Cuántas veces estas sonatas amansaron mis propios furores y me recondujeron a la reconciliación entre alma y razón… A finales de los ’90, en Galaroza, las escuchaba de largo en compañía de algunas avecillas que atraídas por la melodía parecían subyugadas por tamaña mansedumbre. Júrala, mi vecino, solía preguntarme: “¿Qué es esa música que oyes a la tarde?, parecen ángeles". El arriero no andaba lejos de mi propio sentimiento, pues la melodía actuaba a modo de bálsamo sobre mi espíritu. Esta es mi deuda de entonces y mi esperanza de hoy. Dejar de ser mi peor enemigo. La cordura no es la soga que ata ni la cadena que amarra, más semeja al hilo de la cometa que sostiene y permite alzarse por los aires.
13 de Noviembre de 2015 . Oyendo las suaves y reconfortantes notas de un gran músico....Ellas acompañaron mis largas y fatigosas noches de trabajos universitarios, cuando la posibilidad de ser, algún día , arquitecto me llenaba de ilusiones.
I´m listening to these wonderful pieces for the first time. No time, only peace filled with love. Thanks and Blessings to Master Marcello and messer citrazzo for uploading it.
señor Pedro, le entiendo perfectamente, estas piezas fueron hechas para calmar el alma, aun en periodos de adversidad y confusión.........hacen que sea casi perceptible una esencia superior no solo en ellas si no en toda la naturaleza en conjunto, incluyendo al hombre mismo.
Son piezas para agradecer el que existe la vida en este planeta! Al igual que las Suites de Johann Sebastian bach, la 1,3 y 6, particularmente. Las otras tienen tonos más introspectivos y no tan joviales. Saludos
Claudio Cassadei is a wondrous musician with a rich and emotive touch. He is one of the best cellists playing today. Sad for us that he doesn't seem to have recorded a great deal.
Música inspirada por Dios, no puede ser de otra forma, escucharla trae paz al espíritu , que divinidad de Benedetto Marcello , siempre me ha fascinado este compositor y músico veneciano ; y la ejecución del brillante cellista Claudio Casadei acompañado en el clavicémbalo por Francesco Tasini es perfecta. Gracias por tanta belleza !!
Forgetting Vivaldi,the most famous cello Italiano compositions were the Neapolitan concertos of Leonardo Leo and the sonatas by Geminiani. Other less important composers began to use solo cello as well. It is more or less a typical stylistic feature that such a use of cello developed in medium ans southern Italia. Here, the excellent composer Marcello, who was generally attracted by other styles of composition (his d minor oboe concerto is one of the best baroque oboe concertos). tuns to the cello with an equal quality Marcello makes a wise use of the technique named in French "dynamique en terrasse", typical of medium and late baroque, not at all in a pedantic but in a discrete and efficient way. This writing excellence" is for sure the signature of masterpieces. Add the high quality of the melodic cello part, with the fact that Italy, which was actually the leader in using the cello in playing the continuo part with an harpsichord,, evidences the quality of cello as a tenor instrumentalist singer both in sonata k like here or in concertos like Leo's. Clearly, the Italian baroque is not limited between Corelli and Vivaldi.This shows the flexibility of the last baroque and its ability for a complex situation between aunacois innovations and sophisticated conservatism. France has struggled for long for the viols masterpieces against the cello. . JSB kept cool, witting both his six suites for cello solo, his six three voices sonatas for viola and harpsichord, original string combinations in Brandenburg 3 and 6, choosing violas in many cantatas ans sections of the "Passions".for suite précise expressive reasons..
A veces y a toda hora, el alma necesita algo que la transporte, que la lleve por lugares tal vez ya recorridos, pero que son diferentes cuando sientes esas vibraciones de las cuerdas y solo te dejas llevar. HOMBRE, MADERA Y ARCO. El viento en espera, de sentir lo que tu arco arrancará de la madera, que un día dejó de ser árbol, para ahora, llevar a cada oído, las palabras sin letras, pero llenas de emociones sentimientos y colorido. Antes, el viento movía sus ramas y sus hojas, y en el día y en la noche, cantaban. Madera que en su memoria, tiene los amaneceres y los atardeceres, llenos de voces de los habitantes del bosque. Voces de quienes llegan a la noche y de quienes ya no, tiene las noches de plata, tiene los ruidos de la tierra. Cada día y cada noche, cantos a la vida. Cantos a la vida, que tu arco hará brotar de la madera, llena de ellos. Tu arco deslizándose por las cuerdas, tu sensibilidad y los recuerdos de la madera, diálogo entre instrumento y hombre, lenguaje sin palabras. Música.
+Robert Milby have you ever published your work? do you have Google+? add me. I love artists, poets, musicians and those who love baroque music like me.
Yes. I have quite a bit published. My latest book is Victorian House: Ghosts and Gothic Poems. Half of the book is relevant to the Hudson Valley, NY region. You can buy it on I work with a Theremin Player every October. We are called Theremin Ghosts! and give shows around the Hudson Valley. It is the most original performance ever in the region. Or, if you are in my area, and have a library card, it is in the Ramapo-Catskill Library System. My website is simple, but needs to be updated. I host 4 poetry readings in the region. Frankly, I am pretty smitten by Baroque Music. I typically listen to Baroque in the Autumn. Nearly a Musical synesthesia. But only due to association of periods of Music with seasons of the year. On 7/17 st 5pm at the beautiful Pacem In Terris, 96 Covered Bridge Road Warwick, NY There is an All Baroque Concert. Here's another site you can check for more info pertaining to the show. The great artist's home and property whereon the concerts take place. Would you like to read a poem inspired by one of Bach's Violin Concertos? e-mail me and I will send it as an attachment. It is pending publication, so, no worries. What is your name? -Robert
+Robert Milby my name's Marlene. I will send you an email. Unfortunately, I am in Germany. One day I may visit you there and would like to see this show.
Obras magníficas por su fluidez melódica, expresividad y perfección. Podrían ser definidas como obras contemplativas que no son frecuentes en la música moderna occidental, a diferencia del canto gregoriano y la música zen.
@@dominiquelarueenchantez-vous i am always happy when other people have the same interests as others do i am kind of validates my taste and its always good to have someone that shares the same interests.i love baroque music.people tend to look at me weird and some make fun of me when i play these types of music especially baroque and if i werent stronger i would feel ashamed abd stop playing it so others wouldnt its nice to have someone enjoy this music as i do.its a good thing on many levels.i am still figuring out which composers i should listen to but vivaldi,bach ,teleman,handel,alesandro marcello i defintely know are good.but i now realize that his brother benedito was a talented composer that the world overlooked.
@@manuelalmendarez2232 Nice to read you! I'm very interesting in female composers as Babara Srozzi for example, too much forgotten today in my opinion...
It's nice to see so many people have listened to this. I've seen so many postings of music that isn't widely known and that have been virtually unvisited. In my search for cello sonatas that come close to Vivaldi (the cello sonatas are my favourite Vivaldi pieces) these are the ones most like his, though they still don't challenge Vivaldi himself. There is indeed only one "Red Priest". I do wish there were better performances of the music available, though. The only one I could find on CD was recorded in 1973 and is in the vein of the old pre "period performance" days, when all music was played the same regardless of when it was written. The performances here are better than the ones I found but they still suffer from a lack of knowledge of period performance. Where are all the baroque cellists? Why haven't they discovered these pieces? We need someone of the calibre of Christophe Coin.
Thank you Laraine for this beautiful and relevant commentary which changes us from "Wonderful" "Marvellous" and "Thanks for upload" which are as many invasive plants which devastate such musics.. Otherwise, in the liturgy, colors have a meaning. Red is the color of the fire of the Spirit, of passion and of courage. All that most clergymen lack¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Benedetto Giacomo Marcello, Né le 24 juillet 1686 à Venise Décédé le25 juillet 1739 à Brescia, Compositeur italien de la période barioque Biographie Issu d'une noble famille vénitienne (il est souvent qualifié dans ses œuvres dePatrizio Veneto) il était destiné par son père à une carrière de juriste, bien qu'il ait reçu des leçons de musique de maîtres aussi réputés que Lotti et Gasparini1. En 1711, il devient membre du Conseil des Quarante et en 1730, il est envoyé à Pola comme Provveditore. Sa santé s'étant détériorée au climat défavorable de l'Istrie, il démissionne au bout de huit ans et s'installe en tant que Camerlengo à Brescia, où il demeure jusqu'à sa mort. Benedetto Marcello est surtout connu pour son Estro poetico-armonico, publié à Venise en 1724-17262, qui est une mise en musique pour une à quatre voix et basse continue des cinquante paraphrases des Psaumes de David, dont les paroles avaient été adaptées en italien par Giacomo Giustiniani2. Cette œuvre fut très admirée, notamment par Charles Avison etJohn Garth, qui en firent une édition avec paroles en anglais (Londres 1757). On en trouve des extraits dans l'ouvrage deJohn Hawkins intitulé A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Marcello fut l'un des premiers compositeurs à écrire pour le violoncelle et il a laissé une série de sonates d'une très grande qualité, qui rappellent les compositions de Domenico Gabrielli et de Vivaldi pour cet instrument. Son concerto pour violon a été transcrit pour le clavecin par Bach (BWV 981). Parmi ses autres œuvres, on trouve surtout des cantates à une ou plusieurs voix ; la bibliothèque du Conservatoire de Bruxelles possède plusieurs volumes de cantates de chambre composées pour sa maîtresse. Il composa aussi un opéra, La Fede riconosciuta, représenté à Vicenza en 1702, mais n'avait guère d'attirance pour ce genre de composition et exposa ses opinions sur l'état du drame en musique à son époque par un pamphlet satirique intitulé Teatro alla moda, paru à titre anonyme à Venise en 1720 et dont la cible principale était Antonio Vivaldi, sous le pseudonyme peu équivoque d'Aldiviva. Ce petit ouvrage, fréquemment réédité, n'est pas seulement extrêmement drôle, mais constitue aussi une contribution importante à l'histoire de l'opéra. On a donné son nom au conservatoire de musique de Venise. Le Musée national des instruments de musique de Rome possède un certain nombre d'instruments lui ayant appartenu. Le frère aîné de Benedetto, Alessandro, fut lui aussi compositeur. Sopurce Infos
+Vanessa Hobbs It's by the Barbizon painter Jules Dupre, who was influenced by Constable. I thought it looked more Barbizon, so I searched "Barbizon painting", picked out one with similar brushwork, and it by Jules. So I googled Jules Dupre and found the painting shown with the music here. Here's info. on Jules: To see the paintings, google "Jules Dupre paintings", and then click "images" under the Search box. Isn't the internet amazing!
Sonata 1.
1 part 0:00
2 part 3:33
3 part 6:23
4 part 7:23
Sonata 2.
1 part 9:17
2 part 11:30
3 part 13:58
4 part 15:19
Sonata 3.
1 part 17:10
2 part 19:04
3 part 21:39
4 part 22:46
Cuántas veces estas sonatas amansaron mis propios furores y me recondujeron a la reconciliación entre alma y razón… A finales de los ’90, en Galaroza, las escuchaba de largo en compañía de algunas avecillas que atraídas por la melodía parecían subyugadas por tamaña mansedumbre. Júrala, mi vecino, solía preguntarme: “¿Qué es esa música que oyes a la tarde?, parecen ángeles". El arriero no andaba lejos de mi propio sentimiento, pues la melodía actuaba a modo de bálsamo sobre mi espíritu. Esta es mi deuda de entonces y mi esperanza de hoy. Dejar de ser mi peor enemigo. La cordura no es la soga que ata ni la cadena que amarra, más semeja al hilo de la cometa que sostiene y permite alzarse por los aires.
¿Es una cita?
@pedroa.cantero9449 -- Sí, distinguidísimo letrado.....BRAVO desde Acapulco!
.....and STILL Great......Now from Mexico City....having been run out of Acapulco by Hurricane Otis.......
Brava....just came across these Sonatas.
Played all six on double bass. Masterpece. Absolute genius
Belleza de comentario. Me has devuelto la alegría. Gracias.
I often come on this page to find a peacefull atmosphere just as I love them. Cheers from France.
I love when they post paintings with music
They do it all the time.
Я тоже люблю!😊
@@Dats_Lyfe But they forget to mention the name of the painter!
grazie Maestro Casadei per il suo suono stupendo e il suo fraseggio limpido !!! bellissima la realizzazione al cembalo .
' bjawy wrzodow zoladka trwajacy
13 de Noviembre de 2015 . Oyendo las suaves y reconfortantes notas de un gran músico....Ellas acompañaron mis largas y fatigosas
noches de trabajos universitarios, cuando la posibilidad de ser, algún día , arquitecto me llenaba de ilusiones.
Beauty so ancient and so new...
I´m listening to these wonderful pieces for the first time. No time, only peace filled with love. Thanks and Blessings to Master Marcello and messer citrazzo for uploading it.
señor Pedro, le entiendo perfectamente, estas piezas fueron hechas para calmar el alma, aun en periodos de adversidad y confusión.........hacen que sea casi perceptible una esencia superior no solo en ellas si no en toda la naturaleza en conjunto, incluyendo al hombre mismo.
Gracias Juan José
Son piezas para agradecer el que existe la vida en este planeta! Al igual que las Suites de Johann Sebastian bach, la 1,3 y 6, particularmente. Las otras tienen tonos más introspectivos y no tan joviales. Saludos
I have listened Marcello's cello work firstly in my life. Fantastic. Thanks to Messer Citraz had uploaded. happy to U
Claudio Cassadei is a wondrous musician with a rich and emotive touch. He is one of the best cellists playing today. Sad for us that he doesn't seem to have recorded a great deal.
These beautiful sonatas fill me with joy and peace. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recording.
Música inspirada por Dios, no puede ser de otra forma, escucharla trae paz al espíritu , que divinidad de Benedetto Marcello , siempre me ha fascinado este compositor y músico veneciano ; y la ejecución del brillante cellista Claudio Casadei acompañado en el clavicémbalo por Francesco Tasini es perfecta. Gracias por tanta belleza !!
Barockmusik zum Träumen, wunderbar gefühlvoll gespielt!
Superb piece and MONUMENTAL interpretation!!!!
Thanks for sharing it. It is just a great music for my soul. Thanks thanks thanks.
Forgetting Vivaldi,the most famous cello Italiano compositions were the Neapolitan concertos of Leonardo Leo and the sonatas by Geminiani. Other less important composers began to use solo cello as well. It is more or less a typical stylistic feature that such a use of cello developed in medium ans southern Italia. Here, the excellent composer Marcello, who was generally attracted by other styles of composition (his d minor oboe concerto is one of the best baroque oboe concertos). tuns to the cello with an equal quality Marcello makes a wise use of the technique named in French "dynamique en terrasse", typical of medium and late baroque, not at all in a pedantic but in a discrete and efficient way. This writing excellence" is for sure the signature of masterpieces. Add the high quality of the melodic cello part, with the fact that Italy, which was actually the leader in using the cello in playing the continuo part with an harpsichord,, evidences the quality of cello as a tenor instrumentalist singer both in sonata k like here or in concertos like Leo's. Clearly, the Italian baroque is not limited between Corelli and Vivaldi.This shows the flexibility of the last baroque and its ability for a complex situation between aunacois innovations and sophisticated conservatism. France has struggled for long for the viols masterpieces against the cello. . JSB kept cool, witting both his six suites for cello solo, his six three voices sonatas for viola and harpsichord, original string combinations in Brandenburg 3 and 6, choosing violas in many cantatas ans sections of the "Passions".for suite précise expressive reasons..
A veces y a toda hora, el alma necesita algo que la transporte, que la lleve por lugares tal vez ya recorridos, pero que son diferentes cuando sientes esas vibraciones de las cuerdas y solo te dejas llevar.
El viento en espera,
de sentir lo que tu arco
arrancará de la madera,
que un día dejó de ser árbol,
para ahora, llevar a cada oído,
las palabras sin letras,
pero llenas de emociones
sentimientos y colorido.
Antes, el viento movía sus ramas
y sus hojas, y en el día
y en la noche, cantaban.
Madera que en su memoria,
tiene los amaneceres
y los atardeceres,
llenos de voces
de los habitantes del bosque.
Voces de quienes llegan a la noche
y de quienes ya no,
tiene las noches de plata,
tiene los ruidos de la tierra.
Cada día y cada noche,
cantos a la vida.
Cantos a la vida,
que tu arco hará brotar de la madera,
llena de ellos.
Tu arco deslizándose por las cuerdas,
tu sensibilidad
y los recuerdos de la madera,
diálogo entre instrumento
y hombre,
lenguaje sin palabras.
Wonderful Music!
I have these sonatas on cd. They are quite inspirational. Baroque music is necessary for Poets.
are you a poet? where do you live?
Yes. Hudson Valley, NY
+Robert Milby have you ever published your work? do you have Google+? add me. I love artists, poets, musicians and those who love baroque music like me.
Yes. I have quite a bit published.
My latest book is Victorian House: Ghosts and Gothic Poems. Half of the book
is relevant to the Hudson Valley, NY region.
You can buy it on
I work with a Theremin Player every October.
We are called Theremin Ghosts!
and give shows around the Hudson Valley.
It is the most original performance ever in the region.
Or, if you are in my area, and have a library
card, it is in the Ramapo-Catskill Library System.
My website is simple, but needs to be updated.
I host 4 poetry readings in the region.
Frankly, I am pretty smitten by Baroque Music.
I typically listen to Baroque in the Autumn. Nearly a Musical synesthesia. But only due to association of periods of Music
with seasons of the year.
On 7/17 st 5pm
at the beautiful Pacem In Terris,
96 Covered Bridge Road
Warwick, NY
There is an All Baroque Concert.
Here's another site you can check for more info pertaining to the show.
The great artist's home and property
whereon the concerts take place.
Would you like to read a poem inspired
by one of Bach's Violin Concertos?
e-mail me and I will send it as an attachment.
It is pending publication, so, no worries.
What is your name?
+Robert Milby my name's Marlene. I will send you an email. Unfortunately, I am in Germany. One day I may visit you there and would like to see this show.
Thank you so much for sharing it!
Belas Sonatas para Cello. Os afetos na música: a serenidade, a alegria, a dança.
Obras magníficas por su fluidez melódica, expresividad y perfección. Podrían ser definidas como obras contemplativas que no son frecuentes en la música moderna occidental, a diferencia del canto gregoriano y la música zen.
De gran belleza estas sonatas de Marcello
Magnifique son ... humilité et douceur ...
Beautiful sonatas.some of the best i have heard.he and his brother marcello were so blessed with talent that gave us such beautiful music.
I love these sonates too. :)
@@dominiquelarueenchantez-vous i am always happy when other people have the same interests as others do i am kind of validates my taste and its always good to have someone that shares the same interests.i love baroque music.people tend to look at me weird and some make fun of me when i play these types of music especially baroque and if i werent stronger i would feel ashamed abd stop playing it so others wouldnt its nice to have someone enjoy this music as i do.its a good thing on many levels.i am still figuring out which composers i should listen to but vivaldi,bach ,teleman,handel,alesandro marcello i defintely know are good.but i now realize that his brother benedito was a talented composer that the world overlooked.
@@manuelalmendarez2232 Nice to read you! I'm very interesting in female composers as Babara Srozzi for example, too much forgotten today in my opinion...
Muchas gracias por su trabajo
I've been searching this sonatas for a long time, thanks for this great record!
Raquel Cabrera same
Gracias, siempre reconforta mi alma
Great performance!!!
Magic !! I did not know Marcello wrote cello sonatas. They are fabulous ( specially No. 6 )
Many thanks for this great upload !!!
JAS I am playing number six
Divine Claudio Cassadei!
I played it as my exam of second year with my viola. It's a beautiful concert.
mi mejor confort en momentos de incertidumbre...😊
Wonderful! great music!
Thank you!!
So beautiful enjoy it every day with pleasure
I often come to listen to them :)
Comfort is the essence of all of music
Words fail. Very sweet and calming. Dhanyoshmi!
Grande Claudio......eccellente interpretazione.....elegante e pienamente in stile........
Hermosisima música gracias
It's nice to see so many people have listened to this. I've seen so many postings of music that isn't widely known and that have been virtually unvisited. In my search for cello sonatas that come close to Vivaldi (the cello sonatas are my favourite Vivaldi pieces) these are the ones most like his, though they still don't challenge Vivaldi himself. There is indeed only one "Red Priest". I do wish there were better performances of the music available, though. The only one I could find on CD was recorded in 1973 and is in the vein of the old pre "period performance" days, when all music was played the same regardless of when it was written. The performances here are better than the ones I found but they still suffer from a lack of knowledge of period performance. Where are all the baroque cellists? Why haven't they discovered these pieces? We need someone of the calibre of Christophe Coin.
Thank you Laraine for this beautiful and relevant commentary which changes us from "Wonderful" "Marvellous" and "Thanks for upload" which are as many invasive plants which devastate such musics.. Otherwise, in the liturgy, colors have a meaning. Red is the color of the fire of the Spirit, of passion and of courage. All that most clergymen lack¯\_(ツ)_/¯
...Sublime Armonía....
C'est très beau 👍😻
50:21 😂
Ahh sounds like some epic find! Just like Bruno Cocsets 'frescobaldi canonza' release which is sublime. AHhhh
Thanks for that enjoyment
Grato por postar.
playing n 2 =) !!!! GENIUS!!!!
Pintura obra de Jules Dupré. Fue un pintor francés nacido en Nantes en 1812 y fallecido en 1889.
great performance. btw im playing that on trombone
i can play it backwards with my phone, kekked! And I dont even need practice!
@@raideduela Oh... shame
Beautiful music. The painting is : Jules Dupré, Paysage forestier (Ermitage museum).
Benedetto Giacomo Marcello,
Né le 24 juillet 1686 à Venise
Décédé le25 juillet 1739 à Brescia,
Compositeur italien de la période barioque
Issu d'une noble famille vénitienne (il est souvent qualifié dans ses œuvres dePatrizio Veneto) il était destiné par son père à une carrière de juriste, bien qu'il ait reçu des leçons de musique de maîtres aussi réputés que Lotti et Gasparini1. En 1711, il devient membre du Conseil des Quarante et en 1730, il est envoyé à Pola comme Provveditore. Sa santé s'étant détériorée au climat défavorable de l'Istrie, il démissionne au bout de huit ans et s'installe en tant que Camerlengo à Brescia, où il demeure jusqu'à sa mort.
Benedetto Marcello est surtout connu pour son Estro poetico-armonico, publié à Venise en 1724-17262, qui est une mise en musique pour une à quatre voix et basse continue des cinquante paraphrases des Psaumes de David, dont les paroles avaient été adaptées en italien par Giacomo Giustiniani2. Cette œuvre fut très admirée, notamment par Charles Avison etJohn Garth, qui en firent une édition avec paroles en anglais (Londres 1757). On en trouve des extraits dans l'ouvrage deJohn Hawkins intitulé A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Marcello fut l'un des premiers compositeurs à écrire pour le violoncelle et il a laissé une série de sonates d'une très grande qualité, qui rappellent les compositions de Domenico Gabrielli et de Vivaldi pour cet instrument. Son concerto pour violon a été transcrit pour le clavecin par Bach (BWV 981).
Parmi ses autres œuvres, on trouve surtout des cantates à une ou plusieurs voix ; la bibliothèque du Conservatoire de Bruxelles possède plusieurs volumes de cantates de chambre composées pour sa maîtresse. Il composa aussi un opéra, La Fede riconosciuta, représenté à Vicenza en 1702, mais n'avait guère d'attirance pour ce genre de composition et exposa ses opinions sur l'état du drame en musique à son époque par un pamphlet satirique intitulé Teatro alla moda, paru à titre anonyme à Venise en 1720 et dont la cible principale était Antonio Vivaldi, sous le pseudonyme peu équivoque d'Aldiviva. Ce petit ouvrage, fréquemment réédité, n'est pas seulement extrêmement drôle, mais constitue aussi une contribution importante à l'histoire de l'opéra.
On a donné son nom au conservatoire de musique de Venise.
Le Musée national des instruments de musique de Rome possède un certain nombre d'instruments lui ayant appartenu.
Le frère aîné de Benedetto, Alessandro, fut lui aussi compositeur.
Sopurce Infos
Merci pour tous ces renseignements !🙂🖐
WUNDERVOLL !!! Tepper Micchael
superb rarity ...
This is totally OK . . . and that picture too !
I love these sonatas too! they are amazing!
@@dominiquelarueenchantez-vous And a fine rendition as well!
@@Dats_Lyfe Yes that's right!
A TREASURE ~ thank you!!!
Marcello's harpsichord sonatas are good too.
just playing the 6th sonata on double bass.. great fun
+תום קלשטיין im playing first one :) good luck
How is it going? I played the bass for years. :-)
Genio italiano ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Compositore geniale
Compositore geniale
Compositore geniale
The continuo is a little overpowering at times, but I still love this
Wonderful music.
Sonatas for dance! :)
I played no. 1 and currently playing no. 6 on viola, they are so fun to play.
sonata no 1
Any info about the artwork? Thanks.
I don't know if is John constable
42:58 sonata in G Major
Y a-t-il un enregistrement CD de ces 6 sonates ? Où les commander ?
Thanks to messer citraz have posted
Cello and Harpsichord go well together
This is not on spotify it seems :(
7:20 IV. allegro molto (sonata n 1)
C'est très beau !
Est ce vous qui jouez ?
50:22 4part
¡Excelente! ¿Alguien podría informarme de quién es el óleo que ilustra? Muchas gracias.
Jules Dupré, de l'ecole de Barbizon
@@pedroa.cantero9449 ¡Muchas gracias!
Cello+Clavecìn = Cielo+Angelo.
well said! :)
45:39 2 part
Playing Sonata N.5 on Tuba. This should be fun.
Ad at 3:32
Painting of the ettenmoors
Por que pulou a cadenza na sonata 2 Adagio ???
Who is the author of the painting? Thanks.
Jules Dupré, Forest Landscape. (I used Google Images.)
Is it Constable ?
+Vanessa Hobbs It's by the Barbizon painter Jules Dupre, who was influenced by Constable. I thought it looked more Barbizon, so I searched "Barbizon painting", picked out one with similar brushwork, and it by Jules. So I googled Jules Dupre and found the painting shown with the music here. Here's info. on Jules:
To see the paintings, google "Jules Dupre paintings", and then click "images" under the Search box. Isn't the internet amazing!
the painting seems by John Constable
who are the performers???
Claudio Casadei (cellist), Tasini (I don't remember his name)
@@DM-xs7oo , el clavicembalista es Francesco Tasini . Saludos desde Chile !
I PLAYED one of sonata on basoon
de quem é a pintura?
Jules Dupre` (1811-1889) "Forest Landscape -Hermitage.
This is where Don't Sleep on the Subway came from hmmmmmmmmmm
3:31 allegro
same tune exactly
Me parece un paisaje agreste de Constable, mas non tiengo certeza.