I totally sent those Joe Kelly Deadpool classic volumes to Cap a few years ago! glad to see it came in handy. I take no responsibility for corrupting him however.
Eric- I never think he’s actually paying her for that, I just think their joking Cap- Ok well he’s pulling out money right now Epic- but one it’s not money Cap he just said he’s gonna pay her $275 Epic- but he’s joking Cap- why do you think that?, I don’t think that? Epic- I don’t know LOL that part is hilarious 😂
I don't know where Eric was coming from on this. Vanessa clearly was a prostitute. Them exchanging quips about whose life was worse was the definition of misery loves company. Both of these people have had terrible lives and they find comfort in each other because of it. Yes, it was flirty. But it was also serious dialogue.
Eric is wrong about why people love Deadpool. We love Captain America because he is our "lawful good" wish-fulfillment, the hero we want to be. Deadpool here, if not in the comics, is our "chaotic good" wish-fulfillment, the hero we wish to be.
I recall the spoilercast on this movie, and how Cap brought up one of my comments about how this isn't doing nearly as much lampooning of the genre. Looking at the order these movies got released in, I'm thinking the reason that stuck out to me is because Ant Man was the *very most recent movie*, and that's already a big broad comedy in the same way this is. Outside of the rainchiness, there's nothing all too distinct about Deadpool's sense of humor. I really wish we'd gone further with the 4th Wall breaking stuff.
I think what they mean is that he's not as sadistic and morally bereft as in the comics. He still shows mercy to some people he would have otherwise killed
It's especially strange since there is also nudity in the sex montage earlier. I'm also pretty sure there's full frontal nudity in the strip club scene.
Also, I think the Deadpool Rap was originally written for a fan video when the video game came out a few years back, and the crew working on the movie liked it so much they got the guys who made it to rewrite it for the movie.
In the comics, Deadpool's cancer has gained his healing power. So he has this horrible cancer that has scarred his body, but he will never die from it.
I think the comic explanation is that his powers are basically an enhanced version of his cancer. So he looks like that *because* his cells are so extremely replicating.
My idea for Deadpool would be that it's fairly similar, except scientists actually go to the fourth wall and create a drug from that to give to Wade, not test it, and that drive him crazy.
This may be the most Cap and Eric have disagreed on one of these. Personally, I side with Eric. Cap makes some good points, but I'm sick of people talking about how "edgy" this movie is. I'll take Civil War any day of the week.
Idk man. I'm just so bored of Marvel movies anymore. They have good formula going but they just feel soulless to me. That's why I liked Deadpool. It was made with a lot of love. You could tell the people really wanted to make this. I get how the edgy thing can be annoying but it is definitely edgier than 95% of other comic book movies.
pelleman02wb To me I feel like Civil War was the most darker they have done under Disney's influence. I don't want every movie to be dark and gritty. I like my light as well. That's me.
@@Dielawn69 they have a formula but the films are from souless especially black panther , infinity war , the guardians films and thor ragnarok and endgame.
I agree with etic about this movie thinking it's coming out in 1979 or something. It really acts like it's pushing boundaries that haven't been boundaries since *at least* Blade came out.
To be fair, mainstream super hero movies don't take chances like this anymore. At least since the mid-2000's where the popularity of super hero movies started to sky rocket. Blade came out before the boundaries were put up though. Not saying it didn't do the whole mature super hero movie thing first. It was just a different time then.
Really? What does this movie do that post 2008 heroes don't outside of gore and F-bombs (two things I consider Incredible superficial)? It's hard to be impressed when Deadpool says "My boyfriend told me this was a superhero movie, but that guy just turned that other guy into a f*cking kebab", when as Cap and Eric helpfully pointed out, Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain america and the rest all kill people with some regularity. There's nothing particularly edgy about the things Deadpool actually *does* and yet the movie goes on and on about how he's not like other superheroes. Hell, the whole ending scene with Colossus saying heroes spare their enemies only plays if you're thinking about Nolan Batman or Netflix Daredevil specifically. The only reason Deadpool shooting Francis dead is funny or surprising is because it's nested in that speech. The movie thinks Deadpool being a murderous, comedic superhero are unique traits when our superheroes are constantly killing people *and* being played for comedy already. If this movie is meant to be taken as lampooning or subverting the genre at all, then it's lampooning the genre as it was three decades ago.
When I went to see Rogue One, the Spider Man Homecoming trailer played and when Spider Man appeared on screen the 9 year old next to me said in excitement "Is that Deadpool?" The times are changing.
I do want to emphasis that I enjoy this film, but I think that it doesn't push the envelope as much as it pretends to. If you want to be a raunchy, adult cartoon-like movie, you'll have to go further if you actually want to shock/impress people. There have been several ultra-violent/adult superhero films, and all of them get more gratuitous than this movie, hence my analogy about the edgy kid who learned how to swear for the first time.
I enjoy this movie, but cutting the origin into the highway action scene hurts the pacing of the film for me, and the origin itself isn't interesting enough to warrant that time taken away from Deadpool. I wanted to see more Deadpool and wanted them to go further with the satirical aspects and dark humor. It feels too much like a typical superhero movie with a slightly irreverent tone instead of being a full on irreverent film that is picking a part superhero tropes. The comments it makes about superhero movies feel mostly generic (the superhero landing for example). The film is good, but it could have been much better.
Ren Davis I think the sequel might be right up your alley. That's turning into quite the interesting project...what with one of the directors of John Wick behind the camera. I'm stoked.
alexh4319 Yes. I'm very interested in the sequel with Reynolds working with Leitch. I think that film will be a darker and more satirical look at superheroes.
I 100% agree with Eric about certain Deadpool fans, after I saw Civil War some of the people I went with criticised Cap for being too much of a 'boy scout' as he 'didn't kill anyone' whilst they gush over Deadpool/Wolverine for 'killing their villains'
I do recognize this movie has problems, but i love it. It's so much fun. The Rob Liefeld problem irks meet too, mostly because i saw a really great documentary about the 90's era of comics it has certainly colored the "creator" in certain light. There is also merit the "too cool for school" criticism. I can see that. One this i really love about this film is how i think the flashback are potentially an unreliable narrator, i buy deadpool is revising his backstory for the audience to make himself look more likable. I bet the context to the many of the pre-transformation scenes is very different. I disagree with Eric about how Deadpool should be completely unlikable. My favorite Deadpool story is Deadpool vs Hawkeye, because he is presented in a interesting and sympathetic way.
I think the problem Eric seems to have is he wanted a movie about comic Deadpool and we got a movie half ways between that and a movie about meme Deadpool. Which is understandable, and I agree with most of the points he has against this movie and that it would be better if they did the stuff he brought up. However, I was expecting a movie wholly about meme Deadpool so the fact that we got the half ways version makes me totally fine with the movie we have for now.
Doesn't Ajax inject Wade with some kind of serum that helps with the mutation process? Hence why Vanessa doesn't mutate at the end cause she wasn't injected with it?
He did. The serum, in conjunction with high stress, is what causes the mutations. Wade went through all of Francis' tortures without mutating so he went to the almost-but-not-suffocating chamber.
I respectfully disagree with the statement that post-Kelly there hasn't been Deadpool stories with actual substance. You really should read the Posehn/Duggan run beyond the first volume. I don't want to spoil anything, but while Deadpool himself has his modern personality/morals, some of the plot points get really dark.
Everyone sort of lauds this film as a brilliant, dark superhero satire when it's actually just an enjoyable B movie with a fun main character and some clever writing. Still looking forward to the sequel, I just hope Ryan Renoylds doesn't grow too big of an ego from this film's praise and we lose another director.
I don't see how this has anymore of a B movie vibe than any other big budget super hero movie. I can see why people think this is brilliant. Most other super hero movies (especially Marvel) are so fucking cookie cutter. I seriously can't watch 95% of them anymore. This isn't a movie that changed film or anything but at least it has it's own unique vibe going on. I think that's why it gets so much credit.
If you take away the Deadpool vibe, you have a cookie cutter superhero origin movie that doesn't put any put any spin on the formula other than that the main hero breaks the fourth wall and kills people with glee.
fox was never gonna make a deadpool movie, ryan reynold pushed for it so it got made so if you cannot enjoy it that more a personal problem. deadpool being a wolverine rip off is uninteresting the current deadpool has a daughter a wife even allies the stowic deadpool is not much of a character. slade wilson is not a character he is a dull boring tool who get beat up by teenagers he is lord zed minus the evil wife. deadpool get his healing factor from wolverine blood so he is as mutant as red skull with xavier brain in his head.
Hopefully ths is like the Bitches Brew of X-Men films, an important stepping stone, but a film that fails to reach its true potential. To me at least Logan and Legion are the real steps forward, whereas this film is a self important crawl.
I too am confused by Eric's reading on Vanessa. I think the film makes it absolutely clear that she is a prostitute, the wikipedia synopsis even says so. And I have to disagree with his hangup on how fans think that traditional superheroes are lame because of the film. That's the argument that blames Fight Club for people sympathizing with Tyler Durden. I think it's a case where people aren't reading context and intent within the piece. It's a symptom that doesn't just apply to this movie, but all art. Some people just don't know how to view stories and get the wrong messages from them, no matter how clear the story makes said messages.
Eric is strange. He loved Amazing Spider-man 2 and Iron man 2 and yet doesn't like Spider-man 2 and other good marvel movies on this list. He has a weird taste in nitpics. And your right. They clearly said what Vanessa was.
Which is strange for me considering that, more often than not, I agree with him. I've always appreciated how thoughtful he is over the years, but like you brought up, I'm confused by some of his issues. I am baffled every time he says he has a "morality problem" with Goodfellas. Granted, I don't know the specifics of his problems, but that's another film that makes its messages abundantly clear.
Plus the comic book accuracy police like morons such as Marshal have completely ruined what little enjoyment I had for the film with their pitiful comments towards the X-Men franchise and acting like Deadpool is the best in the series when that objectively wrong.
I think I am the only one that did not like the film when it came out. Sure I got some laughs but I didn't think it was the best movie since slice bread like everybody else did. I actually enjoyed the marketing more then the movie lol. The Bachelor commercial was genius.
I totally sent those Joe Kelly Deadpool classic volumes to Cap a few years ago! glad to see it came in handy. I take no responsibility for corrupting him however.
Rick Remender's Uncanny X-Force Deadpool is my favorite version of the character.
Eric- I never think he’s actually paying her for that, I just think their joking
Cap- Ok well he’s pulling out money right now
Epic- but one it’s not money
Cap he just said he’s gonna pay her $275
Epic- but he’s joking
Cap- why do you think that?, I don’t think that?
Epic- I don’t know
LOL that part is hilarious 😂
I don't know where Eric was coming from on this. Vanessa clearly was a prostitute. Them exchanging quips about whose life was worse was the definition of misery loves company. Both of these people have had terrible lives and they find comfort in each other because of it. Yes, it was flirty. But it was also serious dialogue.
Eric is wrong about why people love Deadpool. We love Captain America because he is our "lawful good" wish-fulfillment, the hero we want to be. Deadpool here, if not in the comics, is our "chaotic good" wish-fulfillment, the hero we wish to be.
I recall the spoilercast on this movie, and how Cap brought up one of my comments about how this isn't doing nearly as much lampooning of the genre. Looking at the order these movies got released in, I'm thinking the reason that stuck out to me is because Ant Man was the *very most recent movie*, and that's already a big broad comedy in the same way this is. Outside of the rainchiness, there's nothing all too distinct about Deadpool's sense of humor. I really wish we'd gone further with the 4th Wall breaking stuff.
Vanessa was created by Liefeld....She was Domino for awhile in early X-Force issues, where she was using her mimic mutant powers as Copycat....
Guy staples a magazine page to his face. "He's not a psychopath"
I think what they mean is that he's not as sadistic and morally bereft as in the comics. He still shows mercy to some people he would have otherwise killed
It's especially strange since there is also nudity in the sex montage earlier. I'm also pretty sure there's full frontal nudity in the strip club scene.
The fact that The Avengers was rated R till they edited the Coulsen death scene makes the rating system 100% arbitrary
51:41- 52:12 Eric, if your looking for that story, try the anime One Punch Man
Also, I think the Deadpool Rap was originally written for a fan video when the video game came out a few years back, and the crew working on the movie liked it so much they got the guys who made it to rewrite it for the movie.
In the comics, Deadpool's cancer has gained his healing power. So he has this horrible cancer that has scarred his body, but he will never die from it.
I think the comic explanation is that his powers are basically an enhanced version of his cancer. So he looks like that *because* his cells are so extremely replicating.
My idea for Deadpool would be that it's fairly similar, except scientists actually go to the fourth wall and create a drug from that to give to Wade, not test it, and that drive him crazy.
This may be the most Cap and Eric have disagreed on one of these. Personally, I side with Eric. Cap makes some good points, but I'm sick of people talking about how "edgy" this movie is. I'll take Civil War any day of the week.
Idk man. I'm just so bored of Marvel movies anymore. They have good formula going but they just feel soulless to me. That's why I liked Deadpool. It was made with a lot of love. You could tell the people really wanted to make this. I get how the edgy thing can be annoying but it is definitely edgier than 95% of other comic book movies.
They disagreed a lot on spider-man 2 and amazing spiderman movies.
pelleman02wb To me I feel like Civil War was the most darker they have done under Disney's influence. I don't want every movie to be dark and gritty. I like my light as well. That's me.
@@Dielawn69 they have a formula but the films are from souless especially black panther , infinity war , the guardians films and thor ragnarok and endgame.
1:48:08 maybe a buddy road trip multiverse movie with wolverine 😉
Logan will we ever see a DC-Mania after you're
done Marvel-Mania?
alexh4319 We have plans for another one down the line. All I'll say right now.
I look forward to seeing Cap and Eric suffer through BVS :)
SolarDragon007 I loved that movie.
I hope you guys do the Dc animated stuff cause you guys have different opinions on those films.
SolarDragon007 It better be the extended cut. Yes I'm evil and heartless
I'm with Cap at 26:00, I took it as her actually being a prostitute.
I agree with etic about this movie thinking it's coming out in 1979 or something. It really acts like it's pushing boundaries that haven't been boundaries since *at least* Blade came out.
To be fair, mainstream super hero movies don't take chances like this anymore. At least since the mid-2000's where the popularity of super hero movies started to sky rocket. Blade came out before the boundaries were put up though. Not saying it didn't do the whole mature super hero movie thing first. It was just a different time then.
Really? What does this movie do that post 2008 heroes don't outside of gore and F-bombs (two things I consider Incredible superficial)?
It's hard to be impressed when Deadpool says "My boyfriend told me this was a superhero movie, but that guy just turned that other guy into a f*cking kebab", when as Cap and Eric helpfully pointed out, Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain america and the rest all kill people with some regularity.
There's nothing particularly edgy about the things Deadpool actually *does* and yet the movie goes on and on about how he's not like other superheroes. Hell, the whole ending scene with Colossus saying heroes spare their enemies only plays if you're thinking about Nolan Batman or Netflix Daredevil specifically. The only reason Deadpool shooting Francis dead is funny or surprising is because it's nested in that speech.
The movie thinks Deadpool being a murderous, comedic superhero are unique traits when our superheroes are constantly killing people *and* being played for comedy already. If this movie is meant to be taken as lampooning or subverting the genre at all, then it's lampooning the genre as it was three decades ago.
When I went to see Rogue One, the Spider Man Homecoming trailer played and when Spider Man appeared on screen the 9 year old next to me said in excitement "Is that Deadpool?" The times are changing.
sounds like a stupid kid
He was like 9 or 8.
This movie is like the edgy kid on an elementary school playground that just learned swear words for the first time.
That's what Deadpool is like. Can you really blame the filmmakers?
I do want to emphasis that I enjoy this film, but I think that it doesn't push the envelope as much as it pretends to. If you want to be a raunchy, adult cartoon-like movie, you'll have to go further if you actually want to shock/impress people. There have been several ultra-violent/adult superhero films, and all of them get more gratuitous than this movie, hence my analogy about the edgy kid who learned how to swear for the first time.
Hopefully Deadpool 2 will go even further with it.
I think since this movie was such a gargantuan hit, they'll feel more confident in ramping up the sex, violence and swearing next time around.
What's wrong with that?
I like Eric, but he doesn't seem understand what "murder" really means
I enjoy this movie, but cutting the origin into the highway action scene hurts the pacing of the film for me, and the origin itself isn't interesting enough to warrant that time taken away from Deadpool. I wanted to see more Deadpool and wanted them to go further with the satirical aspects and dark humor. It feels too much like a typical superhero movie with a slightly irreverent tone instead of being a full on irreverent film that is picking a part superhero tropes. The comments it makes about superhero movies feel mostly generic (the superhero landing for example). The film is good, but it could have been much better.
Ren Davis I think the sequel might be right up your alley. That's turning into quite the interesting project...what with one of the directors of John Wick behind the camera.
I'm stoked.
alexh4319 Yes. I'm very interested in the sequel with Reynolds working with Leitch. I think that film will be a darker and more satirical look at superheroes.
I agree with you so much, also I would say how the flashbacks were really unneccessarily frequent, it really hurts the movie for me
I 100% agree with Eric about certain Deadpool fans, after I saw Civil War some of the people I went with criticised Cap for being too much of a 'boy scout' as he 'didn't kill anyone' whilst they gush over Deadpool/Wolverine for 'killing their villains'
But cap is a soldier and has killed people.
I do recognize this movie has problems, but i love it. It's so much fun.
The Rob Liefeld problem irks meet too, mostly because i saw a really great documentary about the 90's era of comics it has certainly colored the "creator" in certain light.
There is also merit the "too cool for school" criticism. I can see that.
One this i really love about this film is how i think the flashback are potentially an unreliable narrator, i buy deadpool is revising his backstory for the audience to make himself look more likable. I bet the context to the many of the pre-transformation scenes is very different.
I disagree with Eric about how Deadpool should be completely unlikable. My favorite Deadpool story is Deadpool vs Hawkeye, because he is presented in a interesting and sympathetic way.
Do you guys plan on doing "Big Hero 6" since that is technically a Marvel movie released in theaters?
Brandon Lyon Nope, just live action
Fair enough
I think the problem Eric seems to have is he wanted a movie about comic Deadpool and we got a movie half ways between that and a movie about meme Deadpool. Which is understandable, and I agree with most of the points he has against this movie and that it would be better if they did the stuff he brought up. However, I was expecting a movie wholly about meme Deadpool so the fact that we got the half ways version makes me totally fine with the movie we have for now.
The chamber isn't turned on when Vanessa's in it.
Doesn't Ajax inject Wade with some kind of serum that helps with the mutation process? Hence why Vanessa doesn't mutate at the end cause she wasn't injected with it?
He did. The serum, in conjunction with high stress, is what causes the mutations. Wade went through all of Francis' tortures without mutating so he went to the almost-but-not-suffocating chamber.
No he's clearly paying her
I respectfully disagree with the statement that post-Kelly there hasn't been Deadpool stories with actual substance. You really should read the Posehn/Duggan run beyond the first volume. I don't want to spoil anything, but while Deadpool himself has his modern personality/morals, some of the plot points get really dark.
The Deadpool 2 teaser before Logan makes fun of how horrible Deadpool is at saving people.
They're doing Domino
The cancer is eating away at his skin as fast as he can regenerate it
Everyone sort of lauds this film as a brilliant, dark superhero satire when it's actually just an enjoyable B movie with a fun main character and some clever writing. Still looking forward to the sequel, I just hope Ryan Renoylds doesn't grow too big of an ego from this film's praise and we lose another director.
I don't see how this has anymore of a B movie vibe than any other big budget super hero movie. I can see why people think this is brilliant. Most other super hero movies (especially Marvel) are so fucking cookie cutter. I seriously can't watch 95% of them anymore. This isn't a movie that changed film or anything but at least it has it's own unique vibe going on. I think that's why it gets so much credit.
If you take away the Deadpool vibe, you have a cookie cutter superhero origin movie that doesn't put any put any spin on the formula other than that the main hero breaks the fourth wall and kills people with glee.
Vanessa turns out to be Copycat in the comics, I believe.
and she gets killed by Sabretooth to answer all of Eric's Questions
I think I'm the only one that didn't like it. And didn't get why everybody loved the character lol
I don't want Sinister if Cyclops isn't in it
Michael Fisher We'll get real Sinister if Vaughn directs.
where's Francis?
fox was never gonna make a deadpool movie, ryan reynold pushed for it so it got made so if you cannot enjoy it that more a personal problem. deadpool being a wolverine rip off is uninteresting the current deadpool has a daughter a wife even allies the stowic deadpool is not much of a character. slade wilson is not a character he is a dull boring tool who get beat up by teenagers he is lord zed minus the evil wife. deadpool get his healing factor from wolverine blood so he is as mutant as red skull with xavier brain in his head.
#Spideypool t-shirts
Hopefully ths is like the Bitches Brew of X-Men films, an important stepping stone, but a film that fails to reach its true potential. To me at least Logan and Legion are the real steps forward, whereas this film is a self important crawl.
I too am confused by Eric's reading on Vanessa. I think the film makes it absolutely clear that she is a prostitute, the wikipedia synopsis even says so.
And I have to disagree with his hangup on how fans think that traditional superheroes are lame because of the film. That's the argument that blames Fight Club for people sympathizing with Tyler Durden. I think it's a case where people aren't reading context and intent within the piece. It's a symptom that doesn't just apply to this movie, but all art. Some people just don't know how to view stories and get the wrong messages from them, no matter how clear the story makes said messages.
Eric is strange. He loved Amazing Spider-man 2 and Iron man 2 and yet doesn't like Spider-man 2 and other good marvel movies on this list. He has a weird taste in nitpics. And your right. They clearly said what Vanessa was.
Which is strange for me considering that, more often than not, I agree with him. I've always appreciated how thoughtful he is over the years, but like you brought up, I'm confused by some of his issues. I am baffled every time he says he has a "morality problem" with Goodfellas. Granted, I don't know the specifics of his problems, but that's another film that makes its messages abundantly clear.
Austin The Writer yep and when he said it's hardly rated r I'm like huh?
This film has not aged well for me.
Hey Cal!
Hello, I mean it is not terrible by any means. But not a lot of the jokes hold up for me.
I know. too each his own.
Plus the comic book accuracy police like morons such as Marshal have completely ruined what little enjoyment I had for the film with their pitiful comments towards the X-Men franchise and acting like Deadpool is the best in the series when that objectively wrong.
I think I am the only one that did not like the film when it came out. Sure I got some laughs but I didn't think it was the best movie since slice bread like everybody else did. I actually enjoyed the marketing more then the movie lol. The Bachelor commercial was genius.
The costumes at the end of Apocalypse are better than the New Mutant suit NTW is wearing. What she has is fine for her class, but not for THE X-MEN.
1:17:45 yes there is Nudity.