This is what is called raw talent coming from such a young artist. I was actually moved by his rendition of this beautiful piece. Sounds like coming from heaven :)
SIN COMENTARIOS!!!!..... tan sólo darle las gracias a mi MADRE que allá donde se encuentre por haberme inculcado el amor por la música clásica....GRACIAS MAMA
Currently there are 869 dislikes on this video, which tells me that there are at least 869 people in this world who are either jealous or who don’t know their arse from their elbow. This was an accomplished performance with excellent tone. Bravo young man!
Absolutely beautifully played. This young man has a bright future. Anyone who "disliked" his performance doesn't understand the control it took to play this well. I know, I've been playing trumpet for nearly 50 years. BRAVO!
La pieza en un >Adagio del Maestro Rodrigo. (Era ciego pero veía la música) Se llama Concierto de Aranjuez. Y te recomiendo la versión de Paco de lucia. Preparate clinnex a discrección. Espero que te guste. Un saludo desde España.
Hay obras que te llegan al alma, ésta es una de mis favoritas,... pero esa interpretación es sublime y muy tierno, mis respetos a ese niño que tiene un futuro muy promisorio...
"And he calls that wobbly" . Usually when I listen to a younger person playing such a tough piece I make allowances for the fact nobody so young could really get the technique and emotion spot on.......flabberghasted by how good this was. If I had paid money to listen to this I would have felt it was good value. I hope this young man has kept playing.
Esta canción es una de España que más una maravilla de Joaquín se pasa nunca de moda ...a cualquier edad le gusta hay tantas versiones y todas lindas...era un fenómeno......desde Santander
Oh, bravo. Bravo the perfect pitch. Bravo the wonderful tone. Bravo the effortless phrasing. Bravo the technique, the embouchure, the young man's embrace of the emotional depth of the piece. Oh, that I could have combined them so well on my silver cornet when I was this age some 60 and more years ago. Oh, bravo. My heart and spirit soared with this beautiful performance . . .
I have listened to this now numerous times, and absolutely love his interpretation, tone, attack. Anyone who have ever tried to play along with an orchestra or accompanist will understand now difficult it is to stay in time, as well.
God bless this young man,this is mind blowing,I'm sad,I'm happy,I'm in a peaceful world whilst listening to this. Sending my love to his parents for raising this wonderful young man.
este concierto lo oí en mi adolescencia en clase de canto en mi país ,Colombia y me imaginaba cómo seria Aranjuez, 30 años después me hizo conocerla y era como me la imaginaba sobre todo sus jardines de palacio
Bravo to this young man. This is a piece that was originally written as a showcase for the guitar but this young man brings new soul to this piece. He is a wonderful musician who is a pleasure to listen too. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!!!!
Rodrigo and his wife Victoria stayed silent for many years about the inspiration for the second movement, and thus the popular belief grew that it was inspired by the bombing of Guernica in 1937. In her autobiography, Victoria eventually declared that it was both an evocation of the happy days of their honeymoon and a response to Rodrigo's devastation at the miscarriage of their first pregnancy.[1] It was composed in 1939 in Paris, source Wikipedia
¡Qué preciosidad! No me canso de escucharte. ¡Qué bien redondea cada frase sin dejarse llevar por la adrenalina que produce el escenario! ¡Qué expresión tan delicada! ¡Qué sonido tan bonito! Gracias por compartir.
Well done to the conductor for putting this beautiful music together. Well done to the young man in front who leads the tune. Well done to all the musicians in the background who make it work. Well done to you all, I am in awe of your music. Thank you. One day the youtube algo will find this music. You will have millions of views and millions of likes. You deserve it. Again, thank you.
@@sjefhendrickx2257 I know Concierto de Aranjuez well, it is by Rodrigo. It is actually quite modern, written in 1939. My post was to appreciate the excellent performance.
To think that now in 2021 this fine young player is probably around 50% older than he was in this recording. I sincerely hope he has continued his playing - the world needs more of this! Warm regards from Sydney, Australia - Dave
Maravilhoso, simplesmente fantástica interpretação. Sou músico desde os meus sete anos e só sinto orgulho de ouvir música bem tocadas e bem interpretadas.
I only recently discovered this piece or work and instantly fell in love. This kid is good! I’ve been listening to classical music all my life and this young guy will mature into one of the best but he has a good start on it.
No se que edad tendria el fliscornista en esa actuación, pero con esa edad, sacando esa sonoridad y afinación, con esa técnica y ese gusto y musicalidad, el paso de aire, los fraseos....., Ese chico me ha sorprendido gratamente. El potencial que tiene no solo como intérprete, sino como músico es increíble. El viento metal requiere disciplina y sacrificio, pero sin talento, son instrumentos poco agradecidos. A este chico, talento le sobra, si consigue tener disciplina y sacrificio, que acabe siendo un profesional como pocos sería solo cuestión de tiempo.
Magnificent. This is my favourite piece of music and watch this over and over. I certainly never reached this standard when I played the B flat cornet!
Not just beautifully played, but with such a depth of feeling, it made the music penetrate deep into my very soul. A masterful performance young man. You and your family must be so proud of your talent.
No tengo palabras para poder describir la belleza y delicadeza que acabo de escuchar. Claro está el gran talento y musicalidad que este chico lleva adentro que de seguro le acompañará por siempre! Un saludo Maestro Gabiola Leniz.
As a musician, he did really well, but he was rushing almost the entire time (which could have been easily fixed if he could actually see the conductor in his line of vision anywhere). That is probably the reason for the thumbs down. I think he did really well, and played it beautifully, just rushed far too much.
:@@rolandoperdomo1955 Rodrigo didn't like Miles Davis' performance in "Sketches of Spain" and tried to sue Davis until the royalties started pouring in, at which point, Rodrigo told his lawyers to drop the case.
Maravilloso ese solo de trompeta del Concierto de Aranjuez, todo sentimiento, la tragedia que en esos momentos atenazaba su corazón y hace llorar el mío.
Esto es para matarse! No se puede transmitir más chiquillo. Oleeeeee tú y por favor nunca dejes de tocar, tienes el don más importante para la música y eso es alma y corazón. Bravisimo.
Es un niño prodigio, qué maravilla de niño, emocionante. No me canso de escucharlo. Felicidades. Felicitaciones a todos los músicos y su director. Quisiera escuchar más música de uds por favor.
Jorge Martín es imprescindible atacar la música clásica para decir que te gusta otra? Si no fuera por la música clásica no tendría ese sonido que tiene.
Good for you and anyone else who gets back in the groove. I studied harp in school but haven't played in many years. A great performance I saw here on RUclips got me back to practicing daily again.
Complimenti vivissimi al bravissimo e giovanissimo Flicornista! (tra l'altro è in così giovane età, che il Flicorno è quasi più grande di lui come dimensione) Ancora complimenti!!!!!!
Bravissimo young man I love the mellow sound of the horn . There is a sad story behind the reason Rodrigo composed it . He come home from the hospital were his wife had given birth to a stillborn baby. The music expresses the painful sad lament of his heart and soul.
Great future ahead for the lad! An asset to any orchestra...and, what fun to jam with groups all over the world stages! Great way to see the best artists perform & master his instrument. WOW!
From a trumpet player: Mensaje de un trompetista: Just beatiful.Solamente hermoso. The love for music and interpretation. El amor a la musica y enterpretacion. You made a 50 year old trumpet player cry a tear!Lograstes sacar una lagrima a un trompetista de 50 anos! Gracias un millon! A million thanks!. My parents never never came to my concerts! Mis padres nunca fueron a mis conciertos! My soul comforted by my friends,my fellow muscians. Mi alma consolada por mis amigos musicos. Sin embargo. Nevertheless. I played my heart and souls. Siempre toque musica con mi alma y corazon. Sabes? Guess what? The best of life. Lo mejor de la vida. Love for music,love for family,and love for friends. Amor a la musica, amor ala familia, amor a los amigos/as. The best par of the video. La mejor parte de el video. All your friends wishing you well for you to play your part. Todos tus amigos deseando lo mejor para tu solo. The music teacher by your side for encouragement. Tu maestro de musica a tu lado para apoyarte! Forgive my Spanish!.Perdona mi Espanol! Let me tell you a true story: Puedo contarte una verdadera historia: When I was 17 years old I met Henry Mancini. Cuando yo tengo _/tenia 17 anos conosi al Senor Henry Mancini. We had to play the National Anthem of The United states of America and some of his songs at a baseball game in 1989. Tenia que tocal el himno nacional de.los Estados Unidos de America y las canciones de el senor Henry Mancini en un juego/ partido de baseball en 1989. Imagine you and 1500 musicians at a stadium with Henry Mancini. Imaginate tu mas 1500 musicos tocando la musica de el Senor Henry Mancini? I drank you and stayed relaxed. It was a hot day. Yo tomo agua como tu y relajado. Hacia mucho calor ese dia! Henry!Henry!Henry! Henry! conduct the National Anthem of The United states shouted out from a man standing next to Henry Mancini. Henry!Henry!Henry!. Henry!...Dejame conducir el.himno Nacional de.Los Estados Unidos ..fueron las palabras de un hombre al.lado de el Senor Henry Mancini. C'mon Henry! C'mon Henry! Let me. conduct and play! Dont be scared! I can do this! Vamos Henry!! Carajo Henry! Dejame tocar!! Dejame conducir!No tengas miedo! Yo lo puedo lograr!! Guess what happened next? Adivina q' ocurrio?? You really want to know? Realmente quieres saber? Lets continue with the story. Continuemos con la historia. Mr. Henry Mancini!One.of.the world greates composser and piccolo /flute player decides to let his friend conduct the National Anthem of the United states. El Senor Henry Mancini,. uno de los grandes compositor mundial del musica, musico de piccolo/flauta decide q' su amigo a conducir el himno nacinal de los Estados Unidos!! Big mistake!! Un error grande!! What happens when you put an idiot that cant read music and cant conduct? Que ocurre cuando pones a un idiota q' no sabe leer musica y much menos conducir?? We began to play and right away the bands were off beat and behind 3 seconds! Comensamos a tocar y immediatamente toda las bandas en error y retrasado por 3 segundos!! Poor Henry, he was humiliated by his friend and his poor judgement!! Pobre Henry, estaba humillado por su amigo.y.por su.propia decicion! Earth please open and swallo me!! Tierra habre.y tragame!! Total humiliation and loss of faith!! Humillacion total y perdidaSe de fe!! What the heck have I done!! Que tontera hice?? Oh my GOD! DIOS mio!! Let.s.continue ...... Sigamos.......... Sweet sour thoughts running through my mind...Poor Henry!! Dulce amargas pensamiento corriendo por la menta de pobre Henry!! I personally could not take it no more!! Yo personalmente no soportaba lo q' estaba pasando!! Guess what I did?? Adivina l' que hice yo?? I got.out military formation!!! Me sali de mi formacion militar!. I played fortizimo fff..and at the same time pointed my trumpet towards all the bands that were 3 beats behind and they caught up with the correct tempo and. beat!! Yo toque mi trumpeta fortizzimo fff y apunte hacia las bandas q'estaban atradas 3segundos y lograron alcansar el tiempo.correcto. Mr. Henry Mancini heard what was happening but could not see who the heck was conducting the bands that were now on the right tempo. El. Senor Henry Mancini escuchaba lo q' estaba ocurriendo pero no sabia quien estaba conduciendo las bandas que ahora estaban con el tiempo correcto? Who ? Quien? We finished playing the National Anthem of the United states together in harmony. Todos terminamos tocando el himno nacional de los Estados Unidos en harmonia! From afar, Mr. Henry Mancini found me and locked his eyes towards me with humility and a tear! I read his lips: "Thank you!" De lejos/distancia el senor Henry Mancini puso su.mirada hacia mi con humildad y lagrima. Lei sus labios: "Muchas Gracias!" In life we have many circumstances, setbacks, dissappointments, failures! En la vida pasamos muchas circurstancias, malos momentos,fallas,retrasos. To, old and youg. A todos de minfamilia de muisicos joven y viejos. El dinero no hace el hombre! Money doesn't make you a man! What makes you a man is your convictions, good husband, good father to your children. Faith in Jesus Christ. Lo que hace in hombre son sus convicciones , buen esposo, buen papa asus hijos. Amor y fe en Jesus Cristo. Thank you for sharing your music. Gracias por compartir tu musica!
Muchas felicidades hermano Xabi,apezar de que estás joven, tienes un gusto por la música hermosa, que Dios te bendiga y que te sigas superando,para que logres muchos éxitos.
Maravillosa interpretación de esta melodía, es una música celestial. Felicitaciones a este joven intérprete. Me gustaría siguieran subiendo videos de él.
@@antoninamuffari2737 questa banda musical es de Lekitto, una localidad de la provincia vasca de Vizcaya, España. La banda se llama Lekitto Musika Banda
Why the dislikes ,lovely piece very well played .from young people ,congrats to teacher ,having the talent to teach this ,and passing talent on ,😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
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This is what is called raw talent coming from such a young artist. I was actually moved by his rendition of this beautiful piece. Sounds like coming from heaven :)
SIN COMENTARIOS!!!!..... tan sólo darle las gracias a mi MADRE que allá donde se encuentre por haberme inculcado el amor por la música clásica....GRACIAS MAMA
Currently there are 869 dislikes on this video, which tells me that there are at least 869 people in this world who are either jealous or who don’t know their arse from their elbow. This was an accomplished performance with excellent tone. Bravo young man!
Or it could be from the people in the first row that got showered with spit from his horn as he blessed them.
or let's focus on the 17.403 likes today ;-)
@@ogumaxe3596 Positive thinking!
@@robertgainer1395 I keep practicing!!! ;-)
the kid did well--give him a break......
What soulful playing. This musician is an artist, transcending the horns imitations into an organic flood of emotion. Wow. Bravo!
Absolutely beautifully played. This young man has a bright future. Anyone who "disliked" his performance doesn't understand the control it took to play this well. I know, I've been playing trumpet for nearly 50 years. BRAVO!
This is absolutely fantastic, brought tears to my eyes. Well done lad, & of course the orchestra, bloody brilliant!
Love from Newcastle ❤️🎺
La pieza en un >Adagio del Maestro Rodrigo. (Era ciego pero veía la música) Se llama Concierto de Aranjuez. Y te recomiendo la versión de Paco de lucia. Preparate clinnex a discrección. Espero que te guste. Un saludo desde España.
Wow. I played professional trumpet in Los Angeles for almost 30’years and I don’t think I ever recorded something so beautiful. That was amazing.
Look up a British film called Brassed Off.
About a miners community and their brass band during a year long strike in the 1980s
Can you tell me please why the kid shaked the trumpet maybe twice ?!?!?
@@wallygabreal3053To get the spit out
I believe you are referring to the practice of blowing spit out of the lowest bend in the tubing.@wallygabreal3053
Sorry, but the music is much too slow for my liking..
Hay obras que te llegan al alma, ésta es una de mis favoritas,... pero esa interpretación es sublime y muy tierno, mis respetos a ese niño que tiene un futuro muy promisorio...
It's always a privilege to watch and hear pure talent, thank you for the opportunity.
"And he calls that wobbly" . Usually when I listen to a younger person playing such a tough piece I make allowances for the fact nobody so young could really get the technique and emotion spot on.......flabberghasted by how good this was. If I had paid money to listen to this I would have felt it was good value. I hope this young man has kept playing.
hahaha, great Brassed Off reference there.
Braised off sent me here, 💙💙💙
Brassed off wobly version better
@@geoffreyking4515 mind still on pit?
I love the version of this song in “Brassed Off”. Wonderful movie.
Esta canción es una de España que más una maravilla de Joaquín se pasa nunca de moda ...a cualquier edad le gusta hay tantas versiones y todas lindas...era un fenómeno......desde Santander
Oh, bravo. Bravo the perfect pitch. Bravo the wonderful tone. Bravo the effortless phrasing. Bravo the technique, the embouchure, the young man's embrace of the emotional depth of the piece. Oh, that I could have combined them so well on my silver cornet when I was this age some 60 and more years ago. Oh, bravo. My heart and spirit soared with this beautiful performance . . .
WOW! For someone this young to play this difficult piece leaves me happy for the career this young man is going to have. Bravo.
Tara is a he!
beautiful tone, balanced and expressive without overdoing it, great pianissimo, I dont get what people are disliking...this young guy is really good.!
Remarkable job by that young man doing the solo and indeed the entire orchestra. Well done to all. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Here, here!
How, just how did this young lad play that so superbly. Wonderful and lovely. Bravo, young man.
Any thumbs down to this young man's talent, should be broken.
Yes, well played indeed for his age! May I wish him many hours of sheer joy and improvement listening to the great flugel masters Clark Terry and Roy Hargrove. Roy's live YTube playing on 'I Remember Clifford' is flugel perfection. A beautiful and deeply moving tribute to a great trumpeter (Clifford Brown) from a fellow spirit and great flugel player.
Magnificent!!!! Hearing that young man play so superbly brought joy to my ears.
I keep coming back, this is one of the finest flugelhorn solos' I have ever heard, and I am a brass lover. Well done young man.
I have listened to this now numerous times, and absolutely love his interpretation, tone, attack. Anyone who have ever tried to play along with an orchestra or accompanist will understand now difficult it is to stay in time, as well.
God bless this young man,this is mind blowing,I'm sad,I'm happy,I'm in a peaceful world whilst listening to this. Sending my love to his parents for raising this wonderful young man.
Por favor qué manera de tocar, es maravilloso, se toque como se toque siempre será una gran melodía, felicidades al solista fantástico ❤️
This looks like a young orchestra as well as soloist. Beautifully rendered, all of you. Many thanks!
este concierto lo oí en mi adolescencia en clase de canto en mi país ,Colombia y me imaginaba cómo seria Aranjuez, 30 años después me hizo conocerla y era como me la imaginaba sobre todo sus jardines de palacio
Que versión tan maravillosa. Digna de sus raíces. Tremenda calidad de este joven. Maravillosa obra, todo es maravilloso!.
Bravo to this young man. This is a piece that was originally written as a showcase for the guitar but this young man brings new soul to this piece. He is a wonderful musician who is a pleasure to listen too. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!!!!
Flugelhorn Xabi Gabiola
Guitarra española
Rodrigo and his wife Victoria stayed silent for many years about the inspiration for the second movement, and thus the popular belief grew that it was inspired by the bombing of Guernica in 1937. In her autobiography, Victoria eventually declared that it was both an evocation of the happy days of their honeymoon and a response to Rodrigo's devastation at the miscarriage of their first pregnancy.[1] It was composed in 1939 in Paris, source Wikipedia
So great - I keep coming back to watch every now and then when I want to smile! Thanks so much. Do a Ron and Hermione one !
¡Qué preciosidad! No me canso de escucharte. ¡Qué bien redondea cada frase sin dejarse llevar por la adrenalina que produce el escenario! ¡Qué expresión tan delicada! ¡Qué sonido tan bonito! Gracias por compartir.
Greetings from Ireland, keep playing.I love this piece of music.
Well done to the conductor for putting this beautiful music together. Well done to the young man in front who leads the tune. Well done to all the musicians in the background who make it work. Well done to you all, I am in awe of your music. Thank you.
One day the youtube algo will find this music. You will have millions of views and millions of likes. You deserve it. Again, thank you.
The conductor is just conducting! Its an very old piece of music!
@@sjefhendrickx2257 I know Concierto de Aranjuez well, it is by Rodrigo. It is actually quite modern, written in 1939. My post was to appreciate the excellent performance.
bravo petit un vrai son de bugle .Continue dans cette voie tu as un vrai don
One of the best sounds I've ever's like giving my brain a massage.soft and smooth.👏
That horn took a lot of skill to play, so any comment to the contrary isn’t worth reading here. My hats off the young man!
This young man delivers a polished performance, superb tone from the flugelhorn. Very very good!
He is very good
To think that now in 2021 this fine young player is probably around 50% older than he was in this recording. I sincerely hope he has continued his playing - the world needs more of this! Warm regards from Sydney, Australia - Dave
OUTSTANDING....from a young musician and his backing orchestra...again OUTSTANDING
Som bonito toca muito
Maravilhoso, simplesmente fantástica interpretação. Sou músico desde os meus sete anos e só sinto orgulho de ouvir música bem tocadas e bem interpretadas.
Lo acabo de descubrir . grande si señor en éstos momentos de sopor la buena música me alegra el alma graciaaas
I only recently discovered this piece or work and instantly fell in love. This kid is good! I’ve been listening to classical music all my life and this young guy will mature into one of the best but he has a good start on it.
Me too, also fell in love ❤
check ot Miles Davis's rendition Sketches of Spain album
Aah, yes Miles Davis. Used to listen to him and other jazz greats. Will look for it. Tks.
No se que edad tendria el fliscornista en esa actuación, pero con esa edad, sacando esa sonoridad y afinación, con esa técnica y ese gusto y musicalidad, el paso de aire, los fraseos....., Ese chico me ha sorprendido gratamente. El potencial que tiene no solo como intérprete, sino como músico es increíble. El viento metal requiere disciplina y sacrificio, pero sin talento, son instrumentos poco agradecidos. A este chico, talento le sobra, si consigue tener disciplina y sacrificio, que acabe siendo un profesional como pocos sería solo cuestión de tiempo.
Muchas felicidades para el muçhacho de la trompeta y para esa Gran orquesta que dios los bendiga saludos 🙏 de wuchinto lorena
Comparto su opinión, mi mas sincero deseo de que ese muchacho triunfe en la música!
Yo toque fluscorno a mis 14 años. El joven tiene talento de sobra. Me impresiono.
Amazing sound loved it
Very well said. 👏
Precioso. Mis oídos disfruta al dejar pasar tan hermosa melodía para poder disfrutarla. Gracias
This piece of music always brings a tear to my eye.
No idea why.
Superb , young man.
Beautiful. Brassed Off brought me here, and I'm glad.
A beautiful piece. And I love the warm sound of the flugelhorn.
Magnificent. This is my favourite piece of music and watch this over and over. I certainly never reached this standard when I played the B flat cornet!
The tone, the musicality, the ‘performance’…a star ⭐️ in the making.
Not just beautifully played, but with such a depth of feeling, it made the music penetrate deep into my very soul. A masterful performance young man. You and your family must be so proud of your talent.
Totally agree
No tengo palabras para poder describir la belleza y delicadeza que acabo de escuchar. Claro está el gran talento y musicalidad que este chico lleva adentro que de seguro le acompañará por siempre! Un saludo Maestro Gabiola Leniz.
Tienes que oir ver también El concierto De Aranjuez con La Gaita de Carlos Núñez
I enjoyed this very much. Famous piece, both classic and in jazz... but wonderful to hear from this young lad on flugelhorn, respect !!
Following on from Josh Vanhee. I am not a musician and this made me smile with absolute delight. It was beautiful.
Esta musica es una joya, cuando la escuchi ademas de relajarme, siento como una paz interior🙏🙏🙏👆
It's so nice to be warm in January. I'm so happy to be in your magnificent country.
Beautiful! Can't understand how people can thumbs down this boy playing.
It's because Aranjuez was played by a blind guitarrist and now they feel that this boy has played it with the wrong instrument.
As a musician, he did really well, but he was rushing almost the entire time (which could have been easily fixed if he could actually see the conductor in his line of vision anywhere). That is probably the reason for the thumbs down. I think he did really well, and played it beautifully, just rushed far too much.
You'll always get trolls on the internet!
:@@rolandoperdomo1955 Rodrigo didn't like Miles Davis' performance in "Sketches of Spain" and tried to sue Davis until the royalties started pouring in, at which point, Rodrigo told his lawyers to drop the case.
Ah this so beautiful,not many young musicians can play like this with great shape & phrasing way beyond his years 👏👏🎶🎺🎶Bravo young sir 🙏🏻
Oye que excelente ejecución musical... Perfecta dirección y corrdinacion... Un manjar para mis oídos. Gracias, muchas gracias por obsequiar su arte.
Je crois que je suis le seul à écouter ce chedeuvre c vraiment magnifique merci 👏❤👏❤👏❤👏❤
As a former trumpet player, I know how hard it is to make such clean, nuanced tones out of a a brass instrument. This guy is great. Viva Espana Unida.
Maravilloso ese solo de trompeta del Concierto de Aranjuez, todo sentimiento, la tragedia que en esos momentos atenazaba su corazón y hace llorar el mío.
Esto es para matarse!
No se puede transmitir más chiquillo.
Oleeeeee tú y por favor nunca dejes de tocar, tienes el don más importante para la música y eso es alma y corazón.
Wowee I am so impressed. Not the typical sound you get from someone this young! Great sound.
Love love really love that Flügelhorn tone.
Togh to play this instrument this good at such a young age. Very nice and touchy solo. 🥰🙏🏻🎺👏🏾
There are so many versions but this is amongst the best I've heard. This young guy is a master for sure.
A beautiful piece of music.
Well done to the young man and Orchestra. Love from Cumbria❤️
Es un niño prodigio, qué maravilla de niño, emocionante. No me canso de escucharlo. Felicidades. Felicitaciones a todos los músicos y su director. Quisiera escuchar más música de uds por favor.
Consiglia Mancini
Puedes encontrarla en youtube : Lekitto musika banda
Unbelievably, beautifully performed ! God bless you young man.
Beautiful what a lovely tone and I’ve been playing tenor horn, lead trumpet as well as Flugel for 40 odd years at pro level brilliant cheers 🍻
Beautiful, Xabi, just beautiful. Bravo!
Orquesta que sabe ser humilde para que brille él solista...hermosa interpretación...saludos desde el Estado de México
Es lo que tiene ser humilde y sencillo.
Se nota q a parte toca jazz y otros estilos, por suerte libres y desasociados a la música clásica momificada. Yo soy flautista.
Jorge Martín es imprescindible atacar la música clásica para decir que te gusta otra? Si no fuera por la música clásica no tendría ese sonido que tiene.
No es que sabe ser humilde, es que ese es el protocolo.. Es que eso no es Denbow.. 😂 😂
esta muy triste el
By a wide margin one of the best things I’ve ever heard in my life,,,who’s disliking this?
It's a great music.
And you put your soul in it.
With love from Moscow.
As an old trumpet player, I find this inspiring. Time to oil the valves and regain the lip.
Totally with you, Larry!
Good for you and anyone else who gets back in the groove. I studied harp in school but haven't played in many years. A great performance I saw here on RUclips got me back to practicing daily again.
Esto es lo que nos hace falta en los momentos difíciles .. 👏👏👏👏
Complimenti vivissimi al bravissimo e giovanissimo Flicornista! (tra l'altro è in così giovane età, che il Flicorno è quasi più grande di lui come dimensione) Ancora complimenti!!!!!!
Bravissimo young man I love the mellow sound of the horn . There is a sad story behind the reason Rodrigo composed it .
He come home from the hospital were his wife had given birth to a stillborn baby. The music expresses the painful sad lament of his heart and soul.
Great future ahead for the lad! An asset to any orchestra...and, what fun to jam with groups all over the world stages! Great way to see the best artists perform & master his instrument. WOW!
Merveilleux ce beau jeune homme nous donne des frissons de bonheur
El maestro Rodrigo estaría encantado de oír a este chico como interpreta su obra maestra .From the City of Lovers Teruel Spain
Beautifully played by this young man. Such potential.
I got goose pumps watching this young fellow playing. Such emotion & feeling as played. Bravo!
You are more than an inspiration, it's like seeing angels listening to you around you. Hope to see more of you and Thank you for your performance.
Má qualidade na rev
Wonderful for peace in Europe in may 2022. A lot of Thanks. Wonder-, BEAUTIFUL! Sounds bombs away! Greetings from Germany.
This is absolutely beautiful. I love it!
Fantastic piece of music, beautifully caramelized tone from the soloist! Bravo bellísimo!!!
From a trumpet player:
Mensaje de un trompetista:
Just beatiful.Solamente hermoso. The love for music and interpretation. El amor a la musica y enterpretacion.
You made a 50 year old trumpet player cry a tear!Lograstes sacar una lagrima a un trompetista de 50 anos!
Gracias un millon! A million thanks!. My parents never never came to my concerts! Mis padres nunca fueron a mis conciertos! My soul comforted by my friends,my fellow muscians.
Mi alma consolada por mis amigos musicos. Sin embargo. Nevertheless. I played my heart and souls. Siempre toque musica con mi alma y corazon.
Sabes? Guess what?
The best of life. Lo mejor de la vida. Love for music,love for family,and love for friends.
Amor a la musica, amor ala familia, amor a los amigos/as.
The best par of the video.
La mejor parte de el video.
All your friends wishing you well for you to play your part.
Todos tus amigos deseando lo mejor para tu solo.
The music teacher by your side for encouragement.
Tu maestro de musica a tu lado para apoyarte!
Forgive my Spanish!.Perdona mi Espanol!
Let me tell you a true story:
Puedo contarte una verdadera historia:
When I was 17 years old I met Henry Mancini.
Cuando yo tengo _/tenia 17 anos conosi al Senor Henry Mancini.
We had to play the National Anthem of The United states of America and some of his songs at a baseball game in 1989. Tenia que tocal el himno nacional de.los Estados Unidos de America y las canciones de el senor Henry Mancini en un juego/ partido de baseball en 1989.
Imagine you and 1500 musicians at a stadium with Henry Mancini.
Imaginate tu mas 1500 musicos tocando la musica de el Senor Henry Mancini?
I drank you and stayed relaxed. It was a hot day.
Yo tomo agua como tu y relajado. Hacia mucho calor ese dia!
Henry! conduct the National Anthem of The United states shouted out from a man standing next to Henry Mancini.
Henry!...Dejame conducir el.himno Nacional de.Los Estados Unidos ..fueron las palabras de un hombre al.lado de el Senor Henry Mancini.
C'mon Henry! C'mon Henry!
Let me. conduct and play! Dont be scared!
I can do this!
Vamos Henry!! Carajo Henry!
Dejame tocar!! Dejame conducir!No tengas miedo!
Yo lo puedo lograr!!
Guess what happened next?
Adivina q' ocurrio??
You really want to know?
Realmente quieres saber?
Lets continue with the story.
Continuemos con la historia.
Mr. Henry Mancini!One.of.the world greates composser and piccolo /flute player decides to let his friend conduct the National Anthem of the United states.
El Senor Henry Mancini,. uno de los grandes compositor mundial del musica, musico de piccolo/flauta decide q' su amigo a conducir el himno nacinal de los Estados Unidos!!
Big mistake!!
Un error grande!!
What happens when you put an idiot that cant read music and cant conduct?
Que ocurre cuando pones a un idiota q' no sabe leer musica y much menos conducir??
We began to play and right away the bands were off beat and behind 3 seconds!
Comensamos a tocar y immediatamente toda las bandas en error y retrasado por 3 segundos!!
Poor Henry, he was humiliated by his friend and his poor judgement!!
Pobre Henry, estaba humillado por su amigo.y.por su.propia decicion!
Earth please open and swallo me!!
Tierra habre.y tragame!!
Total humiliation and loss of faith!!
Humillacion total y perdidaSe de fe!!
What the heck have I done!!
Que tontera hice??
Oh my GOD!
DIOS mio!!
Let.s.continue ......
Sweet sour thoughts running through my mind...Poor Henry!!
Dulce amargas pensamiento corriendo por la menta de pobre Henry!!
I personally could not take it no more!!
Yo personalmente no soportaba lo q' estaba pasando!!
Guess what I did??
Adivina l' que hice yo??
I got.out military formation!!!
Me sali de mi formacion militar!.
I played fortizimo fff..and at the same time pointed my trumpet towards all the bands that were 3 beats behind and they caught up with the correct tempo and. beat!!
Yo toque mi trumpeta fortizzimo fff y apunte hacia las bandas q'estaban atradas 3segundos y lograron alcansar el tiempo.correcto.
Mr. Henry Mancini heard what was happening but could not see who the heck was conducting the bands that were now on the right tempo.
El. Senor Henry Mancini escuchaba lo q' estaba ocurriendo pero no sabia quien estaba conduciendo las bandas que ahora estaban con el tiempo correcto?
Who ?
We finished playing the National Anthem of the United states together in harmony.
Todos terminamos tocando el himno nacional de los Estados Unidos en harmonia!
From afar, Mr. Henry Mancini found me and locked his eyes towards me with humility and a tear! I read his lips: "Thank you!"
De lejos/distancia el senor Henry Mancini puso su.mirada hacia mi con humildad y lagrima. Lei sus labios: "Muchas Gracias!"
In life we have many circumstances, setbacks, dissappointments, failures!
En la vida pasamos muchas circurstancias, malos momentos,fallas,retrasos.
To, old and youg.
A todos de minfamilia de muisicos joven y viejos.
El dinero no hace el hombre!
Money doesn't make you a man!
What makes you a man is your convictions, good husband, good father to your children. Faith in Jesus Christ.
Lo que hace in hombre son sus convicciones , buen esposo, buen papa asus hijos. Amor y fe en Jesus Cristo.
Thank you for sharing your music.
Gracias por compartir tu musica!
Nice story. But I disagree with what "makes you a man".
Muchas felicidades hermano Xabi,apezar de que estás joven, tienes un gusto por la música hermosa, que Dios te bendiga y que te sigas superando,para que logres muchos éxitos.
Que bonito, lindo, parece que o evento não é na terra devido à tantos conflitos e guerras, lindo.
Can't imagine what this man is doing with this talent now but this is beyond words beautiful. Way to go!
Maravillosa interpretación de esta melodía, es una música celestial. Felicitaciones a este joven intérprete. Me gustaría siguieran subiendo videos de él.
Sonido excelente
Adorei essa orquestra , esse canal e maravilhoso .Parabéns
Sig Velasquez conosce il nome dell' orchestra? e la citta' dove si e' fatto il concerto? Grazie
@@antoninamuffari2737 questa banda musical es de Lekitto, una localidad de la provincia vasca de Vizcaya, España. La banda se llama Lekitto Musika Banda
@@leonardovelazquez3895 muchas gracias
Maravilloso el sonido del Flugelhorn.!! Y grandioso tema.
Felicidades para la banda y el solista!!!
Que maravilla, este niño es un prodigio. Esta música llega al fondo del corazón.
There are not a lot of Flugelhorn videos on RUclips but this is for sure the one with most views ❤ Master rendition, saludos!
Considering how spectacular this is, his parents must have been in tears when they heard this.
This made me cry such a beautiful rendition ❤well done to the young man x
magnifique : j'écoute très souvent ce concerto le matin pour illuminer ma journée. UNE MAMY DE BORDEAUX- FRANCE
Why the dislikes ,lovely piece very well played .from young people ,congrats to teacher ,having the talent to teach this ,and passing talent on ,😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
Felicidades Xabi, a ti y a la banda de Lekeitio.
Brilliantly played.
What a beautiful sounding instrument