Edward Winkfield - "Hater sites"

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • Edward Winkfield "Hater sites"
    On March 30, 2024, Edward Winkfield, who is a minister serving false prophet David C. Pack of The Restored Church of [Another] God gave a sermon titled "Your Part In The Body Of Christ." Another sermon for damage control because so many are leaving realising God is not leading this church. The site he is referring most likely is the ExRestored Church of God Blog run by a former member who worked at headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio.
    The articles and clips shared on Exrcg.org and here on youtube are not spun in a different way. We do not change them. There is no need. What is shared is exactly the words from David C. Pack verbatim. Those who leave share direct quotes from "The Greatest Untold Story!" Prophecy series, the book "Is That Prophet Alive Today", you can find pages in "The True Church - One Organizations Or Many?" and the sermon "30 Reasons To Follow The Truth" Part 1, 2 and 3 by David C. Pack.
    You can listen to the sermons back to see, and if you want any of them in full, feel free to contact exrcg.org or this page. The PDFs of the books removed by RCG can also be provided.
    If any current members are offended by what is said or shared, it means they take issue with Pack. David C. Pack and the ministry make themselves look like fools. We don't have to do anything to make that happen. These "hater sites" serve to show that those sitting on the fence have every reason to be because David C. Pack is a proven false prophet and blaspheming liar.
    There is so much wrong with this sermon. It's laughable. This is what is said to instil fear into the members and keep them trapped in a system that serves only man and not God.
    #restoredchurchofgod #davidcpack #spiritualabuse #religioustrauma #churchofgod #herbertwarmstrong #worldwidechurchofgod #falseprophet #falsechurch #exmormon #excommunication #shunning #exevangelical #armstrongism #cultsurvivor

Комментарии • 18

  • @sawilliams
    @sawilliams 3 месяца назад +1

    If you have the truth you can go anywhere you like without fear of being mislead.

  • @johngulloo5901
    @johngulloo5901 3 месяца назад +1

    They took the RED PILL!!

  • @EvaCelestetita
    @EvaCelestetita 5 месяцев назад +5

    More reasons to keep exposing the cult. Prophesy/speak against the teachers of RCG, who only feed themselves! Should not the teacher's feed their flock? "You have not strengthened the weak, healed the sick, bound up the injured, brought back the strays, or searched for the lost. Instead, you have ruled them with violence and cruelty. They were scattered for lack of a shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild beasts. My flock went astray on all the mountains and every high hill. They were scattered over the face of all the earth, with no one to search for them or seek them out.’ ‘Behold, I Myself will search for My flock and seek them out. As a shepherd looks for his scattered sheep when he is among the flock, so I will look for My flock." Come out of Him! This sect is more in the world than most non-religious people. Also, "to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;". Not a 501c3 godspell!

    • @exRestoredCOG
      @exRestoredCOG  5 месяцев назад +2

      💯 Well said. I completely agree that this sect is more is the world than most non-religious people. RCG feed their own bellies.

  • @scottsteel2334
    @scottsteel2334 5 месяцев назад +3

    The problem with Ed's reasoning is; the church as a physical operation doing business in real estate transactions and building and grounds construction is extinguishable. Those that I have known that have left such an organization left because they are zealous of good works. Those good works dont play in a deceitful organization devoid of any spiritual essence. Smileing Ed must be joyful that he is still standing tall while categorizating the vomit that has departed before him.
    Jesus Christ knows where the body of his church resides and will gather them together unto himself in the end.

  • @user-dh5cv6go1v
    @user-dh5cv6go1v 2 месяца назад +1

    This sounds like he is reading about some of the spirit of themselves. 🤷 That's why some choose to avoid RCG.

  • @user-ge6yp3pq1i
    @user-ge6yp3pq1i 5 месяцев назад +3

    The hypocrisy is hilarious!😂 Take your own preaching Winkie boy.

    • @exRestoredCOG
      @exRestoredCOG  5 месяцев назад +1

      Haha! What he says is EXACTLY what RCG is doing.