Really good advice! Before I used to feel like I needed to take every piece of advice that anybody gave me, but eventually those pieces of advice will start clashing. Like one person will say, "There's too much dialogue and not enough description" and other people will tell you "There's too much description and not enough dialogue". And that's when I realised that taking every single piece of advice people give you isn't really possible. What I try to do now is look out for reoccurring advice. Like if one person gives advice, its just a suggestion but if 10 people give the same piece of advice then they're probably on to something.
YES! all of this is so true. And it's a struggle because you want your book to be as great as it can be by taking advice, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing 😂 And you make a great point about looking for patterns in feedback.
3:10 very very true 😅 👍
Yup! And it can be very hard, as a new author, to wrap your head around the idea until you've experienced it. At least it was for me lol
Really good advice! Before I used to feel like I needed to take every piece of advice that anybody gave me, but eventually those pieces of advice will start clashing. Like one person will say, "There's too much dialogue and not enough description" and other people will tell you "There's too much description and not enough dialogue". And that's when I realised that taking every single piece of advice people give you isn't really possible. What I try to do now is look out for reoccurring advice. Like if one person gives advice, its just a suggestion but if 10 people give the same piece of advice then they're probably on to something.
YES! all of this is so true. And it's a struggle because you want your book to be as great as it can be by taking advice, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing 😂 And you make a great point about looking for patterns in feedback.