Sinafi Trio - Thessaloniki World Music Festival

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
  • Sinafi Trio
    Thessaloniki World Music Festival
    Thessaloniki Concert Hall
    The ports of the Mediterranean Sea are emblematic landmarks of world geography. Ancient civilizations, the three great religions and the ideals of modern Western civilization were born and flourished there. For centuries now, they have served as an intersection of all kinds of people, as well as spiritual and material goods, thus broadening the horizons and the perceptions of humanity. In the ports of the Mediterranean, music has found ideal focal points of inspiration and action of ingenious artists, resulting in the emergence of new avenues for musical expression.
    The two-day festival of the Concert Hall presents prominent musicians from Beirut, Istanbul, Marseille and Thessaloniki, inviting the public to a fascinating musical journey.
    8 July 2022
    Thessaloniki Concert Hall
    Thessaloniki World Music Festival
    Fotini Asineth Kokkala: Qanun
    Marina Mochament Liontou: Oud
    Elena Moudiri Chasiotou: Voice, percussions
    Sinafi trio was created by three Greek women musicians who met in Istanbul in 2014. They listened to and learned from the local music stories, the music wealth of the place, hearing it's sensitivity and complexity.
    With their music they bring to our ears all the stories that Iho of Anatolia has once listened to. As if Iho told them the stories, as if they listened to her.
    Τα λιμάνια της Μεσογείου αποτελούν εμβληματικά τοπόσημα της παγκόσμιας γεωγραφίας. Εκεί γεννήθηκαν και άνθισαν αρχαίοι πολιτισμοί, τα τρία μεγάλα θρησκεύματα και τα ιδεώδη του σύγχρονου δυτικού πολιτισμού. Εκεί διασταυρώνονται εδώ και αιώνες, κάθε λογής άνθρωποι, όπως και κάθε λογής πνευματικά και υλικά αγαθά πλαταίνοντας τους ορίζοντες και τις προσλαμβάνουσες της ανθρωπότητας. Στα λιμάνια της Μεσογείου η μουσική βρήκε ιδεατές εστίες έμπνευσης και δράσης ιδιοφυών καλλιτεχνών με αποτέλεσμα τη φανέρωση νέων δρόμων μουσικής έκφρασης.Το διήμερο φεστιβάλ του Μεγάρου Μουσικής παρουσιάζει εξέχοντες μουσικούς από τη Βηρυτό, την Κωνσταντινούπολη, τη Μασσαλία και τη Θεσσαλονίκη προσκαλώντας το κοινό σε ένα γοητευτικό μουσικό
    Eski uygarlıklar ve modern batı uygarlığının temellerinin doğduğu, yüzyıllar boyunca zengin medeniyetlerin ve ticaretin geliştiği, insanlığın ufkunu genişleten Akdeniz limanları adeta dünya coğrafyasının sembolik simgeleridir. Bir çok müzisyenin bu kültürel derinlik ve zenginlik içinde ilhamını bulduğu ve yeni müzikal ifadelerin doğduğu bir coğrafya: Akdeniz.
    Beyrut, İstanbul, Marsilya ve Selanik'in önde gelen müzisyenlerini bir araya getiren Selanik Konser salonunun iki günlük Dünya Müzik Festivali, dinleyicileri bu müzik yolculuğuna davet ediyor.
    8 Temmuz 2022
    Selanik Konser Salonu
    Selanik Dünya Müzik Festivali

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