I loved the game when grenades actually killed ppl. I liked it when not everyone had a real money gun to slay you with. Snipers suck. I'm an assault rifle and shotgun guy.
Sad thing is, the devs don’t care. As long as people continue to pay ridiculous prices to be on top, they will continue to keep doing this. The cycle will never break
My problem now, I used dp 28 with full upgrade, its one of the best gun but still, I'm lv 42 and i have been so suffering because the enemy just too good. I see them and I already get killed. It's ridiculous, the power gaps of each weapons are just too much. I hope each gun should have their own benefit rather than always about $.
@@rebellionty I play very big games for many years and charg lot of $$$ for pubg mobile, freefire and mobile legend. but still, When I found this game I think its not a bad game and its very easy to play and fun, but Now I know the real problem of the game, its all about better weapons and also get bored too easily. It's not worth to charge $$$ for players who plays big games like some of us including me.
@@phoonkue8076 yeah bro. The cycle is just to save for a weapon for months and once u get it u r bored again. The grind is too long and sometimes not worth the effort
U heard about new armour class level next season? We will probably need to buy and upgrade every armor class all over again... I kinda hope they'll rebalance the wpns a bit as u suggest. This elevating the level ceiling will separate the rly rly high lvl player OGs from the many newer players that are now in league with them bcuz they're lvl 50+ and the top of the chart is only lvl60 and almost everyone has full lv4 armor in every class. i suspect the new super-OP class of wpns will be part of the new top tier. maybe they will also increase the max lvl to lvl 70. That would be a smart move now that they're raising the ceiling in other aspects. idk. I totally agree there's a problem. I don't really wanna pplay now agains ppk etc. Too OP p2w enemies... And there's no point in investing my 33k gold 900 armor uppgrade pts and 700 wpn upgrade pts. Grenadelauncher is still not bad, but PDM, all f2pp pistols are trash, stevens shotgun is gonna be trash in 2 weeks, machinegns are a joke and who want's to buy a knife or a random character chest. Yawnm. I complete 50-90% of daily tasks, minimum effort. Just to be ready in case the game becomes worth the time again. atm i'm honestly doubting i'll be playing it in 1 year
The New armor announcement made me so hopeless man. It's basically like a step backwards. Their reasoning was players dying too fast to new guns. Then the obvious solution would be to balance all guns but nooooo. Create a whole new thing that's gonna render more guns useless again. Idk what's going on man. Sometimes we get good changes and sometimes we step back by 2 steps
I started playing 2 months ago n I have only bought 2 guns = Luftfast and Sturmpistole, I play just for fun and I'm an average player and it's all PTW so I don't bother.
I'm mad because the lottery banner blocks the watch ad button , also gold is getting harder to get I just want to login everyday , watch ad for gold and not play any matches But it's impossible with that ANNOYING LOTTERY BANNER blocking the freakin button
Same here, collecting gold contracts are harder now. Many times I just need 40 MORE GOLD, and I can’t even complete that contract without playing more contracts.
@@admiralmoszi9859 Yeah these collect gold contracts are damn hard 😂 I gave up on them as soon as I saw the amount I don't think anybody can always complete those , so you're not alone 😔💀💀
@@admiralmoszi9859 Yes Browning is awful now , but I don't think any current weapons are worth buying , it'll get replaced fast I'll buy a new weapon only when devs decide to stop adding OP weapons
@@grandmastalin7796 You will suffer bro… You have so much gold, I think it will be good to buy a new weapon every once in a while… If you have medic 5 buy the PDM or Stinger if you like MGs… trust me, stinger is worth it, I don’t have it myself, but I tried it by stealing from opponents.
They keep coming out with these powerful weapons and we still have the same old ass armor give us better armor support and I think we all should have the same fps that's crazy you have to lose because somebody is playing on a better device than yours alot of these players fps is 120
@@mranonymous122112 it's hard for me to kill yall 120 players bro cause of the moving speed and gun shoot faster my fps don't get no higher then 30 some times it will drop to 17
I think a lot for me is if the new weapon is buffed to sell it...or if it really is "better" than what had been offered in the past. Then fine...buy it if you want it, but understand it will be rated consistently against everything else released before. My thing where they could add is class buffs and perks...not bait and switch every update, but there could be more perks there you could buy / or grind towards. I like grinding better for gameplay....but more class perks... yes.
@rebellionty7770 truth be told I'm now the elderly gamer....lol... really don't FPS anymore...reflexes and....getting old sucks almost as much as getting killed by 10 year old ninjas who quick scope. In the day played COD through the first black ops and Battlefield...MAG on the PS....very underrated game...HAD to work as a team (and needed a medic) and clans MEANT something. Once upon a time top 10 in the world on COD Modern Warfare (so COD 3?)....my 100% perked stealth sniper never missed with the 50 cal, and the matrix knife perk was simply unfair. Long time ago...and the economics of these games have changed so much. Like I think you point out.... not always for the better.
@@chrisc6592 ahhh what a touching story man. Cod nowadays has developed but mostly stayed with the same formula. Only thing is that the story mode before was super interesting whereas now it sort of seems like something being repeated with no new ideas or an attempt to be like the old stuff. Luckily with games tho the control and smoothness aswell as graphics have improved...better experience overall. For wwh I devoted like 5 years to this channel and the game itself hasn't really changed. Some additions here and there bit overall it's still in a bad state
@rebellionty7770 you're right about the story...first few totally had them.... but then the PVP slowly evolved.... yet story was still there. Now, $60 plus you can buy stuff in game. Economics have changed so much.... and not really in ways that are good....in my opinion.... for gamers. When PVP really took off.... what a game changer.... for good and bad. Nuketown in COD I still think the best map ever made in its multi role simplicity. I think WWH has a lot going for it...and controls on tablet I can hold my own...lol. And your critical assessments are on mark....devs can still make money (they have rent too) while also not taking the easy path to doing it that negatively impacts long term players and gameplay. They should. I just won a battle where I was the only one not a bot.... that says something.
@@chrisc6592 nuketown and kill house r my personal favorites. And yeah man. It's either you buy a gun for 60 usd in wwh or buy an actually console game😂which is a little funny. It takes about 4 months to save for a competitive weapon in wwh. As I explain in the video this will just lead to the game losing players
Hi brother . I was playing this game 1 year ago and I registered my account on Google, and today I wanted to enter the game with the account I registered before... I entered the game, but my account was restarted and my weapons and gold were deleted....can you help me what to do so that my account will come back with the same information 1 year ago?
Me personally I am not sure. Try asking the devs on the official wwh Facebook group. I'd say try to disconnect your account from ur account and connect it again. By uninstalling the game
I have the RPD and I gotta say, even after using it for so long it still kicks! I can still win against Paying players, it’s just a lot harder than it used to be (before the ppk existed)
I used to grind in this game and after working so hard with some guns it's literally worthless now in every new update.At this point I'm done with this game
All I care about is why I can't get to play my German character every match American soldier my German one is fully customized the other isn't yet its annoying
Or they can come up with new weapons which doesn’t need to always be the best. They can somehow alter it into one best rifle per year and several medium rifles throughout the year.
@@rebellionty hwhahqwhhwhbhhaha just PUT aim assist then shoot the enmy no rekol EDIT the assult rifle that i use is MP 3008 just oof i ded once i hear that maxin tokarlev i think i should grind level 35 i might say i own the rpd lol
The naming of most of the weapons is not actual names that was used in ww2 like mauser 98k in real life it is not called that it wasmcalled kar98k or k98k
I think they should have levels for people who don't use their credit card or have limited funds and then a crew who can spend thousands of dollars that's not all of us make it fun for the ones who play for fun
Man PPK Its price will be either 25,000 or 30,000 gold And as new armor Its price will be 10,000 gold And the developer will give us 15 stars, 15 gold, and 1 weapon upgrade point in the rewards for the season Daily rewards (temporary rewards that last from 2 hours to 1 day) will have the highest gold 50 Certainly other weapons such as Stendnbach Its price will be the same as I expected for PPK and daily rewards Rewards that when you open a game at the beginning of any day will give you gold, upgrade points or bombs) It will be 20 days or 28~30 days And the most amount of gold was before 500 gold, and an advertisement to become 1000 gold can be seen in the last Halloween update, and because it is believed that the most golden value they will give us is 250 gold It is unfortunate that the game has become greedy to this extent, and the developer has also become very malicious in making new things only for appearances, such as the profile that contains titles and pictures that he put for the season In order not to get gold, for example, before the last Halloween update, they were given in stage 25 250 gold The past seasons had the most gold they give in the free season 1000 gold And now it's 500 because it added useless things This game makes players mad and angry, and there is no one to put an end to it , so F*uck the game 🗿
I agree with your points man. Reduction to golds is by far the worst thing they've done from a grinding perspective. They keep needing the rewards so much its like they want us to suffer. Or maybe it's their only way of keeping us players playing the game. But they must realize that not everyone is willing to withstand to such a game man
The more players quit WWH, the more they've become greedy from what it looks like to me. The devs did this to themselves anyway. Being greedy won't pay off in the long run so it's better to balance the game and make the gameplay more unique, interesting, pay for skins instead of pay to win is the way to go so players would still come back to play.
You are right man. It's been a known facts for many years. Altho I like how some of the newer weapons aren't really that much of an upgrade compared to others. Like in the machine guns category
Honestly bro, since you made this video, I’ve had the pleasure of playing this game for a long time and I’m telling you right now. This game is all about money. That’s all they want money.. the higher you get in level you’re going to have to spend money and I mean you’re going to have to spend money in order to be able to compete with the people who are in the same class as you or level.. if you’ve ever heard about a pay to win game, this is it. This is the worst pay to play or pay to win game that I have ever seen in my life and I’ve seen a couple bad ones but this one is the worst.. thank God that I have some money to spend on this or else me at level 51 right now I would be getting my ass kicked all the time but I’ve been fortunate so I bought in pretty much the best guns that they have available and then the next update they add more stronger guns so I’m only about two guns from all the strongest guns so I can compete and kick someone’s ass who has the best guns but they just suck player wise they just don’t know how to play or don’t have any strategy.. so I’m really sorry guys but honestly, I gotta give my honest opinion on this and the developers of this game they don’t give a shit about whether players have a good time or not. They are just about their bottom line. How can they make the most money out of this game? They don’t give a shit about it. Players have a good time. All they care about is the money so I’m thinking about just quitting this game altogether. I mean, I’ve come along way. I’ve started my clan you know I’m in the top hundred in the world of clans and it’s just getting so ridiculous now that I’m just fed up with it and they don’t do anything about the cheaters so this is cheater central up in here and yeah, the experience I’ve had in this game at first it was OK but now it’s just shitty. It’s just shit. I’d rather give my time to better games like call of duty or Metalstorm any game that you don’t have to pay in order to be able to compete you know what I’m saying so that’s my take on this the game absolute shit. It was good at first but now it’s just a piece of shit and the developers. They’re pieces of shit too. That’s just my honest opinion. Don’t mean to be so blunt and I’m sorry for my language but when I get upset, it really shows through my fucks and shits and all that so very sorry folks but if you got money to spend spending on something that matters because this game, it’s just a piece of shit and it’s not worth It
I can relate very much to your experiences bro. And I also share the same opinion. Kinda sad that the game has only gotten worse since I quit wwh...so much wasted potential just coz they want cash.
I wish the Developer can make like , same level Game , like i mean your level 7 and the enemies is like level 15-30 like men?! How unfair is that?! I wish the add like Same level Match for like your level 15 and your enemies are 15 And thats a fair match It make the game more enjoyable For Everyone playing the game.
I'd suggest the WWH team could keep the damage difference to no more than 45-50 between credit weapons and gold weapons. At least increase credit weapons' damage capacity to 70-75
And their pathetic excuse every time you call them out on it is “paying only accelerates your progress” which is complete bs. It literally makes you near invincible in every match. And the pay to win snobs say well we’re supporting the development. Like no you’re not, they can make money on this game without charging a dime for weapons. They’re just pocketing the money from these idiots who pay. 100 dollars for a virtual weapon in a repetitive mobile game should be criminal
@@Billythekid0123 ooh yeah. I was also supposed to make beta videos😂I think I'll make it all into one big video. But for weapon reviews I'll make separate. War games will still be more reliable tho 👍
Wwh devs :- na just ignore this trash video. Just keep the cycle running
Yo idiot this state of the game freakin sucks. If u think this is a good way to run the game, your sorely mistaken
@@mitchelltoyjoetoye3418 I think you don't understand what I am trying to say
Look I’m sorry for those things I just said. Could you explain to my why you think the state of the game should not change?
@@mitchelltoyjoetoye3418 I was saying it sarcastically
The last part of your video was the best , from the full video combined.
The cat or the verse?😂
@@rebellionty both
It's so frustrating because I really enjoy the gameplay and maps
I loved the game when grenades actually killed ppl. I liked it when not everyone had a real money gun to slay you with. Snipers suck. I'm an assault rifle and shotgun guy.
Super bro good video😁
Totally agree, this is one of the big reason that many players leave and me too.
Sad thing is, the devs don’t care. As long as people continue to pay ridiculous prices to be on top, they will continue to keep doing this. The cycle will never break
@@GlobalTossPot I'm happy i didn't pay for it then.
My problem now, I used dp 28 with full upgrade, its one of the best gun but still, I'm lv 42 and i have been so suffering because the enemy just too good. I see them and I already get killed. It's ridiculous, the power gaps of each weapons are just too much. I hope each gun should have their own benefit rather than always about $.
It would be good for them to balance all guns and then make it all abt skills. Fix the manual shoot to shoot right and we r happy
@@rebellionty I play very big games for many years and charg lot of $$$ for pubg mobile, freefire and mobile legend. but still, When I found this game I think its not a bad game and its very easy to play and fun, but Now I know the real problem of the game, its all about better weapons and also get bored too easily. It's not worth to charge $$$ for players who plays big games like some of us including me.
@@phoonkue8076 yeah bro. The cycle is just to save for a weapon for months and once u get it u r bored again. The grind is too long and sometimes not worth the effort
@@phoonkue8076 Change your play style. I switched from aggressive to cautious a long time ago and my KD increased quite a bit.
U heard about new armour class level next season?
We will probably need to buy and upgrade every armor class all over again... I kinda hope they'll rebalance the wpns a bit as u suggest.
This elevating the level ceiling will separate the rly rly high lvl player OGs from the many newer players that are now in league with them bcuz they're lvl 50+ and the top of the chart is only lvl60 and almost everyone has full lv4 armor in every class. i suspect the new super-OP class of wpns will be part of the new top tier. maybe they will also increase the max lvl to lvl 70. That would be a smart move now that they're raising the ceiling in other aspects.
idk. I totally agree there's a problem. I don't really wanna pplay now agains ppk etc. Too OP p2w enemies... And there's no point in investing my 33k gold 900 armor uppgrade pts and 700 wpn upgrade pts. Grenadelauncher is still not bad, but PDM, all f2pp pistols are trash, stevens shotgun is gonna be trash in 2 weeks, machinegns are a joke and who want's to buy a knife or a random character chest. Yawnm. I complete 50-90% of daily tasks, minimum effort. Just to be ready in case the game becomes worth the time again. atm i'm honestly doubting i'll be playing it in 1 year
The New armor announcement made me so hopeless man. It's basically like a step backwards. Their reasoning was players dying too fast to new guns. Then the obvious solution would be to balance all guns but nooooo. Create a whole new thing that's gonna render more guns useless again. Idk what's going on man. Sometimes we get good changes and sometimes we step back by 2 steps
Allegedly there's world war heros ++ unlimited everything...
I love these kind of vids. Also you should try a scout class trying to recreate the Expeditionary class in CoDww2
Scout class?😮🤔
Actually you did the best thing to buy the Vampir scope.
I've tried the dot aim by picking up other weapons and it's rubbish man with it.
Nah man💀💀💀
U just trynna make me feel better
I started playing 2 months ago n I have only bought 2 guns = Luftfast and Sturmpistole, I play just for fun and I'm an average player and it's all PTW so I don't bother.
I think playing for fun is the best way to enjoy the game honestly🤝
I'm mad because the lottery banner blocks the watch ad button , also gold is getting harder to get
I just want to login everyday , watch ad for gold and not play any matches
But it's impossible with that ANNOYING LOTTERY BANNER blocking the freakin button
Same here, collecting gold contracts are harder now. Many times I just need 40 MORE GOLD, and I can’t even complete that contract without playing more contracts.
@@admiralmoszi9859 Yeah these collect gold contracts are damn hard 😂
I gave up on them as soon as I saw the amount
I don't think anybody can always complete those , so you're not alone 😔💀💀
@@grandmastalin7796 Grandma will you get a new weapon? Browning must be quite old for you now…
@@admiralmoszi9859 Yes Browning is awful now , but I don't think any current weapons are worth buying , it'll get replaced fast
I'll buy a new weapon only when devs decide to stop adding OP weapons
@@grandmastalin7796 You will suffer bro… You have so much gold, I think it will be good to buy a new weapon every once in a while… If you have medic 5 buy the PDM or Stinger if you like MGs… trust me, stinger is worth it, I don’t have it myself, but I tried it by stealing from opponents.
Nice content broo I really like it
Thnx man❤️
They keep coming out with these powerful weapons and we still have the same old ass armor give us better armor support and I think we all should have the same fps that's crazy you have to lose because somebody is playing on a better device than yours alot of these players fps is 120
New armor is coming bro. Gonna be alot stronger than the old ones but will take alot of resources to level up probably
I play at 120fps but my level is low
@@rebellionty bout time lol cause that ppk 42 something else bro it wasn't no reason for them to come out with that gun that's just being greedy
@@mranonymous122112 it's hard for me to kill yall 120 players bro cause of the moving speed and gun shoot faster my fps don't get no higher then 30 some times it will drop to 17
@@Billythekid0123 true. New Armor is gonnna make things diifficuly i guess.
Bro you are right they need to balance the game. I personally struggling with my pdm 42.
I think a lot for me is if the new weapon is buffed to sell it...or if it really is "better" than what had been offered in the past. Then fine...buy it if you want it, but understand it will be rated consistently against everything else released before. My thing where they could add is class buffs and perks...not bait and switch every update, but there could be more perks there you could buy / or grind towards. I like grinding better for gameplay....but more class perks... yes.
Yeah. Grinding feels more worth it. What other fps games do u like bro?
@rebellionty7770 truth be told I'm now the elderly gamer....lol... really don't FPS anymore...reflexes and....getting old sucks almost as much as getting killed by 10 year old ninjas who quick scope. In the day played COD through the first black ops and Battlefield...MAG on the PS....very underrated game...HAD to work as a team (and needed a medic) and clans MEANT something. Once upon a time top 10 in the world on COD Modern Warfare (so COD 3?)....my 100% perked stealth sniper never missed with the 50 cal, and the matrix knife perk was simply unfair. Long time ago...and the economics of these games have changed so much. Like I think you point out.... not always for the better.
@@chrisc6592 ahhh what a touching story man. Cod nowadays has developed but mostly stayed with the same formula. Only thing is that the story mode before was super interesting whereas now it sort of seems like something being repeated with no new ideas or an attempt to be like the old stuff. Luckily with games tho the control and smoothness aswell as graphics have improved...better experience overall. For wwh I devoted like 5 years to this channel and the game itself hasn't really changed. Some additions here and there bit overall it's still in a bad state
@rebellionty7770 you're right about the story...first few totally had them.... but then the PVP slowly evolved.... yet story was still there. Now, $60 plus you can buy stuff in game. Economics have changed so much.... and not really in ways that are good....in my opinion.... for gamers. When PVP really took off.... what a game changer.... for good and bad. Nuketown in COD I still think the best map ever made in its multi role simplicity. I think WWH has a lot going for it...and controls on tablet I can hold my own...lol. And your critical assessments are on mark....devs can still make money (they have rent too) while also not taking the easy path to doing it that negatively impacts long term players and gameplay. They should. I just won a battle where I was the only one not a bot.... that says something.
@@chrisc6592 nuketown and kill house r my personal favorites. And yeah man. It's either you buy a gun for 60 usd in wwh or buy an actually console game😂which is a little funny. It takes about 4 months to save for a competitive weapon in wwh. As I explain in the video this will just lead to the game losing players
I played wwh and when the update with 4 diffrent roles (medic sniper and that stuff) i deleted it bc then it started falling appart😢
It's gotten even worse after that bro
Hi brother . I was playing this game 1 year ago and I registered my account on Google, and today I wanted to enter the game with the account I registered before... I entered the game, but my account was restarted and my weapons and gold were deleted....can you help me what to do so that my account will come back with the same information 1 year ago?
Me personally I am not sure. Try asking the devs on the official wwh Facebook group. I'd say try to disconnect your account from ur account and connect it again. By uninstalling the game
I have the RPD and I gotta say, even after using it for so long it still kicks! I can still win against Paying players, it’s just a lot harder than it used to be (before the ppk existed)
Oh. That's great to hear man. For a while it has fallen off and many better guns came. Good to hear it's still kicking
@@rebellionty brooo new vid?
@@admiralmoszi9859 SOON bro
@@rebellionty Make the new video on maxing out SAPPER SPADE and make KILLSTREAKS with that
@@admiralmoszi9859 😭💔impossible
thats cause I use to be scared of the winchester shotgun now the goliath looks even more scary
😂exactly bro. Every new update brings new horrors
For real😂
The worst thing is that the game will reveal your position as a sniper tho
Except if u use sniper Armour
@@rebelliontywell i do used a sniper armour but to no avail
:( @@MdickieFilms
I have a question - is there any good option to get gold? I wanna try to get gold for MP44 Nachtjager
Do contracts daily and also quests bro
@@rebellionty ok
I used to grind in this game and after working so hard with some guns it's literally worthless now in every new update.At this point I'm done with this game
They'll need to remake a lot of things to balance the guns.
Facts bro
All I care about is why I can't get to play my German character every match American soldier my German one is fully customized the other isn't yet its annoying
Or they can come up with new weapons which doesn’t need to always be the best. They can somehow alter it into one best rifle per year and several medium rifles throughout the year.
That is a good alternative
idk why the mg 32 nearly have no rekol but the mg 42 has so much they nearlly the same thing but the stats diffrent
42 has 10 more numbers so give it more recoil😂😂😂
@@rebellionty hwhahqwhhwhbhhaha
just PUT aim assist then shoot the enmy no rekol
EDIT the assult rifle that i use is MP 3008 just oof i ded once i hear that maxin tokarlev
i think i should grind level 35 i might say i own the rpd lol
@@Skimdz Use dp28 bro
@@rebellionty yes i im using it just the friking maxin tokarlevs kicking my butt once i hear im ded
@@Skimdz ;(
Wht you don't make a video broooo
I am still on vacation bro :(
I miss the old guns and i am having trouble keeping up with other players
Old guns should be more powerful than they currently are bro :(
Bro please make a video about matchmaking system.. im level 19 and theres a lot of players that is 30+ above and im starting to hate this game.
I will see what I can do bro but right now I can't make videos :(
The naming of most of the weapons is not actual names that was used in ww2 like mauser 98k in real life it is not called that it wasmcalled kar98k or k98k
Idk the naming schemes they use. But atleast most of the guns r accurate
@@rebellionty MP-28 is MP-28 MP-44/StG-44
@@Skylab._73 wait what
@@rebellionty sorry brah. 😔
Bro where is leg i cant find the clan
I think they should have levels for people who don't use their credit card or have limited funds and then a crew who can spend thousands of dollars that's not all of us make it fun for the ones who play for fun
Yeah. Fair mode just got recently added
@@rebellionty I'm at 54 only spent $24.89 I want to keep it that way lol
I'm the Canadian killa
that's good enough for me
The stendebach should be turning gold next month that's my next weapon of choice
Hmmm naaaah
@@rebellionty 🤣😂🤣 I need me a good long distance weapon bro the mp44 only go so far
@gates me too bro 💀but the stendebach already got powercrept
@@rebellionty which long distance weapon you would get???
@@Billythekid0123 evans
Man PPK Its price will be either 25,000 or 30,000 gold And as new armor Its price will be 10,000 gold And the developer will give us 15 stars, 15 gold, and 1 weapon upgrade point in the rewards for the season Daily rewards (temporary rewards that last from 2 hours to 1 day) will have the highest gold 50 Certainly other weapons such as Stendnbach Its price will be the same as I expected for PPK and daily rewards Rewards that when you open a game at the beginning of any day will give you gold, upgrade points or bombs) It will be 20 days or 28~30 days And the most amount of gold was before 500 gold, and an advertisement to become 1000 gold can be seen in the last Halloween update, and because it is believed that the most golden value they will give us is 250 gold It is unfortunate that the game has become greedy to this extent, and the developer has also become very malicious in making new things only for appearances, such as the profile that contains titles and pictures that he put for the season In order not to get gold, for example, before the last Halloween update, they were given in stage 25 250 gold The past seasons had the most gold they give in the free season 1000 gold And now it's 500 because it added useless things This game makes players mad and angry, and there is no one to put an end to it , so F*uck the game 🗿
I agree with your points man. Reduction to golds is by far the worst thing they've done from a grinding perspective. They keep needing the rewards so much its like they want us to suffer. Or maybe it's their only way of keeping us players playing the game. But they must realize that not everyone is willing to withstand to such a game man
@@rebellionty yes i agree with you
The more players quit WWH, the more they've become greedy from what it looks like to me. The devs did this to themselves anyway. Being greedy won't pay off in the long run so it's better to balance the game and make the gameplay more unique, interesting, pay for skins instead of pay to win is the way to go so players would still come back to play.
You are right man. It's been a known facts for many years. Altho I like how some of the newer weapons aren't really that much of an upgrade compared to others. Like in the machine guns category
Honestly bro, since you made this video, I’ve had the pleasure of playing this game for a long time and I’m telling you right now. This game is all about money. That’s all they want money.. the higher you get in level you’re going to have to spend money and I mean you’re going to have to spend money in order to be able to compete with the people who are in the same class as you or level.. if you’ve ever heard about a pay to win game, this is it. This is the worst pay to play or pay to win game that I have ever seen in my life and I’ve seen a couple bad ones but this one is the worst.. thank God that I have some money to spend on this or else me at level 51 right now I would be getting my ass kicked all the time but I’ve been fortunate so I bought in pretty much the best guns that they have available and then the next update they add more stronger guns so I’m only about two guns from all the strongest guns so I can compete and kick someone’s ass who has the best guns but they just suck player wise they just don’t know how to play or don’t have any strategy.. so I’m really sorry guys but honestly, I gotta give my honest opinion on this and the developers of this game they don’t give a shit about whether players have a good time or not. They are just about their bottom line. How can they make the most money out of this game? They don’t give a shit about it. Players have a good time. All they care about is the money so I’m thinking about just quitting this game altogether. I mean, I’ve come along way. I’ve started my clan you know I’m in the top hundred in the world of clans and it’s just getting so ridiculous now that I’m just fed up with it and they don’t do anything about the cheaters so this is cheater central up in here and yeah, the experience I’ve had in this game at first it was OK but now it’s just shitty. It’s just shit. I’d rather give my time to better games like call of duty or Metalstorm any game that you don’t have to pay in order to be able to compete you know what I’m saying so that’s my take on this the game absolute shit. It was good at first but now it’s just a piece of shit and the developers. They’re pieces of shit too. That’s just my honest opinion. Don’t mean to be so blunt and I’m sorry for my language but when I get upset, it really shows through my fucks and shits and all that so very sorry folks but if you got money to spend spending on something that matters because this game, it’s just a piece of shit and it’s not worth It
I can relate very much to your experiences bro. And I also share the same opinion. Kinda sad that the game has only gotten worse since I quit wwh...so much wasted potential just coz they want cash.
All those weapons do nothing now …..
Unfortunately :(
I wish the Developer can make like , same level Game , like i mean your level 7 and the enemies is like level 15-30 like men?! How unfair is that?!
I wish the add like Same level Match for like your level 15 and your enemies are 15 And thats a fair match It make the game more enjoyable For Everyone playing the game.
I don't think there's enough players at the same level unfortunately. Either that or the matchmaking suks
I'd suggest the WWH team could keep the damage difference to no more than 45-50 between credit weapons and gold weapons. At least increase credit weapons' damage capacity to 70-75
That would honestly solve alot
Why asia server is not showing?
So here’s the funny thing……the PPK 42 in real life was not even qualified for military use. In fact it lost to the PPS 43
But here we r today😭
Why did you pin that moron’s comment!?
he is making a joke of what the devs probably think of my vid😂hes not saying that about me
@@rebellionty Yeah, they really hate you at this point man.
Idk what is happening to wwh I just like playing it
In a way
World war heroes got deleted from App Store
@@rebellionty why cant i find it on the app store
Wwh now is complete PAY TO WIN, goliath shotgun is so super strong
They're probably gonna add a stronger one soon
Goodbye HQ, im nachjager will never win
And their pathetic excuse every time you call them out on it is “paying only accelerates your progress” which is complete bs. It literally makes you near invincible in every match. And the pay to win snobs say well we’re supporting the development. Like no you’re not, they can make money on this game without charging a dime for weapons. They’re just pocketing the money from these idiots who pay. 100 dollars for a virtual weapon in a repetitive mobile game should be criminal
You should use an ipad for your gaming
I don't have one
@@rebellionty ok
I agre these throngs Need to be fixid
The new update is out bro its amazing do a video on it we got new skin 🔥🔥
@@rebellionty I think it come out next week but they got the video out on the new Christmas battle pass and the rework
@@Billythekid0123 will check it out bro
@@rebellionty war games got it on his RUclips channel
@@Billythekid0123 ooh yeah. I was also supposed to make beta videos😂I think I'll make it all into one big video. But for weapon reviews I'll make separate. War games will still be more reliable tho 👍
Still better than CALL OF DUTY
In some aspects yes.
the game is going bad day till day man!!
I know man😔💔so dissapointing
This element was in the game almost from the start... That's why I stopped playing it. Great graphics but horribly p2w
the guns is expensive and cost real money
I have 1160 gold in like a week grind
1k gold a week. Meaning 20 weeks is what u need for a good gun💀
@@rebellionty I'm tyin to get the pdm lol that's gonna take atleast a year
@@The_blitz_nub youll have it by next yrear
@@rebellionty if I done give up to p2w players ;)
@@rebellionty oh sht also I'm level 40 so that's gonna take like time to level up
As much I really hate this game reminds me of cod vanguard
Coz of the setting?
@@rebellionty no cuz of the gameplay
I m first
My problem is facing with players with like those big good god guns
That's how it is in wwh bro :(
@@rebellionty thats why i feel like codmw2 is much easier
@@Iamthebwst it is. Wwh is only easy when u have the best guns but if you r fighting pros it's hard
@@rebellionty your absolutely correct ima sub so yeah yk ima check if u have tips for wwh in your yt
@@Iamthebwst Thnx man. hopefully u find something useful :)