Come to Him - Paul Washer

  • Опубликовано: 22 фев 2009
  • Message from Paul Washer's sermon "Tests of Assurance" with Dutch translation edited out.
    ~~Pictures taken by my sister~~
    Full sermon here:

Комментарии • 18

  • @NewBornNickumz
    @NewBornNickumz 13 лет назад

    Amazing beauty of His love, great gospel message

  • @phantomwheeler81
    @phantomwheeler81 14 лет назад

    amen this is a very powerful Holy Spirit inspired video God bless you keep up the good work for God's kingdom and glory Jesus Christ is Lord Amen

  • @DorkiiPanda18
    @DorkiiPanda18 14 лет назад

    Ohh Jesus

  • @naamhaisiddhu
    @naamhaisiddhu 6 месяцев назад


  • @ThatJesusMusic
    @ThatJesusMusic 12 лет назад

    Ok thank you, I'm just going to use the original, but thanks for the clip which inspired me!

  • @3BALL4
    @3BALL4 12 лет назад +1

    Get on your knees and cry out to God for forgiveness and just simply put all or faith in Jesus Christ. Submit to his lord ship and look to him and you shall be saved. Just trust in Christ! Your saved by Grace through FAITH! Repent and believe upon him! Seek after him.

  • @jpwatt6899
    @jpwatt6899 2 года назад

    Do you all have a church if so where is the church located and what are the service hours I love the old Time music with just a piano as the instrument only

  • @RoyalDiadem91
    @RoyalDiadem91 13 лет назад

    @Menuse no problem!! :)

  • @mystericaladventure
    @mystericaladventure 13 лет назад

    @GodLovesUs100 thnk you so much :)

  • @RoyalDiadem91
    @RoyalDiadem91 13 лет назад

    @Menuse I don't believe he has a book out yet, but I know he is writing one or possibly has finished it already.he is even going to india or has gone soon.See his twitter account lol God bless

  • @mystericaladventure
    @mystericaladventure 13 лет назад

    m from india.
    where can i buy Paul washer's books!..

  • @MrCharrrles
    @MrCharrrles 12 лет назад +1

    how do i turn to Christ? I;ve tried so hard to do this and i'm stil left empty. i don't get it. All i feel is self-condemnation.

    • @Rhuanjl
      @Rhuanjl 3 года назад

      I know your comment is 8 years old BUT if it's still a question you have the answer is to:
      a) Recognise that Jesus is Lord
      b) Understand that he is enough
      c) Give up on ever being good enough
      d) Trust in him AND commit your life to him
      You won't suddenly find life being easier BUT if you are trusting him you can KNOW that it doesn't matter that you're not good enough, it doesn't matter that you still fail every day - "everyone trusting in him will not perish but will have eternal life" (John 3:16).
      You're not good enough BUT he is.

  • @pbldiaz28
    @pbldiaz28 13 лет назад

    @skaplis :(

  • @Rhuanjl
    @Rhuanjl 14 лет назад

    @skaplis The fantasy world in which God does not exist?

  • @gwayne11000
    @gwayne11000 2 месяца назад

    Your Bible says Jesus came only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Says Jesus came to save those under the law,from the curse of the law. It says Jesus will be reigning forever over the house of Jacob. The redeemed of Israel. Don't know why,but before the light comes on we look at the Bible and forget that it is an absolute terrible translation of letters written to individuals almost 2000 years ago. Still written present tense in the Bible,and none of it was to or about us. The "church" believes none of it anyway. It says Jesus came to end sin,they still preach it. The Bible says sin was the trespass of the law,they still preach it,trying to pull people back under the law,which was a curse. The great commission ,getting the gospel out was given to the apostles and Christians then. Jesus said the gospel would be preached to the world then the end would come. Well the gospel went to the world then. Colossians 1 and several other other places. The end did come. The only end the Bible talks of but "Christians" have made it into some scifi thriller which has caused the world to mock God and christianity for almost 2000 years. I have at least a hundred verses I can give where Jesus is prophecied to come back soon,then. Almost 2000 years ago. The fake church says he is still coming soon after almost twenty centuries. The book of Revelation tells John not to seal up this book because all in it would happen soon which includes the second coming. Daniel which is about the same events as revelation, written about 500 years before Christ says Daniel seal up this book for it is for the latter days. 2000 years is not soon,lol. Either you believe it is or you say Jesus and the apostles lied. His coming which means presence in the original text was to end old covenant Israel ,the law,sin which was of the law, and destroy Jerusalem and the temple. Clear as day if people would do word studies to get through the hundreds of mistranslations. Those letters were not to us or about or for us. The fake Christian church cannot see. Blinded by religion instead of seeing and knowing God. A big part of Jesus dieing was to reconcile man to God. The Vail was torn into signifying the door was opened back up to fellowship with God,no more mediator,which Jesus was and part of why he came because the fall separated us from God. The first Adam, the second Adam. We have been reconciled back to God and it means nothing to a fake church bent on replaying all that has already been fulfilled by Jesus. We have been reconciled back to God whether a fake church wants to believe or appreciate it or not. It's one of the most amazing things Jesus did. The"church" spits at it. Your Bible also says that Jesus returned to heaven ,submitted himself to God,yes submitted ,delivered the kingdom back to God,all authority and power and that now God is all and in all. Evil which was before sin,read Genesis 1, is never said to be done away with in your Bible. Just as your Bible says when the Jews wanted to put gentiles under the law,he said ,why would we want to put them to such a burden when we can hardly bare it,and said that the gentiles had the law written in their hearts ,their conscience either accusing or excusing them. God is now all and in all. There is evil and good,and we know what the difference is. Sin was of the law and flesh,and evil is of the heart . No,the fake church believes nothing in Scripture and knows nothing of the original text which was changed by King James and other murderers to look futuristic,end of the world instead of end of the age,Aion in Greek meaning age. A futuristic setting would allow them to pretend that people still had to come under a a false churches power,and they could control them. A futuristic view would allow them "in Jesus name to murder millions who would not convert, hundreds of so called witches in Salem witch trials ,the conquests and eventually came to America to flee the throne and kill millions of Indians. The church was old covenant leading into the new, and when Jesus said all things written about him was fulfilled it was. We go to God now,and if you want a relationship with him and want to do it biblically,you will realize that you are living old covenant and that we have been reconciled,God is all and in all ,and our faith is to be put in Him instead of a fake church with fake prophets predicting for almost 2000 years that his coming is soon,that he would come bodily when he says his kingdom is not of this world and flesh and blood cannot enter heaven. How many anti Christ,beasts,666,tribulations do you need to be predicted to figure out something is wrong. How many more tribulation periods right around the corner when John said he was in it in Revelation? God reigns,always will and until you get out of religion you will not know him..