Cancer, early warning signs

  • Опубликовано: 22 ноя 2022
  • Cancer, early warning signs
    Any unexplained bleeding
    Haematuria, any blood in the urine is abnormal, frank or occult
    Females, check again in 2 weeks
    Blood in sputum
    Melaena / PR
    Again, frank or occult
    PV, between periods, after sex post menopause
    (no matter how much blood or what colour it is)
    Usually indicate infection
    Tumours distort and block normal anatomy
    Chest infections
    Chronic cough
    Change in bowel or bladder habits
    Changes in defecation, frequency, consistency, constipation, diarrhoea, shape, colour, mucous
    Colour, dark or pale (head of pancreas)
    Dark urine
    Abdominal bloating or swelling
    Persistent heart burn / indigestion
    Persistent bloating, anorexia
    Changes in bladder emptying habits
    Thickening of tissue or a lump
    Tumours near body surface
    (Breast, testicular)
    Swollen lymph nodes
    Nagging cough or hoarseness
    Lung, laryngeal cancer, thyroid
    A sore / wound which does not heal
    Malignant ulceration
    Lesion getting bigger
    Increasing pain
    Unexpected bleeding
    Basal cell carcinoma (rodent ulcer)
    Non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSCs)
    New mole or changes to a mole
    Mouth or tongue ulcer (more than 3 weeks)
    Obvious change in a wart or mole
    A, asymmetry
    B, borders
    C, colour
    D, more than 6mm or increasing
    E, elevation
    Malignant melanoma may demonstrate all of the above features.
    Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
    Feeling of pressure, throat or chest
    Dysphagia, oesophagus or fundus of the stomach.
    Night sweats or fever
    Unexplained weight loss
    Unexplained pains or ache
    New blood clots, deep venous thrombosis
    Bone pain
    Intercurrent infection
    Cancer research UK
    What is normal for you, is this a change?
    Lasting longer

Комментарии • 7 тыс.

  • @rgeschoirpractice1398
    @rgeschoirpractice1398 Год назад +4188

    My husband died at age 61 of a rare form of stomach cancer called Linitus Plastica. His first symptom was nausea, which soon became constant. He was put on various meds like PPIs and scheduled for an endoscopy which was about a 2 month wait. He was only able to eat less and less over time without vomiting. The endoscopy showed a greatly swollen stomach lining with large gastric folds, yet the biopsys of the lining came back benign. Another 5 weeks of barely eating and losing more and more weight, we finally had the follow up appointment for the endoscopy. The dr wrongly thought he had pancreatitus. After a couple more trips to the ER with vomiting, and a short 2 day stay in the hospital, they decided to schedule an endoscoplic ultrasound. We waited another week at home for that while my husband continued starving, losing weight and vomiting. Finally 4 months after his symptoms began he had the endoscopic ultrasound, and the dr came and told me he had stage 3+ stomach cancer - Linitus Plastica. He lived 3 more months. Apparently it is a rare form of stomach cancer and instead of starting in the stomach lining as most (95%) of all stomach cancers do, this kind starts in the wall of the stomach and basically turns the stomach into a hard tumor. By the time of his diagnosis, he had lost 75 pounds. I hope this info can help someone. Please be a squeeky wheel when it comes to getting the tests you need and the attention you need, even if you have to call the dr everyday to see if they have a cancelation. I know my dear husband is with the Lord Jesus now, and that someday I will see him again, but I miss him so much, and it was hard to see him suffer. Love and peace and strength to anyone who reads this!!!

    • @susangarrett2710
      @susangarrett2710 Год назад +187

      God bless you and you will meet again I'm sure. Take care x

    • @mariej5319
      @mariej5319 Год назад +189

      I’m so sorry to read about your loss and everything that you and your husband endured. So sad. 😢🙏🏻

    • @changetocome100
      @changetocome100 Год назад +174

      Thank you for sharing this information, you can't know how many people you may help or just give strength to keep going. I thank you and my deepest condolences.❤️

    • @DanielMcAteer
      @DanielMcAteer Год назад +117

      Deepest condolences, and God bless you.

    • @bumblebootwiddletoes5185
      @bumblebootwiddletoes5185 Год назад +59

      I know the pain of having to push for rare diagnoses. Turns out I have 2 genetic disorders that are so rare they don't even have names yet. It took me a year, biopsies, and seeing every specialist there is to learn that. What finally proved it was having my genes tested by Sanofi. I was a trial participant, and my neurologist just recalled seeing they were doing it for people who had undiagnosed problems even after extensive testing.

  • @GregJ22
    @GregJ22 Год назад +2527

    Hello Dr. Campbell, I am pleased to announce that our fast-moving health authorities here in Denmark have concluded a research on vitamin D and corona. It actually helps against the disease. They reached this conclusion less than 3 years after you did! I'm very impressed.

    • @artfartzy
      @artfartzy Год назад +61

      Yes I saw they mentioned it on the news, was good to see them talk about that finally.

    • @TheWhiteAfghan
      @TheWhiteAfghan Год назад +96

      Tell your officials THEY ARE 2YEARS LATE

    • @magimac9979
      @magimac9979 Год назад +7

      @@sel7245 😂😂👏🏼

    • @VorTex108
      @VorTex108 Год назад +111

      Very frustating that they took so long. I guess the speed of science is related to profits.

    • @carlthor91
      @carlthor91 Год назад +24

      A link to the final report, or who produced it, would be nice.

  • @IAm1InTheIAm
    @IAm1InTheIAm Год назад +349

    Life is a miracle. I've been a Nurse for a long time, and the more I learn about all the diseases, etc, which takes people out of the race early, the more amazing it is to "die of old age". I have learned to love people deeply, and let them know it, for to be honest, we don't know what tomorrow brings . ❤️ ✌️

    • @annapachaclarke2392
      @annapachaclarke2392 Год назад +15

      Yes, your last sentence, love people deeply and let them know 💗

    • @IAm1InTheIAm
      @IAm1InTheIAm Год назад +8

      ​@@annapachaclarke2392 Bless you, you made my day. Truly.🙂✌️💓

    • @diane7912
      @diane7912 7 месяцев назад +5

      ❤ God made our bodies. He knit each of us in our mother's wombs. He in His greatness and vast love for us also made our beautiful, natural, God given immune system, to fix things when outside influences get the best of our post Eden selves. I don't put much trust in medicine. I do trust in God and those few brave doctors who believe in the hippocratic oath to do no harm and the "miracle" of our God given bodies to correct the problems that stress and dis-ease cause us all. Love and acknowledge God. Live long and prosper.

    • @PinHeadThePopeOfHell
      @PinHeadThePopeOfHell 7 месяцев назад

      @@diane7912 Your God is weak.
      Your God is cruel.
      Your God is Narcissistic.
      Your God can't stop women and children from being raped.
      Your God can't stop wars in his name.
      Your God admits there are other Gods in his 1st Commandment.
      Your God can't stop hunger.
      Your God cant stop cancer.
      Your God can't stop murder.
      Your God can't stop aborting thousands of babies every day.
      Your God can't show his face.
      Your God can't.
      Or maybe he won't.
      Or maybe he doesn't know.
      Regardless of why your God can't, won't or doesn't know, he has done nothing about these things.
      And since he is so weak, why do you worship him as a God?
      Your God is not real, and you are weak for believing in a Middle Eastern Myth.

    • @AdamIsMyNameO
      @AdamIsMyNameO 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@diane7912so god loves us and is all powerful and yet we get cancer, children die from horrible diseases… all the while this loving god just watches it happen? Right

  • @stephanguitar9778
    @stephanguitar9778 Год назад +77

    The difficult part of this is actually getting a doctor to take notice. Our collective of GPs treat most of us with contempt and dismissive disdain. They even laughed at my wife who had a nose bleed for 6 months before a junior doctor sent her to an ENT, needed an urgent operation.

    • @RustyShakleford1
      @RustyShakleford1 9 месяцев назад +6

      It's so sad. I had them tell me I'm not weak or fatigued when I was bedridden and used all my energy just to ask for help at the hospital

    • @KMx108
      @KMx108 8 месяцев назад +10

      "Contempt and dismissive disdain" said it!! Either this or they are just plain DUMB. I had all the classic signs and symptoms of pernicious anemia (inability to absorb vitamin B12 which is critical for life) and was told i just needed to exercise more. I used to be a "fit nut" and went to the gym for fun but i just couldn't anymore and my explanation of this meant nothing to them. I was treated like I wanted attention...I was asked if i was depressed...i wasn't. One doc tried to put me on depression meds and told me they were an appetite stimulant (decreased appetite is a low B12 symptom and i was expressing my concern and was losing weight even though i was forcing myself to eat the same calories that used to sustain me....eating even more was NOT the solution I needed. My GI tract wasn'tmoving...peristalsis was breaking down...i wasn't constipated in the traditional sense but my GI tract was completelypacked with food that wasn't moving.) I ended up having to do my own differential diagnosis after seeing a whole slew of unhelpful doctors and getting close to being bedridden. I needed a wheelchair if i had to walk more than 100 feet. I found an endocrinologist, told him what tests to run, got positive results, got him to prescribe the B12 injections I needed, started getting a little better, then had to have an appointment where I walked him through the logic of the diagnosis and he hesitantly agreed I had pernicious anemia. My intrinsic factor antibody test was incredibly positive. It's a test that is highly specific for pernicious anemia. I also had macrocytosis (also a sign) and I had objective evidence that i improved with B12 injections. My neurological symptoms started to diminish, also, which is another strong indicator. No one should have to work so hard to get a doctor to do the right thing. I think the big hang-up was that my B12 level was never low, but it doesn't have to be low! You can have a normal serum B12 level and still be deficient. I later learned that taking b12 supplements can mask a b12 deficiency...I have always taken a B-complex supplement. None of my doctors ever even asked about that. Maybe the problem is ignorance more than intelligence, but the majority of them (in my experience) are terrible listeners and have miserable critical thinking skills. Another problem - they seem to be trained to think psychiatric conditions are a good "go-to" when they can't figure out the real reason right away. LAME

    • @Tom-le3yy
      @Tom-le3yy 5 месяцев назад

      Its because unfortunately, cancer symptoms are very common. Our modern medicine is too primitive, so we rely too much on these unreliable markers. So some doctors send too many ppl to get tested and some, not enough.

  • @michellegrovak
    @michellegrovak Год назад +939

    No matter the subject, I always watch Dr. Campbell simply because he is a voice of sanity.

    • @christineparker3805
      @christineparker3805 Год назад +12

      Jesus is the voice of sanity Repent! 🙏♥️

    • @erikanders90
      @erikanders90 Год назад +19

      Did he not advocated vaccinations with MRNA Ling time?

    • @c.6452
      @c.6452 Год назад +5

      He's not a medical doctor.

    • @Hipporider
      @Hipporider Год назад +2

      @@davepowell7168 paranoid rubbish. He's giving you knowledge to notice cancer symptoms early. It's a good public health warning he's doing. I bet you'll be running off the health care system when you get seriously ill, unless you're one of these idiots who leave their lives at the mercy of crystals and homoeopathy 😂🇦🇺

    • @mpalmer7800
      @mpalmer7800 Год назад +5

      Thank you he’s my Dr Fauci… replaced

  • @pyroprutser4877
    @pyroprutser4877 Год назад +808

    A couple of months before she was diagnosed with aggressive brain tumor, my mom started having trouble with her speech, having trouble coming up with the right words and incorrectly reading out loud. Those were the first signs something was wrong, and I recognised it from some book I had read years before. I was worried, but set it aside as I (a naive 16yo) believed that that couldn't happen in real life, and certainly not to my mom... That's when I learned to take nothing for granted. We lost her a year after that. It's been 3 years now and it still hurts like hell
    Rest in peace mom❤

    • @frogsplorer
      @frogsplorer Год назад +23

      How awful. I’m so sorry. I often avoid addressing things that make me anxious. I think it’s also natural to ruminate on what you could have done differently in the circumstances. I hope you have someone close you can talk to

    • @jomomma5281
      @jomomma5281 Год назад +30

      Please don't blame yourself. If it's hard for the person who has it to see, it's impossible for someone of your age to know! God Bless & give you strength to live the life your mum would've wanted 🙏🏼🌿🕊️💞

    • @Thorocious
      @Thorocious Год назад +14

      We found out my father had an aggressive brain tumour a few days before he died. Symptoms started only two weeks before and we, as well as the health care people thought it was a stroke.

    • @lastcaress1314
      @lastcaress1314 Год назад +18

      Oh my dear, I am so sorry. My mother passed when I was 9. That's a hard hit to come back from as there's almost nothing more important than our Mothers. Especially if you are a gal, so I understand that pain. I promise in time the pain will ease. It will never go away, but it'll be livable. Yes, cherish the time you have with your loved ones always.

    • @lastcaress1314
      @lastcaress1314 Год назад +2

      @@Thorocious it'd almost would've been better him not knowing at that point. To save himself the uncertainty of it all. Since it was so bad you know?

  • @vialogan
    @vialogan Год назад +475

    My husband died of pancreatic cancer at age 51. He went to several types of docs for stomach and back pain for a year. Consistently losing weight, pain kept him(and me) up at night. Not one of them ordered imaging! They attributed it to something muscular because he used a jackhammer at work. During the year, of course, things got worse, until one Saturday morning when he couldn't even lift his head up to eat breakfast, I dragged him to the ER where he was finally diagnosed. After their testing that morning, a tech came into the room to get something and quite casually said, "Anthony, I saw your scans and I'm so sorry. I suggest planning a trip somewhere wonderful with your family." We said, "What? What are you talking about?" He hurried out and eventually the doc came in to explain he was stage 4 and had about 6 months to live. What a shock - the guy was a bull, worked heavy construction, never sick. It was unreal. We just didn't have any idea it was something serious. Love to all in this thread who've been thru similar circumstances 💔 and thank you Dr. Campbell for this clear and helpful video.

    • @Teenywing
      @Teenywing Год назад +40

      My daddy had back pain for a year which the dr attributed to spinal stenosis. Suffering from that myself, I knew my dad was in too much pain to be that but he insisted that’s what it was. Alas, he started losing weight and food was tasting bad to him. He was diagnosed and died about 3 months later. I miss him so much and just need to cry all the time. I’m so sorry for your husband. He was even younger than my dad. It’s so shocking. It’s been 2 years and I still can not believe this has happened. I did not think he was even dying when he suddenly died. I thought he would wake up. I’m so sorry ♥️♥️♥️

    • @thunderbird6777
      @thunderbird6777 Год назад +22

      @@Teenywing I am so sorry this happened to your dad 😪 The medical systems now are disgusting and need to be fixed. I don't think that will happen anytime soon...

    • @flamingo7349
      @flamingo7349 Год назад

      Sorry for your loss, I believe it's because of the vaccine...

    • @vialogan
      @vialogan Год назад +5

      @@Teenywing Don't feel bad. Your Dad knows and it's ok💝

    • @dylanallen5653
      @dylanallen5653 Год назад +3

      How much weight did he lose for a year ?

  • @tutupuff6359
    @tutupuff6359 Год назад +156

    My longtime partner started having cancer symptoms right before the lockdown. As soon as we were free to seek help it was too late. She passed 6 months later. I’m in the angry stage of grief but how many others went untreated? I have yet to see that pole or report. Thank goodness for truth seekers like you Dr. John. I never miss your talks.🌺

    • @lindanichols125
      @lindanichols125 10 месяцев назад +8

      I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it can be when you have had a long term reltionship and are suddenly living alone. Many Blessings.

    • @jasenkavukelic5047
      @jasenkavukelic5047 9 месяцев назад +3

      I am so very sorry...

    • @xqr_
      @xqr_ 9 месяцев назад +3

      Stay strong I’m so sorry for your loss the anger is real I couldn’t properly be with 3 close family members

    • @roncoles8361
      @roncoles8361 9 месяцев назад +17

      I have had the same issues here in australia, had some spots I was worried about ( melanoma) doctors refused to se me because I was not covid vaccinated. When the ban was liften got to see dermatologist who confirmed I had cancer which required more aggressive treatment than would have been required 3 years back, larger skin portion removed & radiation therapy as well. Even though I tested negative to covid on all occasions they still refused to see me. I have no trust or faith in the medical professionals any more.

    • @mrhanky7
      @mrhanky7 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@roncoles8361ethics non-existent with many healthcare professionals

  • @Susweca5569
    @Susweca5569 Год назад +247

    I intuited my own breast cancer when it was stage 0. Had a mammogram and it looked clear but that's because the cancer was in my pectoral muscle. The misogynistic doctors told me I was "paranoid and delusional." If they had listened to me and respected my own intuition I could have gotten it at stage 0 instead of stage 3 when they FINALLY believed me!
    That was 14 years ago and I'm alive and cancer free in spite of them.
    It isn't enough for a patient & doctors to pay attention to early warning signs, doctors have to respect people's knowledge of their own bodies.

    • @thelmahenriques6454
      @thelmahenriques6454 Год назад +29

      Sounds just like my doctor! I know my own body. She got right in my face one time and shook her finger at me telling me I didn't know what I was talking about...... She was proved to be wrong and I did know what I was talking about. How does a person find a "good" doctor?

    • @marymassos8456
      @marymassos8456 Год назад


    • @preshshop
      @preshshop Год назад +2

      Congratulations on your remission I am one year out from Stage 3 BC - did you do anything extra besides standard of care?

    • @teresalipot3585
      @teresalipot3585 Год назад +5

      You walk into the best local hospital...usually in the wealthy part of town...go to any floor or post-op and ask "who do you have as a primary Doc"...NOT "who do you recommend as a PCP"?
      Because most hospitals
      have "a Doc referral line"...which divides patient referrals to an ongoing list of Docs, with no regard to Physician quality.
      I hope this helps.

    • @WarrenCromartie2
      @WarrenCromartie2 Год назад +9

      Are in the UK? It's not necessarily misogyny, it's just that they don't want to/not allowed to invest time and money in a patients intuition and gut feeling, in lieu of any actual test data from mammograms, x-rays etc, even if the patient is right, as per your case. Good to hear you're well and cancer free :-) x

  • @SC-gp7kt
    @SC-gp7kt Год назад +1810

    1) Any unexpected bleeding (frank or occult)
    2) Discharges
    3) Tumors / thickening of tissue
    4) Infections / hoarseness
    5) Change in bowel or bladder habits
    6) Change in urine / stool
    7) Abdominal bloating / swelling
    8) Persistent heartburn / indigestion
    9) Anorexia / loss of appetite
    10) Swollen lymph nodes
    11) Sore / wound / ulcer not healing
    12) New / changes to existing mole
    13) Difficulty swallowing
    14) Feeling pressure in throat / chest
    15) Night sweats / fever
    16) Undue fatigue
    17) Unexplained weight loss
    18) Unexplained aches / pain
    19) New blood clots /DVT

  • @karentompkins980
    @karentompkins980 Год назад +363

    Persistent hoarseness led to stage 1 laryngeal cancer for myself! Just had a follow up today with my oncologist…happy to say 4 years cancer free! If something feels off get it checked out!

    • @dakotastorms1255
      @dakotastorms1255 Год назад +12

      Glory be to GOD.

    • @JD-yq3dd
      @JD-yq3dd Год назад +6

      @@dakotastorms1255 Amen! Praise Jesus!

    • @Ks-di3xs
      @Ks-di3xs Год назад +2

      Who did you go to to have it diagnosed? A surgebt? ENT needle biopsy? Please respond. Thank you.

    • @naturecreep8811
      @naturecreep8811 Год назад +1

      Same here with thyroid cancer exact same symptom

    • @naturecreep8811
      @naturecreep8811 Год назад

      @@Ks-di3xs go to a GP first, then you'll be referred to the right people usually an ENT doctor and they will decide to do a biopsy :)

  • @susanbetts761
    @susanbetts761 Год назад +33

    Thank you for this video. My cancer was picked up as soon as I got checked, at stage 2a. The doctor saved my life with her prompt action. It dismays me so much, that so many people get ignored, fobbed off or patronised. No excuse for that.

  • @shirleyscott683
    @shirleyscott683 Год назад +677

    In several people I have known diagnosed with cancer, including myself, fatigue was a prevalent symptom looking back, but we all thought we were just working extra hard or just getting older. It took me three months to see my doctor about a lump in my breast because it was difficult to get time off work and I worked long hours. Many places don't like their employees taking time off for appointments but I would advise people to take the time anyway. I was fortunate to get excellent care at my local cancer centre and have been in remission for many years. I took a 9 month leave of absence but should have taken more but my supervisor kept wanting to know when I would be back. I felt bullied into returning even though I had to recover from two surgeries, Chemotherapy and 30 radiation treatments plus Herceptin and estrogen blockers. Your health is more important than your job.

    • @carlr2438
      @carlr2438 Год назад +5

      3 months?!!!?

    • @AKayfabe
      @AKayfabe Год назад +23

      I think also that Doctors themselves like to explain extreme fatigue as not a serious symptom of someone is older because for whatever reason they act like it’s normal, but it isn’t. There’s people in their 90s with a ton of energy, energy I only wish I had in my 30s.
      This isn’t normal and I have gone to doctors at least 20 times tell them I have extreme fatigue only to have it dismissed every time and nothing checked

    • @paulao7022
      @paulao7022 Год назад +16

      Don't ever put anything ahead of your health. She could've hired a temporary placement for you, until you got back to work... some people have enjoyed good health all their lives.. and they don't understand prolonged sickness!

    • @luisrodriguez-pc9ns
      @luisrodriguez-pc9ns Год назад +5

      I’m sorry to hear that but you will probably get it again!! deodorant deodorant that has aluminum can cause stuff like that and you should have stopped eating seed oils and fasted took selenium increased antioxidants heavy especially glutathione

    • @luisrodriguez-pc9ns
      @luisrodriguez-pc9ns Год назад +3

      @@Candlesinthewoods you need vitamin k2 I would say go grass fed first! And do coffee edema

  • @jaffasholva7738
    @jaffasholva7738 Год назад +418

    The problem is doctors who don't listen. I had a giant lymphoma and my gp said it was normal. After a couple of months i started feeling immense pain and he said the 2 can't be related and i shouldn't worry. When i couldn't take the pain anymore he finally sent me to a specialist. This man also told me i should not worry about the lemon sized lump in my neck. I started feeling worse and worse. After almost a year i begged for a biopsy. The "specialst" told me he was 99,9% sure it couldn't be cancer. I went mad and demanded the biopsy. Turned out to be Hodgekin. I knew it all that time, but was treated like a crazy person. This is the way my mother died. She also knew she had cancer, but the doctors refused to listen. When they finally looked into it, it was too late. I am very lucky that i survived. All they do is check you blood and most cancers don't show up in the blood. It is insane. Now my doctor wants me to take an experimental vaccin for a mild flu. I have zero trust in doctors anymore.

    • @paulao7022
      @paulao7022 Год назад +20

      I think you been through enough... let someone else be their guinea pig.

    • @dantheman9852
      @dantheman9852 Год назад

      Very sorry for your malpractice or ignorance of their practice. I have never really trusted doctors because they get paid a lot from multiple sources and push 'drugs'. I stay away from the doctors unless I absolutely need one. I am ready anyday to meet my creator so their for they don't need my money either. We will all die one day. And unfortunately worse ways and sooner in today's times with all the poison they feed us and spray crap in the air. God bless you all hope you all have a blessed day

    • @daimsaeed
      @daimsaeed Год назад

      Thats gps for you, absolutely pathetic, should be charged for 1st degree murder for dismissing patients for their normal pains

    • @patcom1013
      @patcom1013 Год назад +28

      Thanks for sharing. I too have zero trust in them as I believe they are in full subservience to the all mighty, world-wide pharmaceutical industry.

    • @randomworldnews9124
      @randomworldnews9124 Год назад +15

      I learned through having a pet mouse with cancer that a doctor has no way of knowing if it's a cyst or cancer unless they do a biopsy. My vet said it was just a cyst so I didn't get it removed. It started to grow fast though so I went to the vet again. Vet said it's cancer and a tumor after trying to remove it. My mouse died in surgery. I'm very sad. I know now they don't know unless they biopsy it.

  • @soulshinebrowneyes8350
    @soulshinebrowneyes8350 Год назад +129

    I had a very small, flesh colored bump come up on my upper back. It looked like a little mosquito bite. It itched off and on, but not constantly. One day it was itching and when I reached back behind my neck and down where the place was, it has gotten almost 3 times larger. This happened very quickly. I went to my dermatologist and weeks later, after 2 different testing places labs tested the biopsies, it came back HR+ HER2- Matatastic Breast Cancer that had matastizied to my skin. The primary was never found. So, please don't over look any odd thing your body is doing or any odd thing that shows up on your skin. Because of my constant testing I have to go through, since the primary was never found, I have had kidney cancer found. It was found very early and a kidney ablation was done and it took care of the cancer. Please pay attention to your body and do not put anything off getting checked.

    • @morespinach9832
      @morespinach9832 6 месяцев назад +1

      Was this on your body or your face? I have some interesting things popping on my facial skin.

  • @skygazer6898
    @skygazer6898 Год назад +119

    With respect, it is all very well to keep alert to new symptoms, it is the damn doctors that need to take note. My mum went back and fore to the GP over an 8-month period with a backache and over the months she developed stomach pain. The doctor told my mum she had a urine infection and as she was 63 the back ache was due to wear and tear. To cut a long story short, four months later my mum was dead. My friend started to get nagging lower back pain, and she was told more or less the same thing as my mum. As the months passed by she started to experience stomach pains and a couple of months later she was dead. Both my mum, aged 63. and my friend, aged 60, had pancreatic cancer. They had both gone back and fore to the doctors over a period of months but the doctor never became alarmed.

    • @dabbbles
      @dabbbles Год назад +8

      SUE! Failing that track them home and give them a 12-gauge enema.

    • @peachmelba1637
      @peachmelba1637 Год назад +5

      Sorry for your loss...I lost my sister to undiagnosed bladder cancer... they were just throwing antibiotics at her for the time she was finally diagnosed after being rushed into A and E it was far too late..

    • @vialogan
      @vialogan Год назад +8

      Skygazer, I get it and it's unforgiveable. My husband too. Went to different docs for a year and not one took as much as an xray of his insides! Chalked it up to muscle pain from working with a jackhammer. He's been gone 13 yrs but I still get so angry about it today. Blessings to you.

    • @skygazer6898
      @skygazer6898 Год назад +3

      @@vialogan So sorry for your loss.

    • @vialogan
      @vialogan Год назад +2

      @@skygazer6898 Thank you very much💝

  • @justasmallltowngirlll
    @justasmallltowngirlll Год назад +938

    My daughter was two weeks over due and ended up having a bowl movement inside, and they had to put me out and clean out my uterus. As they were in there there was these areas all over the inside of my uterus. They took biopsies and sent me home. Two weeks later, rushed in for an emergency partial hysterectomy. My daughter literally saved my life from a rare form of cancerous cells formed all over the inside and not the usual outside. Then 5 yesrs later had trouble swallowing and found lumps in my neck. Not the usual lymthnoids but huge masses. Sure enough they removed 3, 11mm lymthnoids and 2, 9mm lymthnoids on the right side of my neck. Two years later happened on the left amd had over 7 lymthnoids removed. I am now cancer free for 6 years!!!

    • @paulao7022
      @paulao7022 Год назад +57

      I take olive leaf, it prevents cancer and all types of illnesses. (In Ezekiel 47:12) I get my olive leaf, in capsule form and I take one in the morning and one at bedtime. I pray, you stay cancer free.

    • @meaghankelly3887
      @meaghankelly3887 Год назад +1


    • @auburntiger94
      @auburntiger94 Год назад +4

      @@paulao7022 good to know! Thank you! Do you prefer a certain kind?

    • @justasmallltowngirlll
      @justasmallltowngirlll Год назад +1

      Thank you so much. I will try some for sure. Lots of love back. ❤️

    • @sst6358
      @sst6358 Год назад +1

      Congratulations 🥳 well done sending you Love 💕

  • @Howay.Man.Angelica
    @Howay.Man.Angelica Год назад +210

    My husband died seven weeks ago today. He died of a blood clot on his lung. But he also had cancer, we knew nothing about it. There were no symptoms. He complained of a pain in his back four weeks before he died, they said it was a trapped nerve. I eventually got him to go to the hospital, they did tests and said he had tumours on his spine, lung, liver, basically everywhere but his brain. I found out he had cancer at 1am on the 5th of October, and he died at 6.30am on the 7th of October. Two days and he was just gone.
    I wish there had of been signs, but he was working full time, four weeks before he died, full shifts with stage four cancer. It boggles the mind really.

    • @PS-qn4oz
      @PS-qn4oz Год назад +31

      So sorry for your loss! This whole thread is heartbreaking but your loss was so unexpected and recent.

    • @wistfulthinkn6982
      @wistfulthinkn6982 Год назад +14

      My father in law was complaining of a sore back. Didn’t think much of it. Two months ago he was diagnosed w tumors on the spine & hips. Soon after liver. He left us on Nov 18th. That quick from diagnosis it spread beyond saving. No chance to adjust to idea of Lisa before he’s even gone. Truly Sorry for your loss 🙏

    • @alexisclarke2466
      @alexisclarke2466 Год назад +8

      I'm sorry for your loss x

    • @kevleafy
      @kevleafy Год назад +6

      Sorry for your loss 🙏

    • @bestany5517
      @bestany5517 Год назад +10

      Oh my, you must be in shock. I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔❤️

  • @olivejuice2024
    @olivejuice2024 6 месяцев назад +12

    My mother, an RN, saw a multi color mole on my daughter's shoulder. Ended up being stage 1 Melanoma. She was only 19. Thank God for my mother saying her thoughts outloud. She saved my daughter's life!

  • @RestfulRoom
    @RestfulRoom 8 месяцев назад +320

    One lovely comment, not mine: My husband had a stage 4 lung cancer, and doctor said he would only have few months to live. We have changed our live style together by changing our diet (Whole food plan base diet), exercise, and be in the sun for about 1 hr/day. To our surprise, his tumor in the brain shrink then disappear in just 2 short months. His doctor had no words on how we could reverse cancer naturally.

    • @user-tq1qd3iu2t
      @user-tq1qd3iu2t 7 месяцев назад

      Correct....fasting is good too. Steer clear of these doctor clowns. They are the third biggest cause of death. Rockefeller medicine is garbage. I worked in the NHS in theatres. Emergency theatre and orthopaedics does good but most of the rest are better treated by life style changes. Doctors are absolute loons some of them. Trained monkeys.

    • @terrybartick1754
      @terrybartick1754 7 месяцев назад +13


    • @Xyztxo1082
      @Xyztxo1082 7 месяцев назад +24

      Hey, could you give tell us more details about the whole food plan base diet that was done? Any foods in particular? Any treatments in particular? Thanks!

    • @liamgane4
      @liamgane4 6 месяцев назад

      ​@Xyztxo1082 this poster is lying getting outside for 1 hour a day isnt going to cure stage 4 cancer changing diet wont to no proof it does

    • @virtualworldofcraps2237
      @virtualworldofcraps2237 6 месяцев назад +4

      Thank you so much for sharing. U are definitely God sent. I m sure ur sharing give these patients ray of hopes. God bless everyone with health. Amen.

  • @dmw7717
    @dmw7717 Год назад +334

    As an oncology nurse in the states I really appreciate this presentation. Very informative, indeed. Thanks for all you do!

    • @robinsmith8918
      @robinsmith8918 Год назад +10

      Keep up the good work love

    • @anotherlover6954
      @anotherlover6954 Год назад +19

      Are you seeing any increase in fast-acting cancers?

    • @jimm.1013
      @jimm.1013 Год назад +4

      This is the kind of vid he should have been doing for the last year rather than the continual anti-v fare. Although those vids get him more views, and the subsequent income.

    • @lawrencegarcia1675
      @lawrencegarcia1675 Год назад +1

      @@jimm.1013 I agree he doesn't say what he really feels about this whole plandemic and too me that's a spineless person. In my book worthless.

    • @jimm.1013
      @jimm.1013 Год назад +5

      @@lawrencegarcia1675 If he uses the term "plandemic" you know he doesn't know how to find the correct information sources, nor properly analyze valid data. He would probably be spending too much time at flat earth websites.

  • @ThatSkyThing
    @ThatSkyThing Год назад +79

    I so appreciate you, Dr. Campbell.
    My hubby had stage 4 colon cancer 1 year ago. After colostomy, chemo, radiation, and a rough ride....he now has no cancer, and is recovering from colostomy reversal.
    Don't delay if you're wondering.....

    • @jewelleryaddict
      @jewelleryaddict Год назад +3

      So glad things turned out well for both your sakes.

    • @ThatSkyThing
      @ThatSkyThing Год назад +2

      @@jewelleryaddict Thank you! I really do appreciate that.

    • @kylez33
      @kylez33 9 месяцев назад


    • @ThatSkyThing
      @ThatSkyThing 9 месяцев назад +1

      @kylez33 symptoms of colon cancer? There are many. And the struggle is ongoing, but my hubby seems to be kicking its butt still, overall.

    • @Pan472
      @Pan472 5 месяцев назад +2

      Well, the encouraging thing about colon cancer, is that even at stage 4, it's quite able to be dealt with. Unlike any other type of cancer...

  • @briejoana.6736
    @briejoana.6736 Год назад +129

    With Thyroid Cancer ( I am a survivor from 1990/ can be healed with surgery) the early warnings in my case were high irritability, short fuse and feeling easily overwhelmed which my mom noticed. At the doc he did a biopsy immediately at the tiny enlargement I had..... I am a very happy and gratefully calm survivor🕊️🕊️🕊️🙏🏻.

    • @adanis0197
      @adanis0197 8 месяцев назад +1

      Thank God for your mum, ain't they the best 😂

    • @KMx108
      @KMx108 8 месяцев назад

      You are lucky...most doctors would just prescribe psychiatric meds and/or talk therapy. My thyroid swelled prior to my Grave's disease diagnosis and my doctor tried to tell me that wasn't where my thyroid was. Pretty frightening when you realize your profession is accounting and yet, you know more than your doctor. She wanted to order a CT scan. I requested a thyroid ultrasound instead and she obliged. 2 months later, my bloodwork was WAY off. It was slow to change...I sure felt like something was seriously wrong but was being treated like i was overreacting. It took 4 months of suffering with symptoms and telling them something was wrong (!) Before i finally developed thyroxic crisis and was diagnosed and started on treatment. This whole mess was triggered by a CT scan for a stomach ache where they injected me with iodine contrast "dye" that I didn't even know was happening until a needle was in my arm and a plunger was pushed. I didn't even have time to protest before it was done. My Grave's is in remission now and some doctors have questioned whether i even have the disease because i don't have the antibodies I should. I think the entire thing was caused by the iodine injection I had. It took 18 months to recover from that insult.

    • @adanis0197
      @adanis0197 8 месяцев назад

      Most doctors are foreigner's that hate you.

  • @WooflerWoW
    @WooflerWoW Год назад +33

    I love these types of videos Dr. Campbell - great work as always!

  • @rockk973
    @rockk973 Год назад +33

    Excellent information must listen to your body. My poor wife had back pain ended up being stage 4 epithelioid sarcoma. This last 6 months has been hell for my family but we finally see the light . Pray for us that is suffering terrible disease.

  • @kiwidonkeyk1656
    @kiwidonkeyk1656 Год назад +149

    This 24 minutes was so informative. I am in my sixties and I have never heard such information.This really should be the job of health authorities to promulgate to every one, all the time. I can think of some lives it might have saved. Thank you.

    • @bibekjung7404
      @bibekjung7404 Год назад +1

      ALMIGHTY GOD KABIR is the father of all souls that JESUS, MOHAMMAD, GURU NANAK, VEDH was telling in BIBLE, QURAN, GURU GRANTHA SAHEB
      .. In OLD Orthodox Jewish Bible KABIR is mentioned...KABIR means (GREAT or MIGHTY GOD) in hebrew...but when translated in different languages translator removed KABIR word
      Quran written in arabic has also KABIR word....KABIR means THE GREAT in arabic.
      In vedh also KABIR is mentioned....
      GURU NANAK himself described that LORD KABIR is his Guru and Lord KABIR met him..and in GURU GRANTHA SAHEB Guru Nanak called Lord kabir as kartar (GOD)
      Just by reading holy books it is impossible to get depth knowledge of Holy text because we are just a living beings.. In vedhas also KABIR is mentioned...our brain isnot capable and doesnot understands the secrets behind the words and world.....GURU NANAK, JESUS AND MOHAMMAD were aware of LORD KABIR but later followers were not able to get depth knowledge

    • @johnvoyage6486
      @johnvoyage6486 Год назад +6

      They should teach this in school annually if not more often

    • @CreatingChaos
      @CreatingChaos Год назад +1

      @@bibekjung7404 nonsence.. mumbo jumbo

    • @jackymanchester2891
      @jackymanchester2891 Год назад +4

      This information could have saved my mother's life. For months she too was vomiting everything she ate. She was an alcoholic and it was attributed to that, and actually since that was the only thing going into her and not coming back up, may have kept her alive a little longer. When her husband insisted on exploratory surgery, she was so full of cancer that they closed her up and said to keep her comfortable. She was a heavy drinker and smoker and it started in the entry to the stomach, lower esophagus. She basically starved to death as she refused a stomach tube, Why prolong it, she said. Lots of cancer in my family, 2 of her sisters, my father, a 1st cousin and an uncle, all different cancers, and I have just had a skin cancer biopsied, squamous cell carcinoma, I am 86, and have out lived them all so far. I believer in natural healing and am using that route to restore my immune system, which I have somehow ignored, and I am starting with a detoxing cleanse. Trusting in Jesus all the way, My Physician. Amen

  • @teey9738
    @teey9738 Год назад +17

    This video should be shared and viewed by all. Excellent content

  • @redtickhound
    @redtickhound Год назад +225

    I'm about to start treatment for the third time for lung cancer. First it was stage 2b in the right lung. I beat it. The second time was stage 1 in the left lung. I beat that too. This time its a tiny spot in the right lung. I'm gonna beat this too. My first symptoms was cough , and fatigue , and weight loss. Also believe it or not my dog kept sniffing me in the exact areas where the cancer was/is. I did smoke but the type of cancer I had people who smoke as well as those who don't can get it. I thank God for my doctors at the cancer center for keeping a close eye on me. I thank God for my dog too!

    • @damonm3
      @damonm3 Год назад +5

      I have a handful of neighbors that burn wood daily. I have to leave the area to take my dog out. It’s insane. Can’t believe people are allowed to harm others even if it’s passive. Weeks of coughing and itchy throat, asthma attacks etc. and I’m healthy and fit. Think about the old and young that are not. Glad you paid attn and got treatment. My grandpa died a very painful death from lung cancer. Some bad docs and delayed diagnosis. Was stage 3 and a 2 Lb tumor was removed. Was 170lbs near the end. He’s 6’8”.

    • @redtickhound
      @redtickhound Год назад +7

      @@damonm3 I'm so sorry about your Grandpa. And yes neighbors should be more considerate. I could burn mine but I take it to the dump. I don't want to ever inhale any kind of toxins.

    • @paulao7022
      @paulao7022 Год назад +1

      Last reported. There is 67 toxin's in cigarettes. Most of them are lethal, to some!

    • @lulu-ox5yr
      @lulu-ox5yr Год назад +4

      I'm on Fifth antibiotics this year for chest infection, also have lump on my gland, but blood came back ok ?

    • @redtickhound
      @redtickhound Год назад +3

      @@lulu-ox5yr Yeah that's interesting. My bloodwork is good too.

  • @kevinshort3483
    @kevinshort3483 Год назад +217

    Always very informative. I am a 60 year old man who has been trying to see my doctor for over three weeks as I am not well. The funny thing here is they will see me right away if I want a covid shot or a flu shot but can't book me in to see a doctor for what I want to see them about.

    • @buckie48192
      @buckie48192 Год назад +26

      No surprise there! 😢

    • @suemcdermott2947
      @suemcdermott2947 Год назад +23

      Yes seems a planned ploy

    • @googoo554
      @googoo554 Год назад +15

      Do hope you get to see someone soon

    • @j87waldo
      @j87waldo Год назад +13

      You have to go to an ER to get a recommendation to a random Dr who will recommend you to a better then them Dr who will try and send you to a surgeon... It's a huge money hungry cycle ... Hopefully you have good insurance and a pool of money to pull from for the ER

    • @blakeyonthebuses
      @blakeyonthebuses Год назад +9

      Just ask for a covid jab or flu jab and whilst you're there tell them about your symtoms.

  • @kristita_888
    @kristita_888 Год назад +138

    This information is invaluable. Cancer runs in my family and I am grateful to you for providing this information. Early detection saves lives!!

    • @chrisstevens8431
      @chrisstevens8431 Год назад

      Vax is responsible for 200% increases in instances of cancer in some regions.

    • @sodvine3486
      @sodvine3486 Год назад

      He is a NURSE 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @lightninggornall
      @lightninggornall Год назад +1

      Cancer runs in the family? What does that even mean?, you don't just get cancer it is mostly self inflicted which is down to poor lifestyle choices and habits

    • @kristita_888
      @kristita_888 Год назад +1

      @@sodvine3486 You obviously have NO idea what nurses do. 🙄

    • @kristita_888
      @kristita_888 Год назад +5

      @@lightninggornall Cancer also has genetic components. For example, the brca 2 gene contributes to the development of aggressive breast cancers. When my mother developed breast cancer, she was tested to see if she had the gene mutation. That gave my sisters and I more information about how likely we are to develop breast cancer in the future. While many cancers result from lifestyle factors as you point out (for example, smoking leads to lung cancer), others have genetic foundations (that may be why some people develop certain cancers despite “clean” lifestyles).

  • @Tewhi69
    @Tewhi69 Год назад +14

    I love this Dr. He really helped to lessen my anxiety during 2020 shutdowns. I just wanted the facts on the symptoms without having to deal with cable news or biased news media. Something calming about his You Tube info, and the fact that he’s a real doctor (retired or still active), he was always helpful, and reassuring.

  • @haynesatteh4463
    @haynesatteh4463 Год назад +283

    Great video, can relate to this, living with an incurable disease is so hard, but you just have to live life day by day as it goes by (Cancer sucks)~

    • @bartholetbay412
      @bartholetbay412 Год назад +2

      it is never the end of the world, i had HIV but when a friend of mine recommended a healer and caster for me, and she helped me out and i am NEGATIVE now, i was tested twice and i am free now

    • @haynesatteh4463
      @haynesatteh4463 Год назад +1

      @@bartholetbay412 wow, how can i get in touch with her? this healer, does she cure other sickness

    • @bartholetbay412
      @bartholetbay412 Год назад +1

      @@haynesatteh4463 yes, her name is MIRIAM CHAMANI DIETRICH, you can look her up online.

    • @haynesatteh4463
      @haynesatteh4463 Год назад

      @@bartholetbay412 wow, found her website, thank you very much for this.

    • @ka-zx6bb
      @ka-zx6bb Год назад

      Cancer is not incurable. Big pharma wants u to think that. It is absolutely curable.

  • @nunziofortugno4854
    @nunziofortugno4854 Год назад +165

    Great presentation. Please consider doing one on how to spot the early warning signs of cardiovascular problems, especially in "healthy" individuals.

    • @Gengh13
      @Gengh13 Год назад +5

      CAC score, pretty quick and has predictive power, unlike "high" LDL.
      And all the glucemia ones (fasting glucose, fasting insulin, HbA1C) because if you have diabetes the risk of cardiovascular disease increases significantly.
      There are a couple more but this is a good start.

    • @preachers4135
      @preachers4135 Год назад +1

      @@Gengh13 Is CAC score a calcium score?

    • @Gengh13
      @Gengh13 Год назад +3

      @@preachers4135 yes, in my opinion everyone over 40 or perhaps even 30 should have one, if you have a low or 0 score keep doing what you are doing and you don't need to do another for a few years. If you have a high score then it's time to make a change if you want to reduce the chance of a heart attack in the future.

    • @chrisstevens8431
      @chrisstevens8431 Год назад +9

      If you have been jabbed chances of cardiovascular issues increase around 600%.

    • @sportbilly6329
      @sportbilly6329 Год назад +1

      @@Gengh13 CAC won’t detect soft plaque

  • @loeloenow5072
    @loeloenow5072 Год назад +106

    There is only 1 word that can describe this man: Legend!!!!

    • @richvid9814
      @richvid9814 Год назад +2

      I think that you meant liarвидео.html

    • @larik325
      @larik325 Год назад

      вы хорошо сформулировали!

    • @richvid9814
      @richvid9814 Год назад

      Dr Campbell's latest on Nov 22 is obscenely misleading about excess deaths. He misreads the Australia data at 2:13 to support his lie that "Something else is going on here that is not Covid related". There is no conspiracy, the moderate 7.6% excess in non-Covid related deaths is being discussed, the return of flu in Australia and extra stress on medical services are likely to be partial causes. The data is out there, "they" are not hiding it from us. Please do not believe Dr Campbell's lies.

    • @richvid9814
      @richvid9814 Год назад

      @@larik325 он полон дерьма

    • @spotshortmanipulators4721
      @spotshortmanipulators4721 Год назад +2

      Died Suddenly by StewpPeters Video on Rumble....

  • @iaincampbell2463
    @iaincampbell2463 Год назад +3

    Dear John. Thank you for your continued efforts in these...very particular times. They are greatly appreciated.

  • @B50Stevie
    @B50Stevie Год назад +17

    Just a warning to anyone out there who discovers blood in your pee, it happened to me nearly five years ago now, at first I thought it was just an infection and was not going to get it checked out, it just happened on one occasion, but something kept telling me I should go to the Docs, she did a test and I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I eventually had to have the bladder removed and now live with a stoma bag, that was over 4 years ago, but I’m still here and will be 73 in a couple of months, and am enjoying life. So any guys (or Gals) out there if you are not sure about something, please get it checked out, don’t hesitate.

  • @AallthewaytoZ2
    @AallthewaytoZ2 Год назад +36

    Change in bowel habits is a huge warning. I went to the Dr early and it saved my life.

    • @logic7374
      @logic7374 Год назад +10

      What cancer and what were the change in bowel habit?

  • @andyp5194
    @andyp5194 Год назад +123

    This is a perfect example of live saving public service. Thank you so much for what you’ve been doing Dr. You truly are a beacon of light in this confused world.

  • @marthavanderpool6829
    @marthavanderpool6829 Год назад +18

    I’ve been watching you since the earliest days of Covid. Just want to say thank-you for all of your efforts. Love your compassionate and accurate videos. God bless you, Dr. Campbell.

    • @Tad-For-Global-Peace
      @Tad-For-Global-Peace 5 месяцев назад

      You can like a person on some things but don’t assume they are right about everything else.

    • @the_seer_0421
      @the_seer_0421 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@Tad-For-Global-Peacethey never said he's right about everything. Idk what you are on about.

  • @cremebrulee4759
    @cremebrulee4759 Год назад +24

    I had a mole on the bottom of my foot that a dermatologist had just told me to keep an eye on. I went to a podiatrist for another issue, and mentioned it to him. He told me that moles on the bottom of the feet are very rare because moles are generally caused by sunlight. He was concerned and took a sample to biopsy. It turned out to be precancerous. He said that he had had several patients with moles that the dermatologist told them were okay. By the time they came to him it was too late.

  • @iknowyoureright8564
    @iknowyoureright8564 Год назад +177

    Probably one of the most important videos you’ve ever released John……and extremely thorough. If only our great leaders cared as much or had as much incite to try to prevent health problems. I’m almost certain this video will save lives.
    Thank you muchly.

    • @chrisstevens8431
      @chrisstevens8431 Год назад +4

      Not going to make up for the 600+ pro vax videos he put out, though, is it?

    • @acetate909
      @acetate909 Год назад +1

      Ya, he did that because hes a doctor and trusted the system and believed the authorities. But when the stats and evidence started coming out he had a personal reckoning and changed his mind. How many doctors have done this? Most are cowards and refuse to change their stance with new evidence. Dr Cambell should be commended for speaking out at the risk of damaging his reputation.

    • @michelleheal8419
      @michelleheal8419 Год назад +4

      That's a bit harsh, thousands of people are waking up. It's not about what happened its about how me move forward. He is not alone when it came to agreeing with the data. Saying you were wrong is a sign of the man John is

    • @chrisstevens8431
      @chrisstevens8431 Год назад

      @@acetate909 If Campbell actually is a medical doctor, is would be well aware NEVER to trust government or big pharma.................

    • @wrongfootmcgee
      @wrongfootmcgee Год назад +2

      'insight' not 'incite'
      government is quite good at the latter, not so much the former

  • @shelabrown9509
    @shelabrown9509 Год назад +9

    Very clear and informative talk as usual thank you so much Dr Campbell very helpful.

  • @hopeseeker97
    @hopeseeker97 9 месяцев назад +11

    Go to the doctor and they tell you "everything is fine". 😢 Thank you for posting this.

    • @danyl3411
      @danyl3411 5 месяцев назад

      I was thinking its only ne who hears ahh its fine dont worry im from germany btw

  • @neilt7191
    @neilt7191 Год назад +282

    Dr Campbell , doing more to highlight medical issues truthfully than anyone I've seen or heard in a long time . Many thanks Dr John Campbell .

    • @theflaca
      @theflaca Год назад +2

      I thought the title was about astrology.

    • @karlbillinger9945
      @karlbillinger9945 Год назад

      Cancer government approved, none sense.

    • @kristyrobertson1212
      @kristyrobertson1212 Год назад +2

      I've been following Dr. Campbell throughout the whole pandemic and he explains everything so well in terms for everyone to understand. I tell people about him. Most truth comes out of the UK. I was so happy for him when I saw his RUclips award. Love the clock and stuffed animal with the mask and recommended vitamins. lol

    • @truthfuljoe
      @truthfuljoe Год назад +1

      I agree 100% though what I say next may not sound like it: MANY were warning about the unknown/experimental aspects of mRNA from the beginning. Dr Campbell wasn't. Where Dr Campbell excels, perhaps better than anyone else, is evading the youtube censors. He does what's necessary to keep his channel up to get the needed message out to the people. None of those who were warning early have access to platforms that can reach the masses anymore because they couldn't navigate our Big Tech controlled dystopia the way Dr Campbell does.
      So indeed, Dr Campbell is the only voice of reason many hear these days. Not because he was particularly accurate in the early days of the vaxx rollout, but because he has the subtlety and tact required to bypass State endorsed censors and remain on-air.

  • @noahniang5573
    @noahniang5573 Год назад +80

    I can't imagine how many lives are saved from the health education you provide free to mankind. You are doing an awesome work. Thanks, thanks, thanks!!!

  • @loganpe427
    @loganpe427 Год назад +3

    Thank you Dr, Campbell, I'm 62 now and have had a slight concern about a lung injury I acquired 7 years ago I haven't had checked. I recently tried looking up cancer symptoms hoping for a concise simpler list like this you've made but couldn't find any. Though I have none that you listed I'll call my doctor and follow up, thank you again, God bless you sir!

  • @barbarawoodhouse5514
    @barbarawoodhouse5514 Год назад

    Thank you, Dr. Campbell. Your talks are not only interesting but life-saving, as well.

  • @cindy9032
    @cindy9032 Год назад +57

    Dr Campbell, thank you for sharing the different signs of cancer...
    Do NOT ignore the signs folks the earlier you get it checked out the greater chance you have for survival.
    I am a cancer survivor....and am fortunate to be alive today

  • @anthonyhoward8223
    @anthonyhoward8223 Год назад +39

    Thanks John for your invaluable information. My wife had surgery in February this year for a sarcoma that was misdiagnosed initially as a lymphoma 18 months before. The surgery was successful and she didn’t need chemotherapy or radiotherapy, nonetheless it was a scary time for everyone. Love your channel.

  • @charleswomack2166
    @charleswomack2166 Год назад +21

    From what I have been told, cancer feeds on sugars. If one were to cut out refined sugars from your diet. This is what I have done. Both my parents are cancer survivors, my father has skin cancer that is still being treated. My mum had Ovarian cancer and as soon as her uterus and ovaries and all of that stuff. She immediately felt better. She was put on testosterone for some strange reason, but this harmed her liver so she had it stopped. This was about 20 years ago. I eat all of my fruits and veggies and exercise intensely for 2 hours 6 days a week. This is used to treat my mental health issues/alcoholism though. This was a very informative video Dr Campbell! Thank you so much for imparting your wisdom upon us.

    • @KMx108
      @KMx108 8 месяцев назад +7

      I saw a documentary about a woman with aggressive cancer who refused chemo and aggressively cut out sugar instead. Doctors couldn't explain her improvement so they decided she must have been misdiagnosed. They weren't open to accepting that her dietary change made the difference. I mean...just think how much money they would lose if word about that got out!

    • @jaycarver4886
      @jaycarver4886 4 месяца назад +1

      I wish I could get everyone to learn about the enormous benefits of fasting, so I share this often but I doubt if many ever listen. Autophagy is a process, induced by absence of food, that allows the body to repair cellular damage. It's essentially our body's way of taking out the trash! We have a way to stave off cancer, diabetes and other serious conditions but most people are too lazy to use it. Eliminate the sugar (which also means most carbs), fast, exercise moderately, get good sleep, cut out alcohol or severely limit it, and practice gratitude and positivity.
      Fasting For Survival Lecture ~ Dr. Pradip Jamnadas
      The Galen Foundation
      Doing the right things is half the battle but if diagnosed with cancer look into Dr. Thomas Seyfried's Press-Pulse Therapy. It's very promising and has been successful. You can find his published papers or hear him speak about it. He views cancer as a metabolic disease not a genetic one...unlike the majority of the medical community. His work is a continuation of Otto Warburg's, who was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931.
      Hope this information helps one or many. Best of health!

  • @DakodaS246
    @DakodaS246 Год назад +14

    Thank you for sharing this important information. I honestly needed a refresher. We learned a lot of this information in 6th grade but was looking for a quick easy refresh course. Thanks, you are helping save lives.

  • @RoosKohn
    @RoosKohn Год назад +21

    Bless your soul doctor.
    My two children are studying to become doctors and I can only hope they find the ethics and love of life that you exhibit.

  • @alyssatruman631
    @alyssatruman631 Год назад +81

    Thank you! This video may have fewer views than usual, and I think it is because people actually actively avoid thinking about this disease. Thank you for talking about it and raising awareness.

    • @diegoca5493
      @diegoca5493 Год назад

      thank you for watching send a private message to the number provided above👆...... you've been selected for something truly remarkable..

    • @msbecks7004
      @msbecks7004 Год назад

      It took me a few days to bring myself to watch it, now I think I have about 3 of them 😂 however, I also had a burning sensation in my leg once and thought wtf is wrong with me now? It was the Hoover blowing hot air on my leg while I was hovering the stairs 🙄😂

    • @g.i.4144
      @g.i.4144 Год назад

      I was so scared to listen to this bc I haven’t been feeling like myself for over 2 years now smh but doctors don’t seem to find anything … anyway it’s safe to say I’ll be booking my annual appointment with my pcp tomorrow 😅

    • @alyssatruman631
      @alyssatruman631 Год назад

      @@g.i.4144 Good luck, and hopefully all goes well! 🙏

  • @ItsOnlyHair
    @ItsOnlyHair Год назад +3

    You are a good man Dr Campbell. Thank you for all of your hard work and research in making this information available to us.

  • @Liberty4Ever
    @Liberty4Ever Год назад +12

    Another excellent video. Thanks. I don't know about the NHS in the UK, but in the US, the medical community preaches early detection of cancer but seems to do exactly the opposite. There are simple, inexpensive and relatively noninvasive tests that would detect many common cancers that are not routinely done. They should be part of an annual checkup after 60. Dentists schedule cleanings every six months and are very proactive to prevent cavities, yet we do almost nothing to diagnose cancer at an early stage when it's treatable.

  • @polo-wv2gs
    @polo-wv2gs Год назад +20

    Fantastic, what a public service you provide. You are a national treasure and in a just world you would be knighted!

  • @jenme7926
    @jenme7926 Год назад +60

    Diagnosed with HL in 06. Luckily I had good Dr's. Went to obgyn for yearly girl check up and asked about the lump by my collarbone. He said get it fine needle biopsied at ENT Dr. They couldn't tell anything from that so scheduled for biopsy at hospital. Diagnosed with stage 2a Hodgkins lymphoma at age 26. Had 8 rounds of chemo and 20 treatments of radiation. Been cancer free since the beginning of 07. Very blessed! Only symptom I had was the tumor, luckily it showed up where it did. Best wishes to all!

    • @Ks-di3xs
      @Ks-di3xs Год назад

      Can I ask, where on the collar bone? Just below where the Adam apple is? I have a lump that is getting bigger. Only ultrasound was done. No needle biopsy.

    • @cluckieschickens
      @cluckieschickens Год назад

      This is reassuring, thank you. My niece is getting treatment for this currently. She is 29.

    • @Ks-di3xs
      @Ks-di3xs Год назад

      I have a growing lump right on the collar bone below the Adams apple. Is that where you had it? There is another person below, asking the same question. Hope your able to answer.
      Thank you

    • @naturecreep8811
      @naturecreep8811 Год назад

      @@Ks-di3xs that could be a lymph node or thryoid nodule. Get it checked
      Could be nothing could be something. My lump was thryoid cancer but don't worry just get it checked

  • @sharonjohnson1304
    @sharonjohnson1304 Год назад +18

    Best Dr. Award goes to….. Dr. Campbell!! Thank you for telling us so thoroughly!!

  • @petuniagray4847
    @petuniagray4847 Год назад +4

    Thank you Dr John for another very informative video that could save many lives. Hope you are well and can continue to keep us informed.

  • @teresaperry8059
    @teresaperry8059 Год назад +25

    Dr. Campbell, I've been listening to you for about two years now. I just want to say THANK YOU!!!! You have informed me with your wise and gentle manner. I didn't always agree with you, but I knew your opinions were heartfelt and sincere,and that's why I continue to view your posts. I'm Irish and live in Italy. Not vaccinated, 64 years's been a tough road here in Italy..... Thank you so much. XXX

  • @BarbaraDettori
    @BarbaraDettori Год назад +17

    I've just lost a colleague to liver cancer. She was 60. She didn't tell anybody she had cancer, and she probably didn't know herself until it was too late.

  • @jenniferjean6575
    @jenniferjean6575 Год назад +11


    • @truthbetold4350
      @truthbetold4350 Год назад

      I specifically asked my doctor a couple weeks ago if they treat Medicaid patients differently… She claims that maybe years ago, but not now… I don’t believe it though.
      If any of these elite assholes have a medical issue, they would run every test on the planet and find the problem by the end of the day… Meanwhile I have to wait three months to see a specialist.

  • @barbaraduffell8179
    @barbaraduffell8179 Год назад +14

    Thank you Dr Campbell. I was officially diagnosed with lung cancer only a few days ago. Thanks to a nurse ordering a cat scan, I believe it is early. Working now on a treatment plan. You gave some very good information for signs to watch for. Bless you!

    • @robertpaulson6388
      @robertpaulson6388 Год назад +1

      How is it going - did you get a "good diagnosis" and plan.
      Battling stage 3b melanoma myself. It can be overwhelming - take your victories when you can.
      Good thoughts your way.

    • @barbaraduffell8179
      @barbaraduffell8179 Год назад +3

      @@robertpaulson6388 Thank you for asking. I am still getting testing, another biopsy because more hot spots show up. It can be very complicated. No plan as yet, but 3 doctors working on it. I wish you well in your journey! 🙏💕

    • @akrasia1969
      @akrasia1969 Год назад

      Please…. What are the early warning signs? I’m worried about this.

  • @ThatMuslimDoctor
    @ThatMuslimDoctor Год назад +212

    thank you for this video Dr Campbell. I'm a junior doctor currently working in acute medicine. We are seeing a huge increase in the number of patients presenting to A&E unwell only for them to find out they have cancer, metastatic in many cases. The pandemic has hurt general practice and public health overall. We need this information out to as many people as possible. And we need a strong NHS to be able to handle this.

    • @AzraelPercussionNEO
      @AzraelPercussionNEO Год назад +35

      Unforunately there is alot of corruption in the medical field with ER doctors not wanting to further diagnose problems but find educated ways of kicking you out of the doctors office.

    • @heidi2166
      @heidi2166 Год назад +44

      How many of them were vaccinated and had all their boosters

    • @MsMickey541
      @MsMickey541 Год назад +26

      Yes, how many of these patients are vaccinated against covid?

    • @rollmops3113
      @rollmops3113 Год назад +16

      The jab😢

    • @sydthecool
      @sydthecool Год назад

      @@heidi2166 thats not how cancer works haha the vaccines are out for like 3 years, if you think they cause it wait for another 10 years

  • @terrieleighrelf7529
    @terrieleighrelf7529 Год назад +1

    I am so grateful that you are continuing this. I trust you!

  • @ecfog7120
    @ecfog7120 Год назад +4

    Haven't started watching yet, but I'm kind of concerned that this was recommended to me so much (by YT). I rarely watch medical or health related videos, and definitely ones about cancer. This has been popping up consistently for a week now

  • @99skyroxx
    @99skyroxx Год назад +360

    Thank you, Dr. Campbell, lost both parents. Mom started as a brain tumor, age 38, out of nowhere, within 6 months she was gone. Watched my Dad fight hard for several years, prostate cancer took him last year. So many things go unmentioned though... at first his dr said he shouldnt be vaccinated, he was too weak, but they did anyway just a few weeks later. he went downhill, never recovered.

    • @msjannd4
      @msjannd4 Год назад +41

      I'm so sorry. 😔

    • @saskiavisser1279
      @saskiavisser1279 Год назад +27

      So sorry to hear this.

    • @ashlings390
      @ashlings390 Год назад +21

      I am so sorry for how you lost both your parents.

    • @davepowell7168
      @davepowell7168 Год назад +3

      'Carrie' ,promoter of vaccination? Who knows

    • @kristita_888
      @kristita_888 Год назад +17

      I’m so very sorry you lost both of your parents to this horrible disease.

  • @bobw222
    @bobw222 Год назад +119

    I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer about 6 months after I got the first warning sign. That sign was a LOT of blood during a bowel movement. I attributed it to taking a lot of aspirin and hemorrhoids. Fortunately when I moved to Louisiana (about 6 months later) the first doctor I saw gave me a COMPLETE physical and found my white blood count was way out of whack. More tests the next day and 3 weeks later they took out the first 18" of my colon. If I hadn't moved it probably would never have been caught by my old doctor until it was far worse.

    • @dubiasmeridius9023
      @dubiasmeridius9023 Год назад +1

      How much is alot? Because it happens to me once in awhile. Months apart. Always bright red, only with harder stools. Been writing it off as fissures.

    • @songbird3649
      @songbird3649 Год назад +5

      @@dubiasmeridius9023 check it out.

    • @williejackson8101
      @williejackson8101 Год назад +5

      I get a lot of blood usually it’s just hemroids

    • @TE-7302-
      @TE-7302- Год назад +2

      Finally, a video based on science and evidence.

    • @myfuturepuglife
      @myfuturepuglife Год назад +3

      @@williejackson8101 I made a spray bottle with distilled water and food-grade hydrogen peroxide and my husband uses that when he needs to. Also, witch hazel on a cotton round or cotton ball and just lightly pat the area. These two things have helped him in dealing with such a painful issue. edit: the peroxide water kills bacteria and the witch hazel helps to shrink hemroids. It works!

  • @sallygemmell7562
    @sallygemmell7562 Год назад +3

    Thank you for your input on all these matters, especially your daily input for the past two (?) years. I have found your talks, advice and input very very informative. Thank you Dr John.

  • @bufford5483
    @bufford5483 Год назад +8

    love your show John. Watching from Nova Scotia, Canada.

  • @wendysherbert3257
    @wendysherbert3257 Год назад +44

    I know with all your hard work you likely can’t possibly read all the comments, but I still wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Discovered you early on during the pandemic and have been watching ever since. You are a good egg as my Mother would say. 😊

  • @Godess_Eve
    @Godess_Eve Год назад +60

    Just had a mammogram yesterday. I'm high risk as my mother died of breast cancer in 96. 😔 Praying everything is ok. 🙏

    • @msjannd4
      @msjannd4 Год назад +1


    • @skillzset1066
      @skillzset1066 Год назад +4

      Praying for you Angela 🙏 You did the right thing to go and get tested, major props for not procrastinating! I know it's super stressful while you're waiting to get the results, but even though I'm a stranger, something tells me that everything is going to be fine with you and you have nothing to worry about. The results will come back clear. So please, try not to worry too much 🙏

    • @dfms3485
      @dfms3485 Год назад +5

      I hope everything will be ok for u.

    • @kathysharp7551
      @kathysharp7551 Год назад +3

      I don't recall the details, but there is some info re which foods help prevent breast cancer in Dr Greger's book "How Not to Die"

    • @janeteddddd
      @janeteddddd Год назад +2

      I read you shouldnt get mammo close to when you got a shot in the arm with

  • @golden.lights.twinkle2329
    @golden.lights.twinkle2329 Год назад +2

    A very valuable video. It was hard to get through, but I managed it. Living in sunny Arizona, skin cancer is a major concern here.

  • @liauhe-pk4gt
    @liauhe-pk4gt Год назад +2

    Many thanks Dr John, your sharing is beyond any boundaries in the world.

  • @lottat6420
    @lottat6420 Год назад +46

    Blood, stool, urine, bial... this was hard to hear without feeling sick, but very valuable info. Thank you, my favorite doctor!

  • @christineince5841
    @christineince5841 Год назад +54

    Thank you for all of your videos. We have been looking to you for information and education these past few years. You have given such a lot of support to us when we have needed it. And it looks like you'll need to carry on doing it. So stay well!

    • @chrisstevens8431
      @chrisstevens8431 Год назад +1

      Hope not too many took much notice of the 600+ videos he made, promoting untested jabs....................

    • @RY-os9vw
      @RY-os9vw Год назад

      @Chris, okay, stop it. You have made variations of this comment all throughout the comment section and it’s annoying.

    • @chrisstevens8431
      @chrisstevens8431 Год назад +3

      @@RY-os9vw Do you not think being, dead or seriously injured after being injected, with an untested substance, claimed to be safe and effective, by a social media grifter, is not just a bit annoying as well?

  • @audreyfarmer5238
    @audreyfarmer5238 10 месяцев назад +12

    I have definitely had more friends dx’d with cancer very recently …one just about ten days ago. Interestingly, all were formally very healthy non smokers. The last two were stage 4 colon cancer. One of which has a very rare , super fast growing cancer. She lost her husband to a different , rare, fast growing cancer a little over 12 months ago. It’s all very sad and alarming.
    Thank you for this video on early warning signs.

  • @pawsome3796
    @pawsome3796 Год назад +2

    Multiple family members of mine have had cancer. Some have lived through multiple rounds of it, and some have not. I appreciate this because this is the last thing I'd want.

  • @lonewolf_101
    @lonewolf_101 Год назад +26

    Yes, thank you Dr. C, you know your stuff and I'm so grateful 🙏

  • @TheForkhandles
    @TheForkhandles Год назад +103

    I think we are going to see more and more people diagnosed with cancer and being told on the first diagnosis that the cancer is inoperable. The cancer will then progress very aggressively and carry those people away within months and weeks, not years.

    • @WeighedWilson
      @WeighedWilson Год назад +16

      But this new treatment will add days to your life, only $10k per month!

    • @angeladansie4378
      @angeladansie4378 Год назад +15

      This happened to my mom back in 1997. I imagine we will start to see this more, as our food is doused in carcinogenic glyphosate, microplastics are in nearly every water & food source, and our lifestyle is increasingly more unhealthy & sedentary

    • @SB1975P
      @SB1975P Год назад

      Why do you think that?

    • @marysteven6347
      @marysteven6347 Год назад +8

      This was my father in 1979 aged 48. Fit and healthy, got a pain, dead 6 weeks later. He was a nuclear test veteran during the British atmospheric nuclear test programme Operation Grapple at Christmas Island late 1950s.

    • @billhall8745
      @billhall8745 Год назад +1

      Hospitals being shut to all except covid will have caused delayed diagnosis for many people as it did me and as you say it is then inoperable.

  • @camwells9726
    @camwells9726 Год назад

    When you put a video like this it shows where your heart really is ,
    I say that because of those questioning your integrity over recent events .

  • @briejoana.6736
    @briejoana.6736 Год назад +3

    Thank you Dr. Campbell 🙌🏼 this means a lot!! Because especially through the pandemic we have gotten shy to visit doctors and their over filled offices. It will take some effort for one or the other, but we can add years to our life. Merci🙌🏼

  • @LeslieRae
    @LeslieRae Год назад +56

    Dr. John- I do very much appreciate this. I’ve been following you since you have started conducting research regarding mandates. I am also a licensed healthcare provider in the US.
    As a result of having a medical or, for lack of better terms “excuse“ I have not been able to receive what is mandated and unfortunately, it has costed me my career.
    Which I love so very much to this date. The only person who has listened to a word I had to say was 😢 my father.
    Everyone else acts as if the big G knows what is best.
    Despite all of the health questions, I received from my own family prior to this, I have not been listened to.
    I understand it is everyone’s choice, absolutely!
    I am also very frustrated with the medical community and, how we are normally and typically supposed to operate on evidence based research. Common sense is as though it just simply disintegrated…
    Unfortunately, I do know mRNA vaccines have been in the pipeline for over 20 years however, never have been approved due to safety issues as far as moving onto human trials. Which I 100% agree with.
    Not only as a woman who, in my 20s, had been diagnosed with early onset breast cancer (prior to all of this) but also as somebody who respects the medical community, do and have respected my education, my research in my occupation, and therefore, make every attempt to make the best recommendation based upon the research possible .
    I have absolutely been and felt “shut out”. It saddens me. I know how close to death I was. I suppose I simply don’t see what could possibly be or mean more than life and family.
    As soon as it was mandated, my opinion or research, apparently ceased to be of any significance.
    Ie- in regards to mRNA researched vaccinations - mice cannot cut it(having a lifecycle at least double of human beings), without negative health consequences.
    Regardless, I would be more comforted in Receiving something/correlating information/research I feel as safe. However, as a result, I refuse to recommend something for my patients that I do not know for a fact no is 100% effective and without side effects.
    Alternatively, I have seen the opposite. I don’t know that I’ve ever mentioned anything as far as comments because I know those looking over everything review comments and who is/are posting them.
    Eventually, I decided I needed to finish my doctorate and go the nurse practitioner route because essentially and unfortunately, this is the only way I would be able to continue to do what I love to do as far as helping others, and without giving up my career. I hate absolutely hate how everybody is so divisive. I loathe the fact that science is no longer appreciated, and we are supposed to just apparently, “go with“ what we are told.
    I cannot do that. Not for myself. Not for my patients. If I had to lose my career over it, I easily have.
    Since the mandates; both my mother and my father, both previously very healthy, as well as other family members have been diagnosed with a myriad of diagnoses. None of which should or would have normally occurred. I have attended funerals of friends and school mates, my age at a far too early age with absolutely zero risk factors. I appreciate you continuing to present this information to everyone .

    • @bogdang.7627
      @bogdang.7627 Год назад +1

      some people are like angels
      helping others is giving a piece of your heart to those in need

    • @TeutaTheQueen
      @TeutaTheQueen Год назад +2

      You're doing the right thing and I'm very sorry professionals like you aren't being listened to.

    • @thunderbird6777
      @thunderbird6777 Год назад +1

      I agree with everything you wrote. I have been shut out also by immediate family because of the ignorance, fear, and my choice not to take something that I feel is not safe. I hope you continue to practice medicine with a conscience. Very few Drs have one nowadays..

  • @denisegabrielaitis2981
    @denisegabrielaitis2981 Год назад +26

    Thank you Dr. Campbell for this valuable information. My brother died of melanoma in 2021. Early detection is key.

  • @helenkentwell5042
    @helenkentwell5042 9 месяцев назад +14

    Thank you Dr. I feel impressed to mention an apparently rare symptom of breast cancer. My sister had a couple of red welts on her breast. This was treated with a Topical cream for 6 months. Eventually a breast screen was done which showed nothing. Three months later a scan showed positive. Unfortunately my sister is not with us any more. Absolutely tragic. Two Doctors were obviously ignorant to this symptom which showed for 9 months.

  • @johnathanlivingstonseagull5524
    @johnathanlivingstonseagull5524 Год назад +4

    Thank you kind sir. This will save lives. Great job.

  • @cestmoi4532
    @cestmoi4532 Год назад +9

    Thank you for always aiming us towards successful outcomes. We appreciate your work and experience! 💛

  • @igorkaczmarski7794
    @igorkaczmarski7794 Год назад +383

    I just wanted to provide an update, as I’m sure many of you would have seen the posts from my mum and I over the last few days.
    A few weeks ago I had my 3 monthly CT with I-med radiology which came back as 100% clear. Thankfully I requested a copy of the report and noticed a few errors - firstly, the radiologist commented on my ovaries looking fine, however I don’t have any ovaries. Secondly, they failed to comment on my liver lesions which are picked up on every scan. And finally, there was no mention of my enlarged thymus. I demanded that a different radiologist review my images and rectify the errors.
    Upon receiving the new CT report, we were told that there is in fact plenty of cancer on and potentially in my liver, scattered throughout the peritoneum, spleen and also in a gland above the stomach (I’m not sure what this is called), as well as possibly on the stomach. It also picked up on some activity around the thyroid which they suspect to be immune thyroiditis, however I’m worried this too could be cancer.
    After speaking to Prof Morris today, I was shocked to hear that he’s not sure if he can operate at this stage, he’s waiting to see my MRI images first. It’s really worrying to hear a lack of confidence in profs voice. My understanding was that he operates on everyone, so I’m really concerned that there is some doubt in his mind when it comes to me. I should know more next Monday.
    Please make sure you all check your scan reports thoroughly. I know our cancer is hard to pick up on, but disappointingly, some people are also just negligent.
    I apologise in advance for the many questions coming your way over the next few weeks and months.

    • @winniecash1654
      @winniecash1654 Год назад +12

      I'm so sorry. Doesn't sound good.

    • @janeteddddd
      @janeteddddd Год назад +15

      Are they giving preferential treatment to the C V @× ed patients?
      just throwing that out there because I heard from someone else its happening .. so dont know if its true or not but just be aware.

    • @preachers4135
      @preachers4135 Год назад +31

      1st report: Dude you don’t have cancer but you got ovaries!
      2nd report: You don’t have ovaries but you do have cancer.
      Whew that was close!

    • @lindarose3547
      @lindarose3547 Год назад +35

      God bless you and keep you. I am so sorry

    • @MissJensk1
      @MissJensk1 Год назад +35

      Igor I am shocked to read this. You have to wonder if they even look at the images. can only offer my prayers 🙏

  • @mysticalunicorn9869
    @mysticalunicorn9869 Год назад +318

    When I was 36 I was diagnosed with stage 1 cancer. Two years prior to that diagnoses I was complaining about internal itching in that same area. They did a ultrasound of the area that was itching, and didn't find anything unusual except for it being extra vascularized. Two years after that ultrasound I had cancer in that exact spot. Itching is a pre-cancer sign.

    • @carolwaller9605
      @carolwaller9605 Год назад +24

      Very true, stage 2 survivor here x

    • @juliasewillfarmer6073
      @juliasewillfarmer6073 Год назад +24

      I have itched for the last few years. It's awful and the doctor doesn't care

    • @mysticalunicorn9869
      @mysticalunicorn9869 Год назад +40

      @@juliasewillfarmer6073 the Dr's aren't trained to be on the lookout for itching. They overlook that symptom. If you can drink clove tea with cinnamon (no sugar), then I highly recommend that. It helps kill off the bad guys causing the problem. 👍

    • @justinecamille7426
      @justinecamille7426 Год назад +8

      What is internal itching like?

    • @mysticalunicorn9869
      @mysticalunicorn9869 Год назад +35

      @@justinecamille7426 it's an uncontrollable itch deep in your tissues...not just skin level itching like a mosquito bite, but deep inside the body tissues

  • @annabloss7474
    @annabloss7474 Год назад

    thanks Doctor for sharing your knowledge, i’ve been checked last few year for thyroid cancer! Hospital again tomorrow. Anna Bloss Melbourne Australia 🇦🇺 xxx

  • @brentmckee5111
    @brentmckee5111 Год назад

    Excellent advice Dr Campbell. Just monitor your body and have abnormalities checked immediately.

  • @chuntzinger677
    @chuntzinger677 Год назад +12

    Thank you Dr. Campbell, great information and timely - your expertise and efforts are most appreciated.

  • @girl81ful
    @girl81ful Год назад +51

    Dear Doctor Campbell, thank you for everything you do for us.

    • @click-profile-for-number271
      @click-profile-for-number271 Год назад


    • @jackymanchester2891
      @jackymanchester2891 Год назад +1

      Absolutely, you are such a tenderhearted man, and give us truth. I am surprised the medical cartel has not axed you already. God bless and keep you safe.

  • @ericaj.m.1780
    @ericaj.m.1780 Год назад

    DR John,
    You could talk about anything you are so very interesting to listen to. Thank you for giving up your time to speak to us.

  • @C68M68L
    @C68M68L Год назад +28

    Thank you, Dr. Campbell. Excellent information as always. In my case, I would not have been mentally or emotionally able to process the information had I been properly diagnosed the first time I noticed the change in my breast shape. I found the flattening of my breast odd in February 2014 and casually mentioned it to my dermatologist during my annual skin care exam, and she didn't seem particularly concerned. . . she nonchalantly suggested getting it checked by my regular doctor. I had so much going on in my life at that time, I figured if she's not concerned, I won't be, either. By July 2015, it felt like a bone growth on my upper rib cage. I relented and had my very first mammogram in the fall of 2016 after insisting on getting it checked. The mammogram showed nothing unusual, and that was partly due to having heterogeneously dense breast tissue. I asked for an ultrasound, and BINGO! Stage I breast cancer was diagnosed after a biopsy. I've had some excellent doctors helping me along my journey, but I've had to be my own advocate and my own researcher. Thank God I found some excellent resources and a wonderful naturopath integrative doctor. Here in America, the health care system is just that - a SYSTEM, and as the documentary "Food Matters" states, it's a system that seeks to preserve itself. Profits over people seems to be the order of the day.

  • @liwi513
    @liwi513 Год назад +31

    Thank you, Dr. Campbell. Saw "Died Suddenly" and I agree with you on increasing cancer rate.

  • @enfolded_light
    @enfolded_light Год назад +29

    Knowledge is power. Thank you for empowering us, Dr. Campbell.

    • @stumac869
      @stumac869 Год назад

      Yes but what horrible knowledge. I'm not normally squeamish but that's not easy listening but necessary.

  • @Marsand100
    @Marsand100 Год назад +35

    We need to talk about the potential cause of these aggressive cancers that I'm seeing in my circle as never before.

    • @mynameistwohawks
      @mynameistwohawks Год назад +16

      Yes we do . The experiment has brought about many things but nobody is aloud to put that into the equation.

    • @randyadamlloyd
      @randyadamlloyd Год назад +11

      The things that can't be mentioned here, can be mentioned on twitter

    • @NurseNelson
      @NurseNelson Год назад +3

      What a crazy world we are now living in. And to think we were forced into this world 😢🙄🤨

    • @debihester7284
      @debihester7284 Год назад +11

      It’s because of the CV jabs

    • @Patrick_Ross
      @Patrick_Ross Год назад

      @@debihester7284 - bullshit

  • @SoniaRichards19
    @SoniaRichards19 Год назад +6

    Totally agree that early investigation is crucial. As a Specialist Biomedical Scientist in Pathology we know this only too well. However trying to get an appointment with a GP in the UK is often a nightmare. Many older people (and not so old!) find it very difficult to negotiate the E-Consult that has replaced actually speaking to people to book appointments. Many GP surgeries will not permit phone bookings any longer and when older people call, receptionists can be less than helpful (to say the least), causing time delays in early detection of cancer and other diseases. My Mum's surgery operates this way. Luckily she has ok mobility and lives near the practice and will walk over to make appointments, as she doesn't own a laptop etc. Many aren't so lucky. This whole system needs revising as even I find it confusing at times. I also find the lack of on call/home visit GP services in the UK a massive detrimental step to the health of the nation.

  • @paulbork7647
    @paulbork7647 Год назад +8

    Thanks John. Glad to see you addressing this important, non-COVID medical information, which may well save many lives. Like you, I won’t estimate if the lockdown and denial and delay of medical screening which otherwise would have occurred actually has any effect on your observed increased cancer evolution amongst friends. Thanks again, John.