назад +2

    And, by-the-way, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Was(IS) The Son of THe Holy Spirit and Virgin Mary, which Make HIM, THE Beloved SON of Our Heavenly Father, having, therefore, no genetic-blood relationship with the false and invented "king david". All the more so because Mary was Galilean, and not Jewish.

  • @pharaohpharaoh1008
    @pharaohpharaoh1008 7 месяцев назад +1

    (Luke 21:24) "The Gentiles is the other nations"
    And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

  • @pharaohpharaoh1008
    @pharaohpharaoh1008 7 месяцев назад +1

    * (John 14:15)
    If ye love me, keep my commandments.

  • @EsanBeauty
    @EsanBeauty Год назад +4

    Zedekiah was appointed by Nebucanezzar. Zedekiah was the uncle Jehoiachin/Joconiah. 1 Chronicles v10.
    While Zedekiah may be a descendant of David he is not mentioned in the lineage of Joseph in Matthew or Luke.
    Even if Jeremiah took Zedekiah's daughter and the one married an Irish prince they are still not from the Messianic line. They are just the cousins.

    • @dironahills
      @dironahills Год назад

      they had to come to Africa to destroy the true kingship of AXUM, and together with the pope they burned our literature so that we cannot back date,

    • @noddydee8141
      @noddydee8141 4 месяца назад

      read jeremiah 33:17 is the day and night still here ? is the moon still here ? if yes then Davids throne must be here......PSALM 89:3-4, PSALM 89:27-37, 2 SAMUEL 7:16, 1 KINGS 9:5, ISAIAH 7:13, JEREMIAH 33:17 if Davids throne is not here GOD is a liar who cant keep HIS promises. Oviously it is here so are the birthright tribes

    • @noddydee8141
      @noddydee8141 4 месяца назад

      1 chronicles 3 :15 “the sons of Josiah were the firstborn, Johanan; the second, Jehoiakim; the third, Zedekiah; the fourth, Shallum” (2 Ki. 23:30 & Jer. 22:11 indicate that Jehoahaz was Shallum's throne name)

    • @noddydee8141
      @noddydee8141 4 месяца назад

      is it possible for harry to become king ? yes

    • @noddydee8141
      @noddydee8141 4 месяца назад

      ruclips.net/video/Rjfl8qBslyQ/видео.html ruclips.net/video/8EQaBs5nFe4/видео.html

  • @ChristianAmericaMinistries
    @ChristianAmericaMinistries Год назад +3

    I believe the Anglo-Saxon peoples are the Israel people of the Bible. But I believe King Jesus Christ sits on that Davidic Throne right now as King, not someone who will become King in the future. If you look in Acts 17:7 the early Christians clearly believe Jesus was King then and there.

    • @gballsr
      @gballsr Год назад +1

      Who told u the Anglo Saxon are Israel ppl? Where exactly do they fit in the prophecies?>>(TAKEN ON SHIPS INTO SLAVERY)

    • @jeltoninc.8542
      @jeltoninc.8542 10 месяцев назад +1


    • @elledubbew1486
      @elledubbew1486 8 месяцев назад


    • @noddydee8141
      @noddydee8141 4 месяца назад

      so wen the angel told mary her Son Jesus will be given the throne of David were was the throne it must of been on earth because Jesus was in marys belly ??

    • @gballsr
      @gballsr 4 месяца назад

      @40O0 it's a prophecy about the consequences of being cursed through disobedience ((not following his commandments)) what are u talking about?

  • @pharaohpharaoh1008
    @pharaohpharaoh1008 7 месяцев назад

    (Amos 3:2)
    You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.
    1. Egypt Captivity
    2. Syrain Captivity
    3. Babylon Captivity
    4. Medi Persian Captivity
    5. Greek Captivity
    6. Greco-Roman Captivity
    7. America: Still currently in Captivity

  • @lizh1970
    @lizh1970 4 месяца назад

    King David was Thothmoses the 3rd and Egyptian Pharoh the father of Amenhotep III King Solomon who was said to be the devine son of Jupiter Amon the egyptian god of the air ,. Hieroglyphics confirm this , the devine birth of pharoh Amenhotep is depicted on the walls of the Holly of hollies in Egypt . The military campaigns of Thothmoses III is also depicted on these walls .

  • @pharaohpharaoh1008
    @pharaohpharaoh1008 7 месяцев назад

    (Genesis 49:10)
    The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

  • @pharaohpharaoh1008
    @pharaohpharaoh1008 7 месяцев назад

    (Ecclesiasticus 19:19)
    The knowledge of the commandments of the Lord by is the doctrine of life: and they that do things that please him shall receive the fruit of the tree of immortality.

  • @SonOfTheAlmighty-qy9hl
    @SonOfTheAlmighty-qy9hl Год назад +5

    these people have no lineage to king david

    • @christinap9620
      @christinap9620 Год назад +1

      I agree

    • @manuelshaul9244
      @manuelshaul9244 Год назад

      First if all they white.

    • @YourBoyJohnny94
      @YourBoyJohnny94 Год назад +2

      @@manuelshaul9244 Israelites were white ruddy.

    • @manuelshaul9244
      @manuelshaul9244 Год назад +2

      @@YourBoyJohnny94 yeah Israelites are white. Lpl

    • @noddydee8141
      @noddydee8141 4 месяца назад

      its dead simple if its day light in the day time and at night time its dark and the moon comes out Davids throne is here on earth jeremiah 33:17 psalm 89:3-4 psalm 89:27-37 1 kings 9:5 2 kings 7:12-17 ezekiel 21:25-27 take the crown off the pharaz line who is high and give it to him who is low the zereh line jeremiah got the job of the first overturn taking the kings daughters and planting it in ireland jeremiah 1:10 numbers 27::8 jeremiah 43:6-7 read them and it should make sense Jesus i pray thee open this mans eyes

  • @RobertStarkey-r7m
    @RobertStarkey-r7m 10 месяцев назад

    Need some clothes on the harp

  • @silusmkhwananzi3121
    @silusmkhwananzi3121 Год назад +2

    The Saudis are much closer to Jewish lineage than the Britts, sine they are likely Ishmaelite(Nebateaen), and even they would never disrespect David by making such claims.

    • @YourBoyJohnny94
      @YourBoyJohnny94 Год назад

      Saudis are edomites

    • @deeannh17
      @deeannh17 Год назад +1

      Ishmael never received the covenant that Isaac did. Through Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah, God promised his covenant blessing. Through Ishmael there would be many descendants and nations, though. The Bible often calls God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob so that we may be reminded of this covenant and who it went through. (Genesis 17:19-21) King Charles comes from the Abrahamic covenant but he is not to be worshipped and I don’t think he will be a good King if he is involved with the WEF.

    • @silusmkhwananzi3121
      @silusmkhwananzi3121 Год назад

      @@deeannh17 Dude what the Brititsh Royal family is doing is disrespectful to Jewish culture and custom, this has to be the most ridiculous claim I have ever heard. What the heck is an Aryan Germanic lineage doing trying to Assume David Throne, it's ridiculous. They are not even close to that bloodline. Even Arabs , who were much closer to Isaac that the royal family ever will, when they ruled the Levant, they never disrespected David with such claims, and they could have.
      I say this and I hate Islam, this just shows how ridiculous this claim is.

    • @anitamartinez9309
      @anitamartinez9309 Год назад

      Can't they both be but the lineage is from the people of promise not Ishmael descendants though it was Arab Jews . Anyway there can be both them and England

    • @noddydee8141
      @noddydee8141 4 месяца назад

      the jews know this and the muslims know this the muslims also know that there going to have us off very soon so if yur white like me and youve got a white girlfriend / wife and white kids you are in serious trouble its called jacobs trouble wen it happens and yur wife and kids get took off you as war booty then you will know the video is truth. it aint hard to work out the video is bang on its GODS word

  • @amelaamelajiang493
    @amelaamelajiang493 Год назад +1

    The Ukrainian Amy brother need to add with Elizabeth ...they wrong .✍️

  • @amelaamelajiang493
    @amelaamelajiang493 Год назад +1

    Make Elizabeth loose . Zealandsky is worng .✍️

  • @peteryoung6846
    @peteryoung6846 Год назад +2

    God Save The King

    • @julianmontoya428
      @julianmontoya428 Год назад

      Watch rabbi tovia singer to learn about the true God and judiasm...

    • @jeltoninc.8542
      @jeltoninc.8542 10 месяцев назад

      In china xingping pong is GOD

    • @garywilkinson4560
      @garywilkinson4560 3 месяца назад

      King charlie boy is extremely evil,friend of jimmy saville.

  • @henriette1847
    @henriette1847 Год назад +1

    Wow! THANKS!!!!

  • @jasongCLJ
    @jasongCLJ Год назад

    You have bought the propaganda concerning that false `royalty` .
    What you described is what they preTend to be , not are.
    Research this better.

  • @jeltoninc.8542
    @jeltoninc.8542 10 месяцев назад

    This make me sleepy 😴

  • @RobertStarkey-r7m
    @RobertStarkey-r7m 10 месяцев назад

    Amen 🎉

  • @ajdaames
    @ajdaames Год назад +3

    The South African boere believed the same lies about their place in the world. Your words raises cause for concern for if God is on your side (The British Empire) then we are all doomed.

    • @94b20eg
      @94b20eg Год назад +1

      Separate the word Brit and ish they are 2 Hebrew words one means Gods covenant and the other man

    • @noddydee8141
      @noddydee8141 4 месяца назад

      its dead simple if its day light in the day time and at night time its dark and the moon comes out Davids throne is here on earth jeremiah 33:17 psalm 89:3-4 psalm 89:27-37 1 kings 9:5 2 kings 7:12-17 ezekiel 21:25-27 take the crown off the pharaz line who is high and give it to him who is low the zereh line jeremiah got the job of the first overturn taking the kings daughters and planting it in ireland jeremiah 1:10 numbers 27::8 jeremiah 43:6-7 read them and it should make sense Jesus i pray thee open this mans eyes

  • @amelaamelajiang493
    @amelaamelajiang493 Год назад

    David need to add with Elizabeth .✍️

  • @davidward9927
    @davidward9927 2 года назад +3

    I am the real king david