頭部『不安』,摩登災難! 頭重,約可達體重的『十分之一』,位在頂端,影響『腳下 重心落點』至鉅。 如果無由的『搖頭晃腦、頭部亂轉⋯⋯』,保證是摩登舞的『災難』! 君可曾見過『跑者跑步、動物奔馳、禽鳥飛翔⋯⋯』頭部亂轉、亂動⋯⋯者? 男仕『帶舞』,頭部『比較有自主性』,但仍源自『核心(下背、腰、胯)』的轉動。 🌸 女仕『跟隨』,核心『跟隨 被男仕轉動』,上盤握持、下盤雙腿『皆被 帶動』而轉動、移動,頭部『在 上盤末梢』,女仕頭部『最後』才被帶動而轉。 Geoffrey Hearn 讚嘆 Mirko/Alessia 的高超『頭部運用』技巧,造就了無比的美感與音樂性。 In Particular, How they create so much feeling of rhythm and character thru their particular mastery of technique of changing their head weight.
I love this performance.
How they create so much feeling of rhythm and character thru their particular mastery of technique of changing their head weight.
Love this.The foxtrot still brings tears to my eyes
best ever
頭重,約可達體重的『十分之一』,位在頂端,影響『腳下 重心落點』至鉅。
🌸 女仕『跟隨』,核心『跟隨 被男仕轉動』,上盤握持、下盤雙腿『皆被 帶動』而轉動、移動,頭部『在 上盤末梢』,女仕頭部『最後』才被帶動而轉。
Geoffrey Hearn 讚嘆 Mirko/Alessia 的高超『頭部運用』技巧,造就了無比的美感與音樂性。
In Particular, How they create so much feeling of rhythm and character thru their particular mastery of technique of changing their head weight.
What's the song of the waltz?
All The Way Home by Frank Sinatra
Nobodies do it better than Alessia and Mirko,
no wonder they just can't do without each other, it's just all things come together in those days.