the top of the multimeter it’s for transistor test NPN&PNP this plugs it hard to used it it’s easy for a bran new transistor with 3 pin it’s tells the transistor is good or bad it’s hard for a scrap transistor that can test in this hole
Hello engineer, How can we identify the power pins of a microcontroller when it is connected to a heat sink and we do not have any specifications about it?
Very nice video ,love from Morroco
Thank you very much Bro
How to check the signal where the trace is covered with clear paint? And how to solder test wire to very tiny traces?
Stay tuned!!
Very Nice Sir....
Thanks and welcome
the top of the multimeter it’s for transistor test NPN&PNP this plugs it hard to used it it’s easy for a bran new transistor with 3 pin it’s tells the transistor is good or bad it’s hard for a scrap transistor that can test in this hole
most important to fix motherboard without schematic
hello ?can you please explain the diode mode in multimeter and its use in diagnosing laptop mbd or any other mb
Hello engineer,
How can we identify the power pins of a microcontroller when it is connected to a heat sink and we do not have any specifications about it?
Refer to its data sheet
@@electronicsrepairbasics_erb The data sheet can be removed due to the heat sink that is fixed with glue
How to identify a burnt microcontroller on a board?
Bro one comment is enough, don't repeat it
@@electronicsrepairbasics_erb Hello. Sorry, there was an error in the registration
How to identify a burnt microcontroller on a board?
How to identify a burnt microcontroller on a board?
How to identify a burnt microcontroller on a board?
How to identify a burnt microcontroller on a board?
How to identify a burnt microcontroller on a board?
How to identify a burnt microcontroller on a board?
How to identify a burnt microcontroller on a board?