Fr tho, Luminary Jenos with Bounce House Buck or Rouge's Gambit Maeve is good. As long as you don't get a solo healer cripple Jenos with those, you can easily make those 2 do some work.
5:38 this tip is gold. Whenever my team gets 2 off-tanks, one of them just says "wtf. gg." Yet here I am, just wondering "flank them? Their backline champions has almost no chance of survival against two off tanks."
Yes those are the type of guys who just stick to the rule book and see cons of everything and don't try a new recipe every now and again I hate those guys
Man this is amazing. I was really scared whenever I encounter a seasoned player or a master since I’m not much confident going to ranked. Maybe now I can do something about it. I hope to try my first match soon.
im glad you made this video! your video style is really awesome and you have so much talent, but skins dont cut it because there is only much of them, so exploring nee ideas like this is very welcome by me, and im sure the rest of your fanbase agrees!
I always solo q, because I have no friend who play paladins and I really don't trust people overal. I always was gold 1 forever and last season I set a goal for myself to be plat. I achieved that but it took so many tears, blood and sweat (and dissapointment over teammates)
This is sooo helpful, I never go to ranked as I don't know how to play on it, but your tips have helped me a lot, thank u so much (sorry for the bad english)
Actually this opened up my knowledge more in rank ty ver much man. I thought off tank picks up the main tank position when the main tank dies or off tank hangs out by the healers.
It’s really hard for tank mains to rank up solo queue. Used to go Master playing as tank before, but that was because of a good roll on getting a good teammates.
This video has helped me a lot, not gonna lie. It gave me hope that one day I'll finally be able to get to Masters even tho I know I'm doomed to always be stuck in Gold. I cri
straight counter to Evie is silence sha lin, now he silences for 2 seconds, when I play sha lin I am surprized at how unpopular he is because when I silence a diamond s1 frame lvl80 evie she just stands doing nothing as if she is trying to blink away lol also sha deletes any flank with silence, bulk up buck is a big big issue though as after 2 secs if you don't kill him he will just full heal in your face and rek you. also cripple effect card at 5 can make the silence be 2.5 seconds.
As an evie main i can confirm shalin is one of the champs i fear the most, i approach him like twice and if i see he’s good at aiming me then i leave him to my team for the rest of the match
Very helpful tips even for a lvl 200 player BUT Wait a min, so caturize dont work on nothing but ur weapon shots? I wonder grover cripple or grohk pulse do they have caturize affect? Androx reversal? Cassie impulse and disengage? Zhin counter? Imani right click with frost or fire? Im confused about these specific champions somebody plz explain.
So any ability that classifies as a Weapon Shot applies caut and wrecker. I know for sure Imani's Inferno Cannon does not fall under that classification, hence it does not get benefit by Wrecker. When in doubt, check the Paladins gamepedia page (just google, say, "Imani Gamepedia Paladins"). There, if you click the [expand] button next to the ability you will see advanced stuff, such as whether the ability is considered a weapon attack or not.
I was playing ranked and didn’t realize that was actually you on Tyra lmao I’ve been watching your channel for a while I thought you would have a check mark by now
i feel sad that when i wanna play rank, i waited for 15 min and couldnt get into a queue so i stopped trying i also play paladins on the lowest settings for everything but i still play on 10-20 fps btw this guy is rlly gud at like every champion
There is a video to play Paladins with plasticine graphics, with a very very low settings. Which according to even a toaster could run it. (?) Don't lose hope, maybe you can save money and buy a better PC.
I once told an Inara to wall off the fidget spinners if Khan ulted on me and she did it perfect and we won. After watching the tips for every champion, it's impressive how solid their champion design is.
As a master player who plays since 2016 i have a few questions questions. 1. Is the pick and bans explained from a pc or a console player? Because it def changes the whole comps and bans.* 2. Evie first pick? im a OTP evie so i see you'r point but first picking evie is like telling them "TAKE 2 COUNTERS" i think point tanks and supports are more important to secure first because they are A LOT of good dps/flanks picks when they are 2 main good point tank and 3 or 4 healers that are actually good taking in consideration that the meta is more like double heals and that you can assume that 70% of the time io will get banned. 3. In the current meta Inara is considered to be the best and the only viable tank point on ALL maps why would you choose barik over inara on frog isle ? Still thanks for that video who is very helpful to get into ranked ^^
You can hop in on Aura2020's stream and ask him these questions. Dude is now flexing his pro circuit player title since he screams for a team. I bet he will have better answers for you than I could ever give you.
Dude i was playing cassuals all the day and with this guy as an enemy or an ally and i didn't realized that he is a grand master and recorded with daddy, holy sht ( sry for my bad english )
honestly i like to play point tanks to carry like barik or something because the point can carry since it is quite literally the thing that matters most to win so if you can play a good point tank then try to play it to carry randoms
I know that JAX334 guy. Pretty funny dude, met him in a ranked match where I started sprinting in circles with a Cardio Viktor and he just started laughing and saying "Ruuuuun"
One question, is it true that the higher your rank you can party with less people? And how do i deal with trolls? Do i simply ignore them? I had four ranked matches with trolls and now i am scared to play ranked
Yeah you can only duo once you reach diamond. Trolls have to be reported. That's by the way why picking a role that can carry your team is important - even if someone is throwing, you can still have a chance. Besides, the enemy team might have a troll, too, so it might end being a 4v4. Not sure if that applies to you but qualifier matches are pretty rough, sadly. Gotta survive through them.
The 1 man carry team composition will NEVER match what a clustered and cooperative team can accomplish. This is a team based game, like it or not, you either dig your own grave or you die together. Evie is easily the best character in the game since she basically ignores cooldown exhaustion and has complete freedom of mobility, but even she cant 1v5. The best way to win your matches is by bringing your team together and supporting them when they fail, you would not believe how far a thank you and a you rock can go. Just picking jenous is allready a bold trade off, because he lacks single target healing and his Mark's dont stack, your team is forced to pressure the enemy support while you run around trying to pocket your andro in Hope's he can carry. Damba has better healing, arguably better dmg, better cc and a more clutch ultimate. Yet he requires skill and teamwork to play well. The epitome of and balanced character that rewards mastery, and nobody uses him. Ranks biggest problem is that everybody either has this lone wolf mindset, or are just playing tank so their dmg can carry them. I achieved grandmaster and received 400 commendations this season because my focus is on helping my allies do well, even at the cost of my personal performance. Because helping just 2 weak players win makes much more a difference than abandoning them to save my stats.
lol ik JAX bruh, that's a shame to see him like this on a video man this video is so fucking good. also serpent beach is good map for snipers. most snipers i see they camp all the way back on the stairs near spawns
As helpful as their video is it has a tendency to create a mentality that you HAVE to go dos and HAVE to carry. And while it very much helps to do so, it is a team farm and not playing with your team.. even if they are randos.. is the worst possible thing you can do. Especially if the enemy okays well together
Former gm on ps4 by solo queue. Its hard to rank up on switch since crossplay is out. Too much noobs picking damage and flank in every match. I wish there is option to play on same platform only.
@@DaddyMouse He is still picked but he is worse than term and inara, also you showed the old barik card who healed him for 400 per second for 4 seconds and the card now heals for 250 per second for 3 seconds.
I don't know if I should save for someone or pick a champ for myself because there's always a chance my teammate doesn't have the champion I want. The matchmaking is real. Really embarrassing. I agree with your tips but you have to keep in mind that some players don't know how to play properly.
I think a GM with a dozen smurfs and over 4000 hours in the game is very aware of the fact that some players don't know how to play properly, which is why I guess carrying as a duo is the go-to strat. Fun fact: in the match on Bazaar where Aura was playing Evie, I was the damager Ying. I did 50k dmg, he did over 130k, and had about 5x times more kills than me. I'm diamond/masters by skill level but I still feel like I'm hard carried every time we team up. Now that's a Grandmaster.
A lot of abilities cancel any negative effects that you might be currently having - say, Mal"Damba's Slither, Koga's Dash, Zhin's Billow, Inara's shield (with Mother's Grace). Which is why, when maeve uses her ult, you can use any of those abilities to instantly free yourself from its effects.
The matchmaking in this game can be extremely bad at times. So despite your attempts at carrying, prepare to struggle sometimes unless both you and your duo are capable of carrying because being a solo carry around high diamond - GM can be borderline impossible in Paladins
Not impossible, I solo carry almost every game with viktor, koga, or kinessa on console. GM last split, about to hit masters this split and it's my 2nd day playing ranked.
I went to master every split with soloqueing, but to grandmaster solo is so hard. But you cant firstpick evie, they pick andro and you are already fucked. You can pick andro but they can pick vivian and counter you, even with luminary jenos (If the vivian isnt dogshit). First pick bans are torvald and jenos, are you on drugs or what patch is this?
How to Carry: 1. Play in a party exclusively with other good players ( don't even have to be great ). 2. Pick an OP champion / loadout 3. Profit from the laughable match maker Not even trying to be disrespectful but it's true. I just roll my eyes when I see a GM stack. Like you know 9 times out of 10 y'all go win unless you're in one of those rare instances of a balanced match
I can’t believe we played a match together. I just don’t get why people keep saying that a Terminus is a point tank, how is a melee character a point tank?
He has infinite siphon, high damage, damage reduction, and over 4k base health. He is actually a very good point tank with max siphon recharge on hitting calamity blast, max reduced damage needed for calamity blast charge, and 3 in shatterfall damage reduction. Makes him almost unkillable.
DaddyMouse i mean i cant get pass doing solo but yech plying with friends is alot more fun Btw your new vid music is very chill again i like it alot xD
@@basimalam128 higher sens for evie is generally better, but comfort rules over all. anywhere from 3-5 in game and 800 dpi is what most players use, with like 4-5 being better for blasters.
@@carymel7907 Former Nando main here. There was a while during which Nando was extremely low-tier as far as tanks went, and during that period his only semi-viable playstyle was as a point tank with Formidable. Prior to that (and now that he's been partially buffed back up) he's always been an aggressive off tank. He's not as good at it as he used to be though. I think it's easy to look at his kit and get the impression that he's a main tank (big shield, short range, low DPS, etc.), so that's how a lot of people try to play him when they're not familiar with him. You'll get a lot more done just barreling into the enemy backline with a somewhat mobile DPS duo.
I'm only playing ranked for the evie skin (shes my main and its so cute) I really havent been playing for super long and I was wondering if anyone had anytips on how to play evie/furia better. I'm constantly being yelled at by toxic teammates when I really just want to play the game :///
I'd suggest watching pros like Uberspaydy and Aura2020, among others. I would also suggest training your aim ~30 minutes a day in kovaak 2.0: the meta (it's pretty cheap on steam) to improve your aim. Evie is quite a hard champion to master - if you feel you can't afford to train so much, picking someone easier to play (like a Vivian or a Cassie) might be your best bet. That's what I do anyway - I ended up sticking to champions that are less competitive, yet who perform reasonably well. Hope this helps
It depends. One support still works fine in most of the cases against most comps. There are exceptions obv, though sadly we didn't have the time to get into all of the nuances and intricacies, as well as use cases
DaddyMouse i guess this is for climbing... i got masters in about 3 days this split and not many people in diamond were running 2 support. nearly all of my games now at least one team has 2 healers though. might also be that console differs from pc
Off tanks : Stacks mid and dies Damagers : Flanks and dies. Point tanks : 1v5, dies and blame healer. Healer : Damage or AFK Flanker : Shoots mid Low tier in a nutshell.
@@DaddyMouse AkoAngel I was Maeve, u were tyra mercy kill, I just gave up flanking you with 20% dmg reduction all the time, so I was just flying and be annoying on your back xD
Lemme tell ya how to win more in ranked and in other matches: Wait until they fix your servers. EU servers in particular are overloaded and playing in the American ones do give you less lag but that would overload their servers. Let's wait till they fix the and upgrade the EU servers and hope that will fix it.
Any gamepad players wanna join forces in ranked? Am currently gold, hoping to get plat like last season. The more the merrier!! Probably will make a Disc group chat if enough people wanna band up (:
Ranked is fucked rn, I just got 35 kills and 272k damage in 24 min and still lose TP rank and ELO bc my team (except for our support) fed all game. I'm diamond 5 and I had 2 bronze players and a silver on my team and the other team was all plat. Why should me and our Ying (who also did well) get punished so hard bc the rest of are team died at least 24 times each? I know it's a team game but should good players really get punished as harshly as the players who didn't do shit all game? I mean how are we supposed to get into better matches if our rank an elo keep going down bc no matter how hard we try to carry, it isn't always enough? Something need to be do e about this shitty system if you ask me, I'm not sure what but it's insanely frustrating to be put with Bronze players when I have over 2500 hours of experience in game. I'm sure plenty of people can relate
take a shot everytime daddymouse says "that makes sense"
I'd join you, it sucks to get drunk alone :3
@@DaddyMouse that makes sense
Makes sense
oooo, as a person who has only been playing ranked for a while this was actually helpful. I loved the tips you guys gave
@@inopig5668 heyyyyy! good to see u :D
"Get Evie or Andro with Luminary Jenos."
in Gold, we get Buck and Rouges Gambit Maeve with cripple Jenos. The solo q life :D
Fr tho, Luminary Jenos with Bounce House Buck or Rouge's Gambit Maeve is good. As long as you don't get a solo healer cripple Jenos with those, you can easily make those 2 do some work.
True but even worse for me cuz I'm console
@@agtmythic8983 me too
A Maeve using Rogues Gambit?
Could that be one of my people?
My internet and the EU servers are both so shit i went from gold iv to silver 3 :(
linking this vid in chat everytime after my team loses
5:38 this tip is gold. Whenever my team gets 2 off-tanks, one of them just says "wtf. gg." Yet here I am, just wondering "flank them? Their backline champions has almost no chance of survival against two off tanks."
Yes those are the type of guys who just stick to the rule book and see cons of everything and don't try a new recipe every now and again
I hate those guys
Oh boy! Time to play ranked to get that Evie skin!
“No skin booster I throw.”
Never mind. It can wait
Honestly, if you're playing ranked for the evie skin, You're wasting your time.
@@adem1829 i did it in the first 3 months just for the skin
and now i cant stop playing ranked
What skin is it
@@Dwubskii I think its called sweetshop
Man this is amazing. I was really scared whenever I encounter a seasoned player or a master since I’m not much confident going to ranked. Maybe now I can do something about it. I hope to try my first match soon.
Best of luck my man!
No one:
DaddyMouse: *That makes sense*
That makes sense
@@DaddyMouse that makes a lot of sense
im glad you made this video! your video style is really awesome and you have so much talent, but skins dont cut it because there is only much of them, so exploring nee ideas like this is very welcome by me, and im sure the rest of your fanbase agrees!
XD why u want ghrok to be black
Pc For Life !!! 🔫 👀 how u know!!
@@0xVENx0 i just do but fr why u want grok to be black XD
Pc For Life !!! long story
@@0xVENx0 XD
This is a video that is not outdated as ranked in paladins has never really been updated. Thank you for posting this I miss you! ❤
Get your Mousey badge! (Support the channel):
I always solo q, because I have no friend who play paladins and I really don't trust people overal. I always was gold 1 forever and last season I set a goal for myself to be plat. I achieved that but it took so many tears, blood and sweat (and dissapointment over teammates)
Same lol
Same here but i always get into low platinum in last split season by playing support
Anybody on console wanna play ranked with me
I feel u
This was actually a reallt good video. Really informative and could truly help players stuck in a certain rank
This is sooo helpful, I never go to ranked as I don't know how to play on it, but your tips have helped me a lot, thank u so much (sorry for the bad english)
Actually this opened up my knowledge more in rank ty ver much man.
I thought off tank picks up the main tank position when the main tank dies or off tank hangs out by the healers.
short answer, git gud and pick a crazy champ like andro or bk, get luminary jenos.
long answer this vid
Player: says anything
Daddy Mouse: that makes a lot of sense
That makes a lot of sense
Indeed haha
It’s really hard for tank mains to rank up solo queue.
Used to go Master playing as tank before, but that was because of a good roll on getting a good teammates.
This video has helped me a lot, not gonna lie. It gave me hope that one day I'll finally be able to get to Masters even tho I know I'm doomed to always be stuck in Gold.
I cri
straight counter to Evie is silence sha lin, now he silences for 2 seconds, when I play sha lin I am surprized at how unpopular he is because when I silence a diamond s1 frame lvl80 evie she just stands doing nothing as if she is trying to blink away lol also sha deletes any flank with silence, bulk up buck is a big big issue though as after 2 secs if you don't kill him he will just full heal in your face and rek you.
also cripple effect card at 5 can make the silence be 2.5 seconds.
shalin or torv against bk is nuts too
str1fe петрович torvald counters evie too.
As an evie main i can confirm shalin is one of the champs i fear the most, i approach him like twice and if i see he’s good at aiming me then i leave him to my team for the rest of the match
Sha -lin 'your sight fails you'! Aura 'nah i have 2020 vision and bought illuminate so suck it'! great vid fellas
this Aura goes flanking with Inara, my new hero! :)
I can feel a KarQ vibes in you. As always. A content from you. Please dont be tired at making good quality videos
So helpful, I liked the champion specific talks and items. Maybe for a version 2, do a all champion guide for ranked and drafting.
this is THE Aura2020 explaining exquisitely how to acquire some glorious Tribute Points
Very helpful tips even for a lvl 200 player BUT Wait a min, so caturize dont work on nothing but ur weapon shots? I wonder grover cripple or grohk pulse do they have caturize affect? Androx reversal? Cassie impulse and disengage? Zhin counter? Imani right click with frost or fire? Im confused about these specific champions somebody plz explain.
So any ability that classifies as a Weapon Shot applies caut and wrecker. I know for sure Imani's Inferno Cannon does not fall under that classification, hence it does not get benefit by Wrecker. When in doubt, check the Paladins gamepedia page (just google, say, "Imani Gamepedia Paladins"). There, if you click the [expand] button next to the ability you will see advanced stuff, such as whether the ability is considered a weapon attack or not.
Lol i thought u were gonna say adrix
I seeded Gold Yesterday, and I plan on pushing to at least Diamond (it would be my first time). These time will help for sure
I was playing ranked and didn’t realize that was actually you on Tyra lmao I’ve been watching your channel for a while I thought you would have a check mark by now
Someday, hopefully ^^
Is Talus good as a damage-esk support? My first ranked season I got Platinum but only ran Talus with a friend playing Grover
i feel sad that when i wanna play rank, i waited for 15 min and couldnt get into a queue so i stopped trying
i also play paladins on the lowest settings for everything but i still play on 10-20 fps
btw this guy is rlly gud at like every champion
There is a video to play Paladins with plasticine graphics, with a very very low settings. Which according to even a toaster could run it. (?)
Don't lose hope, maybe you can save money and buy a better PC.
Daddy you have the perfect interviewer voice lmao good job btw
Mouse can you please do a video about the skins of Paladins Strike?
You shall find there are some which are absolutely mind blowing.
6:35 wouldnt it be inara best point tank right now any map?
Inara is indeed insane
I once told an Inara to wall off the fidget spinners if Khan ulted on me and she did it perfect and we won.
After watching the tips for every champion, it's impressive how solid their champion design is.
Left Aura a sub on twitch 😎 and you just got a new subscriber
What's benefits for playing ranked? What I will receive?
At first i was silver 2 now im diamond 1 thank you for your tips.
good questions. nice video
As a master player who plays since 2016 i have a few questions questions.
1. Is the pick and bans explained from a pc or a console player? Because it def changes the whole comps and bans.*
2. Evie first pick? im a OTP evie so i see you'r point but first picking evie is like telling them "TAKE 2 COUNTERS" i think point tanks and supports are more important to secure first because they are A LOT of good dps/flanks picks when they are 2 main good point tank and 3 or 4 healers that are actually good taking in consideration that the meta is more like double heals and that you can assume that 70% of the time io will get banned.
3. In the current meta Inara is considered to be the best and the only viable tank point on ALL maps why would you choose barik over inara on frog isle ?
Still thanks for that video who is very helpful to get into ranked ^^
You can hop in on Aura2020's stream and ask him these questions. Dude is now flexing his pro circuit player title since he screams for a team. I bet he will have better answers for you than I could ever give you.
@@DaddyMouse OK thanks for the quick answer 👍
Would you have is twitch or mixer link by any chances?
It should be in the description!
Never now ash is actually off tank... I played her as point tank for most of the time. Glad to know bruh
Sick gameplay dude
Most of those clips were taken from Aura2020 stream
Dude i was playing cassuals all the day and with this guy as an enemy or an ally and i didn't realized that he is a grand master and recorded with daddy, holy sht ( sry for my bad english )
Great video!!
man use is the best game detail
honestly i like to play point tanks to carry like barik or something because the point can carry since it is quite literally the thing that matters most to win so if you can play a good point tank then try to play it to carry randoms
is corvus good in ranked? he talked about luminary jenos being good but how does that compare to corvus's value in pocketing someone in a duo?
Your content is fire
Here is a fact,even Master or gm,you will play with silvers and golds in your team,making 80% full frustation
Could you provide me a link for that nessa art in your thumbnail, please?
Sure, it should be in the description next to the music list ^^
@@DaddyMouse Thank you, it's such a good art
still no answer to what do you do with intentional trolls (no one is being toxic but trolls us anyway)
I know that JAX334 guy. Pretty funny dude, met him in a ranked match where I started sprinting in circles with a Cardio Viktor and he just started laughing and saying "Ruuuuun"
One question, is it true that the higher your rank you can party with less people?
And how do i deal with trolls? Do i simply ignore them? I had four ranked matches with trolls and now i am scared to play ranked
Yeah you can only duo once you reach diamond. Trolls have to be reported. That's by the way why picking a role that can carry your team is important - even if someone is throwing, you can still have a chance. Besides, the enemy team might have a troll, too, so it might end being a 4v4.
Not sure if that applies to you but qualifier matches are pretty rough, sadly. Gotta survive through them.
@@DaddyMouse im in plat, and its going downhill for me. I always try to pick my mains but it always ends the same way, the big defeat on my screen.
What did you do to make the maps look like clay?
The 1 man carry team composition will NEVER match what a clustered and cooperative team can accomplish. This is a team based game, like it or not, you either dig your own grave or you die together.
Evie is easily the best character in the game since she basically ignores cooldown exhaustion and has complete freedom of mobility, but even she cant 1v5.
The best way to win your matches is by bringing your team together and supporting them when they fail, you would not believe how far a thank you and a you rock can go.
Just picking jenous is allready a bold trade off, because he lacks single target healing and his Mark's dont stack, your team is forced to pressure the enemy support while you run around trying to pocket your andro in Hope's he can carry. Damba has better healing, arguably better dmg, better cc and a more clutch ultimate. Yet he requires skill and teamwork to play well. The epitome of and balanced character that rewards mastery, and nobody uses him.
Ranks biggest problem is that everybody either has this lone wolf mindset, or are just playing tank so their dmg can carry them.
I achieved grandmaster and received 400 commendations this season because my focus is on helping my allies do well, even at the cost of my personal performance. Because helping just 2 weak players win makes much more a difference than abandoning them to save my stats.
Daddy Mouse: mAKes SeNSe
makes sense
@@DaddyMouse this video made a lot of sense tbh
You can msje a vídeo about paladins strike's skins? Or smite"s skins
why is Tiberius a DPS and no flank ?
Can you make build for evie or lian
lol ik JAX bruh, that's a shame to see him like this on a video
man this video is so fucking good.
also serpent beach is good map for snipers. most snipers i see they camp all the way back on the stairs near spawns
As helpful as their video is it has a tendency to create a mentality that you HAVE to go dos and HAVE to carry. And while it very much helps to do so, it is a team farm and not playing with your team.. even if they are randos.. is the worst possible thing you can do. Especially if the enemy okays well together
Literally just played my first ranked game and it really showed the skill gap XD
Former gm on ps4 by solo queue. Its hard to rank up on switch since crossplay is out. Too much noobs picking damage and flank in every match. I wish there is option to play on same platform only.
This was filmed a long time ago when barik was insane right?
He's in the meta. At least on NA Dia+ he is always picked, or banned.
@@DaddyMouse He is still picked but he is worse than term and inara, also you showed the old barik card who healed him for 400 per second for 4 seconds and the card now heals for 250 per second for 3 seconds.
Yup, forgot to update the pic
I don't know if I should save for someone or pick a champ for myself because there's always a chance my teammate doesn't have the champion I want. The matchmaking is real. Really embarrassing. I agree with your tips but you have to keep in mind that some players don't know how to play properly.
I think a GM with a dozen smurfs and over 4000 hours in the game is very aware of the fact that some players don't know how to play properly, which is why I guess carrying as a duo is the go-to strat.
Fun fact: in the match on Bazaar where Aura was playing Evie, I was the damager Ying. I did 50k dmg, he did over 130k, and had about 5x times more kills than me. I'm diamond/masters by skill level but I still feel like I'm hard carried every time we team up. Now that's a Grandmaster.
Does this work for console too?
Probably don't wanna go Evie on console unless you're really good but yeah
What did he meant when he said that almost every champion can escape Maeve’s ult?
A lot of abilities cancel any negative effects that you might be currently having - say, Mal"Damba's Slither, Koga's Dash, Zhin's Billow, Inara's shield (with Mother's Grace). Which is why, when maeve uses her ult, you can use any of those abilities to instantly free yourself from its effects.
DaddyMouse Thank you, didn’t know that
The matchmaking in this game can be extremely bad at times. So despite your attempts at carrying, prepare to struggle sometimes unless both you and your duo are capable of carrying because being a solo carry around high diamond - GM can be borderline impossible in Paladins
It's all about playing a lot.
Not impossible, I solo carry almost every game with viktor, koga, or kinessa on console. GM last split, about to hit masters this split and it's my 2nd day playing ranked.
can we full party ( 5 players) in rank?
Yep, until any of the party members hits diamond, though
@@DaddyMouse but it says only 2 players allowed only though
@@user-mk2et9vb5e diamond and above only 2 players
I went to master every split with soloqueing, but to grandmaster solo is so hard. But you cant firstpick evie, they pick andro and you are already fucked. You can pick andro but they can pick vivian and counter you, even with luminary jenos (If the vivian isnt dogshit). First pick bans are torvald and jenos, are you on drugs or what patch is this?
Andro is a huge counter to evie, sadly there's no hard counters to andro
@@benouna55 Cassie Lian strix bk
this gut made Paladins almost as complicated as Dota2
How to Carry:
1. Play in a party exclusively with other good players ( don't even have to be great ).
2. Pick an OP champion / loadout
3. Profit from the laughable match maker
Not even trying to be disrespectful but it's true. I just roll my eyes when I see a GM stack. Like you know 9 times out of 10 y'all go win unless you're in one of those rare instances of a balanced match
I got into masters by solo queueing but decayed to diamond because the matchmaking but me with silvers and golds
Does this mean Aura2020 played this game just this 2020?
hahah probably :P
I can’t believe we played a match together. I just don’t get why people keep saying that a Terminus is a point tank, how is a melee character a point tank?
He isn't a point tank but honestly some terms can pull it off. It's pretty crazy when a terminus that knows what he's doing fends off a point
Cause he has high survivability if u manage siphon. He kinda works as both
He has infinite siphon, high damage, damage reduction, and over 4k base health. He is actually a very good point tank with max siphon recharge on hitting calamity blast, max reduced damage needed for calamity blast charge, and 3 in shatterfall damage reduction. Makes him almost unkillable.
Why do you lagged so hard in your gameplay mouse?
For the same reason I don't live stream xD
I often find that DPS is the least impactful position in the game. This remains true for OW and Paladins.
It's funny because dps dominates console. Like whoever gets viktor/kinessa wins 99% of their games lol.
I’m master in season 1 as well but for real I can’t get pass plat anymore due to amount of toxic throwing teammate everywhere
I personally find Plat is fun because it allows five stacks. Past that? It gets rough
DaddyMouse i mean i cant get pass doing solo but yech plying with friends is alot more fun
Btw your new vid music is very chill again i like it alot xD
DPI and ingame sens for evie plzz!!
@@Zwirl I'm currently just starting with evie and am clueless, just want some foundation to start on so that i can improvise later.
@@basimalam128 higher sens for evie is generally better, but comfort rules over all. anywhere from 3-5 in game and 800 dpi is what most players use, with like 4-5 being better for blasters.
Sha Lin is good but the fps drop on his bow drawing is the reason why he not viable for many
Wait Nando is off tank?
@@DaddyMouse people always played him as a point tank tho
@@carymel7907 Former Nando main here. There was a while during which Nando was extremely low-tier as far as tanks went, and during that period his only semi-viable playstyle was as a point tank with Formidable. Prior to that (and now that he's been partially buffed back up) he's always been an aggressive off tank. He's not as good at it as he used to be though. I think it's easy to look at his kit and get the impression that he's a main tank (big shield, short range, low DPS, etc.), so that's how a lot of people try to play him when they're not familiar with him. You'll get a lot more done just barreling into the enemy backline with a somewhat mobile DPS duo.
I play androxus and my mate terminus,jenos and drogoz😀
I'm only playing ranked for the evie skin (shes my main and its so cute) I really havent been playing for super long and I was wondering if anyone had anytips on how to play evie/furia better. I'm constantly being yelled at by toxic teammates when I really just want to play the game :///
I'd suggest watching pros like Uberspaydy and Aura2020, among others. I would also suggest training your aim ~30 minutes a day in kovaak 2.0: the meta (it's pretty cheap on steam) to improve your aim. Evie is quite a hard champion to master - if you feel you can't afford to train so much, picking someone easier to play (like a Vivian or a Cassie) might be your best bet. That's what I do anyway - I ended up sticking to champions that are less competitive, yet who perform reasonably well. Hope this helps
Hard to do this when you have 172 ping
- South African Player
So many informations
RIP my brain
I always end up getting casuals with players who can play. Then ranked I end up with brain dead cows
is this guide outdated? this patch you really want more than one support... also he mentioned torvald being OP lol
It depends. One support still works fine in most of the cases against most comps. There are exceptions obv, though sadly we didn't have the time to get into all of the nuances and intricacies, as well as use cases
DaddyMouse i guess this is for climbing... i got masters in about 3 days this split and not many people in diamond were running 2 support. nearly all of my games now at least one team has 2 healers though. might also be that console differs from pc
Current masters/gm meta on console is 1 support, 2 dps, 1 main tank, 1 off tank. 2 off tank can work since io is meta right now and dog can cap point.
Make sense
Off tanks : Stacks mid and dies
Damagers : Flanks and dies.
Point tanks : 1v5, dies and blame healer.
Healer : Damage or AFK
Flanker : Shoots mid
Low tier in a nutshell.
Bro I have played with aura before I think
where is skye wtf
JayFlare somone i used to play with years ago cam up in the kill feed lol what a small world
I think i played with u yesterday 😃
what's your username my man?
@@DaddyMouse AkoAngel I was Maeve, u were tyra mercy kill, I just gave up flanking you with 20% dmg reduction all the time, so I was just flying and be annoying on your back xD
12:23 I've met lordcreeper before, he's like level 400
Yeah a lot of the players in those clips are actually masters/GMs. You can also see JayFlare and Avery in the Bazaar one
Lemme tell ya how to win more in ranked and in other matches:
Wait until they fix your servers. EU servers in particular are overloaded and playing in the American ones do give you less lag but that would overload their servers. Let's wait till they fix the and upgrade the EU servers and hope that will fix it.
Thanks mouse UWU
Any gamepad players wanna join forces in ranked? Am currently gold, hoping to get plat like last season. The more the merrier!! Probably will make a Disc group chat if enough people wanna band up (:
region and platform?
@@DaddyMouse NA and gamepad!
Ranked is fucked rn, I just got 35 kills and 272k damage in 24 min and still lose TP rank and ELO bc my team (except for our support) fed all game. I'm diamond 5 and I had 2 bronze players and a silver on my team and the other team was all plat. Why should me and our Ying (who also did well) get punished so hard bc the rest of are team died at least 24 times each? I know it's a team game but should good players really get punished as harshly as the players who didn't do shit all game? I mean how are we supposed to get into better matches if our rank an elo keep going down bc no matter how hard we try to carry, it isn't always enough? Something need to be do e about this shitty system if you ask me, I'm not sure what but it's insanely frustrating to be put with Bronze players when I have over 2500 hours of experience in game. I'm sure plenty of people can relate