It's looking good! I think the shed matching looks a lot better than the previous one. Looks like they are meant to be! I also love the shingles on the shed! Since there aren't as many windows in the shed, maybe leaving the floor a lighter color could keep it slightly less dark on the inside. I'm excited to see what you do with the space!
Great job...I love the new paint job and outdoor trim.
I like the floor color too
Thanks! :)
I love that they match ❤
You always have great creative ideas
Love how it matches your house ❤️ the floor looks good. I am sre you wiil cover most of the floor with pretty things😊
They look Very cute together! 🤗 Sandra
It's looking good! I think the shed matching looks a lot better than the previous one. Looks like they are meant to be! I also love the shingles on the shed! Since there aren't as many windows in the shed, maybe leaving the floor a lighter color could keep it slightly less dark on the inside. I'm excited to see what you do with the space!
I wonder if your railings from upstairs that you took out of the house could make porch railings for the shed, if you add a porch