I have to note here he never said 'caloric restriction' yet Derek took it that way, the doctor said Fasting, eating less. Restricting calories can be hazardous as proven in the Minnesota Starvation experiment. There's a huge difference there and one leads to the benefits of anti aging while the other does not.
It actually can summary to don't live too comfort. That all. Always wonder why most of the soldier live longer than normal men ? Now I don't understand why.
For once, we turned something we hate to something that can help us live longer, better Edit: forget everything you just read mice are cool, just not the ones shitting on my grandma’s pots before she makes dinner
I don't think you needed to clarify the mitochondria's function. Every baby comes out of the womb with the ancestral knowledge that " The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell". Great video! I was very excited to see Sinclair contribute, he's one of my biggest role models.
@@noneofyerbisness8702 I finally understand what he was trying to say. Exclamation points around "mitochondria....of the cell"; makes it grammatically make sense. Without said exclamation points; it's a word-salad.
@@bluesealol Correct, and he gauges this using a method established in recent decades for determining the amount of erroneously accumulated molecular methyl groups in our cells' DNA bundles, called the "Horvath Clock" The reason this is significant is that DNA methylation has one the most consistent links between overall biological damage an organism has accumulated over its life, and Based on statistical data, When an organism is most likely to experience "biological mortality" (most people refer to this as dyeing from old age)
Sometime in the possible near future: “Doc, I’m feeling a little too old, what can you do for me?” “Have you tried turning your epigenenome off and on again?”
its been 2 years now, can we have an update video on prof. sinclair? i think that this is one of the best video you've ever done and i cant wait for an update
So if i am understanding correctly, the goal of intermittent fasting and amino acids restriction is to make your body believe you are in a dangerous environment, activating your longevity genes responsible for repairing the parts of your cell that represent your age. the longer your body stays in longevity mode, the longer your epigenome preserves your age. That would explain why monks in temples without air conditioning who eat intermittently and very little, also have longer lifespans and healthier bodies. I can't wait to see how this research develops. Please keep us updated i would love to see more on this topic.
@@walperstyle 1,000mg β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide 500 - 1,000mg Resveratrol 1,000mg Metformin Good luck getting the Metformin (it's prescription only), but that's what the Resveratrol is for. NMN = Sirtuin pathway Resveratrol = AMPk pathway Eat less red meat = mTOR pathway Of course plenty of water & physical activity cannot be substituted, but you asked his daily routine. And yes I've been doing all three for a little while now. 😉 Tips: Resveratrol is cheap and plentiful. Get some. NMN is ... sometimes pricey. My advice is to source it well. It's a special form of Vitamin B3 found in things like cabbage, avocado, broccoli. Of course you can't eat 1,000 avocados in a day, so you buy the NMN. Physically it is a white crystalline powder with a slightly bitter taste and very soluble in water. Also eating less red meat is free and might even save you money. I recommend upping your plant protein instead (peanut butter, cashew butter, sunflower butter, almond butter, things like avocado, hummus etc....) Pretty sure the good doctor also likes his fish & chicken. He doesn't abstain from meat entirely. Just make a burger, steak or ground chuck an occasion thing, rather than a daily or weekly thing.
Mom always said "eat your dinner, dress warm, take your time" and instead to listen to her I have been skipping food all day, then getting on a bicycle at -20c in a sweater to sprint to hot yoga and then back out again in -20c". Nice to know I been doing it all right all along.
Please do not apply these advice without further scientific evidence. Some scientists pointed out flaws in his work and we really shouldn't play with our epigenomic while we still know so little about it. A correlation has been found between heart diseases in descendants and ancestors undertaking starvation. I know all of that is exciting but don't jump to conclusions and wait for the scientific community to express its opinion. Your health is at stake, be wary !
Dr Sinclair was famous within the biomedical community as far back as 12 years ago for ingesting Sirtuin (a molecule that he was researching on) despite lack of clinical studies . Professors at my university used to tell the class how reckless his action was, but fast forward 12 years it looks like his self-medication is working. (Source - a biomedical science student at Monash University at 2010)
A true scientist. But I've certainly heard worse from my own little country. In the 19th century a Peruvian scientist Daniel Alcides Carrión voluntarily contracted a major disease of the time to prove *how* it was spread. I mean, _someone_ had to do it, i guess... He found out eventually, it was through warts. Despite being sick, he continued writing detailed descriptions of how the disease develops from inoculation, even through fever and delirium. He died a few weeks after.
@@qrzone8167I'm following his strategy because *it works*. yes. I do eat lots of meat, No. I don't eat nonstop. even waking up to snack on yogurt like the Dutch Giant does. That's how I keep my Mtor low (Yes, you can sprint fasted and still adapt Sinclair's methods to your own. It does not need to be about the meat vs plant zealotry)
It took two watches to see it, but, Dr. Sinclair actually confirms this in a short statement, and seems quite... laughing at the fact that he more than knows its veracity. Rewatch it, and look at his expressions. You'll see.
I love how failure in applying epigenomic therapy is just "become a tumor". That's the spectrum of possibilities for anti-aging therapy in tissue: grow older, stay the same, grow younger, or become a tumor. I imagine becoming a tumor as something like Star Trek the motion picture where the transporter failed and "what we got back didn't live long"...
Being gullible and falling for things that sounds too good to be true is a sure way to get scammed. Saying that critical thinking leads to a guaranteed failure is plain stupid.
I didn't say critical thinking leads to guaranteed failure. I said pessimism does. What's more, how does one get 'scammed' simply by believing in a better future for humanity? Hopes can certainly be crushed by failure - but other than being let down I can't see how any harm could come of being optimistic for a better tomorrow. It's not as if I donated to them or anything. I lose nothing by encouraging progress here. But cool, continue to be condescending.. fine by me buddy. It won't help get anything constructive accomplished though. And I know for a goddamn fact I'm more intelligent than you are. Lol. :) The science is there. Nothing is completely impossible unless you make it so by assuming things are hopeless and giving up. We just need to use our intelligence to our advantage and create solutions. It's not 'too good to be true'. It's just complicated as hell and hasn't been done yet. There is a clear difference. There are real people working towards real scientific answers each day. No one wants to die, so you can bet they are giving it their absolute best effort. I am not saying defeating aging is easy or going to happen overnight but it should be possible when the right minds come together and all the biological puzzle pieces are made to fit just right. The scientists behind this research aren't getting paid to sit around drawing doodles in a notebook. They are working day and night to figure it out. And yes - that means certain individuals or companies may have to sponsor them or fund their work. That is the cost of progress. Some goals outweigh whatever misgivings you may have about the end results. It should still be attempted. With time and clinical trials I have no doubt this research will provide more insight and therapies to extend lifespan. But that's why people with this mindset are not working on these projects. To them it's all science fiction and not worth their time. That's for the best anyway - I doubt there is any room for close-minded individuals on the team.
He is. He's publicly said that he skips breakfast (intermittent fasting), eats basically no sugar, and takes NMN (one of the chemicals that was injected into the mice) daily, along with a few other supplements.
This video immediately reminded me of the question "if you were offered immortality, would you take it" And i have learned it always depended on if it was just you, or if your friends would be too
Why would you want to live forever? The same life doing the same things it sounds like a curse I'd simply be content with 100 healthy years then accept death Right now You get 40 to 50 years healthy ish years until your either just to sick to do anything or just not very mobile it would be nice to improve the quality of life for people if they are young but immortality is a bit too much
Sinclair looks suspiciously young for his age, him being a 50 year old professor that studies anti-aging. Maybe he’ll one day turn into a super villain called something like “Professor Baby” or “Doctor Embryo”
Hmmm. I just watched part of an interview with a man from University of Illinois who said we need more protein as we age. If have to go back and look him up again. He looks fantastic for his age.
60 years from now, another journalist interviews Prof Sinclair and he tells the journalist, "We are close to figuring out reverse aging, but we aren't quite there yet "
@@curtseed11 He knows the secret to aging. He's going to be around a looong time now pretending they are "close" to discovering the secret to anti-aging. haha.
@@Streeknine I think it's doable. The question is what do those who remain alive think/feel about those that didnt need to suffer & die only if we started looking into it sooner and not just blindly following the obedience of the bandwagon and started thinking out of the box like our species is capable of. Everybody still speaking like slaves when they say "Nature", "Evolution", "Universe" & "God" wont allow us to extend our lives or allow us to mess with those "laws" . Once we are born into a society filled with brainwashing us into obedience we remain obedient to institutions that were here before us and we will keep in place....only because the bandwagon keeps it that way. Just think about it. We are born and have very little time while we are here. How much of that time is spent on "educating" us and "paying our dues", sleeping a 3rd of it and working to keep the wealthy happy another 3rd? Avoiding diseases & danger, exercising, & spending what little time we do have on errands, chores, kids and their lack of independence, as well as our own entertainment/fulfillment. After all of that time consumption combined with dying at any point of time....let's not try to make it more enjoyable and extend it....like everybody before us who never flew a plane or went to space....all that was sci fi but to mess with OUR biology to make it easier on us while we are brought here without asking to, that's just stupid and crazy right? Why aren't we a part of of evolution? Nature? Universe? And if we are are created in God's image why arent we more godlike and more immortal like gods are?
@@curtseed11 They aren't going to care. Grieving is done because you miss someone in your life. These scientists are invested in their lives, not ours. And as scientists.. they know the ramifications of everyone knowing the secret to immortality. It'll lead to a lot of suffering with shortages of food, energy and environmental concerns as well.
@@Streeknine 1st of I have to disagree with why people grieve the loss of loved ones. They grieve out o f guilt. Guilty for not doing enough when they had the chance. Dont we all feel guilty we didnt do things differently when we had the time? If we had our mature brains in our immature bodies, oh how much better life would be for us all before we let ourselves die prematurely. I, however do agree with you that scientists will worry about their own lives more than sticking their necks out to help solve humanity's problems that havent been solved before. We really could/should try to have more control over our existence while being stuck here. Not much will change. Speculation onto how bad things will go is just excuses to give up and never try to change what was here before us and what will remain after we are gone. We already live in denial about our impending death as well as in denial about how much life we throw away and give gladly give away to the wealthy out of fear of friendly fire of the bandwagon. As soon as cures for ageing exists, og how quickly skeptics will change their mind and start spouting off about how God allowed this to happen. We have so much more power than we think. And to not capitalize on our god given powers is doing a disservice to God himself.
@@stevethea5250 also probably because 0. has nothing to do with the cell state whereas the other points are all about getting your cells into the survival state
Yes I agree, but throw money only intermittently and in sufficient amounts, for them to be just a little uncomfortable, since we want this research to age well.
Doesn't mean you have to do it. that's if you focus on healthspan above all else. I just low protein keto and take resveratrol along with fasting. - Meat based KD sprinter
He said he is 50 yrs old, he actually looks 40. He also said he was biologically 60 and brought it back to 31. Yes, his journey on how he did that needs a video of its own.
When he was on Joe Rogan he said what he does. He takes 'Resveratrol' with some yogurt in the morning and he takes 'NMN' (they finally started making it commercially) and he does intermittent fasting. You're welcome. 😊
Derek: you missed the most important thing Sinclair said! Roll clock to 9:00 (-9:08): he explains the Horvath Clock - a measure of how old, biologically, you are, as a measure of the error rate your cells experience as they reproduce (the declining rate of accuracy in doing so). He says he's 50 - though he used to measure 60 but changed his lifestyle and now measures 31. He's youthened! So the obvious question is: what did he do to roll back his Horvath score? 'Cause the measures you list at the end of the video are to slow aging. But you said nothing about going that huge step further: reversing apparent age. WE NEED A NEW VIDEO! Go back to David Sinclair - ask him to elaborate! OK, perhaps he just did what you described, and in fact you understated the effectiveness of the measures you discussed. But until he's proven NMN (whatever the heck that is) or some other therapy (what he did to mouse eyes, but turned into a systemic treatment) can reverse aging reliably in mice, then in other primates, & finally humans (wahoo!) - until then, perhaps slowing the rate of aging is all we can do. Great vid, BTW. But really: we need a follow-up. Please include an interim report on whether Sinclair's lab has anything more recent to report. Thank you.
There was a meme about David Sinclair. He looked younger after 5 years of his anti-aging study. I started to follow him since then. He knows what's he is doing.
I just looked him up for curiousitys sake and *_HOOOOOOLY HEEEEEELLS_* not trying to sound like a pathetic Zoomer but damn, why are all those videos so god damn long?! All we want, that any Human wants, is a COMPACT tutorial that makes us interested. Maybe we stay for more, *THEN* we look up that hours consuming stuff and then we might _"better Humanity"_ or lifequality for that matter. But noooooooooooooooooo. Once we have a bloated superbrain head we just need to prove it to the world. For faqs sake man. Every single time again.
Derek seems so productive. Consistently making consistent quality videos without a dip. He should perhaps also make productivity vdo too, giving advice (that works) to make the most out of the time we already have.
12:21 (For a mouse) Reduce amino acid intake Intermittent fasting Stay slightly cool 14:18 (For a person) Avoid DNA damage Eat less Eat less protein High intensity interval training Be cold Be hot So protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation in sunlight, and engage the survival instinct by being hungry sometimes, running yourself almost ragged, and/or cooling/heating your body too much
This is basically how soldiers live or how most people live in Third world countries. Also if that was the case then why do the Kings and Queens of England live so long, they definitely dont starve themselves
@@andrewl5272 A poor person does not have the means to provide themselves the proper nutrition in order to train their bodies appropriately. A malnourished person can not run for miles or exert themselves strenuously because their bodies would not be able to recover. A person without shelter will inevitably perish in the elements.
So if we assume all these things actually work (and we should not just assume this), then the next question should be which ones work to what extent? The wealthy appear to age less than the dirt poor in wealthy nations. So what is the common thread? Less UV, would appear to be significant. Add to that the fact that those who sunbathe a lot when young tend to look much older as they age and this one does appear to hold up. This may, in fact, be the most significant factor, at least to the exterior. Let's look at diet. When we look at "rich people food" one common observation is that potions tend to actually be smaller than the common person would like. Surely, the rich can eat whenever they want. Why are "rich" meals so small? Now it may be that they eat smaller portions more frequently. This may hold up as the less frequently you eat, the more your body tries to store fat. So the answer may be to eat smaller portions over three meals and two "snacks" per day (five meals rather than three if you will). But we also see the longest lived populations in small pockets of the world tend to eat things like sweet potato (which has protein). So what is the solution? Who do you believe? This one either does not hold up or requires further study. It may be that certain types of protein are more harmful than others and anthropology may hold some clues. If we look at religion, many religions have dietary restrictions. Pork is a common one. Some should observe how those who follow these beliefs age and it does appear to hold some water as studies show that many religious people age slower. But wait. Many of these same groups fast at times. So now we cannot be entirely sure which factor we are measuring. And to further complicate things, the religious communities also seem to deal with stress better and is that because they believe in something greater than themselves or are the practices in the video the reason? Is it a combination? Do you handle stress better when you limit diet voluntarily and fast on occasion? Again, we see we need further study. Finally, we get to exercise. This one is not really disputed. We know that vigorous exercise opens up the circulation and flow of oxygen and other things in the body and that it improves general health. So in summary, it would appear that avoiding sun and vigorous exercise are key. There are hints that dietary restriction is helpful but to what extent and by how much, we are not sure. There are also indications that other factors may account for a portion of the effects such as metal health and belief and/or overall stress. But don't take my word for it either. Look into it yourself.
There was actually a story where a guy burned his scalp so bad so the doctors had to take a chunk of his scrotum skin (yes, a piece of his ball sack) and stretch it over his head to replace his scalp
Love it when people like this have the ability to break down complex biological and scientific information into sentences, illustrations and examples which people like me can totally understand. I was never a great student growing up, especially with this stuff, but now have a genuine interest and appreciate it way more as I approach my mid 40's. Granted, I'd rewind a few times, but I was also sincerely interested and it felt really good to actually grasp everything. Thank you, gentlemen!!🙏🏽
@@sagecrockett693 "Poisonous injections"? "Did not exist"? How so? Please offer sound proof and accredited sources when answering as I'd love to learn more about this claim.
@@AldoRyan You may as well be sleeping if you are getting your knowledge from the legacy media. You haven't read or heard about all the injuries from the injections? You haven't seen videos of people collapsing minutes after taking the injections? You don't know about the hundreds of athletes that have died? You don't know about the doctors telling us about the epidemic of heart attacks and blood clots the injections cause? You don't know about the Mrna changing the injections do? You don't know the patents for the injections were taken out years BEFORE the so-called "pandemic" started? I could go on but if you don't know any of this you have been entertained or gaslit but not with knowledge.
Let me put you at ease so you stop stressing . Over 60% of the human original genome is fossilized. If any human is close to immortality it is Adam and this decaying world got him . Just like him the only way to immortality is the final return to the God of Adam. No need to argue and so forth , I am grateful life is so short. The disbelievers don’t even have a chance as the life spans are horrendously short.
Researcher went to the sellout route unfortunately, he's made many claims that certain supplements can reduce and prevent ageing in humans and dogs alike, with no clinical studies backing it, despite this he's published on X where to purchase such products, the website of a company he co-founded with his brother.
I am so impressed with the science discoveries humans have made. Every time I watch a video like this, I realize not only that I don't know anything, but also how close we are to inventing something I thought was impossible.
We have countless diseases that we don't even know what causes them, let alone be able to cure them. There is the false sense that medicine is truly advanced, but if you look closely, you will realise how we don't really know anything yet. Cancer, All auto-immune diseases, genetic diseases, and countless others. Hell, we didn't even cure hair-loss yet.
@@Lidemann92 mate medicine is advanced , there are barely any diseases whose cause we do not know , cancer ? we know the cause , genetic diseases ? we know the cause ...... moreover cancer can be cured in 50% of the cases , the remaining 50% fail as the cancer has already reached 3rd or 4th stage , and this too is most of the times caused because of the lack of regular check ups and cancer tests , meaning that its the fault of the victim himself .
ending aging is the best blessing we could have from modern science. So much desperation and pain (and money/ resources) could be saved by this technology
Usually I never comment on videos, but this one was so remarkably well done, interesting and groundbreaking. I’m here to give a noisy applause (long lasting Veritasium fan here)
Hi Derek, you were my physics tutor at Matrix like 16 years ago and I just found out that you run Veratisium. Haha that's insane. Congrats on the success 🙌
@@hannahlennertkristiansen4797 But you gotta be careful not to eat too much of the fish with mercury, otherwise you can get brain damage and just end up having a slow death with a screwed brain
95% vegetarian, water fasting and moderate exercise with a changing environment yield longer life. A bit easier... feed any creature on earth 1/3rd less and it lives 1/3rd longer. This experiment has proven true for any creature on earth. Improve the quality of that food, and the ability to move/digest it more effectively and it can live up to 2/3rds longer.
I love how interested Dr. Sinclair is talking about his research. Super interesting subject and I’d love to see a follow up video after his research is done.
@@shawn5809 then we have to wait for the FDA to approve of this, and all governmental agencies. Then we have to find a way to make sure that it's not just the rich who could afford this, we have so many more steps after his research is proven successful in humans.
@@Fisztt You know that overpopulation is a myth, right? With the modern economy, as education in birth control rises and standards of living rise, people will naturally be unable to afford more children. As such, countries with decently educated populations will start seeing a stagnating population or even a decreasing population (ex. Japan and Russia). The population will reach an equilibrium where the cost to raise a child will determine the number of children being born. For this to really effective, we need universal strong education, which is slowly but surely becoming reality. I mean, we now see the best and brightest minds not just coming from America/Western Europe, but from India and China. You may say that India and China are overpopulated, but I will disagree- the cost of raising a child is SUPER LOW because of the rapidly industrializing economy. Both those countries should reach their child economic support equilibria at about 1.5-1.75 billion people. This is coming from an Indian who lived in India for a while and familiar with the economy and culture there. Think about India like the preindustrial USA- a massive population boom that seems unsustainable, but once standard of living and education catch up with it, it stabilizes.
@@FunnyMemes-dr3se well school simplifies it a bit but most of the process of respiration (which uses sugar to convert ADP to ATP which can be used in life processes for energy) takes place in cytoplasm and is a lot more complicated then just boom energy. But the part for aerobic respiration (the super efficient one which requires oxygen) is completed in the mitochondria. So yes it is the powerhouse, but it's actually a lot more completed, plus some bacteria and other cellular lifeforms don't need mitochondria, which would be like using a phone without a battery as a powerhouse of the cell, so yes but actually no
@Tater Tot Actually, jellyfish do not have a central nervous system. They have what is called a nerve net. I'm not sure what that implies as far as consciousness.
I'm a stem cell biologist working in the field of regenerative medicine and have been working with cell reprogramming (the Yamanaka factors mentioned in this talk) since 2009. I've also been in the field of animal cloning. For the public who think this research is incredible, you should also understand that it is incredible to me too. Everyday I'm learning more and more about this research so I can incorporate it into my own work and hopefully contribute something to Prof. Sinclair's hypothesis. He is becoming one of my heros
Hello there! I'm doing a master's in stem cell biology at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany. I think this video is incredible as well. Which direction in stem cell technology are you working towards?
Why not skip all of their research and do something they aren't doing. Why not figure out a way to activate the defend repair trigger? Take a pill that activates it daily and you'll live longer.
Knifes? There is a shovel behind the scientist. xD I was trippin though the video wtf is that doing there when he said that I went into more a mode this video is some clickbaited dark humour crap xD
@@DereckDotCom As Dr. Sinclair said there is a sort of biological clock in our DNA 🧬 by which they can approximately determine when the person will die of natural causes, MNM’s will only delay the inevitable not completely avoid it
Makes sense that such an amazing thing like adding more years to your life, is only available to those who are truly committed & willing to sacrifice some comfort now, for the long-term rewards.
@@sethbishop6890 I think it should be uncomfortably numb (I know the song I get the reference but imho you should've said uncomfortably because that's what the video is about)
The thing about still being biologically 20 at age 80 is that there's no magic "haha die now" in human biology. So even if you stopped the treatment right then, you'd still live another sixty years in all likelihood. TL;DR if you can be a biological twenty at a chronological eighty, you can be a biological twenty forever.
but it doesn't make sense, theres is not a magic timer set to 80 or 90 or 100 years for you to die, we die because we age, if we don't age, we don't die (by natural reasons), if you want to live 80 years feeling like 20, you start the process when you're 20, and repeat it for 60 years, and then you kill yourself, cause you'll not magically die
>calorie restriction >protein restriction >high intensity training >be uncomfortably cold >be uncomfortably hot So this is why One Punch Man became so powerful. He balded because babies are bald. He reversed aging to an extreme, and kept his adult form.
To anyone watching this video, I HIGHLY recommend reading Professor Sinclairs book, or downloading the self-narrated audio book. He goes into a lot more detail explaining how these cellular functions work. Greate work summarising this Derek!
@@wpc456cpw Orange juice isn't bad for you in small amounts. But, if you drink allot of it you ingest too much sugar, which is not good for your health. Better is grapefruit juice (especially if you are a male over 50) because it contains lykopene which slows the enlargement of the prostrate gland.
@@caseyhamm8822 possibilities are endless tbh. Have your Barbara Streisand’s compete in races or just have them BOTH appear in every sharknado sequel. Sign them up for random movies, as well as flag football leagues. No doubt you’d literally have _weeks_ of unending fun to be had with your very own Barbara Streisands.
“That’s pretty exciting.” I love his response that it’s actually “freakishly exciting.” There are few thing as exciting as this research in the entire history of humanity, so yeah, I don’t think “pretty exciting” really cuts it.
The concerns shared at the beginning of the video are what make things less exciting for me. While individuals living longer is an idea I just want to clutch onto, I have trouble trusting the overall effect on humanity of this kind of research. Makes me a little bit nervous.
@@Dark_Angel555 he started doing the things he is recommending. Basically eating better and exercising I think. Which he may be not doing so well before hand.
You can tell he really likes his work with how excited he gets by it. This is a really interesting topic honestly would be nice if it ever got to this point of reversing aging.
@@princecharming8125 so what if they hog everything. the more they buy it, the more they fund the technology, allowing for easier access to the public. Just because you earn less than someone else DOES NOT mean you are morally superior.
@@somerandomguy7458 wtf? You won't get it anytime soon, and who's to say my FAMILIES won't be rich in 2023 seriously? Can't even begin to tell 2023 or 2024 will be the hallmark of my life
Super interesting topic. This was actually part of my Master Driploma in immunology. One important reason for aging you did not mention at 4.30 min, are the effects of infections in driving ageing forward. My research showed that viral and bacterial infection are also responsible for ageing and the development of autoimmune diseases in old individuals. Less sick=lesser ageing process
My mom rarely got sick, she is the fittest individual I know. But some years ago she got diagnosed with Autoimmune diseases (MCTD & more ) and is struggling a lot. So it perplexes me what caused it.
Sinclair takes alot of criticism from the scientific community because he is clearly on to valid theories , literally he is breaking boundaries and showing us that living longer is totally achievable with our current state of tech
@@Paonporteur It's not that people aren't just enrolling, it's that they can't. Education in the US is a business and the financial level of entry is prohibitive relative to even just 25 years ago. I agree, that is a travesty!
@@samandati3858 It seems wrong right? People in poor countries age faster than us. Why is this the case if they life should trigger those "repair genes"?
Enough with the stupid Plot Twist style comments. That sht is old af and overdone. Try some original thinking for a change and stop looking like a moron.
Guys, also please watch the TED Talks by Aubrey de Grey, another luminary in this field. His research non-profit (SENS Research Foundation) is doing amazing stuff. His book, Ending Aging, details all of what goes wrong as we age (the "hallmarks of aging" mentioned in the video) and long term research strategies to try to reverse them.
Also Fight Aging! and the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation are amazing as well: www.fightaging.org/faq/ & www.lifespan.io/road-maps/the-rejuvenation-roadmap/
Better yet, different rejuvenation therapies are either already in or close to going into clinical trials: www.lifespan.io/road-maps/the-rejuvenation-roadmap/
@@peppermintgal4302 If I thought clinical trials guaranteed success, I'd promise people that rejuvenation therapies would be created soon, but I've never done that; I'm familiar with the low transition rate between medicine working in both rodents and humans, but gene therapies and even senolytics are (according to the evidence) close to becoming robust enough to benefit people.
Oh interesting! A lot of these points are mentioned in a book called "The Forever Dog" that explores how we can make dogs live longer, and how it reflects the aging of humans since there are so many overlapping environmental factors.
Adam Klement I’m all for immortality, the grand goals of humanity such as space colonization is much more achievable if we can choose when to die and when to keep living
Derik’s tips for aging slower 0: Wear sunscreen 1: Eat less 2: Eat less protein (specifically) 3: High Intensity Interval Training- sprints, training for strength, etc. 4: Be uncomfortably cold (take cold showers, etc.) 5: Be uncomfortably hot
@@xdrowssap4456 I believe that's related to food insecurity, powerty and conflicts in the region and not inherently related to sun exposition or their climate.
@What Not To Do At a Stoplight a lot of advice like this seems to assume an "average north american". Which can be irritating if you're not one. Should I eat fewer mac meals? My current rate is about one every 10 years, so no. Yes, I need protein, and the "average north american" is consuming so much more than they need that the overdose is damaging. What's the best amount of protein? Dunno, too technical, so just tell people to eat less. Ouch, untrue by way of oversimplification.
i do situps in snow n ultramarahtoner..run in cold times all the time. hot is very bad and unhealthy make u age faster.. they freeze ppl for 20+years in future, u dont see em heat up ppl in films/series n theories to conserve em longer.. physics- hot increases movements in a certain place. But tey do freeze ppl..cryogenics or whatever. I have a different than Wim Hoff method to resist ocldness-rather i do feel cold but simply associate it in certain ways+know that unless its super cold like around -21+.. or -21- .. it's not a problem - ive ran in -15 c, It was bad when iw ent fo rsit-ups at such a cold time but if i just ran at -15 c it's fine.
These RUclips tutorials are getting more and more advanced
I have to note here he never said 'caloric restriction' yet Derek took it that way, the doctor said Fasting, eating less. Restricting calories can be hazardous as proven in the Minnesota Starvation experiment. There's a huge difference there and one leads to the benefits of anti aging while the other does not.
It actually can summary to don't live too comfort. That all. Always wonder why most of the soldier live longer than normal men ? Now I don't understand why.
I laughed hard at this
@@kylefer Can you explain the difference. I don't understand the difference and am confused. I'll also try to search Google.
It is physically impossible to say "mitochondria" without adding an explanation that its a "powerhouse of a cell".
It's a powerhouse of a cell
Damnit, I was close
@@JB2JO I see what you did there
Once again, science has cured every illness known to mice!
That makes me sad
Pun Mun that makes me happy
For once, we turned something we hate to something that can help us live longer, better
Edit: forget everything you just read mice are cool, just not the ones shitting on my grandma’s pots before she makes dinner
This message approved by the Mice Longevity Program Initiative.
I don't think you needed to clarify the mitochondria's function. Every baby comes out of the womb with the ancestral knowledge that " The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell".
Great video! I was very excited to see Sinclair contribute, he's one of my biggest role models.
Who is micodondria
the powerhouse of the cell
@@wish9559 The powerhouse of the cell
The day when people start forgetting mitochondria is the day of extinction and the end of humanity
@@wish9559 I'll do you one better, why is mitochondria?
this man really dropped a mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell into this
Mitochondria is plural. It would be "mitochondria *are* the powerhouse*s* of the cell" , or "A mitochondri*on* *is* the power house of *a* cell."
@@noneofyerbisness8702 I finally understand what he was trying to say. Exclamation points around "mitochondria....of the cell"; makes it grammatically make sense. Without said exclamation points; it's a word-salad.
@@rocketassistedgoat1079 You're a bit mixed up on your punctuation marks, friend.
@@tehrobotjesus My grammar's flawless mate. You're probably buthurt, because you speak ONE language...and yet can't put a sentence together.
I think Professor Sinclair will be a key figure in aging research for at least the next 300 years or so.
well done. well done. ;)
He does look like he Benjamin Button'd parts of his body and face.
@@CivRichieP he looks his age. Even he can't stop his own aging. But I hope he finds a way.
@@emmaphilo4049 He said he changed his biological age from 60 to 31
@@bluesealol Correct, and he gauges this using a method established in recent decades for determining the amount of erroneously accumulated molecular methyl groups in our cells' DNA bundles, called the "Horvath Clock"
The reason this is significant is that DNA methylation has one the most consistent links between overall biological damage an organism has accumulated over its life, and Based on statistical data, When an organism is most likely to experience "biological mortality" (most people refer to this as dyeing from old age)
Sometime in the possible near future:
“Doc, I’m feeling a little too old, what can you do for me?”
“Have you tried turning your epigenenome off and on again?”
it just works
This is a very good joke
Literally died reading this so gonna need to restart the genome
hold on... ok... now I'm a giant tumor. Wait... I think i did it wrong.
thanks todd howard
its been 2 years now, can we have an update video on prof. sinclair? i think that this is one of the best video you've ever done and i cant wait for an update
Agreed its now 4 yrs
@@what9621 Is the profesor 4y older, or 1y older now? :P
🤣 I love the internet
Sinclair is very public with his research, just Google it
He's been exposed as a scam artist.
So if i am understanding correctly, the goal of intermittent fasting and amino acids restriction is to make your body believe you are in a dangerous environment, activating your longevity genes responsible for repairing the parts of your cell that represent your age. the longer your body stays in longevity mode, the longer your epigenome preserves your age. That would explain why monks in temples without air conditioning who eat intermittently and very little, also have longer lifespans and healthier bodies. I can't wait to see how this research develops. Please keep us updated i would love to see more on this topic.
And practice celibacy too !
Oh well, there goes long life!
I do this naturally to save on food stamps and electricity so I should live to be 1000..
Fun For all maybe its because they dont eat procesed food and actually are less stressed in their simple life then people living in modern society.
Read "The longevity diet" by Valter Longo
“I was biologically sixty and than I changed my life and become 31” that seems like something an evil scientist would say
@Alchemical Reviews 75 actually
I want to know his diet and daily routine!
1,000mg β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide
500 - 1,000mg Resveratrol
1,000mg Metformin
Good luck getting the Metformin (it's prescription only), but that's what the Resveratrol is for.
NMN = Sirtuin pathway
Resveratrol = AMPk pathway
Eat less red meat = mTOR pathway
Of course plenty of water & physical activity cannot be substituted, but you asked his daily routine. And yes I've been doing all three for a little while now. 😉
Tips: Resveratrol is cheap and plentiful. Get some. NMN is ... sometimes pricey. My advice is to source it well. It's a special form of Vitamin B3 found in things like cabbage, avocado, broccoli. Of course you can't eat 1,000 avocados in a day, so you buy the NMN. Physically it is a white crystalline powder with a slightly bitter taste and very soluble in water. Also eating less red meat is free and might even save you money. I recommend upping your plant protein instead (peanut butter, cashew butter, sunflower butter, almond butter, things like avocado, hummus etc....)
Pretty sure the good doctor also likes his fish & chicken. He doesn't abstain from meat entirely. Just make a burger, steak or ground chuck an occasion thing, rather than a daily or weekly thing.
"I turned my 96 year old body into a mostly 28 y/o and no one knew until a Tinder date went down on me & tasted the one thing you can't reverse."
So aging is just all cells of the body having an identity crisis
Sounds like it
and death is when your cells go through a life changing journey and decide to change their life long career from brain cell to testicle cell
@@regem9121 "Brain cell from testicle cell" That's puberty!
@@wegner7036 puberty and dementia, name a more iconic couple
What I love about your video is that it is not too short nor too long yet compact with information! Keep it up! Thumbs up!
To summarize
- cold temps and warm temps help
- Eating less, intermittent fasting
- exercise
- avoid dna damage- sunscreen, eat antioxidants, etc
go vegan, yr system could detect how much protein u take in.
let's not forget avoiding eating too much protein....
Sounds horrific. I'll pass. Gimme disease and death
@@gorazdtrauner1314 where? Can't see the comments
@Yam Knight he is a hillibily
Mom always said "eat your dinner, dress warm, take your time" and instead to listen to her I have been skipping food all day, then getting on a bicycle at -20c in a sweater to sprint to hot yoga and then back out again in -20c". Nice to know I been doing it all right all along.
@@lincolnoliveira3041watch the video
why you both have a black pfp
Black is beautiful 😳
Please do not apply these advice without further scientific evidence. Some scientists pointed out flaws in his work and we really shouldn't play with our epigenomic while we still know so little about it. A correlation has been found between heart diseases in descendants and ancestors undertaking starvation. I know all of that is exciting but don't jump to conclusions and wait for the scientific community to express its opinion. Your health is at stake, be wary !
Professor Sinclair looks like he's smiling the entire video, you can tell when someone LOVES what he's doing. Bless you
I will be smiling all day, if I know for sure I can live 1000 years
Ikr!!! I loved when he said something like freaking amazing
Dude looks pretty good for his age too, sure he's applying some of the research on himself
when you are quite literally inventing immortality i can imagine you would be pretty happy
Dr Sinclair was famous within the biomedical community as far back as 12 years ago for ingesting Sirtuin (a molecule that he was researching on) despite lack of clinical studies . Professors at my university used to tell the class how reckless his action was, but fast forward 12 years it looks like his self-medication is working.
(Source - a biomedical science student at Monash University at 2010)
We'll find out in 50 or so years if it's working or not. Either he surpasses 100 or not. A mouse would take even less time.
He seems to be extremely confident in his research. All the power to him, I hope the self-medication doesn't turn out to be a huge mistake.
A true scientist.
But I've certainly heard worse from my own little country.
In the 19th century a Peruvian scientist Daniel Alcides Carrión voluntarily contracted a major disease of the time to prove *how* it was spread.
I mean, _someone_ had to do it, i guess...
He found out eventually, it was through warts. Despite being sick, he continued writing detailed descriptions of how the disease develops from inoculation, even through fever and delirium.
He died a few weeks after.
@@qrzone8167I'm following his strategy because *it works*. yes. I do eat lots of meat, No. I don't eat nonstop. even waking up to snack on yogurt like the Dutch Giant does. That's how I keep my Mtor low (Yes, you can sprint fasted and still adapt Sinclair's methods to your own. It does not need to be about the meat vs plant zealotry)
It took two watches to see it, but, Dr. Sinclair actually confirms this in a short statement, and seems quite... laughing at the fact that he more than knows its veracity. Rewatch it, and look at his expressions. You'll see.
Derek starts going grey: "so how do we stop aging?"
Yeah can't blame him
Derek the Gray
@@martiddy Gray fox
Well, thats not really something you ask when youre 16.
He's fighting the dragon.
4:28 I love how fast he slips in "this is the powerhouse of the cell" after saying mitochondria. The word may never be spoken without this sentence
Mitochondria feels oppressed.
@@GeorgeDCowley I believe you mean: "Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, feels oppressed."
69th like
It's kinda equivalent to "peace be upon him" in science :-D
@@amurape5497 XD
Nobody ever misses “it’s the powerhouse of the cell”
Lol yes!
the only thing everyone that took biology remembers
Mitochondria 😎😎
I learned it solely from the internet
Those are The powerhouse of the cell
*nods head* yeah this guy knows what he’s talking about
I love how failure in applying epigenomic therapy is just "become a tumor". That's the spectrum of possibilities for anti-aging therapy in tissue: grow older, stay the same, grow younger, or become a tumor. I imagine becoming a tumor as something like Star Trek the motion picture where the transporter failed and "what we got back didn't live long"...
I’m going to live forever or die trying!
We all do, don’t we
@@judgment5090 y
@@psaure y
I am going to live for ever, or try dying....I can decide, 'cause if I do one, I can't do the other.....
“Freakishly exciting” is the right description for everything in this video.
I wanted to comment exactly that 👌🏽
Other fitting description would be "too good to be true"
@@dislike__button Pessimism is the first step to guaranteed failure.
Being gullible and falling for things that sounds too good to be true is a sure way to get scammed.
Saying that critical thinking leads to a guaranteed failure is plain stupid.
I didn't say critical thinking leads to guaranteed failure. I said pessimism does. What's more, how does one get 'scammed' simply by believing in a better future for humanity? Hopes can certainly be crushed by failure - but other than being let down I can't see how any harm could come of being optimistic for a better tomorrow. It's not as if I donated to them or anything. I lose nothing by encouraging progress here.
But cool, continue to be condescending.. fine by me buddy. It won't help get anything constructive accomplished though. And I know for a goddamn fact I'm more intelligent than you are. Lol. :)
The science is there. Nothing is completely impossible unless you make it so by assuming things are hopeless and giving up. We just need to use our intelligence to our advantage and create solutions. It's not 'too good to be true'. It's just complicated as hell and hasn't been done yet. There is a clear difference. There are real people working towards real scientific answers each day. No one wants to die, so you can bet they are giving it their absolute best effort.
I am not saying defeating aging is easy or going to happen overnight but it should be possible when the right minds come together and all the biological puzzle pieces are made to fit just right. The scientists behind this research aren't getting paid to sit around drawing doodles in a notebook. They are working day and night to figure it out. And yes - that means certain individuals or companies may have to sponsor them or fund their work. That is the cost of progress. Some goals outweigh whatever misgivings you may have about the end results. It should still be attempted.
With time and clinical trials I have no doubt this research will provide more insight and therapies to extend lifespan. But that's why people with this mindset are not working on these projects. To them it's all science fiction and not worth their time. That's for the best anyway - I doubt there is any room for close-minded individuals on the team.
Professor Sinclair looks like he’s been the subject of his own research.
You look like amado from boruto
@@obbbob4911 Haha wow you're right
Well, he originally appeared as 60 to his tests, and now appears to be in his thirties to the tests.
@@tristanmitchell1242 yes but his eyes are 15
He is. He's publicly said that he skips breakfast (intermittent fasting), eats basically no sugar, and takes NMN (one of the chemicals that was injected into the mice) daily, along with a few other supplements.
This video immediately reminded me of the question "if you were offered immortality, would you take it"
And i have learned it always depended on if it was just you, or if your friends would be too
You can always make new friends,and many people live happ without a biological family
People without friends: *I don't have such a weakness*
@@suspicioussand People without friends usually want friends.
Why would you want to live forever? The same life doing the same things it sounds like a curse I'd simply be content with 100 healthy years then accept death
Right now You get 40 to 50 years healthy ish years until your either just to sick to do anything or just not very mobile it would be nice to improve the quality of life for people if they are young but immortality is a bit too much
so basically, if you live an uncomfortable life, you can be uncomfortable longer
Ahaha, can't be argued
i feel bad for the African population now :'c
Would be very disappointing if you lived uncomfortably to live longer then die young
If you live without happiness,
have you really lived at all?
when you actually get to a point of enjoyment and accepting the uncomfortable, it doesnt seem that bad at all!
Sinclair looks suspiciously young for his age, him being a 50 year old professor that studies anti-aging.
Maybe he’ll one day turn into a super villain called something like “Professor Baby” or “Doctor Embryo”
professor immortal sound more badass.
@@jcdenton1868 nah, its too badass...
The Timeless Toddler
Doctor Fetus in real life
I like how you picked most horrible names possible
"We didnt use all 4 of the reprogramming factors. We leave out MIC which causes cancer"
Probably for the best
This was their first mistake
MYC drop
I can only wish for this and I'm 49 now in good health. Those concerns will disappear as soon as we start taking to the stars 🌟
Feel like Derek is starting to notice his white hair
Midlife crisis :(
Lol. I was thinking same
Haha, I was going to make that comment too.
Aren't we all? Though I feel Derek has always been calm and cool thinking about it, which is the best way to go about it I think :)
It's all fun and games until you find out that David Sinclair's real age is 150 years.
1500 years
Cool Air by H.P. Lovecraft
@@Kassieq He is the one who built the Pyramids.
@@Kassieq Correction: *_1,500,000 years_*
@Franz Xaver Fuchsberger the queen is his daughter
"Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell"
Me: *nods head*
A missed opportunity...
I honestly couldn't tell whether or not he was referencing the meme.
@@LinkEX what meme
@@TheTheoser The very statement fastboy619 made.
See also ruclips.net/video/uSlEmBeHlgg/видео.html
Don't get it & don't care
Hmmm. I just watched part of an interview with a man from University of Illinois who said we need more protein as we age. If have to go back and look him up again. He looks fantastic for his age.
60 years from now, another journalist interviews Prof Sinclair and he tells the journalist, "We are close to figuring out reverse aging, but we aren't quite there yet "
Do you think he will be alive by then?
@@curtseed11 He knows the secret to aging. He's going to be around a looong time now pretending they are "close" to discovering the secret to anti-aging. haha.
@@Streeknine I think it's doable. The question is what do those who remain alive think/feel about those that didnt need to suffer & die only if we started looking into it sooner and not just blindly following the obedience of the bandwagon and started thinking out of the box like our species is capable of.
Everybody still speaking like slaves when they say "Nature", "Evolution", "Universe" & "God" wont allow us to extend our lives or allow us to mess with those "laws" . Once we are born into a society filled with brainwashing us into obedience we remain obedient to institutions that were here before us and we will keep in place....only because the bandwagon keeps it that way. Just think about it. We are born and have very little time while we are here. How much of that time is spent on "educating" us and "paying our dues", sleeping a 3rd of it and working to keep the wealthy happy another 3rd? Avoiding diseases & danger, exercising, & spending what little time we do have on errands, chores, kids and their lack of independence, as well as our own entertainment/fulfillment. After all of that time consumption combined with dying at any point of time....let's not try to make it more enjoyable and extend it....like everybody before us who never flew a plane or went to space....all that was sci fi but to mess with OUR biology to make it easier on us while we are brought here without asking to, that's just stupid and crazy right?
Why aren't we a part of of evolution? Nature? Universe? And if we are are created in God's image why arent we more godlike and more immortal like gods are?
@@curtseed11 They aren't going to care. Grieving is done because you miss someone in your life. These scientists are invested in their lives, not ours. And as scientists.. they know the ramifications of everyone knowing the secret to immortality. It'll lead to a lot of suffering with shortages of food, energy and environmental concerns as well.
@@Streeknine 1st of I have to disagree with why people grieve the loss of loved ones. They grieve out o f guilt. Guilty for not doing enough when they had the chance. Dont we all feel guilty we didnt do things differently when we had the time? If we had our mature brains in our immature bodies, oh how much better life would be for us all before we let ourselves die prematurely.
I, however do agree with you that scientists will worry about their own lives more than sticking their necks out to help solve humanity's problems that havent been solved before. We really could/should try to have more control over our existence while being stuck here. Not much will change. Speculation onto how bad things will go is just excuses to give up and never try to change what was here before us and what will remain after we are gone. We already live in denial about our impending death as well as in denial about how much life we throw away and give gladly give away to the wealthy out of fear of friendly fire of the bandwagon. As soon as cures for ageing exists, og how quickly skeptics will change their mind and start spouting off about how God allowed this to happen. We have so much more power than we think. And to not capitalize on our god given powers is doing a disservice to God himself.
Moon jellyfish: starts getting old
Also moon jellyfish: time to reload to an earlier save point.
14:18 why does it start zero
Steve Thea coding habit of making lists, I assume 🤷♂️
@@stevethea5250 also probably because 0. has nothing to do with the cell state whereas the other points are all about getting your cells into the survival state
Must be where Rick got the tech from
Biological factory reset.
Someone throw money at this man, this research is amazing.
When’s the human trials? I wouldn’t mind taking part hahahaha
Yes I agree, but throw money only intermittently and in sufficient amounts, for them to be just a little uncomfortable, since we want this research to age well.
I mean that’s a way to murder, a messy way but still a way.
@@riccardo9953 w h a t.
@@KyleMcNicol f VIP ju
Bad news: tired, cold, and hungry. Good news: you get to do it for a long time.
Doesn't mean you have to do it. that's if you focus on healthspan above all else. I just low protein keto and take resveratrol along with fasting. - Meat based KD sprinter
“I changed my life and then the test said I was 31.” This throwaway comment at 9:07 needs its own video!
Oh ok you get into it at 10:24. I just got excited.
He said he is 50 yrs old, he actually looks 40. He also said he was biologically 60 and brought it back to 31. Yes, his journey on how he did that needs a video of its own.
@@EdWalzak Still I'd like more details about the specific ways in which he "changed his life" because he does look younger.
When he was on Joe Rogan he said what he does. He takes 'Resveratrol' with some yogurt in the morning and he takes 'NMN' (they finally started making it commercially) and he does intermittent fasting. You're welcome. 😊
He wouldn’t let us know. Such an info costs billions.
Derek: you missed the most important thing Sinclair said!
Roll clock to 9:00 (-9:08): he explains the Horvath Clock - a measure of how old, biologically, you are, as a measure of the error rate your cells experience as they reproduce (the declining rate of accuracy in doing so). He says he's 50 - though he used to measure 60 but changed his lifestyle and now measures 31. He's youthened!
So the obvious question is: what did he do to roll back his Horvath score? 'Cause the measures you list at the end of the video are to slow aging. But you said nothing about going that huge step further: reversing apparent age.
WE NEED A NEW VIDEO! Go back to David Sinclair - ask him to elaborate!
OK, perhaps he just did what you described, and in fact you understated the effectiveness of the measures you discussed. But until he's proven NMN (whatever the heck that is) or some other therapy (what he did to mouse eyes, but turned into a systemic treatment) can reverse aging reliably in mice, then in other primates, & finally humans (wahoo!) - until then, perhaps slowing the rate of aging is all we can do.
Great vid, BTW. But really: we need a follow-up. Please include an interim report on whether Sinclair's lab has anything more recent to report. Thank you.
I'll be responding you because I as well have thought of that, but more importantly this comment needs to be buffed, as some say "up"
When is AI gonna be used by these aging researchers to help us figure out how to live more youthfully?
NMN -Nicotinamide mononucleotide
Here you go, Dr David Sinclair Describes His Entire Longevity Routine : ruclips.net/video/C0tEQyVDsAc/видео.html
There was a meme about David Sinclair. He looked younger after 5 years of his anti-aging study. I started to follow him since then. He knows what's he is doing.
Is he a scientist or is he a devined, savior ?
@@johnleak8060 why not both?
Make up can do wonders on looking younger.
He’s a vampire and drinking the blood of ppl with only type O blood… 🧛♂️🧛♂️🧛♂️🧛♂️🧛♂️🧛♂️
I just looked him up for curiousitys sake and *_HOOOOOOLY HEEEEEELLS_* not trying to sound like a pathetic Zoomer but damn, why are all those videos so god damn long?!
All we want, that any Human wants, is a COMPACT tutorial that makes us interested.
Maybe we stay for more, *THEN* we look up that hours consuming stuff and then we might _"better Humanity"_ or lifequality for that matter.
But noooooooooooooooooo. Once we have a bloated superbrain head we just need to prove it to the world. For faqs sake man. Every single time again.
Thank you Veritasium and Nicolas Flamel
Curing blindness sounds like a good idea all on its own.
Won't work on inborn blindness, no? Will they have to have eye transplants?
No, It looks like a good idea.
I'll leave now.
Definitely a nice byproduct
I suppose as long as there is some remnant of an optic nerve.
Helping the majority is always the best 1st step as opposed to helping the minority 1st. Just look how at corporate/high net worth welfare.
Sinclair: "You can clone monkeys, dogs, Barbara Streisand the actress..."
Me: "I KNEW IT!"
Sinclair: "...she cloned her dog."
Me: "Oh".
@@pammym1825 It'd be interesting to see that actress clones herself and adopting her as her child. So weird.
@@huyifan83 🤣👏
@@huyifan83 you are talking about kanata no astra
Damn this is so underrated
14:19 , 19:45
To slow ageing, to reverse ageing
The comment I was looking for!
A lot more interesting things missing out on like a 90 y/o winning a marathon against a 20 y/o and curing blindness.
thx dood
Derek seems so productive. Consistently making consistent quality videos without a dip. He should perhaps also make productivity vdo too, giving advice (that works) to make the most out of the time we already have.
i agree the most!
12:21 (For a mouse)
Reduce amino acid intake
Intermittent fasting
Stay slightly cool
14:18 (For a person)
Avoid DNA damage
Eat less
Eat less protein
High intensity interval training
Be cold
Be hot
So protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation in sunlight, and engage the survival instinct by being hungry sometimes, running yourself almost ragged, and/or cooling/heating your body too much
This is basically how soldiers live or how most people live in Third world countries. Also if that was the case then why do the Kings and Queens of England live so long, they definitely dont starve themselves
This sounds like the life of every poor person. Why don't they live forever?
@@andrewl5272 A poor person does not have the means to provide themselves the proper nutrition in order to train their bodies appropriately. A malnourished person can not run for miles or exert themselves strenuously because their bodies would not be able to recover. A person without shelter will inevitably perish in the elements.
@@andrewl5272 bruh that's a gross oversimplification
So if we assume all these things actually work (and we should not just assume this), then the next question should be which ones work to what extent?
The wealthy appear to age less than the dirt poor in wealthy nations. So what is the common thread? Less UV, would appear to be significant. Add to that the fact that those who sunbathe a lot when young tend to look much older as they age and this one does appear to hold up.
This may, in fact, be the most significant factor, at least to the exterior.
Let's look at diet. When we look at "rich people food" one common observation is that potions tend to actually be smaller than the common person would like. Surely, the rich can eat whenever they want. Why are "rich" meals so small? Now it may be that they eat smaller portions more frequently. This may hold up as the less frequently you eat, the more your body tries to store fat. So the answer may be to eat smaller portions over three meals and two "snacks" per day (five meals rather than three if you will). But we also see the longest lived populations in small pockets of the world tend to eat things like sweet potato (which has protein). So what is the solution? Who do you believe? This one either does not hold up or requires further study. It may be that certain types of protein are more harmful than others and anthropology may hold some clues. If we look at religion, many religions have dietary restrictions. Pork is a common one. Some should observe how those who follow these beliefs age and it does appear to hold some water as studies show that many religious people age slower. But wait. Many of these same groups fast at times. So now we cannot be entirely sure which factor we are measuring. And to further complicate things, the religious communities also seem to deal with stress better and is that because they believe in something greater than themselves or are the practices in the video the reason? Is it a combination? Do you handle stress better when you limit diet voluntarily and fast on occasion? Again, we see we need further study.
Finally, we get to exercise. This one is not really disputed. We know that vigorous exercise opens up the circulation and flow of oxygen and other things in the body and that it improves general health.
So in summary, it would appear that avoiding sun and vigorous exercise are key. There are hints that dietary restriction is helpful but to what extent and by how much, we are not sure. There are also indications that other factors may account for a portion of the effects such as metal health and belief and/or overall stress. But don't take my word for it either. Look into it yourself.
‘Doc I don’t feel so good’
‘Yes it appears your brain has turned into a ball of foreskin’
There was actually a story where a guy burned his scalp so bad so the doctors had to take a chunk of his scrotum skin (yes, a piece of his ball sack) and stretch it over his head to replace his scalp
@@gabrielsimon7944 was that guy in Men in Black
Lol ! In short became a politician
@@gabrielsimon7944 So, what does he smell like when he sweats?
@OP I hate it when that happens
Love it when people like this have the ability to break down complex biological and scientific information into sentences, illustrations and examples which people like me can totally understand.
I was never a great student growing up, especially with this stuff, but now have a genuine interest and appreciate it way more as I approach my mid 40's.
Granted, I'd rewind a few times, but I was also sincerely interested and it felt really good to actually grasp everything.
Thank you, gentlemen!!🙏🏽
"if you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" -someone, idk, the internet can't seem to agree on one
Meanwhile 40% of population took poisonous injections called vaccines for something that did not exist
@@sagecrockett693 "Poisonous injections"? "Did not exist"? How so? Please offer sound proof and accredited sources when answering as I'd love to learn more about this claim.
@@AldoRyan You may as well be sleeping if you are getting your knowledge from the legacy media. You haven't read or heard about all the injuries from the injections? You haven't seen videos of people collapsing minutes after taking the injections? You don't know about the hundreds of athletes that have died? You don't know about the doctors telling us about the epidemic of heart attacks and blood clots the injections cause? You don't know about the Mrna changing the injections do? You don't know the patents for the injections were taken out years BEFORE the so-called "pandemic" started? I could go on but if you don't know any of this you have been entertained or gaslit but not with knowledge.
This video is now 4 years old… I would LOVE an update video of how they have progressed with their research in this time.
Let me put you at ease so you stop stressing . Over 60% of the human original genome is fossilized. If any human is close to immortality it is Adam and this decaying world got him . Just like him the only way to immortality is the final return to the God of Adam. No need to argue and so forth , I am grateful life is so short. The disbelievers don’t even have a chance as the life spans are horrendously short.
The researcher may be underage now.
Researcher went to the sellout route unfortunately, he's made many claims that certain supplements can reduce and prevent ageing in humans and dogs alike, with no clinical studies backing it, despite this he's published on X where to purchase such products, the website of a company he co-founded with his brother.
He's been exposed as a con man
Sinclair is disgraced. The research continues.
When you said that mitochondria is "the powerhouse of the cell"
I felt that
when I see someone copy paste a literally single lined joke over and over on the web
I feel it
I am so impressed with the science discoveries humans have made. Every time I watch a video like this, I realize not only that I don't know anything, but also how close we are to inventing something I thought was impossible.
We have countless diseases that we don't even know what causes them, let alone be able to cure them. There is the false sense that medicine is truly advanced, but if you look closely, you will realise how we don't really know anything yet. Cancer, All auto-immune diseases, genetic diseases, and countless others. Hell, we didn't even cure hair-loss yet.
@@Lidemann92 if we all go bald young then we never have to deal with hair loss!
@@peanuthead4049 yeah I'll pass on that, thank you xD
@@Lidemann92 mate medicine is advanced , there are barely any diseases whose cause we do not know , cancer ? we know the cause , genetic diseases ? we know the cause ...... moreover cancer can be cured in 50% of the cases , the remaining 50% fail as the cancer has already reached 3rd or 4th stage , and this too is most of the times caused because of the lack of regular check ups and cancer tests , meaning that its the fault of the victim himself .
Just to think human made it so they can talk over server through the air
“Those are the powerhouses of the cell”
That deadpan was truly outstanding
its not a deadpan, hes literally defining it.
ending aging is the best blessing we could have from modern science. So much desperation and pain (and money/ resources) could be saved by this technology
Apparently it's impossible to say "mitochondria" without following it with "they're the powerhouse of the cell".
IT IS the powerhouse of the cell
Ouroboros what are you talking about? I can easily say “mitochrondia” without mentioning that they’re the powerhouse of the cell.
@@danfg7215 checkmate!
I think it is being thought like that everywhere. Here in India too. We were like made to mug it up while in 5th grade or something lol.
@@danfg7215 hah fool! You've activated OP's trap card
Usually I never comment on videos, but this one was so remarkably well done, interesting and groundbreaking. I’m here to give a noisy applause (long lasting Veritasium fan here)
The thing with popular creators I'd they don't notice you 😔
This video is great, but not groundbreaking.
Hi Derek, you were my physics tutor at Matrix like 16 years ago and I just found out that you run Veratisium. Haha that's insane. Congrats on the success 🙌
Hell of a coincidence. And he's very successful also.
Hey do you remember me
hi "m" if that's what you go by nowadays. do you remember me?i killed you in your past life -Kindest Apologies Jim
@@michaelvonreich74 yup
Best part. 4:30 “Mitochondria: power house of the cell.”
So to slow aging, all I have to do is be a vegan in Alaska surrounded by polar bears
eat fish only hahahaha
@@hannahlennertkristiansen4797 But you gotta be careful not to eat too much of the fish with mercury, otherwise you can get brain damage and just end up having a slow death with a screwed brain
Yep if you‘re surrounded by polar bears in alaska you‘re guaranteed to never get old
95% vegetarian, water fasting and moderate exercise with a changing environment yield longer life.
A bit easier... feed any creature on earth 1/3rd less and it lives 1/3rd longer. This experiment has proven true for any creature on earth. Improve the quality of that food, and the ability to move/digest it more effectively and it can live up to 2/3rds longer.
@@TheAecke I live in Greenland, we eat the bears
I love how interested Dr. Sinclair is talking about his research.
Super interesting subject and I’d love to see a follow up video after his research is done.
His research is done when we can reverse aging lmao
@@shawn5809 then we have to wait for the FDA to approve of this, and all governmental agencies. Then we have to find a way to make sure that it's not just the rich who could afford this, we have so many more steps after his research is proven successful in humans.
@@sciencemanguy And then we need to stop humans from reproducing so we don't overpopulate
@@Fisztt You know that overpopulation is a myth, right? With the modern economy, as education in birth control rises and standards of living rise, people will naturally be unable to afford more children. As such, countries with decently educated populations will start seeing a stagnating population or even a decreasing population (ex. Japan and Russia). The population will reach an equilibrium where the cost to raise a child will determine the number of children being born. For this to really effective, we need universal strong education, which is slowly but surely becoming reality. I mean, we now see the best and brightest minds not just coming from America/Western Europe, but from India and China. You may say that India and China are overpopulated, but I will disagree- the cost of raising a child is SUPER LOW because of the rapidly industrializing economy. Both those countries should reach their child economic support equilibria at about 1.5-1.75 billion people. This is coming from an Indian who lived in India for a while and familiar with the economy and culture there. Think about India like the preindustrial USA- a massive population boom that seems unsustainable, but once standard of living and education catch up with it, it stabilizes.
"That's the powerhouse of the cell"
Great meme with a straight face.
What do you mean? The mitochondria literally is the powerhouse of the cell
@@Erik20766 well yes but actually no
Euan McDougall why?
Literally what people learn in school... mitochondria = powerhouse of the cell...
@@FunnyMemes-dr3se well school simplifies it a bit but most of the process of respiration (which uses sugar to convert ADP to ATP which can be used in life processes for energy) takes place in cytoplasm and is a lot more complicated then just boom energy. But the part for aerobic respiration (the super efficient one which requires oxygen) is completed in the mitochondria. So yes it is the powerhouse, but it's actually a lot more completed, plus some bacteria and other cellular lifeforms don't need mitochondria, which would be like using a phone without a battery as a powerhouse of the cell, so yes but actually no
Go professor! I wish I could keep my parents forever.
So aging is our cells having an identity crisis...
A mid-life identity crisis too xD
This comment caused my depression to have a mid life crysis
No, that is a potential side effect, but no that is not aging.
But can they run Crysis?
Jellyfish: my secret to immortality is having no brain.
The trick is not being aware to be a jellyfish...
No brain eh? I know quite a lot of immortal people then.
@@sullivandeffinger4970 Donald trump is immortal then
@Tater Tot Actually, jellyfish do not have a central nervous system. They have what is called a nerve net. I'm not sure what that implies as far as consciousness.
lol 😂
I'm a stem cell biologist working in the field of regenerative medicine and have been working with cell reprogramming (the Yamanaka factors mentioned in this talk) since 2009. I've also been in the field of animal cloning.
For the public who think this research is incredible, you should also understand that it is incredible to me too. Everyday I'm learning more and more about this research so I can incorporate it into my own work and hopefully contribute something to Prof. Sinclair's hypothesis.
He is becoming one of my heros
Hello there! I'm doing a master's in stem cell biology at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany. I think this video is incredible as well. Which direction in stem cell technology are you working towards?
Do you guys think that adult pluripotent stem cells will be able to be used to regrow human foreskins anytime soon?
Jealous. These days I really regret not going down that career path.
BearDog what’s your instagram?
Why not skip all of their research and do something they aren't doing. Why not figure out a way to activate the defend repair trigger? Take a pill that activates it daily and you'll live longer.
Love all your videos bro.. the content is systematic, structured and you never false title your videos just to bait people to watch.
"They're not part of the scope of this video"
Basically me in the thesis defense
How do you pull that off?
But did you know that mitochondria is a plural word, and therefore is nothing?
This comment brought to you by the Grammar Nazis
@@magnusanderson6681 have I been lied to my entire life?
@@computerboy8348 yeah pretty much
You could say the mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell (spelling not verified)
@@magnusanderson6681 oh i learned something new today
Magnus Anderson I’m pretty sure some calls do have multiple mitochondria
Derek : * grays *
Derek : How to reverse aging
Hahaha. Exactly. Bless him.
I'm not gay but he can definitely rock that gray
@@Mr.lions3.14 zero reason to preface the statement. The man is indeed rocking the gray.
@@wesbecool it seems like your sense of humor is dying? How can we reverse that
That awkward smile the narrator gave when Dr. Sinclair said,” I can tell when you are gonna die” 🙂
* checks his hands for knives *
Knifes? There is a shovel behind the scientist. xD I was trippin though the video wtf is that doing there when he said that I went into more a mode this video is some clickbaited dark humour crap xD
@@DereckDotCom As Dr. Sinclair said there is a sort of biological clock in our DNA 🧬 by which they can approximately determine when the person will die of natural causes, MNM’s will only delay the inevitable not completely avoid it
@@cryptopotomus1417 Eminems
Had me at "the powerhouse of the cell"
Was going to be disappointed if he didn't continue the tradition
Long live mitochondria
That was my favorite part
He said the thing!!!
What I got from this video is that suffering helps you live longer 🙃
Or use drugs
That's why mean people live longer
I mean that's basically it
Makes sense that such an amazing thing like adding more years to your life, is only available to those who are truly committed & willing to sacrifice some comfort now, for the long-term rewards.
Tell that to kids in africa that die young
your videos are nothing but amazement to me, I can see how passionate you are about every of your videos, may you have a good life
"4. Be uncomfortably cold"
-Immediately turns off space heater next to me
"5. Be Uncomfortably hot"
What about comfortably numb?
No, no. He means you should be cold and attractive.
@@sethbishop6890 I think it should be uncomfortably numb (I know the song I get the reference but imho you should've said uncomfortably because that's what the video is about)
@@sethbishop6890 timestamp?
@@AlexysRM what's 1 2 3
Me: I Have the Worst Memory.
Epigenome: Hold my Skin Cell...
Is it a skin cell? I don't remember...
@@danielfarfudinov3193 Skin Cells, which have old stage Epigenome (arrangement of DNA) lose their memory and don't act properly,
@@VaibhavSnehi ok
@@VaibhavSnehi how funny would it have been if they made a joke about that
Epigenome: well, if you had taking care of us the last 70 years, we would have taken care of you... However...
Man I'd just be happy being 20 years old even when I'm 80. I don't need to live till I'm 1000 years old. Just feel young doing it.
The thing about still being biologically 20 at age 80 is that there's no magic "haha die now" in human biology. So even if you stopped the treatment right then, you'd still live another sixty years in all likelihood. TL;DR if you can be a biological twenty at a chronological eighty, you can be a biological twenty forever.
but it doesn't make sense, theres is not a magic timer set to 80 or 90 or 100 years for you to die, we die because we age, if we don't age, we don't die (by natural reasons), if you want to live 80 years feeling like 20, you start the process when you're 20, and repeat it for 60 years, and then you kill yourself, cause you'll not magically die
@@MatsMatsuo wtf... logic? so how to stay always 20
When I die, I don't want doctors to try to extend my life, I want them to make my passing comfortable
Ill T-pose on your grave in 1000 years and we’ll see :)
I would die to work there and learn more about this everyday
@@dsdy1205 Not really ironic. It would just defeat the point. ;)
>calorie restriction
>protein restriction
>high intensity training
>be uncomfortably cold
>be uncomfortably hot
So this is why One Punch Man became so powerful. He balded because babies are bald. He reversed aging to an extreme, and kept his adult form.
Hey guys, get a load of this fuckin weeb😂😂
Basically live forever completely miserable. 🤔
@@mr.rogers1019 he just has to learn and realise that he now has friends
To anyone watching this video, I HIGHLY recommend reading Professor Sinclairs book, or downloading the self-narrated audio book. He goes into a lot more detail explaining how these cellular functions work. Greate work summarising this Derek!
He also has a podcast in his Channel that contains new information
I'm glad you mentioned the self-narrated audio book version... still not going to listen to it though
When that music starts and you know this video is at its climax!!
that's not the only thing climaxing at that music
Altered Carbon is a novel (has a pretty good netflix adaptation as well) which tackles classism born from immortality. pretty good work
This is good, I can hardly afford to eat twice a day, and I never leave my house to get damaged by the sun.
You should go out to get some sun for vitamin D
@@stefanmarsenic167 just drink a lot of orange juice. Not too much tho because it has too much sugar and protein.
@@samuelthecamel Orange juice is the worst thing you can put in your body
stefan marsenić why? :(
@@wpc456cpw Orange juice isn't bad for you in small amounts. But, if you drink allot of it you ingest too much sugar, which is not good for your health. Better is grapefruit juice (especially if you are a male over 50) because it contains lykopene which slows the enlargement of the prostrate gland.
5:23 I thought he said ''You can clone Barbra Streisand'' and I was like ''Cool, I'll take two please.''
so you can recreate that episode of south park where she’s taken down by robert smith, i’m assuming?
@@caseyhamm8822 possibilities are endless tbh. Have your Barbara Streisand’s compete in races or just have them BOTH appear in every sharknado sequel.
Sign them up for random movies, as well as flag football leagues.
No doubt you’d literally have _weeks_ of unending fun to be had with your very own Barbara Streisands.
@@caseyhamm8822 amen to that. Hahaha
“That’s pretty exciting.”
I love his response that it’s actually “freakishly exciting.” There are few thing as exciting as this research in the entire history of humanity, so yeah, I don’t think “pretty exciting” really cuts it.
The concerns shared at the beginning of the video are what make things less exciting for me. While individuals living longer is an idea I just want to clutch onto, I have trouble trusting the overall effect on humanity of this kind of research. Makes me a little bit nervous.
but he didnt say how he biologically reversed his age from 60 to 30 - and nobody seems to ask that - this is so wierd to me
@@Dark_Angel555 he started doing the things he is recommending. Basically eating better and exercising I think. Which he may be not doing so well before hand.
@@WaveRider1989 that's for slowing down aging ... not for reverse aging
Love how excited this guy is about this.
"Freakishly exciting."
cant say it any better
You can tell he really likes his work with how excited he gets by it. This is a really interesting topic honestly would be nice if it ever got to this point of reversing aging.
The get your hopes up, the rich will hog everything
I hope I'm still alive to see it! :D
@@princecharming8125 so what if they hog everything. the more they buy it, the more they fund the technology, allowing for easier access to the public. Just because you earn less than someone else DOES NOT mean you are morally superior.
@@somerandomguy7458 wtf? You won't get it anytime soon, and who's to say my FAMILIES won't be rich in 2023 seriously? Can't even begin to tell 2023 or 2024 will be the hallmark of my life
Super interesting topic. This was actually part of my Master Driploma in immunology. One important reason for aging you did not mention at 4.30 min, are the effects of infections in driving ageing forward. My research showed that viral and bacterial infection are also responsible for ageing and the development of autoimmune diseases in old individuals. Less sick=lesser ageing process
I have a good immune system. I rarely get sick. I'm 40. I look 23.
My mom rarely got sick, she is the fittest individual I know. But some years ago she got diagnosed with Autoimmune diseases (MCTD & more ) and is struggling a lot. So it perplexes me what caused it.
@@jameswatsonatheistgamer hey what is your diet?
@@jameswatsonatheistgamer and how careful are you with hygiene?
@@arianaaskari5208 Fruit. Veg, a bit of protein. Vitamins/minerals. Fruit juice/water. Bcaa's. L-glutamine/creatine. Fibre. Nuts. Rice. Pasta
Sinclair takes alot of criticism from the scientific community because he is clearly on to valid theories , literally he is breaking boundaries and showing us that living longer is totally achievable with our current state of tech
@@Paonporteur It's not that people aren't just enrolling, it's that they can't. Education in the US is a business and the financial level of entry is prohibitive relative to even just 25 years ago. I agree, that is a travesty!
There's no way that's why he's getting criticism.
@@bradydill4767never underestimate the power of groupthink and in-group signaling, even in allegedly intelligent people like academics.
*Avoid DNA damage*
Eat less
Eat less proteins
Be Cold uncomfortably
Be hot uncomfortably
Do it now or raise vibration like in kundalini
In a nutshell: Punish yourself.
So.. Comfort makes you old...
@@samandati3858 It seems wrong right? People in poor countries age faster than us. Why is this the case if they life should trigger those "repair genes"?
@@perz1val yes but I think other lifestyle choices like no real sanitation facilities, unhygienic/polluted water etc also has a great role in that
It's nice to see someone like professor sinclair to love their job so much
Patient: Doctor, I'm feeling old. I'm not.
Doctor: Your cells are having an identity crisis.
This video is one of the best on whole RUclips! I saw it first time about a year ago and after that have I promise to be at least 130 years old!
Plot twist: Sinclair is actually 115 years old
Sinclair was born with very bad genetics same as hes famly he was older than he should be before nmn
Enough with the stupid Plot Twist style comments. That sht is old af and overdone. Try some original thinking for a change and stop looking like a moron.
His first name is really Clive
@@avidadolares Plot twist: Nobody cares what you think
Guys, also please watch the TED Talks by Aubrey de Grey, another luminary in this field. His research non-profit (SENS Research Foundation) is doing amazing stuff. His book, Ending Aging, details all of what goes wrong as we age (the "hallmarks of aging" mentioned in the video) and long term research strategies to try to reverse them.
Yes, we need to be POURING money into this life extension technology!!! This is the Manhattan Project/Apollo Program of our time!!!!
Anyone who is interested in following up with the latest news on anti aging research, here's a discord community for ya'll discord.gg/ftSbffu
Anyone who is interested in following up with the latest news on anti aging research, here's a discord community for ya'll discord.gg/ftSbffu
Also Fight Aging! and the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation are amazing as well: www.fightaging.org/faq/ & www.lifespan.io/road-maps/the-rejuvenation-roadmap/
This is the most hopeful thing I've heard all year.
Better yet, different rejuvenation therapies are either already in or close to going into clinical trials: www.lifespan.io/road-maps/the-rejuvenation-roadmap/
John Frusciante has rejoined the Red Hot Chili Peppers
Be cautious, though. Human trials are still underway, and they could find that there's longterm issues with this. We aren't, after all, mice.
@@peppermintgal4302 If I thought clinical trials guaranteed success, I'd promise people that rejuvenation therapies would be created soon, but I've never done that; I'm familiar with the low transition rate between medicine working in both rodents and humans, but gene therapies and even senolytics are (according to the evidence) close to becoming robust enough to benefit people.
Except it was generic advice like "be cold" how cold and for how long? "Be hot" how hot and for how long? You didn't get any practical advice here
Oh interesting! A lot of these points are mentioned in a book called "The Forever Dog" that explores how we can make dogs live longer, and how it reflects the aging of humans since there are so many overlapping environmental factors.
Thanks for sharing! I will check it out.
Adore this book!
"Starting with 0"
*Computers liked that*
Hahaha. Totally.
Great way to drive my OCDs crazy. Tell me you have 6 things to tell me, start at 0, stop at 5.
I'm still aching for #6. 🤣🤣🤣
*beep boop* :)))
@@anonluca3971 He made the list younger.
It’s things like this that makes me thankful for being alive in this part of history
If you're lucky, you might be alive for all the other parts of history, too.
Adam Klement I’m all for immortality, the grand goals of humanity such as space colonization is much more achievable if we can choose when to die and when to keep living
too early
Derik’s tips for aging slower
0: Wear sunscreen
1: Eat less
2: Eat less protein (specifically)
3: High Intensity Interval Training- sprints, training for strength, etc.
4: Be uncomfortably cold (take cold showers, etc.)
5: Be uncomfortably hot
So be a Finnish, vegan sprinter - no sun, sauna, cold baths, just enough protein, HIIT.
cold shower? nah cant compare to those in northern hemisphere
@@xdrowssap4456 I believe that's related to food insecurity, powerty and conflicts in the region and not inherently related to sun exposition or their climate.
Don't heat or cool your house
@What Not To Do At a Stoplight a lot of advice like this seems to assume an "average north american". Which can be irritating if you're not one. Should I eat fewer mac meals? My current rate is about one every 10 years, so no. Yes, I need protein, and the "average north american" is consuming so much more than they need that the overdose is damaging. What's the best amount of protein? Dunno, too technical, so just tell people to eat less. Ouch, untrue by way of oversimplification.
Its a sign of inteligence that someone can explain a really complex term using simple words
“Be Hot” to live longer.
Well looks like i’ll die pretty soon
You just gotta be cool instead bruh 😎
find a sauna
Good one.
If you are not hot, just be cool.
i do situps in snow n ultramarahtoner..run in cold times all the time. hot is very bad and unhealthy make u age faster.. they freeze ppl for 20+years in future, u dont see em heat up ppl in films/series n theories to conserve em longer.. physics- hot increases movements in a certain place. But tey do freeze ppl..cryogenics or whatever. I have a different than Wim Hoff method to resist ocldness-rather i do feel cold but simply associate it in certain ways+know that unless its super cold like around -21+.. or -21- .. it's not a problem - ive ran in -15 c, It was bad when iw ent fo rsit-ups at such a cold time but if i just ran at -15 c it's fine.