Shaking brings about MASSIVE CHANGE | Haggai 2 | Lesson 4

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Haggai 2, explained from a Hebrew perspective, and considering the historical and biblical account. Tom Bradford addresses a crucial topic concerning how God will bring about a significant change, by shaking the world. This shaking can either be beneficial or catastrophic, depending on what God plans to do.
    Join Torah Class in this episode on Haggai 2

Комментарии • 108

  • @redemptionfitnesscentre
    @redemptionfitnesscentre Месяц назад +12

    This is the most relevant and truthful message for today! Thank you teacher for preaching the Truth! And his Law is the Truth! Repentance is turning back to the Torah/ Law and doing it! Yeshua is the door the Law is the path we must walk once we have entered!

  • @tamaraschneider4500
    @tamaraschneider4500 Месяц назад

    Great Teaching. Thank you.

  • @CarolynArnett
    @CarolynArnett Месяц назад +8

    If you say you believe that Jesus is the messiah and died for our sins, it will be demonstrated in your life. You will change your behavior IF YOU SINCERELY BELIEVE. Just merely saying you believe and going on about your life as usual isn’t sincerity. To love God with all your heart, mind and soul is to obey Him. That is the greatest of all commandments. It’s all about sincerity. You have no relationship with God and His son if you don’t have actions. And how do you know the actions that are required without studying His Word. All of it. Not just the New Testament, but the Old Testament as well. If God never changes what is expected of us has also never changed. There was also no such thing as a New Testament in Jesus’ day, so the Law that He is always referring to is The Law of Moses given to him by God. It’s even stated all over the NT to obey The Law. Mr. Bradford points us to many passages that are very clear about this. Jesus will say I never knew you, you WORKERS OF LAWLESSNESS. You must be SINCERE.

  • @eddeewhat5553
    @eddeewhat5553 День назад

    He said there was only one shaking of the earth. I think there was another. When Yahuah Hamashiach when on the cross said “It is finished”.
    Either way I really enjoy his teachings. I personally love the Jewish people. Not just because God chose them because they’re the only people that been around for 1000’s of years. That in and of itself shows God has his hand on them. I’m just glad to be adopted into the family

  • @SSTMM
    @SSTMM Месяц назад +6

    Regarding the law of Moses, Acts 15 gives true clarity on this subject for gentiles. Read it prayerfully.

    • @irish6795
      @irish6795 Месяц назад +1

      Are you not grafted into Israel? Gentile is a term used for the nations that are not Israel. Either you are grafted into Israel or you are a gentile which is without the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob(Israel) acts 15 is talking about keeping the law for salvation purposes which you are saved by grace alone but once saved we must repent and turn back to God and His ways:)

  • @irish6795
    @irish6795 Месяц назад

    Love Tom’s teachings ❤

  • @MiriamMonroe
    @MiriamMonroe Месяц назад +2


  • @shannonhowell141
    @shannonhowell141 Месяц назад

    The word is supposed to be convicting. He corrects those he loves, and as painful as it was before, it's better to do it his way.

  • @theomnisthour6400
    @theomnisthour6400 Месяц назад +2

    A key data point that relates to your comment about Constantine. The real Messiah candidate of that new-anointed bloodline was Constantine's scholarly grandson, Flavius Julianus, who jihadist Christians branded as Julian the Apostate, and contrived to assassinate while he was campaigning successfully against the Persians. Although most of Julian's writings were destroyed by the hatefully triumphant Christian powers, the references show that he was one of the few who saw the continuity of the Old and New Testaments with pre-Christian messianic prophecies that actually closely match a better reading of the Torah that pays more attention to the difference between El Elyon, God the most high, and other Elohim mentioned as the god of a certain tribe or nation.
    The chi-rho Christogram was found on coins of Ptolemy III from before his death in 222BC - a full 532 years before the Milvian Bridge vision. The symbol of Christ is not a crucifixion cross, but part of messianic prophecy that goes back to the Egyptian ankh, which is actually a tau-rho taurogram, a symbol of the bull cult that preceded the centaur cult of Chiron, both of which became part of the polytheistic version of Christianity that was the religion of Serapis and the heavenly bull/bull-man/centaur-man of previous Messiah incarnations of God before humanity became the chosen species.
    Julian had planned to help the Jews rebuild the Jerusalem temple and restore their worship of El Elyon as YHWH, as well as proclaim religious freedom to the Roman world, advocating the pattern established by El Elyon in Salem under the properly anointed Melchizedek priest-kings, which closely matches the original worship of Jupiter Optimus Maximus in Rome, where the temple of the most high was in the center of the temple quarter, and all major festivals of all the lesser gods and goddesses had to be preceded by a blessing from the Pontifex Maximus - the Roman equivalent of the Melchizedek high priest.
    Sin has tainted all earthly power-grasping religions, and the narcissistic worshipers of "my God" who think they are the only ones worthy of God's or some other spiritual celebrity's grace, and though there will certainly be at least 144,000 spared from the worst of the apocalypse, none of those who think they are the chosen is as safe as they think. There have been many chosen species and chosen peoples during day 7 of creation, and while the Hebrews were an important one, they did a lot of damage by clinging to the lie of being the only chosen people, especially after Solomon consorted with demons to build his gilded temple, and his line lied about the Ark of The Covenant still being there, when it was taken back to Egypt in 971BC and returned to the temple at Siwa, where Alexander found it and from whence it traveled to Alexandria to form the center of the new Ptolemaic Serapis religion, which was the real source of Christianity as a renewal of the promise of a better version of God as a human Messiah.
    The destruction of the Serapeum by rabid Christians in 391AD was one of the biggest sins Christians ever committed in the name of "their God" - violating both the first and second commandments, as well as a number of others. When we send our own time travelers back to discover what really happened - and we will sooner than you imagine - you will be given incontrovertible proof that, while the Bible is a useful reference, it is full of lies and distortions inserted or mistranslated by hateful and evil men and women.
    God is the first creator of a co-created simulation multiverse, a spiritual scientist and great leader by virtue of his experience and influence, not some almighty micromanaging tyrant creator of whole universes. God's kingdom is the highest heaven of the Divine Council and it's current analog in the physical universe - the City of God where the real main temple of El Elyon is located. The Salem of the Bible was nowhere near the Middle East, but on the sunken continent where the real human Garden of Eden was - Lemuria, where the island nations of Indonesia and the Philippines are now, and the remains of that temple may be the pyramid complex that Danny Hilman was excavating at Gunung Padang up till 2014, when globalist powers pressured the INdonesian government to shut him down and set out to discredit both him and Graham Hancock, who had been popularizing his discovery of what they thought might be the oldest pyramid complex in the world - all the spiritual and secular powers of the world united in trying to cover up what they had discovered for fear it would upset their pyramids of lies. I encourage folks to take a look at the following RUclips channels:
    The God Culture - produced by some very deep Biblical scholars who used Biblical travel narratives to prove the Garden of Eden was not in the Middle East. I think they are being a bit Christian-prejudiced to say definitively that it was in the Philippines rather than Indonesia, but their arguments are pretty convincing for the general area.
    Praveen Mohan - a guy that concentrates on decoding the temple carvings on Hindu and Buddhist temples whose recent deep dive into the Prambanan Temple in Western Java shoes strong evidence that an earlier proto-Hindu religion was practiced by the local people that looked more like the religion of Genesis - a pantheon led by a highest God whose shrine was empty and had no name - because his fully awakened human incarnation had not yet come - the incarnated Brahma bull, A-Bram, made fully aware of his true self. There is much truth in Hinduism, once you take out the Satanic destroyers Shiva and Kali, the nonsense notion that the asuras (Asherah!) were the good guys in the war with the devas, and the snake oil selling fakir gurus teaching non-duality nonsense and the meaninglessness of life.
    Robert Sepehr - a daring cultural anthropologist whose research into the 1666 anti-messiah Sabbatai Zevi exposes pretty much all the Satanic threads that drove us toward the 2025 apocalypse. Look for his segment called Subversive Origins of Communism, and another called Hidden History of Zionism.
    And get ready for some big revelations and disclosures in 2025.

    • @keddy5627
      @keddy5627 Месяц назад +1

      Wow! Down the rabbit-hole I go! Thank you so much for your post, you truly blessed me today! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

    • @theomnisthour6400
      @theomnisthour6400 Месяц назад

      @@keddy5627 it really gets fun when you connect the dots and find real faith in God's evolving plan and the more fun (for God's team) day 8 of creation. Enjoy! If you find these tips useful, you might like to explore the even deeper rabbit hole of my channel, The Omnist Hour - though fair warning, I rarely am able to keep my sermons down to an hour, and probably deeply offend everyone's cherished beliefs in at least a few segments

    • @smokydogy
      @smokydogy Месяц назад

      Bro youre fucking retarded. The error in your logic is that any source, any ancient writing is equivalent to scripture and youre trying to cobble together all your fucking retarded theories into a coherent whole. You are actually fucking insane. If you do not believe the BIble is the inspired word of God you don't have room to discuss these matters, I pity you for feeling the need to attention grab on this video.

    • @tempelhoferfeld7727
      @tempelhoferfeld7727 Месяц назад

      Your god/Master is allready defeated!!!!Hatred makes cancer!
      All Glory to ABBA and YESHUA AL MASIH ❤❤❤HalleluYAH

    • @theomnisthour6400
      @theomnisthour6400 Месяц назад +1

      @@tempelhoferfeld7727 You say as you spout hatred yourself. I think you are in violation of the first two commandments and likely any others that pass your warped definition of "love"

  • @seamusoraghaillach6973
    @seamusoraghaillach6973 Месяц назад

    There is Haggia intro, Haggia 1 lesson 2 then it goes to Haggia 2 lessons 3 & 4. What's going on??????

    • @alexmansman
      @alexmansman Месяц назад +2

      Lesson numbers don't match up with chapter of the book numbers. Sometimes a single chapter takes up several lessons and sometimes a couple of chapters are dealt with in a single lesson.

    • @seamusoraghaillach6973
      @seamusoraghaillach6973 Месяц назад +1

      @@alexmansman Some times they say the lesson number but some times they don't. It was easier to follow 10 months ago when the thumbnail had the book in it rather than some picture. I watch on RUclips because I can watch on the tv but it seems harder to follow. I couldn't find Obadiah in a created playlist either. It used to take you to the next lesson when you finished.

  • @dawnemile7499
    @dawnemile7499 Месяц назад

    I'm noticing. Jesus predicted that "They took no note".

  • @leadavis3924
    @leadavis3924 4 дня назад

    Additionally, almost all religions have decentralized the plan of salvation along with the law, making it a shelled out organization. Not of God.

  • @HolySpiritFed_HolySpiritLed
    @HolySpiritFed_HolySpiritLed Месяц назад +1

    There's a reason it's called Fruit of the Spirit!! It's not by works, it's by us resting unified with YWHW by our immersing into Yeshua by His Spirit. Yeshua is Our Jacob's ladder. Noone can come to The Father except through Yeshua by His Spirit. So it's no longer us but He who lives in us by our faith (trust). We cease to do works since it is Him in us which through faith now works through us.

    • @HolySpiritFed_HolySpiritLed
      @HolySpiritFed_HolySpiritLed Месяц назад


    • @71723
      @71723 Месяц назад +1

      Do you realize he's ALREADY covered the ENTIRE book of Hebrews a few years ago?

    • @HolySpiritFed_HolySpiritLed
      @HolySpiritFed_HolySpiritLed Месяц назад +1

      @71723 yes I do and like I said, I am very appreciative of how he explains the jewishness and contextual aspwct of his teachings but none the less he has chosen to go back under the law and the legalism in it and therefore I am speaking to those that are reading my comment in as a warning to no become beguiled. Be alerted to the fact that it is impossible that was one becomes enlightened by Truth just to be lead off to reject it and then become enlightened once again because there will be no more sacrifice left for the atonement of sin...that would be sacrificing Jesus again and again and it's only appointed for man to die once for sin. Whoever The Son sets free is free indeed. And one thing to keep in mind is the fact that it is absolutely good to grow and learn jewish context...what you must keep in mind is that YWHW put scales upon our jewish brothers and sisters because they didn't accept Yeshua as their promised Messiah...So careful that you aren't following them into rejecting His blood and therefore rejecting His Spirit by doing exactly what they are stuck doing until their scales are removed...

    • @mombythesea2426
      @mombythesea2426 Месяц назад

      So do you think we just sit back and do nothing and hope Jesus moves our arms and legs to obey? No. We decide to obey

  • @DonnyBrisco
    @DonnyBrisco Месяц назад

    Lukewarm talk, he probably thinks the earth is a globe too that's your sign they are asleep.

  • @HolySpiritFed_HolySpiritLed
    @HolySpiritFed_HolySpiritLed Месяц назад +6

    PLEASE GO READ THE BOOK OF HEBREWS ASAP.!!! Directing people to go back under the law is trampling Yeshua & what He accomplished underfoot!!! I was directed to your class as a reference tool for the Jewish historical aspect which you are extremely knowledgeable in. And again, I say that as a reference tool, your teachings have been so helpful in making sense of what YWHW speaks to me. With that said, He has made me be extremely cautious to not get ahead of Him and exactly what HE is showing me so that I don't get carried off by putting myself back under the law which could not perfect which is why Jesus was offered to us as a blood sacrifice in order to justify with His blood, sanctiify with water (spirit) and make us in right standing (righteous) with God once and for all. Hebrews fully explains this so please read it...

    • @gianni206
      @gianni206 Месяц назад

      My brother… he calls Hebrews apocryphal :(
      I trust Tom on only a few things because of this. I’m unsure his sources on the non-Hebrew stuff.

    • @gabriellehoffman7572
      @gabriellehoffman7572 Месяц назад

      Curious, I know that it is still debated who wrote Hebrews, with many scholars believing it to be Paul due to language analysis and the fact that the Hebrews would NEVER accept Paul as he was considered a trader, so an unsigned letter would better accomplish the mission. In any event, perhaps Tom was teaching on not knowing who wrote it?

    • @gianni206
      @gianni206 Месяц назад +2

      @@gabriellehoffman7572 It’s… a lot to explain. Brace yourself.
      I learned this when Tom taught on 1 Kings 8 and the Ark came up, and it “only had the 10 commandments inside and not Aaron’s staff or the jar of manna” (more on that later)
      So Tom’s argument is that Hebrews is wrong because Hebrews says those 2 items were inside the Ark with the 10 commandments, and that apparently doesn’t show up in the Old Testament text.
      His 2nd argument is the fact no author is assigned to it. And because there’s no author assigned to it, that’s why some ancient Christian canons actually left Hebrews out.
      I looked into it: idk which Christians left it out, but I get why they did it. Only apostles have the authority to speak prophetically on Christ’s behalf. So they must’ve erred on the side of caution.
      What Tom misses is that (according to Michael Heiser) we moderns may have a faulty translation of Exodus/Numbers, so the 2 items could’ve been moved around, and the author of Hebrews could’ve worked off a translation that said they moved around.
      Also, Tom assumes the early church must’ve picked it as scripture by mistake. But my assumption is they knew the actual author and just didn’t tell us in the actual letter.
      So maybe it was Paul. The issue with that is that the style of writing is way more robust than his usual letters. You can make a case for it being him, but what doesn’t make sense is how the jews called him a traitor… yet they’d probably only accept scripture from someone who actually met Jesus, as Paul did. Scripture can only come from an apostle, after all, so they can’t know and also not know at the same time (unless the argument is that they knew later? Not impossible, but maybe contrived).
      I personally am undecided on the issue of whether it’s canon or not, for now I read it as such but I plan to do more research later just to err on the side of caution. Hope this all helps!

    • @jamesjaudon8247
      @jamesjaudon8247 Месяц назад

      Didn't Jesus always make a difference between God's laws, Moses teachings, and the doctrines of men. I always took those in order as The ten commandments, the law of Moses and the added doctrines after Moses. Would that be a good layman's description?

    • @Nooobody85
      @Nooobody85 Месяц назад +7

      Which law? The law of sin and death yes. If you live by the 10 Commandments that is part of the Torah. The Torah also instructs to feed the hungry and clothe the naked are we not under these instructions as believers in Christ? Christ also said depart from me you who practice lawlessness. You have been set free from the punishment of the law of sin and death by belief in what Christ did. He did not set you free from the Torah of Life.

  • @rachelgoodwin724
    @rachelgoodwin724 Месяц назад

    Put Paul in the trash and u will grow in understanding 😊

  • @lokat74
    @lokat74 Месяц назад

    unsubbed. you are a legalist, teaching legalism and putting believers under a yoke of condemnation.