Super cool! I used GNURadio to output single tones to calibrate things a while back too! It comes in handy if you have some DSP blocks to test performance. We had a lot of new industrial SDRs to where the manufacturer absolutely claimed they passed their QA, but I was able to demonstrate fairly quickly they didn't _and_ their QA process wasn't strict enough. Whew.
It's a joy working with you, Whitney!
Whitney, you make it fun with these demos! Thank You!
Wonderful content, knittney 😊
Your videos inspire me !
Super cool! I used GNURadio to output single tones to calibrate things a while back too! It comes in handy if you have some DSP blocks to test performance. We had a lot of new industrial SDRs to where the manufacturer absolutely claimed they passed their QA, but I was able to demonstrate fairly quickly they didn't _and_ their QA process wasn't strict enough. Whew.
Cool video, nice sdr gear 😊
Great video ! But you may want to cut the background elevator music when trying to tune into a music radio station
Whitney, cool. How much signal output will the AWG generate?