E146 - reading Russian literature together - Chekhov #2

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2024
  • 7-day trial for BeFluent - bit.ly/3PnVR6u
    Text for this episode:
    Ему казалось, что он достаточно научен горьким опытом, чтобы называть их как угодно, но всё же без «низшей расы» он не мог бы прожить и двух дней.
    He thought he was sufficiently taught by bitter experience to call them whatever he liked, but still, he couldn't live two days without the "lower race."
    В обществе мужчин ему было скучно, не по себе, с ними он был неразговорчив, холоден, но когда находился среди женщин, то чувствовал себя свободно и знал, о чем говорить с ними и как держать себя; и даже молчать с ними ему было легко.
    In the company of men, he was bored and uneasy; he was taciturn and cold with them, but when he was among women, he felt free and knew what to talk about with them and how to behave; even staying silent with them was easy for him.
    В его наружности, в характере, во всей его натуре было что-то привлекательное, неуловимое, что располагало к нему женщин, манило их; он знал об этом, и самого его тоже какая-то сила влекла к ним.
    In his appearance, character, in his whole nature, there was something attractive, elusive, that predisposed women towards him, enticed them; he knew this, and some force also drew him to them.
    Опыт многократный, в самом деле горький опыт, научил его давно, что всякое сближение, которое вначале так приятно разнообразит жизнь и представляется милым и легким приключением, у порядочных людей, особенно у москвичей, тяжелых на подъем, нерешительных, неизбежно вырастает в целую задачу, сложную чрезвычайно, и положение в конце концов становится тягостным.
    Repeated experience, indeed bitter experience, had long taught him that every closeness, which at first so pleasantly diversifies life and appears as a sweet and light adventure, for decent people, especially Muscovites, heavy to rise, indecisive, inevitably grows into a whole task, extremely complicated, and the situation ultimately becomes burdensome.
    Но при всякой новой встрече с интересною женщиной этот опыт как-то ускользал из памяти, и хотелось жить, и всё казалось так просто и забавно.
    But with each new encounter with an interesting woman, this experience somehow slipped from memory, and he wanted to live, and everything seemed so simple and amusing.
    И вот однажды под вечер он обедал в саду, а дама в берете подходила не спеша, чтобы занять соседний стол.
    And so, one evening, he was dining in the garden, and the lady in the beret approached unhurriedly to take the next table.
    Telegram Channel - t.me/befluentinrussian

Комментарии • 10

  • @87djgyuokrz74y
    @87djgyuokrz74y 2 месяца назад +3

    Nice video and thanks a lot.💐 Please accept my sincere condolences for the victims and families of the recent terrorist attacks on Moscow. I hope your family and friends are safe. Sorry for the late comment!

  • @Darwin_Somtoo
    @Darwin_Somtoo 2 месяца назад +2

    It's because those classics are not being read that many people's character over there is shaped by social media, rather than by books of great philosophical depth and content.

    • @defj660
      @defj660 2 месяца назад

      Don't forget TV shows, many of which are also full of great philosophical depth and content but are easier to digest and further reaching than books.

  • @BenTajer89
    @BenTajer89 Месяц назад

    Hemmingway and Steinbeck are commonly considered classic authors, but there are many others.

  • @nancyfahrenthold1870
    @nancyfahrenthold1870 2 месяца назад

    This is a great idea! Perhaps some of the fairy tales that Russian children grow up hearing would also be interesting from a cultural perspective.

  • @MolassesMI
    @MolassesMI 2 месяца назад

    Charles Dicksons is a common historical author. My favorites are everything Jane Austin wrote. The Bronte Sisters (Jane Eyre, Wuthering Hieghts and The Tenant of Wildfel Hall). Lucy Maud Montgomery (The Anne stories), and Frances Hodgson Burnette (The Secret Garden). L Frank Baum's (The Wizard of Oz series).
    There are others that I haven't read, such as Moby Dick, Swiss Family Robinson, The Count of Monte Cristo, Anna Karenina, and Elisabeth Gaskill's (North and South).
    Bear in mind that the US is not nearly as old as Russia, thus many of our classics are not as old or they are borrowed from the UK.
    Also, I've noticed that many of the classics are not read in schools anymore.

  • @trevorchase3804
    @trevorchase3804 2 месяца назад

    Great idea for a podcast, and for free. I hope Russian learners take advantage of this.

  • @irishchocolate3872
    @irishchocolate3872 2 месяца назад

    Moby Dick is considered a classic in the U.S.

  • @jennielgreene3870
    @jennielgreene3870 2 месяца назад

    "Taciturn" it's a soft "c" so it makes an "s" sound

  • @Buy.YT.Views.786
    @Buy.YT.Views.786 2 месяца назад

    MY GOD!!! 😍❤️❤️❤️❤️