My camera wasn't recording, I didn't realise till I got back in the fair. There was a few more peeps I thought I filmed too that weren't on there. As soon as I realised I came back to the location I saw you all but you were long gone. Are you not anywhere else in the video as I walked round filming?
Great footage again mr flax 👍🏻 you do do enjoy ya hook a ducks more than most 😅
Where are me and my friends you gave us a card we were wearing a black tracksuit orange jumper and a whit top ?
My camera wasn't recording, I didn't realise till I got back in the fair. There was a few more peeps I thought I filmed too that weren't on there. As soon as I realised I came back to the location I saw you all but you were long gone. Are you not anywhere else in the video as I walked round filming?