Semua jenis pekerjaan kemungkinan2 resiko bs terjadi kawan. Intix hrs berhati aja dn jgn lupa sama Sang pemberi perlindungan dn keselamatan. Pengalaman yg sama pernah terjadi sama sy dulu d hutan perbatasan Malay-Indo, tepatx d hulu sungai Semenggaris Nunukan. Sy terdesat selama satu hari satu malam, yg paling terasa adlh capek dan lapar. Semoga kalian baik2 sj dan di lindungi Allah SWT, aamiin
you have a very good nightlife in the forest with a friend away from the hustle and bustle of the city and civilization, wonderful video, great shooting, thank you very much, dear friend.Congratulations on a good day when you are not afraid to be late for work or an important meeting, do not crowd into public transport and do not stand in traffic jams, do not torment yourself with work chores and all sorts of obligations. Happy Saturday to you! I wish you to sleep well, and to cope with everything that was planned, and to relax, and to relax, and to please yourself with something delicious, and to find a reason to have fun, and to meet your loved ones, and to drink your sip of freedom. Have a nice, colorful and happy day!
thank you my friend for watching my video. I told about my friend who got lost in the jungle of Kalimantan. and he found a ghost.. greetings from Indonesia.. may God bless you friends
Sering membayangkan jelajah hutan kalimantan hanya 2 orang... Dan survival disana kurang lebih 2 bulan full dengan peralatan yg mumpuni & komplit Bisa nggak seperti itu
Semua jenis pekerjaan kemungkinan2 resiko bs terjadi kawan. Intix hrs berhati aja dn jgn lupa sama Sang pemberi perlindungan dn keselamatan. Pengalaman yg sama pernah terjadi sama sy dulu d hutan perbatasan Malay-Indo, tepatx d hulu sungai Semenggaris Nunukan. Sy terdesat selama satu hari satu malam, yg paling terasa adlh capek dan lapar. Semoga kalian baik2 sj dan di lindungi Allah SWT, aamiin
biasa nya keasikan cari gaharu makanya tersesat atau lambat pulang.hadir salam satu hobi bang
Iya betul sekali bang
you have a very good nightlife in the forest with a friend away from the hustle and bustle of the city and civilization, wonderful video, great shooting, thank you very much, dear friend.Congratulations on a good day when you are not afraid to be late for work or an important meeting, do not crowd into public transport and do not stand in traffic jams, do not torment yourself with work chores and all sorts of obligations. Happy Saturday to you! I wish you to sleep well, and to cope with everything that was planned, and to relax, and to relax, and to please yourself with something delicious, and to find a reason to have fun, and to meet your loved ones, and to drink your sip of freedom. Have a nice, colorful and happy day!
thank you my friend for watching my video. I told about my friend who got lost in the jungle of Kalimantan. and he found a ghost.. greetings from Indonesia.. may God bless you friends
Sering membayangkan jelajah hutan kalimantan hanya 2 orang... Dan survival disana kurang lebih 2 bulan full dengan peralatan yg mumpuni & komplit
Bisa nggak seperti itu
Bisa bang ....
Bayangan saya masih banyak ular piton 7.meter, lihat video sampean dari awal sampe akhir ternyata jarang ya saya lihat binatang buas juga minim
Salam dari Jateng.
Minta tolong ada kakak sya udah 2 bulan tersesat bemlum di temukan d sekitar sungai talkin nama x a.nia/danil
Maaf baru bisa balas komentarnya karena saya baru pulang dari hutan ...apakah Kaka nya sudah di temukan
@@fiilomboksangpetualang3685 belom masih sampe sekarang
@@fiilomboksangpetualang3685 belum ditemukan
@fiilomboksangpetualang3685 belum ketemu sampe sekarang ini
KAK ..bisakah menembakkan sinar laser kearah atas bila malam hari
Bisa mbak tapi siapa yang bisa melihatnya ..karena kalo di hutan rimbun sama pohon pohon besar ,,
Memang bener adanya kalau dihutan itu ada makhluk yang suka jahil untuk menyesatkan, kalau di long biasa mereka malah sing hari menyesatkanya
Iya bang hutan Kalimantan memang banyak mistis mistis nya ...