HOMEMADE COCONUT ICE CREAM - 5 Ingredients Only! No Ice Cream Machine!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 97

  • @dpberry
    @dpberry 9 месяцев назад +9

    I came here for this coconut ice cream recipe but then saw so many wonderful recipes! And the way you teach and your kind demeanor is, well, precious! Thank you for sharing! You are a joy to watch cook and learn these special delights from! You are a true blessing!

    • @PreciousKitchen
      @PreciousKitchen  9 месяцев назад +1

      You are so kind. This has totally made made my day. Thank you, DP.

  • @gaynorstroebel539
    @gaynorstroebel539 10 месяцев назад +6

    Best icecream ever!! Loved the coconut flavour, then also made a batch of chocolate by simply adding cocoa powder. Now have raisins soaking in rum for the next attempt. We don’t have a mixer so we used a blender, which worked just fine.
    Thank you, Precious Kitchen.

  • @gingerlemon865
    @gingerlemon865 Год назад +13

    I made mine with sweet coconut cream, coconut milk, whipping cream, and salt!

  • @Jess_Honey
    @Jess_Honey Год назад +5

    Just made this, its in the freezer! CANNOT WAIT!!!! I added some shredded coconut and some macadamia nuts!

  • @shosmyth1454
    @shosmyth1454 Год назад +2

    The ingredients you use, i use all the time. And coconut is my favorite.

  • @clairefarrell6747
    @clairefarrell6747 7 месяцев назад

    Hi South African here. Ive always been a fan of coconut ice cream and right now im preparing myself an ice-cream cake for my upcoming birthday.
    I cannot explain how grateful i am for this recipe. It really has changed my life and im so happy how the ice cream turned out.....
    ❤❤❤ Its beautiful creamy and too die for.... Im so happy. Thank you

  • @theruniindrapala1921
    @theruniindrapala1921 Год назад +1

    wow, i will also be making this next week . thnx for the recipe

  • @cm1916
    @cm1916 Год назад +3

    Followed this recipe and omgeeeee the best!! Everyone loved it!!! Thank you for sharing!!! ❤️

  • @Mickman007
    @Mickman007 Год назад +3

    I made this ice cream yesterday and it turned out so good thank you. 👍😄

  • @TheH42G
    @TheH42G Год назад +1

    Looks super delicious. Thanks for sharing, and inspiring me with this recipe. God Bless!

  • @taylorpham3996
    @taylorpham3996 Год назад +1

    My kids loved it! Thank you 🎉

  • @animeevergreenathena
    @animeevergreenathena 2 года назад +12

    Oh wow…that looks so easy and delicious to make! I can’t wait to make a matcha version of it one day. My mother is a huge fan of my matcha coconut cream ice cream. However, I could never stop those stupid ice crystals from taking over the texture so I appreciate you making this tutorial.

  • @cherylroberts7012
    @cherylroberts7012 Год назад

    Thanks, got to give this a go.

  • @sallunetta7333
    @sallunetta7333 Год назад +23

    Looks Delicious! 💯 I'm Italian 🇮🇹 but im always dating Caribbean Women so I love Coconut Anything! 🥥. Definitely gonna make this!🙏👍

  • @ShirleysKitchenCuisine
    @ShirleysKitchenCuisine 2 года назад +3

    Wow. This coconut ice cream, looks so yummy and tasty. Thanks for sharing sis.

  • @joyanndodge1084
    @joyanndodge1084 Год назад +1

    ❤can't wait to make. Thank you 🎉

  • @ruthjohnson1001
    @ruthjohnson1001 4 месяца назад

    Ooh delicious. I think i may try coconut ice cream soda with rum. I wonder how it tasty? Should be fun with experiment. 😋🍺🥥❤

  • @bismillahspicekitchen611
    @bismillahspicekitchen611 2 года назад +1

    Love all of them it looks yummy and colorful

  • @RountineswithMahrukh760
    @RountineswithMahrukh760 Год назад

    Hi auntie
    I love the ice cream alot
    It's yummy and coconutty

  • @MukbangChannelKhnhom
    @MukbangChannelKhnhom Год назад +1

    I like your ice cream recipe ❤❤❤

  • @bonnadowns524
    @bonnadowns524 Год назад

    Look So Delicious👌🙏👍🥰

  • @jerrywooten9479
    @jerrywooten9479 2 года назад +4

    Oh, I am SO trying this! I have a jar of pineapple preserves that I’ll add a spoon full on top, Pina Colada.😎

  • @BBphysiolifestyle
    @BBphysiolifestyle 2 года назад +2

    Delicious ice cream. I love your hairstyle

    @AFFTFOMSICHTS Год назад +1

    This looks like what all my hopes and dreams are made of.

  • @pigeonrod2011
    @pigeonrod2011 Год назад

    I’m going to make coconut ice cream tonight

  • @shosmyth1454
    @shosmyth1454 Год назад

    Thank you!

  • @jacquelinewilliamson-cs6jr
    @jacquelinewilliamson-cs6jr Месяц назад

    Looks awesome. I’d love to have pieces of coconut in my ice cream. Would you recommend the store bought shredded coconut or should I grate fresh coconut? Thank you

  • @shantybrightsworld9645
    @shantybrightsworld9645 2 года назад

    Wow this is really good

  • @Sugary_Confectionsbread
    @Sugary_Confectionsbread 10 месяцев назад

    It was great my friend.
    It must be very delicious.
    You are very creative and deserve the best.
    good luck my friend.
    Wishing you success.❤❤❤❤🎉🎉😊😊😊

  • @peacesamuel16
    @peacesamuel16 Год назад

    Amazing recipe. Please can you substitute heavy cream with whipping cream powder? If yes, how can I do that?

  • @pauletteroulhac3181
    @pauletteroulhac3181 2 года назад

    Yummy Precious 😋, take care, thanks 👍🏾

    • @PreciousKitchen
      @PreciousKitchen  2 года назад +1

      Have a wonderful weekend, Paulette!

    • @pauletteroulhac3181
      @pauletteroulhac3181 2 года назад

      @@PreciousKitchen you as well Precious and your beautiful family.

  • @andypancho8257
    @andypancho8257 9 месяцев назад

    Delicious creamy coconut ice cream no machine needed omg😂

  • @nadinefossi954
    @nadinefossi954 2 года назад +1

    Great skills indeed🤩✅ The service in in the coconut shield is innovative n looks so nice too! I ll definitely try this amazing recipe 😉😍 !
    Thank you Precious 🙏🎊🎉

    • @PreciousKitchen
      @PreciousKitchen  2 года назад

      You are welcome dear Nadine. Hope you enjoy the recipe.

  • @Blueblaze25
    @Blueblaze25 Год назад +1

    Question Can you make it with coconut milk instead of the cream?

  • @SabihaKitchen
    @SabihaKitchen Год назад

    Wow nice

  • @foodiesunited3814
    @foodiesunited3814 9 месяцев назад


  • @SKUNK_The_underdog
    @SKUNK_The_underdog Год назад +2

    You can chop up fruit and layer the Ice cream with fruit pineapple for example

  • @tanyaparker-callsign.kk7ic238
    @tanyaparker-callsign.kk7ic238 2 года назад +1

    Sounds delicious 😋🥰✈️✊🏾❤️❤️❤️✊🏾🔥✈️🥰

  • @TMMakers
    @TMMakers 2 года назад +1

    Yummy 😋😋😋

  • @lorrainef7047
    @lorrainef7047 2 месяца назад

    Hi there. Do you have a vanilla ice cream recipe using Coconut palm sugar? Regular sugar flares up my arthritis but I love ice cream from time to time😢

    • @PreciousKitchen
      @PreciousKitchen  2 месяца назад +1

      Hi Lorraine, you could try it with coconut sugar and see how it works for you. I haven't tried it yet, so I'm not not sure how it will turn out. But it's worth trying.

    • @lorrainef7047
      @lorrainef7047 2 месяца назад

      Precious, it is AMAZING!!! For anyone that knows sugar makes arthritis sooo much worse...Coconut palm sugar in this just takes 1/8 to 1/4c more sugar, lower the Vanilla extract to 1TBS + 1tsp. Absolutely delicious! (Just a bit tan colored.)
      Thank You Precious ❤❤

    • @PreciousKitchen
      @PreciousKitchen  2 месяца назад

      @lorrainef7047 Thank you so much for sharing! 💜

  • @destiny50
    @destiny50 Год назад

    Do you have a lactosefree recipe

  • @Annie1962
    @Annie1962 2 года назад +1

    Can you do coffee or licorice icecream?

  • @annela910
    @annela910 Год назад

    I just made some but I did not have heavy wiping cream. I hope it's still gonna be okay tomorrow

  • @kellylin5136
    @kellylin5136 Год назад

    what can u substitute the coconut extrach with? I don't seem to have it but I'll look for it in supermarkets.

    • @donnamate9238
      @donnamate9238 Месяц назад

      I had to buy it in a cake shop here in Australia as they don't sell it in supermarkets 😮

  • @shamima7519
    @shamima7519 2 года назад +5

    I just made this recipe and it turned out really delicious! I added dried shredded coconut and some lemon zest , since my husband loves coconuts and lemons :-D Thanks for sharing this recipe 💕

    • @PreciousKitchen
      @PreciousKitchen  2 года назад

      You are so welcome, Shamima! Those are all great additions!

    • @peace5680
      @peace5680 Год назад

      Thanks I can't find anywhere in grocery store.

  • @gerardjones7881
    @gerardjones7881 10 месяцев назад

    nice kitchen, so this is how the rich people live in jamaica.

  • @salmagadzama2405
    @salmagadzama2405 3 месяца назад

    Please is heavy whipping cream same as heavy cream or?

  • @m_osakyi4650
    @m_osakyi4650 2 года назад

    @precious kitchen can you add flour to this ingredients? Or the cream only is enough

  • @OboteDestiny
    @OboteDestiny 7 месяцев назад +1

    Can someone use the weep powder cream

    • @PreciousKitchen
      @PreciousKitchen  7 месяцев назад +1

      Hi, I'm sure you can, but I haven't tested it with whipped cream powder before.

  • @JennellBarrett
    @JennellBarrett 7 месяцев назад

    Can this be made without whipping cream? Don’t want any dairy

    • @PreciousKitchen
      @PreciousKitchen  7 месяцев назад

      I'm sure it can, but I haven't tested it without dairy.

  • @jjradV
    @jjradV Год назад +1

    Cruelty free recipe would be a better choice !

  • @bethanyloris5337
    @bethanyloris5337 Год назад

    I accidentally used evaporated milk but it's still good

  • @shannettecooke8250
    @shannettecooke8250 Год назад

    What kind of whipping cream did she say? Was it Heavy whipping cream?

  • @jsicepopsmorethroughabigai7409
    @jsicepopsmorethroughabigai7409 2 года назад


  • @raniquethomas1815
    @raniquethomas1815 Год назад +1

    I can’t drink milk that’s why I want coconut ice cream. There is a brand in Jamaica that doesn’t make me sick but I can’t get it outside of Kingston 😢

    • @valchris11
      @valchris11 4 месяца назад

      Make coconut milk from scratch. Thats something we always do in Jamaica.

  • @VictoriaJackson-yp8cb
    @VictoriaJackson-yp8cb 9 месяцев назад

    Add some lime juice when serving!

  • @amarachijulius7934
    @amarachijulius7934 Год назад

    It’s a nice recipe but this particular milk is not in Nigeria

  • @sharonbennett9953
    @sharonbennett9953 7 месяцев назад

    yr recipe doesnt say how much to use i dont do cups of this and that

  • @paddyfee7519
    @paddyfee7519 2 года назад

    Après s'il te plaît viens me quitter je veux la glace à la fraise

    • @PreciousKitchen
      @PreciousKitchen  2 года назад

      Here is the recipe: ruclips.net/video/YmB0hU-j-5E/видео.html

  • @MsCellobass
    @MsCellobass Год назад

    Oh gee that's LOT OF SUGAR (just from the amount of the sweetened condensed milk)

  • @Sophisticated8
    @Sophisticated8 Год назад

    I try to stay away from dairy products dairy keeps my nose full of mucus 😩