I'll just try and undo this classical misunderstanding of the etymology of the word dialectic (and the same for dialogue): dia- comes from Ancient Greek διά (diá) and it does NOT mean "two"!!!! "Two" in Ancient Greek would be "δύο" (dýo). Diá means "through". "Lectic" comes from λεκτικός (lektikós), which, among lots of other meanings, is "the art of speaking". Dialectic would be litterally "(that which is attained) through the art of speaking". As for dialogue, it comes from Ancient Greek διάλογος, composed by διά (through) and λόγος (lógos, that is, discourse, speech, but also reason). Dialogue is litterally "(that which is attained) through speech/discourse/reason". Great video, thanks!
@@porcinet1968 hahahaha ancient Greek is hard. I love it, but I have to deal with the fact that I'll never be able to say "I know ancient Greek". it will always be "I study ancient Greek". it's been two years now, and I can't understand one godamn paragraph of Plato.
Don't forget to mention that the only decent approach to "dialectics" was offered by Aristotle - the father of logic. His view of dialectics was based on the logic approach, when we argue about a problem by using REASON, FACTS, and what would be the best solution in the long run, not our feelings, emotions or some mythical "struggle".
@@TyyylerDurden which set of criteria are you using to calculate what is the "best" solution or outcome? Do we enslave an entire population if this company pinky promises that they can reverse climate change with a big enough workforce? What about throwing the book at a certain race of arrestees because statistics say people from their neighborhood commit more crimes and it's safer to keep them locked up? FACTS and REASON alone lead to uncreative solutions to problems (and its just not how reality works or very helpful).
Suggested readings in order for your students: The economic and philosophical manuscripts of 1844 Theses On Feuerbach The German Ideology The Poverty of Philosophy Communist Manifesto Socialism: Utopian and Scientific Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy Marx Engels Marxism: Vladimir Lenin (rare) Where do correct ideas come from? The Marx-Engels Reader Book by Robert C. Tucker Marxism and the Human Individual by Adam Schaff
The format here is short, and I respect that. If I were to add something it's this: Hegel was a speculative idealist, which means he believes that ideas transform the physical world. This part of Hegel comes from Hermeticism/alchemy, and it's definitely a form of mysticism. Marx on the other hand turned Hegel's dialectic on it's head and formulated the dialectical materialism. He believed that the environment would shape the people and their conciseness. Also of crucial importance to make this relevant to today I would have mentioned the following: Hegel and Marx believed in historicism, that is that history has a goal (telos) and that the dialectic is the engine making history happen. The reason Hegel was the flashpoint is that he's credited as the first to USE the dialectic. That is, according to his crazy followers he took the reins of the dialectic and now directed history to faster approach the eschaton where object and subject becomes the same. Let me rephrase the last part: "the end of history" is where man as creator has removed all contradictions, and then God would finally reach full awareness of himself and fully realize himself. It's actually a religion with a competing metaphysics, morality, ontology etc compared to standard Enlightenment rationality and Christianity (the usual one most of us run on). Christianity and most metaphysics we use posit that God/physical reality exists as opposed to God continuously Becoming as a result of humans acting with dialectical knowledge (gnosis).
The absolute identity of subject and object in Marxist terms may very well be the transformation of society into a godlike entity. If we reach the highest level of civilization on the Kardashev scale, we'll basically be God. But chances are that we won't survive this century as a species. The cockroaches may turn into the gods we can't become.
Correction: "Di" can mean two in Attic greek, as in "dialogue," or "two people speaking." However, "Dia" also refers to "through" or "across" also, so "dialektos"also implies "talking through" something to resolve it. For Plato, however, dialectic, often enough, did not resolve itself into a logical, finite conclusion, but rather arrived often at an "aporia"--an impasse arriving from an unresolvable antinomy or paradox. This is very different from the Hegelian dialectic.
I do wish this would have extended into a marx-IST understanding of the dialectic, like with Engel's "Ludwig Feuerback, and the end of german classical philosophy" and Mao's "on contradiction" which more clearly break from this teleological, "two combine into one," or "thesis-antythesis-synthesis" notion of dialectics, which is nonetheless revealed in Marx's use of dialectical categories in "Capital" where in which material phenomena reveal their capacity to be identical to, or to becoming their opposite.
I would say that for Plato dialectic is first about people agreeing to seek public truth, not truth "in" each of us. The capacity to know is in us, but the object of dialectical conversation is an objective truth that we might together grasp.
"🍎 American £iberalism, principles of a New 🏛️ Republic, sprung from the Magna Carta having a belief in private property without government oversight, with a framework of laws based on individual liberty within a nation under God that is distinct from any church or religion. Gravitating through federalism, a great awakening, emergence of transcendentalism, Jacksonian populism, manifesting of empire and the remnants of the confederacy half a century later that included black codes and Jim 🐦⬛Crow laws in the South, but invariably marching towards, the abolishment of slavery. A New 🎟🎟 🎟 Deal, prevailed in part by the Federal Reserve's failure to thwart a liquidity crisis, but germinating from Reconstruction in its attempt at reallocation of land and later the Square Deal with its antitrust, conservation and consumer protections, and elimination of wildcat banking with the National Bank Act and eventual creation of the Federal Reserve, expended public 🥽🐿 works while placing checks and balances on 🗒️🐿️ capital markets through a politically punctuating dynamism, and the voters 🗳🐿💀🗿🐓👽apex between the emergence of -🎩 Monopolism, an increasingly anti-competitive system of corporatization, consolidation, collusion and eventual private interference with the levers of government. And -🧸 Communism, an inverted Hegelian dialectic materializing into a monastic 🕯️corporation of subsidiary Soviet Republics that puppeteered the collective with 🥖 bread, 🎏 spectacle and 🪑other means.Victorious after a World War, with a blueprint for a new world order, before two competing spheres emerge. Captivated by the 🦋🌻Great Society and subsequently moving from gold to real resources in the backing of the Dollar, realization of neoliberalism and implementation of the American sphere globally after the collapse of the Soviet Union.A new empiricist secularism in search of transcendental truths, and the educationists in their relentless pursuit of 🌞🌜critical theories, appear. These neo-transcendental 📱illusions will inexorably punctuate into,🎏🗿 Postmodernism, a dialectic emanating from hermetics that manifests 🪄wizardry through the 👁 metaphysics of 🎏🐀 deconstruction,🌻 and/or the - 🐿️ 🏴 Last Meal, a dialectic acting out heroic revelation that manifests the 👑coronation of the 🍔 McChrist through the 👁️ metaphysics of restoration." 🍟🥤🐿️
Marx materialized Hegels ideas of Dialectics so much that its called dialectical materialism. Marxs historical materialism is the proof of struggles but without god( irony is idea of god/religion/spirit ,shaped most of history)
06:42 If you put two points on an infinite line, the distance between those points actually never becomes infinite. The infinity of the line consists of the fact that wherever we have choosen our two points, we could have always put them further apart, ie. there is no upper limit to the disance between two points on an infinite line. Likewise, the natural numbers is a set that has infinite members, but each member ie each natural number is always a finite number, yet there isn't a largest natural number, so the set itself is infinite.
Nice introductory video on this topic. I'll invite you to consider another voice on a dialectical engine that has received a lot of support including being the foundation to the USMC's doctrines, MCDP7 is the latest. John Boyd's Observe, Orient, Decide, Act Loop, (OODA Loop). You can access his model inside Orientation through Analysis and Synthesis. This is contained in Boyd's short paper Destruction and Creation which is available as a pdf.
sorry to nitpick, but "dia" is a greek prefix meaning "across/through", not "two"! hopefully this comment is made up for by boosting algorithm engagement metrics :D
It is a common mistake (here in germany) and big myth to describe dialectics as an alleged three-step from any theses. Plato, Heraclitus, Kant, Fichte, Hegel and Marx, for example, completely refrained from using this series of words to define dialectics. Such a series of words suggests that it is just about theses that stand loosely next to each other and are then arbitrarily put together. Warm greetings and thanks for uploading so much philosophy-stuff!
What I would like to know is why the word "dialectic" preceded that of "logic", especially in Aristotle. What is the inherent link between the two? Logic as it progresses from a premise to a conclusion somehow presupposes a back-and-forth or true-false structure as it works its way toward a result.
Not so sure about that atheist part... The belief (faith) is that the dielectic actually allows man and the state to perfect one another unto the eschaton and the ushering in of utopia. This idea of perfected man and state is really a religious idea.
Very understandable explanation of diese difficult subjects, I'm impressed! Thank you so much for your admirable work, sir. Do you have such explanation of the other thought string from Aristoteles which comes to Enlightenment (and liberalism)? If my understanding is correct, this string of thoughts emphasizes more on empiricism.
Wow, really clear explanation! I shall be pondering throughout the day. There were a few commercials. One for Jersey Shore and one where the stringy haired overweight doctor talks about Covid.
Thesis: your microphone lead is connected to the victorian style beaded hexagonal scallop bell rose red lamp on the book shelf behind you and is transmitting the information directly into my consciousness. Anti-Thesis: reality sucks. Synthesis: comment for the algorithm, thanks for the great video, and hits the like button.
I always say Hegel wasn't that confusing right from the jump. I did my thesis on Jean-Paul Sartre 2 years ago and the ideas just grew on me more so now.
Not too sure about Hegel, given Schopenhauer critique. I do find it paradoxical that self-consciousness only can be possible by being aware of something that is also aware...
I dont think it's supposed to be a discrete jump, if you see it as emergent from the interactions happening at a lower level then the paradox disappears.
@@michiel862 that is an absurd argument. The paradox is we cannot be self aware until we are self aware. There is no logical increment … it would be absurd to sympathy there was a state that was both not self aware but almost self aware.
@@AustralianHistoryx self-consciousness doesn't require interaction with another self-conscious being, but merely with another conscious being. they both gain self-consciousness in that interaction.
"Thesis, antithesis, synthesis" Todd McGowan, Zizek and other Hegelians reject this common formulation of the Hegelian dialect. Their reading is that its contradiction/lack/negativity all the way down.
@@TheoryPhilosophy I would really suggest it, because it clarifies what Hegel thinks the dialectic is, specifically he notes that it has both a fourfold and threefold structure, at once. This is interesting because it relates to the use of Chiasm, and religious systems of exegesis. He also praises Plato profusely in that, which is a good counterbalance to misreadings of his relationship to Plato
a great way to APPLY a dialectic (today) is to think of it as a functional ETHOS or APPARATUS (a toolbox) to engage, and communicate with folks of like mind. Yours is the accurate academic, historian exposition-and that's GOOD for folks to know. But, with fleeting attention spans and native FEAR, its no wonder many people are following pop-stars, influencers and common social media echo chambers.
Thank you for this explination! I am a novice at all this but a simple question came to my mind by the end : Did communism fail in Russia because it made the jump from aristoricatic rule to communism, without the necessary capitalist period in between? Would Marx say the world is still headed towards a united worker system because certain socialist countries are thriving well after capitalism, its just a much longer, natural dialectic process then revolutions for communism can bring about?
Hey I'm a Marxist so I thought I'd put in my two cent. The USSR fell for a lot of material reasonings, and I don't think it's fair to say bc it didn't have a necessary capitalist period. When using dialectics, it's important to encompass the totality of the situation rather than pinning it on one individual thing. Beyond that though, Stalin's second five year plan (1933-1937) to rapidly industrialize Russia was, in anyone knowledgeable of the Russia's conditions, a huge success. It slingshot Russia into the industrial age and solidified it as a world power. While other countries were suffering from depressions, Russia was hyper industrializing and effectively had, if I'm not mistaken, the fastest growing economy at the time. I don't think Russia had any lack of a necessary industrial period. If we look at some other socialist countries like China, we can see that they definitely did (Mao's great leap forward is pretty unanimously agreed, even in Marxist circles, to be a failure) not have the necessary industrialization needed. At the time anyways... obviously China's economy is very industrialized now As long as classes exist, contradiction and therefore the potential for a new synthesis is possible. From a Marxist perspective the only natural conclusion is obviously a classless society (communism) that is beyond contradiction. The final synthesis of history.
USSR was destined to fail simply because there weren't communist revolutions in the west and that's the gist of it. Communism as synthesized by Marx cannot coexist in the same world as capitalism.
I think communism failed in Russia because it's a deeply flawed ideology. It's like you took a shit in your mouth and you're asking why it tasted bad. There's no special mystery, it always does.
Very interesting but unfortunately you do not elaborate on Marx's critique of Hegel's idealist version of dialectics you simply go straight into his politics which are not the dialectic but a product of his critique of idealist dialectics. Marx did not defeat idealist dialectics by simply banging on about class struggle.
The dialectic is necessary but correctly felt by us as pain. I am hypostasis-destroying - which undermines capitalism. It modulates that which will not best perpetuate it into that which will. The only constant is the dialectic of mutually negating binary paratruths. Have there been any quasi Marxist S-F writers besides me in 30 years? - Philip K. Dick in the Exegesis of Philip K. Dick
Anti capitalism? That’s your goal to undermine the one system that has on many levels, actually WORKED for the betterment of humanity. Stop looking for a utopia. It ain’t gonna happen. Thanks for being a catalyst to enslave all of humanity. Driving the world back to a place where the people own nothing and only a few people at the top control all resources. And breathing in the wrong place without permission in considered a crime. If I’m wrong about what you seem to be saying about what you support. I apologize, but you are blind if I’m right. And you will help bring us all down.
@@OfftoShambala I think you are a bit off. Capitalism is a complex and nuanced thing. The Free Market and republican guided democracy have indeed produced some great things and advances for mankind. On the other hand, colonial and corporate exploitation. slavery, hyper-capitalism, crony capitalism and corporate capitalism, are all quite dangerous and need to be transformed if not removed altogether. I agree with you that Marxist socialism and Communism are awful results of atheism and materialism and can never be the solution.
About as enlightening and useful as being dunked in a pool of mud. I think Plato's is the only one that sheds light on anything, not surprisingly because it is driven by Reason. The rest are either dead end or deterministic. Who needs it?
That's difficult to answer because I don't view the Frankfurt school as Marxists per se. Nor do I see that group as being homogenous. For example, I see Adorno as reversing Hegel; Marcuse not making much use of dialectics (this is from memory so forgive me if I'm totally wrong); and Benjamin more of a cultural studies person than anything else. So....ya....What do YOU think??
@@TheoryPhilosophy Thanks for the answer. I agree, they're not a homogenous group , so it is complex. I think, though, that the group's general emphasis on language and culture in shaping human behavior can be seen as a definite turn away from the historical materialism of Marx. I've often joked that if you can say that "Marx hat Hegel vom Kopf auf die Füsse gestellt," then you could say that perhaps Marcuse turned him around back on his head in trying to explain the fact that the teleology of Marx's dialectic didn't pan out.
Marcuse, for example, talks about moving toward a "higher stage" of social development through political practices that involve "a break with the familiar, the routine ways of seeing, hearing, feeling, understanding things so that the organism may become receptive to the potential forms of a non-aggressive, non-exploitative world." This seems far removed from the nuts-and-bolts proletarian revolution of Marx.
Anyway, I guess I should go re-read the "Dialectic of Enlightenment" by Horkheimer and Adorno. University seems like a lifetime ago, so I'm a bit rusty here! By the way, I do enjoy your videos. Especially on those dealing with the postmoderns, who I find particularly hard to understand.
Very cool insight! I actually haven't read the Dialectic of ENlightenment even though it is presently staring at me from my bookshelf, haha. Thanks for the kind words--I'll try and keep them coming :)
Thanks for the video. Q about a statement: The Dialectic by Plato: You say it can move us beyond the limited domain of science, but the way you describe it kind of sounds like science? Idea/thesis that get challenged by other ideas and iterated on and improved. Why is this concept presented as being separate as science?
It strikes me that Marx didn't recognise the tension between the employed and the unemployed (where the latter condition excludes the person from feeling fully 'human', ie, 'belonging'/'participating'?)? This 'division' might prevent the societal progress he envisaged? Besides, the mere fact that this phenomenon is unavoidable with a market economy, exposes the system for it's fundamental cruelty, not to mention, it's inescapable, 'trap'-like quality, no, btw?
Using language as "the" dialectic for arguments limits the reality or truth of thesis and antithesis to the language being used. The better the language the better the dialectic perhaps. It's a shame people think their use of language as the standard for rational. An accurate description of the difference between math as a language and your native tongue, and will will most likely yield a bridge to truth.
"🍎 American £iberalism, principles of a New 🏛️ Republic, sprung from the Magna Carta having a belief in private property without government oversight, with a framework of laws based on individual liberty within a nation under God that is distinct from any church or religion. Gravitating through federalism, a great awakening, emergence of transcendentalism, Jacksonian populism, manifesting of empire and the remnants of the confederacy half a century later that included black codes and Jim 🐦⬛Crow laws in the South, but invariably marching towards, the abolishment of slavery. A New 🎟🎟 🎟 Deal, prevailed in part by the Federal Reserve's failure to thwart a liquidity crisis, but germinating from Reconstruction in its attempt at reallocation of land and later the Square Deal with its antitrust, conservation and consumer protections, and elimination of wildcat banking with the National Bank Act and eventual creation of the Federal Reserve, expended public 🥽🐿 works while placing checks and balances on 🗒️🐿️ capital markets through a politically punctuating dynamism, and the voters 🗳🐿💀🗿🐓👽apex between the emergence of -🎩 Monopolism, an increasingly anti-competitive system of corporatization, consolidation, collusion and eventual private interference with the levers of government. And -🧸 Communism, an inverted Hegelian dialectic materializing into a monastic 🕯️corporation of subsidiary Soviet Republics that puppeteered the collective with 🥖 bread, 🎏 spectacle and 🪑other means.Victorious after a World War, with a blueprint for a new world order, before two competing spheres emerge. Captivated by the 🦋🌻Great Society and subsequently moving from gold to real resources in the backing of the Dollar, realization of neoliberalism and implementation of the American sphere globally after the collapse of the Soviet Union.A new empiricist secularism in search of transcendental truths, and the educationists in their relentless pursuit of 🌞🌜critical theories, appear. These neo-transcendental 📱illusions will inexorably punctuate into,🎏🗿 Postmodernism, a dialectic emanating from hermetics that manifests 🪄wizardry through the 👁 metaphysics of 🎏🐀 deconstruction,🌻 and/or the - 🐿️ 🏴 Last Meal, a dialectic acting out heroic revelation that manifests the 👑coronation of the 🍔 McChrist through the 👁️ metaphysics of restoration." 🍟🥤🐿️
Starting from Socrates and Kant and coming to Marx, I think there's a huge difference in his understanding because what was a spiritual dialog Marx made it a personal fight between classes. That was not the original idea.
Marx brings dialectics from the abstract plane of Hegel on the material plane and applies it to broader material context of human society. He then poses the question what dialectic predominates in society, what pushes the development of society, and he answers the question with class struggle. So there is a definitive continuation that is not disrupted from the previous three. You can say that he brings the dialectical thought to its logical conclusion.
@@Lydia-Chlamydia I know. I don't look for it for citations or anything like that. What it is good at as a language model is explaining things and defining things.
On other words… There are TWO Types of People: 1) Those who Say there are TWO Types of People; 2) Those who say there an an INFINITE number of Types of People; 3) and Those who think for themselves rather than surrender their allegiance to only one of the bubbles of the Venn Diagram of the Multiverse of their Selfness.
Thank you 🇪🇺🌱❤️📈 i subscribed you, because you give me something what makes me feel useful and master instead of victim. So mutch I've to read, and so easy to watching and enjoying your videos. Thanks to internet it's possibly to watch this worldwide and listen and discuss, capitalism made us wealthy enough to look for more beauty like in Netflix movie a beautiful mind. Free capitalist market works better and more sustainable for future profits if society makes some laws and rules so we all benefit and go on instead of to mutch inequality. 🌱
Le livre de photographies de Jean Baudrillard en arrière-plan donne envie de prendre une bière. J’ai le même - je vous assure qu’il fait toujours cet effet-là !
I'd suggest being more nuanced with Marx. Whatever K.M. thought of Hegel, the way Marx _used_ dialectic was quite different, it was not just antagonism. Marx used background/foreground and contradictions between them. This was a way of having an informal logic that could incorporate contradiction. So unlike Boolean logic, Marxian social logic admits contradictions that can exist over time, over social groups, and between background and foreground. The idea of using "logic" was really a prejudice of the times (Enlightenment paradigms, rise of science, rejection of religion, idealism, etc.) and Max's ideas are much more clearly stated without putting them in some pseudo-logical terms. So, in my view fwiw, Marx did not really need to pretend he was using any sort of logic, his whole project of critiquing capitalism could have been vastly improved if he had dispensed with this pseudo logic and just written coherently and plainly of the contradictions one sees when viewing the world from different points of view, and employing the language of justice as the one main abstraction needed to justify society moving closer to something more egalitarian and socialist, in whatever form. One of Marx's main flaws, apart from the labour theory of value[^] and falling rate of profit nonsense (based on his weak understanding of monetary economics and failure to learn critical lessons from Quesnay [probably because he knew Quesnay sided with the aristocracy]) was bowing to the paradigms of Newtonian mechanics and material clockwork universe thinking. The real thing enduring in Marx is the idea of justice, social justice, freedom for the one source of productive social value (the worker) from oppression. That's a spiritual project, but Marx could not deign to admit it. The spiritual condition cannot be disentangled from the material (a synthesis of all the four Bruce's you mention). I say these were flaws in Marx, but I would hardly blame him, you can tell he was arrogant and pompous (on Twitter he'd be unbearable), but desperately moved by the plight of the working class in his Dickensian times, and that was all a deep spiritual motive. [^] Labour theory of value is ridiculous if one is a materialist-physicalist --- whatever you can sensibly define as "value" mostly derives from the free exergy the Earth gets from the Sun. So machine automation can always add surplus "value" (however you care to define "value".) What Marx got dead right is that labour is the _o͟n͟l͟y͟ _*_socially exploited_* source of surplus value. If he had pointed this out, as a moral issue, and not delusionally thought he had derived the downfall of capitalism via a (false) iron law of the "falling rate of profit," he'd have been a much greater impact philosopher, because no one with moral conscience would be able to disagree with him. Marxists might not then be just bumming around on their asses engaging in wonkish dialectic waiting for the falling rate of profit to collapse capitalism. That ain't gonna happen, especially if the neoliberals figure out the best way to prop up capitalism is to give the plebs their subsistence UBI (and thus the rentiers their never-ending rising profits) and deny the precariat the right to meaning work and reciprocal contribution to community. (Yes, my greatest nightmare these days is that Pete Buttigieg cottons on to UBI as the way to forever entrench the rentier capitalists and exploit the worker in the global south making everything for the bastard US consumer.) I guess people will eventually wise-up to the UBI Trojan Horse for capital, but if they do not it will be a helluva long wait for greater social justice. Keynes said "euthanise the rentiers," but it is fast becoming almost an imperative before that to to Kill-All-Neoliberals. I realize I've strayed a bit here from armchair philosophy.
Contradictions can arise, but they will NEVER lead to a true progress; progress comes when we resolve all contradictions peacefully and productively(by Aristotle). Marx didn't understand how the things work in reality, not in his imaginary World.
I'll just try and undo this classical misunderstanding of the etymology of the word dialectic (and the same for dialogue): dia- comes from Ancient Greek διά (diá) and it does NOT mean "two"!!!! "Two" in Ancient Greek would be "δύο" (dýo). Diá means "through". "Lectic" comes from λεκτικός (lektikós), which, among lots of other meanings, is "the art of speaking". Dialectic would be litterally "(that which is attained) through the art of speaking". As for dialogue, it comes from Ancient Greek διάλογος, composed by διά (through) and λόγος (lógos, that is, discourse, speech, but also reason). Dialogue is litterally "(that which is attained) through speech/discourse/reason".
Great video, thanks!
i was going to say this and you did it really well thanks Mr Nunes
@@porcinet1968 hahahaha
ancient Greek is hard. I love it, but I have to deal with the fact that I'll never be able to say "I know ancient Greek". it will always be "I study ancient Greek". it's been two years now, and I can't understand one godamn paragraph of Plato.
@@pedropedro9605 that's why I went for the pre-Socratics! much easier and less strict than Plato
Don't forget to mention that the only decent approach to "dialectics" was offered by Aristotle - the father of logic. His view of dialectics was based on the logic approach, when we argue about a problem by using REASON, FACTS, and what would be the best solution in the long run, not our feelings, emotions or some mythical "struggle".
@@TyyylerDurden which set of criteria are you using to calculate what is the "best" solution or outcome?
Do we enslave an entire population if this company pinky promises that they can reverse climate change with a big enough workforce?
What about throwing the book at a certain race of arrestees because statistics say people from their neighborhood commit more crimes and it's safer to keep them locked up?
FACTS and REASON alone lead to uncreative solutions to problems (and its just not how reality works or very helpful).
"and kant is just sitting there watching" now thats a scary thought
"so hegel says if a baby was dropped into some uninhabited planet" jesus
Something COPERNICAN is about to happen
Why the f... do the English speakers say "pleydou" instead of Plaato?
@@dioklezian3128 That's just how English tends to pronounce foreign words.
@@dioklezian3128sometimes when people are from different places they will say things differently. It’s insane, I know
Just taught my first week of Marx, going to send this to my students. Hope you are well Dave! -Julian
Suggested readings in order for your students:
The economic and philosophical manuscripts of 1844
Theses On Feuerbach
The German Ideology
The Poverty of Philosophy
Communist Manifesto
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy
Marx Engels Marxism: Vladimir Lenin (rare)
Where do correct ideas come from?
The Marx-Engels Reader
Book by Robert C. Tucker
Marxism and the Human Individual by Adam Schaff
The format here is short, and I respect that. If I were to add something it's this: Hegel was a speculative idealist, which means he believes that ideas transform the physical world. This part of Hegel comes from Hermeticism/alchemy, and it's definitely a form of mysticism.
Marx on the other hand turned Hegel's dialectic on it's head and formulated the dialectical materialism. He believed that the environment would shape the people and their conciseness.
Also of crucial importance to make this relevant to today I would have mentioned the following: Hegel and Marx believed in historicism, that is that history has a goal (telos) and that the dialectic is the engine making history happen.
The reason Hegel was the flashpoint is that he's credited as the first to USE the dialectic. That is, according to his crazy followers he took the reins of the dialectic and now directed history to faster approach the eschaton where object and subject becomes the same.
Let me rephrase the last part: "the end of history" is where man as creator has removed all contradictions, and then God would finally reach full awareness of himself and fully realize himself.
It's actually a religion with a competing metaphysics, morality, ontology etc compared to standard Enlightenment rationality and Christianity (the usual one most of us run on).
Christianity and most metaphysics we use posit that God/physical reality exists as opposed to God continuously Becoming as a result of humans acting with dialectical knowledge (gnosis).
Always a pleasure to see another James Lindsay enjoyer
do you know any works of Hegel in which references Mysticism, Esotericism, or mysticist/alchemic thinkers? thanks!
Excellent synopsis!
The absolute identity of subject and object in Marxist terms may very well be the transformation of society into a godlike entity. If we reach the highest level of civilization on the Kardashev scale, we'll basically be God. But chances are that we won't survive this century as a species. The cockroaches may turn into the gods we can't become.
Common Lindsay W
@6:32 “Some infinities are bigger than other infinities,” - Immanuel Kant, The Fault in Our Stars
Me hearing Kant's thought experiment: "That's the stupidest shit i have ever heard"
Hegel's thought experiment: "Hold my beer"
Smooth brain
"Hold *mein* beer."
@@durfdurffigan8680 Yea dude. Hegel is the king of the smooth brains
Both ideas seemed pretty straight forward to me. What didn't you understand?
@@JohnnyJohnny-f5o It's not that The concepts are hard. It's that it's so clearly wrong. Just illogical thought process
Correction: "Di" can mean two in Attic greek, as in "dialogue," or "two people speaking." However, "Dia" also refers to "through" or "across" also, so "dialektos"also implies "talking through" something to resolve it. For Plato, however, dialectic, often enough, did not resolve itself into a logical, finite conclusion, but rather arrived often at an "aporia"--an impasse arriving from an unresolvable antinomy or paradox. This is very different from the Hegelian dialectic.
Thank you.
The pinned comment, which you saw before making your comment... says the exact same thing.
I do wish this would have extended into a marx-IST understanding of the dialectic, like with Engel's "Ludwig Feuerback, and the end of german classical philosophy" and Mao's "on contradiction" which more clearly break from this teleological, "two combine into one," or "thesis-antythesis-synthesis" notion of dialectics, which is nonetheless revealed in Marx's use of dialectical categories in "Capital" where in which material phenomena reveal their capacity to be identical to, or to becoming their opposite.
only philosophers can take 2500 years to understand how conversations work
I would say that for Plato dialectic is first about people agreeing to seek public truth, not truth "in" each of us. The capacity to know is in us, but the object of dialectical conversation is an objective truth that we might together grasp.
"🍎 American £iberalism, principles of a New 🏛️ Republic, sprung from the Magna Carta having a belief in private property without government oversight, with a framework of laws based on individual liberty within a nation under God that is distinct from any church or religion. Gravitating through federalism, a great awakening, emergence of transcendentalism, Jacksonian populism, manifesting of empire and the remnants of the confederacy half a century later that included black codes and Jim 🐦⬛Crow laws in the South, but invariably marching towards, the abolishment of slavery. A New 🎟🎟 🎟 Deal, prevailed in part by the Federal Reserve's failure to thwart a liquidity crisis, but germinating from Reconstruction in its attempt at reallocation of land and later the Square Deal with its antitrust, conservation and consumer protections, and elimination of wildcat banking with the National Bank Act and eventual creation of the Federal Reserve, expended public 🥽🐿 works while placing checks and balances on 🗒️🐿️ capital markets through a politically punctuating dynamism, and the voters 🗳🐿💀🗿🐓👽apex between the emergence of -🎩 Monopolism, an increasingly anti-competitive system of corporatization, consolidation, collusion and eventual private interference with the levers of government. And -🧸 Communism, an inverted Hegelian dialectic materializing into a monastic 🕯️corporation of subsidiary Soviet Republics that puppeteered the collective with 🥖 bread, 🎏 spectacle and 🪑other means.Victorious after a World War, with a blueprint for a new world order, before two competing spheres emerge. Captivated by the 🦋🌻Great Society and subsequently moving from gold to real resources in the backing of the Dollar, realization of neoliberalism and implementation of the American sphere globally after the collapse of the Soviet Union.A new empiricist secularism in search of transcendental truths, and the educationists in their relentless pursuit of 🌞🌜critical theories, appear. These neo-transcendental 📱illusions will inexorably punctuate into,🎏🗿 Postmodernism, a dialectic emanating from hermetics that manifests 🪄wizardry through the 👁 metaphysics of 🎏🐀 deconstruction,🌻 and/or the - 🐿️ 🏴 Last Meal, a dialectic acting out heroic revelation that manifests the 👑coronation of the 🍔 McChrist through the 👁️ metaphysics of restoration." 🍟🥤🐿️
I loved your explanation, I am new to learning philosophy and this was a great starting point to developing my concept of dialectic. Thank you so much
Marx materialized Hegels ideas of Dialectics so much that its called dialectical materialism. Marxs historical materialism is the proof of struggles but without god( irony is idea of god/religion/spirit ,shaped most of history)
Great video. You cleared up my questions about what different philosophers meant by dialectics. Thank you for posting this.
This was perfect for me as I am learning the basics.
Thank you
"And so the dialectic progresses."
Can you please upload a video on Georg Lukacs's class consciousness and theory of novel ?
I haven't heard that name in a while! I'll add it to the list haha
Thank you! It gave me perspective on how to orginize a sharing about ideology, and dialectic.
06:42 If you put two points on an infinite line, the distance between those points actually never becomes infinite. The infinity of the line consists of the fact that wherever we have choosen our two points, we could have always put them further apart, ie. there is no upper limit to the disance between two points on an infinite line. Likewise, the natural numbers is a set that has infinite members, but each member ie each natural number is always a finite number, yet there isn't a largest natural number, so the set itself is infinite.
Wow. Definitely quite specific details of philosophers points of views.
Nice introductory video on this topic. I'll invite you to consider another voice on a dialectical engine that has received a lot of support including being the foundation to the USMC's doctrines, MCDP7 is the latest. John Boyd's Observe, Orient, Decide, Act Loop, (OODA Loop). You can access his model inside Orientation through Analysis and Synthesis. This is contained in Boyd's short paper Destruction and Creation which is available as a pdf.
Quite Clear and Distinct I will look for more of your stuff
sorry to nitpick, but "dia" is a greek prefix meaning "across/through", not "two"!
hopefully this comment is made up for by boosting algorithm engagement metrics :D
It is a common mistake (here in germany) and big myth to describe dialectics as an alleged three-step from any theses.
Plato, Heraclitus, Kant, Fichte, Hegel and Marx, for example, completely refrained from using this series of words to define dialectics. Such a series of words suggests that it is just about theses that stand loosely next to each other and are then arbitrarily put together.
Warm greetings and thanks for uploading so much philosophy-stuff!
what do you mean ? dont you agree to what he is saying?
@@mikeshrai7498 Exactly. -In this point, yes!
(As far as I can remember this video :D)
I hope my english skills are good enough to understand me ^^.
@@Komprimat1111 not good ...but great bro... perhaps I thought this is a very good video on dialects...as i am not a philosophy student
@@Komprimat1111 explain now
If spacetime is a closed interval , whats outside the interval ?
What I would like to know is why the word "dialectic" preceded that of "logic", especially in Aristotle. What is the inherent link between the two? Logic as it progresses from a premise to a conclusion somehow presupposes a back-and-forth or true-false structure as it works its way toward a result.
Can you share on Paulo Freire's dialogic pedagogy
I wonder how this may extend to Lacan's mirror stage...
My first time here. Thanks for your video. I have a suggestion:
Define all the words that you use. You'll get more understanding
How mad Hegel would have been that Marx turned his religious idealism into atheist materialism!
I'm sure Hegel would have appreciated how dialectical this move is.
Not so sure about that atheist part...
The belief (faith) is that the dielectic actually allows man and the state to perfect one another unto the eschaton and the ushering in of utopia.
This idea of perfected man and state is really a religious idea.
Totally! The last true philosopher, Hegel!
Well explained!
Very understandable explanation of diese difficult subjects, I'm impressed!
Thank you so much for your admirable work, sir.
Do you have such explanation of the other thought string from Aristoteles which comes to Enlightenment (and liberalism)? If my understanding is correct, this string of thoughts emphasizes more on empiricism.
Wow so much clicked inside my head! Amazing video
Such a serious effort…could u pls let me know how to empower you financially…i am in dire need of more such videos
Language only points to truth, but is not truth itself. One of my favorite bits of philosophical expressions from Elkhart tolle.
Yeah, language is never used to lie.
@@quantvminquizitor even lying points to truth
Pretty sure the buddha said that (too).
Wow, really clear explanation! I shall be pondering throughout the day.
There were a few commercials. One for Jersey Shore and one where the stringy haired overweight doctor talks about Covid.
When are we going to reach the end ?
Thanks for the back ground information❇
Cleared things up alot.
Thesis: your microphone lead is connected to the victorian style beaded hexagonal scallop bell rose red lamp on the book shelf behind you and is transmitting the information directly into my consciousness.
Anti-Thesis: reality sucks.
Synthesis: comment for the algorithm, thanks for the great video, and hits the like button.
Awesome breakdown thanks
Hegel makes much more sense after reading Sartre’s “Being and Nothingness” LOL
I always say Hegel wasn't that confusing right from the jump. I did my thesis on Jean-Paul Sartre 2 years ago and the ideas just grew on me more so now.
The overview of Kant was great! He’s among my favorite metaphysicians along with Leibniz
The dialectic is a discussion of a singular idea as reflected upon by a real being.
well explained. Like an evolution toward the ideal.
Oh my gosh this is great stuff!
Great video!
Not too sure about Hegel, given Schopenhauer critique. I do find it paradoxical that self-consciousness only can be possible by being aware of something that is also aware...
I dont think it's supposed to be a discrete jump, if you see it as emergent from the interactions happening at a lower level then the paradox disappears.
@@michiel862 that is an absurd argument. The paradox is we cannot be self aware until we are self aware. There is no logical increment … it would be absurd to sympathy there was a state that was both not self aware but almost self aware.
@@AustralianHistoryx self-consciousness doesn't require interaction with another self-conscious being, but merely with another conscious being. they both gain self-consciousness in that interaction.
Give me an example. If two people are talking about sun or moon, what point could they arrive at?
Why only 2 people? Why not many people?
amazingly explained
Does watching youtube videos synthesize anything?
How to find you in the podcast?
Thanks for the video!
This was amazing!
What about the trialectic or the quadralectic. Or a discussion among multiple persons entities?
"Thesis, antithesis, synthesis"
Todd McGowan, Zizek and other Hegelians reject this common formulation of the Hegelian dialect. Their reading is that its contradiction/lack/negativity all the way down.
Have you read the section on Absolute Cognition in the Science of Logic?
I have not :/
@@TheoryPhilosophy I would really suggest it, because it clarifies what Hegel thinks the dialectic is, specifically he notes that it has both a fourfold and threefold structure, at once. This is interesting because it relates to the use of Chiasm, and religious systems of exegesis.
He also praises Plato profusely in that, which is a good counterbalance to misreadings of his relationship to Plato
You said "oot", are you Canadian?
Enjoyed that, thanks!
"You can't make anything out of nothing"
That is our current limitation.
using your knowledge of political philosophy you should a vid of your predicitons of the future
I would like to introduce you to the grand Wizard, Roger Penrose, regarding the conversation about space, and time being infinite, or finite
a great way to APPLY a dialectic (today) is to think of it as a functional ETHOS or APPARATUS (a toolbox) to engage, and communicate with folks of like mind. Yours is the accurate academic, historian exposition-and that's GOOD for folks to know. But, with fleeting attention spans and native FEAR, its no wonder many people are following pop-stars, influencers and common social media echo chambers.
You're confusing Fichte with Hegel on the thesis-antithesis-synthesis dialectics.
Thank you for this explination! I am a novice at all this but a simple question came to my mind by the end : Did communism fail in Russia because it made the jump from aristoricatic rule to communism, without the necessary capitalist period in between? Would Marx say the world is still headed towards a united worker system because certain socialist countries are thriving well after capitalism, its just a much longer, natural dialectic process then revolutions for communism can bring about?
Hey I'm a Marxist so I thought I'd put in my two cent.
The USSR fell for a lot of material reasonings, and I don't think it's fair to say bc it didn't have a necessary capitalist period. When using dialectics, it's important to encompass the totality of the situation rather than pinning it on one individual thing.
Beyond that though, Stalin's second five year plan (1933-1937) to rapidly industrialize Russia was, in anyone knowledgeable of the Russia's conditions, a huge success. It slingshot Russia into the industrial age and solidified it as a world power. While other countries were suffering from depressions, Russia was hyper industrializing and effectively had, if I'm not mistaken, the fastest growing economy at the time. I don't think Russia had any lack of a necessary industrial period. If we look at some other socialist countries like China, we can see that they definitely did (Mao's great leap forward is pretty unanimously agreed, even in Marxist circles, to be a failure) not have the necessary industrialization needed. At the time anyways... obviously China's economy is very industrialized now
As long as classes exist, contradiction and therefore the potential for a new synthesis is possible. From a Marxist perspective the only natural conclusion is obviously a classless society (communism) that is beyond contradiction. The final synthesis of history.
USSR was destined to fail simply because there weren't communist revolutions in the west and that's the gist of it. Communism as synthesized by Marx cannot coexist in the same world as capitalism.
"certain socialist countries are thriving well after capitalism,"....which countries?
Cute religion you have there.
I think communism failed in Russia because it's a deeply flawed ideology. It's like you took a shit in your mouth and you're asking why it tasted bad. There's no special mystery, it always does.
huge subject, great job in this summery that is not reductionist
Very interesting but unfortunately you do not elaborate on Marx's critique of Hegel's idealist version of dialectics you simply go straight into his politics which are not the dialectic but a product of his critique of idealist dialectics. Marx did not defeat idealist dialectics by simply banging on about class struggle.
who would you say did or where would one go to learn ?
Thanks for making my job easier ❤
The dialectic is necessary but correctly felt by us as pain. I am hypostasis-destroying - which undermines capitalism. It modulates that which will not best perpetuate it into that which will. The only constant is the dialectic of mutually negating binary paratruths. Have there been any quasi Marxist S-F writers besides me in 30 years? - Philip K. Dick in the Exegesis of Philip K. Dick
Anti capitalism? That’s your goal to undermine the one system that has on many levels, actually WORKED for the betterment of humanity. Stop looking for a utopia. It ain’t gonna happen. Thanks for being a catalyst to enslave all of humanity. Driving the world back to a place where the people own nothing and only a few people at the top control all resources. And breathing in the wrong place without permission in considered a crime. If I’m wrong about what you seem to be saying about what you support. I apologize, but you are blind if I’m right. And you will help bring us all down.
@@OfftoShambala I think you are a bit off.
Capitalism is a complex and nuanced thing.
The Free Market and republican guided democracy have indeed produced some great things and advances for mankind.
On the other hand, colonial and corporate exploitation. slavery, hyper-capitalism, crony capitalism and corporate capitalism, are all quite dangerous and need to be transformed if not removed altogether.
I agree with you that Marxist socialism and Communism are awful results of atheism and materialism and can never be the solution.
I'd be in kant's position eating popcorn or probably sleeping for a while...
Great video; thank you!
I never read Kant but he’s right if he said God solves it all
Helpful- thanks
About as enlightening and useful as being dunked in a pool of mud. I think Plato's is the only one that sheds light on anything, not surprisingly because it is driven by Reason. The rest are either dead end or deterministic. Who needs it?
Would it be fair to say that the neo Marxists of the Frankfurt School went back to a more idealistic, Hegelian understanding of dialects?
That's difficult to answer because I don't view the Frankfurt school as Marxists per se. Nor do I see that group as being homogenous. For example, I see Adorno as reversing Hegel; Marcuse not making much use of dialectics (this is from memory so forgive me if I'm totally wrong); and Benjamin more of a cultural studies person than anything else. So....ya....What do YOU think??
@@TheoryPhilosophy Thanks for the answer. I agree, they're not a homogenous group , so it is complex. I think, though, that the group's general emphasis on language and culture in shaping human behavior can be seen as a definite turn away from the historical materialism of Marx. I've often joked that if you can say that "Marx hat Hegel vom Kopf auf die Füsse gestellt," then you could say that perhaps Marcuse turned him around back on his head in trying to explain the fact that the teleology of Marx's dialectic didn't pan out.
Marcuse, for example, talks about moving toward a "higher stage" of social development through political practices that involve "a break with the familiar, the routine ways of seeing, hearing, feeling, understanding things so that the organism may become receptive to the potential forms of a non-aggressive, non-exploitative world." This seems far removed from the nuts-and-bolts proletarian revolution of Marx.
Anyway, I guess I should go re-read the "Dialectic of Enlightenment" by Horkheimer and Adorno. University seems like a lifetime ago, so I'm a bit rusty here! By the way, I do enjoy your videos. Especially on those dealing with the postmoderns, who I find particularly hard to understand.
Very cool insight! I actually haven't read the Dialectic of ENlightenment even though it is presently staring at me from my bookshelf, haha. Thanks for the kind words--I'll try and keep them coming :)
Is it necessary for a synthesis?
Couldn’t the interaction between thesis and antithesis simply prove one to be correct and the other incorrect?…
This is great thank you!
Thanks for the video. Q about a statement: The Dialectic by Plato: You say it can move us beyond the limited domain of science, but the way you describe it kind of sounds like science? Idea/thesis that get challenged by other ideas and iterated on and improved. Why is this concept presented as being separate as science?
i have your watch. i've always had your watch
It strikes me that Marx didn't recognise the tension between the employed and the unemployed (where the latter condition excludes the person from feeling fully 'human', ie, 'belonging'/'participating'?)? This 'division' might prevent the societal progress he envisaged? Besides, the mere fact that this phenomenon is unavoidable with a market economy, exposes the system for it's fundamental cruelty, not to mention, it's inescapable, 'trap'-like quality, no, btw?
“Thesis antithesis synthesis” is Fichte not Hegel
Using language as "the" dialectic for arguments limits the reality or truth of thesis and antithesis to the language being used. The better the language the better the dialectic perhaps. It's a shame people think their use of language as the standard for rational. An accurate description of the difference between math as a language and your native tongue, and will will most likely yield a bridge to truth.
Brilliant !!!
Plato Kant Hegel Marx; the four enslavers of mind.
"🍎 American £iberalism, principles of a New 🏛️ Republic, sprung from the Magna Carta having a belief in private property without government oversight, with a framework of laws based on individual liberty within a nation under God that is distinct from any church or religion. Gravitating through federalism, a great awakening, emergence of transcendentalism, Jacksonian populism, manifesting of empire and the remnants of the confederacy half a century later that included black codes and Jim 🐦⬛Crow laws in the South, but invariably marching towards, the abolishment of slavery. A New 🎟🎟 🎟 Deal, prevailed in part by the Federal Reserve's failure to thwart a liquidity crisis, but germinating from Reconstruction in its attempt at reallocation of land and later the Square Deal with its antitrust, conservation and consumer protections, and elimination of wildcat banking with the National Bank Act and eventual creation of the Federal Reserve, expended public 🥽🐿 works while placing checks and balances on 🗒️🐿️ capital markets through a politically punctuating dynamism, and the voters 🗳🐿💀🗿🐓👽apex between the emergence of -🎩 Monopolism, an increasingly anti-competitive system of corporatization, consolidation, collusion and eventual private interference with the levers of government. And -🧸 Communism, an inverted Hegelian dialectic materializing into a monastic 🕯️corporation of subsidiary Soviet Republics that puppeteered the collective with 🥖 bread, 🎏 spectacle and 🪑other means.Victorious after a World War, with a blueprint for a new world order, before two competing spheres emerge. Captivated by the 🦋🌻Great Society and subsequently moving from gold to real resources in the backing of the Dollar, realization of neoliberalism and implementation of the American sphere globally after the collapse of the Soviet Union.A new empiricist secularism in search of transcendental truths, and the educationists in their relentless pursuit of 🌞🌜critical theories, appear. These neo-transcendental 📱illusions will inexorably punctuate into,🎏🗿 Postmodernism, a dialectic emanating from hermetics that manifests 🪄wizardry through the 👁 metaphysics of 🎏🐀 deconstruction,🌻 and/or the - 🐿️ 🏴 Last Meal, a dialectic acting out heroic revelation that manifests the 👑coronation of the 🍔 McChrist through the 👁️ metaphysics of restoration." 🍟🥤🐿️
Starting from Socrates and Kant and coming to Marx, I think there's a huge difference in his understanding because what was a spiritual dialog Marx made it a personal fight between classes. That was not the original idea.
Marx brings dialectics from the abstract plane of Hegel on the material plane and applies it to broader material context of human society. He then poses the question what dialectic predominates in society, what pushes the development of society, and he answers the question with class struggle. So there is a definitive continuation that is not disrupted from the previous three. You can say that he brings the dialectical thought to its logical conclusion.
What can I do with the rock? -Dialectic Guy
You and ChatGPT are really helping me to understand concepts
ChatGPT isn’t always right..be careful
@@Lydia-Chlamydia I know. I don't look for it for citations or anything like that. What it is good at as a language model is explaining things and defining things.
On other words…
There are TWO Types of People:
1) Those who Say there are TWO Types of People;
2) Those who say there an an INFINITE number of Types of People;
3) and Those who think for themselves rather than surrender their allegiance to only one of the bubbles of the Venn Diagram of the Multiverse of their Selfness.
Thank you 🇪🇺🌱❤️📈 i subscribed you, because you give me something what makes me feel useful and master instead of victim. So mutch I've to read, and so easy to watching and enjoying your videos. Thanks to internet it's possibly to watch this worldwide and listen and discuss, capitalism made us wealthy enough to look for more beauty like in Netflix movie a beautiful mind. Free capitalist market works better and more sustainable for future profits if society makes some laws and rules so we all benefit and go on instead of to mutch inequality. 🌱
Yes - this is off topic, but I also reject any arguments against profit oriented capitalist economic engines.
Interesting how the two dialectics themselves from another dialectic.
This actually did age well.
12:40 no, not with rocks.
Medieval Germanic language inside a barrel and i just wanted to do it again... humanity goes through all these intervals
12:45 "What can I do with a rock?"
Well, you can call it racists and cancel it like those "students" did in Wisconsin.
Le livre de photographies de Jean Baudrillard en arrière-plan donne envie de prendre une bière.
J’ai le même - je vous assure qu’il fait toujours cet effet-là !
Bien sûre!
It always amazes me that both Kant and Marx were wrong.
I'd suggest being more nuanced with Marx. Whatever K.M. thought of Hegel, the way Marx _used_ dialectic was quite different, it was not just antagonism. Marx used background/foreground and contradictions between them. This was a way of having an informal logic that could incorporate contradiction. So unlike Boolean logic, Marxian social logic admits contradictions that can exist over time, over social groups, and between background and foreground. The idea of using "logic" was really a prejudice of the times (Enlightenment paradigms, rise of science, rejection of religion, idealism, etc.) and Max's ideas are much more clearly stated without putting them in some pseudo-logical terms.
So, in my view fwiw, Marx did not really need to pretend he was using any sort of logic, his whole project of critiquing capitalism could have been vastly improved if he had dispensed with this pseudo logic and just written coherently and plainly of the contradictions one sees when viewing the world from different points of view, and employing the language of justice as the one main abstraction needed to justify society moving closer to something more egalitarian and socialist, in whatever form.
One of Marx's main flaws, apart from the labour theory of value[^] and falling rate of profit nonsense (based on his weak understanding of monetary economics and failure to learn critical lessons from Quesnay [probably because he knew Quesnay sided with the aristocracy]) was bowing to the paradigms of Newtonian mechanics and material clockwork universe thinking. The real thing enduring in Marx is the idea of justice, social justice, freedom for the one source of productive social value (the worker) from oppression. That's a spiritual project, but Marx could not deign to admit it. The spiritual condition cannot be disentangled from the material (a synthesis of all the four Bruce's you mention). I say these were flaws in Marx, but I would hardly blame him, you can tell he was arrogant and pompous (on Twitter he'd be unbearable), but desperately moved by the plight of the working class in his Dickensian times, and that was all a deep spiritual motive.
[^] Labour theory of value is ridiculous if one is a materialist-physicalist --- whatever you can sensibly define as "value" mostly derives from the free exergy the Earth gets from the Sun. So machine automation can always add surplus "value" (however you care to define "value".) What Marx got dead right is that labour is the _o͟n͟l͟y͟ _*_socially exploited_* source of surplus value. If he had pointed this out, as a moral issue, and not delusionally thought he had derived the downfall of capitalism via a (false) iron law of the "falling rate of profit," he'd have been a much greater impact philosopher, because no one with moral conscience would be able to disagree with him. Marxists might not then be just bumming around on their asses engaging in wonkish dialectic waiting for the falling rate of profit to collapse capitalism. That ain't gonna happen, especially if the neoliberals figure out the best way to prop up capitalism is to give the plebs their subsistence UBI (and thus the rentiers their never-ending rising profits) and deny the precariat the right to meaning work and reciprocal contribution to community. (Yes, my greatest nightmare these days is that Pete Buttigieg cottons on to UBI as the way to forever entrench the rentier capitalists and exploit the worker in the global south making everything for the bastard US consumer.)
I guess people will eventually wise-up to the UBI Trojan Horse for capital, but if they do not it will be a helluva long wait for greater social justice. Keynes said "euthanise the rentiers," but it is fast becoming almost an imperative before that to to Kill-All-Neoliberals. I realize I've strayed a bit here from armchair philosophy.
Contradictions can arise, but they will NEVER lead to a true progress; progress comes when we resolve all contradictions peacefully and productively(by Aristotle). Marx didn't understand how the things work in reality, not in his imaginary World.
Now i'm depressed lol
@@TyyylerDurden hear! hear!
Your comment is even more moronic than this comment.
@@TyyylerDurden you dont understand Marx
I guess all dialectic ppl loves Miles Davis(on your shelf!