  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • A look into the teachings of Yeshua Hamashiac and the context of Man's teachings...
    #judaism #talmud #jesuschrist
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Комментарии • 19

  • @Judah-pu5lc
    @Judah-pu5lc 6 месяцев назад +1

    Shalom, interesting perspective.

  • @voiceofmessiah-telugu
    @voiceofmessiah-telugu 6 месяцев назад +1

    For a long time, my question about man made traditions..... Was cleared today.... Thank you for this bro🤜

    • @YosefHaEmet
      @YosefHaEmet  6 месяцев назад +1

      Appreciate you watching. 🙏

  • @bori1007
    @bori1007 6 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your work. A good staring point for someone that has not taken the time to validate sources like the Talmud and Mishna is understanding what was mentioned at 10:57 by Rabi Yakov. Yeshua was a kosher. Many sages agree on this. So if this is the case it is up to us to do our due diligence in understanding what that means in its context.

    • @bori1007
      @bori1007 6 месяцев назад

      *Yeshua was kosher

  • @zionstemple
    @zionstemple 6 месяцев назад

    I am guessing you got some push back on this teaching, but love it!!!

  • @tyronerle
    @tyronerle 6 месяцев назад


  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 6 месяцев назад

    And he said unto them, "Full well you reject *the commandment of God* that you may keep your own TRADITION."
    “Making *the word of God* of none effect through your TRADITION, which you have
    delivered: and many such like things you do.”
    {Mark 7:9&13}
    But he answered and said unto them, "Why do you also transgress *the commandment of God* by your TRADITION?”
    {Matthew 15:3}
    Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the TRADITION OF MEN, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
    {Colossians 2:8}
    And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he [Jesus] expounded unto them *in all the scriptures* the things concerning himself.
    {Luke 24:27}
    *Tradition* in the context of men
    Greek παράδοσις / paradosis = 666
    by counting the letter values of the Greek transliteration;
    P(80), A(1), R(100), A(1), D(4), O(70), S(200), I(10), S(200).

  • @pawly3036
    @pawly3036 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you!
    I read Rabbi Falk's book. His thesis about the Gospels' opposition towards Shammai followers (at least most of the time because Yeshua used an argument from Shammai concerning conditions for a divorce if I remember correctly) seems plausible. He is of the opinion that the Talmidim of Yeshua were mostly Essenes, just like Rabbi Eliyahu Soloveitchik. Definitely an interesting approach.
    What about John 5: a man carrying his bed on Shabbes? Yeshua couldn't really have said „take your bed and walk" in a public place on Shabbes. The fact Yeshua went away seems to indicate an important point. I try to figure that out. Maybe the place wasn't public because if so, there was no way to take a bath and walk afterwards while being wet nor carry a towel. I think that's forbidden but I'm not an expert.
    Do you know similar cases in the Talmud, Midrashim or anywhere else?

    • @YosefHaEmet
      @YosefHaEmet  6 месяцев назад +1

      Ya we don't know the exact location of the place where he told him to pick up and walk. It could have been a permitted domain according to halacha. As well halacha was still being worked out in these times as the Sanhedrin was still functioning.

  • @murph19611
    @murph19611 6 месяцев назад +2

    Obviously, you think the Talmud and oral torah are from God ..... answer me this , when Manassah became king he did away the the torah for 55 years , his son another 2 years then Josiah became king and in his 18 year they found the Torah while rebuilding the Temple. The book of the law was read to Josiah and after hearing it he rent his cloths because of the great sin of not following the law and you believe there is an oral Torah that teaches exactly how to follow Torah ....hahaha its amazing how gullible people are and how easily satan decieves you .

    • @YosefHaEmet
      @YosefHaEmet  6 месяцев назад +1

      Your response proves nothing.

    • @murph19611
      @murph19611 6 месяцев назад

      @YosefHaEmet really ? Then why did King Josiah rent his cloths when read the law ? You do realize renting your cloths is the highest form of protest ... so if he had an oral Torah he would have no reason to protest and admit he sinned agai st God ... use logic , God's word is only bound by the traditions of man which literally make void the WORD OF GOD.
      That said, have you been a good Berean and figured out who the scribes are ? Here's a hint start at 1 Chronicals 2:55

    • @YosefHaEmet
      @YosefHaEmet  6 месяцев назад +1

      @murph19611 ya that has nothing to do with Oral Torah. Obviously you have no clue about halacha. Your argument proves nothing.

  • @murph19611
    @murph19611 6 месяцев назад +1

    By the way the new testament was written in greek for a reason ...getting a translation to hebrew thoughts are not going to decipher it for you , only yhe Holy Spirit can give you the deeper meaning and quite frankly it sounds like you are given strong delusions to believe a lie . Jesus told us to beware the Scribes ... do a study on who the scribes are and you will understand who those of Revelation 2.9 and 3.9 are.

    • @YosefHaEmet
      @YosefHaEmet  6 месяцев назад

      Sure buddy.

    • @murph19611
      @murph19611 6 месяцев назад

      @@YosefHaEmet answer me the question on Manessah and Josiah ... where was the oral torah then ?

    @HOWBAZARY 6 месяцев назад +1

    This is Halakah, you make it up as you go along. The Talmud is rubbish. Your understanding comes from the bottomless pit.

    • @YosefHaEmet
      @YosefHaEmet  6 месяцев назад +1

      Good argument. Typical Hebrew Rooter response.