Your videos always make my day. It indoors me to paint as well. Your skills are incredible and leagues ahead of others I have seen online. It amazes me your able to paint so well despite working in places with wind and dirt that can easily ruin good art. Keep up the great work!
Your videos always make my day. It indoors me to paint as well. Your skills are incredible and leagues ahead of others I have seen online. It amazes me your able to paint so well despite working in places with wind and dirt that can easily ruin good art. Keep up the great work!
Terimakasih atas ilmu yg dibagi..sukses selalu 👍👍
Video jelas..penjelasannya detail sangat mudah di pahami..mhasilnya sangat memuaskan.terima kasih bang tutorialnya.sukses selalu👍
Siap bos ku smoga bermanfaat
Ini yg namanya ilmu gratis, success slalu bang,,,
Siap boskuu
Tambah ilmu...simpel 👍🙏 terimakasih Om 🙏🙏
Ok bos kuu
Dari malaysia...mantap
Thanks bos ku
Auto subscribe dong 😃👍
Ok thanks bos ku
Love from India
Bang eksperimen pernis/compound cat kaleng diton premium dong bang😅 semoga di jawab
Oke bos nanti klo ada waktu
Epoxy Nikken Primer Surfacer Apakah Bisa Di Campur Pakai Thiner PU Yg Ecer
Masih Pemula Mohon Bantuannya
Pke thiner murah aj bsa
Penonton pertama full videoo.
Jangan lupa mampir juga yaa mass
Thanks bos ku
How can I contact with you?
Omm kalo cat ny pake spraygan .terus ngeklirnya oake pilok .bisa ngga ya bang ??
Bisa aja.
Knp gak klir y yg pke spraygun
lokasi dmn mas kuuu?
Sumut bos ku
Bang mau nanya harga meja putar brp ya?
Lngsug cek toko
Cek tokonya dimana bang sy ini di papua barat
Alamat mana bang
comentnya ngak pnah direply lol