@@isidrogil637 When he went into the "another part" you can destroy the stone at the end and get in the second entrance! The one stone he is aiming at at 21:00
@@flippzy690 in the swamp cave of fjördur is an other part that GB 7x didn't showed its an moon pool like in Carno Cave on Island Nd u have to Ware an gas mask so it's preery op
the cave at 20:22 has a second entrance the rock that he goes up to at the end of that second chamber is breakable so that leads up to another area
Yeah probably one of the better dropdowns on the other side of that
15:30 fun fact about this cave: it's based on Helm's Deep from The Lord Of The Rings
It’s literally called helms deep….
20:20 is the best cave imo simply bc of the part that goes up
It has two entrances
Definitely not the best... Have u seen the labyrinth cave
@@jasonschoonover9251 which ones that
@@patchyy_ the moon pool then reverse drop down, it's #1 in shockists list
There’s another entrance at the end of the tunnel, you have to break a rock
nice vid gb
Early cause of notifications gang 😏😏😶
Nice video man
Thanks so much really helped me out🙃
Cave at 21:10 this isnt another part. Thats the second entrance!
What you mean
@@isidrogil637 When he went into the "another part" you can destroy the stone at the end and get in the second entrance!
The one stone he is aiming at at 21:00
@@GaToLP ooh ok t wks
Holy shit gb you grew so much subscribers i am a fan since 2.4K subs
I like the map tbh, greats views at least 😂
Can I get a cookie?
Ps. I'll tell you a secret if so 😉
@@sizlevem1008 ok
yeah you can fit like a megachelon and 3 tek rexes in the entrance but trust me its so good. Look how much place to breed.
Which cave ?
The first cave is the cave I always go for it’s soooo good bro 10/10 recommend
Yeah bro I either go for that one or the "pirate ship cave" both are great 👍
g77 , ty bro !
unfortunately no ratholes :( Still good Vid.
the lava spot is considered a rathole
the spot where u need to go in lava to get to
G77 baby
Very nice
You forgot the poly cave
I love your videos
if you get all runes you get 10 more levels btw (100 runes = 5 levels)
U didn't cover Pollyanna crouch/shadow blossom !!!
Where’s that
U missed the op part of the swamp cave :(
Where is it? I quit ark like 3 weeks ago so I haven't done research I'm just curious about the new spots 😅
@@flippzy690 in the swamp cave of fjördur is an other part that GB 7x didn't showed its an moon pool like in Carno Cave on Island Nd u have to Ware an gas mask so it's preery op
@@alex_0352 yup I went in it I might make a comeback after my 3 weeks quit 💀
@@flippzy690 bro u think the cave is op
@@flippzy690 in my opinion this cave is insane
Love u gb
It’s the first cave 1 entrances?
yes the first cave so number 1 has only 1 entrance
Break the rock at the end of the tunnel at 20:17 cave 😉
I want a rathole video please ): I need a place I can be safe on ark
With that intro I thought I was watching kishko
Let’s goo
Hate to say it but first 😌
Idk why you people care but I definitely was first lol
You can teleport between realms in that portal cave
You can also tp into that portal cave by going to an obilisk on another realm
You can also tp into that portal cave by going to an obilisk on another realm
You forgot the moonpool cave???
For the people who gonna build portal room why would you do that
Kishko vibes at the beginning
Hi gb
Hello gbx
Wish the audio wasn’t messed up
the rathole at 7:49 got fixed if i saw that right
Yea it did
Sneaky gb
Gee I forgot what number you said 77 maybe?
What’s the song name
Not 1 rathole in this video Gb thats disappointing
You forgot asguard yo tem hime and the other realm
And puzzle cave?
My spot is safe thank god
No way u found another spot
@@TexxFlock there’s lots more spots
@@TexxFlock I know of like 4 other underwater caves that he didn’t mention there are loads
@@gumgumgumgumgumgum can you tell me some?
@@isidrogil637 look around 50,50 in this big trench there are 2 pearl caves both are decent
You missed wolf cave
What are the cords
i did like the vid but then i heard the intro music and i unlike bc only the real goat can use that intro :)
1st cave i called the glaxy cave
I hate the caves where is just too complicated. These massive caves are not needed. Idk why people like tunnel chamber caves, it’s sucks
They don't, they are big caves, for alot of turrets, ur just used 2 living in a rat hole with enough room for 3 foundations :)
@@ImAFlyingMonkey lol
Start living in big caves then
I usually play solo and I just really don’t get how people like these massive tunnel caves
i love how he just butchers the name of the map lmao
Hey john youtuber if you could shut your damn discord off when recording that would be dandy
WTF only one rat hole
Bro doesn’t have lab cave
Free trans is what I here
Atleast say the name of the map right
At least be name goldei
There r only 3 "decent" caves
theres a lot of decent caves just gotta be creative
@@kngsaj3570 Most of them have giant entrances so not that decent
All these caves are hot garbage the enterance sizes make them all weak to stegos
Hi gbx
Hi gbx