What time should Seniors go to bed, depends on each person’s life style & priority in life. I am 86 yrs old, male single, If Followed the advise in this video to sleep early or have a consisting sleep schedule, I would have died of depression contrary to the advise stated in this article.LET ME explain WHY. Since retirement at age 65 ,I have decided that life enjoyment is my priority. For 21 yrs now, I have been dancing & going to dance parties 4 to 5 times a week for at least 2 hrs. I dance to a variety of dancing styles, like Ballroom dances, Latin such as Salsa,Bachata,Cha Cha, Swing Dances , Argentine Tango, ETC.Mist dance parties last until 12:00 midnight, The Salsa & Bachata dance parties last until 2:00 AM. Therefore I come home at different times in the morning. I do not have a consistent sleep schedule & no way I can sleep early per the recommendation in this video, with out sacrificing my life enjoyment, I did not retire just to sleep early.. Dancing is my exercise, it stimulate my brain, engage in social interaction & enjoying life while exercising. I reach this OLD age by going to dance parties for 21 yrs & still going at it. Dancing can actually reverse brain changes that occur due to aging & people in the study that did a variety of dancing styles had healthier white matter in a part of the linked with memory, This is a brief excerpt from Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.
What time should Seniors go to bed, depends on each person’s life style & priority in life. I am 86 yrs old, male single, If Followed the advise in this video to sleep early or have a consisting sleep schedule, I would have died of depression contrary to the advise stated in this article.LET ME explain WHY. Since retirement at age 65 ,I have decided that life enjoyment is my priority. For 21 yrs now, I have been dancing & going to dance parties 4 to 5 times a week for at least 2 hrs. I dance to a variety of dancing styles, like Ballroom dances, Latin such as Salsa,Bachata,Cha Cha, Swing Dances , Argentine Tango, ETC.Mist dance parties last until 12:00 midnight, The Salsa & Bachata dance parties last until 2:00 AM. Therefore I come home at different times in the morning. I do not have a consistent sleep schedule & no way I can sleep early per the recommendation in this video, with out sacrificing my life enjoyment, I did not retire just to sleep early.. Dancing is my exercise, it stimulate my brain, engage in social interaction & enjoying life while exercising. I reach this OLD age by going to dance parties for 21 yrs & still going at it. Dancing can actually reverse brain changes that occur due to aging & people in the study that did a variety of dancing styles had healthier white matter in a part of the linked with memory, This is a brief excerpt from Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.