Wow these really know how to run their machine. I love it when the dude eyeballs the cut and free hands it back straight. They are a well practiced crew don’t have to talk just keep working. God bless these dudes and hope y’all have a happy safe year!
Sllu menyajikan video yg berkualitas,mantaabbbb ,lnjutkan pak,sehat sllu ya pak,hati2 kerjanya.
Aamiiin,,, siap siap masku,,,,
Asalamualaikum selamat malam bosqu kayune jos pisan..
Wa'alaikum salam,, ,,,,, iya masku, salam knl, blitar menyapa
@@IMRONSADEWO salam balik dari kebumen
Dengan mesin ini, pekerjaan cepat selesai hasil bagus, semoga menginspirasikan para petani untuk cepat tanam pohon lagi
Your comments are a testament to your intelligence and creativity.
Cantik kayu nya
Salam sukses dr pklongan pak bos
Terima kasih hadirnya salam balik dr blitar
Mantap gergaji kayu nya
Saya baru tau cara potong kayu seperti ini.
Terima kasih hadirnya,,,,
safetynya bos..diperhatikan
You have a way of putting complex concepts into simple terms.
Четкая работа, дай вам Бог здоровье
You have a gift for making complex ideas easy to understand.
Luar biasa kawan
terbaik cara ni..
Terima kasih
Приветствую! Какая доска классная получается! Супер! Вы молодцы!
Mantap lagi dicari mesin tipe ke gini mas, ijin info harga ya mas
Mantap bos 👍
Salam satu propesi bang
Wow these really know how to run their machine. I love it when the dude eyeballs the cut and free hands it back straight. They are a well practiced crew don’t have to talk just keep working. God bless these dudes and hope y’all have a happy safe year!
aamin. thank you for your support and prayers hopefully in the future it can be even bett
Good job
Buen trabajo 👍
gimna cara rakit msin belah kyu bg
You have a way of making people feel validated and appreciated.
Biasane nyekel slendag nyawag serkel iso keri
Daerah mana Om...
Maaf mas bro, ni kayu milik orang kampung apa dari hutan lindung kok gede gede.
Milik orang kampung om
Your comments are consistently insightful and thought-provoking.
Tuyệt vời 👍😍💯
Thanks you
Pakai motor berapa hp mas
Your comments always leave me feeling inspired and empowered.
bang sistem sewa per kubik atau gimana bang????
You have a way of
Mesin seperti ini merakit sendiri atau ada yg jual mas
Your comments always leave me feeling enlightened and informed.
barpa jual mesin balah papan itu bg maaf pengen tau
You have a talent for making people feel heard and understood.
Hora de serrar a madeira.
Your comments always leave me feeling enlightened and educated.
Mesin apa yang dipakai kang ..gergaji serkel dipakai berapa inch kang bantu kang
Mesin Dongfeng 24pk, piringan serkel 70cm
Your comments are always so well-researched and informed.
pha rung. sao gô nhieu the..
You have a talent for making people feel heard and understood.
Terima kasih
Abang ini harnya berapa??
Your intelligence and quick wit are truly impressive.
Allah humma aamiiin 🤲🤲🤲
Plz help me
mantap bro...!
itu geregaji nx terlalu berat ga tajem..berat ngdorong nx kelihatan nx🙏🙏
Iya bener bos, udah dua hari gk di asah
Bang biar mata sirkel gak goyang gimaana tu
Kalau mata serkel goyang, faktornya macam" bisa as poli bisa lakernya, mungkin juga bisa piringan
Gergaji nya jenis apa gan, n beli dimana...
@@IMRONSADEWO Harga berapa gan..
Berapa oli mesin ini ?
Berapa harga mesin nya
nyari pisau sirkel segede giti di mna ya
You have a way of making people feel validated and appreciated.
I am mashin parces
Your dedication to your community and helping others is truly admirable.
itu piringan nya lebarnya berapa pak.. ada ga ya yang piringan ny bisa belah lebar 40cm..
Itu, 70cm kalau buat papan ful 28cm
kalau yg 80cm jg punya, mungkin buat papan sekitar 35cm mungkin bisa lebih
@@IMRONSADEWO yang bisa ngehasilin lebar 40cm ada ga ya kira kira piringan nya pak???🙏
Mas kita bisa pesan nggak
Pakai piringan diameter berapa ini
Salam satu provinsi bantu suscribe Mase
You have a gift for expressing your opinions in a respectful and diplomatic way.
Piringan brapa inci bos
70cm GMS
Itu puley as piringan ukuran berapa ya bos?
Satu setengah dem
please señd details of thise mashine because i wnt buy this mashine
Essa madeira é cedro?
Berapa harga mesinnya bos
Mikum bos klu desel dari kita cuma butuh piringaya sama tempat nya brapa harga
You have a gift for connecting with people on a deep level.
Harga per lembar berapa?
how much HP engine in this mashine ?
ब्लेड चकरा कितने इंच का लगा हुआ है इसमें
Cuidado com o dedinho
Ini ada pasang divider di tepan saw
buat gesek papan 3x25x4m bisa pakai mesin ini mas?
Bisa mas
@@IMRONSADEWO alamatnya dimana mas, minta no hp dong
The moped with the mattress on was the best
Thank you 👍👍👍
कहां से खरीद सकते हूं
Bisa sya minta nomor nya bg