Idles has been a massive help to me mentally during this pandemic and bouts of depression. I'm not as fond of the last album as the previous one, it's a bit too simplistic for my taste. Never Fight a Man With a Perm was my most listened track from last year, Grounds was #6 and Danny Nedelko made the top 10 as well. I don't understand feuds and slagging off other bands, it's so ridiculous to me, but people are obviously free to express their opinions and criticize whoever they please. I think every band faces the inevitable "they've sold out" stage in their careers, if being more popular with each new album means selling out. Bruce Springsteen made a career from working class music spanning decades while never being a working class man himself, the message and the songs don't have any less of an impact. How he talked about that in the Springsteen on Broadway Netflix thing was funny. I live in a one room apartment, I've done physical labor for most of my life and I listen to both of these bands. I'm still relatively new to Sleaford Mods, but I'm glad they plan to come to Estonia, I hope. Anyway, all that matters is how the music makes me feel and it makes me feel good. It's out of your hands, so feuds are a waste of energy. Just do your own thing. You can't even control what song a fan considers your best or their personal favorite. The artist itself may hate that song, like it's the worst song they've ever written, but it could be someone's favorite. Is that wrong? Of course not, cos it's no longer your song, it's theirs. I'm not going to stop listening to Idles just because someone considers them posers, I'm gonna stop listening to them when they stop growing as artists.
I agree 100% with everything you said here. I don't really know much about Sleaford Mods other than the fact that they exist (so I could be wrong about what I'm about to say), but I think that the thing you said about "It's out of your hands, so feuds are a waste of energy" says a lot about Jason's state of mind. The only people who are willing to put this kind of energy in something they can't control tend to be the jealous type. Instead of trying to outdo the one band he doesn't like (the same band that happens to be the more successful one a this point in time) by putting that same energy into his music, he'd rather just stay where he's at and trash Idles. The only thing that ever happens when you try to drag people down like that, is that you end up dragging yourself down without even realizing it.
Idles are the band they are because of the AF gang. In which the band set up. A community which supports you. They're a unique breed idles. Even if some are privileged they remember us
Bang on about Joe Strummer. Idles are amazing as are sleaford mods. Just remember not to take yourself to seriously. It's not football you don't have to pick a side.
I'm in the US and have been listening to IDLES for some years now and I still dig the raw energy. Then last year, I discovered Sleaford and saw it as a stripped down, minimalist version of a similar musical direction. I think it's possible to dig them both without needing to be philosophical about it.
@@sandraodelga4459 their mutual mate geoff barrow of the bands portishead and beak sort of squashed it, because like joe said "we have mutual mates so it was getting awkward".
Wrong fight with idles uk needs you together not bickering. Be a bit less ego centric and focus on the message of respect and unity. It could be a revolution with bands like this
@Tommy Saxondale ur looking for conflict and yes your a mild misogynist, bringing my mum to the conversation is just a useless coward attitude of yours that doesn't affect me at all but makes me loose faith in humanity for a second
I love Sleaford Mods, Idles and Slaves all for different reasons. But the only one of those bands who have tackled things like rape culture in their songs, as far as I’m aware, is IDLES. I was actually so shocked when I first listened to Mother and first heard the lyrics “Sexual violence doesn’t start and end with rape, it starts in our books and behind our school gates, men are scared women will laugh in their face whereas women are scared it’s their lives men will take”. Like hearing this dude saying that was so shocking for me as I’m a survivor of abuse and the only other song I could think of that made me feel the same way is Red Jumpsuit Aparatus - Face Down. I respect all the bands but I think I feel safest and most respected at an Idles gig than any of the others. Ive been assaulted many times at gigs over the years and my youngest experience was when I collapsed at a Black sabbath concert age 16. There is a lot of abusers in the scene and when bands make statements like this it lets the people know who’s welcome and who’s not. I’ve seen Slaves twice (one of these times I got creeped on by a big sweaty dude who kept putting his arm round me) and I’ve seen Sleaford Mods once and still to see IDLES next year but I can’t wait. Their music means so much to me as it does to many many other people.
@Tommy Saxondale u come in saying they are talentless and lack substance which is not true otherwise there wouldn't be such a bright positive movement generated around them. That's why your comment was and still is irrelevant but I didn't specifically told you not to express your voice or spew whatever you want to spew online , maybe your having a bad day , maybe you need to vent, maybe you really deslike them and that's fine, but you straight jumped into my mum making me a sandwich all offended triggered and surprised some one can tell you online your message is irelevant. Then obviously you deserve to be called a coward or a misogynist since you brought my mother twice. But don't act all offended when I tell u had a moment in life that you sucked and that's all right
Yeah but Merry Berry Loves Idles - Sorry but I can't disagree with him any more about the Idles thing. So what if they're not working class, they're still voicing an opinion, a good one of that and discuss issues that need to be brought up. If anything for me, it's even better they're sending this message if they're not working class. I think there's a little bit of salt here, he just doesn't like them and that's fair enough
The working class are sick of people from outside the working class speaking for them. Does anybody really need class pretenders like Idles speaking from a position of safety? It's insulting and patronising. Doesnt matter if whoever is saying it is covered in a shit load of tattoo work or swears alot in the lyrics. If you're not bothered, fair enough. Some people are however & i think Jason is right to call out the fakes and pretenders.
@@tofu-warrior7948 Late to the conversation here, but I don't think he's just hating due to a privileged upbringing, but like he said he doesn't believe them. Fair enough. It's not fact, he just ain't buying the act. There are certainly parts of the band I don't really believe either, but I love their work all the same, and I love the message of IDLES as well.
I kinda know what he means about IDLES. A lot of the lyrics can feel like they were written to tick boxes. Anti-racist, check. Feminist, check. It’s like they don’t really mean it, they just want to please the crowd and make themselves look moral and righteous.
@@bargepoled I really don't think you could. I don't come away from listening to Jobseeker thinking "wow Jason sounds like a really upstanding gentleman".
I get that. After I got to listen to IDLES more and more, I felt like many of the songs and their themes were a bit on the nose, if that makes sense. For example, Jason can portray the theme of a song with a lot more nuance which gives all his songs more depth and meaning, also some of the stuff he says is just flat-out hilarous. "Boris on a bike quick, knock the cunt over" springs to mind lol. For me, knowing that took away some of the impact that IDLES song had on me originally. I still like them tho. Can't wait to see them live once this covid shite is out of the way. I need to experience Danny Nedelko live before I die lol.
I'm an Idles and Sleaford Mods fan. I think putting another band down and starting feuds on social does not cover Sleaford Mods in glory, and he comes across as being envious of Idles success. It's not pretty listening to this and I find it disappointing. It's all art and subjective after all, and if I was lucky enough to be in Sleaford Mods position my prime focus would be on creating amazing tracks, and not giving a damn about what any other band is doing. Idles songs are about Joe's mental health, his demons and his idealistic outlook on life. Where he is now and how he thinks is what he will write about, like any artist. Idles have a rare edge and they do stand out from the crowd. The music and lyrics have helped me and its rare I get excited by new music, but I have for Idles and for Sleaford Mods, who also have their own unique edge. I think his comment on how Joe talks really comes down to the idiocy of the UK class discrimination and culture here in blighty. SL should focus on the art and not being a bitter old bastard.
I love both IDLES and Sleaford Mods, and have listened to each artist extensively. They both have their own unique way of expressing their art, and I respect the messages both bands have put into their music. This dude might have some valid opinions (or not), but, regardless of IDLES virtues and class standing... I would rather go to a high energy punk show in IDLES, as opposed to standing around bored at a Sleaford Mods gig watching some dude sing slam poetry over a monotonous pre-recorded beat. That being said, I believe that IDLES "Danny Nedelko", and Sleaford Mods' "Nudge It" are both great songs, and it would be neat to see a collaboration one day.
It's so extremely embarrassing listening to Jason talking about IDLES. He reeks of jealousy. IDLES and Joe Talbot is, for me personally the most important band and voice in the world right now. The message, all is love, love yourself, is exactly what I need, and what I think so many people in this world needs right now. As someone else wrote here, he just says a lot without really saying anything. AIL.
I've never heard so much vague waffle employed to slag off another band, sounds like he doesn't even really know why he doesn't like idles, in which case I'd suggest you just say 'your shit' ' instead of invoking vague conceptions of class that haven't even really existed since Britain deindustrialised.
@@pcoll04ha! Well done, I am a proud idles fanboy but I am also a sleafords fanboy, and if it wasn't for them I would have never found idles, fat white family, Viagra boys and many other bands of that ilk, so I'm bloody grateful. I just think the shit talking has become misplaced. It's all gone a bit Liam Gallagher up in here. Mark e Smith pulled that line already and it doesn't come across well today. Plus Jason keeps talking about class like it's 1950. That annoys me. Coz it doesn't work like that anymore. You can sound as posh as you like or have a mother who works as an accountant and still be working as an Uber eat delivery worker on fuck all cash peddling a bike about in the rain, getting royally screwed for a lifetime. It's fucked and we all have a right to be angry about it. He should read up on class in the 21st century before he steads peddling those criticisms.
Just look at him... dosent even look at the camera when trying to figure out a reason not to believe the Idles ahah He def knows hes talking out of is own arse lmao Then completly shuts down the point about the Clash because he knows he has just been shut up ahahah Jealousy
I love Mods and like Idles a good deal, though their lyrics and statements do strike me as somewhat naive, stenciled and contradictory at times, but basically I see the all too common rift there between class-oriented and Identitarian left. Mods are like Gramscian organic intellectuals, Idles come across as woke middle class with a punk sheen.
Jason's far from being out on a limb on the Idles thing. Something you'll find is that people can generally tell when people are trying their demographical identity on for size, even if they can't exactly put their finger on it, as seems to be the case with Jason's comments here. It tends to be a lot of smaller things adding up: references to objects (or lack thereof); vocal inflections; lack of topical focus; derivative style. That last point is especially important in regards to Idles: I often feel like they (and, while I'm at it, bands like Shame & Pigsx7) exist primarily to make Steve Lamacq feel young again. They tick those superficial classic rock-punk boxes that the media always loved: guitar-thrashing, voice-straining, basic chord-chugging, sweaty & often shirtless anger, and of course their primary champion would be a radio DJ who literally toured the country in order to continue going on about growing up in the 70s. Thing is all that's been done to death so much that seeing something so imitating feels like their missing the point of 'punk', and the originality that was meant to be implied in that word. It was a different matter for The Clash & all that, because they were around the start of 'punk' shit, before it became a genre and was just the sort of logical conclusion of rock n' roll and left-wing politics in that era. Sleaford Mods, on the other hand, aren't like any other single act I've ever seen or heard.
Hit a lot of good points, doesn't quite follow the spirit of punk.. I will defend them in a sense of 'scratching an itch' in a musical sense, they obviously listen to alot of punk and are wanting to create their ideal sound based on best elements of other bands. But it is pretty strict to just rock influences. Seems a bit formulaic coming just from rock songs to make rock songs, seems as though they havn't a life outside of 'rock'
is steve lamacq still a dj or something lol... the idles sidle up to him? ! lol there's a strange thought. But each generation is fooled again. Most bands are in it for the money and fame. that was always the case :) It doesnt stop someone performing great gigs and songs. Genuine jason? yeh maybe. cool lol he is funny to listen to even when he sings.
Good interview. I think he dislikes the Idles frontman as he comes across as a slightly pretentious middle class virtual signalling leftie lol Anyway I think Sleaford Mods are great and put out raw music with a message. Long may it continue. I also like other rebellious British acts like Bob Vylan, Kate Tempest, Allflaws.
"pretentious middle class twat", Joe is from Newport south wales one of the most deprived areas of the UK. Wish Jason would do some research before opening his mouth.
I get his critique of idles and I generally really like them (They’re typically in my top 10), but it is immensely frustrating to me that most of the bands I see blow up are only cosplaying working class aesthetics even if their politics are on point.
imagine lower class blokes fighting each other. I thought the acknowledgement of the true threat of classism would bring upon a new wave of unity, but apparently low and mid class people think that ignoring the 1% is better than working together. fucking disgusting.
Not to be that guy, but Jason started it. Joe Talbot and co are entitled to respond to such a meaningless claim about how they're sloganeering, and how they use 'buzz words'. Well, so what? They're decent blokes and there's no need for it.
@@neil676 Thing is as well Jason opened his mouth before knowing what he is on about, Joe comes from Newport south wales originally one of the most deprived areas of the UK. Accusing someone from that place faking their working class is hilarious!
I'm sure if Jason had been asked, he'd have given an opinion about the 1%. Got asked about Idles so gave an opinion on that. Doesn't mean he doesn't care about inequality
I get what hes saying about idles, kind of pretending to be working class, i thought they was when i. First listened to them, but musically there on another league to sleaford mods
It’s a complex issue. Idles are a good band, the music sounds good, no reason to believe the lyrics aren’t coming from a genuine place, etc. At the same time I understand Jason’s feelings, coming from a working class background and finding out Idles aren’t feels like the enemy are simultaneously pandering to you whilst stealing your culture. Realistically Jason probably needs to suck it up, get over himself and move on, and should have been more nuanced in his critique. At the same time, Idles should do more to comprehend the reasoning behind why the content of their music is irritating people.
But Joe is from a working class background, he's from newport south wales a constant top five in the most deprived areas list. A lot of newport people like myself try to get out because its so bad!
First time I saw a video of Idles performing on tiny desk concert, I googled what Sleaford mods thought of them as for me Idles seemed fake. It's a intent of replication of what Sleaford mods are actually doing authentically which is why they are so good. You can feel the authenticity of Sleaford mods Vs the performance aspect of Idles....
I know i’m just a yankee from the states. But wouldn’t it be a great and amazing thing for the UK if these two bands and all the other bands people love to at least work together to put the UK on the map and make it shine?
They actually have reconciled thanks to Joe and Jason's mutual friend Geoff barrow of portishead/beak. According to Jason they had mutual friends and it was getting awkward.
@@lewisb85 yeah, i heard a beak interview about a year ago and geoff barrow was speaking very affectionately about Idles (probably they were supporting act for them at that point i dont know) which made me a bit sad tbh. Beak are actually better than both Sleaford Mods or Idles.
@@vladstoica1946 when the feud was getting silly sometimes a grown up has to step in. There is more to it than just supporting Geoff was involved in the establishment of the exchange a venue here in Bristol where several members of idles work/worked, Geoff said how he knew everyone involved in it and they were all good people that's why he got Joe and Jason to talk it out. I agree Beak are better than both bands.
Apparently as well since Joe got to know Jason he takes it less personally now, I think banter and true feelings got misconstrued/amplified and it's less slagging off his background now more critical about music (which is fair enough).
@@lewisb85 yeah, i can get behind that. i dont care much about appropriation discussions either. but jason williamson should keep on telling it like it is about what a load of superficial crap Idles are putting out and constantly getting away with it because of their ”lefty” lyrics. absolute rubbish
It’s like here in the states with hip hop. If you didn’t have as much struggle as the next person the community will not accept you at all. Which is why we got 20 years of Eminem making song after song/album after album about his existence living in a trailer park with a junkie mom, junkie babies momma drama, being on welfare and food stamps” he had to “prove himself” to have struggled enough for people to take him seriously
Just checked them out after watching this interview; I begrudgingly like a few of their tracks to be fair (Idles) but Williamson is a 100% correct about them here. Statements about being privileged white-men, self indulgent addiction stories, totally misunderstanding Brexit (though the Sleafords are off on this one too). Rather than promoting recovery community models as an inspiration to turn peers into working class community activists and to broaden the model out of services (who focus purely on substance issues rather than on broader sociological factors and broader solutions) and as a means for working class people to build self help community hubs on estates... working class people have achieved this already within the best services (before austerity fucked it all... and the EU via competitive tendering) so they've already proven how they could play a key role in 'proper' community regeneration; rather he goes on about vulnrability and mindfulness and his addiction past in the most self absorbed fashion, and ends up sounding like a soppy twat... though I'm sure the birds love it.
@@AnTeallach2011 Mmmm! It's difficult to sum up. People should use their overcoming of 'problem' life experiences to rejuvenate communities, not to sound cool in front of woke chicks.
@@articulatechav2668 jason williamsons from grantham (thatchers hometown) guess he didnt fancy calling his band the grantham mods he plays the working class card as much as anyone
Absolutely spot on about idles. Musically there fucking amazing but when the vocals kick in it all goes wrong. Upper middle class, privileged guy singing about working class problems doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Tend to agree, the bigger Idles have become, the less I enjoy / relate...but this guy sounds pretty middle-class to me also. Are Sleaford Mods any different to the things he's calling Idles out for? Seems slightly bitter to me.
Newport South Wales is middle class? Damn I’ve gone up in the world! In reality joe is from Newport it’s a horrible place where most of those from there try to get out. Jason doesn’t know what he’s on about!
@@occiferkodi If it's true, then it's true. Idles will never make another 'Mother'. Same as QOTSA will never make another 'You Can't Quit...". Biffy, 'Stress on the Sky', 'Jaggy Snake' etc. It's not about trying to be cool, just that bands change and sometimes go in a direction that you no longer like as much. Doesn't mean you're hating on them. For me Brutalism is still the best album, for others maybe not.
"it's just shouting" says Jason from the Sleaford mods....
Idles has been a massive help to me mentally during this pandemic and bouts of depression. I'm not as fond of the last album as the previous one, it's a bit too simplistic for my taste. Never Fight a Man With a Perm was my most listened track from last year, Grounds was #6 and Danny Nedelko made the top 10 as well. I don't understand feuds and slagging off other bands, it's so ridiculous to me, but people are obviously free to express their opinions and criticize whoever they please. I think every band faces the inevitable "they've sold out" stage in their careers, if being more popular with each new album means selling out. Bruce Springsteen made a career from working class music spanning decades while never being a working class man himself, the message and the songs don't have any less of an impact. How he talked about that in the Springsteen on Broadway Netflix thing was funny. I live in a one room apartment, I've done physical labor for most of my life and I listen to both of these bands. I'm still relatively new to Sleaford Mods, but I'm glad they plan to come to Estonia, I hope. Anyway, all that matters is how the music makes me feel and it makes me feel good. It's out of your hands, so feuds are a waste of energy. Just do your own thing. You can't even control what song a fan considers your best or their personal favorite. The artist itself may hate that song, like it's the worst song they've ever written, but it could be someone's favorite. Is that wrong? Of course not, cos it's no longer your song, it's theirs. I'm not going to stop listening to Idles just because someone considers them posers, I'm gonna stop listening to them when they stop growing as artists.
I agree 100% with everything you said here. I don't really know much about Sleaford Mods other than the fact that they exist (so I could be wrong about what I'm about to say), but I think that the thing you said about "It's out of your hands, so feuds are a waste of energy" says a lot about Jason's state of mind. The only people who are willing to put this kind of energy in something they can't control tend to be the jealous type. Instead of trying to outdo the one band he doesn't like (the same band that happens to be the more successful one a this point in time) by putting that same energy into his music, he'd rather just stay where he's at and trash Idles. The only thing that ever happens when you try to drag people down like that, is that you end up dragging yourself down without even realizing it.
@@charlesblanchet3152 Well put.
Idles are the band they are because of the AF gang. In which the band set up. A community which supports you. They're a unique breed idles. Even if some are privileged they remember us
@@jonathanmurray5108 bollocks
They just larpers
Bang on about Joe Strummer. Idles are amazing as are sleaford mods. Just remember not to take yourself to seriously. It's not football you don't have to pick a side.
But in uk thats what we do!! Unfortunately 👍🏻 Football mentality/tribalism is still huge in the uk.
well said
'I couldnt sample, so I'd loop favourite bits of records instead'. I believe they have a word for that, 'sampling'.
I'm in the US and have been listening to IDLES for some years now and I still dig the raw energy. Then last year, I discovered Sleaford and saw it as a stripped down, minimalist version of a similar musical direction. I think it's possible to dig them both without needing to be philosophical about it.
Well said, i´ve discovered both in just the last 2 days and was a bit dissapointed when jason said this
@@sandraodelga4459 their mutual mate geoff barrow of the bands portishead and beak sort of squashed it, because like joe said "we have mutual mates so it was getting awkward".
I wanted to listen to what he was saying, but the idles record was too loud in the background.
you should turn it off
Wrong fight with idles uk needs you together not bickering. Be a bit less ego centric and focus on the message of respect and unity. It could be a revolution with bands like this
@Tommy Saxondaleit's irrelevant what you think when thousands are positively inpired by the idles. It matters
Tommy Saxondale a misogynist dislikes IDLES? Wow I’m shocked 😂
@Tommy Saxondale ur looking for conflict and yes your a mild misogynist, bringing my mum to the conversation is just a useless coward attitude of yours that doesn't affect me at all but makes me loose faith in humanity for a second
I love Sleaford Mods, Idles and Slaves all for different reasons. But the only one of those bands who have tackled things like rape culture in their songs, as far as I’m aware, is IDLES. I was actually so shocked when I first listened to Mother and first heard the lyrics “Sexual violence doesn’t start and end with rape, it starts in our books and behind our school gates, men are scared women will laugh in their face whereas women are scared it’s their lives men will take”. Like hearing this dude saying that was so shocking for me as I’m a survivor of abuse and the only other song I could think of that made me feel the same way is Red Jumpsuit Aparatus - Face Down. I respect all the bands but I think I feel safest and most respected at an Idles gig than any of the others. Ive been assaulted many times at gigs over the years and my youngest experience was when I collapsed at a Black sabbath concert age 16. There is a lot of abusers in the scene and when bands make statements like this it lets the people know who’s welcome and who’s not. I’ve seen Slaves twice (one of these times I got creeped on by a big sweaty dude who kept putting his arm round me) and I’ve seen Sleaford Mods once and still to see IDLES next year but I can’t wait. Their music means so much to me as it does to many many other people.
@Tommy Saxondale u come in saying they are talentless and lack substance which is not true otherwise there wouldn't be such a bright positive movement generated around them. That's why your comment was and still is irrelevant but I didn't specifically told you not to express your voice or spew whatever you want to spew online , maybe your having a bad day , maybe you need to vent, maybe you really deslike them and that's fine, but you straight jumped into my mum making me a sandwich all offended triggered and surprised some one can tell you online your message is irelevant. Then obviously you deserve to be called a coward or a misogynist since you brought my mother twice. But don't act all offended when I tell u had a moment in life that you sucked and that's all right
When Jason describes Idles he uses all the adjectives I’d use to describe Sleaford Mods. Pot calling the kettle white.
His entire material is like what dead sheeran does as a joke, thing is Jason is serious about it!
Yeah but Merry Berry Loves Idles - Sorry but I can't disagree with him any more about the Idles thing. So what if they're not working class, they're still voicing an opinion, a good one of that and discuss issues that need to be brought up. If anything for me, it's even better they're sending this message if they're not working class. I think there's a little bit of salt here, he just doesn't like them and that's fair enough
Idles are box tickers they would be a reggae band if it was in fashion. Some thier songs are decent but it's false.
@@mickporter1488 what's false?
Yea it's personal for these lames. Idles is great and spreading a good message.
The working class are sick of people from outside the working class speaking for them. Does anybody really need class pretenders like Idles speaking from a position of safety? It's insulting and patronising. Doesnt matter if whoever is saying it is covered in a shit load of tattoo work or swears alot in the lyrics.
If you're not bothered, fair enough. Some people are however & i think Jason is right to call out the fakes and pretenders.
@@tofu-warrior7948 Late to the conversation here, but I don't think he's just hating due to a privileged upbringing, but like he said he doesn't believe them. Fair enough. It's not fact, he just ain't buying the act. There are certainly parts of the band I don't really believe either, but I love their work all the same, and I love the message of IDLES as well.
I kinda know what he means about IDLES. A lot of the lyrics can feel like they were written to tick boxes. Anti-racist, check. Feminist, check. It’s like they don’t really mean it, they just want to please the crowd and make themselves look moral and righteous.
You could say exactly the same about Sleaford mods
@@bargepoled I really don't think you could. I don't come away from listening to Jobseeker thinking "wow Jason sounds like a really upstanding gentleman".
@@bargepoled give an example? idles are sjws how can you come away from mods and believe the same??
@@vGxDuBsTePzZ Mods, just as hyped, just as flawed and just as brilliant as Idles. Buddy is being a hypocritical wanker but his record is alright...
I get that. After I got to listen to IDLES more and more, I felt like many of the songs and their themes were a bit on the nose, if that makes sense. For example, Jason can portray the theme of a song with a lot more nuance which gives all his songs more depth and meaning, also some of the stuff he says is just flat-out hilarous. "Boris on a bike quick, knock the cunt over" springs to mind lol. For me, knowing that took away some of the impact that IDLES song had on me originally. I still like them tho. Can't wait to see them live once this covid shite is out of the way. I need to experience Danny Nedelko live before I die lol.
Brilliant interview but I’m not one bit interested in music politics. I love sleaford mods and idles because they put out great music.
you pulled me in then shoot me down with that abrupt ending?!?! where's pt 2???
I'm an Idles and Sleaford Mods fan. I think putting another band down and starting feuds on social does not cover Sleaford Mods in glory, and he comes across as being envious of Idles success. It's not pretty listening to this and I find it disappointing. It's all art and subjective after all, and if I was lucky enough to be in Sleaford Mods position my prime focus would be on creating amazing tracks, and not giving a damn about what any other band is doing. Idles songs are about Joe's mental health, his demons and his idealistic outlook on life. Where he is now and how he thinks is what he will write about, like any artist. Idles have a rare edge and they do stand out from the crowd. The music and lyrics have helped me and its rare I get excited by new music, but I have for Idles and for Sleaford Mods, who also have their own unique edge. I think his comment on how Joe talks really comes down to the idiocy of the UK class discrimination and culture here in blighty. SL should focus on the art and not being a bitter old bastard.
Well said.
He is spot on about idles.
I love both IDLES and Sleaford Mods, and have listened to each artist extensively. They both have their own unique way of expressing their art, and I respect the messages both bands have put into their music. This dude might have some valid opinions (or not), but, regardless of IDLES virtues and class standing... I would rather go to a high energy punk show in IDLES, as opposed to standing around bored at a Sleaford Mods gig watching some dude sing slam poetry over a monotonous pre-recorded beat.
That being said, I believe that IDLES "Danny Nedelko", and Sleaford Mods' "Nudge It" are both great songs, and it would be neat to see a collaboration one day.
It's so extremely embarrassing listening to Jason talking about IDLES. He reeks of jealousy. IDLES and Joe Talbot is, for me personally the most important band and voice in the world right now. The message, all is love, love yourself, is exactly what I need, and what I think so many people in this world needs right now.
As someone else wrote here, he just says a lot without really saying anything. AIL.
I've never heard so much vague waffle employed to slag off another band, sounds like he doesn't even really know why he doesn't like idles, in which case I'd suggest you just say 'your shit' ' instead of invoking vague conceptions of class that haven't even really existed since Britain deindustrialised.
Dylan Amey spot on! 👏👏👏
Sounds like you're an Idles fanboy who sought this video out just to post your 'oh he's being mean about my beloved Idles' defence. Grow up ffs.
@@pcoll04ha! Well done, I am a proud idles fanboy but I am also a sleafords fanboy, and if it wasn't for them I would have never found idles, fat white family, Viagra boys and many other bands of that ilk, so I'm bloody grateful. I just think the shit talking has become misplaced. It's all gone a bit Liam Gallagher up in here. Mark e Smith pulled that line already and it doesn't come across well today. Plus Jason keeps talking about class like it's 1950. That annoys me. Coz it doesn't work like that anymore. You can sound as posh as you like or have a mother who works as an accountant and still be working as an Uber eat delivery worker on fuck all cash peddling a bike about in the rain, getting royally screwed for a lifetime. It's fucked and we all have a right to be angry about it. He should read up on class in the 21st century before he steads peddling those criticisms.
@@pcoll04 and what are you exactly
I've seen him argue that he doesn't like them because they aren't working-class but sing against the rich.
Beef with Idles is petty self-important bullshit and a whiff of jealousy.
Not a lot of rhyming in 36 chambers? Um what
Just look at him... dosent even look at the camera when trying to figure out a reason not to believe the Idles ahah He def knows hes talking out of is own arse lmao Then completly shuts down the point about the Clash because he knows he has just been shut up ahahah Jealousy
@MadArticDriver please elaborate
@@filipeventura2729 I don't think it's required mate, pretty succinct I reckon
He said a lot, without saying anything……
I love Mods and like Idles a good deal, though their lyrics and statements do strike me as somewhat naive, stenciled and contradictory at times, but basically I see the all too common rift there between class-oriented and Identitarian left. Mods are like Gramscian organic intellectuals, Idles come across as woke middle class with a punk sheen.
Well said. I do cringe at Idles at times.
Jason's far from being out on a limb on the Idles thing. Something you'll find is that people can generally tell when people are trying their demographical identity on for size, even if they can't exactly put their finger on it, as seems to be the case with Jason's comments here. It tends to be a lot of smaller things adding up: references to objects (or lack thereof); vocal inflections; lack of topical focus; derivative style. That last point is especially important in regards to Idles: I often feel like they (and, while I'm at it, bands like Shame & Pigsx7) exist primarily to make Steve Lamacq feel young again. They tick those superficial classic rock-punk boxes that the media always loved: guitar-thrashing, voice-straining, basic chord-chugging, sweaty & often shirtless anger, and of course their primary champion would be a radio DJ who literally toured the country in order to continue going on about growing up in the 70s. Thing is all that's been done to death so much that seeing something so imitating feels like their missing the point of 'punk', and the originality that was meant to be implied in that word. It was a different matter for The Clash & all that, because they were around the start of 'punk' shit, before it became a genre and was just the sort of logical conclusion of rock n' roll and left-wing politics in that era.
Sleaford Mods, on the other hand, aren't like any other single act I've ever seen or heard.
Hit a lot of good points, doesn't quite follow the spirit of punk..
I will defend them in a sense of 'scratching an itch' in a musical sense, they obviously listen to alot of punk and are wanting to create their ideal sound based on best elements of other bands.
But it is pretty strict to just rock influences. Seems a bit formulaic coming just from rock songs to make rock songs, seems as though they havn't a life outside of 'rock'
is steve lamacq still a dj or something lol... the idles sidle up to him? ! lol there's a strange thought. But each generation is fooled again. Most bands are in it for the money and fame. that was always the case :) It doesnt stop someone performing great gigs and songs. Genuine jason? yeh maybe. cool lol he is funny to listen to even when he sings.
Joe is from Newport south wales one of the most deprived areas of the country, wish Jason actually knew what he was on about before opening his mouth!
@@lewisb85 lol yeah ... but thats punk and rock n roll. talk bollocks and have a laugh doing it :)
Good interview. I think he dislikes the Idles frontman as he comes across as a slightly pretentious middle class virtual signalling leftie lol Anyway I think Sleaford Mods are great and put out raw music with a message. Long may it continue.
I also like other rebellious British acts like Bob Vylan, Kate Tempest, Allflaws.
"pretentious middle class twat", Joe is from Newport south wales one of the most deprived areas of the UK. Wish Jason would do some research before opening his mouth.
Bob Vylan is the fucking shit and I can not wait until they come thru to the US. I will go berserk
@@lewisb85 Jason is from a middle class family in Grantham, he’s a fucking Fraud.
I like Sleaford Mods but buddy needs to remember, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".
Dude didn't give one real reason why he dislikes them. All personal bullshit feelings and jealousy is what iy sounds like
He just so happens to have problems with 2 bands that are doing similar types of music to them.
Love both IDLES and SM but Jason is right here
for everyone here saying they are fans of both SM and Idles, highly recommend the band Fontaines DC to the lot of yer
Found it quite hard listening to this grizzled, bitter old man. He just sounds jealous to me.
I get his critique of idles and I generally really like them (They’re typically in my top 10), but it is immensely frustrating to me that most of the bands I see blow up are only cosplaying working class aesthetics even if their politics are on point.
imagine lower class blokes fighting each other. I thought the acknowledgement of the true threat of classism would bring upon a new wave of unity, but apparently low and mid class people think that ignoring the 1% is better than working together. fucking disgusting.
Not to be that guy, but Jason started it. Joe Talbot and co are entitled to respond to such a meaningless claim about how they're sloganeering, and how they use 'buzz words'. Well, so what? They're decent blokes and there's no need for it.
Well said. Bloody bullshit.
@@neil676 Thing is as well Jason opened his mouth before knowing what he is on about, Joe comes from Newport south wales originally one of the most deprived areas of the UK. Accusing someone from that place faking their working class is hilarious!
I'm sure if Jason had been asked, he'd have given an opinion about the 1%. Got asked about Idles so gave an opinion on that. Doesn't mean he doesn't care about inequality
I liked Idles before I started listening to Sleaford Mods
I get what hes saying about idles, kind of pretending to be working class, i thought they was when i. First listened to them, but musically there on another league to sleaford mods
It’s a complex issue. Idles are a good band, the music sounds good, no reason to believe the lyrics aren’t coming from a genuine place, etc. At the same time I understand Jason’s feelings, coming from a working class background and finding out Idles aren’t feels like the enemy are simultaneously pandering to you whilst stealing your culture. Realistically Jason probably needs to suck it up, get over himself and move on, and should have been more nuanced in his critique. At the same time, Idles should do more to comprehend the reasoning behind why the content of their music is irritating people.
they're called sellouts cus of their early work. but I work for a living so yk I don't really give a shit lmao
But Joe is from a working class background, he's from newport south wales a constant top five in the most deprived areas list. A lot of newport people like myself try to get out because its so bad!
great interviewer
I've lost what little respect I had left for Sleaford mods
The most awesome stuff under A52 records with Jason was Jason stop #######
First time I saw a video of Idles performing on tiny desk concert, I googled what Sleaford mods thought of them as for me Idles seemed fake. It's a intent of replication of what Sleaford mods are actually doing authentically which is why they are so good. You can feel the authenticity of Sleaford mods Vs the performance aspect of Idles....
I know i’m just a yankee from the states. But wouldn’t it be a great and amazing thing for the UK if these two bands and all the other bands people love to at least work together to put the UK on the map and make it shine?
“Put the UK on the map” the UK has been on the map since its inception mate.
We have the biggest bands ever.
so glad to hear that Sleaford Mods hate Idles. all he says is absolutely true and tbh he's even being soft on them
They actually have reconciled thanks to Joe and Jason's mutual friend Geoff barrow of portishead/beak. According to Jason they had mutual friends and it was getting awkward.
@@lewisb85 yeah, i heard a beak interview about a year ago and geoff barrow was speaking very affectionately about Idles (probably they were supporting act for them at that point i dont know) which made me a bit sad tbh. Beak are actually better than both Sleaford Mods or Idles.
@@vladstoica1946 when the feud was getting silly sometimes a grown up has to step in. There is more to it than just supporting Geoff was involved in the establishment of the exchange a venue here in Bristol where several members of idles work/worked, Geoff said how he knew everyone involved in it and they were all good people that's why he got Joe and Jason to talk it out. I agree Beak are better than both bands.
Apparently as well since Joe got to know Jason he takes it less personally now, I think banter and true feelings got misconstrued/amplified and it's less slagging off his background now more critical about music (which is fair enough).
@@lewisb85 yeah, i can get behind that. i dont care much about appropriation discussions either. but jason williamson should keep on telling it like it is about what a load of superficial crap Idles are putting out and constantly getting away with it because of their ”lefty” lyrics. absolute rubbish
Shiteford Mods
You are a GENIUS
@@raffles7556 yes yes! Shiteford cheekies.
Well said Dylan Amey below. Spot on
oh dang makes me not like sleaford
Triumph is a classic so are all the mods they have better songs do Sleaford mods I love Wu tang Clan 2 but I relate to mods more
He's right about Idles
The sleaford mods is the sound of the working class. IDLES are for middle class yuppies
I literally live in a council house with a shitty minimum wage job and IDLES are life. AIL
The working class don't listen to Sleaford mods. They are too busy trying to fucking survive
Does it really matter what class any of us are, just be accept each other for all our backgrounds.
@@bargepoled Exactly.
It’s like here in the states with hip hop. If you didn’t have as much struggle as the next person the community will not accept you at all. Which is why we got 20 years of Eminem making song after song/album after album about his existence living in a trailer park with a junkie mom, junkie babies momma drama, being on welfare and food stamps” he had to “prove himself” to have struggled enough for people to take him seriously
Everything he says about Idles could be claimed against Sleaford mods. He's just jealous.
Just checked them out after watching this interview; I begrudgingly like a few of their tracks to be fair (Idles) but Williamson is a 100% correct about them here. Statements about being privileged white-men, self indulgent addiction stories, totally misunderstanding Brexit (though the Sleafords are off on this one too). Rather than promoting recovery community models as an inspiration to turn peers into working class community activists and to broaden the model out of services (who focus purely on substance issues rather than on broader sociological factors and broader solutions) and as a means for working class people to build self help community hubs on estates... working class people have achieved this already within the best services (before austerity fucked it all... and the EU via competitive tendering) so they've already proven how they could play a key role in 'proper' community regeneration; rather he goes on about vulnrability and mindfulness and his addiction past in the most self absorbed fashion, and ends up sounding like a soppy twat... though I'm sure the birds love it.
@@articulatechav2668 clear as mud mate
@@AnTeallach2011 Mmmm! It's difficult to sum up. People should use their overcoming of 'problem' life experiences to rejuvenate communities, not to sound cool in front of woke chicks.
@@articulatechav2668 jason williamsons from grantham (thatchers hometown) guess he didnt fancy calling his band the grantham mods he plays the working class card as much as anyone
@@shaunmaguire6912 Yeah, but he does it so very, very well.
Couldn’t agree more about idles, utter virtue signaling self righteous tosh
Finally, someone else
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Idles virtue signalling makes me puke
Idles pontifications make me puke
What a narcissist!!!!!!
Absolutely spot on about idles. Musically there fucking amazing but when the vocals kick in it all goes wrong. Upper middle class, privileged guy singing about working class problems doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Tend to agree, the bigger Idles have become, the less I enjoy / relate...but this guy sounds pretty middle-class to me also. Are Sleaford Mods any different to the things he's calling Idles out for? Seems slightly bitter to me.
Newport South Wales is middle class? Damn I’ve gone up in the world! In reality joe is from Newport it’s a horrible place where most of those from there try to get out. Jason doesn’t know what he’s on about!
Damn it’s so cool to hate bands after they start gaining popularity. So fucking punk rock at its truest form!
@@occiferkodi If it's true, then it's true. Idles will never make another 'Mother'. Same as QOTSA will never make another 'You Can't Quit...". Biffy, 'Stress on the Sky', 'Jaggy Snake' etc. It's not about trying to be cool, just that bands change and sometimes go in a direction that you no longer like as much. Doesn't mean you're hating on them. For me Brutalism is still the best album, for others maybe not.
Must admit, 'Crawler' is a much better album, nice and dark again. Idles had gone a bit 'Chumbawumba' for me 😂
He's just jealous of IDLES success
Nudge it
@@alan6 incorrect
Why be angry about the Idles when you can put all of that negative energy into something more worth while like hating the poodle man Brain May
Don’t player hate, participate! Even if Idles are a bunch a beta males, some of their music is decent.