And , you can sand those with 2000 sand paper , then use a dremel with the small diameter appx. 3/8 - 7/16" white fiber like polishing disks , with mothers aluminum wheel polish , and it looks just like chrome when polished ,jug and head fins . You can use a drill with a polishing pad , a sponge pad works also , on other aluminum bike parts usually without sanding , it even works on aluminum strap metal after sanding . You may have to use mineral spirits , or , to remove the polish from paint and the sooner removed the better , before it drys .
And , you can sand those with 2000 sand paper , then use a dremel with the small diameter appx. 3/8 - 7/16" white fiber like polishing disks , with mothers aluminum wheel polish , and it looks just like chrome when polished ,jug and head fins . You can use a drill with a polishing pad , a sponge pad works also , on other aluminum bike parts usually without sanding , it even works on aluminum strap metal after sanding . You may have to use mineral spirits , or , to remove the polish from paint and the sooner removed the better , before it drys .
I am decided to paint the cylinders with high temp flat black looks awesome against the new chrome parts.