**NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED** No copyright is intended of any music used in the videos. I'm just a gymnastics fan and keep respect to the owner.
The music sample was released by the IOC Channel after Rio Olympics. I found it on v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg1MzY4ODAxMg==.html. But if you want to use it, I suggest you buy it on the website above because I don't have the copyright.
My friend was a volunteer of Taipei Universiade. She asked the Japanese coach and he told us the names of Teramoto's music. So I'm sure it's Dream Chaser but I still cannot find the exact version.
What is the link to where the music is found at the website you found it on?
This music is called Dream Chaser, made by this website www.energymmusic.com/catalog/energym/336
The music sample was released by the IOC Channel after Rio Olympics. I found it on v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg1MzY4ODAxMg==.html. But if you want to use it, I suggest you buy it on the website above because I don't have the copyright.
Which artist sings the song dream chaser
Where did you find this music?
Good videos !!
What is the music please ?
I know the music is "dream chaser" but I don't know whose version it is.
Now I'm very sure this music is made by this website www.energymmusic.com/catalog/energym/336
Do you maybe now know who made this music?
My friend was a volunteer of Taipei Universiade. She asked the Japanese coach and he told us the names of Teramoto's music. So I'm sure it's Dream Chaser but I still cannot find the exact version.