good, thanks. but why don't use C key to explain, intentionally make it more complicated. Use Bb key doesn't sound more pro, only more difficult for beginner like me.
I love this video even though I don't speak Canto haha! I kind of understand what you are saying, but I wish I could fully understand what you are saying so I can learn better (:
幾時會upload 番以前的全部的教學呀?
深入淺出 , 獲益良多! 感謝!
one suggestion: you should had do this in either English or Mandarin so that you could had had thousand times of clicks more than in Cantonese
一直很想無拘束地即興彈琴(我只懂看基楚樂譜彈奏但覺得這樣彈琴太刻板和被動吧!) 但是對自學者的我來説實在不知如何入手。要即興,想定必要先了解樂理吧(還是必需具備音樂天份才可?) 怎樣才可以系統地學習真正實用的樂理?就算是這裏的第一個video我都覺得非有樂理基礎才聽得明白!期望Theodore能夠給與像我一樣自學流行鋼琴的人一點門路和方向!
多謝 its 寶物for me
Thanks for your sharing!
Thanks for sharing
HilJai Any suggestions what to teach next?
good, thanks. but why don't use C key to explain, intentionally make it more complicated. Use Bb key doesn't sound more pro, only more difficult for beginner like me.
你誤會了,錄這段教學時,部琴走音得好犀利,只有 Bb 比較正常,為減輕大家聽覺上既痛苦所以先用 Bb. 不過我相信好快任何key都難唔到你
+Theodore Hui 真的不明白,同一台琴,Bb會比C的音好些。琴不會知你彈Bb或C、只會發出相同的聲,(除按時的力度快慢)。Bb不只是比C低平音嗎? 準初學者上
Theodore Hui h
I love this video even though I don't speak Canto haha! I kind of understand what you are saying, but I wish I could fully understand what you are saying so I can learn better (:
I admit Cantonese is quite a hard language to learn lol
Theodore Hui oh so you do speak english. Not planning on doing videos in english or at least putting eng subs? haha!
Kianne Lim Yes I do. Haha one day...
哈哈 你說得對
Great! Keep it up!
very useful!!!
record more^^!!
Chord Inversion
Assist me then!
!!!!! you unprivated the video !!!!!!!
有小小快 唔catch 到左手點彈
Thx for sharing!