Hallelujah! Glory to God Yesu, my Gracious master, Son of God Give a flood of precious blood in christ to spread through all the Earth a fire in every hearts of your people to proclaim your wonderful words and your powerful love. God Loves Japan. Amen.
Cantonese バージョンもいいですね。
Hallelujah! Glory to God
Yesu, my Gracious master, Son of God
Give a flood of precious blood in christ to spread through all the Earth a fire in every hearts of your people to proclaim your wonderful words and your powerful love.
God Loves Japan. Amen.
haleluyah amin
Blessed Everyday!🙏
praise the lord
基督教日文詩歌:花も[Hanamo](日本語-Girl and Duet・廣東話-Boy)
우치코시 츠요시 목사님같은 복음 사역자들의 눈물의 생명샘이 솟아나 축복받은 일본땅 골짜기마다 흐르고 귀한 열매들이 맺어지기를.... 花も....
Amen 🙏🙏😇