At about time 17:34 the narrator said that an exoplanet is any planet that is within our solar system. Dude you really do need to get it right when you say things. An exoplanet is any planet that is OUTSIDE our solar system. Not the other way around. Do the producers of these videos just want to put up a video so bad that they say the hell with checking and double checking.
Rodney Gomes, an astronomer from Brazil, has presented evidences of the existence of Planet x in may 2012. This presentation has been made in American Society of Astronomy. This is in public records. Batygin and Brown have used Gomes’s calculations and presented as a basis for they “discovery”, after adding more calculations. Gomes is the reason why the astronomers are searching for planet x again.
Lots of alternate explanations exist for these strange orbits. For example, one of the many stars that have passed through the Oort cloud could easily have distorted Kepler object orbits exactly like we observe. Current estimates are that a visiting star visits with 1 light year of earth on the average of every million years or so. Every 100 million years, a star comes close enough to seriously distort a lot of the orbits. The large planets can stabilize their orbits if they haven't been too shifted by an encounter (using response, planets have a tendency to fall into regular orbits), but the dwarf planets are small bodies in the Kepler belt do not have that ability.
Not trying to be a smart ass but since the advent of social media people are a 100 times smarter today than we were twenty years ago and through common sense and analysation of the expert's I don't really think we know anything. We had to believe what was told to us because we had nothing to go on but now we have the world at our finger tips. We don't have to go anywhere it comes to us and because of it there are more opinions and theory's today that make sense than just what they would say if we didn't have social media though they would never get credit because there not the expert.
@@jasonrogers9169 As little as 200 years ago the average human had never seen a book much less held one or could even read from it, If you fail to use the assets at your disposal "hundreds of millions of educative materials are online" But go back to watching the simpsons. As you were.
200 years from now is going to be the same thing! It is taking affect now as we are creating a new language and books will be non existent and will rely soly on a.i. as books made us what we are today the books are wrong. Our lives are based on the best possibly guess and not fact and is being proven more every day. We have no clue as we were taught that this is how it is in reality is not. Just because it is written doesn't make it fact. When your taught about physics as it was written and you see something that breaks everything your were taught to be true you suddenly realize how life is based on we don't really know anything. Technology today has opened up a new era. Instead of accepting what we were told from people that didn't really know we can see and analyze ourselves to formulate a new opinion and create new ideas to enter the next generation. There are people today that through social media that are smart enough to research and differentiate between what is real and what is not that can rewrite what we know but for now they will go unheard as they don't possess the proper credentials. They have to get up and go build houses.
Apparently they think it might be a primordial black hole, which apparently as far as I understand it is a size of a tennis ball I mean it’s nothing to be scared of its been orbiting us this whole time, so I guess we’re fine. We’re knows if there is a God maybe he put it there to protect us some kind of weird way.
if I am correct, Pluto is the last planet in our solar system, but centuries ago Pluto was declared to be a dwarf planet instead, so that's why Planet X is known to be the 10th planet that is hardly ever discovered or spotted in our solar system. don't blame me, look into the science. Science has a history for these things about our solar system. I just learn.
You missed that adjustments to the mass of Neptune meant that the orbital deviations that led to Pluto being discovered weren't real, so the new Planet X is being looked for only on the basis of different things.
What would be the math of the route it took to be removed from the light. Knowing the paths it had to take can show where it is at and the path UFOs will have to travel to get to earth.
Of course there are a few more planets lurking out there. Shows how little our technology has really come we still can't detect planets in the furthest reaches of our solar system
Well we are using sources of light and other nature emissions. Not like you can fire layers to where they think it is and see if anything is reflected back. Or never comes back incase of the tiny black hole which would be a very scary problem later.
Hey! Wait a minute, we now have very large space bound telescopes outside of Earth's atmosphere. Soooo why haven't we found this socalled planet X yet?
Here's a simple way to put it. Nibiru has an orbit of the sun of 3600 years. Earth orbits at 365 days. So half orbit is still 1800 years and quarter orbit is 900 years. 1/8 orbit 450 years. So even 450 years ago we didn't have telescopes at the level we have today if any. 1 shar on Nibiru is 3600 years. Go find it yourself and then explain the meaning of the planet. It's created on a wide orbit and is the reason we have a moon. All history.
TOI-1452B You say it is 2.5x farther from it's stars than Pluto is from out sun, but you say that a year is 11 days. I'm sorry, but that math is impossible. Can you please provide accurate numbers? How about this: Its mass is 4.82 Earths, it takes 11.1 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.061 AU from its star.
The language variations in this video lead me to believe this is bot generated. Strong telescope.. instead of powerful telescope... also 23 video put out since May 2023...
22Kuula 21Kuula Nägemus uuest taevast ja uuest maast 1 Ma nägin uut taevast ja uut maad; sest esimene taevas ja esimene maa olid kadunud ning merd ei olnud enam. 2 Ja ma nägin püha linna, uut Jeruusalemma, taevast Jumala juurest alla tulevat, valmistatud otsekui oma mehele ehitud mõrsja. 3 Ja ma kuulsin valju häält troonilt hüüdvat: „Vaata, Jumala telk on inimeste juures ning tema asub nende juurde elama ning nemad saavad tema rahvaiks ning Jumal ise on nende juures nende Jumalaks. 4 Tema pühib ära iga pisara nende silmist ning surma ei ole enam ega leinamist ega kisendamist, ning valu ei ole enam, sest endine on möödunud.”
5 Ja troonil istuja ütles: „Vaata, ma teen kõik uueks!” Tema ütles: „Kirjuta, sest need sõnad on ustavad ja tõelised!” 6 Ja ta ütles mulle: „See on sündinud! Mina olen A ja O, algus ja ots. Mina annan janusele ilma tasuta eluvee allikast. 7 Võitja pärib selle kõik ning mina saan temale Jumalaks ja tema saab minule pojaks. 8 Aga argade ja uskmatute ja jäledate ja mõrtsukate ja hoorajate ja nõidade ja ebajumalateenijate ja kõigi valetajate osa on tule ja väävliga põlevas järves, see on teine surm.” Nägemus uuest Jeruusalemmast 9 Minu juurde tuli üks seitsmest inglist, neist, kelle käes on seitse kaussi täis seitset viimset nuhtlust, ning ta rääkis minuga ja ütles: „Tule, ma näitan sulle mõrsjat, Talle naist!” 10 Ja ta kandis mu vaimus suurele ja kõrgele mäele ning näitas mulle linna, püha Jeruusalemma, mis on alla tulemas taevast Jumala juurest 11 ja millel on Jumala kirkus, ning ta valgus on kõige kallima kivi sarnane, otsekui jaspis, mis hiilgab nagu mägikristall. 12 Sellel on suur ja kõrge müür ning kaksteist väravat ja väravate peal kaksteist inglit; ning väravate peale on kirjutatud nimed, mis on Iisraeli laste kaheteistkümne suguharu nimed. 13 Päevatõusu pool on kolm väravat, põhja pool kolm väravat, lõuna pool kolm väravat, õhtu pool kolm väravat. 14 Ja linna müüril on kaksteist aluskivi ning nende peal Talle kaheteistkümne apostli nimed. 15 Ja sellel, kes minuga rääkis, oli käes kuldpilliroog, et mõõta linna ja selle väravaid ja selle müüri. 16 Linn on nelinurkne ning ta pikkus on võrdne laiusega. Ta mõõtis linna pillirooga - kaksteist tuhat vagu. Ta pikkus ja laius ja kõrgus on võrdsed. 17 Ja ta mõõtis tema müüri - sada nelikümmend neli küünart inimese, see tähendab ingli mõõdu järgi. 18 Selle müür on jaspisest ning linn ise puhtast kullast, selge klaasi sarnane. 19 Ja linna müüri aluskivid on ehitud igasuguste kalliskividega. Esimene aluskivi on jaspis, teine safiir, kolmas kaltsedon, neljas smaragd, 20 viies sardoonüks, kuues karneool, seitsmes krüsoliit, kaheksas berüll, üheksas topaas, kümnes krüsopraas, üheteistkümnes hüatsint, kaheteistkümnes ametüst. 21 Kaksteist väravat on kaksteist pärlit, iga värav ühest pärlist, ning linna tänav on puhtast kullast otsekui läbipaistev klaas. 22 Templit ma ei näinud seal, sest Issand, Kõigeväeline Jumal, on selle tempel, ning Tall. 23 Ja linnale ei ole vaja päikest ega kuud, et need talle paistaksid, sest Jumala kirkus valgustab teda, ning tema lamp on Tall. 24 Rahvad hakkavad käima tema valguses ning ilmamaa kuningad toovad sinna oma hiilguse. 25 Tema väravaid ei lukustata päeval, ent ööd seal ei olegi. 26 Ja rahvaste hiilgus ja au kantakse sinna sisse. 27 Sinna ei saa midagi, mis on rüve, ega keegi, kes teeb jäledusi ja valet, vaid üksnes need, kes on kirjutatud Talle eluraamatusse.
The farther the smaller it would look. They can not find a planet that size because it would be like finding a apple or a coin in space between earth and neptune relatively speaking.
@@alanhaynes9672 well 200 times form earth then the sun is minimum. It is not geting enough sun light for it's size for us to see it. Would be easier to fire layers at the planetary plain or off axes of that plain to see if any thing reflects back. We still have issues telling the non planets pass neptune are even there. More so the deeper into the Kuiper Belt you go.
@@alanhaynes9672 would we be able to see something that is 10,000 larger but also 10,000 times away. Could we even tell it was a planet and not a round asteroid?
"Cast into outer darkness" the words has been used. Taking a whole planet and casting it to the edge makes sense, at the height of the devil's children technology .
Is it possible for there to be pockets of an atmosphere in space? Not a gas planet but possibly the makings of a protoplanet or just a collection of gases attracted into a cluster of gases.
there planets bigger um Jupiter one yall should fear is one bigger than jupiter to far for us to see or a sun bigger than ours probably bout ready to explode an we wont know cause the orbit to far off
Yes it's becoming .. Like the norm.. They are being seen everywhere.. More an more.. The CIA .. Government. They want the Tec. An are still trying to keep it under raps.. But pretty much . we all know they exist
Hi! Thanks for watching😍 Check out our new playlist -
cool video!!
you the best bright side
“Jupiter has Ganymede and Callisto, Saturn has Titan and Enceladus.”
Europa be sitting in the corner like “AM I A JOKE TO YOU?!”
Is Io, Mimas, Tethys, Rhea, Dione, and Iapetus also a joke? Huh?
Seems so!
At about time 17:34 the narrator said that an exoplanet is any planet that is within our solar system. Dude you really do need to get it right when you say things. An exoplanet is any planet that is OUTSIDE our solar system. Not the other way around. Do the producers of these videos just want to put up a video so bad that they say the hell with checking and double checking.
Chill bro
Rodney Gomes, an astronomer from Brazil, has presented evidences of the existence of Planet x in may 2012. This presentation has been made in American Society of Astronomy. This is in public records. Batygin and Brown have used Gomes’s calculations and presented as a basis for they “discovery”, after adding more calculations.
Gomes is the reason why the astronomers are searching for planet x again.
What would they call it if they found it? Gomes?
Doesn’t exist.
Lots of alternate explanations exist for these strange orbits. For example, one of the many stars that have passed through the Oort cloud could easily have distorted Kepler object orbits exactly like we observe. Current estimates are that a visiting star visits with 1 light year of earth on the average of every million years or so. Every 100 million years, a star comes close enough to seriously distort a lot of the orbits. The large planets can stabilize their orbits if they haven't been too shifted by an encounter (using response, planets have a tendency to fall into regular orbits), but the dwarf planets are small bodies in the Kepler belt do not have that ability.
Not trying to be a smart ass but since the advent of social media people are a 100 times smarter today than we were twenty years ago and through common sense and analysation of the expert's I don't really think we know anything. We had to believe what was told to us because we had nothing to go on but now we have the world at our finger tips. We don't have to go anywhere it comes to us and because of it there are more opinions and theory's today that make sense than just what they would say if we didn't have social media though they would never get credit because there not the expert.
@@jasonrogers9169 As little as 200 years ago the average human had never seen a book much less held one or could even read from it, If you fail to use the assets at your disposal "hundreds of millions of educative materials are online" But go back to watching the simpsons. As you were.
200 years from now is going to be the same thing! It is taking affect now as we are creating a new language and books will be non existent and will rely soly on a.i. as books made us what we are today the books are wrong. Our lives are based on the best possibly guess and not fact and is being proven more every day. We have no clue as we were taught that this is how it is in reality is not. Just because it is written doesn't make it fact. When your taught about physics as it was written and you see something that breaks everything your were taught to be true you suddenly realize how life is based on we don't really know anything. Technology today has opened up a new era. Instead of accepting what we were told from people that didn't really know we can see and analyze ourselves to formulate a new opinion and create new ideas to enter the next generation. There are people today that through social media that are smart enough to research and differentiate between what is real and what is not that can rewrite what we know but for now they will go unheard as they don't possess the proper credentials. They have to get up and go build houses.
😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮it. Is😂
I love these videos but I keep coming around videos over am hour I like the short ones like this but I love learning about space
Apparently they think it might be a primordial black hole, which apparently as far as I understand it is a size of a tennis ball I mean it’s nothing to be scared of its been orbiting us this whole time, so I guess we’re fine. We’re knows if there is a God maybe he put it there to protect us some kind of weird way.
Its old as time
A planet that can't be seen " isn't there " but a black hole that can't be seen " is there "
Ah yes, *S P A C E L O G I C*
if I am correct, Pluto is the last planet in our solar system, but centuries ago Pluto was declared to be a dwarf planet instead, so that's why Planet X is known to be the 10th planet that is hardly ever discovered or spotted in our solar system. don't blame me, look into the science. Science has a history for these things about our solar system. I just learn.
Wouldn't a planet that orbits twice the distance of Pluto in 11 days be moving faster than light?
4:27 Leleakuhonua's orbit is more than Sedna's orbit. It is the nearest dwarf planet to Oort Cloud
Would that happen to be Niberu where the Ananaki came from that comes around 100,000 years ago
How did I not know about this channel
First?? i love this stuff
You missed that adjustments to the mass of Neptune meant that the orbital deviations that led to Pluto being discovered weren't real, so the new Planet X is being looked for only on the basis of different things.
Oh, at 3:15 you finally got there.
Did you do the voice for the Playstation 1 game “Life”?
Is that place Could be the next earth or messy place such as venus or neptune
What would be the math of the route it took to be removed from the light. Knowing the paths it had to take can show where it is at and the path UFOs will have to travel to get to earth.
Unlikely that life is on planets they said, biologics discovered at non-human crash sites, they did
How can we see something 32 billion light years away when the universe is only roughly 15 billion years old.
When i saw this title, i started thinking about Nibiru 💀
It is called Planet Quaoar it has ring and reside within its roche limit
Back when Pluto was the nineth planet. There were people talking about planet x. Which would be the tenth planet. And x is the Roman number for ten.
Second pls heart I love this video
Planets: Mercury Moon Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Uranus Neptune Titan Europa Planet X Pluto Makemake Haumea Eris Ceres Charon J407B TOI 76B
Total: 20 Planets
Filolaos,first said for antierth hiding ffar from sun but with same oposite orbits
1:52-1.58 "Planet X has 10 times the size of earth and 4 times the radius". Can you explain that? You probably meant the mass of the planet.
People used to be labeled "conspiracy theorists" for saying this. Now NASA thinks there is.
How is 200 times further same as 600 AU?
Would it not be 200 au. That is 200 times farther form earth.
Of course there are a few more planets lurking out there. Shows how little our technology has really come we still can't detect planets in the furthest reaches of our solar system
Well we are using sources of light and other nature emissions. Not like you can fire layers to where they think it is and see if anything is reflected back. Or never comes back incase of the tiny black hole which would be a very scary problem later.
Hey! Wait a minute, we now have very large space bound telescopes outside of Earth's atmosphere. Soooo why haven't we found this socalled planet X yet?
NASA are just bunch of lairs😅😅
Here's a simple way to put it. Nibiru has an orbit of the sun of 3600 years. Earth orbits at 365 days. So half orbit is still 1800 years and quarter orbit is 900 years. 1/8 orbit 450 years. So even 450 years ago we didn't have telescopes at the level we have today if any. 1 shar on Nibiru is 3600 years. Go find it yourself and then explain the meaning of the planet. It's created on a wide orbit and is the reason we have a moon. All history.
Way to show some enthusiasm. ... Jeez🎉
Holy moly J1407B has literal giant ring wait a wasp you mean the weird bee thats name a wasp
3 nights every year 🤨🤨? l don't get it😐😐
The JWT can find the smallest stars billions of lightyears away but can't find planet x in our own solar system
A lot of things may be hiding around us.There is no way to tell someone's hiding unless they say BOO!
TOI-1452B You say it is 2.5x farther from it's stars than Pluto is from out sun, but you say that a year is 11 days. I'm sorry, but that math is impossible. Can you please provide accurate numbers? How about this: Its mass is 4.82 Earths, it takes 11.1 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.061 AU from its star.
What If Planet X ist behind The sun rn, does this makes sens? I dont think so
It’s Jupiter
Wow we know what is there billions of light year away, and we don't know whats in our own star system 😂
I’ve been saying this for the past 5 years.. What If Pluto Is Actually One Of The Moons Of The Real 9th Planet 👀
Pluto is planet 9!
Wow. Your stupid. Pluto orbits the sun. This means that Pluto physically can’t be a moon if it orbits the sun.
Facts, but it's a bit far away for planet x..
WHAT????? - 9:52 how much space all the water on earth takes up, 0.025% - WTF
Where did you get that from?? Earths hdrosphere is 71%
The language variations in this video lead me to believe this is bot generated. Strong telescope.. instead of powerful telescope... also 23 video put out since May 2023...
...and then again, may not
What if the dwarf planets are moons of the 9th planet?
2012 came and went, Nibiru didn’t show up.
So no need to keep beating that dead horse
People who thought it was Iris
We didnt know planet-x exist??
Nägemus uuest taevast ja uuest maast
1 Ma nägin uut taevast ja uut maad; sest esimene taevas ja
esimene maa olid kadunud ning merd ei olnud enam.
2 Ja ma nägin püha linna, uut Jeruusalemma, taevast Jumala
juurest alla tulevat, valmistatud otsekui oma mehele ehitud
3 Ja ma kuulsin valju häält troonilt hüüdvat:
„Vaata, Jumala telk on inimeste juures
ning tema asub nende juurde elama
ning nemad saavad tema rahvaiks
ning Jumal ise on nende juures nende Jumalaks.
4 Tema pühib ära iga pisara nende silmist
ning surma ei ole enam
ega leinamist ega kisendamist,
ning valu ei ole enam,
sest endine on möödunud.”
Ja troonil istuja ütles: „Vaata, ma teen kõik
uueks!” Tema ütles: „Kirjuta, sest need sõnad on ustavad ja
6 Ja ta ütles mulle: „See on sündinud! Mina olen A ja O,
algus ja ots. Mina annan janusele ilma tasuta eluvee allikast.
7 Võitja pärib selle kõik ning mina saan temale Jumalaks ja
tema saab minule pojaks.
8 Aga argade ja uskmatute ja jäledate ja mõrtsukate ja
hoorajate ja nõidade ja ebajumalateenijate ja kõigi valetajate
osa on tule ja väävliga põlevas järves, see on teine surm.”
Nägemus uuest Jeruusalemmast
9 Minu juurde tuli üks seitsmest inglist, neist, kelle käes on
seitse kaussi täis seitset viimset nuhtlust, ning ta rääkis
minuga ja ütles: „Tule, ma näitan sulle mõrsjat, Talle naist!”
10 Ja ta kandis mu vaimus suurele ja kõrgele mäele ning
näitas mulle linna, püha Jeruusalemma, mis on alla tulemas
taevast Jumala juurest
11 ja millel on Jumala kirkus, ning ta valgus on kõige kallima
kivi sarnane, otsekui jaspis, mis hiilgab nagu mägikristall.
12 Sellel on suur ja kõrge müür ning kaksteist väravat
ja väravate peal kaksteist inglit; ning väravate peale on
kirjutatud nimed, mis on Iisraeli laste kaheteistkümne suguharu
13 Päevatõusu pool on kolm väravat, põhja pool kolm väravat,
lõuna pool kolm väravat, õhtu pool kolm väravat.
14 Ja linna müüril on kaksteist aluskivi ning nende
peal Talle kaheteistkümne apostli nimed.
15 Ja sellel, kes minuga rääkis, oli käes kuldpilliroog, et
mõõta linna ja selle väravaid ja selle müüri.
16 Linn on nelinurkne ning ta pikkus on võrdne laiusega.
Ta mõõtis linna pillirooga - kaksteist tuhat vagu. Ta
pikkus ja laius ja kõrgus on võrdsed.
17 Ja ta mõõtis tema müüri - sada nelikümmend neli küünart
inimese, see tähendab ingli mõõdu järgi.
18 Selle müür on jaspisest ning linn ise puhtast
kullast, selge klaasi sarnane.
19 Ja linna müüri aluskivid on ehitud igasuguste kalliskividega.
Esimene aluskivi on jaspis, teine safiir, kolmas kaltsedon,
neljas smaragd,
20 viies sardoonüks, kuues karneool, seitsmes krüsoliit,
kaheksas berüll, üheksas topaas, kümnes krüsopraas,
üheteistkümnes hüatsint, kaheteistkümnes ametüst.
21 Kaksteist väravat on kaksteist pärlit,
iga värav ühest pärlist, ning linna tänav on puhtast
kullast otsekui läbipaistev klaas.
22 Templit ma ei näinud seal, sest Issand, Kõigeväeline
Jumal, on selle tempel, ning Tall.
23 Ja linnale ei ole vaja päikest ega kuud, et need talle
paistaksid, sest Jumala kirkus valgustab teda, ning tema lamp on
24 Rahvad hakkavad käima tema valguses ning ilmamaa
kuningad toovad sinna oma hiilguse.
25 Tema väravaid ei lukustata päeval, ent ööd seal ei
26 Ja rahvaste hiilgus ja au kantakse sinna sisse.
27 Sinna ei saa midagi, mis on rüve, ega keegi, kes teeb
jäledusi ja valet, vaid üksnes need, kes on kirjutatud Talle
Um did Pluto rejoin?
How can it be 32 billion lightyears when the universe is 14 billion years old approx???
Maybe the asteriod belt (the whole collectivity of all the gravity of each object is responsiible and not just one planet
24:07 he said PCR instead of PSR
No one talks about planet Y or Z. Why is that it?
Iris is with us now. Laughing at us.
Human is comeing close
😳 if it's really out there hiding somewhere I'm scared 😶
This Is A Dwarf Planet It,s Eris
If it’s 10xs bigger… how is it hiding?
Exactly.. another fake bate clicking space channel !!
The farther the smaller it would look. They can not find a planet that size because it would be like finding a apple or a coin in space between earth and neptune relatively speaking.
@@loganshaw4527we can track asteroids and dwarf planets way beyond the orbit of Neptune, yet you think we can’t see a planet 10,000 times larger?
@@alanhaynes9672 well 200 times form earth then the sun is minimum. It is not geting enough sun light for it's size for us to see it. Would be easier to fire layers at the planetary plain or off axes of that plain to see if any thing reflects back. We still have issues telling the non planets pass neptune are even there. More so the deeper into the Kuiper Belt you go.
@@alanhaynes9672 would we be able to see something that is 10,000 larger but also 10,000 times away. Could we even tell it was a planet and not a round asteroid?
No, it would take one year to orbit the Sun. It would take 10,000 EARTH years.
"Cast into outer darkness" the words has been used. Taking a whole planet and casting it to the edge makes sense, at the height of the devil's children technology .
Is it possible for there to be pockets of an atmosphere in space? Not a gas planet but possibly the makings of a protoplanet or just a collection of gases attracted into a cluster of gases.
I'm a space freak 😂😂
While it seems an astronomical distance from earth, its not ........ yeah? I dare you to walk it....
The Iris is laughing at us
Is there life on planet x?
no it’s too far from the sun :(
Heard there was a long time ago
X planet has ice in it soldiers of might be life
In my opinion I think planet X is the lost fifth gast giant
it's a gravity well caused by the combined micro lensing of the milky way by the oort cloud... now, who wants her udders feeled?? give us a squish.
Why hasnt the Voyagers probes found Planet X
How about answering the question
There must be black hole out there the size of the Earth.
Say it was covered with gold, wouldn't that make it brighter??
Ye but the atmosphere makes it dark
They would have found it by now if there was another planet
Anyone who discover the planet IX, his name will be recorded in astrology history.
My theory is it's a micro black hoel
They would of spotted it by now
If there was a planet x it would have been found already. Like do you think we are idiots?
Planet 9 is a shade of blue and it is a gas giant
What if Planet X exists and it orbit has it currently extremely far right now? What if there is life on Planet X? Hmmmm……
Omg is iris real?!?! (Gemini home entertainment)
Nope I grew up with nine planets Pluto is planet so there might be 10
Pluto is the ninth planet
Hope NASA used jwst to find this planet
Planet 9 is a hypothetical planet and it’s blue
A water giant OK what you gonna call it? 😂
detalyado ka magkwento ha, akala mo talaga nakapunta na dun eh.... puro lang kayo pangarap....😁😁😁
there planets bigger um Jupiter one yall should fear is one bigger than jupiter to far for us to see or a sun bigger than ours probably bout ready to explode an we wont know cause the orbit to far off
I don't think that aliens are real we don't know???????
What if Neptune is leaving the solar system because it's instead gonna start orbiting planet x???
I don’t think that’s possible
neptune is a water planet
is their 8 planets or not
Already been here
Aliens are coming from somewhere
Yes it's becoming .. Like the norm.. They are being seen everywhere.. More an more.. The CIA .. Government. They want the Tec. An are still trying to keep it under raps.. But pretty much
. we all know they exist
Beta Reticuli mostly, LV246 ain't bad this time of year.
Werid signals coming from various different planets
Certainly doubt it.
There is 12 planets out there???