@pinkertons96 No need to apologize!! // That's just perfect ;-)! They are the first band that became famous singing in valencian (catalan)!! as we had a dictatorship for more than 30 years, our language was forbidden and persecuted by the spaniards...Even nowadays, in fact, is treated as a minoritzed language...but look at them, I just remember watching them in a place where we were 30 of us.and I see that concert and I can't belive how far they have arrived. Incredible!! // PS:Are you japanese?
Better than Muchas gracias! Moltes gràcies! In valencian (catalan)!!! Our language and the one that they sing and they fight forrrr!! ;-)
@pinkertons96 No need to apologize!! // That's just perfect ;-)! They are the first band that became famous singing in valencian (catalan)!! as we had a dictatorship for more than 30 years, our language was forbidden and persecuted by the spaniards...Even nowadays, in fact, is treated as a minoritzed language...but look at them, I just remember watching them in a place where we were 30 of us.and I see that concert and I can't belive how far they have arrived. Incredible!! // PS:Are you japanese?
Sou increibles, al Japó que s'en aneu i damunt triunfeu