I came from a no suspension budget ninebot f2 and at night was pushing 40 kmh look down and theres a very tall short aggressive speed bump so i prepare to eat concrete but it just comfortably hops over! amazing product!
I've had one for just about a month now, amazing experience i must say. Comfortable, reliable, fast, and as long as you're not going crazy fast on it the range is really impressive
mine is arriving july 1st i told my workplace im not going to work on that day. once it arrives i'll set it up and charge it up and i will ride around all day until the battery holds :D
Good quality video as usual but I think it would be nice to have hydraulic brakes on this model. But for the price you can’t complain. I was taken back by hearing your voice for the first time. You never spoke before in all your videos. 👍🏼 good job
Thank you very much m8, yeah, I finally took the courage to do it, I think that it helps engaging better with you guys😜 Anyone would love hydraulic brakes everywhere for sure, the thing is with this model that the ebrake is soo powerful you don't even need brakes on both wheels🤣🤣like for real, you can set it in p settings from 0 to 5, and on 5 it feels like a damn accident🙈crazy powerful, I let it be on 2 and is just perfect🤙You are amazing!
@@JoyOnWheelss Yep, the brakes are amazing! There is almost no difference in the stopping distance of G3 Pro and the G2 Mater. I even use my electric brakes at 1. I have problems only with some sounds coming from the brakes. :)
@@directino Yes indeed, most of the times I just țap a little bit the rear brake, because it generates less noise😁 Imagine how cool would it be for all models to have e-brake😜
What should i get the g2 master or g4? I dont do much offroading but i like to ride in the forest somtimes but mainly asphalt. Other reviews said that the scooters have the same acceleration but the g4 has more range. Is it true? I am light so i dont know if i need 2 motors. Great content bro. Keep it up!
G2 master! Dual motor changes riding entirely the front wheel and rear wheel do burnouts and it goes offroad and spins through rocks and sand on both tires!
Broo te-am văzut în zona centrului din tm și eram cu o fata mai precis și m ai claxonat parca abia acum după ce ți am vazut casca mi am dat seama ca tu erai🎉 Îți urmăresc clipurile inca de la început și mi-am achiziționat g4 care este chiar peste orice alta trotineta pe care am mai avut-o🎉 Poate în viitor ne vom vedea pe drum😄
🤣🤣 daa, probabil, sigur ca da😁 G4 chiar este un model super reușit, iti dai seama ce misto ar fi sa putem organiza un convoy mare și sa mergem mulți pe strada=))) poate ne mai vedem prin oras😜 iti doresc drumuri minunate pe G4 și toate cele bune✨️
Ar fi minunat, daca Kukirin ar avea un program de dat la schimb vechea trotineta + diferenta pentru una noua :) folosesc un Kukirin G2 Pro dar asta e, mama mama :)
@@fumetsu-950 you will enjoy it for sure, the suspension is not really a huge thing, you can change it if you really want😁 you just have to modify the start power and the brake intensity in the programmer settings😜
G4 for sure, even though it has slower acceleration, the bigger street wheels and the huge battery makes a lot of difference, also the suspension on the G2 Master su***, it is mushy and stiff even tried to loose it but then it is hanging, but on the G4, it is perfect😁
@@JoyOnWheelss yeah so i went with the G2 master for 899 since i live in Sweden and wanna winter drift it also, hopefully i get the V2 version with no issues or damaged parts 🙏🙏 plus the G4 is from another manufacturer, the other company who makes G2 is known for their top quality in the scooter industry, Kuugo is just a brand for marketing reasons, not that i mind, they look amazing in that orange etc
Yes, this is the v2 version(newest), wobbles feel scary because if you fall into them I really think there is no way out, you have to keep the handlebars tight at high speeds, for more stability a steering damper and street wheels would be perfect😁
A great scooter for that price. But the charging power is a real downgrade if you use it for e-mobility. It takes 11 hours to charge from 50 to 100%. I dont know how long it takes if the battery is empty.
Hello, which scooter would you recomend for me? I am 180cm,90kg and i am a food courier. I ride about 70% good road and 30% offroad. I can't choose between g2 master and g4.
i am 188 cm and 75 kg. I am looking to buy kukirin g2 master or g4. I mostly ride on street and rearly go off road. What do you recommed me also i like whey that g4 has a key
All of them would do a good job, but you need big range, so the G4 or G3 Pro would fit, even the G2 Master can handle the city, but you have to ride a little bit slower than the top speed of it to get a good range(this actually applies to all of them)😁
I bought it a month ago on the official website and I received a defective battery that does not charge, then we thought that the charger was defective, I received a new charger and it is not the charger, but it is assumed that the power cable of the electric scooter is defective, so now I'm waiting for them to send me a cable and it's been there for more than 3 weeks and I can't use it, so I don't recommend
Yes you can, I got 37 on it while using it at maximum the entire time, you can easilly squeeze 40 km range if you don't always hit the absolute top speed😁
G4 pentru ca are range super mare, chiar dacă franele nu sunt cele mai stralucite, dacă vrei putere mare și o raza de 35 de km(folosita full power mereu) care are și ebrake și este mai ușoară, recomand G2 Master😁
it is about 900 euros rn and you can get it from my link in the description, that is the official website and it would help me get a small commission, also you can write me on instagram and I will give you a small promotion code :D
Can anybody here tell me ,what size torque washers are required to lock the rear wheel on the swingarm? escooter mudguard came broke & stay's bent from the factory. I want to replace this with a plain anti-rotation torque washer.
On mine it was by default unlimited, but if yours is not, you can search on yt kukirin G2 Master settings, and you will find a tutorial about all you need to know about it😁
@@JoyOnWheelss eu aș vrea să iau g2 max pt 3600 lei dar , nu ai bugetul , merită să mai aștept ceva timp sau să iau G2 2024 la 2750? Și de pe ce site aș putea lua g2 , și ce părere ai despre el
@@gaming_with_Octavian nu este rau G2-ul dar are baterie mai mica fata de G2 Max, in rest este cam acelasi lucru, poti sa iti achizitionezi de pe acest site😁 www.kugooescooters.com
Ambele sunt opțiuni bune, G3 Pro este mult mai stabil și mai solid overall, eu asta am ales ca și prima trotineta, are și bateria detașabilă și te poate ajuta mult dacă stai la bloc, G2 Master este ca și un copil de G3 Pro, îmi place la el faptul ca are e-brake și este mai ușurel, îl face super portabil, poti sa ma întrebi aici orice detalii te-ar interesa😁
@@JoyOnWheelss Stau la bloc și vroiam sa înlocuiesc masina pentru mersul la serviciu! Mi am făcut temele g2 master vs G3 pro dar încă nu sunt sigur ce e mai bun pentru mine ! Ma întrebam dacă ai plăcere/trecere prin "Mărăști " sa vad și eu cu ochii mei jucăriile astea . Stima
Este destul de dificil să alegi între cele două. Pentru stradă ador G4-le, pentru că are roțile mai mari, tubeless, suspensie moale, autonomie super decenta (dacă mergi constant până în 50 la oră, poți să mergi peste 70 de km) și speed damper (se simte stabil la viteze mari). Pe G2 Master ador cuplul ăla nesimțit, faptul că are e-brake super puternic și faptul că este mai micuț, ceea ce îl face super portabil; ghidon ajustabil, are lumini mișto, dar, din păcate, nu se simte la fel de stabil la viteză și suspensiile din fabrică nu sunt cele mai strălucite, nu se simte că lucrează mai deloc. Deși poți să mergi cu el offroad cât de cât, cu G4 nu aș merge pe offroad intens întrucât nu vreau să îi dau dauna pe suspensii. În concluzie, răspunsul final este în funcție de ce nevoi ai. Poți să îmi explici situația în care te aflii, în cazul în care încerci să te decizi, și putem găsi o variantă optimă :D
@@JoyOnWheelss pt oraș și atat fara offrad plimbări zilnice de 4 5 ore drumuri lungi,plate fara offroad pe o viteza de aprox 30 40km/h Drumurile din timisoara ghiroda etc
@@just_stefan daca este vorba de drum fara offroad, as inclina mai mult pe un G4, autonomia este super mare si comfortul de pe el este mai mult decat suficient :D cate kg ai?
@@just_stefan Super, lejer poti merge foarte mult cu un G4, cu greutatea ta, daca nu mergi mereu cu viteza maxima si nu accelerezi cu el talpa la fiecare plecare, cred ca poti sa mergi si 100 de km cu el :D
Hi, I got my g2 master a few days ago, it only has 30 km and I hear a noise on the front wheel when i go fast, around 40km/h and I slow down using the E-brake, maybe is the noise that the scooter does when is E-Braking I dont know, because as I said I got if a few days ago and I dont know the scooter yet, I already checked the brakes and they are okay, i feel like its something inside the front motor or the E-Brake as i said, if you or anyone know why the noise is caused it will be very helpful.
@@JoyOnWheelss In the new video that you uploaded "Kukirin G4 Range Test", my g2 master does a similar noise as your g4 did in the 9:08 to 9:10, but my g2 master only does it in the front wheel and sometimes, not always
@@gonzalogomezpujante4890 there could be 2 reasons, either something vibrates in such way the sound is being generated, either is the wheel that resonates with the asphalt but I don't think so. I know what you mean because mine also does it sometimes, but there is nothing to worry about😁
Well, where I hit that speed, I had a slight incline of about 2° and also no wind of any kind(underground tunel), maybe that is the reason, and also don't forget to get your tires at 5psi😁
@@gaming_with_Octavian Mie mi se pare un deal super ok pentru acel price range, stii cum este, cat platesti, atat primesti, si totusi pentru acel pret primesti destul de multe, este usoara, are e-brake, este foarte vizibila in trafic(are multe leduri puternice), bateria este decenta(am mers 37 de km cu ea in blana tot drumul), nu se compara cu autonomia de pe G4 dar este si normal, livreaza foarte multa putere deodata in cele 2 motoare, suspensiile sunt cam meh, nu sunt moi si chiar daca le slabesti, sunt foarte tepene(cel mai probabil merita un upgrade), dar overall, mi se pare un model reusit, il recomand cu sinceritate😁
@@gaming_with_Octavian am vazut si G2-ul, are un pret frumusel, nu arata rau, bateria este mai micuta si nu ar avea asa de mult range, dar in rest nimic de zis, mai multe nu stiu nici eu despre el😅 Depinde si in ce buget te incadrezi, G2-ul nou pare a fi un pui mic de G4😁
Their scooters aren't to bad but I've heard their customer service is trashamd that they've sent people used scooters instead of new ones and even sent broken replacement parts
What a insult. This scooter is absolute garbage. Crap charger and to expensive. Yume dk11 comes with 2 chargers, and goes same speed(53mph) steering damper, and bigger battery. Your company should be ashamed. Your scooters are absolute garage after testing it
I came from a no suspension budget ninebot f2 and at night was pushing 40 kmh look down and theres a very tall short aggressive speed bump so i prepare to eat concrete but it just comfortably hops over! amazing product!
I've had one for just about a month now, amazing experience i must say. Comfortable, reliable, fast, and as long as you're not going crazy fast on it the range is really impressive
Yeah, it can offer a really good range at reasonable speed😁
Is the suspension good?
I ordered myself a G2 max yesterday and it's already on its way to my house, probably gonna arrive tomorrow. Can't wait
That's ansolutely amazing🙈 I am excited for you 😁 Please let me know your thoughts on it😜
mine is arriving july 1st i told my workplace im not going to work on that day. once it arrives i'll set it up and charge it up and i will ride around all day until the battery holds :D
@@fumetsu-950 that is such a vibe moment man, I am soo excited for you, it will be epic✨️😁 Let me know your thoughts on it🙈
Which website did u get it from
this definitely looks like one of the better ‘budget’ dual motor scooters to get. great review i see you using this one a lot brother
Hehe yeah, it is indeed a really good option when it comes to price/value topic😁
This was very good, I especially liked the editing style and voice over, had heavy 2016 style to it (this is a good thing)
Thank you very much, it means a lot for me to hear that from you, keep being amazing and keep up the good vibes😁✨️
great video im looking foward to seeing more from you wish you the best stay safe on those scooters!
Thank you very much, indeed we are not stopping here, keep up the good vibes!
Cant wait to buy it
this is the model i got and couldn't be happier
I could not be more happy to hear that😁 You're awesome, keep up the good vibes brother😜
Good quality video as usual but I think it would be nice to have hydraulic brakes on this model. But for the price you can’t complain. I was taken back by hearing your voice for the first time. You never spoke before in all your videos. 👍🏼 good job
Thank you very much m8, yeah, I finally took the courage to do it, I think that it helps engaging better with you guys😜 Anyone would love hydraulic brakes everywhere for sure, the thing is with this model that the ebrake is soo powerful you don't even need brakes on both wheels🤣🤣like for real, you can set it in p settings from 0 to 5, and on 5 it feels like a damn accident🙈crazy powerful, I let it be on 2 and is just perfect🤙You are amazing!
@@JoyOnWheelss Yep, the brakes are amazing! There is almost no difference in the stopping distance of G3 Pro and the G2 Mater. I even use my electric brakes at 1. I have problems only with some sounds coming from the brakes. :)
@@directino Yes indeed, most of the times I just țap a little bit the rear brake, because it generates less noise😁 Imagine how cool would it be for all models to have e-brake😜
thats crazy content imagine being in a car and gettein overtaken by a scooter (love your videos)
Congrats on the video. They rejected my offer for review. They told me I don’t have enough subscribers 😂
Thank you very much😁 Ah yeah, the classic excuse🤣🤣🤣
ha ha yes, I have 1.05k. So I’ll have to do better with quality & things.
@@AJCoReTV your quality seems nice😁 Maybe just try to focus on a specific field😜
@@JoyOnWheelss thx, good feedback 🙌🏽
@@AJCoReTV you are welcome😁
What should i get the g2 master or g4? I dont do much offroading but i like to ride in the forest somtimes but mainly asphalt. Other reviews said that the scooters have the same acceleration but the g4 has more range. Is it true? I am light so i dont know if i need 2 motors. Great content bro. Keep it up!
Go for the G4, you can do some light offroad with it but be careful, only light offroad!😁
@@JoyOnWheelss thank you!
@@bartillo1336 anytime brother😁
G2 master! Dual motor changes riding entirely the front wheel and rear wheel do burnouts and it goes offroad and spins through rocks and sand on both tires!
just orderd g2 master for 925$, this will be a beast
I am really excited for you😁 Let me know your thoughts on it😜
each for 925$? or both price?
Broo te-am văzut în zona centrului din tm și eram cu o fata mai precis și m ai claxonat parca abia acum după ce ți am vazut casca mi am dat seama ca tu erai🎉
Îți urmăresc clipurile inca de la început și mi-am achiziționat g4 care este chiar peste orice alta trotineta pe care am mai avut-o🎉
Poate în viitor ne vom vedea pe drum😄
🤣🤣 daa, probabil, sigur ca da😁 G4 chiar este un model super reușit, iti dai seama ce misto ar fi sa putem organiza un convoy mare și sa mergem mulți pe strada=))) poate ne mai vedem prin oras😜 iti doresc drumuri minunate pe G4 și toate cele bune✨️
@@JoyOnWheelss la fel și tie😄
yooo a voiceover?? bro im in love
🙈 I finally did it✨️
Menn I really wanted this thing soo bad!😮
You're gonna have it😄
Does Kukirin have a lot of available replacement parts on the market? Also, how is their customer service?
Great video! ❤
Yes they do😁 Not sure how good is the customer service because I had no issues yet but a friend had some and they responded✨️
@@JoyOnWheelss ok awesome, thanks! 😊
@@Sarah-Dub anytime😁✨️
Ar fi minunat, daca Kukirin ar avea un program de dat la schimb vechea trotineta + diferenta pentru una noua :) folosesc un Kukirin G2 Pro dar asta e, mama mama :)
Da ar fi interesant să poți face asta, ca și alternativă cred ca îl poți vinde pe olx sau fb market😜
How many kgs are you and whats the top speed on the g4 on a syraight road wiith you on the scooter? Love the videos
I got 71km/h on a flat road with no wind, I have 95kg😁 Thank you very much, you are amazing!!😜
Hey man! I wanna ask, does the scooter come with the tool to adjust the suspensions? Because i sure as hell don't have the thing you showed.
No it doesn't, that's unfortunate, but even if you adjust it, is still quite bad :/
@@JoyOnWheelss not a thing i wanted to hear when mine comes tomorrow :D i'll still try to enjoy it as much as possible tho :D
@@fumetsu-950 you will enjoy it for sure, the suspension is not really a huge thing, you can change it if you really want😁 you just have to modify the start power and the brake intensity in the programmer settings😜
in ur opinion wich kukirin scooter is the best?
The Kukirin G4 Max, but I don't have it😅 Next to it would be the G3 Pro🙈
thank you for the video
You are welcome, I hope you like it =D
Which do you prefer G4 or Kukirin G2 Master? They say g4 is faster and better for the city!
G4 for sure, even though it has slower acceleration, the bigger street wheels and the huge battery makes a lot of difference, also the suspension on the G2 Master su***, it is mushy and stiff even tried to loose it but then it is hanging, but on the G4, it is perfect😁
@@JoyOnWheelssG4 has lower ip rating, higher weight etc tho, no water fenders etc ..
@@senoow4215 yeah, you would have to trade that, isn't it funny how every model has what the other one doesn't have😂
@@JoyOnWheelss yeah so i went with the G2 master for 899 since i live in Sweden and wanna winter drift it also, hopefully i get the V2 version with no issues or damaged parts 🙏🙏 plus the G4 is from another manufacturer, the other company who makes G2 is known for their top quality in the scooter industry, Kuugo is just a brand for marketing reasons, not that i mind, they look amazing in that orange etc
@@senoow4215 well that is great news😁 I am excited for you, let me know your thoughts on it when it arrives and feel free to ask any questions🤝
Do yk the charger specs? Like the part that plugs in? Want to buy a bigger and faster charger
I don't really know the port specs😅
Are there wobbles? If yes do they feel scary and is this the v2 version?
Yes, this is the v2 version(newest), wobbles feel scary because if you fall into them I really think there is no way out, you have to keep the handlebars tight at high speeds, for more stability a steering damper and street wheels would be perfect😁
what should I buy kukirin g4 or kukirin g2 master or joyor s10-s?
What kind of road would you ride the most?
@@JoyOnWheelss Public road☠️
@@Andreyyyy.2 then the G4 is a really nice choice for street ride😁 Maybe the Joyor too✨️
A great scooter for that price. But the charging power is a real downgrade if you use it for e-mobility. It takes 11 hours to charge from 50 to 100%. I dont know how long it takes if the battery is empty.
Yeah, it charges slow, but if you charge it overnight, you won't feel it😁
@@JoyOnWheelss What if you only sleep for 7 hrs?
@@eyeque7 In that case, I still get home before getting to sleep(like 4 hours), they add up and it still has time XD
Hello, which scooter would you recomend for me? I am 180cm,90kg and i am a food courier. I ride about 70% good road and 30% offroad. I can't choose between g2 master and g4.
Go for the G4, it has way more range :D
Thank you 🤩 @@JoyOnWheelss
And how large is the real life range difference between the two? Is it a big gap?@@JoyOnWheelss
@@realwarthunderclips anytime✨️😁
@@realwarthunderclips quite a big gap, but it is normal, 2 motors drain the battery way faster😅
i am 188 cm and 75 kg. I am looking to buy kukirin g2 master or g4. I mostly ride on street and rearly go off road. What do you recommed me also i like whey that g4 has a key
If you want to hit some offroad, the G2 Master is a better choice, the G4 is street oriented and I wouldn't want to damage the suspension on it😁
What scooter do you suggest for a city like Bucharest. G2 master G3 Pro or the G4?
All of them would do a good job, but you need big range, so the G4 or G3 Pro would fit, even the G2 Master can handle the city, but you have to ride a little bit slower than the top speed of it to get a good range(this actually applies to all of them)😁
Wich one is better Kukirn g2 master or ix7 pro because they almost got the same specs
Can i ask how many days it took that kukirin shipped the scooter?
I think 3-4 days or so😁
@@JoyOnWheelss thanks, did you get a confirmation because mine says it will ship since 5 days
@@nurtenkahraman3821 nope, I was only watching my tracking number🙈
@@JoyOnWheelss and i didnt get one😔
@@nurtenkahraman3821 I guess it should arrive some day
Jó a sisakod faszikám akár csak az angol akcentusod! ❤😂
Köszönöm szépen!😁 Még dolgozom a hangomon, csodálatosak vagytok!
I bought it a month ago on the official website and I received a defective battery that does not charge, then we thought that the charger was defective, I received a new charger and it is not the charger, but it is assumed that the power cable of the electric scooter is defective, so now I'm waiting for them to send me a cable and it's been there for more than 3 weeks and I can't use it, so I don't recommend
Just because you get a bad burger at McDonalds, does that mean you never go back?
Sorry i am a little late to the video but would you reccomend g2 master or nanrobot d6+2.0 52v
Bro…. i prefer the g2 master
Mine is on it’s way and it arrives this week👌
g2 is cheaper
Din simplul fapt ca frânele nu sunt ok pe G4, aș vrea să îmi iau ori G3 Pro ori Dualtron Victor Luxury, tu ce mi-ai recomanda ?
Am un G3 Pro și sunt mulțumit de el, dar dualtron-ul de care zici tu pare și mai tank, baterie mai mare și putere dubla, nu suna rau =)))
@@JoyOnWheelss Dualtron Victor Luxury is not twice powerful it has better top speed but slower acceleration than g3 pro
@@carljohnson3090 That's great😁
I need battery autonomy test before buying can I do 40km with mod3 dual motor?
Yes you can, I got 37 on it while using it at maximum the entire time, you can easilly squeeze 40 km range if you don't always hit the absolute top speed😁
@@JoyOnWheelss okay thanks you
@@opibahimato5793 anytime my friend😁
I want one how can i order one im here in south korea no one is selling kukirin product here in south korea
Ain't the link in the description working for your location?🥹
@@JoyOnWheelss no is not working on my location only in part of europe but not in asia
No key? I want to buy and idk how to keep it safe
Yeah.. securing it is the only way..
Salut! Dintre G4 , G2 Max , si G2 Master ce trotineta recomanzi?
G4 pentru ca are range super mare, chiar dacă franele nu sunt cele mai stralucite, dacă vrei putere mare și o raza de 35 de km(folosita full power mereu) care are și ebrake și este mai ușoară, recomand G2 Master😁
How much does it cost and how do I order it?
it is about 900 euros rn and you can get it from my link in the description, that is the official website and it would help me get a small commission, also you can write me on instagram and I will give you a small promotion code :D
@@JoyOnWheelss Thank you
Can anybody here tell me ,what size torque washers are required to lock the rear wheel on the swingarm?
escooter mudguard came broke & stay's bent from the factory. I want to replace this with a plain anti-rotation torque washer.
How much bars you put for the tires? Sorry my inglish is bad aha
No worries my friend, my england is bad too🤣 I have 3 bars in both wheels, or 5 psi, couldn't there exist only one unit for the pressure🤣🤣
@@JoyOnWheelss ahaha🤣thanks my friend
Anytime my friend🤝💪😁
Do i have to remove any speed limiter to go that fast?
On mine it was by default unlimited, but if yours is not, you can search on yt kukirin G2 Master settings, and you will find a tutorial about all you need to know about it😁
Ai varianta v2? Am înțeles ca are stabilitatea mai bună
Da, este ok stabilizarea, dar la viteze mari tot pare ca trebuie tinut strans calumea ca sa nu tremure😅
@@JoyOnWheelss eu aș vrea să iau g2 max pt 3600 lei dar , nu ai bugetul , merită să mai aștept ceva timp sau să iau G2 2024 la 2750? Și de pe ce site aș putea lua g2 , și ce părere ai despre el
@@gaming_with_Octavian nu este rau G2-ul dar are baterie mai mica fata de G2 Max, in rest este cam acelasi lucru, poti sa iti achizitionezi de pe acest site😁
Salut ,sunt hotărât pentru prima mea trotineta. Ce sa aleg intre g2 master si g3 pro 80% oras pentru TM ? Ma poti ajuta putin in privat ? Multumesc .
Ambele sunt opțiuni bune, G3 Pro este mult mai stabil și mai solid overall, eu asta am ales ca și prima trotineta, are și bateria detașabilă și te poate ajuta mult dacă stai la bloc, G2 Master este ca și un copil de G3 Pro, îmi place la el faptul ca are e-brake și este mai ușurel, îl face super portabil, poti sa ma întrebi aici orice detalii te-ar interesa😁
@@JoyOnWheelss Stau la bloc și vroiam sa înlocuiesc masina pentru mersul la serviciu! Mi am făcut temele g2 master vs G3 pro dar încă nu sunt sigur ce e mai bun pentru mine ! Ma întrebam dacă ai plăcere/trecere prin "Mărăști " sa vad și eu cu ochii mei jucăriile astea . Stima
@@owisun85 la ce etaj stai și cam ce distanță ai pana la lucru?😁 Poți să-mi lași insta-ul tău aici și vorbim✨️
I hope at a voiceover video with the g4 can’t wait😅😅😅
It will happen soon, I have been filming nightride through Bucharest, a huge capital city, that video is going to be sick😜
Hi thanks for nice videos. Can you maybe make another Video of the master, If its still good and if you had any problems with it
Yes I am planning to do that, among with a comparison between the G4 and G2 Master, that is very requested in the comments as I can see😁
G4 sau g2 master?
Depinde ce iti doresti, G4 este foarte ok de strada iar G2 Master este mai potrivit pentru offroad si acceleratie foarte puternica😁
это же kugoo kirin g2 pro max? в России он называется именно так и стоит 95000 рублей. А у вас сколько стоит?
Wow, that's a way different name, mine is almost the same exact price😁
Ce alegi dintre g2 master și g4? Sincer.
Este destul de dificil să alegi între cele două. Pentru stradă ador G4-le, pentru că are roțile mai mari, tubeless, suspensie moale, autonomie super decenta (dacă mergi constant până în 50 la oră, poți să mergi peste 70 de km) și speed damper (se simte stabil la viteze mari). Pe G2 Master ador cuplul ăla nesimțit, faptul că are e-brake super puternic și faptul că este mai micuț, ceea ce îl face super portabil; ghidon ajustabil, are lumini mișto, dar, din păcate, nu se simte la fel de stabil la viteză și suspensiile din fabrică nu sunt cele mai strălucite, nu se simte că lucrează mai deloc. Deși poți să mergi cu el offroad cât de cât, cu G4 nu aș merge pe offroad intens întrucât nu vreau să îi dau dauna pe suspensii. În concluzie, răspunsul final este în funcție de ce nevoi ai. Poți să îmi explici situația în care te aflii, în cazul în care încerci să te decizi, și putem găsi o variantă optimă :D
@@JoyOnWheelss pt oraș și atat fara offrad plimbări zilnice de 4 5 ore drumuri lungi,plate fara offroad pe o viteza de aprox 30 40km/h
Drumurile din timisoara ghiroda etc
@@just_stefan daca este vorba de drum fara offroad, as inclina mai mult pe un G4, autonomia este super mare si comfortul de pe el este mai mult decat suficient :D cate kg ai?
@@JoyOnWheelss 74/75kg
@@just_stefan Super, lejer poti merge foarte mult cu un G4, cu greutatea ta, daca nu mergi mereu cu viteza maxima si nu accelerezi cu el talpa la fiecare plecare, cred ca poti sa mergi si 100 de km cu el :D
Could you give me the height of each 3 thing on the scooter ? thank you.
What would u say is a suitable age, my kids after one
I dont know who is the best ninebot max g2 or kukirin g2 master
Does g4 has fast acceleration
I mean it is decent, dot like on a dual motor but it does the job well😁 A new video with it will come soon on the chanel😜
tu esti si din timisoara si din bucuresti?
De peste tot🙈 De regula din Timișoara, uneori merg si prin alte locuri😜 Ma bucur ca ai remarcat🙈
Hi, I got my g2 master a few days ago, it only has 30 km and I hear a noise on the front wheel when i go fast, around 40km/h and I slow down using the E-brake, maybe is the noise that the scooter does when is E-Braking I dont know, because as I said I got if a few days ago and I dont know the scooter yet, I already checked the brakes and they are okay, i feel like its something inside the front motor or the E-Brake as i said, if you or anyone know why the noise is caused it will be very helpful.
Hi there, that's unusual, could you search me up on Instagram and show me the issue?:D my name there is JoyOnWheelss
@@JoyOnWheelss I would love to but I couldnt replicate the noise in my house, it only happens when im riding it in the street
@@JoyOnWheelss In the new video that you uploaded "Kukirin G4 Range Test", my g2 master does a similar noise as your g4 did in the 9:08 to 9:10, but my g2 master only does it in the front wheel and sometimes, not always
@@gonzalogomezpujante4890 there could be 2 reasons, either something vibrates in such way the sound is being generated, either is the wheel that resonates with the asphalt but I don't think so. I know what you mean because mine also does it sometimes, but there is nothing to worry about😁
@@JoyOnWheelssokay, I was really worried about it, thank you so much mate, by the way, great videos😉
Ciao eri in dicecsa a 65kmh se visto bene??il mio non supera i 62kmh sul dritto
Well, where I hit that speed, I had a slight incline of about 2° and also no wind of any kind(underground tunel), maybe that is the reason, and also don't forget to get your tires at 5psi😁
Fără supărare, trotineta e trimisă de ei pentru review ?
Colaborez cu brandul lor
@@JoyOnWheelss sincer acum , merită ? Au garanție bună , au probleme în general ?
@@gaming_with_Octavian Mie mi se pare un deal super ok pentru acel price range, stii cum este, cat platesti, atat primesti, si totusi pentru acel pret primesti destul de multe, este usoara, are e-brake, este foarte vizibila in trafic(are multe leduri puternice), bateria este decenta(am mers 37 de km cu ea in blana tot drumul), nu se compara cu autonomia de pe G4 dar este si normal, livreaza foarte multa putere deodata in cele 2 motoare, suspensiile sunt cam meh, nu sunt moi si chiar daca le slabesti, sunt foarte tepene(cel mai probabil merita un upgrade), dar overall, mi se pare un model reusit, il recomand cu sinceritate😁
@@JoyOnWheelssmulțumesc! De g2 (2024) ce părere ai ? L as cumpăra . Sau merită să mai aștept și să iau alt kugoo
@@gaming_with_Octavian am vazut si G2-ul, are un pret frumusel, nu arata rau, bateria este mai micuta si nu ar avea asa de mult range, dar in rest nimic de zis, mai multe nu stiu nici eu despre el😅 Depinde si in ce buget te incadrezi, G2-ul nou pare a fi un pui mic de G4😁
Salut ce sa aleg dintre g1 pro si g2 master 1600w vs 2000w are rost pentru 1200 lei in plus?
What is the size of it cm cuz im planningbto buy a big carry bag for it!
You can take a lool at this website, just do the math to translate it in cm if it is in inch😄
Romanian Bucharest?
Yes my friend🙈
Brother would urecomend the G4 over the G2 Master, Im a old fat gangster 133kg, Im more into getting the g4😂
Yeah, go for the G4, the G2 Master wluld feel like a toy for you🙈
@@JoyOnWheelss ty bro
@@Eddienet anytime, thank you too😁
G4 or G2 master
For more range and street ride, G4 is better, but for better acceleration, some offroad and a lot more lights, G2 Master is better😁
Nice helmet
Thank you very much😁 I really appreciate it✨️
Their scooters aren't to bad but I've heard their customer service is trashamd that they've sent people used scooters instead of new ones and even sent broken replacement parts
Huh, that's unusual🤷♂️
received a broken g2 master ,customer service won’t respond,had to pay over 300 euro in reparations
salut, am auzit ca acest model are regen braking, asa este?
Salut! Nu stiu daca este neaparat regen sa bage inapoi in baterie, dar are e-brake foarte fain si solid😁
How much is it
Used your code thak u ❤
What code?=))
I got 37km busy using it full power all the time😁
Don't bother. Its built like shit and the batteries are trash
@@geokenn8272 yeah, they had to drop a lot of quality due to the low price😔
@@JoyOnWheelss 22 miles meh, another one thats trash
@@evo2344 those 22 miles are fun to ride tho, it has a huge ammount of power, sadly it doesn't last for long
Salutare frate, nu știam ca ești român
Acuma stii XD
Salut! Poti sa imi spui cate kg ai?
Am 95 de kg😁
@@JoyOnWheelss multumesc!
@@claudiuandreimiron cu mare drag😁
Are You romenian?
care e autonomia reala?
Depinde foarte mult cum mergi, am mers in blana non-stop cu el si am scos 37 de km, daca mergi mai moderat sigur poti scoate mult mai mult😁
@@JoyOnWheelss in blana adica nivelul 3 cu ambele motoare?
@@FairyCS. Da😁 Si burnout la fiecare semafor👀
Is it possible to changed 11 inch tire to G2 Master ?
Nope, you can only use 10' tires 😅
can i have your old scooter? hahaha lol
Maybe when we are going to grow our comunity more, we are going to giveaway some🤫
@@JoyOnWheelss woww i didnt expect you to reply positively like this
@@leighcastillo7571 why not?😁
Eram sigur ca esti roman 😂
What a insult. This scooter is absolute garbage. Crap charger and to expensive. Yume dk11 comes with 2 chargers, and goes same speed(53mph) steering damper, and bigger battery. Your company should be ashamed. Your scooters are absolute garage after testing it
Damn that was harsh, I am sorry for your experience with them😔
Yume dk11 only do 53km/h and this go to 60km/h .
For Yume dk11 you pay almost 2x more.
And see ppl talk about alot problems on yume dk11.
Breaks down with 3 months no support good.luck