Elvana Gjata ft Flori Mumajasi - Kuq e zi, 31 Maj 2015 - Top Fest 12 Finale

  • Опубликовано: 3 июн 2016
  • Top Fest, festival i muzikës moderne shqiptare ka nisur ne vitin 2004. Festivali është një eveniment, i cili i jep mbështetje artisteve te afirmuar te muzikës shqiptare, ne Shqiperi, Kosove, Maqedoni, Malin e Zi, dhe diaspore.Ne Top Fest jane prezantuar kryesisht kengetare te rinj te muzikës moderne. Kengetare dhe grupe qe jane prezantuar per here te pare ne Top Fest jane: Stine, Grupi Asgje Sikur Dielli, Adrian Gaxha, Indrit Mesiti, Grupi Kthejllu, Alban Skenderaj, Nora Istrefi, Blero, Big Mama, Shpat Kasapi, Vesa Luma, Linda Halimi, Flaka Krelani, Tuna, Valon Shehu, NRG band, Zanfina Ismajli, Malda Susuri, Big Basta, Grupi XXL, Anxhelina Hadergjonaj. Pervec promovimit te artisteve te rinj, ne Top Fest ne keto tete edicione kane qene pjesmarres edhe artiste te njohur te muzikes se lehte shqiptare, ku mund te permenden: Manjola Nallbani, Jonida Maliqi, Mefarete Laze, Mariza Ikonomi, Eliza Hoxha, Grupi Humus, Grupi Troja, Besa.Objektivat e festivalit jane promovimi i muzikes moderne shqiptare, mbeshteja e artisteve te rinj, qe duan te marrin pjese ne kete event dhe nxitja e krijmtarise se muzikes moderne.Struktura e festivalitNe fazen e pare te konkurimit kengetaret bejne prezantimin e kenges se tyre, dhe kjo faze zgjat rreth 2 muaj, ku kendohet playback. Pas perfundimt te fazes se pare nga bordi drejtues i festivalit behet perzgjedhja e kengetareve per ne fazen e dyte gjysem finale. (shpjegim: fazat gjysme finale jane bere ne edicionin e shtate dhe tete ku eshte kenduar “live”)Pas perfundimit te fazes gjysme finale kengetaret kandidohen ne kategorite e cmimeve te festivalit, cmime qe ndahen ne naten finale. Perpara fillimit te nates finale, e cila ne tete edicionet eshte transmetuar live ne Top Channel, si dhe me pas ne kanalin My Music dhe Hd2 ne digitalb, eshte realizuar ne hyrje te salles se eventit "Tapeti i Kuq", ku publiku dhe fansat e kengetareve kane bere foto dhe kane takuar kengetarin ose grupin e preferuar.Nata finale e festivalit eshte konceptuar nje mbremje gala ku ndahen cmime per pjesmarresit ne kategori te ndryshme dhe cmimi i madh, “fituesi i festivalit”. Artiste te njohur, por edhe te rinj jane vleresuar ne keto tete vite me cmime ne kategori si kengetari i ri me i mire, kenga me e mire pop rock, kenga me e mire e rrymes alternative, kenga me e mire hip hop dhe rnb, kengetari me i mire mashkull, kengetarja me e mire femer, cmimi i Internetit, kenga me mire, interpretuesi me i mire, video me e mire, cmimi i Digitalb, cmimi Top Albania Radio dhe Cmimi i madh “Fituesi i festivalit” Cmimi i madh ose “Fituesi i festivalit” nga edicioni i pare dhe deri ne edicionin e katert eshte percaktuar nga votimi i publikut, ndersa nga edicioni i peste deri ne edicionin e tete eshte percaktuar nga votimi i publikut bashke me vleresimin e nje jurie profesioniste.Nga edicioni i pare deri ne edicionin e gjashte, pjesmarresit kane kenduar me superpozim ne fazen e pare dhe ne mbremjen finale. Ne gjashte edicionet e para, ne fazen e pare te prezantimit mesatarisht ne cdo vit kane konkuruar rreth 250 kengetare dhe grupe muzikore, pervec dy edicioneve te fundit qe jane prezantuar 130 artiste.Ne dy vitet e fundit perkatesisht, ne edicionin e shtate dhe te tete, Top Fest prezantoi per here te pare kenget konkuruese te kenduara live, ku kengetaret jane shoqeruar ne gjysem finale dhe ne mbremjen finale nga orkestra e Top channel.Kjo ishte nje sfide e madhe per muziken moderne qe realizohet kohet e fundit dhe qe eshte shume me e nderlikuar ne raport midis orkestres dhe teknologjise se perdorur per realizimin e kengeve. Top Fest vazhdon prezantimin "live" te kengeve dhe ne kete menyre po i jep nje mundesi artisteve shqiptare ne rritjen e cilesise te prezantimit te tyre, duke i sherbyer edhe publikut shqiptar brenda dhe jasht vendit ne publikimin e nje krijimtarie te mire muzikore. Pervec atyre qe suksesin vazhdojne ta ngjisin, top fest vazhdon ende te kerkoje mes te rinjve talente reja.Ky festival eshte nje pasarele me kenge te rrymave te ndryshme, por edhe veshjet dhe performancat qe jane realizuar ne keto tete edicione kane sjelle nje stil te vecante. Ajo qe mund te thuhet tashme eshte se skena e top fest dhe kenget qe jane vleresuar me cmime kane qene ne sintoni perfekte me preferencat e publikut.Kenget e “Top Fest ”te tete edicioneve vazhdojne te transmetohen ne programet muzikore ne valet e Top Albania Radios, My Music ne Digitalb dhe Radio My music.Ne edicionin e pare te Top fest, e paraprinte nje emision tjeter ‘Poleposition”, emision per talentet e reja ne kenge, kercim, aktrim. Drejtues i emisionit Poleposition ka qene Olti Xhezo.Stafi perzgjedhes dhe trainues i pjesmarresve :Kozeta Bakiu, Robert Radoja, Alfred Trebicka, Vikena Kamenica, Ema Andrea, Elona Nallbani. Pjesmarres dhe fiues ne kete talent show ka qene Gresa Gjoceraj, pjesamrres dhe finalist Ledion Lico.
  • РазвлеченияРазвлечения

Комментарии • 181

  • @claudianisipasu4014
    @claudianisipasu4014 Год назад +56

    Happy Anniversary Albania & Kosovo!!!!!!!...... Love & respect from Romania, Craiova! !!!!!!

  • @KatemeKostogianni-of6pm
    @KatemeKostogianni-of6pm Год назад +9

    Keng shum e vecant qe i perkushtohet Gjith Shqiptareve kudo qe ndodhen ne cdo cep te botes ❤❤

  • @hatemorina4049
    @hatemorina4049 Год назад +4

    Rrofte populli Shqiptare gjithmon i bashkuar si gjith Shqiperija e Madhe 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

  • @Shqiptari61
    @Shqiptari61 Год назад +24

    Kështu na bëni krenarë. Ju lumtë dhe këndofshi gjiithmon. ❤❤🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱

  • @mentorsyla5664
    @mentorsyla5664 8 месяцев назад +2

    Nje nder kenget madheshtore qe me bene te e perjetojithell ne zemer e mendje eshte nje keng qe edhe engjujt e kendojn toka dridhet

  • @kleaprushi7297
    @kleaprushi7297 4 года назад +21

    Ju lumte elvana gjata dhe Flor mumajesi👑👑

  • @xhoanatoma5078
    @xhoanatoma5078 Год назад +2

    Kenga me e bukur ne bote. Pse ka pak klikime apo shqyptaret Kan vetem dhafe! ralitetit shqyptaret I jetojn larg.

  • @kadrimuratovski2475
    @kadrimuratovski2475 7 месяцев назад +1

    Kenga qe ne ben krenare gjith popul Shqiptar neper botet 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱

  • @user-di6od8wl3l
    @user-di6od8wl3l 6 лет назад +54

    kjo nuk eshte vetem nje keng por nje mrekulli e rrall bravo

    • @altinaliraj8391
      @altinaliraj8391 Год назад


    • @Duri-gs2zt
      @Duri-gs2zt 7 месяцев назад +1

      dragash_ Brodi pzrenitr

    • @AnjezaKozeli
      @AnjezaKozeli 2 месяца назад


  • @valentinakapaj5587
    @valentinakapaj5587 5 лет назад +12

    Shqiperi e madheeeee supeeeeeer keng

  • @elonamatraxhiu620
    @elonamatraxhiu620 Год назад +3

    ❤zemra na nderoni ne gjithe boten buke dhe zemer per gjithe boten pse jo

  • @E.chapo23
    @E.chapo23 Месяц назад +1

    A jam i vetmi qe dalin lot sa her shoh kte kryeveper 🥺❤️🇦🇱

  • @Fridafrida1990
    @Fridafrida1990 Год назад +4

    Kjo kemge ngelet gjithmon hit o kendofte zemra gjithmon❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🌸⭐️

  • @visiduda3842
    @visiduda3842 4 месяца назад +1

    O sa mir me qen Shqiptar 🇦🇱

  • @brunildandani1208
    @brunildandani1208 Год назад +4

    bukur 🇦🇱🇵🇾🇵🇾

  • @habibcastro7889
    @habibcastro7889 Год назад +3

    Amo a Albania.mazal tov.

  • @anditopciu7149
    @anditopciu7149 Год назад +8

    So proud
    I m Albanian

  • @ToxicVaccines_HivHoax
    @ToxicVaccines_HivHoax 4 года назад +26

    BRAVO SHQIPE!! ❤🇦🇱

  • @nasersherifi5755
    @nasersherifi5755 7 лет назад +28

    Nuk ka tekst te muzikes shqiptare qe munde te zavendesohet ju lumte Elvana edhe Flori

  • @besomucaj9236
    @besomucaj9236 Год назад +1

    Keng DHE ze i mrekulluar rroft shqiperia e madhe rroft

  • @stelastela8253
    @stelastela8253 10 месяцев назад +1

    Kjo kenge eshte Himn! Te emocionon sa here qe e degjon. Bravo!

  • @anxhelaemini5426
    @anxhelaemini5426 6 лет назад +9

    Kuq e zi ❤❤❤

  • @arbenlika6724
    @arbenlika6724 6 лет назад +8

    non c'e niente più bello bravissimi

  • @ilmiberisha7861
    @ilmiberisha7861 Год назад +1

    Rrespekt kënga më e mirë në Historinë Shqipëtare ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ist ein

  • @nero.s5739
    @nero.s5739 6 лет назад +15

    Kenga ma e bukur ne bot

  • @ilirmaxhelaku1874
    @ilirmaxhelaku1874 8 месяцев назад

    Bravi..... konge super e jashtezakonshme kur e nigjojm na sjell emozioni nukleari, jeni straordinari.

  • @alessioalessio3165
    @alessioalessio3165 6 лет назад +5

    Ho ho ho ho jemi ne Shqipri e madhe. ...

  • @lilinikolli304
    @lilinikolli304 5 лет назад +13

    Ky duhet te jete hyni yne.
    Jetojme ne mergim vite te tera e ndjenja e Shqiptarizmit eshte akoma me e madhe. Na rrenqethet mishte, na bete te perlotemi, na bete akoma me krenare qe jemi Shqiptare. Brravooo Flori, Bravo elvana, bravo gjithe juve qe bete nje kenge qe do ngelet ne histori...! FALEMINDERIT.!

    • @altinaliraj8391
      @altinaliraj8391 Год назад


    • @altinaliraj8391
      @altinaliraj8391 Год назад


    • @anfi011
      @anfi011 Год назад

      Svaka čast

  • @etnalutt3492
    @etnalutt3492 Год назад +2

    Zemra Shkemb me behet kur shoh keshtu ❤️

  • @sheriljanaseitaj2171
    @sheriljanaseitaj2171 Месяц назад

    Nje emocion e papershkruar. Bravo. ❤

  • @petrikaparizi9078
    @petrikaparizi9078 3 месяца назад

    Ju lumte goja suksese🎉🎉🎉

  • @bleonaliu7706
    @bleonaliu7706 4 года назад +1

    Shummmmmmmmmm mirë më mirë se kejt kosova keni knu shum mirë😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌👄💋❤💘

  • @Republic_of_Kosova
    @Republic_of_Kosova Год назад

    cili eshte ndryshimi midis shqiperise Etnike dhe shqiperise se madhe

  • @nezirkapllani8964
    @nezirkapllani8964 Год назад +1

    Bravo bravo bravo

  • @lizekumbulla2670
    @lizekumbulla2670 11 месяцев назад +1

    Kenga me e bukure ne bote 🌍🇦🇱♥️bravi 👏

  • @bleonaliu7706
    @bleonaliu7706 4 года назад +2

    Shum mirë😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻

  • @mr-ladi617
    @mr-ladi617 Год назад +5

    Ku është fustanella? Mos na harroni se edhe Çamëria e më lart thërret keq e zi

  • @kristaqzeraj7565
    @kristaqzeraj7565 5 лет назад +3

    Te tjera keng te tilla duhet te nxirni na beni sh krenar .

  • @havadushaj369
    @havadushaj369 8 месяцев назад

    Super kang super orkester super shkurte fejza rredpekt ne maksimum per ty .I pa harrushem qoft gjsku I ktyne njerzeve te medhej si adem jasharit dhe families se ti rrespekt ne maksimum e kto legjende.dhe gjith atyre qe dhan jeten sublimi me I madh ne kput jet pershnetje nga shkodra

  • @ahroulaila584
    @ahroulaila584 7 лет назад +4

    shum bukur

  • @user-yl6qk7iv9e
    @user-yl6qk7iv9e 2 месяца назад

    Kjo keng duhet te jet himni shqiptar

    @LeON_MCMLXXVII Год назад +8

    How beautiful Elvana was and she had a sublime voice! 🥰🤗

  • @annasinani3511
    @annasinani3511 Год назад +2


  • @Tomkaulitz_ismyluv
    @Tomkaulitz_ismyluv 8 месяцев назад

    Holly mother of God! Amazing song ❤

  • @ahroulaila584
    @ahroulaila584 7 лет назад +14

    sunt romanca ador melodia albaneza am si tatuaj cu steagul albania

  • @bani2158
    @bani2158 16 дней назад


  • @loniloco4399
    @loniloco4399 3 года назад +3


  • @fatmirkoloshi3937
    @fatmirkoloshi3937 2 года назад +3


  • @jelenapetrovic3280
    @jelenapetrovic3280 Год назад

    Love 💕 Love 💕 Love 💕 🥁🎼🥁🎼🥁🥂🎼✈️Bravooooo Nena Flórida

  • @Dominik_-um3fc
    @Dominik_-um3fc Год назад +1


  • @jamiesiebert7032
    @jamiesiebert7032 Год назад +1

    esht e pazevendesushme..rrenqethese

  • @xhoanatoma5078
    @xhoanatoma5078 10 месяцев назад

    Trasmetim I pa pare ne bote ❤️resprkte per Elvana gjaten e te gjithe Ata qe kan kontribuar per ta rslizuar kyt kenge me me fam botrore

  • @edlirahoxha285
    @edlirahoxha285 5 лет назад +3


  • @anniethecat1046
    @anniethecat1046 Год назад

    Respekteee ❤❤❤❤❤️🥰🥰🥰❤️🇬🇷❤️🥰

  • @ismetljoti
    @ismetljoti Год назад +1


  • @RobloxGamerGuy912
    @RobloxGamerGuy912 3 года назад +3


  • @Christabbaword
    @Christabbaword 11 месяцев назад

    Wisdom 7
    for light must yield to night, but against Wisdom evil cannot prevail.

  • @emiljardmuhametaj5189
    @emiljardmuhametaj5189 Год назад +1


  • @habibcastro7889
    @habibcastro7889 10 месяцев назад

    Muito boa musica

  • @fatosshahini217
    @fatosshahini217 Месяц назад

    Deri ktu ishte Flori pastaj mori pushimet

  • @BPaja-el4kp
    @BPaja-el4kp Год назад +2

    Bravo 🇦🇱

  • @Fridafrida1990
    @Fridafrida1990 Год назад


  • @xhoanatoma5078
    @xhoanatoma5078 11 месяцев назад +1

    As nje vend ne bote nuk ka kenget me te bukura kuushtuar kombit dhe sportit Duke Mos len pas Dore Dashuri è para we kur Djelli ra ne tok we u quajt Drita e Aurores sot Albania ❤️👑🇦🇱

  • @kadrijeveliji
    @kadrijeveliji Год назад


  • @oltikertusha1844
    @oltikertusha1844 Год назад +2

    Te rreqeĺlet Mishi sa po e degjone krenar shipetare

  • @gencicani9020
    @gencicani9020 2 года назад +3

    Kenga e shekullit para shqipe

  • @durhanmusa
    @durhanmusa Год назад


  • @Leon-qz1cw
    @Leon-qz1cw Год назад

    ❤🇦🇱 eagle 🦅🇦🇱❤️

  • @ismetljoti
    @ismetljoti Год назад


  • @SuperSelimaj
    @SuperSelimaj Год назад

    flamurin ku7jdes ku e vene mjeshtre

  • @adriancecollari3373
    @adriancecollari3373 Год назад +2

    Te bashkuar keshtu nuk ka force ne bote te na percaje...Rroft Shqiperia etnike..

  • @adrianpema2561
    @adrianpema2561 Год назад


  • @freeprotasevichignaziojohn3009


  • @rolandlami4250
    @rolandlami4250 Год назад

    Kenge gjigande

  • @albandalipi4152
    @albandalipi4152 Год назад +1


  • @miraetiquette2331
    @miraetiquette2331 Год назад


  • @valivesaboracani5358
    @valivesaboracani5358 7 лет назад +4


    • @blendigraca3410
      @blendigraca3410 6 лет назад

      vali vesa bora Cani kryeveper e florit jo e elvanes

  • @user-mf6hz2ed4z
    @user-mf6hz2ed4z Год назад +1


  • @gjinaloxha3845
    @gjinaloxha3845 Год назад


  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +1

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

    • @Ilirjana-cera
      @Ilirjana-cera Год назад


  • @GaryGeriShomo
    @GaryGeriShomo 7 месяцев назад


  • @semavinazifakcin7529
    @semavinazifakcin7529 3 месяца назад

    Arnavut kardeşlerime selamlar esenlikler dilerim. Priştinalı kardeşiniz Semavi Nazif,ten ve ailesinden merhabalar. ❤🇹🇷♥️🤲🇦🇱♥️🇹🇷

    • @florencnako5284
      @florencnako5284 19 дней назад

      Joanina , arta, preveza, ingumenisa grevena ,kosturi , folorina ,kozani , qe mekri stin lefkadha , inea albania , mègali alvania 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +1

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +1

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +1

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +2

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

    • @fatosmulla8421
      @fatosmulla8421 Год назад

      Nazione greca e 1 miscuglio di razze in base di religione ortodossa armeni Arvanite vllachi arabi turci creato da Francia è Russia dopo la guerra ruso-turca nessun eroe 1821 non era greco tutti Arvanite anche la lingua vecchia greca non lo capiscono

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +2

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +1

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +1

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +1

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +1

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +1

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +1

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

    • @robertbicja5206
      @robertbicja5206 Год назад

      I can not believe in 21 st century how naive stupid people like you are . There is not one word to describe . Do yourself a favor get some type education before you open ur mouth .

    • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
      @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад

      😅😂🤣🤣😂😅😂🤣😂😅😂🤣😆😅😂🤣😆😁😄😆😂😁😄🤣😅😂😂🤣 😂😅😂🤣😅😂😂🤣😆😁😄😂😁😅
      Albanians are proud
      About what??????
      Even the Albanian flag
      is a stolen symbol
      of Greek Byzantium
      Albanians are funny people.
      because Albania has nothing
      of its own history.
      Are you sure about this
      Fake propaganda????
      How much money did you get for this political propaganda?
      Half of Albania belonged to Greece
      Remember that Apollonia, located in Albania, is formerly Greek, and is made by Greeks in honor of God Apollo.
      Even up to Sicily,
      there are still Greek villages,
      and untill today they
      are speaking Greek.
      And albanians claim that
      Are Great Warriors,
      And you say all the National Heroes of Greece
      were Albanians.
      Because Greeks
      were not fightered
      as they Albanianς claimς.
      And you say
      you saved Greece too????
      How did the Greeks beat
      the albanian Great Warrior's,
      And steal lands
      from albanians as you say?
      And as for the Arvanites
      They are 100% Greeks
      And dont forget
      Who helped who???
      look better.
      Not the propaganda of the Communist Hoxha.
      Without Greece
      Not 500 years,but for 800 years you will clean Turkish shit and Turkish toilets.
      This is the truth,the Politicals in Greece Are
      Jews serving in America to the Americans play their games, politicians of Greece is Greek, and the channels are all their own
      Dont forget the Greek Revolution 1821.
      The Greece have the Otommans 320 years.
      Albania have the Otommans
      500 years Moore 180 years from Greece.Also some areas in Greece like Mani, Ionian Islands, and Sfakia,
      the Turks never managed to conquer them.
      And Greece Send Warriors to help the Greek Georgios Kastriotis to Libarate Albania,after 500 years of Turkish Occupation.
      Fake albanian warriors.
      Greece with the Greek Revolution saved Albania and Europe, and if it were not for Greece, the Persian Empire would have conquered all of Europe.
      And finally, don't forget who most resisted Nazi occupation, and who helped save Europe, the whole world knows it.
      On the contrary, Albanians were allies with Mussolini's Fascist Italy
      Greece, during
      of WWII, it was the only country that had to Have War with four-country armies at the same time:
      Germany, Italy, Bulgaria,and Albania.
      - Resistance period (in days) Greece 219 - Norway 61 - France 43 (the superpower of the season) - Poland 30 - Belgium 18 - Netherlands 4 - Yugoslavia 3 - Czechoslovakia 0 - Denmark 0 (the Danes surrendered to a Hitler motorcyclist) conveyed his request
      Hitler to the Danish king for the Nazi army to cross. To show his submission, the Danish King handed his Crown to the motorcyclist to take it to Berlin and Hitler….)
      Quotes about Greeks
      "For the sake of historical truth, I must confirm that only the Greeks, out of all their opponents, confronted us with the greatest courage and most defied death."
      Adolph Hitler (From his speech at the Reichstag on 4 May 1941)
      "The word heroism is afraid that it does not minimize the acts of self-sacrifice of the Greeks, which were the decisive factor in the victorious outcome of the nations' joint effort,
      during the Second World War, on human freedom and dignity. If it were not for the courage of the Greeks and their courage, the outcome of the Second World War would have been indefinable. ”
      Winston Churchill (From one of his speeches in the British Parliament on 24 April 1941)
      "I'm sorry for getting older and not living long enough to thank the Greeks whose resistance was decisive for FP."
      Joseph Stalin (From a speech on the Moscow radio station on January 31, 1943 after Stalingrad's victory and the capitulation of the 6th German Army under General Von Paulus).
      "If the Russians were able to resist the entrance of Moscow to stop and prevent the German torrent, they owe it to the Greeks, who delayed the German divisions, at a time when they could make us kneel."
      Georgy Constantinovich Zhoukov (Soviet Army General: Excerpts from WWII Memoirs)
      "It would not be an exaggeration to say that Greece overthrew Germany's plans in their entirety and forced it to postpone the attack on Russia for six weeks. We wonder what the Soviet Union would be like without Greece. "
      Sir Harold Leofric George Alexander (British General during WWII. From a speech to the British Parliament on 28 October 1941)
      "I am unable to provide the appropriate range of gratitude that I feel for the heroic resistance of the people and leaders of Greece."
      Charles de Gaul (From a speech to the French Parliament after the end of WWII).
      “You fought unarmed and defeated, small against big ones. We are grateful to you for giving us the time to defend our country. Thank you both Russians and people. ”
      Moscow, a radio station when Hitler attacked the ESS
      “On October 28, 1940 Greece was given a three-hour deadline to decide on war or peace, but even if given three days or three weeks or three years, the answer would be the same. The Greeks have taught dignity over the centuries. When the whole world lost hope, the Greeks dared to challenge the invincibility of the German monster, raising the proud spirit of freedom against him. "
      Franklin D Roosevelt, US President 1933 - 1945
      On April 10, 1941, following the Greek capitulation to Germany, the northern fortresses of Greece surrendered.
      The Germans, expressing their admiration for the Greek soldiers, declared that they were honored and proud to have such an army as their opponent and demanded that the Greek Commander inspect the German army for an honor and recognition!
      The German flag was suspended only after the Greek Army withdrew completely
      These were our fathers,
      our grandparents….
      our ancestors.
      THIS is our DNA.
      This is the truth....
      Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,
      from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
      These are the words
      of hundreds of historians,
      and not from me.
      No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
      his temporary money cannot cover
      the history of Greece,
      which is thousands of years old.

    • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
      @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад

      😅😂🤣🤣😂😅😂🤣😂😅😂🤣😆😅😂🤣😆😁😄😆😂😁😄🤣😅😂😂🤣 😂😅😂🤣😅😂😂🤣😆😁😄😂😁😅
      Albanians are proud
      About what??????
      Even the Albanian flag
      is a stolen symbol
      of Greek Byzantium
      Albanians are funny people.
      because Albania has nothing
      of its own history.
      Are you sure about this
      Fake propaganda????
      How much money did you get for this political propaganda?
      Half of Albania belonged to Greece
      Remember that Apollonia, located in Albania, is formerly Greek, and is made by Greeks in honor of God Apollo.
      Even up to Sicily,
      there are still Greek villages,
      and untill today they
      are speaking Greek.
      And albanians claim that
      Are Great Warriors,
      And you say all the National Heroes of Greece
      were Albanians.
      Because Greeks
      were not fightered
      as they Albanianς claimς.
      And you say
      you saved Greece too????
      How did the Greeks beat
      the albanian Great Warrior's,
      And steal lands
      from albanians as you say?
      And as for the Arvanites
      They are 100% Greeks
      And dont forget
      Who helped who???
      look better.
      Not the propaganda of the Communist Hoxha.
      Without Greece
      Not 500 years,but for 800 years you will clean Turkish shit and Turkish toilets.
      This is the truth,the Politicals in Greece Are
      Jews serving in America to the Americans play their games, politicians of Greece is Greek, and the channels are all their own
      Dont forget the Greek Revolution 1821.
      The Greece have the Otommans 320 years.
      Albania have the Otommans
      500 years Moore 180 years from Greece.Also some areas in Greece like Mani, Ionian Islands, and Sfakia,
      the Turks never managed to conquer them.
      And Greece Send Warriors to help the Greek Georgios Kastriotis to Libarate Albania,after 500 years of Turkish Occupation.
      Fake albanian warriors.
      Greece with the Greek Revolution saved Albania and Europe, and if it were not for Greece, the Persian Empire would have conquered all of Europe.
      And finally, don't forget who most resisted Nazi occupation, and who helped save Europe, the whole world knows it.
      On the contrary, Albanians were allies with Mussolini's Fascist Italy
      Greece, during
      of WWII, it was the only country that had to Have War with four-country armies at the same time:
      Germany, Italy, Bulgaria,and Albania.
      - Resistance period (in days) Greece 219 - Norway 61 - France 43 (the superpower of the season) - Poland 30 - Belgium 18 - Netherlands 4 - Yugoslavia 3 - Czechoslovakia 0 - Denmark 0 (the Danes surrendered to a Hitler motorcyclist) conveyed his request
      Hitler to the Danish king for the Nazi army to cross. To show his submission, the Danish King handed his Crown to the motorcyclist to take it to Berlin and Hitler….)
      Quotes about Greeks
      "For the sake of historical truth, I must confirm that only the Greeks, out of all their opponents, confronted us with the greatest courage and most defied death."
      Adolph Hitler (From his speech at the Reichstag on 4 May 1941)
      "The word heroism is afraid that it does not minimize the acts of self-sacrifice of the Greeks, which were the decisive factor in the victorious outcome of the nations' joint effort,
      during the Second World War, on human freedom and dignity. If it were not for the courage of the Greeks and their courage, the outcome of the Second World War would have been indefinable. ”
      Winston Churchill (From one of his speeches in the British Parliament on 24 April 1941)
      "I'm sorry for getting older and not living long enough to thank the Greeks whose resistance was decisive for FP."
      Joseph Stalin (From a speech on the Moscow radio station on January 31, 1943 after Stalingrad's victory and the capitulation of the 6th German Army under General Von Paulus).
      "If the Russians were able to resist the entrance of Moscow to stop and prevent the German torrent, they owe it to the Greeks, who delayed the German divisions, at a time when they could make us kneel."
      Georgy Constantinovich Zhoukov (Soviet Army General: Excerpts from WWII Memoirs)
      "It would not be an exaggeration to say that Greece overthrew Germany's plans in their entirety and forced it to postpone the attack on Russia for six weeks. We wonder what the Soviet Union would be like without Greece. "
      Sir Harold Leofric George Alexander (British General during WWII. From a speech to the British Parliament on 28 October 1941)
      "I am unable to provide the appropriate range of gratitude that I feel for the heroic resistance of the people and leaders of Greece."
      Charles de Gaul (From a speech to the French Parliament after the end of WWII).
      “You fought unarmed and defeated, small against big ones. We are grateful to you for giving us the time to defend our country. Thank you both Russians and people. ”
      Moscow, a radio station when Hitler attacked the ESS
      “On October 28, 1940 Greece was given a three-hour deadline to decide on war or peace, but even if given three days or three weeks or three years, the answer would be the same. The Greeks have taught dignity over the centuries. When the whole world lost hope, the Greeks dared to challenge the invincibility of the German monster, raising the proud spirit of freedom against him. "
      Franklin D Roosevelt, US President 1933 - 1945
      On April 10, 1941, following the Greek capitulation to Germany, the northern fortresses of Greece surrendered.
      The Germans, expressing their admiration for the Greek soldiers, declared that they were honored and proud to have such an army as their opponent and demanded that the Greek Commander inspect the German army for an honor and recognition!
      The German flag was suspended only after the Greek Army withdrew completely
      These were our fathers,
      our grandparents….
      our ancestors.
      THIS is our DNA.
      This is the truth....
      Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,
      from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
      These are the words
      of hundreds of historians,
      and not from me.
      No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
      his temporary money cannot cover
      the history of Greece,
      which is thousands of years old.

    • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
      @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад

      😅😂🤣🤣😂😅😂🤣😂😅😂🤣😆😅😂🤣😆😁😄😆😂😁😄🤣😅😂😂🤣 😂😅😂🤣😅😂😂🤣😆😁😄😂😁😅
      Albanians are proud
      About what??????
      Even the Albanian flag
      is a stolen symbol
      of Greek Byzantium
      Albanians are funny people.
      because Albania has nothing
      of its own history.
      Are you sure about this
      Fake propaganda????
      How much money did you get for this political propaganda?
      Half of Albania belonged to Greece
      Remember that Apollonia, located in Albania, is formerly Greek, and is made by Greeks in honor of God Apollo.
      Even up to Sicily,
      there are still Greek villages,
      and untill today they
      are speaking Greek.
      And albanians claim that
      Are Great Warriors,
      And you say all the National Heroes of Greece
      were Albanians.
      Because Greeks
      were not fightered
      as they Albanianς claimς.
      And you say
      you saved Greece too????
      How did the Greeks beat
      the albanian Great Warrior's,
      And steal lands
      from albanians as you say?
      And as for the Arvanites
      They are 100% Greeks
      And dont forget
      Who helped who???
      look better.
      Not the propaganda of the Communist Hoxha.
      Without Greece
      Not 500 years,but for 800 years you will clean Turkish shit and Turkish toilets.
      This is the truth,the Politicals in Greece Are
      Jews serving in America to the Americans play their games, politicians of Greece is Greek, and the channels are all their own
      Dont forget the Greek Revolution 1821.
      The Greece have the Otommans 320 years.
      Albania have the Otommans
      500 years Moore 180 years from Greece.Also some areas in Greece like Mani, Ionian Islands, and Sfakia,
      the Turks never managed to conquer them.
      And Greece Send Warriors to help the Greek Georgios Kastriotis to Libarate Albania,after 500 years of Turkish Occupation.
      Fake albanian warriors.
      Greece with the Greek Revolution saved Albania and Europe, and if it were not for Greece, the Persian Empire would have conquered all of Europe.
      And finally, don't forget who most resisted Nazi occupation, and who helped save Europe, the whole world knows it.
      On the contrary, Albanians were allies with Mussolini's Fascist Italy
      Greece, during
      of WWII, it was the only country that had to Have War with four-country armies at the same time:
      Germany, Italy, Bulgaria,and Albania.
      - Resistance period (in days) Greece 219 - Norway 61 - France 43 (the superpower of the season) - Poland 30 - Belgium 18 - Netherlands 4 - Yugoslavia 3 - Czechoslovakia 0 - Denmark 0 (the Danes surrendered to a Hitler motorcyclist) conveyed his request
      Hitler to the Danish king for the Nazi army to cross. To show his submission, the Danish King handed his Crown to the motorcyclist to take it to Berlin and Hitler….)
      Quotes about Greeks
      "For the sake of historical truth, I must confirm that only the Greeks, out of all their opponents, confronted us with the greatest courage and most defied death."
      Adolph Hitler (From his speech at the Reichstag on 4 May 1941)
      "The word heroism is afraid that it does not minimize the acts of self-sacrifice of the Greeks, which were the decisive factor in the victorious outcome of the nations' joint effort,
      during the Second World War, on human freedom and dignity. If it were not for the courage of the Greeks and their courage, the outcome of the Second World War would have been indefinable. ”
      Winston Churchill (From one of his speeches in the British Parliament on 24 April 1941)
      "I'm sorry for getting older and not living long enough to thank the Greeks whose resistance was decisive for FP."
      Joseph Stalin (From a speech on the Moscow radio station on January 31, 1943 after Stalingrad's victory and the capitulation of the 6th German Army under General Von Paulus).
      "If the Russians were able to resist the entrance of Moscow to stop and prevent the German torrent, they owe it to the Greeks, who delayed the German divisions, at a time when they could make us kneel."
      Georgy Constantinovich Zhoukov (Soviet Army General: Excerpts from WWII Memoirs)
      "It would not be an exaggeration to say that Greece overthrew Germany's plans in their entirety and forced it to postpone the attack on Russia for six weeks. We wonder what the Soviet Union would be like without Greece. "
      Sir Harold Leofric George Alexander (British General during WWII. From a speech to the British Parliament on 28 October 1941)
      "I am unable to provide the appropriate range of gratitude that I feel for the heroic resistance of the people and leaders of Greece."
      Charles de Gaul (From a speech to the French Parliament after the end of WWII).
      “You fought unarmed and defeated, small against big ones. We are grateful to you for giving us the time to defend our country. Thank you both Russians and people. ”
      Moscow, a radio station when Hitler attacked the ESS
      “On October 28, 1940 Greece was given a three-hour deadline to decide on war or peace, but even if given three days or three weeks or three years, the answer would be the same. The Greeks have taught dignity over the centuries. When the whole world lost hope, the Greeks dared to challenge the invincibility of the German monster, raising the proud spirit of freedom against him. "
      Franklin D Roosevelt, US President 1933 - 1945
      On April 10, 1941, following the Greek capitulation to Germany, the northern fortresses of Greece surrendered.
      The Germans, expressing their admiration for the Greek soldiers, declared that they were honored and proud to have such an army as their opponent and demanded that the Greek Commander inspect the German army for an honor and recognition!
      The German flag was suspended only after the Greek Army withdrew completely
      These were our fathers,
      our grandparents….
      our ancestors.
      THIS is our DNA.
      This is the truth....
      Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,
      from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
      These are the words
      of hundreds of historians,
      and not from me.
      No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
      his temporary money cannot cover
      the history of Greece,
      which is thousands of years old.

    • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
      @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад

      😅😂🤣🤣😂😅😂🤣😂😅😂🤣😆😅😂🤣😆😁😄😆😂😁😄🤣😅😂😂🤣 😂😅😂🤣😅😂😂🤣😆😁😄😂😁😅
      Albanians are proud
      About what??????
      Even the Albanian flag
      is a stolen symbol
      of Greek Byzantium
      Albanians are funny people.
      because Albania has nothing
      of its own history.
      Are you sure about this
      Fake propaganda????
      How much money did you get for this political propaganda?
      Half of Albania belonged to Greece
      Remember that Apollonia, located in Albania, is formerly Greek, and is made by Greeks in honor of God Apollo.
      Even up to Sicily,
      there are still Greek villages,
      and untill today they
      are speaking Greek.
      And albanians claim that
      Are Great Warriors,
      And you say all the National Heroes of Greece
      were Albanians.
      Because Greeks
      were not fightered
      as they Albanianς claimς.
      And you say
      you saved Greece too????
      How did the Greeks beat
      the albanian Great Warrior's,
      And steal lands
      from albanians as you say?
      And as for the Arvanites
      They are 100% Greeks
      And dont forget
      Who helped who???
      look better.
      Not the propaganda of the Communist Hoxha.
      Without Greece
      Not 500 years,but for 800 years you will clean Turkish shit and Turkish toilets.
      This is the truth,the Politicals in Greece Are
      Jews serving in America to the Americans play their games, politicians of Greece is Greek, and the channels are all their own
      Dont forget the Greek Revolution 1821.
      The Greece have the Otommans 320 years.
      Albania have the Otommans
      500 years Moore 180 years from Greece.Also some areas in Greece like Mani, Ionian Islands, and Sfakia,
      the Turks never managed to conquer them.
      And Greece Send Warriors to help the Greek Georgios Kastriotis to Libarate Albania,after 500 years of Turkish Occupation.
      Fake albanian warriors.
      Greece with the Greek Revolution saved Albania and Europe, and if it were not for Greece, the Persian Empire would have conquered all of Europe.
      And finally, don't forget who most resisted Nazi occupation, and who helped save Europe, the whole world knows it.
      On the contrary, Albanians were allies with Mussolini's Fascist Italy
      Greece, during
      of WWII, it was the only country that had to Have War with four-country armies at the same time:
      Germany, Italy, Bulgaria,and Albania.
      - Resistance period (in days) Greece 219 - Norway 61 - France 43 (the superpower of the season) - Poland 30 - Belgium 18 - Netherlands 4 - Yugoslavia 3 - Czechoslovakia 0 - Denmark 0 (the Danes surrendered to a Hitler motorcyclist) conveyed his request
      Hitler to the Danish king for the Nazi army to cross. To show his submission, the Danish King handed his Crown to the motorcyclist to take it to Berlin and Hitler….)
      Quotes about Greeks
      "For the sake of historical truth, I must confirm that only the Greeks, out of all their opponents, confronted us with the greatest courage and most defied death."
      Adolph Hitler (From his speech at the Reichstag on 4 May 1941)
      "The word heroism is afraid that it does not minimize the acts of self-sacrifice of the Greeks, which were the decisive factor in the victorious outcome of the nations' joint effort,
      during the Second World War, on human freedom and dignity. If it were not for the courage of the Greeks and their courage, the outcome of the Second World War would have been indefinable. ”
      Winston Churchill (From one of his speeches in the British Parliament on 24 April 1941)
      "I'm sorry for getting older and not living long enough to thank the Greeks whose resistance was decisive for FP."
      Joseph Stalin (From a speech on the Moscow radio station on January 31, 1943 after Stalingrad's victory and the capitulation of the 6th German Army under General Von Paulus).
      "If the Russians were able to resist the entrance of Moscow to stop and prevent the German torrent, they owe it to the Greeks, who delayed the German divisions, at a time when they could make us kneel."
      Georgy Constantinovich Zhoukov (Soviet Army General: Excerpts from WWII Memoirs)
      "It would not be an exaggeration to say that Greece overthrew Germany's plans in their entirety and forced it to postpone the attack on Russia for six weeks. We wonder what the Soviet Union would be like without Greece. "
      Sir Harold Leofric George Alexander (British General during WWII. From a speech to the British Parliament on 28 October 1941)
      "I am unable to provide the appropriate range of gratitude that I feel for the heroic resistance of the people and leaders of Greece."
      Charles de Gaul (From a speech to the French Parliament after the end of WWII).
      “You fought unarmed and defeated, small against big ones. We are grateful to you for giving us the time to defend our country. Thank you both Russians and people. ”
      Moscow, a radio station when Hitler attacked the ESS
      “On October 28, 1940 Greece was given a three-hour deadline to decide on war or peace, but even if given three days or three weeks or three years, the answer would be the same. The Greeks have taught dignity over the centuries. When the whole world lost hope, the Greeks dared to challenge the invincibility of the German monster, raising the proud spirit of freedom against him. "
      Franklin D Roosevelt, US President 1933 - 1945
      On April 10, 1941, following the Greek capitulation to Germany, the northern fortresses of Greece surrendered.
      The Germans, expressing their admiration for the Greek soldiers, declared that they were honored and proud to have such an army as their opponent and demanded that the Greek Commander inspect the German army for an honor and recognition!
      The German flag was suspended only after the Greek Army withdrew completely
      These were our fathers,
      our grandparents….
      our ancestors.
      THIS is our DNA.
      This is the truth....
      Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,
      from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
      These are the words
      of hundreds of historians,
      and not from me.
      No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
      his temporary money cannot cover
      the history of Greece,
      which is thousands of years old.

  • @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud
    @DimitrismaniatisGreekproud Год назад +1

    Well-known Albanian scholar: Albanians have nothing to do with Illyrians and Pelasgians
    An "Albanian" Albanian scholar states that he is of Serbian origin and provokes reactions
    The statements of a well-known Albanian expert from Montenegro, who, according to the Albanian media, have caused a stir. says a Serb while in fact he is an Albanian who wants to say something else.
    Former Kaplan Resuli, who now bears the surname Borovic, in an interview with Serbian media, denies the modern Albanian narrative about the Illyrian origin of the Albanians.
    The Albanians deny his origin and are surprised by Borovic's statements that the Albanians are newcomers from the Baltic.
    He has even surpassed Serbian historians and intellectuals in denying the history of Albanians, say his former compatriots.
    He himself mentions the following:
    "They are neither Illyrians nor Pelasgians. They are cattle breeders, newly arrived from the Baltic Sea. Conquerors. And mostly Islamized Christians. During the reign of Tsar Dusan, there was not a single percentage of Albanians in Kosovo. "They were all Serbs, only Albanians came to Kosovo during the Ottoman occupation."
    The Ottomans, for their own expansionist and political games, transported the Albanians from the Caucasus to
    -day Albania, but where present-day Albania is, there were Greeks living there, many ancient monuments in Albania,
    in Avlona, ​​in Argirokastro, in Saranda, in Koritsa Many other areas
    of Albania have ancient Greek monuments such as Apollonia
    which was built entirely by Greeks
    in honor of the god Apollo.
    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greek City
    The Greeks had also extended
    to Sicily, where many also
    still speak Greek today.
    But when the Albanian state was created, the Greeks who were there, and far from their motherland Greece, began to become a minority, since they had roots there, families, houses, money, property, it was not easy to leave them and return to Greece since they would be Greeks, but without anything when they returned to Greece. They had to learn the Albanian language in order to be able to formally communicate with the Albanian public authorities and with the Albanians who became more than them and created the recent Albanian state, many of whom managed to return. By the time the war in WW2 broke out, Communist Hoxha closed all the borders, leaving many trapped inside Albania. before the war or before Hoxha closed the border. But when they came to Greece, the others asked them where are you from? from Peloponnese? from Crete; from Thrace, from Sterea the Island Greece? from Macedonia? They said we are Arvanites, meaning that they came from the region of Today's Albania, so they knew many Albanian words, as well as speaking
    their native Greek language.
    All of them over the years were named Arvanites, meaning coming from Arvanitia, the Albanian area today, which belonged to the Greeks for thousands of years, as well as many areas of Turkey which still discover ancient Greek finds with ancient Greek scripts.
    Albanians, especially during the communist Ember Hoxha, did the most political propaganda, politicians for political reasons, and Albanian citizens felt non-existent as a country if they did not have a history of their own. Thus they began to call all the Greek heroes Albanians, and that those with the supposed Arvanites
    or Albanians According to them,who were in fact Greeks,that they saved Greece from the Ottomans.
    While Greece had the Ottomans for 320 years, and many areas of Greece such as Mani, Sfakia, Ionian Islands and some other areas the Ottomans never managed to conquer them, especially in Mani which were of Ancient Spartan origin. While the Albanians had the Ottomans for 500 years, more than 180 years than the Greeks, and they had the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha and they are proud of him, that he was Albanian. On the other Side, they say that
    Georgios Kastriotis of Greek origin, was Albanian and fought
    the Turkalbanians and the Turkalbanian Ali Pasha,who was Albanian??
    Here the Albanians
    are confused in their own lies.
    This is the truth....
    Let us not forget that Albania as an official country was in the Caucasus,

    from where the Albanians moved to Europe, from the Ottomans, to play their own political games the Ottomans at that time. That is why the Albanian language has many words in common with Azerbaijan.
    These are the words
    of hundreds of historians,
    and not from me.
    No matter how much money the Jewish Soros who recently visited him and his son Eddy Rama in Albania pay,
    his temporary money cannot cover
    the history of Greece,which is thousands of years old.

    • @robertbicja5206
      @robertbicja5206 Год назад +1

      Bytheqire find the translation for memeqire