I think the dev's whole take on "this is supposed to be a trios game" is just stupid as hell and ignores the fact that playing with randoms 7/10 times is a bad time.
As a brand new player (less then 20h), the most infuriating thing i have run into so far. I had a barb run straight to me at the beginning of the match, i managed to kill him as he aggroed everything on his way to me. just to have the exact same barb come running back at me 30seconds later, 1 hitting me as i had not had time to kill the mobs he pulled to me and heal yet.
I beleive we will get target dummies when they implement the player housing/tavern gathering thing they wanna add, if i remember correctly! I would be awesome to have a place test stuff though!
been playin over a year, on and off casual, but ive literally never even fought or attempted a boss. I dont know what they all look like or where most of them are aside from the one center of the hell map. If there was a mode to practice them that would be interesting, but i cant imagine wanting to look for or learn a boss animation pattern with players about, it never even occurred to me to bother. Imagine if dark souls had constant pvp when you trying to progress in pve? Perhaps because im too casual and only ever played solo q, i default to just runnin around randomly with basic - blue loot fighting whatever i see... cba researching the pve in this game when theres pvp about anyhow. I woulda figured the boss fights were designed for group encounters with mmo like mechanics or something, not meant to be solo'd , not that i would know or bother either way unless there was a 'pve' mode or something.
Test dummies i agree but boss practice i have to hard disagree. Part of what makes bosses so valuable is the fact that not everyone can do it. If boss loot was made more common and less valuable what would eb the point? Sure artifacts wont be much cheaper but virtually every other valuable drop would be affected
@ nawh i mean like a quick 1x1 room where you can easily pick a mob or a boss and learn the moveset with no reward, regardless if you boss in any lobby you’ll have to fight anyways so
The real reason why this game isn't really that good (relatively speaking) lies in the subtext of the excuses people give for why some aspects of the game are the way they are. "It's not balanced around solos" "Barbs need MS,HP,STR because otherwise they're unplayable" "Warlocks need Mheal/Phantom/Agi otherwise they're unplayable" blah, blah, blah... yes bro, we know, THE GAME IS TERRIBLY DESIGNED! The gameplay loop, theme and uniqueness of the game are the only things carrying it. There are classes that need to metaslave just to be viable (TMlock) and classes that metaslave in order to be absolutely broken (barb). "But that's because solo balance..." No. There is no balance at all. The reason barb isn't as good in trios is because at any given PvP instance you're automatically fighting 3 people instead of one. That's 3 people zeroing in on you because the only thing you can do is press "W", not only that, they also outrange you by a lot. Balancing around trios is STUPID even without solos because there is absolutely no possible way to do it due to different team class compositions. There's a reason why BUFF-BALL still reigns supreme in trios, despite all of the supposed "balance" decisions made with it in mind. Neither the devs, nor the community at large seem to understand what incentive structures are and how many of them are embedded in a lot of the games mechanics: An easily memorizable module system with the same loot and mob spawns incentivizes you to beeline to the only points of interest on the map (hoards/bosses) Randomized dungeons fix a tiny bit of this, but it's still the same 5x5 grid underneath. Meaning you're still fully aware how many modules are in any direction. It also doesn't change that fact that you can get to the opposite side of the map in less than a minute if you ignore the mobs, which is what everyone does. Speaking of mobs: they're garbage. 2 years into development and PvE is still plagued by the most basic barebones attacks and AI, incentivizing you to cheese them at any opportunity. Melee combat essentially being a stat-check exacerbates gear-diff and incentivizes squishier classes (ranger,warlock,rogue,wiz) to kite everything to death. Also the mere existence of ranged combat incentivizes... ranged combat (read a history book if you don't know why) Ratting is not incentivized but basically encouraged. Doors serve as chokepoints and you can basically gank anyone bossing RISK FREE because you can just hold the chokepoint and spam ranged attacks and the boss doesn't give a fuck about you if you're not in the room, and even if you enter you can just exit immediately. The sad reality is that the game was initially released as a proof of concept by slapping together a bunch of Unreal Store assets. It just so happens that it became a massive hit on twitch, and instead of the devs realizing the potential and taking the proof of concept and creating something good with it; they decided to capitalize on it immediately with a lot of success by just taking the proof of concept version of the game and using it as a template/finished product. Think for yourself, what has changed since PT1? The PvE? Absolutely not. The maps? No. Any part of the gameplay? Also no. We're still playing the barebones asset dump that was PT1, just with a bunch of haphazardly applied paint coats on top. Every new mob is avoided by strafing to the side or backwards, just like the OG skeleton. A bunch of features are already outdated - like merchants. Why buy a blue piece of equipment with unknown modifiers from a merchant, when you can pay the same or even less for the same item with BiS rolls in the marketplace? The gamewill trudge along with all of its jank and balance, or lack thereof, until the devs decide to address the elephant in the room and undertake the well-needed rework of the core mechanics of the game and create a roadmap with specific goals in mind, and not just SDF's dreams and visions, but actually rational and well thought out concepts.
There's a lot to disagree with here but here are the most egregious things that stood out to me and had me questioning your other points that I was otherwise willing to accept blindly even tho they aren't well defended. "Balancing around trios is STUPID even without solos because there is absolutely no possible way to do it due to different team class compositions." - I don't get this at all. How does the possibility of diff team comps prevent the game from being balanced? There are multiple comps viable in duos and Arena. There are MANY games MUCH more complex that support the idea of teams with different class or character compositions, with multiple being viable. It's doable and has even already been done to a degree, as mentioned. I get there's a large contingent of players who only play solo queue and want that to be an immaculate experience but devs really do have to buckle down and pick a mode to be the core for balance decisions in my opinion. Fortnite picked solo, casual modes to focus around balance-wise. Some fighting games go 1v1, some 3v3, and some 2v2. WoW, LoL, Dota, and so many more games are balanced around teams with different class/character compositions. There's definitely a world where any given class X has tools to choose between that make them good in different team comps, _as well_ as tools (different tools) to help them be viable in solos - even if one of the modes is given a greater balancing priority. "Speaking of mobs: they're garbage." - This being a negative is a pretty subjective thing. I don't want to fight mobs with non-basic attacks and AI all day long, and I'm sure some amount of people feel the same way. Could you explain why you personally think that mob attack patterns or AI NEED to be updated for the game to be "good"? "Melee combat essentially being a stat-check" - this is one of the weakest things I see people spout. There are so many ways to outplay someone in melee, and some aren't even tied to gear or skills. Do I want to see even more depth in melee? Yeah! And you can tell IM is interested in it to some degree too just looking at the relatively recent additions of the lantern shield and adding block to weapons that didn't have it previously. Also buffed shields pretty significantly just recently, too. "Think for yourself, what has changed since PT1?" - Despite how it starts, this question is so leading it hurts as you go into the follow-ups. Has the PvE changed? Uhm, fucking yes? A lot? Lots of new monsters, new bosses, maps and cheese spots changed which effects how you engage with PvE in any given module (or between them, which is significant now in particular for Crypts). "Any part of the gameplay? Also no." COME ON. Seriously. This can't be a serious statement. I may well be wrong in some of my own analysis and welcome the conversation!
@@Timmcd The main point he's making is that the base of the game is unchanged. Ultimately, the entire game is built on top of this very inflexible core that causes everything to be a statcheck. The game should have been primarily a melee battler, like chivalry, and the loot is a dressing on top. In reality, the game was designed in the opposite way. Loot is the primary mechanic, and the actual combat mechanics are bare bones. Only specific weapons parry, very strict animations. If you take away the loot, combat is not very interesting, and that is a bad recipe for a game. I believe this is the idea the OP was trying to convey.
I’m glad you pointed out how players play around the boss, I think you made some good suggestions, I think the community may take your “gem” suggestion and turn it into the same situation as the keys, where the loot is negligible compared to the cost and the community will inflate the price, locking the boss room i think could be done well if it locks the player inside, they’ve got a loot pile and extract or something but its got a lot of flaws, I’m not sure what i’d suggest BUT i do know as someone who’s played since playtest 1 ive only really recently these past seasons even attempted bossing, learning half of them id say, getting countered and killed and countered really takes the wind out of my sails, I really want to love this game and realize the devs are trying, I just think that its almost impossible to learn new bosses even with guides considering how the community will wait to 3rd party whoever is doing the boss.
I’m a “ok” player who sticks to 24gs-124gs because I don’t like playing with sweats something I want is to increase the drop rate of loot for your specific class, I don’t like finding good weapons or armor for the other classes and the reason this makes sense to me is because no one loots chest besides gold chest in higher gear score, it feels good when my class has good stats
Honestly my issue with barb is not that its hard to fight or its to strong. For me it sucks the only thing you can do is just kite the class most of the time. It has so many things to just deny you playing the game and you basically have to not make a mistake in order to kill one. barb has been Insanely OP and insanely weak multiple times in the game, adjusting numbers has been the devs go to but the class needs something else, make it actually fun to fight against. Also completely agree with the whole boss thing. My main issue is players standing on the edge of the room shooting you 15 times as your attempting it, then either running in or running away when you go to fight them, there should be something like a lock or invisible wall so other players have to commit to fighting the boss with you or die trying. Also make it so their arrows or projectiles get denied shooting into the boss room
Yea by far the most anoyying thing is when they just shoot at you and then you leave the room just for nobody to do the boss, thats happened to me multiple times this wipe and its the most annoying shit ever. At least come into the arena and try to kill me while I boss.
I really like your idea of a dog walk or something, which you could see trough but not attack through. Once you enter through into the boss room you can't leave until the boss is dead or maybe even looted. This would still allow ambushing, but force some commitment.
I actually agree with this idea, it’s the only thing that makes sense. That way the boss health isn’t reset, that’s gotta be the most annoying part, getting it reset over and over
4:23 it is likely the reason why you run into more players in solos is likely due to the fact that there's more individual spawns across the map, meaning there's more ground being covered simultaneously and thus more players who will hear mobs being cleared or players fighting and then get ready to third party,. in my experience there are similar volume of players in duos and trios but the encounters are more spread out because those player numbers are condensed. people are way more likely to rat in HR because they have something to lose vs normal where you lose nothing but meds maybe. i only play US east servers so that could be why in my experience i run into consistent fights in duos and trios but that's just my experience
11:57 I was thinking something similar to Frost Wyvern, pillars you must activate. For example the Ghost King as a permanent Pink shield unless if you activate some statues to weaken the boss/remove his shield, for example the room north and south of boss room, (I would also increase the timer of inferno)
Bit late to this one but just wanted to agree that DaD players are insanely passionate about the game, and especially love to put their opinions about how to improve it out there, to anyone who will read it lmao. My main idea for an improvement would be to add hot zones in each randomised floor. A highlighted module on everyone’s map that starts at 1/3 of the way into the duration of the floor. This could be a number of different events, depending on the floor it’s on. These will provide high priority POI’s for people to fight over. Eg. crypts: Expressman (and Otto) appears and will deliver home any loot you give him, including MINTED gear from the previous or current floor. ruins: floating spectral tower that appears over a module that you can ascend up to like the wyvern kill portal, and fight over some high tier treasure or a unique item of some sort. goblin caves: treasure goblin that is immune to slowdowns but cannot open doors, he will run around the module and through any open/broken doors he can find.
When we talk about solos, we mean solo queue, not solo players as a whole. When we say the game was designed for trios, we mean just the one queue with solos, duos and trios filling the same lobby like it used to be. Yes, there are a lot of solo players, there always have been, but the game was never designed for a "solo queue". A place where you expect a 1v1 with every engagement beforehand. You can easily notice how one will play much differently in solo queue vs as a solo player mixed in. In solo queue, you can just roam around and take any engagement without much thought other than what class it is. And because of this normal tactics designed in the game like invisibility, holding angles, traps, doors, the darkness can allow players to easily ambush others and you will noticed a lot of solo queue players dislike all this. Same thing with faster time to kill. Solo queue players are essentially playing duel arena and want longer "duels" but the game was not made for that. Hence why I think "solo queue" should be in the arena only. On the other hand, when you are playing solo mixed in on trios or even duos, your playstyle is much different. You'll play slower, listen for players, find out if they have teammates, and decide to engage or disengage. You'll notice that the tactics I mentioned above all become much more used, ratting, using the dark, ivis, traps, and the doors to slow teams potentially chasing or single out and ambush players from the rest of their team. That a lower time to kill is preferred as it allow players to close out an engagement quicker before others can react. This is literally how the game was designed from the ground up and why a solo queue changes this mindset in the community. The game is a rock paper scissors class-based game and sometimes you're meant to just avoid fights entirely, this is something Iromace discussed multiple times all the way back in the initial playtests. And with the addition of solos it has lead to very strange and damaging changes such as the removal of the circle and randomized portals. Both crucial aspects that were, as they said themselves, "tools" that they found greatly helped to facilitate a melee-oriented game with all party sizes in mind.
@rh7474 yup pretty much. A bunch of gameplay issues stem from the removal of this and the portals. The game was designed around these features. It's like removing the foundation of a house and watching it slowly crumble.
75th Sub here, gotta say. I want some damn Wizard buffs XD. Let me walk at 20% move speed while using Magic Missile, I need a hand killing troll without spending 3 minutes whacking it with shit weapons/ignite.
Great video man I’m a small younger as well and this has inspired me to go make some content again. :) also I have a question. Speaking on balancing do you believe that the sorcerer class needed access to longsword? I personally feel with as versatile as the spell are why would they need a longsword too?
The longsword was odd, i think they gave it to them because their str and dex are so low that ots damage with the longsword isnt great, and the buff spells they have can make its damage relevent without being too much! But i think their spells are a little overtuned atm(lightning shere/bolt)
im gonna go ahead and say solo/duo is SUBSTANTIALLY more popular than trios at this point in DaDs lifecycle, because nobody can get two sane human beings in their life to play this game with them due to how masochistic and vague the game is about its skill curve. and alot of people like me would rather play alone than with randoms.🤣 not trying to shid on the game for its difficulty, i enjoy that personally. but most casual gamers ive tried to get into DaD end up getting frustrated and dropping it.
You think so? I know all we have is anecdotal evidence but on US servers, I have had not-full and even empty solo lobbies this wipe, but never have I failed to join an auto-fill trio - even in HR which is wild to me cuz the risk is so high lol. It's kinda like if you look at a game like Fortnite, which I know is very different, but there even the "solo" players play team modes with random fill more than solos.
I main rogue, I MOSTLY pickpocket so I am not try harding whatsoever. I play the game for fun and fun alone. It is however very annoying to die to the most bs things while I'm trying to have fun picking some pockets or just trying to roleplay with people etc, Or even if I'm trying to play actual rogue and PVP for some fun, I don't take myself as a average gamer. I was a multi Grandmaster player in Sc2 back from 2011-2014 as well with multi rank 1 player in WoW 3v3 arena, I know this game is much different but I have a lot of gaming experience is my point. But I die all the time to the most stupid shit or get found out by 1 of the 50 spells that can just find me, Not to even mention the lantern in game that is literally 1 singular item that completely counters stealth. Rogue definitely needs some type of buff not anything massive but they need something. The fact that sorc has so many diff spells to just get me out of stealth for absolutely free and same with warlock or bard etc. Rogue just needs like cloak of shadows from WoW naturally on their stealth or something. Nothing too big in terms of buff but its just demoralizing trying to have fun when your class is literally countered by 5000 different things in the game.
The fact that we allow certain classes (fighter/barb/bard) advantages while doing bosses, while telling the wizard, ranger, and cleric to get stuffed is super upsetting. I wish there were mechanics in place that would allow for every class to realistically perform every boss without being jason bourne
I don't like this outlook because I just broke 300 hours and I've done everything this game has to offer in my first wipe. Uncapped lobbies, did every quest, beat every boss once, used named uniques, fought streamers all of it. Am I still a noob because I haven't hit an arbitrary number of hours?
Solos and duos, when a team gets wiped they can reque into the same lobby and make it feel more full since it essentially had over the plauer cap by late spawns, happens less in tris because sometimes one person gets away and holds a team slot.
I think barbs stats are fine, but its more so that his abilities are an incredible stim. reckless lets you hit 1 shot head shots reliably with a zwei. Buff roar gives you max move speed often. Its rough. Trios buffball still dominates. I think bard just needs some real changes like shriek of weakness and buff songs. God forbid you fight a bard running macros
Heres the real problem, Ironmace does NOT keep consistancy with class identity, at ALL. Barbarian should be a stallwart,hight health hight damage melee combatant. What is it actually? A throwing axe turret running in pajama's with maximal speed. Warlock should be a warcaster spells in one hand and sword in the other. But what is it actually? A kite and run class. Druids should be those magical summoners and healers capable of raising tree's and different spirits to help in battle. But uh its actually a mishmash of being better at every single class's jobs. NONE of the classes have consistent game design. I could take an exemple of each, like the ranger being this "kite and run class" with a..One tap in melee button?(shotgun) Or wizards being better mele'ers than locks and worst kiters, like, it just makes no sense, IM needs reworks across the board but we all know we ARENT getting those. And currently,the meta is so boring, and everyone being in BIS week 2 of wipe really motivated me to play other games (Try baldurs gate 3 I swear its BIS)
My solution would be buffing classes that dont show up as much, I would buff druid a bit, I dont think we needed to nerf clerics # of locust and sanctuary etc. We definitely need to nerf sorc a little bit though the lightning is so strong. The random maps and hiding maps is really really good. The game is at its best state rn compared to the last year. I dont even mind the spawning even though you get 5th partied, you get out a lot less but also fight constantly.
U lost me at "buff druid". That is the one class that needs a serious nerf in a huge way. It's the only class that can't get landmines (dream walk) and can literally escape any fight in the easiest way, they can kite or they can play close. It's the most op class and it's not even close.
Paused at 8:38 I think we should stop trying to be nice to the developers. I understand that people enjoy the game and there's definitely a level of nostalgia from how good it was when it first came out, but since then, the development of the game has went so far downhill, it's almost as if the developers do not care at all about what's best for the game. SDF openly said he was a druid main once and refused to balance Druid because of it. SDF said he personally didn't like the state of the game, so he completely changed the game (Patch 68, remember?) then after all of the outrage, instead of him saying "I was wrong" he just said "I'm not having fun so I don't want it anymore". The developers don't care about the community, they only care about themselves, and the more the players sit there and try to dance around this topic or try to be nice, the more they will continue to beat this game into the ground. They NEED to hire a QA team. They NEED to understand balance changes. They NEED to know how to non-biasedly look at the game. If you want change and balance to the meta, you and all other content creators need to call them out for what it is, a bunch of lazy developers that are only working for their own monetary or personal gain. None of them are working for the community right now. If they were, the new stream sniping report option would've banned the hundreds of people that have been reported (hundreds of times). If they were, Druid, Barb, and Sorc would've been nerfed a long time ago. Then again, all of this is just my opinion, but I believe my opinion is more valid because I work as a Software Developer, and when it comes to my job, I cannot have a bias with my products, I have to work with my client and the customers to get something that THEY enjoy, not what I enjoy. So please, stop defending the developers, this is on them, and they need to feel the FULL HEAT of anger that the community has. Because apparently the massive downswing in the playerbase wasn't enough.
I was taught that love and forgiveness can heal all wounnds, i cant deny or confirm what youre saying about the devs, but at the end of the day they are the ones that give us our content we consume. I dont know if thisnis their first game ever made but I do know that making a game is not an easy task ESPECIALLY in this genre. I think more people should be understanding that developers are humans too! They bleed just like us, and if you made something in your own time, with your own money then you get to make it however you want, even if nobody else likes it!
Bro the key idea you mentioned, I discussed this with my friends just a week ago like word for word. I was thinking something like a 20-30% chance for gold keys for every mini boss you kill on ruins, 100% on the actual bosses. Gold key opens boss room in crypts. In crypts mini bosses drop skull key (same idea).. The idea that it would be achievable to boss about 80% of games. But then the problem becomes continuous dungeons and delay.. which is already a problem anyway.
I will admit I haven't played a massive amount this wipe, maybe like 20 hours, but I really like the continuous spawning so far. I don't think I've spawned on top of someone yet, but that should obviously be fixed. I really enjoy that it takes only seconds to join a match, no waiting for rotations, and if you mess something up you can leave early. It just makes the game much smoother, imo. Maybe if I played hundreds of hours I would think different but I like it. Its maybe more "casual" but like there's only so much time in the day and I can only play so often.
I dont mind reduced hp. If you touch a barbs movespeed though the class is dead. Any workarounds offered in the thread you showed go: Dont chase hide in cover till ranged goes away or gets angry and stupidly dives you. 😂😂 You pretty much always have the option of not fighting a barb and hanging out on the far side of the module. You can even do that while harassing them with ranged. Any time the barb moves towards you back up, never let him within 10 metres. You probably wont kill the barb unless you commit to melee at the right time (barb will escape) but he has no real recourse to get rid of you and stop getting shot in the back without hiding in some tight space till you get bored of being a mosquito. If my chase is strong this patch ya'll feel like you cant win and say 60% of the time I run you down. If I cant run you down a clean 50% of the time though I cant threaten you enough yo make you stop poking me. Also, in low gear score barb is strong, in high gear score other melee classes are better. So if a fighter can out melee me and still trade with ranged people, well barb isnt a problem.
I quite like these videos! Little talks about the game that emphasize player interaction is very cool! I look forward to games most as a social experience so this definitely scratches that itch. I fancy myself an optimist so I dont offer much to conversation outside of biased offers to help "fix" any problem. But either way im enthusiastic for the future and im excited to see how this conversation brought up by you will impact the community. Or ironmace's development ideas! To me these are the domino's first being knocked down. Hooe yall have a swell time! ^v^
Me and two friends recently started the game. We played a little in pre-alpha but stopped as the game got kicked off of steam. Pvp time to kill is way to low. It feels hard to learn pvp when you drop within 10 seconds. Also if you do not know where the bosses / Hotspots are it can be hard to find players at times. I totally agree that randomizing all maps would make the game more fun.
game is fun until u run into a barb as a fighter/melee cleric just cuz hatchet goes through shields which was supposed to be their counter and continuous dungeon is fun they just need to fix the problem when u spawn in someones spawn its free esp and boss room just give a buff or lock the door
DaD should balance around a higher TTK overall and revise stat check-y classes. Barb will never be balanced - he's so simple it'll either be op or trash because the entire gameplay loop is w keying into people and winning because you have bigger hp and damage. I think that's an issue in general with melee right now because melee skill expression is fairly limited and tbh I'm not too sure how they'd precisely try and combat that.
For boss fights, they should make it so if you interupt a team fighting boss the boss automatically locks on you, and maybe even is "hasted" or does extra damage. You want to third party? Better be good at that boss.
I agree there are issues and imbalances but I am Having A blast and since the wipe I have played more than all other Wipes put together. My 2 cents on continuous dungeons, I like it but they should chain all the dungeons together...IC to GC to Ruins to Crypts to Inferno... you can Que into any but Inferno and when you cue in its a fresh, new server but when you extract to an adjacent dungeon you join an active server... oh and you have to extract to Ice hell, like Inferno.
What if when someone walked in the boss room the boss paused. It would hold its health and you guys could fight it out. Then you release it with a button or something
This is my second wipe on the game and I still love it, something about the combat just keeps me coming back. While I agree with the statements made on the W key warrior that is barb I'm shocked we haven't touched on RANGED damage at all. That stuff is busted. Losing half your bar or more to a long bow or windlass sucks. Getting SLOWED and drained for 70% of your bar by Sorcerer's Palpatine impression, which can go through solid objects is not fun or engaging. Plus even if you do manage to get close often times they can just turn tail and run form you before 180 no scoping you again. I don't know how to balance it damage wise but one thing I would like to see changed is limiting windlass and ALL bows to Ranger only. Everyone else that used to be able to carry a bow should get the crossbow instead. This also goes for Weapon Mastery Fighter as well, since in my opinion weapon mastery for fighter should be about melee weapons not ranged. Also I can agree with this wipe feeling a little boring and I think it stems from the red stairs being opened so early in the match. Everyone just goes straight down right away leaving the top levels pretty empty in my experience. While the lower levels are speed run for boss and or sub boss loot or just ratting the ones that do.
Time to kill needs to be made higher as I talked about last video. Continuous dungeon is good with more tuning, and a cutoff time for when new players can come in, like 2 minutes, just to fill people who die or escape instantly.
I have a couple of answers to that, If it does, so what? Someone running because they start losing is better than walking through a door and having the AUDACITY to have less than 100% hp and not throwing 400 torches and dying to an invis barb or rogue. And even then it would give devs more wiggle room to restrict door abuse like that, making it take longer to open/close, or making them shut slower when shut, plenty of solutions, don't even need to mess with doors directly. Secondly, I ranted about it a lot more on your last video, but I truly believe most toxic traits and metas, balancing problems, gear fear, things like this in this or any other pvp game come from balancing around low time to kill, it forces ratting, it fundamentally changes gameplay and player mentality for the worse and puts devs into poor positions to balance. Why would anyone dare to fight a barb or fighter if they know they just lose the stat check? Tarkov, why would anyone dare to do anything but sit in a window with a sniper, when as soon as they step outside, they will get domed themselves? Even card games like the yu-gi-oh meta, why would anyone build a deck that requires scaling and combos but gets theoretically monstrous when people can just 1 turn win. Why would anyone dare to grind for hours on x when they lose it in a blink when they can just be the one ratting and get a huge payday? Boring rat behavior is inevitable with the current philosophy, and even makes cheating more prevalent. If people have chances to outplay and survive or get away, they won't perma run from the first sight of someone scary as much, they will be more willing to bring in better kits, they will be more willing to at least try to outplay someone because they know it's possible. Devs can put classes in a a wider spectrum of good/bad and let them do crazier/more unique stuff. Even gear gap, third party, teamers, hackers, boss contesters, all of these will be less angering because its not doomed right away. Too much to type out... To be fair, It's not quite 100% about TTK that drives these issues, more fundamentally: it's about "prep" time VS loss time It's subconscious, but the meta will always shift towards what makes people feel like they are spending less time having to prep their kit, waiting for respawn, queuing back up or whatever else compared to actually playing the game and losing all that work on "prep time". I mean, think about it. What REALLY makes landmine Rogue/barb so bad? Is it the invis in itself? No. No one is mad solely for the fact that this class has the ability for me to not see them. It's the fact that you have to sit their and agonizingly check every corner and crack anytime you hear so much as a noise because you know if you DONT do that its over. Then to just have them appear a pixel to the left of where you threw the torch and die anyway. It's over in a second, and now you need to spend 10 minutes for another kit; terrible ratio of time spent there. Comparatively, if the TTK was a lot higher, it would give them an advantage, sure, but you can at least play the game, get some hits in, maybe run, maybe even dodge like 4 swings and turn the fight. But just losing all your gear and sitting back in lobby capitalist simulating your kit back is not it. Again, People want to play, not wait around or die to someone waiting around. Like I said it's the proportional time it takes to build a kit and get into the game compared to how much it takes to lose it and start over. Tracking back: If they increase time to kill, they can allow their classes to do unique things again, because it's not just whoever has the stronger 1 tap or faster 2 tap etc (which is why Panther was nerfed cuz it just killed you too fast to fight back or get away with no detriment to itself) Instead of bringing other classes up to par they nerfed it. Which is another issue with this game right now btw, too much mentality of nerf anything that isn't just HOLD W LMB!! They need to start buffing others instead of nerfing one. Personally, I believe they need to drastically rework the heart of their combat to something more like V Rising(Look it up if you haven't seen it. It would be an amazing pvp system for an extraction game). I say this not in the sense of top down, but their time to kill and diminishing sustain system is very good for the fantasy cool flashy stuff without permanent fights. Add in a shield/armor bar system that gives further reduction and breaks over time, and it would be golden. The system they have going for them is best suited for a kit-pvp style arenas over extraction. The game could be legendary if they respected the fact its a fantasy game, so therefore people want to do cool fantasy things before they die and lose their stuff. They want to use the holy trinity of heals tank damage with their friends, they want to go down slinging spells and clashing swords, not like a pathetic fragile normal human. Let druid be insane shape shifting chaos. Let barb be a self-sustaining raging monster, let Ranger and Rogue do cool parkour and hit and run. Let cleric be a bastion of heals and defense that never dies without 2 people beating on him for 15 seconds. It's like they want this game to just be tarkov with swords, and low ttk makes it impossible to have skill expression :/ Long rant sorry, but most complaints I see in this game can be solved with a significant increase to ttk and then fine tuning other mechanics to account for the increase. There's just too much to list but you name it I'll solve it with TTK lol.
@@tsgbadger6232 The best answer I saw to this problem was to make it so that all doors can be broken by any class. Even if it takes 15 smacks with an arming sword, make em breakable.
@sadfar2478 yeah i for sure agree that it should be increased slightly but what im asking is how much, cuz ifnyou turn the dial up too much on that, we may have an entirely different meta that COULD be more toxic that what we have now. Still valid points youre making though! And i love the pasion my dude!
Most players are lower skill and in low gearscore lobbies where barb is strongest and barb is easy to play mechanically so the learning curve is fast. Also the game is very salty. Its very feelsbad when someone kills you at the boss or ya get 3rd partied but thata how she goes. You can be extremely annoying in this game.
whats your opinion on the state of wizard? i realize he used to be insanely good but for all intensive purposes I think sorc is more powerful, wizard’s untility seems to pale in comparison, his slow is great but things like magic lock? its very situational, perhaps they should rework some of his utility spells like his light orb not revealing invis pots as well as the spell scaling on sorc, again I do wanna hear your opinion
Wiz is in a weird spot right now cuz of the release of sorc, but i still think they have a much more diverse set of build options. I think that it is a little weak, but the only reason i think that is cuz barbs and fighters are too tanky, and magic resist is super cheap to get. i think its weird that their best build right now is high health bonk staff build
Understand 1 thing and 1 easy fix for barbarian, he needs to have some sort of scaling. He's super weak in the 225+ gear score and too good under it. You, a bard player, counter barbarian. your class is just 3 times more broken with shriek of weakness, completely busted perks like superior dexterity, insane buffs, insane weapons like rapier and bows. Soon when crafted gear comes out it will be demon's glee and barbarian goes back to F tier across the border. This class simply only shines in no gear lobbies. it needs a fix not a nerf
I agree bard is overtuned when all buffa are on, however the bard has to do infinitely more to make the class as strong, their gear is more expensive, they need a wider stat range, they have to keep up buffs, they have to manage 4 instruments and 2 pages of songs, its not the hardest thing in the world but we cant compare it to preesing rage, w key, and mouse 1.
@@tsgbadger6232 I dont think a class should be weaker just because it's easyier to play. In this game there is still a big difference between good and very good barbarians, barb however could definately use some sort of skill expression mechanic, thats also why he is always either underpowered or overpowered.
Barb is not broken. You’re a baby. If you’re struggling killing a particular class welcome to dark and darker. Things are suppose to counter eachother. If you’re going up against your counter then get to a spot on the map or a module that benefits you.
Yeah its healthy that there is a class with one real counter(being pdr fighter) and to be able to put on 200g of gear and w + m1 at people, at this point all the barbs coping that the class gets kited or is weak really need to play the other classes into it a few times,
I disagree that barb is "broken" Sure it's powerful, but it can be squishy too and easily outplayed. Any class with move speed and range is going to chew up a barb, I think the reason you see a lot is because it's easy, w key, rage, roar and click. I learned the game on barb and you can get kitted all over the place by any caster or ranger. cleric with smite can out damage you and you have no armor because you have to rely on move speed due to zero range abilities. So yeah they can 3 tap you but they are also easy to kill. Fighter is the one class that has a very genuine beef against barb, since block is so broken right now, if parry and block worked well then they would also chew up a barb. I get tired of the barb and sorc hate when literally landmine rogues, clerics who can 2 tap with morning star and rangers you'll never catch and druids who you will never catch and can morph an unlimited amount of times with zero cooldown are a thing. The biggest fix they could do imo, get rid of anything to do with invisibility or invulnerability, In a skill based game, hide, dream walk, phantomize, invisible potions all have no place.
As a barb main with 700hrs that plays mostly solos and duos I can agree that barb is a very strong class with probably the best perks and skills in the game as far as melee classes go but I feel it’s supposed to be that way seeing as that he’s quite literally the only class in the game with no ranged options and I don’t think franies are a ranged option they’re hard to hit and easy to dodge with almost no range if you play barb you don’t have speed and health and power you either have speed and power or health and power when you play a speed barb it’s very hard to fight other melee classes since you on have about 15-20% pdr if you want to take a melee fight with a speed build it take a lot of good spacing and high dex I’ve been killed so many times by bards and rouges before I can even swing my weapon a second time on the other hand if you are playing tank barb the magic classes and ranger just kite you and honestly it feel very hard to play a tank barb unless your running duos or trios. Another thing about barb team play is when your team engages a fight and everyone is doing chip damage you can only rush or hide and wait for an opportunity to rush since you have no ranged options and they’re have been so many fights where my team is pretty much dead from a ranged battle I can’t really participate in. I’m not a salty barb but the truth is he’s supposed to be the strongest melee class and everyone wants him nerfed to hell I think if they took away Achilles and gave hit a crossbow and dropped robust to 5% he would be balanced but truly I play barb bc I hate the ranged combat I just want to swing big weapon that’s it idk it’s how I enjoy the game🤷♂️
i didnt see the last video. but if you think barb is broken you literally just need more time on the game. You completely do not understand how the "golden triangle" works for this game because while barb has DMG it lacks DPS. most classes DPS check you at all points except in lower GS lobbies where they can just kite the bad 2 hand weapons you have because you cant build the AS. 224 is a nice sweet spot where the class is probably the best. The second issue with the golden triangle is that rule only applies to games where people are all on equal playing fields.... it cannot apply here because barb has NO RANGED tools. All these other classes have the ability to deal damage to you while committing virtually nothing. and the high hp pool is also kind of a lie. on avg kits 190 hp is the number in 224 and most other classes building right ave close to 150.... and have more Ehp bc of PDR. (bar some casters and ranger) all the other classes just got a HP buff from vig scaling changes barbs got 2? and lost some at top end iirc. anyone with 320 MS on barb either A) does no DPS ( not damage those are 2 different things) therefore can be dps checked or have less than 175 HP in which case they can also be DPS checked. i dont think anyone actually understands how BAD the weapons are on the class. 60 dmg to a torso is only accounting for perfect sweet spot in a p decent kit ( i know most classes dont understand what sweet spot is because they literally dont have to deal with it based on the weapons they use ) and no one.... and i mean literally no one is moving 315 with a weapon out that has any sort of kit that can kill you. thats a fairly tale. the only reason " speed barb" works is because it just third parties
Build true damage, get a little dex, get light foot with add movesped, press w and mouse 1, and you win 80% of match ups if you dont miss a swing, its broken, yall can keep coping if you want
Ill take barbs running everywhere over anything we used to have At least theyll want to fight and you can actually play the game Not like with other kite running away metas with warlocks or rangers etc. Funniest to thing is that druids do everything barbs do and even more because they can get easly escape and heal themselves with magic Also other thing why there is so many barbs is iron will With sorc being new and op its good to have a counter to it
"Funniest to thing is that druids do everything barbs do" - Either the druid is fast and playing panther, or tanky and playing bear. In the first, they do not do everything a barb does - they are squishy. In the second, they do not do everything a barb does - its the easiest melee engage to kite EVER. Once you are outside of swipe range, the bear can do nothing but leave bear form. Every class in the game can get hit by bear after a leap and still just walk away from the bear. Not saying Druids don't have a lot of good stuff but to claim they do everything barbs do is a bit silly.
@@Timmcd yeah good luck at trying to run away from a druid, the fucker will panther double chicken jump into you and then instant bear. Druids do everything barbs do and more, basically unlimited mobility with the power and pdr of a bear + healing from magic. If you think that winning with a druid is as simple as " walk away from the bear" then you must have never seen an at least competent druid player
I think you forget that they are human too man, youre not perfect, their not perfect! Accept that they are a small ish team making a newish genre of game
Buffball ruins trios. Yea u can be successful not running it but when u run into it if you dont play perfect and the other team has 3 brain cells u will lose thats just how it is. This has been an issue since like like forever. Its not fun to play unless u like watching in the bedroom and its not fun to fight unless you like CBT. Ppl run it bc its an easy way to make money. Duos is more fun and skill expressive and solos more so.
As a barb main, it's not as OP as it seems. I can get creamed by sorcs and other melees if they know what they're doing. Unless you corner yourself or just misplay, you can take a barb. I have won face to face fights against barbs as a base kit rogue. Fighters are the kings of solo dungeons. 70% pdr, high ms, and ability to use bows and magic weapons. I think the problem is that most of the changes and numbers moving around have made some classes an absolute joke.
yeah we've all killed noobs.. it seems all other classes took HUGE hits to their damage and health when the dreaded hotfix 69 hit, but barb hasnt seen any significant nerfs other than axe spec/bardiche.. they are just too tanky imo, thats my real gripe with the class, you should have so sacrifice one stat for others but they get all they need in base and get to build onto it (for very cheap)
Nerf all the base damage of all the barbarian weapons and make them build damage cause they can just build speed/health plus add back like 10 health to every class
I have heard this from alot of other players i meet in dungeon but this is the best the game has felt for me. Everytime I go from playing alot of solos to duos and trios (especially duos). The game feels sooo much better, and ive played over 1500 hours of just solos. From what ive heard they only added solo due to public demand not because they wanted to add it, but the game just does not perform as well in solos from a game philosophy perspective and from a balancing perspective. I think a lot of the balancing woes have come from trying to balance the game for solos and the other two modes at the same time. The only solution I can think of is if they balance them separately and the characters traits and stats change based on the game mode. Also I do acknowledge that a huge portion of the player base plays mainly solos if not the majority.
yeah its kind of a double edged sword so to speak, it seems if you do solo balance changes it screws groups if you balance for groups it screws solos, i do think the game feels really good, i just think there is still some left to be desired!
I think bossing is fine, im just learning it this wipe and sure ita annoying to deal with 3 teams back tocback mid fight when im trying to grind gold but at the same time it offers really intresting scenarios Sometimes people wait till you kill boss sometimes they come in you kill them and then kill the boss and simetimes you absolutley get destroyed if you were to add a mechanic these things wouldnt happen as easy. The pvp is a great part of the game.
I would say barb is more broken because iron will makes them not really get countered by anything and they can oneshot you more easily. Fighter is ezmode generally but at least they effectively get countered by magic users whereas barb can pretty much w into them
@@TheArnoldification Yeah, you'r righ. Bota classes are broken, I feel that when I fight with them my chances of winning are zero, I need to play perfectly and my enemy needs to make mistakes several times. If I miss a move, I'm dead in 2 hits, while I need to hit 8 or 9 times, sometimes I need to hit a lot more.
Its refreshing to see this comment thread and video where people agree. Don't get me wrong i love the game but its SO FRUSTRATING for a new player. The game is almost COMPLETELY inaccessible for newbies in its current state. Every time i voice my concerns and aggravation with the game i get the "Skill issue" or "Get gud scrub" but its almost impossible to get better when you cant even get into the boss room, or die to some 4K hour sweat lord who kites you for 5 mins peppering you down with arrows straight from spawn. Idk i think the MS meta sucks honestly. i think there should be more toe to toe fights (i play melee classes). I could go on forever about my opinions of the game but ultimately it wont matter they will continue to cater to the 1%.
i think it sucks that new players dont have a lot of resources to learn the game a bit better before being thrown to the wolves.. I understand that the devs want it to be a challenging game but at some point you have to remember that new players are the lifeblood of the game. It's actullay so annoying that majority of the community would rather say, "get gud shitter" than you help the newer player base learn and grow
I agree! I mean I only have a couple hundred hours but the little bit of knowledge I have I try to help people I run into! Just tonight I had a guy watch me do troll (I've finally learned him after HOURS of pain) and he asked for advice and I gave it to him. I don't understand why it's so fun for these elitist pricks to pick on the new players and ruin the game for them.
Fighter and druid counter barbarian. How else do yall want my class nerfed ? The game feels the most balanced its ever been for me over the last 2k hours....Bossing is fun it should be an absolute battle for the loot gives players a challenge i enjoy that fighting aspect at the boss with other players thats a great feature. I think the on going dungeons spawns should only be in normals not HR. The game feels better than it ever has. For those saying the game is in a bad state you needa lvl up your gameplay n get guuuuud son!
For the bosses, You shouldn't be able to come in to the boss room as a Third party or second party. If you go in yourself, it should lock you in until you kill the boss. For the Barbarian, fix the Felling Axe, And make priority for the packets for the whole game, the Shields and the Parries instead of the Players Hitboxes. The whole game suffers in melee combat because the game prioritizes Player Hitboxes over Shield and Parries. Also the DeSync in the game is really bad, it changes gameplay and should be fixed. In games where it doesn't much matter is in GTA 5, because DeSync is often more for the ragdolls and is more funny than annoying. But here, it's very different.
so far solos is fun I don't have a problem with the balances there (alot of barbarians but I can fight them and wins so its ok), duos on the other hand... bards... fucking bards.
Idk i like this meta🤷🏼♂️ play as only solo rogue 200 hours and last week i was tryin to test my new gear under 124 gear score and i runned into barb in 20 seconds after spawn my kit was like idk 5k gold maybe a bit more and even tho he was pretty juiced and had like atleast 180 hp i fucked him sou bad lol many times its just kite game even tho i dont run boots i still manage to kite good few knifes 1 crosbow and 3 stabs over 120 hp just by these 3 hits alone and its done then when i loot his ass some cleric wanted to jump me even tho i was half health go invis 2 headshots and bruv allready almost Dead then egain ez kite game… also when i jump someone and he was not prepared mostly you end right there cuz i run cuttroat and in 3 stabs i do minimum of 120 hp+ poison but it was weaker kit i have another 2 to test out xd barb is slow as hell but i can atleast with 110 hp tank 1/2 hits but headshot is only 1 time if the barb knows his way and have very good kit every rogue is 1 shotted thats why after few stabs i dont push mele and only trowing shit
also if you say barbarian is broken you haven't played enough of this game the argument you have about move speed you have to not wear a chest piece and divert most of your stats to a single thing and be made of tissue paper. at end game gear wizard can have a 200 dmg threshold by physical dmg with shields to be able to kill it has a slow it has a spell to move at 330 move speed and not very hard to min max 50percent pdr on wizard compared to barbarian when you say barb is 320 movespeed and has rage he should not need rage to catch you but we have bard with surv bow who you will never catch ranger backstep which is the best pvp close range skill in the game when the absolutely busted ass spear of rot comes out ranger will absolutely dominate close range again also when you focus move speed by that move on barbarian you don't have enough dex to either pull the weapon out and swing when chasing rouge and bard of they only run away that why Achilles is so popular last thing i have to say is demon lock and bear form druid are far better frontlines when playing in threes the druid passive healing can negate the health drain on demonlock and you tree of life him so with all attribute back in the game druid has the best buff/heals in the game to support just does not have resurrection the mindset you have and the opinions you have tell me off the bat you do not have enough time on this game been here since the beginning and i did get the chance to speak to sdf in person/great guy hope he succeeds with his game ps. some of the changes with staff blocking were because of me speaking to him hope they make the blocks make people restart there atk animations with bonus recoil so as to represent a recoil from a successful block whenever they do fix parry/blocking
I agree. I started as a barb because I was told it was strong and easy to play (it is). But it's so so easy to counter play as well, eventually switched to fighter and sorc mostly. I kept thinking over 100s of hours of play, ok, when do I get to see this op everyone complains about. To be fair, I've mostly played in normals 125. So maybe in hr gear barbs are op? Idk.
@tsgbadger6232 well at the end of the day you will never be able to walk on a good player with a barbarian he is strong agenst newer players and there is a reason why after all these seasons the trio comps have allways preferred a fighter at end game gear just like the end of season 4 cleric two wizard or wizard cleric bard were the only team comps once you got around 1900 plus in arena because even with 61percent mr 190 plus hp you are not killing a wizard shotgunning you with a magic missile especially one with a cleric behind him just watched ken kinobi new video and seen 30plus magic missles going after the barbarian and I am not exaggerating the number
The game is just so not welcoming for new or casual players. Ive been called a noob for asking if they could add the location names to the map! So let me get this straight if i want to do the first quest in alchemist i gotta go to some wolf den location or something. I should not have to google a map on the internet to figure out where this is! Casual players will not do this ITS NOT FUN! Also if you are worried about your precious hardcore experience make the map names a under 25 thing only its not hard And guess what if you want to crush under 25 lobbies you cant do this as well without upgrading the squire gear, now if under 25 is for newer people why do you get a massive advantage where if you you played more and did the quests you have an actual stat advantage that is pretty big be it knowledge where the other person starts the game able to use more spells or more move speed. So even if im better the guy who played longer and sweat gets to potentially beat me because he starts with better base kit and since hes having so much fun playing weaker people they never leave. Also the amount of people who claim skill issue while being against a training dummy mode is beyond ridiculous like holy moly i dont want to google things i want to play cause the game has so much potential like i had no clue if i hit someone with a throwable it slows them down by % based on the object maybe not the most relevant point but my case is that the game needs to explain itself a lot better and allow normal humans to learn by playing
"Casual players will not do this ITS NOT FUN!" Some of the biggest, most profitable games of the last few years are explicitly known for things like this. Making your players either look it up, or more likely, making them figure it out for themselves. Look at Fromsoft games, dwarf fortress or factorio, BG3 has some of this, breath of the wild has a good amount of "you better figure it out!", the witcher games have some, the monster hunter games, diablo and path of exile... I don't think putting module names on the in-game map is a bad thing, but it also won't matter at all once all the maps are like Crypts which they've said is their goal so like... I just don't think what you want will happen. Squire gear is simply NOT that important. I can beat people with full squire access naked except my weapon and so can you. 4 total extra agi or str or whatever your class has access to in squire after questing is definitely NOT a deciding factor in the majority of engagements. Every class has access to what they NEED before doing any quests - be it hitting knowledge minimums or wielding the right type of weapons. I'd say though that one of the biggest missing things is that rangers don't get spears in their squire immediately. Also like, doing the first set of quests on tailor, weaponsmith, armourer, or leathersmith is 100000% not "sweating" lmao. That's just playing the game for more than one day. I agree there are loads of ways the game can and should explain itself better. I think the most recent tooltips added for Sorc are a good move in the right direction, but imo a full pass should be made to push everything in that direction.
@ i couldnt disagree more i did not have to look up one thing for bg or zelda and those are pve games so theres that. You do get to use at least an extra spell with the knowledge like adding flame walker to your spells you are one off with grey gear but can hit it with white. When you say like crypts what do you mean? Shifting modules? That changes nothing just put the names over them. The game just needs to be accessible in the beginning parts thats all. Im not looking things up, that is lame asf.
@@roonie34 you would only know the name if you had set foot in the module anyway, which is how every map in the game works right now. Fog of war makes your idea just not matter. I guess they could still put the names on the minimap but you have to already find and go to that room to reveal it in the fog so it doesn’t matter.
@ just make under 25 not fog of war. Like why tf would they put quests to find a module then make it ridiculous to find. That is genuinely dumb especially since it’s the first few quests. Also white vs grey gear makes a difference just as white and green gear or green and blue gear etc. Also goblin caves does not have fog of war so ur just wrong
I almost feel like the bosses shouldnt have unavoidable damage if the developers want people fighting over them. Almost seems counterintuitive but maybe its from early development when they didnt have rules against teaming
My take on this is that I played caster wizard from play test ONE. And it’s just so useless right now and has been for like a year now. Sitting down half the game is not fun. Other than that nerf barbs play style slightly, and slightly nerd druids movement, and nerd sorcs lightning beam. That’s pretty much it. And fix boss sniping. The game would be perfect for me if these were fixed.
Oh and don’t spawn a player into my hell run when I’m halfway done killing the boss, prompting them to sprint straight for me and wait for an opportunity to strike if I even lose 1 hp to gk.
You need to watch CNG Blade lol Wizard is not useless and has not been useless for like... probably a full year at least at this point? Wizards were a necessary part of early buffball, and have been very strong in Arena since its inception. At least one wizard has been in the top 10 on solo HR leaderboard I believe every single season since they started the leaderboards?
@@Timmcd you think the number one wizard is a good reference as to why it’s not broken? lmao. Maybe I was exaggerating a bit on the useless part, but I wasn’t on the sitting part. And I only play solos, I’m aware wizard is good on teams of 3. But even that represents a small amount of the player base, now most teams are running cleric bard barb anyway so it’s definitely nowhere near as good as it used to be. But think about the barb meta right now in solos, iron will or not, going solo as a wizard is kinda throwing unless you can just hit every single spell right now. The meta is having a get out of jail free card right now (phantom, chicken pounce, blink, 230hp barbs) and wizard just doesn’t have anything close to that.
@@squeemhaymmeemhaym9686 wizard has the highest damage, fastest casting spell in the game in magic missile with arcane mastery, on top of invis and haste…
look, all stats should just be removed. all gear colors should be removed like they were a month ago. well everyone here, is complaining about broken classes. and classes are made from their gear. so take away gear. yes it will make collecting gear pointless. but its more important that no one can have advantage over me because they took the time to collect the right gear.
I don't play barb, and I feel like druid is still more broken than barb, the action speed for both forms is still too fast and damage needs to be nerfed more.
It's almost unblockable, does crazy damage and knocks back, and their health pool goes up during it.... and if it's not working or they take any damage they can rat away, panther away, rat through door, fully heal and hit later at a place of their choosing. Druid the most busted thing ever. And thats all without even mentioning dream walk which needs to be gone from the game "oh, you got close enough for once to actually hit me .. yeah does no damage"
@@Joellivin I already covered their damage, which you ignored? Left click is like falchion or maybe club, totally blockable. And right click is the most free block/parry in the game. The rest isn’t really relevant to the convo and you don’t know how dreamwalk works…
All barb weps suck shit and there is no range weps. Plus everyone builds move speed and has crazy damage so it's kinda a problem with just how to win in this game. Also, I took like a 10 month break and am having a blast since I came back. Maybe you're in too deep if you're not having fun, I was.
nothing about barb sucks right now man, its 80% barbs in every raid, 15% rat rogue, and the other 5% is people trying to play anything different.. its just such a stale meta and the last 3 updates have only made it worse. i do have fun some days but since the barb buff now its just unplayable unless you are also a barb then you get to stat check the other barb and maybe win
I think the dev's whole take on "this is supposed to be a trios game" is just stupid as hell and ignores the fact that playing with randoms 7/10 times is a bad time.
As a brand new player (less then 20h), the most infuriating thing i have run into so far. I had a barb run straight to me at the beginning of the match, i managed to kill him as he aggroed everything on his way to me. just to have the exact same barb come running back at me 30seconds later, 1 hitting me as i had not had time to kill the mobs he pulled to me and heal yet.
yeah and even as an experianced player that shit is annoying especially for some classes that dont clear pve as quicly!
On the flip side of this argument, I had a blast killing the same druid twice in a game. Probably the best thing I've done this wipe.
@@snowywhistle2114 Or when you get to come back and get revenge on a dude XD
the should honestly make a practice queue for bosses/ mobs / and target dummies
I beleive we will get target dummies when they implement the player housing/tavern gathering thing they wanna add, if i remember correctly! I would be awesome to have a place test stuff though!
been playin over a year, on and off casual, but ive literally never even fought or attempted a boss. I dont know what they all look like or where most of them are aside from the one center of the hell map. If there was a mode to practice them that would be interesting, but i cant imagine wanting to look for or learn a boss animation pattern with players about, it never even occurred to me to bother. Imagine if dark souls had constant pvp when you trying to progress in pve? Perhaps because im too casual and only ever played solo q, i default to just runnin around randomly with basic - blue loot fighting whatever i see... cba researching the pve in this game when theres pvp about anyhow. I woulda figured the boss fights were designed for group encounters with mmo like mechanics or something, not meant to be solo'd , not that i would know or bother either way unless there was a 'pve' mode or something.
Test dummies i agree but boss practice i have to hard disagree. Part of what makes bosses so valuable is the fact that not everyone can do it. If boss loot was made more common and less valuable what would eb the point? Sure artifacts wont be much cheaper but virtually every other valuable drop would be affected
@ nawh i mean like a quick 1x1 room where you can easily pick a mob or a boss and learn the moveset with no reward, regardless if you boss in any lobby you’ll have to fight anyways so
@@ItsKikieidk this
The real reason why this game isn't really that good (relatively speaking) lies in the subtext of the excuses people give for why some aspects of the game are the way they are.
"It's not balanced around solos"
"Barbs need MS,HP,STR because otherwise they're unplayable"
"Warlocks need Mheal/Phantom/Agi otherwise they're unplayable"
blah, blah, blah... yes bro, we know, THE GAME IS TERRIBLY DESIGNED!
The gameplay loop, theme and uniqueness of the game are the only things carrying it. There are classes that need to metaslave just to be viable (TMlock) and classes that metaslave in order to be absolutely broken (barb).
"But that's because solo balance..." No. There is no balance at all. The reason barb isn't as good in trios is because at any given PvP instance you're automatically fighting 3 people instead of one. That's 3 people zeroing in on you because the only thing you can do is press "W", not only that, they also outrange you by a lot. Balancing around trios is STUPID even without solos because there is absolutely no possible way to do it due to different team class compositions. There's a reason why BUFF-BALL still reigns supreme in trios, despite all of the supposed "balance" decisions made with it in mind.
Neither the devs, nor the community at large seem to understand what incentive structures are and how many of them are embedded in a lot of the games mechanics:
An easily memorizable module system with the same loot and mob spawns incentivizes you to beeline to the only points of interest on the map (hoards/bosses)
Randomized dungeons fix a tiny bit of this, but it's still the same 5x5 grid underneath. Meaning you're still fully aware how many modules are in any direction. It also doesn't change that fact that you can get to the opposite side of the map in less than a minute if you ignore the mobs, which is what everyone does.
Speaking of mobs: they're garbage. 2 years into development and PvE is still plagued by the most basic barebones attacks and AI, incentivizing you to cheese them at any opportunity.
Melee combat essentially being a stat-check exacerbates gear-diff and incentivizes squishier classes (ranger,warlock,rogue,wiz) to kite everything to death. Also the mere existence of ranged combat incentivizes... ranged combat (read a history book if you don't know why)
Ratting is not incentivized but basically encouraged. Doors serve as chokepoints and you can basically gank anyone bossing RISK FREE because you can just hold the chokepoint and spam ranged attacks and the boss doesn't give a fuck about you if you're not in the room, and even if you enter you can just exit immediately.
The sad reality is that the game was initially released as a proof of concept by slapping together a bunch of Unreal Store assets. It just so happens that it became a massive hit on twitch, and instead of the devs realizing the potential and taking the proof of concept and creating something good with it; they decided to capitalize on it immediately with a lot of success by just taking the proof of concept version of the game and using it as a template/finished product.
Think for yourself, what has changed since PT1? The PvE? Absolutely not. The maps? No. Any part of the gameplay? Also no.
We're still playing the barebones asset dump that was PT1, just with a bunch of haphazardly applied paint coats on top. Every new mob is avoided by strafing to the side or backwards, just like the OG skeleton. A bunch of features are already outdated - like merchants. Why buy a blue piece of equipment with unknown modifiers from a merchant, when you can pay the same or even less for the same item with BiS rolls in the marketplace?
The gamewill trudge along with all of its jank and balance, or lack thereof, until the devs decide to address the elephant in the room and undertake the well-needed rework of the core mechanics of the game and create a roadmap with specific goals in mind, and not just SDF's dreams and visions, but actually rational and well thought out concepts.
bro, ur him! rly nicely addressed issues
I see no lies here, out brother is spittin some fax!
There's a lot to disagree with here but here are the most egregious things that stood out to me and had me questioning your other points that I was otherwise willing to accept blindly even tho they aren't well defended.
"Balancing around trios is STUPID even without solos because there is absolutely no possible way to do it due to different team class compositions." - I don't get this at all. How does the possibility of diff team comps prevent the game from being balanced? There are multiple comps viable in duos and Arena. There are MANY games MUCH more complex that support the idea of teams with different class or character compositions, with multiple being viable. It's doable and has even already been done to a degree, as mentioned. I get there's a large contingent of players who only play solo queue and want that to be an immaculate experience but devs really do have to buckle down and pick a mode to be the core for balance decisions in my opinion. Fortnite picked solo, casual modes to focus around balance-wise. Some fighting games go 1v1, some 3v3, and some 2v2. WoW, LoL, Dota, and so many more games are balanced around teams with different class/character compositions. There's definitely a world where any given class X has tools to choose between that make them good in different team comps, _as well_ as tools (different tools) to help them be viable in solos - even if one of the modes is given a greater balancing priority.
"Speaking of mobs: they're garbage." - This being a negative is a pretty subjective thing. I don't want to fight mobs with non-basic attacks and AI all day long, and I'm sure some amount of people feel the same way. Could you explain why you personally think that mob attack patterns or AI NEED to be updated for the game to be "good"?
"Melee combat essentially being a stat-check" - this is one of the weakest things I see people spout. There are so many ways to outplay someone in melee, and some aren't even tied to gear or skills. Do I want to see even more depth in melee? Yeah! And you can tell IM is interested in it to some degree too just looking at the relatively recent additions of the lantern shield and adding block to weapons that didn't have it previously. Also buffed shields pretty significantly just recently, too.
"Think for yourself, what has changed since PT1?" - Despite how it starts, this question is so leading it hurts as you go into the follow-ups. Has the PvE changed? Uhm, fucking yes? A lot? Lots of new monsters, new bosses, maps and cheese spots changed which effects how you engage with PvE in any given module (or between them, which is significant now in particular for Crypts). "Any part of the gameplay? Also no." COME ON. Seriously. This can't be a serious statement.
I may well be wrong in some of my own analysis and welcome the conversation!
@@Timmcd The main point he's making is that the base of the game is unchanged. Ultimately, the entire game is built on top of this very inflexible core that causes everything to be a statcheck. The game should have been primarily a melee battler, like chivalry, and the loot is a dressing on top. In reality, the game was designed in the opposite way. Loot is the primary mechanic, and the actual combat mechanics are bare bones. Only specific weapons parry, very strict animations. If you take away the loot, combat is not very interesting, and that is a bad recipe for a game. I believe this is the idea the OP was trying to convey.
I’m glad you pointed out how players play around the boss, I think you made some good suggestions, I think the community may take your “gem” suggestion and turn it into the same situation as the keys, where the loot is negligible compared to the cost and the community will inflate the price, locking the boss room i think could be done well if it locks the player inside, they’ve got a loot pile and extract or something but its got a lot of flaws, I’m not sure what i’d suggest BUT i do know as someone who’s played since playtest 1 ive only really recently these past seasons even attempted bossing, learning half of them id say, getting countered and killed and countered really takes the wind out of my sails, I really want to love this game and realize the devs are trying, I just think that its almost impossible to learn new bosses even with guides considering how the community will wait to 3rd party whoever is doing the boss.
I’m a “ok” player who sticks to 24gs-124gs because I don’t like playing with sweats something I want is to increase the drop rate of loot for your specific class, I don’t like finding good weapons or armor for the other classes and the reason this makes sense to me is because no one loots chest besides gold chest in higher gear score, it feels good when my class has good stats
sometimes it feels like the drop chance for items your class can use is less
Honestly my issue with barb is not that its hard to fight or its to strong. For me it sucks the only thing you can do is just kite the class most of the time. It has so many things to just deny you playing the game and you basically have to not make a mistake in order to kill one. barb has been Insanely OP and insanely weak multiple times in the game, adjusting numbers has been the devs go to but the class needs something else, make it actually fun to fight against.
Also completely agree with the whole boss thing. My main issue is players standing on the edge of the room shooting you 15 times as your attempting it, then either running in or running away when you go to fight them, there should be something like a lock or invisible wall so other players have to commit to fighting the boss with you or die trying. Also make it so their arrows or projectiles get denied shooting into the boss room
@@ghostlyurk2333 very true! With the boss situation there is deff no easy way to fix it, but you and others are coming up with some good ideas!
Yea by far the most anoyying thing is when they just shoot at you and then you leave the room just for nobody to do the boss, thats happened to me multiple times this wipe and its the most annoying shit ever. At least come into the arena and try to kill me while I boss.
I really like your idea of a dog walk or something, which you could see trough but not attack through. Once you enter through into the boss room you can't leave until the boss is dead or maybe even looted.
This would still allow ambushing, but force some commitment.
I actually agree with this idea, it’s the only thing that makes sense. That way the boss health isn’t reset, that’s gotta be the most annoying part, getting it reset over and over
I did cyclops , three times I had it reset because shit bards and rouges I had to fight
If they could fix the shield hitbox it would be great
yeah im trying to make some lantern sheild clips and half of my blocks still result in a headshot for some reason
This needs to be fixed.
Fixing hatchet would get rid of a good amount of barb hate.
@@tsgbadger6232 difficult to play fighter and bard to their full potential
4:23 it is likely the reason why you run into more players in solos is likely due to the fact that there's more individual spawns across the map, meaning there's more ground being covered simultaneously and thus more players who will hear mobs being cleared or players fighting and then get ready to third party,. in my experience there are similar volume of players in duos and trios but the encounters are more spread out because those player numbers are condensed. people are way more likely to rat in HR because they have something to lose vs normal where you lose nothing but meds maybe. i only play US east servers so that could be why in my experience i run into consistent fights in duos and trios but that's just my experience
11:57 I was thinking something similar to Frost Wyvern, pillars you must activate. For example the Ghost King as a permanent Pink shield unless if you activate some statues to weaken the boss/remove his shield, for example the room north and south of boss room, (I would also increase the timer of inferno)
i like this idea a lot actually!
Every game should include solo play.. thats why I love dark and darker right now.. If they add duos and trios only i wouldn't play!
the main benefit to spawning mid raid is increasing que times. Instant ques is pretty nice to me.
Very true
I am excited to see more content from you!
Well i got some stuff in the pipeline just working some editing magic!
Bit late to this one but just wanted to agree that DaD players are insanely passionate about the game, and especially love to put their opinions about how to improve it out there, to anyone who will read it lmao. My main idea for an improvement would be to add hot zones in each randomised floor. A highlighted module on everyone’s map that starts at 1/3 of the way into the duration of the floor. This could be a number of different events, depending on the floor it’s on. These will provide high priority POI’s for people to fight over.
crypts: Expressman (and Otto) appears and will deliver home any loot you give him, including MINTED gear from the previous or current floor.
ruins: floating spectral tower that appears over a module that you can ascend up to like the wyvern kill portal, and fight over some high tier treasure or a unique item of some sort.
goblin caves: treasure goblin that is immune to slowdowns but cannot open doors, he will run around the module and through any open/broken doors he can find.
When we talk about solos, we mean solo queue, not solo players as a whole. When we say the game was designed for trios, we mean just the one queue with solos, duos and trios filling the same lobby like it used to be. Yes, there are a lot of solo players, there always have been, but the game was never designed for a "solo queue". A place where you expect a 1v1 with every engagement beforehand. You can easily notice how one will play much differently in solo queue vs as a solo player mixed in. In solo queue, you can just roam around and take any engagement without much thought other than what class it is. And because of this normal tactics designed in the game like invisibility, holding angles, traps, doors, the darkness can allow players to easily ambush others and you will noticed a lot of solo queue players dislike all this. Same thing with faster time to kill. Solo queue players are essentially playing duel arena and want longer "duels" but the game was not made for that. Hence why I think "solo queue" should be in the arena only.
On the other hand, when you are playing solo mixed in on trios or even duos, your playstyle is much different. You'll play slower, listen for players, find out if they have teammates, and decide to engage or disengage. You'll notice that the tactics I mentioned above all become much more used, ratting, using the dark, ivis, traps, and the doors to slow teams potentially chasing or single out and ambush players from the rest of their team. That a lower time to kill is preferred as it allow players to close out an engagement quicker before others can react. This is literally how the game was designed from the ground up and why a solo queue changes this mindset in the community. The game is a rock paper scissors class-based game and sometimes you're meant to just avoid fights entirely, this is something Iromace discussed multiple times all the way back in the initial playtests. And with the addition of solos it has lead to very strange and damaging changes such as the removal of the circle and randomized portals. Both crucial aspects that were, as they said themselves, "tools" that they found greatly helped to facilitate a melee-oriented game with all party sizes in mind.
pretty good insight honestly! i guess i never concidered it
Damn reading this just made me realize the entire reason infinite door running is a problem is because of the lack of circle.
@rh7474 yup pretty much. A bunch of gameplay issues stem from the removal of this and the portals. The game was designed around these features. It's like removing the foundation of a house and watching it slowly crumble.
75th Sub here, gotta say. I want some damn Wizard buffs XD. Let me walk at 20% move speed while using Magic Missile, I need a hand killing troll without spending 3 minutes whacking it with shit weapons/ignite.
Wiz does need a little love!
they said that they are working on the randomized maps for every map and every floor of every map.
@@BobbyBilly-m9m thats good! I really enjoy it, i feel like it brings back the randomness that the circle use to give
@@tsgbadger6232 Same
Pickpocket rogue is best rogue, most fun I’ve had this session. Says a lot about the game.
Great video man I’m a small younger as well and this has inspired me to go make some content again. :) also I have a question. Speaking on balancing do you believe that the sorcerer class needed access to longsword? I personally feel with as versatile as the spell are why would they need a longsword too?
The longsword was odd, i think they gave it to them because their str and dex are so low that ots damage with the longsword isnt great, and the buff spells they have can make its damage relevent without being too much! But i think their spells are a little overtuned atm(lightning shere/bolt)
im gonna go ahead and say solo/duo is SUBSTANTIALLY more popular than trios at this point in DaDs lifecycle, because nobody can get two sane human beings in their life to play this game with them due to how masochistic and vague the game is about its skill curve. and alot of people like me would rather play alone than with randoms.🤣 not trying to shid on the game for its difficulty, i enjoy that personally. but most casual gamers ive tried to get into DaD end up getting frustrated and dropping it.
You think so? I know all we have is anecdotal evidence but on US servers, I have had not-full and even empty solo lobbies this wipe, but never have I failed to join an auto-fill trio - even in HR which is wild to me cuz the risk is so high lol. It's kinda like if you look at a game like Fortnite, which I know is very different, but there even the "solo" players play team modes with random fill more than solos.
(outside of competitive FN, where they just play whichever mode is pushed at the time be it solos or teams)
I main rogue, I MOSTLY pickpocket so I am not try harding whatsoever. I play the game for fun and fun alone. It is however very annoying to die to the most bs things while I'm trying to have fun picking some pockets or just trying to roleplay with people etc, Or even if I'm trying to play actual rogue and PVP for some fun, I don't take myself as a average gamer. I was a multi Grandmaster player in Sc2 back from 2011-2014 as well with multi rank 1 player in WoW 3v3 arena, I know this game is much different but I have a lot of gaming experience is my point. But I die all the time to the most stupid shit or get found out by 1 of the 50 spells that can just find me, Not to even mention the lantern in game that is literally 1 singular item that completely counters stealth.
Rogue definitely needs some type of buff not anything massive but they need something. The fact that sorc has so many diff spells to just get me out of stealth for absolutely free and same with warlock or bard etc. Rogue just needs like cloak of shadows from WoW naturally on their stealth or something. Nothing too big in terms of buff but its just demoralizing trying to have fun when your class is literally countered by 5000 different things in the game.
The fact that we allow certain classes (fighter/barb/bard) advantages while doing bosses, while telling the wizard, ranger, and cleric to get stuffed is super upsetting. I wish there were mechanics in place that would allow for every class to realistically perform every boss without being jason bourne
That "you are a noob
i loved seeing that so many new players were enjoying the game! and that a lot of the ones that werent wanted to see things get better!
I don't like this outlook because I just broke 300 hours and I've done everything this game has to offer in my first wipe. Uncapped lobbies, did every quest, beat every boss once, used named uniques, fought streamers all of it. Am I still a noob because I haven't hit an arbitrary number of hours?
Solos and duos, when a team gets wiped they can reque into the same lobby and make it feel more full since it essentially had over the plauer cap by late spawns, happens less in tris because sometimes one person gets away and holds a team slot.
I think barbs stats are fine, but its more so that his abilities are an incredible stim. reckless lets you hit 1 shot head shots reliably with a zwei. Buff roar gives you max move speed often. Its rough. Trios buffball still dominates. I think bard just needs some real changes like shriek of weakness and buff songs. God forbid you fight a bard running macros
Heres the real problem, Ironmace does NOT keep consistancy with class identity, at ALL.
Barbarian should be a stallwart,hight health hight damage melee combatant.
What is it actually?
A throwing axe turret running in pajama's with maximal speed.
Warlock should be a warcaster spells in one hand and sword in the other.
But what is it actually?
A kite and run class.
Druids should be those magical summoners and healers capable of raising tree's and different spirits to help in battle.
But uh its actually a mishmash of being better at every single class's jobs.
NONE of the classes have consistent game design.
I could take an exemple of each, like the ranger being this "kite and run class" with a..One tap in melee button?(shotgun)
Or wizards being better mele'ers than locks and worst kiters, like, it just makes no sense, IM needs reworks across the board but we all know we ARENT getting those.
And currently,the meta is so boring, and everyone being in BIS week 2 of wipe really motivated me to play other games (Try baldurs gate 3 I swear its BIS)
My solution would be buffing classes that dont show up as much, I would buff druid a bit, I dont think we needed to nerf clerics # of locust and sanctuary etc.
We definitely need to nerf sorc a little bit though the lightning is so strong.
The random maps and hiding maps is really really good.
The game is at its best state rn compared to the last year.
I dont even mind the spawning even though you get 5th partied, you get out a lot less but also fight constantly.
Are you sick of hearing me say nerf barb yet? Lol on a serious note I whole heartedly agree with you on this!
U lost me at "buff druid". That is the one class that needs a serious nerf in a huge way. It's the only class that can't get landmines (dream walk) and can literally escape any fight in the easiest way, they can kite or they can play close. It's the most op class and it's not even close.
the data about trios and solos was talked about solos are played the most
Paused at 8:38
I think we should stop trying to be nice to the developers. I understand that people enjoy the game and there's definitely a level of nostalgia from how good it was when it first came out, but since then, the development of the game has went so far downhill, it's almost as if the developers do not care at all about what's best for the game. SDF openly said he was a druid main once and refused to balance Druid because of it. SDF said he personally didn't like the state of the game, so he completely changed the game (Patch 68, remember?) then after all of the outrage, instead of him saying "I was wrong" he just said "I'm not having fun so I don't want it anymore".
The developers don't care about the community, they only care about themselves, and the more the players sit there and try to dance around this topic or try to be nice, the more they will continue to beat this game into the ground.
They NEED to hire a QA team.
They NEED to understand balance changes.
They NEED to know how to non-biasedly look at the game.
If you want change and balance to the meta, you and all other content creators need to call them out for what it is, a bunch of lazy developers that are only working for their own monetary or personal gain. None of them are working for the community right now. If they were, the new stream sniping report option would've banned the hundreds of people that have been reported (hundreds of times). If they were, Druid, Barb, and Sorc would've been nerfed a long time ago.
Then again, all of this is just my opinion, but I believe my opinion is more valid because I work as a Software Developer, and when it comes to my job, I cannot have a bias with my products, I have to work with my client and the customers to get something that THEY enjoy, not what I enjoy.
So please, stop defending the developers, this is on them, and they need to feel the FULL HEAT of anger that the community has. Because apparently the massive downswing in the playerbase wasn't enough.
I was taught that love and forgiveness can heal all wounnds, i cant deny or confirm what youre saying about the devs, but at the end of the day they are the ones that give us our content we consume. I dont know if thisnis their first game ever made but I do know that making a game is not an easy task ESPECIALLY in this genre. I think more people should be understanding that developers are humans too! They bleed just like us, and if you made something in your own time, with your own money then you get to make it however you want, even if nobody else likes it!
Bro the key idea you mentioned, I discussed this with my friends just a week ago like word for word. I was thinking something like a 20-30% chance for gold keys for every mini boss you kill on ruins, 100% on the actual bosses. Gold key opens boss room in crypts. In crypts mini bosses drop skull key (same idea)..
The idea that it would be achievable to boss about 80% of games. But then the problem becomes continuous dungeons and delay.. which is already a problem anyway.
@@DamnPeasants great minds think alike they say!
I will admit I haven't played a massive amount this wipe, maybe like 20 hours, but I really like the continuous spawning so far. I don't think I've spawned on top of someone yet, but that should obviously be fixed. I really enjoy that it takes only seconds to join a match, no waiting for rotations, and if you mess something up you can leave early. It just makes the game much smoother, imo. Maybe if I played hundreds of hours I would think different but I like it. Its maybe more "casual" but like there's only so much time in the day and I can only play so often.
I dont mind reduced hp. If you touch a barbs movespeed though the class is dead.
Any workarounds offered in the thread you showed go:
Dont chase hide in cover till ranged goes away or gets angry and stupidly dives you.
You pretty much always have the option of not fighting a barb and hanging out on the far side of the module.
You can even do that while harassing them with ranged. Any time the barb moves towards you back up, never let him within 10 metres.
You probably wont kill the barb unless you commit to melee at the right time (barb will escape) but he has no real recourse to get rid of you and stop getting shot in the back without hiding in some tight space till you get bored of being a mosquito.
If my chase is strong this patch ya'll feel like you cant win and say 60% of the time I run you down.
If I cant run you down a clean 50% of the time though I cant threaten you enough yo make you stop poking me.
Also, in low gear score barb is strong, in high gear score other melee classes are better.
So if a fighter can out melee me and still trade with ranged people, well barb isnt a problem.
I quite like these videos! Little talks about the game that emphasize player interaction is very cool! I look forward to games most as a social experience so this definitely scratches that itch. I fancy myself an optimist so I dont offer much to conversation outside of biased offers to help "fix" any problem. But either way im enthusiastic for the future and im excited to see how this conversation brought up by you will impact the community. Or ironmace's development ideas! To me these are the domino's first being knocked down. Hooe yall have a swell time! ^v^
Me and two friends recently started the game. We played a little in pre-alpha but stopped as the game got kicked off of steam.
Pvp time to kill is way to low. It feels hard to learn pvp when you drop within 10 seconds.
Also if you do not know where the bosses / Hotspots are it can be hard to find players at times.
I totally agree that randomizing all maps would make the game more fun.
I cant kill a mini spider in 1 hit with rogue, bizarre. I need to hit every class like 100 times.
game is fun until u run into a barb as a fighter/melee cleric just cuz hatchet goes through shields which was supposed to be their counter and continuous dungeon is fun they just need to fix the problem when u spawn in someones spawn its free esp and boss room just give a buff or lock the door
I am enjoying the game but i like to bitch and moan some times :)
DaD should balance around a higher TTK overall and revise stat check-y classes. Barb will never be balanced - he's so simple it'll either be op or trash because the entire gameplay loop is w keying into people and winning because you have bigger hp and damage. I think that's an issue in general with melee right now because melee skill expression is fairly limited and tbh I'm not too sure how they'd precisely try and combat that.
For boss fights, they should make it so if you interupt a team fighting boss the boss automatically locks on you, and maybe even is "hasted" or does extra damage.
You want to third party? Better be good at that boss.
I agree there are issues and imbalances but I am Having A blast and since the wipe I have played more than all other Wipes put together.
My 2 cents on continuous dungeons, I like it but they should chain all the dungeons together...IC to GC to Ruins to Crypts to Inferno... you can Que into any but Inferno and when you cue in its a fresh, new server but when you extract to an adjacent dungeon you join an active server... oh and you have to extract to Ice hell, like Inferno.
What if when someone walked in the boss room the boss paused. It would hold its health and you guys could fight it out. Then you release it with a button or something
We could have an arena mode where you train the bossfight?
This is my second wipe on the game and I still love it, something about the combat just keeps me coming back. While I agree with the statements made on the W key warrior that is barb I'm shocked we haven't touched on RANGED damage at all. That stuff is busted. Losing half your bar or more to a long bow or windlass sucks. Getting SLOWED and drained for 70% of your bar by Sorcerer's Palpatine impression, which can go through solid objects is not fun or engaging. Plus even if you do manage to get close often times they can just turn tail and run form you before 180 no scoping you again. I don't know how to balance it damage wise but one thing I would like to see changed is limiting windlass and ALL bows to Ranger only. Everyone else that used to be able to carry a bow should get the crossbow instead. This also goes for Weapon Mastery Fighter as well, since in my opinion weapon mastery for fighter should be about melee weapons not ranged.
Also I can agree with this wipe feeling a little boring and I think it stems from the red stairs being opened so early in the match. Everyone just goes straight down right away leaving the top levels pretty empty in my experience. While the lower levels are speed run for boss and or sub boss loot or just ratting the ones that do.
Time to kill needs to be made higher as I talked about last video. Continuous dungeon is good with more tuning, and a cutoff time for when new players can come in, like 2 minutes, just to fill people who die or escape instantly.
i think if they increase ttk too much the door and doorer game just gets worse sadly
I have a couple of answers to that, If it does, so what? Someone running because they start losing is better than walking through a door and having the AUDACITY to have less than 100% hp and not throwing 400 torches and dying to an invis barb or rogue. And even then it would give devs more wiggle room to restrict door abuse like that, making it take longer to open/close, or making them shut slower when shut, plenty of solutions, don't even need to mess with doors directly.
Secondly, I ranted about it a lot more on your last video, but I truly believe most toxic traits and metas, balancing problems, gear fear, things like this in this or any other pvp game come from balancing around low time to kill, it forces ratting, it fundamentally changes gameplay and player mentality for the worse and puts devs into poor positions to balance. Why would anyone dare to fight a barb or fighter if they know they just lose the stat check? Tarkov, why would anyone dare to do anything but sit in a window with a sniper, when as soon as they step outside, they will get domed themselves? Even card games like the yu-gi-oh meta, why would anyone build a deck that requires scaling and combos but gets theoretically monstrous when people can just 1 turn win. Why would anyone dare to grind for hours on x when they lose it in a blink when they can just be the one ratting and get a huge payday? Boring rat behavior is inevitable with the current philosophy, and even makes cheating more prevalent. If people have chances to outplay and survive or get away, they won't perma run from the first sight of someone scary as much, they will be more willing to bring in better kits, they will be more willing to at least try to outplay someone because they know it's possible. Devs can put classes in a a wider spectrum of good/bad and let them do crazier/more unique stuff. Even gear gap, third party, teamers, hackers, boss contesters, all of these will be less angering because its not doomed right away. Too much to type out...
To be fair, It's not quite 100% about TTK that drives these issues, more fundamentally: it's about "prep" time VS loss time
It's subconscious, but the meta will always shift towards what makes people feel like they are spending less time having to prep their kit, waiting for respawn, queuing back up or whatever else compared to actually playing the game and losing all that work on "prep time".
I mean, think about it. What REALLY makes landmine Rogue/barb so bad? Is it the invis in itself? No. No one is mad solely for the fact that this class has the ability for me to not see them. It's the fact that you have to sit their and agonizingly check every corner and crack anytime you hear so much as a noise because you know if you DONT do that its over. Then to just have them appear a pixel to the left of where you threw the torch and die anyway. It's over in a second, and now you need to spend 10 minutes for another kit; terrible ratio of time spent there. Comparatively, if the TTK was a lot higher, it would give them an advantage, sure, but you can at least play the game, get some hits in, maybe run, maybe even dodge like 4 swings and turn the fight. But just losing all your gear and sitting back in lobby capitalist simulating your kit back is not it. Again, People want to play, not wait around or die to someone waiting around.
Like I said it's the proportional time it takes to build a kit and get into the game compared to how much it takes to lose it and start over.
Tracking back: If they increase time to kill, they can allow their classes to do unique things again, because it's not just whoever has the stronger 1 tap or faster 2 tap etc (which is why Panther was nerfed cuz it just killed you too fast to fight back or get away with no detriment to itself) Instead of bringing other classes up to par they nerfed it. Which is another issue with this game right now btw, too much mentality of nerf anything that isn't just HOLD W LMB!! They need to start buffing others instead of nerfing one.
Personally, I believe they need to drastically rework the heart of their combat to something more like V Rising(Look it up if you haven't seen it. It would be an amazing pvp system for an extraction game). I say this not in the sense of top down, but their time to kill and diminishing sustain system is very good for the fantasy cool flashy stuff without permanent fights. Add in a shield/armor bar system that gives further reduction and breaks over time, and it would be golden. The system they have going for them is best suited for a kit-pvp style arenas over extraction.
The game could be legendary if they respected the fact its a fantasy game, so therefore people want to do cool fantasy things before they die and lose their stuff. They want to use the holy trinity of heals tank damage with their friends, they want to go down slinging spells and clashing swords, not like a pathetic fragile normal human. Let druid be insane shape shifting chaos. Let barb be a self-sustaining raging monster, let Ranger and Rogue do cool parkour and hit and run. Let cleric be a bastion of heals and defense that never dies without 2 people beating on him for 15 seconds.
It's like they want this game to just be tarkov with swords, and low ttk makes it impossible to have skill expression :/
Long rant sorry, but most complaints I see in this game can be solved with a significant increase to ttk and then fine tuning other mechanics to account for the increase. There's just too much to list but you name it I'll solve it with TTK lol.
@@tsgbadger6232 The best answer I saw to this problem was to make it so that all doors can be broken by any class. Even if it takes 15 smacks with an arming sword, make em breakable.
@sadfar2478 yeah i for sure agree that it should be increased slightly but what im asking is how much, cuz ifnyou turn the dial up too much on that, we may have an entirely different meta that COULD be more toxic that what we have now. Still valid points youre making though! And i love the pasion my dude!
@@tsgbadger6232 I cant post the reply im trying to. :/ I think youtube is deleting cuz its ridiculous censorship.
Most players are lower skill and in low gearscore lobbies where barb is strongest and barb is easy to play mechanically so the learning curve is fast.
Also the game is very salty. Its very feelsbad when someone kills you at the boss or ya get 3rd partied but thata how she goes. You can be extremely annoying in this game.
whats your opinion on the state of wizard? i realize he used to be insanely good but for all intensive purposes I think sorc is more powerful, wizard’s untility seems to pale in comparison, his slow is great but things like magic lock? its very situational, perhaps they should rework some of his utility spells like his light orb not revealing invis pots as well as the spell scaling on sorc, again I do wanna hear your opinion
Wiz is in a weird spot right now cuz of the release of sorc, but i still think they have a much more diverse set of build options. I think that it is a little weak, but the only reason i think that is cuz barbs and fighters are too tanky, and magic resist is super cheap to get. i think its weird that their best build right now is high health bonk staff build
Understand 1 thing and 1 easy fix for barbarian, he needs to have some sort of scaling. He's super weak in the 225+ gear score and too good under it. You, a bard player, counter barbarian. your class is just 3 times more broken with shriek of weakness, completely busted perks like superior dexterity, insane buffs, insane weapons like rapier and bows. Soon when crafted gear comes out it will be demon's glee and barbarian goes back to F tier across the border. This class simply only shines in no gear lobbies. it needs a fix not a nerf
I agree bard is overtuned when all buffa are on, however the bard has to do infinitely more to make the class as strong, their gear is more expensive, they need a wider stat range, they have to keep up buffs, they have to manage 4 instruments and 2 pages of songs, its not the hardest thing in the world but we cant compare it to preesing rage, w key, and mouse 1.
@@tsgbadger6232 I dont think a class should be weaker just because it's easyier to play. In this game there is still a big difference between good and very good barbarians, barb however could definately use some sort of skill expression mechanic, thats also why he is always either underpowered or overpowered.
Barb is not broken. You’re a baby. If you’re struggling killing a particular class welcome to dark and darker. Things are suppose to counter eachother. If you’re going up against your counter then get to a spot on the map or a module that benefits you.
Yeah its healthy that there is a class with one real counter(being pdr fighter) and to be able to put on 200g of gear and w + m1 at people, at this point all the barbs coping that the class gets kited or is weak really need to play the other classes into it a few times,
I disagree that barb is "broken"
Sure it's powerful, but it can be squishy too and easily outplayed. Any class with move speed and range is going to chew up a barb, I think the reason you see a lot is because it's easy, w key, rage, roar and click.
I learned the game on barb and you can get kitted all over the place by any caster or ranger. cleric with smite can out damage you and you have no armor because you have to rely on move speed due to zero range abilities. So yeah they can 3 tap you but they are also easy to kill. Fighter is the one class that has a very genuine beef against barb, since block is so broken right now, if parry and block worked well then they would also chew up a barb.
I get tired of the barb and sorc hate when literally landmine rogues, clerics who can 2 tap with morning star and rangers you'll never catch and druids who you will never catch and can morph an unlimited amount of times with zero cooldown are a thing.
The biggest fix they could do imo, get rid of anything to do with invisibility or invulnerability, In a skill based game, hide, dream walk, phantomize, invisible potions all have no place.
Spot on Barb take
500 hr and i think u are right , also I think maybe u should have like a protective aura when u boss or when finish it
As a barb main with 700hrs that plays mostly solos and duos I can agree that barb is a very strong class with probably the best perks and skills in the game as far as melee classes go but I feel it’s supposed to be that way seeing as that he’s quite literally the only class in the game with no ranged options and I don’t think franies are a ranged option they’re hard to hit and easy to dodge with almost no range if you play barb you don’t have speed and health and power you either have speed and power or health and power when you play a speed barb it’s very hard to fight other melee classes since you on have about 15-20% pdr if you want to take a melee fight with a speed build it take a lot of good spacing and high dex I’ve been killed so many times by bards and rouges before I can even swing my weapon a second time on the other hand if you are playing tank barb the magic classes and ranger just kite you and honestly it feel very hard to play a tank barb unless your running duos or trios. Another thing about barb team play is when your team engages a fight and everyone is doing chip damage you can only rush or hide and wait for an opportunity to rush since you have no ranged options and they’re have been so many fights where my team is pretty much dead from a ranged battle I can’t really participate in. I’m not a salty barb but the truth is he’s supposed to be the strongest melee class and everyone wants him nerfed to hell I think if they took away Achilles and gave hit a crossbow and dropped robust to 5% he would be balanced but truly I play barb bc I hate the ranged combat I just want to swing big weapon that’s it idk it’s how I enjoy the game🤷♂️
barb video coming soon... im joining the dark side!
i didnt see the last video. but if you think barb is broken you literally just need more time on the game. You completely do not understand how the "golden triangle" works for this game because while barb has DMG it lacks DPS. most classes DPS check you at all points except in lower GS lobbies where they can just kite the bad 2 hand weapons you have because you cant build the AS. 224 is a nice sweet spot where the class is probably the best.
The second issue with the golden triangle is that rule only applies to games where people are all on equal playing fields.... it cannot apply here because barb has NO RANGED tools. All these other classes have the ability to deal damage to you while committing virtually nothing.
and the high hp pool is also kind of a lie. on avg kits 190 hp is the number in 224 and most other classes building right ave close to 150.... and have more Ehp bc of PDR. (bar some casters and ranger) all the other classes just got a HP buff from vig scaling changes barbs got 2? and lost some at top end iirc.
anyone with 320 MS on barb either A) does no DPS ( not damage those are 2 different things) therefore can be dps checked or have less than 175 HP in which case they can also be DPS checked.
i dont think anyone actually understands how BAD the weapons are on the class. 60 dmg to a torso is only accounting for perfect sweet spot in a p decent kit ( i know most classes dont understand what sweet spot is because they literally dont have to deal with it based on the weapons they use ) and no one.... and i mean literally no one is moving 315 with a weapon out that has any sort of kit that can kill you.
thats a fairly tale. the only reason " speed barb" works is because it just third parties
Build true damage, get a little dex, get light foot with add movesped, press w and mouse 1, and you win 80% of match ups if you dont miss a swing, its broken, yall can keep coping if you want
True invis needs to go its not fun to get instakilled without even having the ability to react to your oponent
yeah i should have brought up invis! there were a ton of comments on the last one about it too
Ill take barbs running everywhere over anything we used to have
At least theyll want to fight and you can actually play the game
Not like with other kite running away metas with warlocks or rangers etc.
Funniest to thing is that druids do everything barbs do and even more because they can get easly escape and heal themselves with magic
Also other thing why there is so many barbs is iron will
With sorc being new and op its good to have a counter to it
"Funniest to thing is that druids do everything barbs do"
- Either the druid is fast and playing panther, or tanky and playing bear. In the first, they do not do everything a barb does - they are squishy. In the second, they do not do everything a barb does - its the easiest melee engage to kite EVER. Once you are outside of swipe range, the bear can do nothing but leave bear form. Every class in the game can get hit by bear after a leap and still just walk away from the bear. Not saying Druids don't have a lot of good stuff but to claim they do everything barbs do is a bit silly.
@@Timmcd yeah good luck at trying to run away from a druid, the fucker will panther double chicken jump into you and then instant bear. Druids do everything barbs do and more, basically unlimited mobility with the power and pdr of a bear + healing from magic. If you think that winning with a druid is as simple as " walk away from the bear" then you must have never seen an at least competent druid player
This is the nerdiest thing I've ever stumbled upon.
I think you're too forgiving towards the devs when it comes to class balance.
I think you forget that they are human too man, youre not perfect, their not perfect! Accept that they are a small ish team making a newish genre of game
Also nobody talking about the insanely busted druid class that is broken and beyond?
Been nerfed in the last like 4 patches bro, the only good thing left for druid is its movement at this point
Buffball ruins trios. Yea u can be successful not running it but when u run into it if you dont play perfect and the other team has 3 brain cells u will lose thats just how it is. This has been an issue since like like forever. Its not fun to play unless u like watching in the bedroom and its not fun to fight unless you like CBT. Ppl run it bc its an easy way to make money. Duos is more fun and skill expressive and solos more so.
As a barb main, it's not as OP as it seems. I can get creamed by sorcs and other melees if they know what they're doing. Unless you corner yourself or just misplay, you can take a barb. I have won face to face fights against barbs as a base kit rogue. Fighters are the kings of solo dungeons. 70% pdr, high ms, and ability to use bows and magic weapons.
I think the problem is that most of the changes and numbers moving around have made some classes an absolute joke.
yeah we've all killed noobs.. it seems all other classes took HUGE hits to their damage and health when the dreaded hotfix 69 hit, but barb hasnt seen any significant nerfs other than axe spec/bardiche.. they are just too tanky imo, thats my real gripe with the class, you should have so sacrifice one stat for others but they get all they need in base and get to build onto it (for very cheap)
Hope it isn't something discouraging, because I see that a lot in dd today
Nerf all the base damage of all the barbarian weapons and make them build damage cause they can just build speed/health plus add back like 10 health to every class
i think we can just nerf their health slightly and things would be fine
150-160 HP is Barb in GRAY GEAR... Barb gets 200 HP easy with even a small amount of HR gear >.>
I wanted to be a little generous
I think you meant to say 230 hp in squire gear. It's disgusting.
Barb isn’t overpowered but everyone should play barb
Aw shit here we go again
I have heard this from alot of other players i meet in dungeon but this is the best the game has felt for me. Everytime I go from playing alot of solos to duos and trios (especially duos). The game feels sooo much better, and ive played over 1500 hours of just solos. From what ive heard they only added solo due to public demand not because they wanted to add it, but the game just does not perform as well in solos from a game philosophy perspective and from a balancing perspective. I think a lot of the balancing woes have come from trying to balance the game for solos and the other two modes at the same time. The only solution I can think of is if they balance them separately and the characters traits and stats change based on the game mode. Also I do acknowledge that a huge portion of the player base plays mainly solos if not the majority.
yeah its kind of a double edged sword so to speak, it seems if you do solo balance changes it screws groups if you balance for groups it screws solos, i do think the game feels really good, i just think there is still some left to be desired!
I think bossing is fine, im just learning it this wipe and sure ita annoying to deal with 3 teams back tocback mid fight when im trying to grind gold but at the same time it offers really intresting scenarios
Sometimes people wait till you kill boss sometimes they come in you kill them and then kill the boss and simetimes you absolutley get destroyed if you were to add a mechanic these things wouldnt happen as easy. The pvp is a great part of the game.
Fighter is more broken than barb, its a easy mode class, just bizarre.
fighter is strong af, i hate second wind with a passion
@@tsgbadger6232 Hahahaha, It's frustrating to play against.
I would say barb is more broken because iron will makes them not really get countered by anything and they can oneshot you more easily. Fighter is ezmode generally but at least they effectively get countered by magic users whereas barb can pretty much w into them
@@TheArnoldification Yeah, you'r righ. Bota classes are broken, I feel that when I fight with them my chances of winning are zero, I need to play perfectly and my enemy needs to make mistakes several times. If I miss a move, I'm dead in 2 hits, while I need to hit 8 or 9 times, sometimes I need to hit a lot more.
Its refreshing to see this comment thread and video where people agree. Don't get me wrong i love the game but its SO FRUSTRATING for a new player. The game is almost COMPLETELY inaccessible for newbies in its current state. Every time i voice my concerns and aggravation with the game i get the "Skill issue" or "Get gud scrub" but its almost impossible to get better when you cant even get into the boss room, or die to some 4K hour sweat lord who kites you for 5 mins peppering you down with arrows straight from spawn. Idk i think the MS meta sucks honestly. i think there should be more toe to toe fights (i play melee classes). I could go on forever about my opinions of the game but ultimately it wont matter they will continue to cater to the 1%.
i think it sucks that new players dont have a lot of resources to learn the game a bit better before being thrown to the wolves.. I understand that the devs want it to be a challenging game but at some point you have to remember that new players are the lifeblood of the game. It's actullay so annoying that majority of the community would rather say, "get gud shitter" than you help the newer player base learn and grow
I agree! I mean I only have a couple hundred hours but the little bit of knowledge I have I try to help people I run into! Just tonight I had a guy watch me do troll (I've finally learned him after HOURS of pain) and he asked for advice and I gave it to him. I don't understand why it's so fun for these elitist pricks to pick on the new players and ruin the game for them.
Fighter and druid counter barbarian. How else do yall want my class nerfed ? The game feels the most balanced its ever been for me over the last 2k hours....Bossing is fun it should be an absolute battle for the loot gives players a challenge i enjoy that fighting aspect at the boss with other players thats a great feature. I think the on going dungeons spawns should only be in normals not HR. The game feels better than it ever has. For those saying the game is in a bad state you needa lvl up your gameplay n get guuuuud son!
I tried getting gud! It was too hard!
For the bosses, You shouldn't be able to come in to the boss room as a Third party or second party.
If you go in yourself, it should lock you in until you kill the boss.
For the Barbarian, fix the Felling Axe, And make priority for the packets for the whole game, the Shields and the Parries instead of the Players Hitboxes.
The whole game suffers in melee combat because the game prioritizes Player Hitboxes over Shield and Parries.
Also the DeSync in the game is really bad, it changes gameplay and should be fixed. In games where it doesn't much matter is in GTA 5, because DeSync is often more for the ragdolls and is more funny than annoying. But here, it's very different.
so far solos is fun I don't have a problem with the balances there (alot of barbarians but I can fight them and wins so its ok), duos on the other hand... bards... fucking bards.
I actually enjoy hitting pvp on the way to the boss
I need practice with both
@@Luciferdacat dont we all! I dont mind fighting people on the way i just get annoying by the 5 vultures waiting outside the door
Idk i like this meta🤷🏼♂️ play as only solo rogue 200 hours and last week i was tryin to test my new gear under 124 gear score and i runned into barb in 20 seconds after spawn my kit was like idk 5k gold maybe a bit more and even tho he was pretty juiced and had like atleast 180 hp i fucked him sou bad lol many times its just kite game even tho i dont run boots i still manage to kite good few knifes 1 crosbow and 3 stabs over 120 hp just by these 3 hits alone and its done then when i loot his ass some cleric wanted to jump me even tho i was half health go invis 2 headshots and bruv allready almost Dead then egain ez kite game… also when i jump someone and he was not prepared mostly you end right there cuz i run cuttroat and in 3 stabs i do minimum of 120 hp+ poison but it was weaker kit i have another 2 to test out xd barb is slow as hell but i can atleast with 110 hp tank 1/2 hits but headshot is only 1 time if the barb knows his way and have very good kit every rogue is 1 shotted thats why after few stabs i dont push mele and only trowing shit
also if you say barbarian is broken you haven't played enough of this game the argument you have about move speed you have to not wear a chest piece and divert most of your stats to a single thing and be made of tissue paper. at end game gear wizard can have a 200 dmg threshold by physical dmg with shields to be able to kill it has a slow it has a spell to move at 330 move speed and not very hard to min max 50percent pdr on wizard compared to barbarian when you say barb is 320 movespeed and has rage he should not need rage to catch you but we have bard with surv bow who you will never catch ranger backstep which is the best pvp close range skill in the game when the absolutely busted ass spear of rot comes out ranger will absolutely dominate close range again also when you focus move speed by that move on barbarian you don't have enough dex to either pull the weapon out and swing when chasing rouge and bard of they only run away that why Achilles is so popular last thing i have to say is demon lock and bear form druid are far better frontlines when playing in threes the druid passive healing can negate the health drain on demonlock and you tree of life him so with all attribute back in the game druid has the best buff/heals in the game to support just does not have resurrection the mindset you have and the opinions you have tell me off the bat you do not have enough time on this game been here since the beginning and i did get the chance to speak to sdf in person/great guy hope he succeeds with his game ps. some of the changes with staff blocking were because of me speaking to him hope they make the blocks make people restart there atk animations with bonus recoil so as to represent a recoil from a successful block whenever they do fix parry/blocking
we must be playing different barbarians...
I agree. I started as a barb because I was told it was strong and easy to play (it is). But it's so so easy to counter play as well, eventually switched to fighter and sorc mostly.
I kept thinking over 100s of hours of play, ok, when do I get to see this op everyone complains about.
To be fair, I've mostly played in normals 125. So maybe in hr gear barbs are op? Idk.
@tsgbadger6232 well at the end of the day you will never be able to walk on a good player with a barbarian he is strong agenst newer players and there is a reason why after all these seasons the trio comps have allways preferred a fighter at end game gear just like the end of season 4 cleric two wizard or wizard cleric bard were the only team comps once you got around 1900 plus in arena because even with 61percent mr 190 plus hp you are not killing a wizard shotgunning you with a magic missile especially one with a cleric behind him just watched ken kinobi new video and seen 30plus magic missles going after the barbarian and I am not exaggerating the number
The game is just so not welcoming for new or casual players.
Ive been called a noob for asking if they could add the location names to the map! So let me get this straight if i want to do the first quest in alchemist i gotta go to some wolf den location or something. I should not have to google a map on the internet to figure out where this is! Casual players will not do this ITS NOT FUN! Also if you are worried about your precious hardcore experience make the map names a under 25 thing only its not hard
And guess what if you want to crush under 25 lobbies you cant do this as well without upgrading the squire gear, now if under 25 is for newer people why do you get a massive advantage where if you you played more and did the quests you have an actual stat advantage that is pretty big be it knowledge where the other person starts the game able to use more spells or more move speed.
So even if im better the guy who played longer and sweat gets to potentially beat me because he starts with better base kit and since hes having so much fun playing weaker people they never leave.
Also the amount of people who claim skill issue while being against a training dummy mode is beyond ridiculous like holy moly i dont want to google things i want to play cause the game has so much potential like i had no clue if i hit someone with a throwable it slows them down by % based on the object maybe not the most relevant point but my case is that the game needs to explain itself a lot better and allow normal humans to learn by playing
"Casual players will not do this ITS NOT FUN!" Some of the biggest, most profitable games of the last few years are explicitly known for things like this. Making your players either look it up, or more likely, making them figure it out for themselves. Look at Fromsoft games, dwarf fortress or factorio, BG3 has some of this, breath of the wild has a good amount of "you better figure it out!", the witcher games have some, the monster hunter games, diablo and path of exile...
I don't think putting module names on the in-game map is a bad thing, but it also won't matter at all once all the maps are like Crypts which they've said is their goal so like... I just don't think what you want will happen.
Squire gear is simply NOT that important. I can beat people with full squire access naked except my weapon and so can you. 4 total extra agi or str or whatever your class has access to in squire after questing is definitely NOT a deciding factor in the majority of engagements. Every class has access to what they NEED before doing any quests - be it hitting knowledge minimums or wielding the right type of weapons. I'd say though that one of the biggest missing things is that rangers don't get spears in their squire immediately.
Also like, doing the first set of quests on tailor, weaponsmith, armourer, or leathersmith is 100000% not "sweating" lmao. That's just playing the game for more than one day.
I agree there are loads of ways the game can and should explain itself better. I think the most recent tooltips added for Sorc are a good move in the right direction, but imo a full pass should be made to push everything in that direction.
@ i couldnt disagree more i did not have to look up one thing for bg or zelda and those are pve games so theres that. You do get to use at least an extra spell with the knowledge like adding flame walker to your spells you are one off with grey gear but can hit it with white.
When you say like crypts what do you mean? Shifting modules? That changes nothing just put the names over them.
The game just needs to be accessible in the beginning parts thats all. Im not looking things up, that is lame asf.
@@roonie34 you would only know the name if you had set foot in the module anyway, which is how every map in the game works right now. Fog of war makes your idea just not matter. I guess they could still put the names on the minimap but you have to already find and go to that room to reveal it in the fog so it doesn’t matter.
@ just make under 25 not fog of war. Like why tf would they put quests to find a module then make it ridiculous to find. That is genuinely dumb especially since it’s the first few quests.
Also white vs grey gear makes a difference just as white and green gear or green and blue gear etc.
Also goblin caves does not have fog of war so ur just wrong
@@roonie34 I'm saying IM's goal is to make every map random with fog of war, not that they all already have it.
and when learning the game u gotta learn how to deal w counters cuz boss isnt that hard its killing the boss and being able to deal with counters.
I almost feel like the bosses shouldnt have unavoidable damage if the developers want people fighting over them. Almost seems counterintuitive but maybe its from early development when they didnt have rules against teaming
@@tsgbadger6232 just make it so when u kill the boss ur team gets full hp again
@xRecklessx true that could work!
My take on this is that I played caster wizard from play test ONE. And it’s just so useless right now and has been for like a year now. Sitting down half the game is not fun. Other than that nerf barbs play style slightly, and slightly nerd druids movement, and nerd sorcs lightning beam. That’s pretty much it. And fix boss sniping. The game would be perfect for me if these were fixed.
Oh and don’t spawn a player into my hell run when I’m halfway done killing the boss, prompting them to sprint straight for me and wait for an opportunity to strike if I even lose 1 hp to gk.
You need to watch CNG Blade lol
Wizard is not useless and has not been useless for like... probably a full year at least at this point? Wizards were a necessary part of early buffball, and have been very strong in Arena since its inception. At least one wizard has been in the top 10 on solo HR leaderboard I believe every single season since they started the leaderboards?
@@Timmcd you think the number one wizard is a good reference as to why it’s not broken? lmao. Maybe I was exaggerating a bit on the useless part, but I wasn’t on the sitting part. And I only play solos, I’m aware wizard is good on teams of 3. But even that represents a small amount of the player base, now most teams are running cleric bard barb anyway so it’s definitely nowhere near as good as it used to be. But think about the barb meta right now in solos, iron will or not, going solo as a wizard is kinda throwing unless you can just hit every single spell right now. The meta is having a get out of jail free card right now (phantom, chicken pounce, blink, 230hp barbs) and wizard just doesn’t have anything close to that.
@@squeemhaymmeemhaym9686 wizard has the highest damage, fastest casting spell in the game in magic missile with arcane mastery, on top of invis and haste…
I mention CNG Blade since they specifically espouse the power of solo wizard when you play them well, not just because they themselves are cracked.
Just remove barb and the game would be better already
although i do hate the state barb is in right now, we cant just nuke the class! its too iconic in Dungeons and Dragons to remove here!
If you remove barb they all move to fighter and then the game is lookin' real rough xD
look, all stats should just be removed. all gear colors should be removed like they were a month ago. well everyone here, is complaining about broken classes. and classes are made from their gear. so take away gear. yes it will make collecting gear pointless. but its more important that no one can have advantage over me because they took the time to collect the right gear.
@mistranger09 well when they tried that the game literally died, finding/crafting gear is one of the mai reasons people even play the game
Barb needs definitely a nerf
I don't play barb, and I feel like druid is still more broken than barb, the action speed for both forms is still too fast and damage needs to be nerfed more.
Druid bear does less damage than using a weapon on the same character until you get to over 40 strength.
It's almost unblockable, does crazy damage and knocks back, and their health pool goes up during it.... and if it's not working or they take any damage they can rat away, panther away, rat through door, fully heal and hit later at a place of their choosing.
Druid the most busted thing ever. And thats all without even mentioning dream walk which needs to be gone from the game "oh, you got close enough for once to actually hit me .. yeah does no damage"
@@Joellivin I already covered their damage, which you ignored? Left click is like falchion or maybe club, totally blockable. And right click is the most free block/parry in the game.
The rest isn’t really relevant to the convo and you don’t know how dreamwalk works…
All barb weps suck shit and there is no range weps. Plus everyone builds move speed and has crazy damage so it's kinda a problem with just how to win in this game. Also, I took like a 10 month break and am having a blast since I came back. Maybe you're in too deep if you're not having fun, I was.
nothing about barb sucks right now man, its 80% barbs in every raid, 15% rat rogue, and the other 5% is people trying to play anything different.. its just such a stale meta and the last 3 updates have only made it worse. i do have fun some days but since the barb buff now its just unplayable unless you are also a barb then you get to stat check the other barb and maybe win
Poopy! Pooop