I used to play a lot when I was young but just stopped over time. Then my wife found cacao in a camp site reception and played it with my son. And was like "huh, we should play more board games". She awoke a beast.
I gotta go with 1. Cosmic Encounter - negotiation masterpiece 2. Kemet - Temporary points! Swingy in the best ways 3. Mechs vs Minions - lighthearted fun in three highest quality package 4. Escape the aliens from outer space - hidden movement that’s so simple to play 5. Tzolkin - Euro style worker placement with a literal twist 6. Nidavalir - blind bid set collection done right
Fireball Island, absolutely. That is a "holiday" game for us. A game we always bring out around winter festivities or Thanksgiving to show people. It's a good time while the food is digesting. My games to play: Bohnanza, Ra, and Cosmic Encounter. If someone hasn't played those, they have to.
Definitely Nemesis for me. It's the most atmospheric game I own, and I have a blast every time I play. No one in my gaming group likes it, and I have never survived a game let alone won, but I still love it.
I thought I was the only one crazy enough to paint all the mini's of War of the Rings. Apparently there is at least one more. Loved to see it. Well painted too!
Dominion for sure. I'm definitely biased since it's the game that got me into the hobby but it's just such a clean pure design and does such a good job of teaching concepts like when to build up an engine and when to use said engine to start scoring. (my PWH pick would probably be sushi go party)
My wife & I played it last night for the first time in 4 or 5 years, and I forgot how much we truly enjoy this game. We can set it up, play a best 2 out of 3, and have it back in the box in about an hour, which is really great now that we have 2 little ones. Unfortunately, we don't really have as much time to dive into games as we used to. I'll definitely be bringing Dominion out more often.
@@Dr.Dark78 I got rid of it when I was moving in with my partner 2 years ago because I had so many boxes of it and it wasn't getting to the table. But Ive been playing the app a lot lately and have been having so much fun with it that I decided to pick up 2nd edition. We've played it once so far (best 2 out of 3 in about an hour just like you said) and they love it (and absolutely destroyed me in our 2nd game 😂)
Games that I think everyone should play at least once, because they are foundational to the hobby: Catan, Carcasonne, Dominion, Ticket to Ride, and Pandemic. These were the trail breakers.
A couple I would recommend would be, for someone who rarely or never plays games or has no familiarity with cooperative games: Kim-Joy's Magic Bakery. But it's also great for families, as an ice breaker, friends, and we think it's really fun for games at higher levels, too. It's got a great feeling of happiness to it and it's a great one to use to gobsmack a friend who's never heard of playing a game cooperatively! For those who'd prefer more advanced cooperation, I'd recommend Atlantis Rising, as it feels very thematic/almost like you're really there trying to save your clan from your rapidly sinking island! Forbidden Island is good for this reason, too, and the illustrations are head-turning. It's immersive, like you're being introduced into this fantasy world somebody has thought about for ages.
I put off getting Castles of Burgundy. It just didn’t seem like a game we would like. I gave in, got it and boy do we love it. We’ve played it 7 times in one week and I lost them all but still love it!
Too funny that Castles of Burgundy has been on the table a couple times this week with tomorrow being a teach and play at my local board game cafe. Nice timing
I recommend everyone to try out hive at least once. It only takes about ten minutes, but it's just a great example of pure design. Reminds me of chess reinvented and you get the feeling that players can keep on improving and countering different strategies.
Am loving the wholesomeness of this list. Step out of your comfort zone now and then, earn long-term happiness points and keep playing until the end… sounds good to me! Here for more of the Brothers Wise!
Great list, but everyone needs to try the mind, it might not be a game everyone loves but it's such a unique experience (on that note I thinks everyone should own it as you can pretty much play no thanks, Ito and the game with a copy of the mind)
good list guys, some risky choices, and some safe ones. Castles of Burgundy never seems to miss. has helped a few friends of mine get the taste for far more heavier games.
Games that need to be experienced once. 1. Mind Mgmt - such a cool hidden movement game 2. Western Legends - free roaming sandbox board game gets everybody out of their comfort zone 3. Scandaloh or Awkward Guests - the "social" deduction game but not "social deduction" game, very fun with larger groups 4. Ra! - interactive bidding game is a blast to play 5. Viticulture - that other really amazing worker placement game
Just got an old castles of burgundy, popped out the tiles, but have not played yet. Bought Fireball Island for my children back in the day. I played it with them and loved it.
I just ordered remember our trip a few weeks ago and that’s because of you guys ! Thanks ! To me the games that feels special in the gameplay and that everybody should play at least once are : Ethnos Strasbourg Wind the film Broom Service Chimera Station The Bloody Inn Glory to Rome Feudum Food Chain Magnate Gaia Project
Cacao is great, it wasn't my gateway game, but was an early game in my collection (got it at a Table Top Day way back). Had to include it as one of the tile decorations in my videos.
Did my duty and played Captain Sonar. So glad I never need to play it again! On the other hand, I want to play Remember our Trip really bad but it sooo hard to find!
TI 3 is the better game for me with some sort of variant that elevate the game, namely Shattered Ascension rules. Streamlines a ton of things, makes the politics aspect engaging, fun and the center of the attention, which is Negotiation. It is after all a negotiation game more than a wargame and politics is all about negotiation. Definitely TI3 : Shattered Ascension Once. It's an experience like no other. Unless you play by basic rules BUT add the Ascension Politics variant. This is where it lacks afterall as vanilla TI (3 AND 4 alike).
I have played cacao, picked it up 2nd hand but in shrink at game board expo uk. Great game, nice and quick, when the kids are trying to decide on a game to play luckily cacao saves the arguments. Pursuit of happiness, was looking for this 2nd hand then saw the box size 😅 Also have castles of burgundy
I like your list a lot! It's really nice to see something different than the repetitive and boring "Catan +Carcassonne +Codenames +Dominion" list. A "games that everyone should play list" don't have to be a "games that everybody already knows list". Love War of the Ring, Castles of Burgundy and Feast for Odin, btw.
Cthuhlu: Death May Die and Nemesis are the two must play games I can offer to the list. Nemesis has the most fun hidden traitor mechanic I've found in a game and Death May Die is basically Mansions stripped down to the crazy last hour of run as fast as you can to the final battle.
Excellent video, we've really enjoyed watching your videos! It really inspires us with our channel. We think you should at least try a game with a different board game mechanic because variety is the spice of life! Happy Gaming!
Really trying to get my hands on a copy of Cacao; hoping it comes back into print. I'd add Android Netrunner to the list; once you get past the rules overhead, it's an amazing 2p game.
Die Macher. Was the first game put into the BGG database, so its very historic for that reason. But also its a very unique game with a bunch of different phases. Reading the rules can be overwhelming, but if you break down what you do in each phase, its all very basic and once you got through 1 round, it all makes sense and the subsequent rounds go by smoothly. If you can get through a game of Die Macher, it will make you realize you can play any medium/heavy weight game out there and that's a liberating experience.
RE: TI4 > Don't force it. Find a group that's going to welcome you and make it a great time for a new person to play it with. I have had the worst experience with my first time and I will never play it again - on the negative side. . . horrid experience. Find a great welcoming group
Head to head combat: like Unmatched or Dice Throne. We were very hesitant to try these because it wasn't our typical game style. But they have become some of my favorite new to me games this year.
Most of these I agree with completely. I think there are a couple that would be in my top 10 not on here. I really think that T2R or Catan - ie: one of the very beginning of the modern board game hobby is something everyone should play at least once, at least just to understand the progress and why they were so good. I get you guys mentioned T2R and why it is not on here but I still think it is a top 10. I also think Pandemic is such a big one for co-op games, topical because of covid etc would be really high on my list of games everyone needs to play at least once. The only game I disagreed with on here was TI4 - but.... that is the game.... I totally agree with the reasons why a game like this is on here and you guys reflected on that, ie: if not TI4 then something else similar that has that whole massive epic game feel to it. In that way I think it is more this is a "game type" everyone should play at least once. My view of TI4 is I understand the argument you guys mentioned but I am pretty confident my gaming friends would not be interested at all. So maybe that is a suggestion for another top 10 list - types of games eveyone should play at least once eg: 4x, co-op, wargame, deduction etc. Then provide some ideas of games that could fit. So on that I think a wargame type of game would be good, whether that is one of the axis allies, soemthing that is hex based but not too comples, or even something like root etc My quick suggestions. firstly one which I will admit is not in my top 10 but I think eveyone should play at least once and that is Freedom-The Underground railroad. This game is about the abolutionists assisting slaves escape to Canada which I know you guys are familiar with. I think the topical nature of this game, the mechanics and the tension it brings somehow brings out the theme the game intends and I think it is a really good option here. This suggestion is also from an Aussie! The other one is Search for Planet X - or something similar such as turing machine (which doesn't use an app) - a game that has this logic deduction puzzle really gets you thinking and can demonstrate how cleverly a design a game could be that you are actually trying to play against it and beat it! Your list has now got me going and exploring on BGA Cacao! Heard of it never really seen it now want to try it, so thank you!
I'm going to suggest Magic: the Gathering. There's a reason that this one's still around when so many other CCGs have went by the wayside. I'll be the first to say it's got its problems, but this really should be on everyone's list.
I actually think that's a really good out of the box answer. Since it's outlasted all ccg's and is still by far the most popular, everyone should give it a shot
Pandemic, splendor or something simular, ticket to ride, champions of midgard or lords of waterdeep, smallworld, isle of skye or carcassonne, for sale, big boss, 7 wonders, one night ultimate werewolf, longshot the dice game, cartographers and incan gold. Just some of the ones from my collection mostly that j would say helped me learn what i like in games. From a newer gamers perspective though. So so many game i want to try! Caverna and twilight imperium are ones that i own but still need to experience. So far im more of a mid weight gamer as far as complexity goes but i would say thats mostly just because of the things that ive played and still havent experienced too many heavy weight games. Either way always a good subject to talk about. Happy gaming! 😊
A game you should play is hegemony. I have played it 4 times in the span of 2 weeks lol and its such a fantastic game. I just want to keep exploring what it offers and diferent strategies. The game plays best at 4 and it definitly is an experience and its fun as hell in my opinion
Hey y'all! hope you enjoyed the Top 10! As we mentioned we're trying to hit 50k subscribers by the end of the year so do us a solid and hit the subscribe button! You're the best!
So sad to hear you despise TI4, it is by far my favorite game, every time I play it I love it no matter what happens and can't wait to play again. You said you played for 13 hours??? people online talk about playing TI games 10 plus hours, I have yet to have a TI4 game go more than 5.5 hours. My group is always working towards victory points. Even TI3 we never went more than 6.5. 13 is just crazy. No wonder you didn't like it that much.
Let's Go To Japan by AEG, because it represents thr best in modern gaming; beautiful artwork, elegant mechanics, and you are ultimately telling a unique story at game's end.
Board games are just fantastic, either solo or with a friend.. Just the joy of playing it to get away from screens to relax the eyes and to have funn is enough satisfying.. I have 2 friends who gaved me the look when i told them that i play board games.. They were all like "why just not play video game?".. They didnt get it untill they tried it with me.. Ended up getting them to the hobby, they at least play 2-3 times a month solo and maybe 2-3 times a month all of us.. A game that i would like to recommend from the hearth is from Z-man / Blizzard "World of Warcraft wrath of the Lich king pandemic" Its one of those games that gives very nice memories back when i play WoW the video game.. Playing that board game at least 3-4 times a month.. P.S. Keep up with the great work ladds you brother's are amazing! 💪
Exfoliate. The last one is "Exfoliate." Also I LOLed IRL at the slot 7 "start over" bit. 🤣 And Castles of Burgundy OG is still on my list. I've played the card game and the dice game, not the original.
Captain Sonar is so (flipping) good! It should usually be played in the turn-by-turn mode first, for new players. That mode is just o.k., but real-time is where the party happens. If you can get 7 other fairly competent players, it can feel like a "real" submarine experience. (Fewer than 8 can play, if some players man two stations instead of one.) My number one "must try" game is Hooky. It's at the top of my list for logical deduction, and you can tell right away if you will like it more, after getting more experience, or if it's not your thing.
What an interesting list. I definitly need to play a lot of those. My suggesttions are: *Tigris & Euphrates because it has a very simple concept with amazing gameplay. Feels very abstract though theme is well implemented. Every single tile you drop matters in the long run. Internal and External conflicts are very interesting and Monuments can eventually survive the nations that gave birth to them which is both cool and very thematic. The fact that you score the lowest resource is a very clever way to naturally push players to seek new conflicts with oppoents. Did I mentioned you can even start a war without even being part of it? A freaking Masterpiece. *El Grande because the idea that you have to bid for turn and those cards do not come back for the rest of the game (unless regain using a specific action card) or that you have to find a balance between cycling your followers from the province into the court and then from the court into the map is incredible. A simple ruleset that translates into amazing gameplay. *Five Tribes because mancala is a very unique yet not very common mechansim and this game has it all. Bidding for turn, multiple ways to gain points, genies that break the rules. Incredible production, components and art are really amazing, to be expected of Days of Wonder, but still needs to be mentioned. Just a gem of a game. All of them need to be talked about more IMHO.
Here are some I would pick and a couple of yours I want to try... Pandemic War of the Ring (such an EPIC game, the best THEME in a box) VitiCulture (Essentials with the 4 seasons and nice upgrades) Cataan Ticket to Ride Azul The Crew Twilight Imperium - I want to try this but may not like for same reasons Nick mentioned. Captain Sonar - I have heard this is very good for 2 teams! Castles of Burgandy - Was better than expected. and honorable mention... Crokinole (but not on a lazy susan)
Cooperative- Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. I know this theme isnt for everyone, but if you enjoy cooperative games, give it a go. Competitive- Hit Z Road. This may be due to coming into the hobby later, but I dont see this one talked about much. A nice little push your luck game. While the is player elimination the game plays so quick it doesnt seem punishing.
Have you played Twilight Inscription, roll and write version of Twilight Imperium? No negotiation. I’m with Nick on not liking negotiation. The ones I use to regularly use to hook new gamers and I think everyone should play are Cascadia, Azul, Splendor, 6 Nimmt, Spite and Malice, Habitats, 7 Wonders, and Sagrada
After watching I have thoughts. So first off I would agree with No Thanks, Fireball Island, and Captain Sonar. I think all of those games are reasonable games to experience the wide range of creativity in board games. I think all three of Feast for Odin, Pursuit of Happiness and Castles of Burgundy are excellent games, but they are all worker placement games, I think if you're going to say these are games you should try I would probably stick with one and then offer the others if they like that style of game. I would lean towards Pursuit because of an easier to understand/smaller rule set, but to show a Euro style game I might go with Concordia? And for a heavier game how about Orleans? And I don't see Wonderful World or Forrest Shuffle which would show some engine building. Cacao and Remember our trip I have not played so I don't have a particular opinion, though introducing anyone to Phil Walker-Harding is always a good idea! Finally, for War of the Ring and TI4, if the person doesn't like how long Catan is I would probably steer clear of these two. They are both excellent games with lots of theme and experience, but normally they take over 4 hours to play each for experienced players (unless you have unlocked the Murph super speed powers of play, see next Kickstarter for details) it's asking a lot to have someone play one of those two. I would actually lean towards Cosmic Encounter for a TI4 replacement. And, and for an IP based game I might go with Queen's Gambit, or much easier to find Small World of Warcraft. Some confrontation but a pretty clean ruleset too. Overall very interesting list and thanks for listening to this kind of lengthy comment :)
Holy hell, I have been playing modern board games for 20 years and I have played only two of these and I have no intent or incline to play the others. Castles do deserve the number one spot, definitely. Cacao is the other one I played and as far as classic tile-laying games are concerned, Carcassonne leaves Cacao in the dust imo. Also, really glad there is no Wingspan on the list!
Totally fair! The reason you haven’t seen us talk about it is that’s about our least favorite game of all time but we are totally aware that is an us thing so we are glad so many people enjoy it!
OK we tried Twilight Imperium 4 and didn't like it! Much too long and boring AP! We sold it back and went back to our beloved Eclipse, Beyond the Sun, Star Wars Rebellion etc
Never understood the fascination for Feast for Odin? It’s basically Super Tetris… losing any there with its acquire stuff for their shapes versus any functionality. Sword not for being a sword… Uwe’s Fields of Arle so much more thematic. Just couldn’t handle the Tetris focus. 🤷🏻♂️
No Thanks is such a classic. It takes a minute to teach and 10 to play. Never had it miss with anyone. Within a few rounds people start to realize what's going on and that's always a blast to see
Its crazy to be that you dont like negotiation. Weird that someone whos outgoing and has such a personality wouldn't click with that mechanism. Its literally just talking with people about how you want to approach the game. Its not like regular games dont have negotiation either. Like in almost any game you can work together to do something or hurt someone.
I'd argue that the majority of modern board game don't have negotiation. Or even if they technically could, no one ever does. Sure we could negotiate to take all of the spaces Mike wants to go to in a worker placement game, but why would we do that? And in terms of my personality, my on camera version of myself is significantly less shy than my normal self
Strip Catan. Anytime the robber lands on your property you lose one item of clothing; socks don't count. If one becomes "Full Monty" and the robber is placed on your property: ten jumping jacks. Good luck.
Love you guys, but this is the first video I feel like a Patreon plug is negative. Comes across almost as gate-keeping. "Want 15 more great games that give you amazing experiences? Tough, gotta pay for that, " which I don't believe is your business model. Patreon and other ancillary income for content creators should be used to draw people already into that specific aspect,l of the specific creator, or hobby. It just felt rough on an introductory list like this. Love you both, and this doesn't effect my subscription/backing, just notingthatt it might not give the best image on intro-style lists😊
I will NOT stand by while Reginald the skeleton is abused!! As a Reginald, I must support this cause. Everyone subscribe now.
You don’t stop playing because you get old. You get old because you stop playing.
Can I steal that line?
@@txsportsfreak02 Be my guest. Words to live by.
Just watched this movie again a few weeks ago. I hadn’t seen it since it came out! The twist is really amazing.
@@txsportsfreak02 It's a quote by George Bernard Shaw.
I used to play a lot when I was young but just stopped over time. Then my wife found cacao in a camp site reception and played it with my son. And was like "huh, we should play more board games". She awoke a beast.
grandma get up, the murphs said you have to play TI4
You heard it here
I gotta go with
1. Cosmic Encounter - negotiation masterpiece
2. Kemet - Temporary points! Swingy in the best ways
3. Mechs vs Minions - lighthearted fun in three highest quality package
4. Escape the aliens from outer space - hidden movement that’s so simple to play
5. Tzolkin - Euro style worker placement with a literal twist
6. Nidavalir - blind bid set collection done right
Fireball Island, absolutely. That is a "holiday" game for us. A game we always bring out around winter festivities or Thanksgiving to show people. It's a good time while the food is digesting. My games to play:
Bohnanza, Ra, and Cosmic Encounter. If someone hasn't played those, they have to.
Definitely Nemesis for me. It's the most atmospheric game I own, and I have a blast every time I play. No one in my gaming group likes it, and I have never survived a game let alone won, but I still love it.
I thought I was the only one crazy enough to paint all the mini's of War of the Rings. Apparently there is at least one more. Loved to see it. Well painted too!
Dominion for sure. I'm definitely biased since it's the game that got me into the hobby but it's just such a clean pure design and does such a good job of teaching concepts like when to build up an engine and when to use said engine to start scoring.
(my PWH pick would probably be sushi go party)
My wife & I played it last night for the first time in 4 or 5 years, and I forgot how much we truly enjoy this game. We can set it up, play a best 2 out of 3, and have it back in the box in about an hour, which is really great now that we have 2 little ones. Unfortunately, we don't really have as much time to dive into games as we used to. I'll definitely be bringing Dominion out more often.
@@Dr.Dark78 I got rid of it when I was moving in with my partner 2 years ago because I had so many boxes of it and it wasn't getting to the table. But Ive been playing the app a lot lately and have been having so much fun with it that I decided to pick up 2nd edition. We've played it once so far (best 2 out of 3 in about an hour just like you said) and they love it (and absolutely destroyed me in our 2nd game 😂)
Games that I think everyone should play at least once, because they are foundational to the hobby: Catan, Carcasonne, Dominion, Ticket to Ride, and Pandemic. These were the trail breakers.
No Thanks! is amazing! Draining everyone’s chips on a card you know you’re going to take is always a blast.
Always enjoy these lists (wouldn't in a year of Tuesdays have guesses Cacao would be on here - love it!).
A couple I would recommend would be, for someone who rarely or never plays games or has no familiarity with cooperative games: Kim-Joy's Magic Bakery. But it's also great for families, as an ice breaker, friends, and we think it's really fun for games at higher levels, too. It's got a great feeling of happiness to it and it's a great one to use to gobsmack a friend who's never heard of playing a game cooperatively! For those who'd prefer more advanced cooperation, I'd recommend Atlantis Rising, as it feels very thematic/almost like you're really there trying to save your clan from your rapidly sinking island! Forbidden Island is good for this reason, too, and the illustrations are head-turning. It's immersive, like you're being introduced into this fantasy world somebody has thought about for ages.
I put off getting Castles of Burgundy. It just didn’t seem like a game we would like. I gave in, got it and boy do we love it. We’ve played it 7 times in one week and I lost them all but still love it!
Too funny that Castles of Burgundy has been on the table a couple times this week with tomorrow being a teach and play at my local board game cafe. Nice timing
I recommend everyone to try out hive at least once. It only takes about ten minutes, but it's just a great example of pure design. Reminds me of chess reinvented and you get the feeling that players can keep on improving and countering different strategies.
Easy answer. Everyone needs to play Brass Birmingham. Well, that and Patchwork.
Great list as always guys! I immediately thought about captain sonar and ti4. Fireball island is great pick Catan i also think is good one.
Am loving the wholesomeness of this list. Step out of your comfort zone now and then, earn long-term happiness points and keep playing until the end… sounds good to me! Here for more of the Brothers Wise!
Great list, but everyone needs to try the mind, it might not be a game everyone loves but it's such a unique experience (on that note I thinks everyone should own it as you can pretty much play no thanks, Ito and the game with a copy of the mind)
good list guys, some risky choices, and some safe ones. Castles of Burgundy never seems to miss. has helped a few friends of mine get the taste for far more heavier games.
Everyone should try Blood on the Clocktower
Games that need to be experienced once.
1. Mind Mgmt - such a cool hidden movement game
2. Western Legends - free roaming sandbox board game gets everybody out of their comfort zone
3. Scandaloh or Awkward Guests - the "social" deduction game but not "social deduction" game, very fun with larger groups
4. Ra! - interactive bidding game is a blast to play
5. Viticulture - that other really amazing worker placement game
My choice for games people should play is Endless Winter "A game with a multitude of mechanics streamlined to 20 minutes per person gameplay"
Just got an old castles of burgundy, popped out the tiles, but have not played yet. Bought Fireball Island for my children back in the day. I played it with them and loved it.
Diplomacy - you will love, hate or dread the rest of your life!
Puerto Rico 1897 Version. Action selection pioneer, influenced everything, former #1.
I just ordered remember our trip a few weeks ago and that’s because of you guys ! Thanks !
To me the games that feels special in the gameplay and that everybody should play at least once are :
Wind the film
Broom Service
Chimera Station
The Bloody Inn
Glory to Rome
Food Chain Magnate
Gaia Project
Wow I did not think i would fail this list so hard. I have only played Castles of Burgundy. 😵
Cacao is great, it wasn't my gateway game, but was an early game in my collection (got it at a Table Top Day way back). Had to include it as one of the tile decorations in my videos.
Did my duty and played Captain Sonar. So glad I never need to play it again! On the other hand, I want to play Remember our Trip really bad but it sooo hard to find!
TI 3 is the better game for me with some sort of variant that elevate the game, namely Shattered Ascension rules. Streamlines a ton of things, makes the politics aspect engaging, fun and the center of the attention, which is Negotiation. It is after all a negotiation game more than a wargame and politics is all about negotiation.
Definitely TI3 : Shattered Ascension Once. It's an experience like no other. Unless you play by basic rules BUT add the Ascension Politics variant. This is where it lacks afterall as vanilla TI (3 AND 4 alike).
I have played cacao, picked it up 2nd hand but in shrink at game board expo uk. Great game, nice and quick, when the kids are trying to decide on a game to play luckily cacao saves the arguments.
Pursuit of happiness, was looking for this 2nd hand then saw the box size 😅
Also have castles of burgundy
I like your list a lot! It's really nice to see something different than the repetitive and boring "Catan +Carcassonne +Codenames +Dominion" list.
A "games that everyone should play list" don't have to be a "games that everybody already knows list".
Love War of the Ring, Castles of Burgundy and Feast for Odin, btw.
Cthuhlu: Death May Die and Nemesis are the two must play games I can offer to the list. Nemesis has the most fun hidden traitor mechanic I've found in a game and Death May Die is basically Mansions stripped down to the crazy last hour of run as fast as you can to the final battle.
Great choices!
Viticulture has a very big place in my heart...its the game that got me into the hobby!
Definitely Nemesis. It creates amazing stories every time you play it. Play with the right people and it's an awesome experience
Many people have said Nemesis! So you're in good hands!
Excellent video, we've really enjoyed watching your videos! It really inspires us with our channel. We think you should at least try a game with a different board game mechanic because variety is the spice of life! Happy Gaming!
#3 timestamp is misplaced :) Put it on 26:31 or 32
Great video !
Really trying to get my hands on a copy of Cacao; hoping it comes back into print. I'd add Android Netrunner to the list; once you get past the rules overhead, it's an amazing 2p game.
Die Macher. Was the first game put into the BGG database, so its very historic for that reason. But also its a very unique game with a bunch of different phases. Reading the rules can be overwhelming, but if you break down what you do in each phase, its all very basic and once you got through 1 round, it all makes sense and the subsequent rounds go by smoothly. If you can get through a game of Die Macher, it will make you realize you can play any medium/heavy weight game out there and that's a liberating experience.
RE: TI4 > Don't force it. Find a group that's going to welcome you and make it a great time for a new person to play it with. I have had the worst experience with my first time and I will never play it again - on the negative side. . . horrid experience. Find a great welcoming group
Burgle Bros, Shipwreck Arcana, VAST are my additions.
Head to head combat: like Unmatched or Dice Throne.
We were very hesitant to try these because it wasn't our typical game style. But they have become some of my favorite new to me games this year.
Most of these I agree with completely. I think there are a couple that would be in my top 10 not on here. I really think that T2R or Catan - ie: one of the very beginning of the modern board game hobby is something everyone should play at least once, at least just to understand the progress and why they were so good. I get you guys mentioned T2R and why it is not on here but I still think it is a top 10. I also think Pandemic is such a big one for co-op games, topical because of covid etc would be really high on my list of games everyone needs to play at least once.
The only game I disagreed with on here was TI4 - but.... that is the game.... I totally agree with the reasons why a game like this is on here and you guys reflected on that, ie: if not TI4 then something else similar that has that whole massive epic game feel to it. In that way I think it is more this is a "game type" everyone should play at least once. My view of TI4 is I understand the argument you guys mentioned but I am pretty confident my gaming friends would not be interested at all. So maybe that is a suggestion for another top 10 list - types of games eveyone should play at least once eg: 4x, co-op, wargame, deduction etc. Then provide some ideas of games that could fit.
So on that I think a wargame type of game would be good, whether that is one of the axis allies, soemthing that is hex based but not too comples, or even something like root etc
My quick suggestions. firstly one which I will admit is not in my top 10 but I think eveyone should play at least once and that is Freedom-The Underground railroad. This game is about the abolutionists assisting slaves escape to Canada which I know you guys are familiar with. I think the topical nature of this game, the mechanics and the tension it brings somehow brings out the theme the game intends and I think it is a really good option here. This suggestion is also from an Aussie!
The other one is Search for Planet X - or something similar such as turing machine (which doesn't use an app) - a game that has this logic deduction puzzle really gets you thinking and can demonstrate how cleverly a design a game could be that you are actually trying to play against it and beat it!
Your list has now got me going and exploring on BGA Cacao! Heard of it never really seen it now want to try it, so thank you!
I'm going to suggest Magic: the Gathering. There's a reason that this one's still around when so many other CCGs have went by the wayside. I'll be the first to say it's got its problems, but this really should be on everyone's list.
I actually think that's a really good out of the box answer. Since it's outlasted all ccg's and is still by far the most popular, everyone should give it a shot
Pandemic, splendor or something simular, ticket to ride, champions of midgard or lords of waterdeep, smallworld, isle of skye or carcassonne, for sale, big boss, 7 wonders, one night ultimate werewolf, longshot the dice game, cartographers and incan gold.
Just some of the ones from my collection mostly that j would say helped me learn what i like in games. From a newer gamers perspective though. So so many game i want to try! Caverna and twilight imperium are ones that i own but still need to experience. So far im more of a mid weight gamer as far as complexity goes but i would say thats mostly just because of the things that ive played and still havent experienced too many heavy weight games. Either way always a good subject to talk about. Happy gaming! 😊
Great picks!
BIG BOSS! Absolutely.
@@BobbyReichle I love big boss!! Was on my radar but picked it up because of a sale and it's turned into one of my favorites. 😊
@@PBMatthews254 I have played this game with so many people! It just keeps being very fun.
my picks would be dont llama, splendor and deep sea adventure. never met anybody who didnt like those three games.
The granddaddy of all euro games...Settlers.
Five Tribes is a must play. Everyone should give this a whirl just once. Sooo Good!
Good call!
A game you should play is hegemony. I have played it 4 times in the span of 2 weeks lol and its such a fantastic game. I just want to keep exploring what it offers and diferent strategies. The game plays best at 4 and it definitly is an experience and its fun as hell in my opinion
Great list! Could you please fix your timestamp on #3 though?? 😅
Hey y'all! hope you enjoyed the Top 10! As we mentioned we're trying to hit 50k subscribers by the end of the year so do us a solid and hit the subscribe button! You're the best!
So sad to hear you despise TI4, it is by far my favorite game, every time I play it I love it no matter what happens and can't wait to play again. You said you played for 13 hours??? people online talk about playing TI games 10 plus hours, I have yet to have a TI4 game go more than 5.5 hours. My group is always working towards victory points. Even TI3 we never went more than 6.5. 13 is just crazy. No wonder you didn't like it that much.
Ha! I have Cacao set up on my table this very minute. So why am I watching this instead of playing? My wife is at work. That's why.
Let's Go To Japan by AEG, because it represents thr best in modern gaming; beautiful artwork, elegant mechanics, and you are ultimately telling a unique story at game's end.
The best in modern gaming and it looks terrible to me(gameplay not art). Bold claim
Everyone should try at least once a lcg. Arkham horror if you prefer a narrative experience or marvel champions for a more casual fun
You had to plug feast for Odin huh? Hahaha. I see you. 😂
Interesting. I just picked up a used copy of Cacao at CrandCon, based on your years of talking about it!
Yo let's go! Let us know what you think when you play!
Board games are just fantastic, either solo or with a friend..
Just the joy of playing it to get away from screens to relax the eyes and to have funn is enough satisfying..
I have 2 friends who gaved me the look when i told them that i play board games..
They were all like "why just not play video game?"..
They didnt get it untill they tried it with me..
Ended up getting them to the hobby, they at least play 2-3 times a month solo and maybe 2-3 times a month all of us..
A game that i would like to recommend from the hearth is from Z-man / Blizzard "World of Warcraft wrath of the Lich king pandemic"
Its one of those games that gives very nice memories back when i play WoW the video game..
Playing that board game at least 3-4 times a month..
P.S. Keep up with the great work ladds you brother's are amazing! 💪
Exfoliate. The last one is "Exfoliate." Also I LOLed IRL at the slot 7 "start over" bit. 🤣 And Castles of Burgundy OG is still on my list. I've played the card game and the dice game, not the original.
Ah yes Exfoliate!
Any Pandemic. It is one for everyone ...😂
Captain Sonar is so (flipping) good! It should usually be played in the turn-by-turn mode first, for new players. That mode is just o.k., but real-time is where the party happens. If you can get 7 other fairly competent players, it can feel like a "real" submarine experience. (Fewer than 8 can play, if some players man two stations instead of one.)
My number one "must try" game is Hooky. It's at the top of my list for logical deduction, and you can tell right away if you will like it more, after getting more experience, or if it's not your thing.
Hooky is incredible!
What an interesting list. I definitly need to play a lot of those.
My suggesttions are:
*Tigris & Euphrates because it has a very simple concept with amazing gameplay. Feels very abstract though theme is well implemented. Every single tile you drop matters in the long run. Internal and External conflicts are very interesting and Monuments can eventually survive the nations that gave birth to them which is both cool and very thematic. The fact that you score the lowest resource is a very clever way to naturally push players to seek new conflicts with oppoents. Did I mentioned you can even start a war without even being part of it? A freaking Masterpiece.
*El Grande because the idea that you have to bid for turn and those cards do not come back for the rest of the game (unless regain using a specific action card) or that you have to find a balance between cycling your followers from the province into the court and then from the court into the map is incredible. A simple ruleset that translates into amazing gameplay.
*Five Tribes because mancala is a very unique yet not very common mechansim and this game has it all. Bidding for turn, multiple ways to gain points, genies that break the rules. Incredible production, components and art are really amazing, to be expected of Days of Wonder, but still needs to be mentioned. Just a gem of a game.
All of them need to be talked about more IMHO.
We talked about El Grande in our video on Patreon. Definitely could have been on this list
I've played 4/10, I've got some work to do. Love these lists!
4 out of 10 ain't bad!
Here are some I would pick and a couple of yours I want to try...
War of the Ring (such an EPIC game, the best THEME in a box)
VitiCulture (Essentials with the 4 seasons and nice upgrades)
Ticket to Ride
The Crew
Twilight Imperium - I want to try this but may not like for same reasons Nick mentioned.
Captain Sonar - I have heard this is very good for 2 teams!
Castles of Burgandy - Was better than expected.
and honorable mention... Crokinole (but not on a lazy susan)
I laughed so much at Xylophone 😅
Pandemic, Legacy season one
I just want to say "I see it". Not pointing anything out, but I see it.
Cooperative- Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. I know this theme isnt for everyone, but if you enjoy cooperative games, give it a go.
Competitive- Hit Z Road. This may be due to coming into the hobby later, but I dont see this one talked about much. A nice little push your luck game. While the is player elimination the game plays so quick it doesnt seem punishing.
Yeah I've heard good things about Hit Z Road but I feel like it came and went
Have you played Twilight Inscription, roll and write version of Twilight Imperium? No negotiation. I’m with Nick on not liking negotiation.
The ones I use to regularly use to hook new gamers and I think everyone should play are Cascadia, Azul, Splendor, 6 Nimmt, Spite and Malice, Habitats, 7 Wonders, and Sagrada
Yup we have and LOVE that game!
I am withholding judgement until I watch, but my skeptisim is high entering this list haha
After watching I have thoughts.
So first off I would agree with No Thanks, Fireball Island, and Captain Sonar. I think all of those games are reasonable games to experience the wide range of creativity in board games.
I think all three of Feast for Odin, Pursuit of Happiness and Castles of Burgundy are excellent games, but they are all worker placement games, I think if you're going to say these are games you should try I would probably stick with one and then offer the others if they like that style of game. I would lean towards Pursuit because of an easier to understand/smaller rule set, but to show a Euro style game I might go with Concordia? And for a heavier game how about Orleans?
And I don't see Wonderful World or Forrest Shuffle which would show some engine building.
Cacao and Remember our trip I have not played so I don't have a particular opinion, though introducing anyone to Phil Walker-Harding is always a good idea!
Finally, for War of the Ring and TI4, if the person doesn't like how long Catan is I would probably steer clear of these two. They are both excellent games with lots of theme and experience, but normally they take over 4 hours to play each for experienced players (unless you have unlocked the Murph super speed powers of play, see next Kickstarter for details) it's asking a lot to have someone play one of those two. I would actually lean towards Cosmic Encounter for a TI4 replacement. And, and for an IP based game I might go with Queen's Gambit, or much easier to find Small World of Warcraft. Some confrontation but a pretty clean ruleset too.
Overall very interesting list and thanks for listening to this kind of lengthy comment :)
Holy hell, I have been playing modern board games for 20 years and I have played only two of these and I have no intent or incline to play the others.
Castles do deserve the number one spot, definitely.
Cacao is the other one I played and as far as classic tile-laying games are concerned, Carcassonne leaves Cacao in the dust imo.
Also, really glad there is no Wingspan on the list!
I have never seen you talk about Smash Up? This game has been out for over 10 years with plenty of expansions. I cant recommend it enough!
Totally fair! The reason you haven’t seen us talk about it is that’s about our least favorite game of all time but we are totally aware that is an us thing so we are glad so many people enjoy it!
I have Castles of Burgundy on my table right now. Like many good games, I know how to play it but I still haven't figured out how to play it well. 🤓
Oh I've never played that game "well", I just play it lol!
Kashgar. It's kind of bland theme but the mechanisms are great. It needs a score tracker but other than that it is great
Great game, would love a retheme to something a little less bland
OK we tried Twilight Imperium 4 and didn't like it! Much too long and boring AP! We sold it back and went back to our beloved Eclipse, Beyond the Sun, Star Wars Rebellion etc
Vegas/Las Vegas, 6 nimmt, Obsession, Ganz Schön Clever
Never understood the fascination for Feast for Odin? It’s basically Super Tetris… losing any there with its acquire stuff for their shapes versus any functionality. Sword not for being a sword… Uwe’s Fields of Arle so much more thematic. Just couldn’t handle the Tetris focus. 🤷🏻♂️
Hey to each their own :)
When does Pool Boy the board game come out?
solid list. thank you
Is cacao out of print? I can’t find it to buy
There so many different fireball island versions it seems like can someone please help me. Which one should I get?
So I consider myself a pretty big board gamer. I think I have over at least 100....I have never played any of these 😂😂
No Thanks is such a classic. It takes a minute to teach and 10 to play. Never had it miss with anyone. Within a few rounds people start to realize what's going on and that's always a blast to see
You have to play all of these!
Its crazy to be that you dont like negotiation. Weird that someone whos outgoing and has such a personality wouldn't click with that mechanism. Its literally just talking with people about how you want to approach the game. Its not like regular games dont have negotiation either. Like in almost any game you can work together to do something or hurt someone.
I'd argue that the majority of modern board game don't have negotiation. Or even if they technically could, no one ever does. Sure we could negotiate to take all of the spaces Mike wants to go to in a worker placement game, but why would we do that? And in terms of my personality, my on camera version of myself is significantly less shy than my normal self
lol at the #7 false start
Sometimes you stumble out of the gates lol
unsubscribed, just so i can re-subscribe to help you get to 50k. you're welcome.
And, you have also told us who you are voting for this election.
Emperial 2030
Strip Catan.
Anytime the robber lands on your property you lose one item of clothing; socks don't count.
If one becomes "Full Monty" and the robber is placed on your property: ten jumping jacks.
Good luck.
Love you guys, but this is the first video I feel like a Patreon plug is negative. Comes across almost as gate-keeping. "Want 15 more great games that give you amazing experiences? Tough, gotta pay for that, " which I don't believe is your business model. Patreon and other ancillary income for content creators should be used to draw people already into that specific aspect,l of the specific creator, or hobby. It just felt rough on an introductory list like this. Love you both, and this doesn't effect my subscription/backing, just notingthatt it might not give the best image on intro-style lists😊
Terrible list
Great comment
5 more games you should try before you die:
Magic: The Gathering.
Terra Mystica.