Tapping / Icing: you could have demonstrated in the distal arm/leg. Active participation is highly needed. We are going to apply the principles on Chronic/ severe spasticity. May be you can tell this is the expected response after the application. Have you ever tried Traction/ Approximation on patients. Thanks
Thanks for appropriate demonstration.
Very nice demonstration thank you so much ❤
1. light moving touch 1:11
2. fast brushing
3. icing
4. heavy joint compression 0:02
5. resistance
6. stretch pressrure
7. quick stretch 0:28
8. tapping 0:55
9. vibration 1:27
Thank u , OT 💙
Tapping / Icing: you could have demonstrated in the distal arm/leg. Active participation is highly needed. We are going to apply the principles on Chronic/ severe spasticity. May be you can tell this is the expected response after the application. Have you ever tried Traction/ Approximation on patients. Thanks
I thinks its best prectical demostretion .
But needs a Improvement on the varbal communication .
But prtectical is much good 👍
Is this technically used to Hemiplegia patient????