  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
    For more information on how to perfect your prayer read:
    - Laws of Salah | MEN pages 110-155 - download here bit.ly/1mK8O7N
    - Laws of Salah | WOMEN - pages 67-135 - download here bit.ly/2fBI67d
    Ibn Abideen mentions that a prayer performed with a makrooh tahriman act is wajib (necessary) to repeat and only recommended (to repeat) if the makrooh is tanzihan (minor dislike).
    The full ruku’ is to straighten your back (horizontally). (Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P229)
    The beloved Rasool of Allahhas said, “Allah does not look at the salah of a person in which he does not straighten his back during ruku’ and sujood.” (Musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, V3, P617, Hadith 10803, Darul Fikr Beirut)
    Tajdar-e-Madina said, “The salah of a person who does not keep his back straight in ruku’ and sujood is incomplete”. (Assunanul-Kubra, V2, P126, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)
    PLEASE NOTE: unlike men, women do not bend their backs to the horizontal position in Ruku'. Rather in Ruku women bow slightly i.e. to the extent of placing hands on the knees. Neither apply weight to the knees or hold them; fingers should be close together and legs should be slightly bent i.e. not completely straight, like men.
    Jalsah, i.e. sitting upright in between two sajda for atleast the time taken to utter one tasbih. Some people go down into the second sajdah without sitting upright after the first one which means that they miss a wajib. No matter how much of a hurry you are in, you must sit up straight or else your salah will become Makrooh-e-Tahreemi and to repeat it will be necessary.
    It is important that your forehead is pressed firmly whilst prostrating. Pressing firmly means that you must be able
    to feel the hardness of the ground. If your forehead is not
    pressed, your prostration will not be valid. (Alamgiri, V1, P70)
    If you prostrate on something soft like grass, wool or a carpet and your forehead is pressed firmly onto it (i.e. you’ve pressed it so hard that it cannot be pressed any more), your sajdah will be valid, otherwise not. (Tabyinul-Haqaiq, V1, P117)
    Our Masajid usually have carpets in them these days (in fact, some Masajid have foam underneath the carpets). Therefore, it is important that you press your forehead firmly when doing sajdah on these carpets otherwise your salah will not be valid. If your nasal bone does not press against the ground, your salah will be Makrooh-e-Tahreemi and must be repeated. (Mulakhkhas az Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P71)
    PLEASE NOTE: the prostration of a woman is different to that of a man. Women do not bend their toes - instead they tilt both feet towards the right. When performing sajdah women must keep the parts of their body close together i.e. arms touching sides, belly touching thighs, thighs touching shins and shins touching the ground with the feet out towards the right.
    "In Sharh Niqāyah of Qahastānī it is stated: The correct opinion is that raising both feet off the ground [in sajdah] nullifies the prayer as is mentioned in al-Qunyah" (al-Fatāwā al-Ridwiyyah vol 7 pg 366)
    To bend all five on each foot is Sunnah. [Bahar e Shariat p513 & p530]
    "[It is mentioned in Sharh al-Multaqā] It is fard to place the [soles of the] toes of the feet on the ground, even if it is one of them towards the qiblah otherwise it is not allowed and people are heedless of this." (Al-Durr al-Mukhtār Bāb Sifah al-Salāh)
    Also in al-Durr:
    "From them (that is from the farā'id) Prostration with the forehead, the two feet and the placing of one toe from both feet is a condition."
    Imam Ahmed Rida Khan states, "To rely on the sole of one toe from the 10 toes of the feet in the state of sajdah is fard according to the relied upon and mufta bihī opinion of the Madhab... And to place all or most of the toes of both feet is not far from being wājib."
    Contents of the video are checked and approved by: Mawlana Ibrar Shafi, Mawlana Husein Qadri, Mawlana Abu Hasan & others.

Комментарии • 5

  • @nafdikyaaqsa
    @nafdikyaaqsa 7 лет назад +19

    Would have been beneficial to include the sisters in this.. We too need guidance.

  • @_purplelion_
    @_purplelion_ 7 лет назад +1

    jazak Allah Khair Akhi...really informative video

  • @israilansari721
    @israilansari721 6 лет назад +2

    subhan Allah

  • @SammooFTW
    @SammooFTW 7 лет назад +1


  • @HashimAziz1
    @HashimAziz1 7 лет назад +2

    Salaam, where can I find the salat-us-salaam at the beginning?