John Fenn Part 1, What Jesus Taught me about Worship

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024

Комментарии • 45

  • @daughteroftherisenking3165
    @daughteroftherisenking3165 6 лет назад +9

    The Holy Spirit taught me the samething I worship God from the deep Love He has given me in my heart for Jesus it is such a beautiful and peaceful time with God I always feel lifted and very Loved by God After worshiping Him ❤️ 🕊

  • @wmchristinmethehopeofglory4133
    @wmchristinmethehopeofglory4133 Год назад +1

    Thanks for this... This is and was my approach everytime I lead worship.... I start the song and then after a few times of singing... I keep quiet and let the congregation take the lead. Then I know He is moving because they are connected with Him. I love Holy Spirit!

  • @tedprice5828
    @tedprice5828 2 месяца назад

    Love the Lord with all your heart mind soul and strength. This must include worship. Pray in the spirit and with understanding. Christ is the minister in the sanctuary. He leads the worship.

  • @krystal6612
    @krystal6612 2 года назад +2

    John thanks so much for your videos! 📹 I've been binge watching them! I can't get enough! They inspire me teach me and help me connect with GOD! God bless u and your family 👪 tell Chris Hi 👋 🙏 ❤️

    • @judsjo
      @judsjo Год назад

      Me too just found him from watching deep believer

  • @marieherfert7640
    @marieherfert7640 6 лет назад +2

    Very Cool. I used to lead worship and I cant say that I let the congregation lead me in worship. But, this makes sense. It also helps me understand a dream the Lord gave me where I was creating a song of worship by pulling strings that were attached to people. (lol) It was like "free worship" and was very cool.

  • @judsjo
    @judsjo Год назад

    I love these what Jesus and the Father taught you episodes more please.

  • @Bereanborn
    @Bereanborn 7 лет назад +2

    Awesome teaching THANK YOU !!

  • @katialemos474
    @katialemos474 2 года назад

    Let's worship God for who he is . His mercy's ,he's faithfulness ,he's Love , compassion he's Grace and all his Glory. Is a honor to know him ,a God that wants to have a close relationship with us and yet he is HOLY and Mighty. I love him for who he is . My rock ,my friend a MERCYFUL God .🙏

  • @TamalynScott
    @TamalynScott 7 лет назад +3


  • @karibgold5394
    @karibgold5394 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much!!! Praise Jesus!!!

  • @SteveBakerdude
    @SteveBakerdude 7 лет назад +1

    Sure love this stuff - Absolutely real and incredible ! Thank you . I will be sharing .

  • @gk7955
    @gk7955 4 года назад +1


  • @Flintlockon
    @Flintlockon 5 лет назад

    Sublime wisdom beautifully shared. Thank you and Bless you!

  • @pippinbaker8440
    @pippinbaker8440 5 лет назад

    Yes Pastor John, Jesus told me that too!!

  • @darlenejames4341
    @darlenejames4341 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you for reminding us that the Holy trinity is not our "do boy". Also that effective worship is achieved in unity of the Spirit.

  • 2 года назад

    Important point: Worship is like a kiss to God in spirit and in truth, with a genuine heart, with no strings attached.... Worship should be the flows out of the individuals hearts and spirit ... Woship team should be following the heart and flow of the worshipping congregation instead of the congregation following the leading worship team.

  • @user-ic6tc4re6i
    @user-ic6tc4re6i 7 месяцев назад


  • @katieclark7981
    @katieclark7981 6 лет назад +1

    Dear John, First, I want to thank you for all the videos you have made. I find them helpful and enriching. I have two questions that have been on my mind.
    The first one is, when you say "worship the Lord", are you referring to the Father or to Jesus? I am still struggling with how to conceptualize God in my prayers and worship. I think I understand the Trinity. However, I sometimes find myself praying to Jesus and sometimes I say something like "God" or "Father God". I am concerned that I am praying to two different persons and it makes me feel unsettled. Jesus is called God in the bible, right? So maybe it doesn't matter. What are your thoughts?
    The second question is regarding the person of Jesus Christ. I have read and watched numerous accounts of people who say they have encountered Him. Why do you think His appearance varies among witnesses? Some say he is beautiful and full of light and they are overwhelmed by the presence of love. Some, like yourself, may describe him as not so handsome. Even the way his character is described varies. Why do you think this is the case?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  6 лет назад +2

      Hi Katie, thanks for writing, I'm catching up so also thanks for being patient.
      About the Father. Like most Christians, I think the issue is not knowing the Father first from scripture, and from there on a personal level. For instance, in John 1: 18, and even Moses' experience in Exodus 33: 17-33 where it says no one has seen or can see God and live, is in the context of our physical earth-bodies.
      The fact is the whole of Revelation 4 is the Father - in v2 John says he was 'in the Spirit', and was caught up to heaven. He was in the Spirit, so he could see the Father. Note the Father's appearance, His throne - the rainbow around it, the clear flooring before it, the cherubs around it.
      Chapter 5 opens with the apostle crying because the Father has a scroll and on man is worthy to open it. But he is told to stop crying because the Lion of the tribe of Judah has overcome and is worthy to open it - and He sees a Lamb as it had been slain, but was alive again - and it continues: "And He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him who sits upon the throne, and when He had taken the book..."
      So John saw the Father and the Lord in this exchange when the Father gives His Son a kingdom which will have no end. This is exactly what Revelation 1: 1 says: This is the revelation which God the Father gave to His Son Jesus Christ, to show to His saints things that would happen in the future..."
      Daniel also saw the Father in his vision of 7: 7-13. It is the exact scene as John saw in Revelation 4 and 5. He tells us he saw the Ancient of Days sit on the throne - he describes His hair as white and wavy, he describes the burning cherubs - and in v13-14 it says 'One who looked like the Son of Man came to the Ancient of Days and received of Him a kingdom which will have no end..."
      Another vision of the Father was in Ezekiel 1, where he is standing by the river and suddenly he sees the Father's whole throne platform flying at him - in 1: 14 and 21 he describes the cherubs, the clear flooring of the throne area, in 26-28 he describes the Father as burning like fire, and a rainbow was around the throne.
      But my personal favorite is Exodus 24: 7-11, in which 74 elders of Israel must eat the covenant meal with God to ratify their covenant - the modern derivative of a covenant meal is the meal at a wedding reception, or a business deal closed celebrated by going out to eat or having a meal catered in, etc.
      In Exodus 24: 7 they sprinkle themselves with blood so they can be pure before Him, which Moses did not do in 33 by the way which is why he had to be put in a cleft in the rock and have his eyes closed. But 24: 7-11 tells us Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu and 70 elders went up on the mountain for the meal. It says 'they saw the God of Israel and did eat and drink, and He did not stretch forth His hand to touch them (didn't hurt them), and the flooring was as clear as the sky..."
      So if one is in the Spirit, the Father can be seen - face and all. If you hear of someone who went to heaven, and then say they couldn't see the Father's face because no man can see Him and live - they are lying, or embellishing their story, or filtering their experience through ignorance or wrong teaching. Run, don't walk to the nearest exit because if they do that, they aren' being honest and haven't known the Word as I've shown plainly above. Take what they say with a grain of salt at the very least.
      As to the Father, Spirit and Son - The Father is the Source and is a Spirit Jesus said in John 4. Jesus represents the body of God if you will - He is God so it is accurate. The Holy Spirit is therefore functioning as the soul, the mind, the emotions of the Father. No one can separate the Father from His Spirit, but Jesus said in John 15:26 the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father.
      That is how you and are are, in His likeness - our spirit and soul cannot be separated, and are one. Our bodies hold the spirit and soul, and people in heaven now with the exception of Jesus, are there spirit and soul, not body. Only Jesus has His glorified body, which is why Paul said in Romans 8: 22-24 that we groan, awaiting the redemption of the body - our glorified body.
      As to why Jesus seems to be different to different people. First, realize that His appearance to John in John 1: 10 to the end of chapter 1, is in glory, as again in 1: 10 John says he was 'in the Spirit' on the Lord's day. But Jesus after His resurrection was 'normally clothed' and in appearance was quite normal.
      Certainly in Luke 24 on the road to Emmaus he was normal looking. But then again, at His ascension in Acts 1 He went glory again, lol.
      That's one factor - He can turn up the power so to speak depending on the need and situation. So one may see Him in glory, another as a normally dressed first century man.
      Other variations are what I said above - religious teaching, culture, expectations, integrity or the lack thereof, and age all play a factor. People who are mature in the Word and character and walking with Him, and honest and transparent - not goofy, but solid that's who you want to listen to.
      For instance, a boy who at the time was 4 years old said he went to heaven - I don't doubt that he did. But he was 4. So years later when he reported to his dad her seemed to remember everyone in heaven had wings, that's what he said - but that is all wrong, people don't have wings, and only some angels, like cherubs, do. But he was 4.
      There is a girl who when she was little painted a picture of what she says Jesus looked like when she saw Him - I think she was maybe 8 or so at the time. Her painting is that of a caucasian handsome man with modern hair style, etc...she was a little girl. What do you expect?
      I've had emails from people in Nigeria and Ghana who were very much afraid because in each case they heard the testimonies of people who said they went to hell. In the first case the man said people were in hell because they did not tithe. In the other cases a woman said she saw hell and women in there because they braided their hair.
      If those were true events in the lives of those people, they are either lying, embellishing their story, or filtering it through the culture which is tithe or did and don't braid your hair - no understanding of the Roman culture Paul was addressing of women showing off their wealth by braiding their hair and in braided wigs interwoven with jewels - he said adorn the heart rather than outward display of worldly wealth. But their culture didn't know that....
      So...I can tell you I've seen the Lord consistently since April of 1986, with the first teaching visitation on 10/1/86, and several times a year since then. At first He would teach me things - several of which you can find on our web site -and now more for comments about world events or what He is doing in the body of Christ, or with those around me.
      I've seen Him in glory, and I've seen Him in normal clothing and mode, so to speak. In the natural He is very average, about 5'11" tall or so, slim but not thin, weathered face, darker skinned accordingly. And His eyes are brown except in glory and when I've made Him angry 2x in a couple visitations. Each time they flared up as flames of fire, then calmed down immediately when I apologized and allowed Him to continue teaching me.
      When a person is 'in the Spirit' to use the Revelation 1: 10 and 4:2 term all things seem completely natural. As Paul said in II Corinthians 12, "I knew a man in Christ about 14 years ago who was caught up into Paradise, whether in the body or out of the body the Lord knows..." That style of writing to speak of himself in the 3rd person was common in the day...thus the 'I knew a man..." seems very natural, and conversation is natural, but the things you think 'if I ever saw the Lord I'd ask Him...' don't happen. What does happen is things of the Spirit and human spirit that come out - not the more frivolous questions we'd like to know.
      Hope that can email me at if you want to ask more, and I can upload my first book, Pursuing the Seasons of God, which details some of my earlier visitations.
      If you want to know a reasonably close idea of what Jesus looks like, do a web search on the reverse image of the Shroud of Turin - not the artist's rendition which doesn't show weathering or the real texture of His face - and if you realize His face is thinner than that - but that is as close as I've seen. I don't know if that was the Lord in that image, but I can tell you one day I walked into a Barnes and Noble bookstore and they had on display a book with that image at the door, and I caused a traffic jam with the people walking in with me because I was immediately confused and arrested because it was Him - it just caught me off guard to see such a close image of His face like that.
      Blessings, John
      email is:

    • @katieclark7981
      @katieclark7981 6 лет назад

      Thank you again, John. So much information to glean through. For me, accepting Jesus Christ was like opening a door of love. It was only then that I felt capable of really loving the Father. Before, everything was so abstract, cold, and lonely. So for me, Christ really is the Way to experience a loving, intimate relationship with the Father.
      That is interesting about the shroud of Turin. I watched a documentary called The Secret of the Shroud. Really fascinating stuff. Thank you again and God Bless.
      If I have further questions, I will contact through your e-mail. It's so nice to have someone to reach out to.

  • @klarag7059
    @klarag7059 7 лет назад +2

    Wow! Talk about being left on a cliffhanger. How long until your next update?! Also, where would you recommend I look to understand more about worshipping God in spirit and in truth, please?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  7 лет назад +4

      Hi Klara - I do a Facebook Liver every Wednesday morning, 8am Central Time, and immediately post it on RUclips. I've got some series on things like worship and being led by the Spirit - if you go to our web site, then bookstore, make a list for yourself and email it to me at and we'll send them out - my gift of course. If cd we'll need a mailing address, if MP3 we'll send links. Hope that helps - and hope you'll listen to other videos I've done as well. John

    • @klarag7059
      @klarag7059 7 лет назад

      SuperHouseChurch Praise Jesus! Yes sir, I'm sure this will help. Heading over to your website as soon as I can.

    • @klarag7059
      @klarag7059 7 лет назад

      WAPTEK What is?

  • @naomiruth7748
    @naomiruth7748 7 лет назад


  • @michaelelder9821
    @michaelelder9821 7 лет назад


  • @MsKim-yp4hh
    @MsKim-yp4hh 7 лет назад

    Hello!! Mr. John Fenn, would you please explain the seeing Jesus part? I don't think you are saying you literally saw Jesus, right?❤💜

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  7 лет назад +6

      Hi "Ms. Kim" - thanks for this, I thought after I should explain better! My apologies for any confusion. Evidently you're not familiar with CWOWI and probably haven't seen my other videos, so I'll assume nothing and just lay it out for you, and my apologies if some of this is old news.
      What do I mean seeing Jesus? In Acts 9 first the future apostle Paul, and then a disciple named Ananias have the Lord appear to them - Paul learned it was Jesus who he was persecuting when he was arresting Christians, and Ananias was told by the Lord during a visitation to go lay hands on Paul so he could recover his sight.
      Then we also see the Lord appearing to Paul in Acts 18:9 to tell him to stay in Corinth, and again in Acts 22:17-19 Paul tells of yet another visitation. So what does that mean?
      The apostle John used the expression 'I was in the Spirit', both in 1:10 when the Lord appeared to him, and in 4:2 when he saw heaven and was taken in the Spirit to heaven, which became the book of The Revelation.
      For me, the Lord told me when I was 16 I was called to be a Seer, which is an Old Testament term for prophet because they could see in the Spirit realm. We see this in II Kings 6:15-17 where Elisha sees in the natural the city surrounded by the enemy army, and his servant see it too and is afraid.
      Elisha asks the Lord to open the eyes of the servant to see what he sees, and the Lord does so - the servant seeing what Elisha saw, angelic armies surrounding the enemy armies.
      For me it is the same - my eyes are wide open so that I see in the natural, but suddenly through no effort on my part, my eyes are opened to the Spirit realm. It is during those times the Lord has come and visited me to teach me things - since April of 1986 He has done this.
      You may be aware also of the now hundreds of reports of the Lord appearing to Muslims around the world with the result being many salvations. Our house church network is now in about 3 dozen nations, and I could tell you sorry after story of the Lord doing this in Muslim nations, to Imams and common people alike.
      If you go to our web site you can see how CWOWI started, and the visitations I received from the Lord where He instructed me to do so. is the web site, the supernatural part is a reference to what the Lord told me in February 2001 when He said in the first visitation of that year: "See what I see. People running to and fro to this meeting and that, looking for the spectacular, thinking the spectacular is supernatural, while they miss the supernatural work in their midst, even in their own hearts, for the process of discipleship IS supernatural."
      So...hope that helps - you can always email me directly at

    • @MsKim-yp4hh
      @MsKim-yp4hh 7 лет назад +3

      SuperHouseChurch THANK YOU 🙏🏿 THANK YOU for explaining this to me! I GREATLY appreciate you taking the time to send me scripture to back up what you are saying! GOD BLESS YOU and YOUR WONDERFUL MINISTRY! I'm going to check out your website! THANKS AGAIN!!!!

  • @tracymcgrady4477
    @tracymcgrady4477 7 лет назад +1

    Do you believe we are in the end times?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  7 лет назад +3

      Hi Tracy - great question and allow me a bit of a long answer. Peter defined the end times, not me, not any modern preacher.
      In Acts 2:16-21 Peter lays it out for those who asked, the start and finish to the period of time called the 'end times'.
      He says 'This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel, in the last days says the Lord, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh..." (male, female, servants and rich, old and young, etc)
      That is the start, obviously because he was answering their question, 'What is this?'
      But he tells us the end too, like 2 ends to a book case, concluding with the sun turned to darkness and the moon to blood at the terrible day of the Lord. The 'day of the Lord' is used in the Bible in some form or reference something like 300 times, and it always means the return of Messiah - the return of Jesus.
      We confirm this by Jesus' words of Matthew 24:29-31 which describe His 2nd coming, saying 'the sun and moon will be darkened' and He will send His angels to gather the elect from one end of heaven to the other (note He is not gathering them from one end of the earth to the other, but gathering the saints from all over heaven).
      WE also confirm this by Revelation 6:12-17 at the opening of the 6th seal, which is the return of the Lord and Armageddon. He says the sun will be darkened and moon, and the moon turned to look like blood.
      The 6th seal, trumpet, and bowl are His return. The 7th seal, trumpet and bowl are the lull before setting up His kingdom, when peace comes finally to the planet.
      So we see when Peter uses the term the end times will continue until the sun and moon are darkened and turned to blood, we understand the end of the last days ends with the return of Jesus - that is how all our understanding came to be on the matter.
      So are we in the end times? Yes, and have been since Pentecost and will be until the return of Jesus.
      But there are other verses by Jesus and Paul that narrow it down further. In Luke 21:24 Jesus prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem, which happened in the year 70AD, saying 'And Jerusalem will be trodden down of the Gentiles unto the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled."
      From the year 70 until the 1967 war, Jerusalem was 'trodden down' by Gentiles (controlled by). So we know we are in the end of the time of the Gentiles.
      Additionally, Paul said in Romans 11:25 that blindness is on Israel in part (about Jesus being the Messiah) "until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in."
      So we can put those 2 together. When Israel took control of Jerusalem in 1967 it signaled the start of the end of the time of the Gentiles. At that time the blindness on Israel started to lift - how do we know this is true? Because it was in the 1960's Jews in large numbers, and many ministries to Jews such as Jews for Jesus, started in the 1960's. Since then the 'Messianic movement' has continued sowing the blindness continues to lift.
      Therefore we can see that we are waiting for the 'fullness of the Gentiles to come in', and then our part will be done -
      So...hope that helps. Blessings,
      John Fenn

  • @justme228
    @justme228 5 лет назад

    Do you have some information on how to go from the head to the heart?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  5 лет назад +4

      Hi justme228 - hmmmm....I don't have a teaching per se, but I have shared what I do many time in things I write and within various teaching series.
      Some advice though: First, you have to be in touch with yourself. Why are you glad you're saved, why do you love the Father, the Lord, the fellowship of the Spirit?
      Then once you think those things through, once you find that gratefulness deep inside you, once you become truly appreciative and thankful, THEN holding those things in your heart and mind, you express that from your deepest most innermost being to Him.
      In that way you flow spirit to soul to flows...
      You have to seek Him with your heart, not your head - pull up why you are glad you are saved, why you love Him...let that be in you 24/7...then express thanks and worship from the to'll find once you get in that flow the reasons just come flowing out of you to where they barely touch the though process as you express from your innermost being your love for the Father and/or Jesus....hope that helps...John

  • @kappaslensc7559
    @kappaslensc7559 4 года назад

    How long did the visitations last? We’re they timeless, or like in a flash?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  4 года назад +1

      Hi Kappa's - thanks for writing. The Lord continues to visit me a few times a year, so they vary. The longest are about 45 or 50 minutes - like anyone visiting with anyone else, they are just visits. Early on He would often start with "I want to teach you about..." But now they are often about other things - what He is doing in the body, world events to pray about, etc. Like I say in a couple of the videos, you'd be welcome to email me at and I can upload the PDF of my first book, Pursuing the Seasons of God, which details some of those early visitations. John

  • @barrysvideofellowship8404
    @barrysvideofellowship8404 7 лет назад

    Will you tell us what Jesus looks like? What he sounds like? Can you describe him with details?

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  7 лет назад +1

      Hi Ryan, Thanks for writing. I've written so much and been in the ministry so long and shared details so often, it never occurred to me to talk about His appearance. But I'll share here a bit as His looks are rather irrelevant, but I understand the curiosity. He is about 5'11" tall, no more than 6'. Average build, maybe a bit slim even, brown hair - the most important thing is the weathering to His face.
      He is middle eastern, darker skin, but weathered, like a farmer who worked in the fields all his life - some vertical weathering lines accordingly on His face. The closest I've seen is the reverse image of the Shroud of Turin, add in some weathering on His face (the image shows smooth cheeks which they are not)...and His eyes are a bit different. I don't know if the Shroud is His burial cloth, but the longer face, the longer nose, is accurate. He doesn't have the stereotypical in our world Jewish hooked or big nose - it is flat, whether by being broken during torture or natural I don't know.
      Most of all His very, very, average looking. Plain, not quite homely, but just...plain. Not an attractive man at all. Just average. Dismiss children's romanticized portraits of Him as being from children and being romanticized. He isn't that good looking nor that 'made up'. His beard is sparse in places, I suppose again from having been pulled out during torture. But it is His eyes.
      His eyes, that get you. In terms of shape they are closer to a Richard Gere sort of slant down towards the outside, but not the full as it is called, 'bedroom eyes', that's not it at all - just not popped wide open like a goldfish, lol, and not just 1/2 opened 1/2 shut level either, I said above. But He is so humble, so real, so genuine, so normal...His eyes reflect His emotions, as do the color of them.
      Normally they are brown, but during different visitations where I've seen them blue, and a couple of times in visitations I made Him angry - I'll just tell this part. He was teaching me about angels & demons and this part was how He starts and shuts down churches. He made the statement that when He starts a church an angel is sent to be in charge of it (along with other angels as needed).
      And to that end He said that is what is meant by the 7 messages to the 7 churches of The Revelation - 'To the angel at...' (Ephesus, Thyatira, Sardis, etc).
      I interrupted and said 'You know, some commentators say the angels are actually pastors in charge of those churches', to which He replied, 'No, it means what it says, the message flows through the Spirit to the angels in charge and also to the people there..." But I pressed my point...bringing it up again and quoting another commentator.
      Of course back then, this was about 1990, I didn't realize pastor's being in charge didn't happen for another 250 years, when Constantine called people out of house churches into the pagan auditorium's he had taken over, and when they put Christians on the benches instead of pagans, they had to appoint 1 person to be in charge, so in the middle 300's AD the pastor rose to be the lone voice for God over people. Before then each house church was led by a group of leaders, couples and individuals, who were mature in the faith. But at that point I didn't know my history, or had forgotten it and was thinking just in the modern structure of the last 1700 years, not the way they did church in the New Testament.
      So the 3rd time I pressed my point His eyes flared up like flames, like someone turned the gas valve on and lit the flame so that His pupils and irises were flames, and He said, "I"m the one who wrote the book and I'm telling you what I meant."
      I said, "Sorry Lord" and His eyes returned to normal and He said, "It's ok" and He returned to teaching me exactly like nothing had ever happened....completely gone from His memory or at least if there, it didn't matter and He thought nothing less of me in the process.
      Hope that helps. You might want to get my book Pursuing the Seasons of God - I can email the e-book link or happy to send the regular book my gifts of course - or visit our site and check the bookstore under 'visitations' and if you draw up a shopping list I'm happy to send you MP3 or cd my gifts again...blessings, John

    • @barrysvideofellowship8404
      @barrysvideofellowship8404 7 лет назад +2

      Thank you John. I appreciate the time you took in writing this message for me. Because you offered your book for free I will gladly pay for it to support your ministry. I think the Lord reminded me today to check to see if you responded to my question. Before I read it I stumbled upon your video "why do I struggle so with hardships". I felt like you we're speaking directly to my situation. I've been angry with God because I've been seeking healing and not finding it. I've been tossed to and fro by the opinions of others all my life. To the point were I alter my personality to fit any and every situation. Because I'm aware of what I'm doing I end up hating myself for it. I simply can't handle rejection because it turns me into an empty can. That video made perfect sense to me. I'm not sure what will happen next but I wanted to thank you.
      I loved your description of Jesus. If you wish to reply, my email is God bless you John and your church. I'm sure the angel over your church is happy to be apart of it :)

    • @ileanafrazier5909
      @ileanafrazier5909 6 лет назад +1

      Hello Pastor John Fenn :)! The way you describe the Lord is how I saw Him in a dream I had, when people ask me and I share how He looks like, I'm not sure they believe He should look like that as if they have heard other people saying Jesus has blue eyes and He showed himself to me looking with/ as an middle eastern features and not dark but like golden brown skin. May the Lord bless you and your family abundantly, may He always be with you, as you are very especial to Him.

    • @NEChristo
      @NEChristo Год назад

      I think it’s entirely possible that He appears a bit differently depending on who is seeing Him- it makes sense to me that He may look different to a child especially even depending on their age, race, culture.. Why wouldn’t He want to make them feel comfortable and tweak His looks a bit accordingly? The painting Akiane did at age 8 could not be done by an 8 year old at all in my opinion except by divine intervention. When you squint at the face in her painting you can see the same bone structure that’s in the shroud of turin image- He may have appeared more “white” and attractive in her visions/visits to Heaven because she was only 3 or 4 years old at the time she saw Him and she herself is blond, blue eyed and of European descent so I can see why He would appear to her as more “friendly” for lack of a better word. He is all things. Changing His appearance would not be a problem. It sounds like you see Him as how he looked on earth after His crucifixion though it’s hard to imagine He was around 6’ tall since all the research I’ve seen shows the average Jewish man in the 1st century being 5’6” or so- being that tall would have clearly made Him stand out and from the scriptures, He was not remarkable in looks in any way. It sounds like to me He knows you can handle the “real” image of Him so that is how He appears. I wouldn’t automatically assume everyone else is wrong. How would He appear to an African boy of 6 or 7 years old? An elderly Native American woman? Seems to me He would appear as exactly how He knows they would be comfortable with Him…. ❤ We will all see Him face to face one day and I imagine once we are there we automatically see Him exactly as He is but I do think He can certainly change His looks- nothing is too hard for Him. 😅

  • @vond7495
    @vond7495 7 лет назад

    I like your videos. I'm curious, do you never want to sing to the Lord with happy & rejoicing songs. Do you feel that Jesus don't care for them either ?? I'm thinking of Mariam, Moses' sister when she took all the women out & rejoiced before the Lord with tambourines and dancing. We are told to praise God in a dance.

    • @CWOWI
      @CWOWI  7 лет назад +3

      Hi Von - I may be a bit confused by your question constructed from the negative. I sing to the Lord a lot of 'happy songs', sing in the spirit 'happy songs', etc...if you are equating 'happy & rejoicing songs' with horizontal, you completely miss the point. Sorry I wasn't more clear.
      Right in terms of dance and so forth - there is value in the horizontal as I thought I mentioned, but did so in passing because I have about 7 minutes to make my point on these videos. As Psalm 100 says, we enter His gates with thanksgiving - that is rather horizontal in and of itself, and yet I live in the state of continual thanksgiving - giving thanks always in all things to the Lord. It is essential to thank Him for the here and now, which is earth-related.
      But that is a totally different context from the visitation where the Lord was talking about the vertical. I don't do horizontal in a big auditorium church setting. Having been a Bible school Director and consulted and advised Bible schools and churches around the US and Canada, I can tell you first hand schools of worship train their leaders to use the first songs to be horizontal to get the people's attention off the kids, the strife of the morning, and so on.
      So they teach them how to get the emotions flowing, the body flowing, which helps focus the mind on the service - and from there they are trained to move to the vertical.
      My comment I made on a personal level, which was strictly personal, is that when I address the Father in worship, it is straight to the vertical.
      I find a lot of old songs from the 1960's through 80's are really good for singing in tongues to the Father or Lord - the melodies lend themselves to a singing the Spirit that ebbs and flows and is 'happy & rejoicing'.
      But my favorite is Michael W. Smith's 'Agnus Dei' and I can sing in English and the Spirit all day long on that one, lol. But to run through a troop and leap over a wall - I'm just not focused on self enough to do that. Happy and thankful for the morning, yes. Singing to the Father out of thankfulness for creation or whatever, yes.
      But worship, in spirit and truth, if vertical. I enter His gates with thanksgiving, then move into His courts with praise...and from there I go to the examples in Revelation 4: 8, 11; 5:9-10.
      Hope that helps clarify - by all means yes to happy & rejoicing - but for me personally, I don't need 30 minutes of horizontal songs to get me focused on Him - I'm ready to go from the start. And that is where I live my life. That is how I get 'in the Spirit' with the Lord. That is where the exchange of revelation and communication happen.
      The dancing and happy am I songs are great, but they get you through the gates...for me, I want to be instantly at the throne, and it works for me - hope that makes sense. John

    • @vond7495
      @vond7495 7 лет назад +3

      Hi Brother, I love your teaching since I recently found you on RUclips. I didn't mean for my question to sound's so hard to convey the tone in a post when commenting online. I should have worded it differently. I will go back & watch Part 1 again. I love to worship the Lord vertical. But, there are times that I'm happy & joyful & like to sing about what He can and has done in my life. In church services, you have unsaved people that don't worship & I think it helps them understand what God is about when you sing of what He has done for others. I certainly don't ever want to displease the Lord in my worship. Thanks for taking the time to answer questions.