Divine Mother bringing ending to fake jesus' rule of foundation. She's taken back her wealth/health.

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • This fraudulent chick with dick failed to flip high priestess divine mother this cycle. She's free from those bonds, voicing her authority over her own gifts and rewards. She will share them as she sees fit, they are hers, and this fake can no longer pretend to be favored by the Most High God. Disconnected from High Priestess ... Desperately trying to connect to an other for heavenly messaging. Failing ... Their only hope is to connect, then disconnect her, in the 3D. Use discernment, watch your environment, stay connected to your Divine Counterpart and NEW Family.
    Upon thinking about it, this could be the Divine Team, King and Queen of Swords, flipping third party scenarios in favor of Divine and Sacred Union, children of these unions. Yes ... Divine Masculine protecting the needs of the Mother and the Children. Celebration is in store for these unions. The foundation of mask wearers, pretending to be divine family units, crumbles. The party has been canceled. Separated from the Mother, having lost her favor in all this malarky.

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