2023 Philip Gamble Memorial Lecture: William A Darity

  • Опубликовано: 5 май 2023

Комментарии • 157

  • @moneyshuttlesworth
    @moneyshuttlesworth Год назад +71


      @SPECIALTRADER1 11 месяцев назад +9

      It was excellent!!!!

    • @hfree15
      @hfree15 10 месяцев назад +4

      That “no” was finite. 😂

  • @wilfredlayne131
    @wilfredlayne131 Год назад +38

    I love the manner in which he deals with unsubstantiated stereotypes about black people vis-a vis white people that are accepted as fact without evidence.

    • @LaketaSmith
      @LaketaSmith 11 месяцев назад +2

      @wilfredlyne131 😂 I guess the questioner thought that "vis-a-vis" was gonna make that illegitimate question sound smart.

    • @gabbiey6068
      @gabbiey6068 7 месяцев назад

      I guess wealth gap does not explain it enough... Let's stop promoting ignorance please and embrace the need/ must to get change historical recorded in (measure and install) National Reparations as 1st priority) my neighbor 🙋🏿

  • @taras.2035
    @taras.2035 Год назад +44

    I can listen to this brilliance all day!

    • @MindRegulatorMusic
      @MindRegulatorMusic 2 месяца назад

      I came looking for it tonight, just so I could take it in all over again.🎉

  • @mikechilds4085
    @mikechilds4085 Год назад +52

    What a great talk ! A real treat to hear Dr Darity at length break down his arguments

  • @gabbiey6068
    @gabbiey6068 7 месяцев назад +1

    Dr.Darity we need your blueprint plan in Kansas City Missouri Right (NOW) this is the precedent for the Nation

  • @mizzmini45
    @mizzmini45 Год назад +47

    What a brilliant scholar

    • @russ254
      @russ254 Год назад

      what hogwash. he starts with the axiom of systemic racism, and uses academic jargon. If he started with the assumption that aliens from outer space are real, his “scholarship” would be just as shoddy. Plus, his Keynes quotes about investing assume all wealth comes from tricking others out of it (behavioral psychology). This ignores the historical fact of the increase of wealth and living standards in every region on earth in the 20 century - improvement in life expectancies and birth rates in all peoples don’t happen from tricking or stealing from people. It’s free market enterprise, which this guy disparages as an ideology of white supremacy.

  • @breyonnaleone6357
    @breyonnaleone6357 Год назад +34

    1:12:48 he walks away with his face cracked from facts & truths 😄

    • @blkdiamond7227
      @blkdiamond7227 Год назад +5

      he felt like egg lol

    • @fortyacres
      @fortyacres Год назад +9

      he went to his car and cried himself to sleep

    • @LaketaSmith
      @LaketaSmith 11 месяцев назад +1

      c r a c k e d 😂

  • @Meauxbley
    @Meauxbley Год назад +23

    The honesty and nuance here is irreplaceable. His message is essentially, let’s push for these policies with the truth and stop using rhetoric that much of the country knows to be false.

    • @Neake22
      @Neake22 Год назад

      What rhetoric? Please clarify for me.

    • @lelle1068
      @lelle1068 11 месяцев назад

      ​@Neake22 why don't you look for the Professor's books and take time to learn for yourself

    • @Neake22
      @Neake22 11 месяцев назад

      @@lelle1068 why don't you mind your business? Or is that too innate for you.

    • @Meauxbley
      @Meauxbley 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@Neake22 it’s clear. The title of this discussion is “does everyone lose from racism”. Many people propagate a false idea, that affirms this. However, we understand that European people’s position in this world is a consequence of racism.

    • @Neake22
      @Neake22 10 месяцев назад

      @@Meauxbley I concure. Thanks for the clarification

  • @piezoelectron
    @piezoelectron Год назад +20

    Those who are interested in Prof Darity's concept of "unproductive labour" will enjoy David Graeber's book "Bullshit Jobs", which takes this concept further.

  • @ShonSpeaks
    @ShonSpeaks Год назад +24

    One of the best talks I have heard in a long time along with the question and answer period

  • @news_sportshbcuedu
    @news_sportshbcuedu Месяц назад

    Dr.William A Darity Is an Amazing Human Being. Highly Intellectual . Black Excellence at its Finest 👨🏽‍🎓🏆🇺🇸


    This is the Father of Ados him and Dr Claud Anderson

  • @rreed336
    @rreed336 Год назад +11

    Thank you Doctor for your work. B1. #cutourchecks

  • @ronjay1209
    @ronjay1209 Год назад +61

    1:11:24 Perfect response for the ignorance that keeps being taught IMO by both parties..

    • @jarelleglover8200
      @jarelleglover8200 Год назад +11

      The Republican Party...no democrat is going to ask that question?

    • @besorahmessenger7878
      @besorahmessenger7878 Год назад +10

      @@jarelleglover8200 Really? They are either side of the same coin.

    • @queenaqueena5803
      @queenaqueena5803 Год назад +1

      ​@@besorahmessenger7878 no they aren't. KKK members never vote democrat, but they always vote republican. There's a huge difference. Look at poverty in republican controlled states and rural America. The Republicans don't even care about poor white people. They only care about the rich.

    • @reps1
      @reps1 Год назад +21

      Exactly "There's no segment of the population that has a greater history of viloence than White Americans." William A. Darity Jr. American Economist

    • @reps1
      @reps1 Год назад +18

      @@besorahmessenger7878 exactly the red party are overt racists and the blue party are covert racists!

  • @gabbiey6068
    @gabbiey6068 Год назад +4

    The Creator has bless us with an Answer 💙💙💙

    • @gkeith64
      @gkeith64 Год назад

      The bible, whatever you believe you know about it. I challenge you, and everyone else, to observe my findings and compare.
      For we are warned to not do as the Gentiles, who Babylonized the true names and titles of YaHUaH & the Yahudim elect Ancients.
      Beware of: in·ter·po·la·tion/inˌtərpəˈlāSH(ə)n/noun1.The insertion of something of a different nature into something else. Synonyms of interpolate are insert, insinuate, intercalate, interject, interpose, and introduce. While all these words mean "to put between or among others,"
      Interpolate applies to the inserting of something extraneous or spurious.
      👇Rev13:8. Rev13:1Original👇🤔
      Jesus' from previous (Roman Latin) IeFus name, in Hebrew was “Yashua”👈 original, which translates to English as Joshua. 🤔How's that work?😳 Iefus & Jesus = Anti-MessiYAh 😮
      ZecharYahu 1:19 = Remember YaHU'aH
      What be these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered YahuDah, Israel, & Jerusalem.”
      MatithYahu 7:16 = Gift of YaHU'aH
      16 Ye shall know them by their fruits.
      Ie their works!
      True original Yahudim ELect
      1. Yahu'shua MessiYah = Came bearing Father YaHUaHs great NAME and the world received him not 🚫. Came to give life more abundantly. Was hung on a Tree 🌴.
      Revelation 6:8 & 13:1-9
      2. Iesus Christos = came under the conquering Cross ❌/sword🗡️, 1436AD, , Papal Bulls and Dum Diversus, enslavement, beheadings colonization. Scattered Yahudim elect elders. 1492 Columbus the 4th part of the earth, Revelation 6:8, the 4th seal 🟢, ... 1798 Pope arrested...
      Jesus isn't installed in the book until 1800's, see 1611kjv has Iefus, no J in the book at all.
      Revelation 13:11-19
      3. Jesus Christ = came under the Conquering Cross ❌/sword, enslavement, scattering of YahuDah, Colonization, hung on tress, atom bombs, Enslavement whippings mockings, Holocaust. Added to book 1800. 1611KJV has IeFus/Iesus , begin 2nd tribulation, opening of 7th seal 🟢
      MatithYahu 16:6-12 gift of YaHU'aH
      6 Then Yahu'shua said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
      12Then understood they...., of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
      Acts 13:10
      “And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the YaHU'aH🔯?”

    • @gkeith64
      @gkeith64 Год назад

      message to
      A good *NAME is rather to be CHOSEN than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold, Proverbs 22:1. “Then Kheph'a and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to OBEY *YaHU'aH AllahAYnu rather than MEN.” Acts 5:29.23 Woe be unto the pastors😳 that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith YaHU'aH AllaHaYnu.YeremiYahu 23:1-2 Which think to cause my people to forget MY *NAME, {YaHU'aH 🔯}, by their dreams, (fables), which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal Lord God 🔁 doG droL 🐶💦😡. ”YeremiYahu 23:27. ““I have revealed your NAME, {YaHU'aH🔯}, to the children of men, those whom you have given me from the world; yours they were, and you have given them to me, and they have kept your WORD.” Yahucannon 17:6. And AllahAYnu said moreover unto Moshe', Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Yasharal, YaHU'aH AllaHaYnu of your fathers, the AllahAYnu of Abraham, the AllahAYnu of Ysaac, and the AllahAYnu of Ya'acob, hath sent me unto you: this is my NAME for ever, and this is my memorial unto all Exodus 3:15. Exodus 34:14
      14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for YaHU'aH🔯, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous AllahAYnu: Malachi 3:6
      For I am YaHU'aH, I change not; therefore ye sons of Ya'acob are not consumed.
      Malachi 4:2But for you who revere my Great NAME, "🔯YaHU'aH⚛️", the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. “For whosoever shall do the will of my Father, {YaHU'aH🔯}, which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” MatithYahu 12:50 “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the Commands, even his prayer shall be abomination.”Proverbs 28:9 And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu hath driven thee,
      If thou shalt hearken unto the VOICE of YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu, to keep his 13 COMMANDMENTS and his 42 STATUTES which are written in this book of COMMANDments, and if thou turn unto YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu with all thine heart, and with all thy sowEl. 3 That then YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu hath scattered thee.
      4 If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from thence will YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee:
      5 And YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it; and he will do thee good, and multiply thee above thy fathers.
      6 And YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.
      7 And YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu will put all these curses upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee, which persecuted thee. 8 And thou shalt return and obey the VOICE of YaHU'aH, and do all his COMMANDMENTS which I command thee this day. 9 And YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu will make thee plenteous in every work of thine hand, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy land, for good: for YaHU'aH will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers:10 If thou shalt hearken unto the voice of YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu, to keep his commandments and his statutes which are written in this book of the law, and if thou turn unto YaHU'aH thy AllahAYnu with all thine heart, and with all thy sowEl. Hosea 2:16 “And it shall be at that day, saith YaHU'aH, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali.” 17.“For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.”

    • @gkeith64
      @gkeith64 Год назад

      Have our people understood yet, that the Commands 13, statutes 42 and laws are separate and distinct. The trick of the Gentile devil, is to.
      1.Change words/names to withhold the TRUTH in unrighteousness.
      2.Interpolate the words command and law, therefore confusing the people.
      3.Lying by saying the law of Moshe'! There is no, "law", of Moshe'! He was given 12 COMMANDMENTS ie COMMANDs MenT...
      4.Breaking the 12 & now 13 COMMANDs Ecclesiastes 12 13 YeremiYahu 7 chapter ✅
      5.Love YaHUaH, in True WORDs and righteoUSness. Meaning: if you love YaHU'aH you will call him by his great name, remember YaHU'aH great NAME forever! Know that he alone is AllaH aYnu Tsaboath Aleph TaU echad 🔯 provide no other title nor name, for YaHs name is jealous, Exodus 34:14, & 3:15!, And his titles not shared and set apart. Love thy neighbor as thyself! Present thyself as a living sacrifice that YaH may possess you 💜 Ask him and receive is what is written.....
      Keep the Shabbat, according to the celestial clock! For the Shabbat was made for man/woman, that they may rise at Dawn 🌅 looking East, praise YaHU'aH 🔯, and Ohm chant while closing thy eyes face toward the Sun 🌄. The gamma waves are highest at these times, in particular during the full moon 1st day of the month Shabbat.
      Benefits of inhaling YaHUaHs great name, and Ohm chanting.
      Reduced blood pressure and removes anxiety instantly.
      Aligns shockYahs & turns on your pineal gland reKINnection to source 🔯 YaHUaH.
      Clarity of mind, and Vitamin D enrichment.
      Long term practice produces the evidence of telekinesis telepathy and visitations....
      Now I might add as an offspring of those who said let his blood be upon our heads and our children's heads! Evidenced by strange fruit hanging on trees. A sign, as they also colluded to have our King done sow. Eye for an eye, and a sign of the end times. Explains the behavior of the seed of Esau. In those times Father turned them into monsters, as he does all when he chooses to, Conquistadors comes to thought also. So if we recognize these deeds. As none want to accept being of they, not even the Jews who are blamed by the Christians... If we repent, YaHUaH will heal our kingdom... Spread to the 4 corners is the entire Earth, and all the people. We are the lynch pin so to speak, irony.....
      Oh YaHs knew Covenant knowledge of the gift of circumcision is on the community page for all to partake and know.. part of the 7 fold doctrine 💜

  • @staceyadams2272
    @staceyadams2272 Год назад +2

    Get that business knowledge and RISE!!! In Love young ones!

    @SPECIALTRADER1 11 месяцев назад +3


  • @renbrim2430
    @renbrim2430 Год назад +3

    Simply put- we are STILL in Captivity! This is not our rest, nor our Homeland. Let’s wait for The Most High God to restore and repay us 🙏🏼

    • @kowriebluesage6196
      @kowriebluesage6196 Год назад +2

      Black people have been on this continent for thousands of years This is indeed our homeland!!

    • @renbrim2430
      @renbrim2430 Год назад

      @@kowriebluesage6196 Are we in ruler ship? No!
      We are still subservient and oppressed. We pay tribute to another nationality of people, and we have been placed in ghettos, slums, and reservations again we are still in captivity.

    • @renbrim2430
      @renbrim2430 Год назад

      @@kowriebluesage6196 the Black people, the Hispanic people, and the native American people are the true biblical Israelites from the holy Bible. We are in captivity because we broke the laws of God read Deuteronomy 28:15-68.

    • @kowriebluesage6196
      @kowriebluesage6196 Год назад +1

      @@renbrim2430 yes, absolutely!! I do not disagree!!

    • @aboriginalstraightshooter7967
      @aboriginalstraightshooter7967 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@renbrim2430Still home

  • @Westofthemoors
    @Westofthemoors Год назад +5

    Great work!

  • @hulonthesurvivor5884
    @hulonthesurvivor5884 Год назад +5

    Excellent work

  • @rafikiAli
    @rafikiAli Год назад +1

    Rich in necessary great thought! Asanté. #TALKED2LONG

  • @bayyinahabdul-aleem6977
    @bayyinahabdul-aleem6977 Год назад +4

    Here’s a link to the full lecture:

  • @staceyadams2272
    @staceyadams2272 Год назад +4

    Hmmm, Roll Out OUR-STORY!!! $$$ Debunks HIS-STORY!!! Just sayin'!😂 My Hero for the Year 2023.

    • @staceyadams2272
      @staceyadams2272 Год назад +3

      Integration has not worked...however, Segregation in neighborhoods DID work for me. Safer and better without being subjugated to WS violence.

    • @seritacoffee7306
      @seritacoffee7306 Год назад

      Hey Stacey! Cousin Serita here! I study here on RUclips University too! See you soon …..

  • @gabbiey6068
    @gabbiey6068 7 месяцев назад


  • @leratomphaka3832
    @leratomphaka3832 Год назад +6

    This was thought provoking!

  • @theblackjfk8190
    @theblackjfk8190 Год назад +6

    This is a great talk

  • @stmukbang3384
    @stmukbang3384 Год назад +2


  • @solomonmorrison6502
    @solomonmorrison6502 Год назад +18

    is it justice that the absolute position of white America shouldn't change per reparations given that reparations is in large part a repayment to Black Americans for having built the country in which all positions have consequence in the first place?
    Said differently, if the American truism that hard work breeds success, than after reparations, would it not be just that black American's reflect as an elite economic class?

    • @et-n6710
      @et-n6710 Год назад +3

      And that’s why they won’t give reparations because the reality is whites are only on top bc they kept us from competing

    • @MatthewHanson1
      @MatthewHanson1 Год назад +1

      So I did a little research into other countries that don't have the similar history as the United States, but were white lead for quite a long time. France being the first country to outlaw slavery throughout the entire country and their colonies. If I remember correctly, it's about 7% of their millionaires are black. Which is pretty proportional per 100,000 to Americas proportion of black millionaires. So in a certain sense, you could say that it already exists in America that you have black American elites.
      Furthermore, I don't actually think giving people a bunch of money without the ability to create long-term investments is going to work out for most of them. Maybe we get them all financial advisors. But at the end of the day how you choose to spend the money is up to the person with the money. As well as the country is currently 31 trillion into a deficit. Maybe in the mid '90s but now the wallet's already really strapped. More then it as ever been. It's not feasible.
      And while it may be more of a saying than a truism for America. That hard worker equals success. It seems that it is not quite represented well within the black community. As a lot of the nail shops, a lot of the liquor stores, a lot of the gas stations are all other race immigrant owned. Think about all the trade skills that Mexican Americans are picking up as quickly as they can. Living in houses. Multiple families to one. They are pulling out all the stops to save up as much money and to start small businesses and take care of their family as possible.
      And if we look at the early 2000s view on interracial marriage from white Americans. It's like not 89 to 93% approval rating. White Americans are not the racist monsters you make us out to be. Disparities do not equal racism, always. I could have driven the point harder if I had left out "always". But I feel it is important to be as honest as possible.

    • @GoSuMonSteR
      @GoSuMonSteR Год назад +1

      ​@@MatthewHanson1Your French history is dogshit. I dont feel like correcting all your misinformation here.

    • @NatHenrickClarke
      @NatHenrickClarke Год назад +2

      ​​​@@MatthewHanson1 you can't compare these other groups to black Americans, there were laws made to keep us locked out of wealth. Even when we had prosperous communities they were burned and destroyed, black business owners were hanged. Millions of dollars were just taken from black freedmen banks. We suffered redlining and thousands of acres of land were stolen from us. I think it's disingenuous to act like plundering generational wealth doesn't affect us contemporarily. This country claims change without making whole after any of this. You have ppl acting like it was all about slavery that was over a century ago, much more than slavery was done. None of these groups suffered that, them coming here was a step up, they came here with a plan after fleeing their home countries, despite all we've been through we had a plan too and all this country did was thwart that plan🤷🏿‍♂️

    • @RobertCarvalhoUK
      @RobertCarvalhoUK Год назад +1

      @@MatthewHanson1 utter rubbish, white supremacy is global even in Africa including the Chinese. Maybe we give them financial advisors 😂 like Africans in America cannot work that out for themselves. When did Europeans get the mantel on civility?. When...?.

  • @DanielleA2023
    @DanielleA2023 Год назад +10

    Diversity is the key to a prosperous joyful successful and sustainable Future for All 💖💥❤

    • @cush5147
      @cush5147 8 месяцев назад

      Diversity does not work as white xenophobic behaviors would just mutate into any form to suit their selfish agenda! history has proven, in the United States, when blacks are left alone without the social construct of white xenophobic behaviors, blacks have built hundreds of well ran, self sufficient, economic power house business towns and business districts; however, every time whites would massacre the blacks and confiscate or even burn all of these self sustained black business districts!

  • @melg9825
    @melg9825 Год назад +3

    Great talk

  • @tmorrow9846
    @tmorrow9846 Год назад +5

    I just wish he gave more examples. People have a hard time conceptually understanding topics like these without them and it can work against the position taken.

    • @adambrashear
      @adambrashear Год назад +11

      He recommend a book during the lecture, in addition to the fact he's also written several. Reading his work and the recommendations will definitely help you gain some clarity.

  • @reps1
    @reps1 Год назад +19

    1:11:24 heads up BlackAmericans when questions about our crime rate and illegitimatcy(fatherlessness) come up when discussing how #BlackAmericanRacism is the root cause for the racial wealth gap, say No and ask back is it due to the high illegitimate/crime rate that white men rape boys and their own children more than any other group?

    • @zenster1097
      @zenster1097 Год назад

      Yeah. You're full of it. White men do not rape boy said their own children more than any other group per capita black supremacist.

    • @KAriedoll
      @KAriedoll Год назад

      That statement was so unfounded about white and boys. It’s always the same with you blk men, what about the SA crime rate against blk women and girls at the hands of blk men?

    • @victoriacarter905
      @victoriacarter905 Год назад

      Where did SA come from? Can we just stick to the data that’s obliviously not acceptable to certain ppl and not the BS that’s been regurgitated over and over and over again since FOREVER! Some folks gotta keep LYING just to keep up the lie…especially the biggest lie that BP are STILL 12% of the US population since the 70’s/ like forreal😵‍💫 “🎶 LIES LIES WE CAN’T beLIEve a word ya say” 🎶

    • @dondada6839
      @dondada6839 Год назад +1

      @@KAriedollit’s not as high studies shows this

      @SPECIALTRADER1 11 месяцев назад


  • @OkunenSan
    @OkunenSan Год назад +1


  • @greatestshopper1077
    @greatestshopper1077 Год назад

    This speaker is ONLY referring to the Mighty Dollar‼️. Character and human social experience appears to be too complicated to he and his audience. So if human beings have no $ amount of value then the speaker cannot compute they have any value. I guess that’s Economics. The HUMAN Effects of Racism are ABSOLUTELY Detrimental to all Participants. The dominant group continues to value money more than Human Lives ergo their strong propensity for Violence.
    I really wish their was a way to evaluate a social norm without cutting it into tiny nondescript pieces that can so easily ignore the human experience affects on HUMANITY.

  • @joyl3321
    @joyl3321 Год назад +7

    Ok over 3k views & 8 comments ... ummm??

    • @victoriacarter905
      @victoriacarter905 Год назад +3

      That’s cause these ARE real professors, using real HISTORICAL FACTS to conduct real conversations, for REAL remedies, for REAL ISSUES. It’s a TOTAL reality check!🤯❤️

  • @jameseldridge3445
    @jameseldridge3445 Год назад +10

    It’s actually quite sad and indicative of modern society how the majority agrees with this man

    • @cthom082
      @cthom082 Год назад +17

      He's literally quoting mostly white scholars I don't see why you feel challenged by anything he is saying.

    • @jameseldridge3445
      @jameseldridge3445 Год назад +1

      @@cthom082 white violence in the past doesn’t justify black violence in the modern day. That’s faulty logic and delusion. Blaming white people is the biggest excuse ever

    • @MasterChiefFloyd
      @MasterChiefFloyd Год назад

      (((White scholars)))

    • @adambrashear
      @adambrashear Год назад +18

      ​@@jameseldridge3445 Systemic racism is pervasive and ongoing. Educate yourself on the matter, instead of engaging in historical reductionism.

    • @RobertPaulson47
      @RobertPaulson47 Год назад

      @@adambrashear no

  • @yoyo5050
    @yoyo5050 Год назад +6

    No wonder why they’re lazy and feel so damn entitled to free stuff! 🤦🏾‍♂️

    • @epiphanyperry1877
      @epiphanyperry1877 Год назад +13

      Nothing is free. Human capital has an enormous cost but if you lack knowledge of economics I'm sure that is lost on you

    • @lisacatlett7239
      @lisacatlett7239 Год назад +8

      Well, it' apparent Jacques Andre you have received a large amount FreeDumb. So there's that.

    • @Neake22
      @Neake22 Год назад +2

      "Atta boy!!.....good doggy!.....good" - From White America to you

    • @cfoster6804
      @cfoster6804 Год назад +10

      You talking about white people?

    • @jamilajohnson7460
      @jamilajohnson7460 Год назад +3

      @@cfoster6804 right,...all the free resources they stole. Imagine spending a whole hour and still did not receive the message. Dunce bat

  • @Autofill1967
    @Autofill1967 Год назад +4

    Spoken like a true Leftist. All keynesian theory which has been utterly disproven as it relates to Austrian economics. They actual believe that they could control the economy thus undermining his entire thesis that no one can control the spending habits of others. Please read the work of Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams, honest and true academics, who would utterly destroy these socialist economic principles. Look around the world as well as examining history and one would clearly see that social discrimination collapsed under its own weight due to free enterprise. Hes only a star among other communist and socialist academics.

    • @piezoelectron
      @piezoelectron Год назад +2

      Dude you are unhinged, go get some fresh air

    • @sandria22
      @sandria22 Год назад +1

      Thomas sowell also had its supporters... so an argument can be made for him

    • @NatHenrickClarke
      @NatHenrickClarke Год назад +17

      Thomas Sowell? Red flags everywhere

    • @beyondaboundary6034
      @beyondaboundary6034 Год назад +2

      No successful country on earth implements the ideas of Von Mises and Hayek. They were free market fundamentalists with ideas that appealed to rich people who don't want to pay taxes or pay workers living wages, but electoral majorities will never support their policy ideas but they were anti-union, anti-welfare, and biased in favor of the 1%. Those were also the people who funded their professorships and think tanks. They were shameless hypocrites because for all their talk about liberty, they both supported fascists when it served their interests: Von Mises worked for Engelbert Dolfuss in Austria and Hayek advised Pinochet in Chile. Hayek praised the racist apartheid regime in South Africa and opposed giving black South Africans the right to vote if they didn't support his favored policies.

    • @Autofill1967
      @Autofill1967 Год назад

      @@NatHenrickClarke As usual, ad hominem response. It's obvious you aren't well read. You're a follower and anything that moves you emotionally, you're all over it. Another pseudo-intellectual mark. The first sign a person is a non thinker is that they dont know who dissents so as to have a reference point for their position.

  • @immzbossyingrid5365
    @immzbossyingrid5365 Год назад +2
