Lol, this was 1934, everyone born in the USA was familiar with American colloquialisms. Regardless of where they might have been born, they'd often hear it in conversation and undoubtedly in family settings. Believe it or not, English was spoken and understood better when this movie was released than it is today, by quite a margin.
you can never beat the old john wayne movies good for all ages
Best Lone Star production , imo.
Love the transition method, quite crafty...
amazing fistfigths, tank you!
Thanks for sharing it! I always enjoy watching Old Western Movies though. 👍👌👏
An of course, I'm a subscriber!
Thanks Again Though.
One of the few moves with a bald faced George ( Windy , Gabby) Hayes. Thank you
Only Gabby Hays could have pulled off that witness fiscal. What a hoot !
The lucky Texan good movies
A little overboard with the commercials. 10 all together. And you wonder why people are starting to use ad blockers.
Muy buenas películas pero que las doblen en español
Fungales in espanol por favor nada más lo los artistas Pero no entiendo nadagustan mucho las películas de John Wayne
Seems like a lot of Gabby's lines were ad-lib. Don't think a city born screen writer could come up with those cooky sayings, lol.
Lol, this was 1934, everyone born in the USA was familiar with American colloquialisms. Regardless of where they might have been born, they'd often hear it in conversation and undoubtedly in family settings. Believe it or not, English was spoken and understood better when this movie was released than it is today, by quite a margin.
I wonder how many movies John and George were in 🤷♀️.
Don't watch. Commercials every 3 minutes. Not worth watching.