Thanks a bunch I appreciate you making an attempt to be thorough. A quick criticism would be to give us (the viewer) more raw data, i.e. how far your average throws are with the discs, or how accurately can you place the disc on a line, how many grams the discs are, etc... Thanks again.
Thanks a bunch I appreciate you making an attempt to be thorough. A quick criticism would be to give us (the viewer) more raw data, i.e. how far your average throws are with the discs, or how accurately can you place the disc on a line, how many grams the discs are, etc... Thanks again.
From watching the video, it looked like the 2017 was the most overstable, it’s the only one that didn’t flip up on any of the throws.
Struggling on my forehand. Are you stacking first two fingers or just one finger? I was trying to tell??
I stack the first 2 fingers
Subbed !
Appreciate it!