Don’t be afraid of this type of patent leather. I had a bag with same type of crinkled leather for years and never had a single scratch. You can scratch it with your nails and nothing. Absolutely perfect bag. Gorgeous!
I love this outfit! Very stylish I can’t tell if patent leather is more durable or less durable but I do know it’s glorious! I remember when it was the it bag and I still think it’s just as fashionable today as it was back then!
I know people who own so many really luxury brands, but they live in their mom's house. I own a house, drive a Lexus, and I do buy stuff *condup* to put money in my pocket.
Don’t be afraid of this type of patent leather. I had a bag with same type of crinkled leather for years and never had a single scratch. You can scratch it with your nails and nothing. Absolutely perfect bag. Gorgeous!
I love this outfit! Very stylish I can’t tell if patent leather is more durable or less durable but I do know it’s glorious! I remember when it was the it bag and I still think it’s just as fashionable today as it was back then!
I wanted the PS1 so badly when it was an it bag! So happy to have it now and will definitely be using for years to come.
I know people who own so many really luxury brands, but they live in their mom's house. I own a house, drive a Lexus, and I do buy stuff *condup* to put money in my pocket.